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Offline Flyin6

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CIEMR: Madness
« on: December 09, 2021, 11:48:32 AM »

Our Culture in America is falling apart. I would give the left very high marks for being so completely effective. They control messaging and therefore the news we hear is mostly good. But the reality is that we are very sick. Our nation has become dangerous, depraved, and except for holding out for the return of Jesus the future is not all that bright.

Here’s an example. Major cities are all, not mostly, but all of those controlled by a left leaning administration are experiencing record levels of crime led by murder. Since Biden took over, the numbers have been skyrocketing. Philadelphia is leading the nation. Murders up 58% since when Trump was president. LA is so bad the word coming from families there to their loved ones living elsewhere is “Don’t come home, it’s too dangerous.” It’s not the cops, it’s the DA in that and in most cities backed up by a liberal mayor. Police catch a good number of the criminals, but if those who are caught fit a certain profile, they are released. If they represent a group of the electorate that those in power need to remain in power, they are released because of a zero bail policy! Madness, just madness!

Do you see why gun control is so important to the left? Their policies usher in record crime. Obviously an empowered public could end all that Ricky-tick if we all were packing .45’s on our hip. But no, according to the left, we need to disarm and then the police who have been defunded can do their job and catch your murderer and keep him off the streets for several hours while they take his picture for the 70th time! Again, Madness!
Our border is the widest open gate for everyone in the world. Hundreds of miles of doorway just sitting there. It’s not a border, it’s a processing point where people heading north bound are processed. A place where one commits a crime by entering but is then quickly treated better than many of our own residents. Don’t bother applying and going through any process, simply fly into Mexico from anywhere, hire a service which will transport you directly to a known border crossing, then cross over and be picked up by US border control agents. You can later sue these officers if you want to, just find a good lawyer. These Border Police are really just baggage boys like we had when I flew jets. They will toss your bags and get you to the gate agent who will escort you to your leather seat. Once in that comfy seat you will be processed for Medicare, social security, given food stamps, a place to live, and likely even be bussed there. Then you can vote several times in the next election and help the cheating left install idiots into office like this Biden who will then introduce legislation to award you $450K for all your troubles at the hands of all those terrible law enforcement people.

People, if you can’t see a fight, an outright revolution coming you are friggin blind! A reasonable approach goes out the window when logic and reason is tossed out of the room. A 71 year old is executed during his morning walk just for fun by thugs who ought to be in school and the District Attorney tells you that is not a problem.

It is a problem when Black Lives matter criminals can loot and burn and kill for months and months and the feds/state do little to nothing to protect the actual citizens, and then at a school board meeting where Christian parents complain about a racist policy they are labeled terrorists! And that event becomes the basis for these same crooked left leaning and wacked out of reality administrations to take action against them that is harsher than toward those who burn cities for fun! We have the Attorney General of the US, the highest ranking law enforcement man in the country concur and sick the FBI on we the people. Something here is wrong, and worth fighting against on any level that is necessary to remove it or change it.

You are flat out stupid if you think all this is miraculously going to heal itself, that we are going to elect another congress of Republicans to fix it. No thank you, I have seen our republican electorate fail us time and time again. In the aggregate, they can’t tie their own shoe laces and are a magnificent failure and show zero courage in the face of adversity. The answer to something like what is going on is, unfortunately, plain old blunt force and resistance. Should a BLM movement arise and then they suddenly find themselves surrounded by a strong armed militia who is committed to law and order and justice you’d see change. Do you think there may be a different outcome? I do. I have served in many combat theaters for literally years and years. I know what happens when force meets force. The more powerful wins every time.

Americans win every time, eventually. We win because not only are we committed, well trained and well equipped, but we win because we stand for what is right and good. During a fight, you have to feel that it, your sacrifice, is worth the price. The cause of righteousness, and freedom, and goodness, and love are all good things. Admittedly, during a fight it often gets down to just the guy on your right and left, but something got you there in the first place. When I push the button to start the engine in my helicopter, the helo that is transporting a raiding party onto an enemy objective, I need to know what I am doing is just and right and good. If I thought it was evil, I would not push that button, and at least my helo would not be participating.

This government is gone, fell off the Clift with a corrupted election. Now these Marxists are in and on the run F’ing up everything. They are destroying our culture. They’re attempting to rewrite history. They are going to use any means possible to turn this country into a socialist, and that really means a communist nation. Enough is enough. Like Nancy Regan used to say to drugs, “Just say no.” Perhaps that needs to be our battle cry. If someone tells you that you can no longer own guns, we refuse to accept that. Then, say thirty thousand of us show up at the capital and use the streets there for a big block party for, say a week or two, do you think the corrupt leaders will actually still come for the guns? What if that happened all over the US of A? And if they do come, how many of those who would come are in reality one of we, the good people of America?

I’m just a dumb old warrant officer, but it seems to me, to be ten minutes past midnight on the nation’s clock. Perhaps it’s time to see if this latest generation of wusses has any fight in it.
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