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Offline Flyin6

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CIEMR White haired idiot
« on: February 29, 2020, 08:48:55 AM »
I don’t know about you, but I think I like the idea of a Bernie Sanders-Donald Trump election finalist ballot in November. I think it could be disastrous for our nation, but I also think the likelihood of it being very good for our nation is the more likely outcome.

Sanders is a communist dressed in socialist clothing. I saw a cartoon where the concept of communism was depicted as a pile of crap. Bernie Sanders, calling himself a “Democratic Socialist” was pointing to another pile of crap sitting beside the first, however his had sprinkles spread on it. Couldn’t have captured the concept any better if I tried. It’s all just a bunch of crap.

Now Bernie is not backing down from his extreme left stance, which is nothing short of revolutionary, not evolutionary. Odd how that plays out, because should he actually be sworn in, that’s exactly what he would get. A well-armed America right could be moved to a revolution to do some real swamp cleaning.

 We, the people who matter, are simply not going to accept any of that nonsense and will stand our ground with civil disobedience that would likely lead to actual confrontation. That could easily spread to all fifty states and leave a broken region with pockets of resistance like the Texas and the Kintuckee, waring against their liberal neighbors. California will collapse under its own weight and a paralysis to react to a total meltdown and likely emerge as a northern state of Mexico and another conservative stronghold in the new state (country?) of Jefferson. Goggle that one and you’ll discover some interesting dynamics between the north and south in that dying state. I pray for Orange County which maintains its freedom minded ideals.

Now, although I do feel the earlier scenario is possible, I feel it is much more likely that Bernie will lead our nation into another revolution, and one that is needed. You see if Bernie is the democratic nominee that means he will become the numba hana choice of all demoncrats and force them all to support him. See where I’m going with this? Bernie is another Mao-se-tong dressed as an angry old recovering drunk who still carries the look. And having a communist as your number one guy, well, how exactly are you going to say you are not supporting a communist movement. Although the demoncratic party consists of people all over the board politically, his candidacy will juxtapose all demoncrats as communists and shove them all into the same corner. Isn’t that cool?

Talk about the cousin coming out of the closet at the family reunion! Man that is going to be a lasting hallmark moment for me and other like-minded patriots. The very thought has me grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ garbage through a barbed wire fence!

What about all those demoncratic congressmen up for reelection in areas that Trump won in the general election? With all the fence riders in those areas these representatives are already doing a fine balancing act. Now force them to say they support comrade Bernie for the next party boss of the union of socialist states (Formerly the United States) and my money says they need to be planning for their next career. The thought of a shiff-head practicing his new line, “Sir would you like ketchup with those fries” just has me feelin’ all giddy in anticipation just like when I’m lookin’ at a hot bowl of oatmeal with a ton of butter steaming up my nostrils.

I can see the demoncrats have but one major point on their platform, and that is “Beat Trump.” Having accomplished that they would look to Pelosi who could use her famous line once again, “We have to pass this, so we can dig into it to find out what’s in it.” That statement, of course would be the new construct, an America that could quickly change to a communist state. Well that’s what those entitled fools drunk with their own power and ignorance would think. But that’s not how the future would actually unfold.

With a Virginia governor now empowered by the total takeover by communists, he might just take the gun control thing for a test drive. Perhaps even employing his police, National Guard and regular Army forces. After all, we are talking about usurping the constitution and the rule of law, right? Well, retired Sergeant Major Billy Bob and his breakfast Ranger tabbed Armee, and MARSOC jar-head buddies just may take exception. I’m thinking that scenario would play out in lots and lots of places north and south and urban and rural, and farm land and mountains, on highways and in the back waters of some forgotten swamp.

^^^Think it couldn’t happen?? By chance are you living in a state that has recently legalized recreational Mary-jane? And you are taking a long pull while readin’ my little essay? If not, please take time to schedule a doctor visit to get that brain tumor looked at.

Bernie is a fool, we all know that. His followers are dreamers, fools, folks who haven’t done squat in their lives for their nation. They are haters, boy are they haters, and although it is often not fair to characterize a large group, aren’t they? How many of the activists in his communist movement want Trump people punished. One publically says we should be sent to re-education camps. Wow, haven’t ever seen that in any communist nation have we?
Well imagine an entire political party having to get behind that old fool with the ugly girlfriend, err wife. (Come on, you were thinking it too!). Democrats, one and all having to say, sure, we support the burn. Sure his platform makes sense and I agree. Ooh, I want that on record far and wide. I don’t like a fight where you don’t know who the combatants are. I’d rather do it Roman style and square off a legion of men in red against a mob of Germanians dressed in animal hides. Go at it and may the best man win.

Should the white haired idiot win the nomination, then we will finally have that setup. If you profess to be a demoncrat, then you support the fundamental change of America from a nation standing firm on the foundation of God given freedoms to one where the collective will dictate everything in your life and what makes us great will be destroyed.

But you can’t kill the spirit of the free, and you can’t stop ordinary, everyday people from doing damned heroic things. Sorry but I’m older, been to a couple of places and seen a thing or two, so I now know a thing or two. Should the lazy, and the entitled, and the God haters triumph over the forces of good in the America, then a fight will ensue. But the spirit of the free will never be broken because the spirit of God can never be broken. And know this, there is good and there is evil. On one side is God and on the other is Satan. They are real, very real and much more in control than the politically corrected American sheeple care to admit. More and more the two parties are quickly evolving into the parties of good and evil.

