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Offline Flyin6

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Was God just up for election?
« on: November 09, 2023, 11:05:46 AM »
Was God just up for election?
Donald Harward

I haven’t written an opinion piece for some time. Perhaps it occurred to me that writing an extensive and researched piece that was only going to be throttled by the low-life adjudicators on FB seemed to be counterproductive. But on the other hand, one never knows what will germinate once seeds are cast into a free wind, now do we?

Yesterday there were elections all over the US. You had the typical challenger offering change and prosperity, and we also had state-level constitutional issues to be decided by the voters at hand. Looking at what was going on in Virginia with Governor Yonkin threatening to flip the senate to Republican and therefore having accomplished the impossible, that being having turned a traditionally blue state 100% red.
Down in the Kentucky the challenger, a Republican, Daniel Cameron, the state's black attorney general, is well known as a Christian conservative and is a good man at heart. He challenged Biden’s socialist policies in court an astounding 23 times and helped protect Kentucky from the communistification of America. (That’s a new word I just invented right there). Well, Mr. Cameron lost. And Governor Yonkin was also handed a stunning defeat. He not only failed to gain control of the Senate of that state but also just lost the legislature too! He is now effectively a lame-duck conservative governor surrounded by a sea of blue. He ran and won a few years ago on the platform of taking government control of the classrooms, promising to give it back to the parents, and he won. He struck a blow against the rewriters of history and our constitution, the woke crowd, and we sang with joy. But now that is all gone.

To my north in Ohio, there was a constitutional amendment on the ballot, and as I see this thing from the wide view, that divisive choice in Ohio is what was really happening all over our nation. And I am afraid the news is not good. Not good, that is, if you believe in God and believe that he really is protecting our nation.

In Ohio, there was an amendment on the ballot that would determine whether Ohio would continue to allow abortions or ban them. Left or right, Christian or carnal, life or death. And I really do look at it that way. You see in the same sense that one cannot be just a little bit pregnant, one cannot determine at which point a human is, well, a human. When does that single-cell miracle become a person? At the moment of birth, perhaps? Halfway through the pregnancy? The middle of the first trimester? Tough question, isn’t it? It almost seems as if a question of that magnitude is above a human’s pay grade, don’t you think?

I think what we witnessed in the election results is a good metric of who we Americans really are. Last year the Supreme Court, in a surprise ruling, sent the matter of Roe vs Wade back to the states. They rightfully decided that abortion should be decided by individual states. And individual states vary widely. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, but not in Illinois (although there are more prostitutes in Chicago than all of Nevada). The legal age to drive or carry a weapon or drink varies from state line to state line. That is how a republic is supposed to work. So aside from the fact that the Supreme Court’s decision was a stunning victory for Christians, it was the correct decision to make within the framework of our Constitution.

OK, having said that, it was Ohio’s turn to decide the matter of abortion, and the people of that state did so. They decided to allow abortions to continue. Another defeat for the Choose Life crowd. And from my seat, I think the larger issue of Christian values is what is really being decided all across our nation. In just about every instance I can find, the candidate who was anti-abortion or openly admitted to being a Christian, (Daniel Cameron for example) lost. You see the inference here is that the people would be electing a man who would lead according to his Christian values. Pro-choice and their Godless minions won handily as well. Should Governor Yonkin have flipped the senate, in the eyes of the Godless, would he also then have everyone in Virginia carrying rosary beads and praying every morning? I think the other side was thinking so. I think the godless are very comfortable just where they are, which is just where Satan wishes them to remain. I think they feel they don’t really need anyone preaching to them or telling them they can’t live their lives in the manner in which they choose. I think a lot of people really do not want to live Godly lives or accept the fact that there really is a God and there is a very real Jesus. They don’t want to know this Jesus is standing in the door (As my Airborne qualified friends prefer to say) and is ready to exit on a low altitude nighttime jump right back into our reality.

Yeah, I think God was up for election on Tuesday. I think, his candidate Jesus was running against the devil. Unfortunately, I think the Devil won. I think the devil has had a lot of time to soften our minds. To lie to us and to make us comfortable while we live out our time. I think that moral decay has paved the way to where we readily accept all kinds of Godless crap. His well-laid-out trap has brought us to a place where God has become a mere historical construct. There was a time when people believed and he served to get them through the tough spots, but now we have an app on our phone to do that.

Now having said that, and being somewhat of a student of history there is a singular moment in time that comes to mind. When our first president, Mr. George Washington was sworn in, he immediately went to a spot outside the church (Yes, he was sworn in, in a church) knelt, and prayed. His prayer is going to come back and haunt us, I fear. President Washington consecrated our nation to God. Look up consecrated but be prepared to become very concerned. He asked God almighty that The Lord would protect America and grow us into a mighty nation to rise above all others on earth. That we would worship and honor God in all that we did, and if we did that, God would protect and bless us. Now ask yourself, does it seem to you that God has protected and blessed us since we were first created?

But there was a second part of that prayer. Mr. Washington prayed that if America ever turned from God and ceased to put him first and worship him, God would remove his protection from our country. Now I ask you, where do you think America currently sits? Do we rest beneath the shadow of the Almighty, seeking to live in accordance with his ways? Or have we moved to another place outside his shadow?
God first destroyed the world with water and vowed never to do that again. He instead said he would destroy the world with fire the next time. And just two days ago I read an article written by some idiot about the places to avoid should a nuclear war between the United States and Russia develop! I can answer that question fairly easily, EARTH!

Something in me tells me we are past the time when we were a Godly nation. I see evidence everywhere of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. I do not feel the “Americans” currently living here collectively have the desire, fortitude, or motivation to seek forgiveness and the face of God. We seem more like a people who are abandoning him. He will remove his protection and we will begin to live in a new season as the bible likes to refer to big changes in our lives.

I see us as a nation abandoning Israel in her time of need or struggling to do so. I see us openly persecuting her people once again. I see us voting for the devil at every election. I see us accepting lies in the face of irrefutable truths, and I see us gladly embracing all manner of evil. Naw, we fell off the cliff.

Now, personally, I see the US of A being destroyed by any number of powerful enemies, but I wonder if he will protect his people. Well before the tribulation comes, when we believers are caught up in the sky, a whole metric ton of bad stuff happens. I’m looking around, and I see the setup. There must be at least a hundred ways we could get smoked like a cheap cigar. Are you seeing it too?

CIEMR: Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: Was God just up for election?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 07:17:53 AM »
The way I see it Ohio putting weed and abortion on the ballot at the same time was a way to get the liberals to come out of their parent's basement and vote.

My condolences to Kentucky another 4 years of Andy. Yuck.

Father, husband, farmer, trucker, mechanic, equipment operator, ect

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Was God just up for election?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2023, 09:18:16 AM »
The way I see it Ohio putting weed and abortion on the ballot at the same time was a way to get the liberals to come out of their parent's basement and vote.

My condolences to Kentucky another 4 years of Andy. Yuck.

And now "weed" is legal just twenty-odd miles north of me...
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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