Changed my diet entirely to be plant based only!

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OK, some starting information

Saturday, 15 July, 2017  Weight: 256  BP 123/80
Felt, well fat! not a great deal of energy, like I was lugging around a boat anchor.
Recent heart study shows me to have a very healthy heart, no plaque to speak of, at least not mentioned in report. Left ventricle of normal size, occasional atrial fibrillation, non heart valve related.
Cholesterol is in upper 100's, generally 185
Presence of triglycerides, unfavorable numbers
Good cholesterol numbers unfavorable
Evidence of fatty liver, slightly elevated liver functions
Resting heart rate in the upper 60's
I would describe my health as fair/good


Body weight in the evening: 253.3
Noticed the pain in my knees which is present when working is not there.
Morning: Coffee
Lunch: Fruit smoothie with Almond milk
Snack: Pistachio nuts and slice of cake (Oops...eggs in there?)
Supper, Brussel sprouts seasoned and fried in olive oil (Delicious :-)

Wife and I have always tend to try and eat a "clean" diet, but there have been times of excess in overly processed foods.

We did the vegan thing for about 6 months, and felt good,  then I went to Iraq...

Somewhere along the lines we chose to begin sourcing our meat either directly from the source or from a retailer who gets it directly from the source. Same with eggs and milk. The last 5 years I have not bought beef from the grocery store and can probably say longer than that for chicken. Pork is slowly getting this way.

Why do I bring this up? Because I know what is in the meat, eggs and milk, unlike the many unknowns in the stuff you get from the store.

Now one thing in eating a plant based diet, be careful of soy, it is in something like the high 80s of percent grown is GMO. Which is one reason we no longer consume soy or store bought corn.

Sugar as we all know is bad, VERY bad, affects the same part of the brain that cocaine does (wrote a paper on it in college). So in consuming fruit, which is like a healthy candy (is that possible?) do so in moderation, I recently went against this and actually became nauseous after a work out, so much so I went back to the dr, on the Monday after that weekend. She said I'm old, and watch what you eat.

You can make cake without eggs, and most things actually, had to learn because our son is allergic to them but getting better.

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Hope it works out for you. I can't stand the texture of veggies so I wouldn't last on this diet.

This really helped me to understand:

Over and over again throughout my life I have had those moments of understanding about something. One thing that is a constant is the fact that almost 100% of what our government says is false.

I am able to debunk every healthy eating recommendation found on any US government sponsored website. And on top of that, the companies responsible for creating the particular mess are the ones donating all the money, publishing all the reports, and propping up a profit model for corporations with lies

Here's the truth as I see it

American healthcare treats symptoms and not causes
We intake a fat person three times overweight and a cardiologist treats the impending heart failure. Inter medicine treats the high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Another doctor treats the arthritis, and another the liver problem. The patient is given more meds for anxiety, breathing problems, and a cpac machine for their sleep problems. We schedule the patient for hip replacements and build a wheel chair accessible ramp.

No one says, look, you're fat. Eat right and in six months you'll be fine

And why not?

Because big pharma is a business that makes it money when we are ill. Lately, however they are flooding agriculture with drugs of all sorts for animals. Again, to fix this problem or that, but not cure the problem which is crowding, GMO food, lack of cleanliness, or even proper inspections.

We are staring down the barrel of a post antibiotic era. As the film point out, its going to get barbaric. Get an infection in your leg, and the only recourse will be to amputate! Our meat is fed so much of these antibiotics that in billions of animals, resistant bacteria are being cultured, and all for profit.

I remember when I got proactive with my own A-Fib. It seemed vitamin D3 had a positive effect on the electrical rhythm process in the nodes of our hearts. THe daily recommended dosage was something like 800 IU. I read of this cardiologist whose husband had A-fib. She was feeding him 10,000 IU daily and getting control of the arrhythmia.

I went on 10,000 IU a day for three years and slowed my instances to almost nothing. Now I am taking 5,000 IU daily which is five times which a friend who is a MD recommends. And it continues to work most of the time. I believe I have discovered the balance of this equation which will heal me completely...Get meat out of my diet...We will see.

Check out the film. Some hippie stuff in there but loaded with useful factual information and exposes the lie that is the American GMO/big-Pharma system to sicken us for profit!


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