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Author Topic: CIEMR: Thoughts for the day, Man we are in a heap of trouble!  (Read 1905 times)

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CIEMR:  Thoughts for the day, Man we are in a heap of trouble!

I feel strongly that some really bad times are coming. Worse than the 1930's depression. Worse because we now have tens of millions in additional population, and we are flooded with illegals from all over while the money system is collapsing.
Not wanting to get into a speech here but the national debt is now 129% of GDP. Think about that...We owe one third more than every nickel this entire economy could produce. We will never be able to repay the debt, NEVER!

So, a day of reckoning is coming. Call it the great reset, and I think it is at our doorstep.

We have lawlessness at historic levels. I think a tourist in Chicago has about the same amount of risk as the British soldiers who landed on D-Day on Juno beach. If you don't know what D-day is and you are a high school graduate, stop reading and get back to "The Voice." We have a rapidly growing national debt. We have a corrupt and inept administration at the helm. They think Americans can all switch to electric vehicles in 2-3 years. And we dam well better, or they will just keep driving costs higher and create more regulations. Why should they care? They are wealthy, corrupt, live in walled compounds, are surrounded by security guards, and best of all, THEY MAKE THE LAWS!

Leadership must feel that a second American revolution is not possible because they just started tickling the trigger. They are coming for our guns. The part of America, the map that shows red and blue, you know that map? The map where you really have to look hard to find the blue specs? Well, the red part is the part who owns all the guns. That will ignite some local skirmishes, but most sheriffs won't enforce gun control. Only the ones in cities will. So, what then? Will we be a "United" States or more like a "Disunited" one where these laws apply here and freedom exists over there just past the police barricades?

I really do not like pointing out the obvious but we are no longer standing on the cliff, we are starting to fall off. The baby formula crisis is indicative of the state of our states! The greatest nation on earth is now having to fly in baby formula from Australia and Ireland! You'd think we would be the one supplying it to others. We are importing oil although we have more of it than the rest of the world combined, that which is known. I do, however, suspect that story has not been completely written, Nope, Africa is on the rise in that respect. Sitting on most of the mineral wealth of the planet, they are organizing and may become powerful players in the next twenty odd years if we survive that long.
Can we please just pray that King Jesus returns before too much longer?

We, in America simply regulate our people and industries way too much. Reminds me of the days I attended a Marine Corps air to air combat flying school. Flying an Army helicopter, I was fully committed, flying that thing to its physical limits. Maneuvering against the CH-53, which should have been more maneuverable, I could beat it on most days. I found out why that was later on. You see, the Marines were severely restrained by Naval flight regulations called NATOPS. They were limited in how far they could maneuver and they stayed within those rules, almost. During one final huge exercise I showed up with my Chinook and suddenly this "53" pulls nose up almost 90 degrees then rolls during the climb and as fast as a Trump vote could be changed to a biden one he was on my tail, and "Killed" me. You see, he always had the ability to out maneuver me, but rules held him back. What a great analogy that is in my mind for what's going on in America today.

The communists have made some magnificent advances in America. They have created a state where our police may not police. We cannot use our own oil to the point of driving millions of sheep, err, I mean people into poverty. We can't call a boy a boy, or a girl, a girl. If you burn down a neighborhood you are some sort of freedom fighter but if you defend yourself from attack you're a supremist or some other horsesheet. Doctors, engineers, farmers and skilled labor, from all over the world have to wait years to legally migrate to and become US Citizens. But if you're a mule packing in the fentanyl across the Rio Grande, you are given a free cell phone.

Look, let's just tear the thing down and start again. It's broke! it's broken bad! Anyone think the rule of law is fairly applied? Anyone think our government works for our welfare? Anyone, and I'm asking, does ANYONE out there think that anyone in leadership in Washington has any common sense at all?

Lets start with the media. I wish there was a way to just shut them down. NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and others like them. Just administer a simple test. Line them up and parade two people in front of them. One woman and one man. Let's make it easy, have the two people wearing bathing suits. Then simply ask each one to point out which person is a woman. If they have a problem, tank that network! Next! Take about five minutes and 90% of the purveyors of lies and disinformation are all gone. I think I'd donate the networks to some mega churches just to have some fun. God does that. He takes what is bad about someone and turns it into their strength.

I think in this utopian America I'm dreaming of here, I'd give the police 24 hours worth of hall passes. You know, from now until this time tomorrow, anything goes. Then after 24 hours all laws are enforced subject to review by a supreme court review. I know, sounds crazy. Cops would no doubt take out a certain segment of our society which may sound terrible. But know what is worse? That same segment being taken out anyway along with every major city in America and with a fair number of us, the law abiding "Real" Americans.

I seem to have woken up in a mood. I was still thinking about how the mayor of San Fransisco in an attempt to alleviate the homeless problem there has decided to offer free housing to all homeless people who are...wait for it...

She will offer free housing to all homeless in San Fransisco who are Transvestites. You really can't make this stuff up!
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