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CIEMR: Commentary about this Ukrainian situation
« on: March 03, 2022, 10:53:29 AM »
CIEMR: Commentary about this Ukrainian situation

I think we are in some pretty deep trouble with this Ukraine war. Superficially, thousands are getting killed and injured. Children are getting abused, killed and injured, but frankly I am not sure why that matters to a desensitized world, we kill babies every day in the womb, right? What’s the difference?
OK, starting off pretty rough right there, but that’s the thing about the truth, it’s just there, standing out in the open with no regard for anyone’s feelings or sensibilities. I, for one, like that about the truth. It told me one day I was not who I thought I was. I had to take some time and deal with that but, the truth was right about that one. I allowed it to change me by putting it first in my life, ahead of my own perception.

Back on topic. The war over there looks bad because it is. Today cities are being destroyed, women are fleeing to surrounding countries, and an angered despot huddled up in a famous Greek-orthodox designed building in Moscow is desperately wondering what can he do? Just looking at it from his viewpoint, I believe he is now playing a bluff. He holds a hand in five card poker that is nothing, but he’s playing it like four aces. He has enough military to create a convoy 40 miles long, while still having three more armies of equal or greater size. He no doubt has a lot of military power.

On the other hand, he also has an economy that is about to collapse. If we close off oil imports, it will. That means that millions of people there in Russia, and we should care about the people in Russia, will begin to flip light switches on that no longer work. They will try to buy food that isn’t there, and so it goes. An economic collapse is not something that is easy on anybody. It alone, could lead to war. We do not need to completely collapse the Russian economy.  But wait, there’s more…

Mr. Putin also has a population who is both well connected to social media and is in large part, it would seem, against his invasion. Those people are taking to the streets over there, Bravo! Part of the Ukraine speaks Russian and all of it is seen as a close sibling by mother Russia, so killing it can’t be an easy pill to swallow. Imagine how Russian combat soldiers must feel about what they are doing.

Now, with your Army all deployed in your cousin’s house, your people squawking about it, the money running out, Mr. Putin may be looking at an empty box of options. I would think he is about out of options and not far from being out of time as well. He knows he has to get this done soon to prove he had the power to do it in the first place. There is no other option for him. He can’t throw in the towel and admit he made a huge mistake. Lives have been lost, blood has been spilled, cities, homes, families, and lives have been torn asunder. His only option is to win this war before his own nation turns on him. He is a war criminal to us. Europe would try him at The Hague. Ukrainians would kill him. Soon his own people may also try that, and who knows if the Russian Army general staff isn’t quietly talking about it as well?

I will suggest, we probably have never been closer to a nuclear confrontation than we are right now! You back a man with a pistol in his pocket into a corner then relentlessly continue attacking him, and I think I know what I’d do. I’d come out shooting. Mr. Putin may just do exactly that. Catch a bunch of the Ukrainian Army in a forest somewhere that is somewhat isolated, and “boom.” One mushroom cloud later and they are gone, and he is off to the next problem and he has sent a pretty big message to the Ukrainians and to us and NATO. Mess with me and I’m gonna nuke you too. Check me on this, am I way out there with this concept? Please, tell me to go back to bush hogging and shut the heck up.

Nukes produce Mushroom shaped clouds, we all know that. Real mushrooms created the classic shape. They did that because if you get just one, then the underside of that mushroom opens and spreads out millions of spore like seeds which in turn create many more new mushrooms. In the modern context, I think the radioactive type would operate in much the same way.

I’m sorry folks, but I am not done. We aren’t hosed only when and if Putin deploys a nuke, we are already screwed. We have the biggest refugee problem in history developing. That will take a lot of work, and money, and will involve our military, and will slow everything down. We have the collapsing Russian economy, the eighth largest in the world which all by itself is a big deal. Take away an eighth of Fat Albert's cheeseburgers, and over time he is going to start to lose weight. So we have that.

But we also have this huge bread basket of the world, the Ukraine, no longer doing anything with its farm land other than fighting tank battles. The Ukraine is the largest producer of wheat, Sunflower oil, and so many other food products in Europe. They also make nitrogen fertilizer which in turns allows farmers to grow more bountiful crops. See where I’m going with that? Odessa exports those foods to a hungry world, but isn’t Odessa currently being blown to pieces? Weren’t two ships in their port blown up yesterday?

The Ukraine also mines and exports all manner of raw materials and minerals like Iron, Aluminum, Uranium, lumber, and who knows what else, probably kryptonite too! So we have a hungry Europe taking care of what is now probably millions of Ukrainian refugees who need everything but the storehouse is drying up. You have zero natural resources flowing out, so say good bye to hundreds of thousands of paychecks of normal people throughout Europe whose factories were closed because of the lack of Ukrainian raw materials. Ukraine has now become an importer of things since a week ago. They now import Stinger and Javelin missiles, artillery shells, 7.62 mm cartridges, medical supplies, grenades, mines, and all sorts of things like that. Make for some pretty strange looking shelves at the local grocery store.

On this side of the ocean the Biden’s are well prepared to supply them with solar cells, batteries, and rose colored sunglasses. This idiot of a president thinks Americans are better off now than we were a year ago. I’m sure he is likewise inspiring a lot of confidence to the people over there. I think the way we lived back in 2019 is a thing of the past. The world changed. We elected weak socialists who either were a part of it all or couldn’t see it coming. Evil was allowed to flourish and worse, we have been evicting God at every opportunity. We will see very high gas prices. We will be told that is a good thing because we will all be happier or some nonsense like that. We will continue to self-inflict gunshot wounds to our nation and spiritual welfare and we will watch news analysists try to figure out what happened.

I already know what happened! It’s simple. We abandoned God! It’s really just that simple. We kicked him out and a cesspool flowed back into our neighborhoods, our sacred institutions, our TV’s and our minds. And just as sure as I am about that, I also know exactly how to fix all this. It is also quite simple. You see God, who is truth and love did not make things complicated for simple minded creatures like us. He marked it with a crayon on a big chalk board, he said:
2 Chronicles 7:14 ►

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

I know that some of you may be like me, (Not all that smart) so I’ll break that down for ya. The people our lord is refereeing to are those who are called by my name, are “Christians” after “Christ.”
He asks us to 1. Humble ourselves…Just toss out all that pride and your egos and who you think you may be and just get down on your face in prayer. 2. He wants you to pray. 3. He wants you to seek his face. That means turn off MSNBC and those fools and look to the heavens earnestly seeking HIS face. 4. Turn from your wicked ways. (Stop sinning)


1.   God will hear you! He will hear a prayer that is not full of self and pride, but one that is washed of all that through a repentant heart, and.
2.     He will forgive you of that sin, and here’s the win for a win part:


« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 10:54:30 AM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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