FOOD CORNER > Farming, Gardening, and Raising Your Own Food

LZ Bravo Echo Echo is ready. Early arrivals

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I'm scheduled to be getting the nuc (bee nucleus) i purchased months ago this coming weekend. There's been a lot of activity on the property to get ready for the bees on top of classes and seminars to help me in this venture i am so excited about.

I cleared a small section of the property that provides afternoon shade, water and is not frequented by people. On top of that rise will be where i keep my hive boxes (2-3 tops).

After clearing bravo echo echo i saw a mass our of the corner of my eye that wasnt there yesterday. I thought it was some slime or pest i needed to shoot or set on fire or something. NOPE!

it was a swarm! swarms happen this time of the year as bees colonies either get too big or they force the queen out. Looks like i have me some bees!

I put on a sweatshirt and goggles just incase. I picked up the swarm with my hands and got it into a box. I need to get a perm home for them today (wasnt prepared for this) and pray they stick around.

Ferrell colonies tend to be great honey producers, but can be a bit more aggressive. No worries, that can be addressed with re-queening in the fall.

Here are a few pics. more on the way over the next week as i get things more situated.

Bravo Echo Echo

handling the swarm

the swarm before handling

yours truly.

Nice! Hope they stick around.

What a great coincidence!

Better you than's how I approach bees.

I'm allergic. But I get wanting them. The honey will be good for allergies too.

You've got some big stones, Stewie.... walking up and handling the swarm like that. Props man...


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