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Offline Flyin6

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The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« on: March 04, 2021, 10:17:32 AM »
The cancel culture are Mao type communists. They are American only in the fact we had the misfortune to have them born here

They are piss water, nothing more
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2021, 11:06:25 AM »
US House passes most ambitious police reform effort in decades
George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would ban chokeholds and qualified immunity for law enforcement, but faces tough road in the Senate

Nine months after George Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, was killed by Minneapolis police, lawmakers voted to approve the reform measure named after him.

The US House of Representatives passed the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, the most ambitious police reform effort in decades, for the second time on Wednesday.

The sweeping legislation would ban chokeholds and “qualified immunity” for law enforcement and create national standards for policing in a bid to bolster accountability. Nine months after Floyd, a 46-year-old Black man, was killed by Minneapolis police, lawmakers voted to approve the reform measure named after him 220-212, along party lines. However, the only Republican who voted in favor said he did so in error, and has changed the official record to reflect his opposition.

The House had passed a version of the bill last year, but the Republican-controlled Senate never took it up. This time around, Democrats have the support of the White House and a slight edge in the Senate.
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2021, 11:11:30 AM »
This new voter reform law will seek to consolidate the demoncrats position. That along with the open borders with tens of thousands of Guatemalan new US citizens paired with rigged voting will give us no choice.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2021, 07:27:30 PM »
With people in authority actually thinking like this, we are indeed in trouble as idiots try to stop the spinning of America's moral compass. I actually had a personal experience with this mindset. As a member of the local school board, one month the president and superintendent started off the meeting wanting to discuss "A student's right to flee a bully." Think about that for a moment.
I immediately added, "Well, Bob, any fool knows he has a "RIGHT" to flee if he is about to get hurt, but I personally believe in a kids right to stand his ground and face his bully." I continued, adding that I had trained both of my boys how to dislocate an attackers' shoulder, break his nose and break the leg at the knee. Bob and almost everyone in attendance was visibly stunned by my comments which I still view as common sense and well within my rights.
So I took the opportunity to teach these "Teachers" a lesson. "You see the reason you break a person's nose is that it causes the eyes to water endlessly, and a person who can't see will not be able to prosecute a fight. It also affords my son the opportunity to take a step backward to either flee or to allow the situation to deescalate. Continuing further, if a person like that is still willing to fight, then a simple shoulder dislocation makes it easier for my son, since he will now be fighting a one armed person. Finally if that bully is still into fighting, he must be amped up on some drug so by breaking the knee, he will not be able to pursue and my boy will be able to safely walk away.
Sound crazy to any of you? To some folks, the idea of fighting back is Neanderthal. My counter to that is, "What if our soldiers on Omaha beach decided not to fight back, what then? You see if you the governing body will not take responsibility and lack the courage to call a criminal a criminal, then we the people have no recourse other than to defend ourselves.
But look at what is coming out of Texas. Please tell me this is not true. Sent to me by a senior Army officer.

In Texas, State Representative Terry Meza (D-Irving) has introduced HB196. Her bill would repeal the state's "Castle Doctrine." This doctrine allows a homeowner to use deadly force against an armed intruder who breaks into his home.
Now listen to what she has to say...
"I'm not saying that stealing is okay," Meza explained. "All I'm saying is that it doesn't warrant a death penalty. Thieves only carry weapons for self-protection and to provide the householder an incentive to cooperate. They just want to get their loot and get away. When the resident tries to resist is when people get hurt. If only one side is armed fewer people will be killed."
Meza was quick to reassure that her bill would not totally prevent homeowners from defending themselves.
Under her new law, “… the homeowner's obligation is to flee the home at the first sign of intrusion. If fleeing is not possible, he must cooperate with the intruder. But if violence breaks out it is the homeowner's responsibility to make sure no one gets hurt. The best way to achieve this is to use the minimum non-lethal force possible because intruders will be able to sue for any injuries they receive at the hands of the homeowner.

"In most instances the thief needs the money more than the homeowner does," Meza reasoned. "The homeowner's insurance reimburse his losses. On balance, the transfer of property is likely to lead to a more equitable distribution of wealth. If my bill can help make this transfer a peaceful one so much the better.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2021, 12:16:39 PM »
"I don't feel like I have to pay my rent because you have more money than me and you owe it to me to help me out" - unknown Seattle apartment resident, march 2020.

