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Polaris Ranger fuel pump replacement/upgrade

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Polaris says that the fuel pump on these Rangers are "non-serviceable" and must be replaced as a whole unit (pump + fuel tank) for $550. Luckily, has a solution for less than $100.

This is everything that comes with the kit.

Left to right: regulator, pump, large particle filter, tank gasket.

You will also need a small section of submersible fuel line (I think 3/8" but I will have to check later to make sure). This will be used to delete one of the internal filters because there is no replacement. It is easier and more practical to install an inline filter outside of the tank.

To replace the pump the tank needs to come out of the machine. All it takes to remove the tank is to disconnect the fuel line and power to the pump (located on top of the tank), and remove 4-6 bolts that hold it in.

Tank removed

After Removing the large nut seen in the picture above, the pump assembly can be rotated and lifted out of the tank. The pump itself is located inside of the white housing. The black canister just above that is another filter, of which there is no replacement available. 

The bottom of the pump housing helps hold the large particle filter on and can be removed by lightly prying on three tabs.

Removing it reveals this small keeper which has to be removed as well. I couldn't get mine off without damaging it but the new kit comes with a replacement.

Now comes to the hardest part. Separating the pump housing from the black canister filter. It looks like it will be an easy process but it is not. I ended up wedging a small flat screwdriver underneath one of the tabs and managed to hold it in place while prying the other two off at the same time. For those that just skimmed over that last part, that was three tasks, each needing at least one hand, done simultaneously. If I had a friend close by I would've bribed them to come over and help.

Once that is done, unplug the harness that plugs into the top of the pump.

Then remove the regulator. That spring clip is stout and I would highly recommend a pair of safety glasses.

To my recollection, this is the point you can slide the pump housing and black canister filter off of the rest of the assembly.

This small wire is attached to the black canister filter. It will not be reused to it can just be tied out of the way.

Time for reassembly.

New regulator installed.

The submersible fuel line needs to be cut to 3".

The 3" fuel line can then be attached to the new pump. Note: There is not enough room for the line to be attached to the new pump with a standard hose clamp. I reused one of the clamps that came off of the original pump.

The pump is then inserted through the bottom of the housing and attached to the regulator.

I didn't take a picture but the next step is to reattach the new large particle filter and the bottom of the housing. I only completed this step half way before reinstalling the assembly back into the tank. 10 minutes later I saw this sitting on my bench.

Had to pull the assembly back out of the tank to finish the job right.

The only thing left is to install the inline fuel filter between the tank and the fuel rail.

Well, for that much is forgiven!

And look, you still got some done.


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