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Offline Flyin6

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The Common sense thread
« on: August 05, 2022, 10:34:33 AM »
I think I'll start a new thread.

I think I'll call it the commonsense thread or something like that

I'll write this concurrently along with that self-published next book I am working on called CIEMR

I'll include a common sense and wisdom section to it.

So, with as much confusion as there is about things, I think I'll just tackle various subjects and look at them from a commonsense approach and explain what is going on and offer a suggestion or two as to how to address the various issues.

So to start off, I was thinking about the US Military and our preparedness to fight a real war. I mean a WW2 kind of thing. If you're watching the news at all, these Chinese military exercises all around Taiwan are telegraphing a time of increasing tensions between us and China. They don't want to lose their cities any more than we do, so a direct confrontation is unlikely...depending on how strong they get and how much more weakness we telegraph.

But a surrogate war somewhere like Africa where we slug it out just may happen. Our troops need to be ready. They need to be properly equipped, and they need to be motivated. My concern is that our military is once again in a decline.

Our government is in a preputial ebb and flow with changing administrations who, in the span of just a couple of years turn the USS United States around and set her on a new course. We are now paying people not to work, allowing an invasion to occur along our southern border, redefining what we have always and traditionally been, and not keeping up with our role as the mightiest military on earth.

China is quickly closing the gap and will soon surpass us. When that happens, they will ramp up their pressure on us to capitulate on many fronts. They aim to become the dominant superpower on earth.

The military is now having problems filling its cockpit seats. Some services are short up to 30%!

Why is that? Lack of qualified candidates? Does the civilian world pay more?

Perhaps that may be partly the cause, but from what I hear and what my common sense tells me is that this WOKE bull crap is driving aviators out and causing potentials to seek other employment. After all, who wants to deal with this nonsense? We have really gotten very stupid in this country, and we are letting a very small tail wag a very large dog.

If you spend more time in a classroom studying the new pronouns and trying to convince intelligent people, that there are more than Mr.'s and Mrs.'s then those smart people are not going to sign up for an environment where they won't be able to just quit if the level of the bull crap starts to get too deep to breathe. If you spend time talking about inclusion and the new genders, and not practicing flying those aircraft, dropping bombs, and flying low level with night vision goggles, not only have you driven away our brightest, but you made the warriors who still remain less trained and prepared to fight.

Get rid of all this social experiment crap in the military. Do that and the Christian core in middle America who for hundreds of years have signed up to defend this nation will return.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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