I'm dumbstruck at reading this. not only can Tex not hurt the guy, but he should help facilitate the non-violent redistribution of wealth to the needy robber...
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Offline stlaser

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2021, 12:34:18 PM »
"I don't feel like I have to pay my rent because you have more money than me and you owe it to me to help me out" - unknown Seattle apartment resident, march 2020.

I'm dumbstruck at reading this. not only can Tex not hurt the guy, but he should help facilitate the non-violent redistribution of wealth to the needy robber...

I’m ok with it, but let’s have them show us how it’s done first. I think we “the mob” should start with terry’s house first. You know an fing trial run of sorts to work out our issues er the kinks that might arise in such an emotional confiscation er redistribution of their wealth. You know for the better good of all. They can lead by example.....

On a related side note, it’s gunna be local, local & local when the festivities start so better get working on your paperwork now.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 12:36:13 PM by stlaser »
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2021, 02:26:26 PM »
That bill will never pass in Texas. And if it does, I can only see it being enforced in Austin. It goes contrary to the culture of Texas. That said, the idea that the criminal has more "rights" than the law abiding citizen is absolutely disgusting.
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2021, 02:47:09 PM »
I know the bill is real. Her supposed comments may or may not be accurate.

Like all libtards they want their police detail while the rest of us go unarmed.

Mayors of MInneapolis and Chicago and Portland did exactly that during the riots.

When they lead the way and give up their armed detail we can talk.

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2021, 04:55:55 PM »
We have more unsettling trends going on that run counter to the strong ethic that built this nation.

It seems that the rental market is about to go through a big change. Due to Covid, tenants may not be liable to pay rental fees and are in a new protected class by this over-reaching government. Folks who own these properties where a tenant may not be able to pay rent, are restricted from evicting the deadbeat and therefore are having to absorb the loss of income. I read of an extreme case where a landlord who is well advanced in years and dependent on her rental property income, lost that money when the tenant stopped paying rent a month or two after the lockdown. She became insolvent and in fact lost her home. She now lives in her car while the dirt-bag tenant continues to enjoy a warm/dry abode under the protection of the US Guberment.

I swear we are sounding like a communist nation more and more all the time.

A fight is coming
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2021, 05:04:57 PM »
I am becoming disgusted by what Sodom, err, America is becoming

Freak show
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2021, 01:53:54 PM »
If you travel and stay for very long in any of America’s more prominent and typically Democratic-held cities, I’m willing to bet you’ll notice a rather frightening trend. Crime is everywhere and rising. And thanks to the liberal movement of ‘defund the police,’ which, while losing some of its popularity, is still very much work, little is being done about the increase in violence and theft.

Instead, city officials are focused on something else entirely: tearing down “insensitive” statues and monuments.

At least that is what’s happening in the liberal city of Chicago, where the Chicago Monuments Project just met to discuss the removal of 41 mementos of our history because, well, they just might offend someone.

According to WBBM-TV and Alderman Rossana Rodriguez, the statues, such as one paying tribute to Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, are physical reminders and encouragement of “systemic racism.”

“It contributes a lot to all this systemic racism – right?”

Is she asking because she doesn’t know or just, so she sounds like it’s not a demand her Democratic Socialist Party is making? I say a bit of both.

However, with the decision to actually remove all 41 statues not yet final, there is talk of some significant push back.

In the case of the Columbus statue, it comes largely from the Joint-Civic Committee of Italian-Americans. The group, as their name implies, is determined to keeping the history of Italian-Americans alive. And removing a statue of an Italian contributor to our history both marginalizes and negates that.

Ron Onesti, who is president of the group, says, “I can tell you, the Italian-American community firmly believes that we want the statues back. by taking them down, we are disrespecting and dishonoring the contributions that Italians and Italian-Americans have made to this country.”

He continued stating, “I can’t imagine any other ethnic group would allow someone else to dictate what another ethnic group’s heroes, or icons, or legends should be.”

And he has a point. Can you imagine if someone wanted to take down statues and rename schools that honor Martin Luther King Jr.? Not that anyone, in their right mind, would because of all that he stood for, but let’s just say someone did. Let’s just say it wouldn’t go over very well.