I think the demoncratic party has a big tall, skinny white haired problem, and I just love it!
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 08:51:28 AM by Flyin6 »
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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2020, 09:24:32 AM »
As an aside. Dope smokers in all those “legalized” states forfeited their right to buy a firearm without knowing it. It may be legal in the state but it’s still illegal under federal law. They can’t complete the 4473 form without lying which they can be arrested for. When buying weed they have to show their drivers license so they are on record as a “pot head”.

Governors could use that to connect the dots and arrest and confiscate.

Food for thought

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Offline cruizng

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2020, 10:29:16 AM »
I don’t think Bern has a chance of being the nominee. The Superdelegates are the ones that pick the person and they aren’t going to back Bern.

Trump is already pimping the Dems by constantly reminding them that the DNC will cheat him out of the nomination. So when they do he will use it against Joe the preferred establishment pick. Even with all of his brain farts he is their perfect puppet.

All of these primaries are theatre.

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Offline stlaser

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2020, 10:34:29 AM »
As an aside. Dope smokers in all those “legalized” states forfeited their right to buy a firearm without knowing it. It may be legal in the state but it’s still illegal under federal law. They can’t complete the 4473 form without lying which they can be arrested for. When buying weed they have to show their drivers license so they are on record as a “pot head”.

Governors could use that to connect the dots and arrest and confiscate.

Food for thought

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Not quite accurate, you buy pot w/ cash at a dispensary and show your ID for proof of purchase only just like alcohol or tobacco. Now with that said if you have a “medical maryjane card” you are in the system and can then buy it at a much reduced rate.

Some other food for thought, our neighbors originally from Alaska / MI have a daughter with severe seizures a complication of cerebral palsy. In the prior state ls they had to keep her heavily medicated on some very nasty drugs. Here in Colorado they do not, as a parent you would do whatever you could for a suffering child.
« Last Edit: February 29, 2020, 10:42:08 AM by stlaser »
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline Farmer Jon

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2020, 08:42:04 PM »
I think Bernie could have beaten Trump last go around if Hills didn't given him the shaft. I have quite a few Democrat Facebook friends. Mostly my exes family over in Iowa. They were all against Hillary. They said they would never vote for her no matter what. They were all die hard Bernie. This time they are awfully quiet.

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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2020, 11:14:56 AM »
As an aside. Dope smokers in all those “legalized” states forfeited their right to buy a firearm without knowing it. It may be legal in the state but it’s still illegal under federal law. They can’t complete the 4473 form without lying which they can be arrested for. When buying weed they have to show their drivers license so they are on record as a “pot head”.

Governors could use that to connect the dots and arrest and confiscate.

Food for thought

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Not quite accurate, you buy pot w/ cash at a dispensary and show your ID for proof of purchase only just like alcohol or tobacco. Now with that said if you have a “medical maryjane card” you are in the system and can then buy it at a much reduced rate.

Some other food for thought, our neighbors originally from Alaska / MI have a daughter with severe seizures a complication of cerebral palsy. In the prior state ls they had to keep her heavily medicated on some very nasty drugs. Here in Colorado they do not, as a parent you would do whatever you could for a suffering child.
Not arguing against the medicinal use at all. The hippies don’t understand all the implications of recreational use. I guess requirements vary by state.

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Offline stlaser

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2020, 12:16:46 PM »
Charles, I agree and not sure how the other states operate. I have witnessed first hand the benefits of marijuana and it’s bi-products on several occasions even within our own family. My wife’s older brother is wheel chair bound and has not had use of his legs for most of his life. The muscles have atrophied and cramp daily, the over the counter cbd products relieve him of the cramping unlike anything else he has tried.
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline Bob Smith

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2020, 08:51:04 PM »
Really, God has spoken and all is well? I am not in that crowd thank you. Is he smoking the stuff or rubbing as a salve in the areas of hurt?  If in a cream form with other stuff Maybe,   but who is to say which product is working on the hurt.

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2020, 09:51:19 PM »
Bob, it’s a cbd oil. Pretty sure it’s the cbd. No smoking, where they live it’s outlawed still. Furthermore, my wife is in medical. The results are in (real world testing) as such they’re having to adjust policies on site to allow the use in a treatment setting. I’m of the mind set of someone is in legitimate pain or discomfort and there is an option to help relieve them of that then who am I to tell them no. It’s not my place.
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline dave945

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2020, 10:46:28 PM »
My understanding is that the majority of CBD oil (cannabidiol) comes from hemp plants. As such, it does not contain the psychoactive compound THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)found in marijuana. CBD can also be derived from the marijuana plant, however the concentration is not as high as in hemp. 

Keep in mind I’m not a doctor, pharmacist, hemp or marijuana farmer, or a DEA agent.....but I am an Air Force veteran, so I’ve got them all beat(including army warrant officers). ;)

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Offline Bear9350

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2020, 08:15:46 AM »
Around here I believe they are actually growing marijuana plants to harvest.  The plants need to be harvested before the THC level gets to high.  A sample is sent in to be tested when it is harvested.  If the THC level comes back to high, the entire field is destroyed.

Offline Flyin6

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Re: CIEMR White haired idiot
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2020, 08:37:55 AM »
My understanding is that the majority of CBD oil (cannabidiol) comes from hemp plants. As such, it does not contain the psychoactive compound THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)found in marijuana. CBD can also be derived from the marijuana plant, however the concentration is not as high as in hemp. 

Keep in mind I’m not a doctor, pharmacist, hemp or marijuana farmer, or a DEA agent.....but I am an Air Force veteran, so I’ve got them all beat(including army warrant officers). ;)

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I heard that ;-))
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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