WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)

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--- Quote from: EL TATE on March 11, 2016, 10:06:20 AM ---Mowed the "grass" Sunday. Neighbor asked if he could pay me $20 to hit his yard too, (older guy and I've got the rider, so I offered to just take care of him). Let no good deed go un-punished; they were having a garage sale, and a 90's Nissan hard body was parked across the street. somehow, with the bags on and the guard down I threw a rock through the fence, bent the shot around a fir tree and clocked his driver's window with his daughter in the passenger seat. No one was injured, and the local pic n pull had a window assembly for $50. In hindsight, I should have taken the $20, ::)

--- End quote ---

That sucks, but was a good laugh for me!

Thought you might get a chuckle.

Here's a few projects I've worked on for the last few weeks...nothing exciting for sure...but I am enjoying the hot tub.
WARNING: Graphic content!!
..thank goodness for forklifts.

..had to try it out before taking it home:

conex in temp location:

..and one in permanent location: (other one replacing white van cube)

...about 10 tons of scrap so far:

Got in a nice camping trip with the neighbors before the desert heat kicks in...6 rangers and an artic cat:

That 10 tons should pay for a nice little vacation.

It's less than $30 a ton right now...junk cars are about $50. Cost more to haul them to the crusher so the guys I know are stockpiling, waiting for china to start making hammers again!


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