Yet, those on the political left are trying to do just that to the greats of other ethnic groups.

Yes, these monuments and statues pay tribute to these historical figures and honor them for their achievements. However, in no way, shape, or form does that mean that we believe these people were without fault or blame.

The same could be said of any of the other names listed on the Chicago Monuments Project of potential statues to be removed.

Former Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and William McKinley all did incredible things for our nation, constructing it into one of the world’s premier leaders and strongholds of freedom.

Were they perfect? No. And these statues don’t say that they were. They only bring greatness to the achievements they made to make America better.

And as NBA great Charles Barkley has stated, these statues, whether their namesakes should be honored or not, should be the least of our concerns.

In 2017, shortly after the trend of monument defacement and the cancelation of our late and greats began, Rick Karle of WVTM-TV interviewed Barkley on the subject and asked his opinion.

As a black American and one who typically votes Democratic, many assumed he would side with the political left.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he says there are far more critical things that need to be handled first.

“I’m not going to waste my time worrying about these… statues. That’s wasted energy. What we as black people need to do is we have to worry about getting our education. We need to stop killing each other. We need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity and things like that… Those things are important.”

Not whether or not a statue of someone who used to own slaves stands in the community park.

If we really want to cancel people who owned slaves, let’s start with Vice President Kamala Harris, whose family owned over 200 at one time.
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NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2021, 04:55:04 PM »
If you ever want to know the truth of a thing, just follow the money trail.

This bill will be more about killing the engine of our economy, small businesses, enriching unions (Socialist organizations) and building the collective mindset

The George Soros-founded Open Society Foundations are pledging $20 million for a campaign to rally progressives to support President Joe Biden's infrastructure proposal, Axios reported on Monday.

Financial support from the group could help spur a vital call to action for Democrat donors and activists who back Biden's initial $2 trillion-plus infrastructure plan but are determined to see the president do more.

Biden is considering revealing later this month a second part of his overall proposal, which would have a broader focus on social welfare proposals — such as health care, the care-giving economy, climate, and community colleges.

The idea of the $20 million pledge is to help jumpstart as much as $100 million in funding to help encourage support for Biden’s overall agenda.

The money is expected to help activate many of the grassroots progressive groups that led the fierce opposition to the agenda of former President Donald Trump.

The  $20 million is expected to be funneled to such grassroots organizing — and not be used for paid advertising.

"We hope this effort on the part of organizers and donors will give the Biden administration and Congress the assurance that they need to go as big, bold and fast as possible,” said Leah Hunt-Hendrix, who co-founded Way to Win, a progressive donor network.

Tom Perriello, the executive director of Open Society-U.S., said that "Every initiative proposed by President Biden has broad public support. But we’ve seen popular reforms get demonized before by partisans and special interests, and we are not going to let that happen."

Perriello added that "Facts don’t always win without some real muscle put behind getting those facts in front of the American people."

The funding for the campaign comes as progressives are walking a fine line between encouraging and antagonizing the White House, accordinig to Axios.

Some progressive insist that Biden is not going nearly far enough in his proposals with, for example, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanding $10 trillion in spending.

However, any such ultimatums that jack up the price tag and lead to more significant increases in taxes more could alienate moderate Democrat votes that Biden cannot afford to lose in his political battles.

Already, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed that his party will do all it can to oppose Biden's plans in their current form "every step of the way."

This, however, has not deterred Biden officials, who have said they are determined not to moderate their ambitions too much.

Those officials are strident in their belief that the Obama administration did not exert enough energy in battling for a larger stimulus package back in 2009, and they do not intend to repeat that move this time around.

The funding effort also comes as Republican congressmen are criticizing both the size of Biden’s proposed $2.25 trillion infrastructure plan and the fact that its funding is based on an increase in the corporate tax rate, while Democrats are touting it as a way to generate long-term job growth, The Hill reported.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2021, 04:58:13 PM »
We will never surrender our guns. We will not register them. We will follow no law that undercuts the 2nd amendment. This gun control push will start the violence from our side, something I thing their side is about ready for.
If you don't think another American revolution is on the horizon, you are really smoking and drinking some good stuff.

Gun control advocates are calling on President Joe Biden to use executive orders to increase regulation of assault-style weapons in hopes of avoiding Republican opposition in Congress, The Hill reports.

