Winded and tired

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I am right there with you....I am at my fittest right now in a long time (lost about 35 lbs over the past 2 years) but I find I do get winded somewhat easily so I am doing more hikes with a pack. I have awful knees and hard walks on harder pavement kill me. But in the woods, on a trail or bushwacking is totally different. Plus I just enjoy that better. I have never enjoyed walking for the sake of walking (or running for any darn reason! Even when I was playing sports competitively). I just hate running. but stick me in a piece of woods where I can walk among the trees, fight my way through shrubbery, find a high spot to see the surrounding area....I will do that in a heartbeat. 

Don't know how old you are Blaine but I had that epiphany at 42 (7 years ago for those of you keeping score)

I was in the gym benching 375 and wanting to push for 400 when it hit me. I'm 42 and as strong as I had ever been in my life but still had too much body fat and could not run a mile without my tongue hanging out.

I didnt have the discipline to walk in the gym and not go staight to the weights so I quit the gym and started running 5 times a week and doing push ups , wheelofdeath, and pull ups. 

Did that until my joints started bothering me from the pounding so I moved to cycling.

I'm still not where I want or need to be but I have a better balance between strength and stamina that I did before.

As I begin to near 50 I realize that flexibility is also important and I always spend time in the floor stretching.

What do you mean "nearing 50" ? ???  Close only counts in  horseshoes and hand grenades.  ;D

Higher Caliber:
I'm 35. Just laid off the cardio too long to try and build muscle. Played with this guy yesterday- kettle bell swings

10, 15, 25, 50 X 5sets X 20 workouts 10,000 total

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That's crazy!


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