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Offline Flyin6

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A letter from a son to his father:
« on: November 04, 2014, 01:06:59 PM »

Hi all,

My son Ken is back in the Middle East and sent along this background piece on the local situation. Since our media fails to provide any serious insights into the real situation, I felt you all might find this analysis of Ken’s enlightening.



After thinking about your comment on the Kurds, and what the Press won't tell you, I thought you might like the perspective of someone whose spent a bit of time over here, and what I know from my personal experience of being over here, which is a perspective the general American public is clueless about because of our bought and paid for media.

So let me start by defining the players:
Arab Sunni Islam:  They believe there was only one prophet, Mohammad, and that anyone that believes otherwise is an infidel. They hate  Israel , and don't acknowledge their existence. They were allies of the Nazi's in WWII.
Arab Shia (Shi'ite) Islam: They believe that they were follow-on prophets after Mohammad. These "Prophets" are known as "Imams" and their word is god's law, anyone who doesn't believe as they do is an Infidel. They hate Israel , and don't acknowledge their existence. They were allies of the Nazi's in WWII as well.
That's the primary difference between these two groups, but both are radical in their view of Islam, (Wahhabism - the ultra conservative or othodox belief in islamic law, created by the Saudi royal family - think Amish vs Modern Christianity) and feel that anyone that doesn't believe like they do, is ok to kill as defined by their version of the Quran.

They all believe in Sharia law as greater than any government, and both sects believe in a Caliphate, or Islamic State forming again one day like the  Ottoman Empire ,which was the last one prior to the breakup after WW1. That's why you see Christians being culled and killed in places like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Libya, Syria, etc. as both sides believe Christianity to be an abomination, and are intolerant of anything but their own religion; yes even in the countries we consider allies, like Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, etc. (Pretty much all the oil producing countries, and places with royal families)
Groups supported by Arab Sunni's: ISIS (yes, the terrorists we are fighting, as all Sunni's traditionally support the ethnic cleansing of religions other than Sunni Islam. The Royal family is just worried now that they will gain too much power and threaten them.)
Saudi Arabia
Groups supported by Arab Shia (Shi'ite): (they have been the controlling minority and Ruling class in  Iraq since the 40's)
80+% of the Arab Muslim population, whether Sunni or Shia, support what is going on with  ISIS - as they are supporting ethnic cleansing of Christians and other beliefs which are non-Muslim. There are no civilian casualties when bombing ISIS, as if they aren't pointing a gun, they are in direct support of the  ISIS fighters, so don't believe a word the media says about civilian casualties. The military knows this, but the media doesn't have a clue.
Now for the Kurds.

The Kurds are a dispersed ethnic group, across the entire Middle East, and predominantly live in  Kurdistan ,  Turkey , northern  Syria , and northern  Iraq , where there has traditionally been peace. Kurds comprise anywhere from 18% to 25% of the population in Turkey, 15-20% in Iraq, 9% in Syria, 7% in Iran and 1.3% in Armenia. In all of these countries except  Iran , Kurds form the second largest ethnic group. Roughly 55% of the world's Kurds live in  Turkey , about 18% each in  Iran and  Iraq , and a bit over 5% in Syria . They are purportedly the descendants of King Solomon, and are Persian in ancestry. They encompass a variety of religions, they are Islam, Yarsan (Muslim, but non-confrontational), Yazidis (Christian theology),  Zoroastrianism (Ahura Mazda - Persian religion), Judaism (yes, there are Kurdish Jews), and Christianity.
While I was in Iraq, it was in Irbil where private western financial capital was flowing, (not U.S. government bribes, like in the south) in building three to five star resorts like Marriot, Best Western, Howard Johnson, and was the only area considered "safe" enough in the entire country to walk the streets without body armour outside the wire. Investment capital was flowing there, not in Bagdad as one might think, as the Kurds have a very European mindset, and are the only place in  Iraq , and in the  Middle East as a whole, where their public schools allowed girls to be educated. They are thought as chattel everywhere else, including places like  Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Kuwait , etc., who are supposed to be our allies.
The Kurds have the Peshmerga, which has always been feared by both Sunni's AND Shia, because the Kurds have been used as cannon fodder for generations when under Arab control, and now that they have autonomy in northern  Iraq , they despise most Arabs, which has the Royal families worried. What scares them even more, are the female Peshmerga, which are so feared by  ISIS , they are avoiding the Peshmerga wherever they can, which is why you don't see much in the way of conflict against the Kurds in the north.
All we have to do in order to get rid of ISIS, which all rumours indicate is being funded by both the Saudi's, and the Yemeni's, is to arm the Kurds, and tell them Iraq is theirs for the taking. They have a 375,000 man/woman standing army in the Peshmerga, and only need the weapons to do the job. They don't want our help on the ground, but welcome our air support. It's the smart move to not get re-engaged in another Saudi Prince dictated war.
Hope that helps you to understand a bit about this side of the world, and why picking any allies against ISIS, puts us in bed with other terrorists, like Hamas, and Hezbollah, or puts us in cooperation with Iran , unless we do the right thing, and pick helping just the Kurds. If Israel was very smart, they would come to the aid of the Kurds, join forces, and make us all look like idiots, as the Kurds and the Israelis together could clean out the entire  Middle East with ease, and both have common ancestry.
Anyway, have a great day dad.
Love Ken
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline cudakidd53

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Re: A letter from a son to his father:
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2014, 03:54:52 PM »
We need to remember that the Kurds were originally set to oust Saddam BEFORE any of the gulf wars and were told by the US that we'd back them- then our government reneged and Saddam gassed them!

It's surprising they'll even talk with us after that- we need to pray that Israel takes the reins and does what our King Barrack won't, as a Musloid, determined to deliver us up to the enemy.      >:(
« Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 07:16:28 PM by cudakidd53 »
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: A letter from a son to his father:
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2014, 07:50:07 PM »
I lived up around Kirkuk just barely inside the Kurdish area. We'd get hit, then the kurds would go find the perps and kill em. Nice little system.

I'd fly up to Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan part of Iraq. Nice laid back city. Very much like anywhere in Europe. Was even clean. Then in the alps (as I called them, the mountains of northern Iraq, where the kurds lived, you see beautiful houses and nice roads, and nice farms, well everything was nice. Not all ghetto looking like everything south in crape or sunniville.

Kurds don't care what religion you are... just don't force it on them!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: A letter from a son to his father:
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2014, 11:21:49 PM »
We'd get hit, then the kurds would go find the perps and kill em. Nice little system.

Kurds don't care what religion you are... just don't force it on them!

Almost sounds what America was about 50-60 years ago.

Funny how the "elite" hear pick sides, fund them, and the problem never goes away.
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