The time has come.

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So about a month or so ago had my annual visit to my doc
I’ve always been healthy.
About a year ago blood pressure spiked and well I’ve fgot that going on.

So doc asks all the regular questions…weight 290-ish…
On we chat and God love him he point blank slacks me “so ya waitin to tip 300 before you do something”…

Got home and about a week later work was staring a biggest loser challenge.

50 bucks to get in. 70% to winner.
Well with about a hundred pounds to lose I’m in.

I among alone in the lazy fat guy category so it will be a struggle to win the contest.
If I can lose 50 of em it’s a win to me.
The actual win will be getting off the dang meds.

I did a lot of reading.
Settled on common sense and portion control.
I love food.
And eat waaaayy too much most days.

So the plan was simple.
Cut out the beers, Saturday coffee and sugar and snacks.
Now it a full on sugar prohibition. But no sugar snacks and nothing other than natural.

I weighed in April 2nd at 294.2 pounds.
The worst I’ve ever been.

Three weeks in I’m down over 20 and seeing improvements.

On to the “diet”.

Well it’s not really a diet.
Nothing is off limits other than junk food.

I even had a beer with my Friday night pizza last week.

I’m doing a variant of carb cycling I suppose.

3 egg and cheese omelette, some days it gets a slice of bacon, or oatmeal for breakfast.
Nuts for a morning snack.
A big garden salad for lunch with some form of fruit
Nuts again afternoon.
And whatever the great spirit moves us for dinner.

Friday is a cheat day for dinner as I’m in a very high caloric deficit.
After day three and the sugar withdrawal it’s been very easy for me.

The Costco jelly belly bag isn’t even tempting me form it’s perch on my desk at work.
Here’s hoping to further gains.

The part.

I took an office job in 2015.
It has officially caught up.

Well let’s blame the lockdowns.
Up till then I did lots of extracurricular stuff.
Since, all but couch potato Sam.

Firewood trips involved my buddy and his fleet of busy pilots.
Running a saw isn’t a lot of work, nor is swinging the axe.

So this year I went at it solo.
Worked my poor guts out.
Nearly died…well not really but it felt that way.

So getting off the couch and busy is really the extent of change for me.
Part of the reason for the sawmill was just this.
Keeping me busy.

What I’ve saw so far.

Down 22.4 pounds.
Resting heart rate has lowered from mid 70’s (yikes) to 60/61.
BP is down some, and may need to adjust meds here soon.
Snoring has improved mama says but still a thing.
I can feel it in my knees doing stairs. And work has any of those.
My energy is way up. To the point I’m functioning way better and longer every day. Not tired after dinner and ready for bed by 8. I am up between 05 and 0530 every day so some would say 8 isn’t terrible, however 10-11 is now easy again.

Oh yeah, clothes are starting to fit again.
I feel all the crap we eat is really bringing us down.

Mama is struggling with chocolate. And sweets. A genetic trait. lol.
But she wants in too.


Keep up the good work. I've cut out the sugar and have dropped 50# but have hit a wall. Haven't lost anything in about 6 months

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