Although Biden and congressional Democrats have unveiled a wide-ranging funding package that includes about $5 billion for community programs to prevent violence, many gun control advocates are urging the White House to consider issuing executive orders to increase regulation following multiple deadly mass shootings in the past three weeks.

More than 100 House Democrats signed a letter addressed to Biden on Saturday calling on him to issue an executive order increasing regulations on concealed assault-style rifles like the one used in the recent mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.

"The House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force calls on you to take strong executive action to address serious inequities in the implementation of the National Firearms Act which is the federal law regulating the manufacture, transfer, and possession of certain classes of firearms," they wrote. "For too long, gun manufacturers in order to circumvent the National Firearms Act have designed and marketed concealable AR-15 style firearms which fire rifle rounds."

Although the House passed two bills that expand background checks last month, Senate Republicans could use the filibuster to prevent their passing, leaving the infrastructure plan as Democrats’ best bet.

"The extraordinary investment proposed by the Biden-Harris administration would save countless lives in communities that are most affected by gun violence," John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, told the Hill. "To meaningfully reduce gun violence, we have to both close the loopholes in our gun laws and invest in proven solutions. Congress should move quickly on both tracks to deliver the results the public deserves."

Christian Heyne, vice president of policy for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said that the plan is "really practical and pragmatic" and "has the potential to pass and to be historic," noting that "these community-based solutions are part of any comprehensive solution to gun violence that should be taking place.”

Last Friday, about 70 Democrats signed a letter written by Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., and Rep. Joe Neguse, D-Colo., calling on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., to schedule votes on the two House bills.

"We worked to gain and maintain majorities in the Senate and the House so that we could bring consequential, life-saving legislation to a vote. The American people expect action, and the Senate must act. The American people deserve to know where their Senators stand," they wrote.

"In the 22 days since the House passed these common-sense gun violence prevention measures, Americans of all ages across the country have lost their lives to gun violence, and their families, friends, and communities have had their lives forever shattered," they added.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2021, 01:08:58 PM »
Our own US Ambassador to the UN saying our constitution has "White supremist underpinnings!!!"
Gentlemen the people in charge of this country do not have your backs and are borderline treasonous!

Former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo speaks during his weekly briefing at the State Department in Washington, DC, on Sept. 2, 2020.
By Eric Mack    |   Sunday, 18 April 2021 11:31 AM

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield rebuking the Constitution as having underpinnings of "white supremacy" is "reprehensible" and "disqualifying" for an American diplomat to hold anti-American sentiment, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

"America is a noble place," Pompeo told Sunday's "The Cats Roundtable" on WABC 770 AM-N.Y. "I heard our ambassador to the United Nations this week talk about our founding as fundamentally corrupt and flawed and not noble and good. I couldn't disagree more."

Pompeo was responding to Thomas-Greenfield saying, "the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents."

"Quite frankly, I think it's disqualifying to have a UN ambassador who expresses a moral relativism and doesn't understand the exceptional nature of the country in which we all live," Pompeo told host John Catsimatidis.

American exceptionalism is not a racist, nationalist, nor "not a partisan issue" either, Pompeo noted, particularly as masses of migrants rush to come to America.

"You see people wanting to immigrate here," he said. "You see people attracted to this shining city on the hill. To have our American ambassador to the United Nations denigrate the founding principles of the United States and America the way that she did this week is truly reprehensible, and, in my view, if she truly believes that, she ought to resign and allow someone who believes in the greatness of America to take her place."

Tarnishing the image of America should be rejected, particularly as our enemies are attempting to push that narrative, Pompeo continued.

"The greatest threat over time to the United States of America remains the control of the authoritarian Marxists in China, the Chinese Communist Party," Pompeo said. "It impacts us in so many ways. They are engaged in an information campaign against us here at home. They're trying to undermine our democracy."

Feeding an anti-American narrative plays into the hands of Chinese President Xi Jinping, he continued.

"They've got a big old military," Pompeo said. "Maybe most importantly, they have a leader, Xi Jinping, who desires to be a global power and undermine the West, and have us all living in a world that looks more like China than the United States that we know and love."

Anti-American sentiment can destroy the U.S. from within, as China attempts to do the same around the world, Pompeo concluded.

"We've seen the predation they've engaged in around the world," he said. "We know they are desirous of creating even more colonies. And we've seen how they invade our telecommunications infrastructure. And then unleash a virus on the world and cover it up.

"It's not the case that what goes on in China stays in China. The things that the Chinese Communist Party does impacts us here at home as well."
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: The unwinding of freedom: The coming war
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2021, 09:41:04 PM »
And our highest leaders think America has a sick soul and is willint to say it to the world! Folks we are in really big trouble. Our leaders hate we patriots, they are fuelling racism and hatred, and aligning with our very enemies...

Is America led today by anti-Americans?
Pat Buchanan: Biden and Harris push the Chinese line that the U.S. 'is a nation sick in its soul'
Patrick J. Buchanan   By Patrick J. Buchanan
Published April 22, 2021 at 7:25pm

How can America unite again to do great things if we are led by people who believe America suffers from a great sickness of the soul, an original sin that dates back to her birth as a nation?


After his long night of prayer for "the right verdict" to be pronounced – Derek Chauvin was convicted on all three counts – Joe Biden stepped before the White House cameras to tell us what it all meant.

George Floyd's death, said Biden, "was a murder in the full light of day, and it ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism … that is a stain on our nation's soul – the knee on the neck of justice for black Americans."

Astonishing. Biden is saying that when Chauvin knelt on the neck of George Floyd for nine minutes as the life drained out of him, the world, for once, was getting a good, close look at the diseased soul of America.

TRENDING: Biden offers grants to teach children U.S. 'inherently racist'

What Chauvin was doing to Floyd, said the president of the United States, is a reflection of the kind of justice America delivers to black Americans.

This is no aberration, Biden was saying. This is the routine reality.

Biden was introduced by Kamala Harris, who said much the same:

"America has a long history of systemic racism. Black Americans and black men in particular have been treated throughout the course of our history as less than human."

At Al Sharpton's National Action Network, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield delivered what The Wall Street Journal called, "a recitation of America's sins (that) could have come from China's Global Times."

Said Thomas-Greenfield:

"I have … seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles. … Racism is the problem of the racist. And it is the problem of the society that produces the racist."

What our diplomat to the world is saying is that our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights are interwoven with white supremacy and that America, to this day, continues to breed racists.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at a Congressional Black Caucus event after the verdict, turned her eyes heavenward in gratitude:

"Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice. … For being there to call out to your mom – how heartbreaking was that? … And because of you … your name will always be synonymous with justice."

Implication: Floyd died to redeem America of her original sin of racism.

All in all, quite a commentary on our leaders.

For, again, our president and vice president are saying that this people and country still suffer from a sickness of the soul that dates back to its formative days.

The 1960s radicals who vilified our country as "Amerika" were rightly called "anti-American." Today, the difference between what they said about America and what our highest elected leaders are saying is hard to discern.

Our enemies have picked up on this. In Anchorage, after Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Beijing out for repression in Hong Kong and "genocide" in Xinjiang, China's foreign minister was right back in his face.

You Americans should look to your own sins and clean up your house before lecturing the world on political morality, he said. Today, that Chinese foreign minister could cite Biden and Harris as his chief witnesses that America is a nation sick in its soul.

We hear our leaders' attacks on America. Where is their defense?

What other nation has provided the same measures of personal and political freedoms and material blessings for 40 million black people as has the United States?

If people of color are treated "as less than human" in America, as Harris says, why are so many people of color seeking desperately to get across our Southern border to build their future here?

What is the real truth about race in America that goes unmentioned in the mainstream media's endless hunt for encounters between black men and white cops?

The main perpetrators of violent crimes against Black Americans – are other black Americans. Black men, ages 16 to 40, are 3% of the U.S. population but commit roughly a third of America's violent crimes.

Defund police, restrict police, remove police and you will get more of what the police prevent – crimes, especially violent crimes, in your community.

When Biden and Harris spoke of "systemic racism" afflicting our society, they were not describing their enlightened selves. And it was Hillary Clinton who identified the people the leftist elites have in mind:

"You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. … The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it. … Some of those folks … are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America."

What Clinton, Biden and Harris are all saying is that, though the moral sickness of racism pervades our society, we are the vaccinated ones.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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