WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)

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Figured I'd start a useless thread for those of us that want to post up some projects that don't really want to start a specific thread.
I've been cleaning the shop yard for the last 2 months, adding storage (shipping containers) and what not. Found a Jacuzzi buried in the back, restored it and put it in the garage at home....yeah, exciting huh?
Got tired of cleaning and decided to run a sewer dump station for the rv at home....65' of digging, cutting 30' of driveway (concrete) and so on.
Murphy was along for the to follow.

This project took about a week, every evening and 2 weekends.  :-[
My wife does the whole marathon thing, running farther than I typically like to drive, and needed a place to hang her medals in the bedroom. I told her i would make something but it had to be western, since the bedroom is the only place I have control (seemingly) over decorations.

...cut out a mountain back ground, and gouged out the ridges, and her initial that will look like white wash after hanging on the wall :

then I made a shelf with a corral made from square stock and round rod (to scale) with rods underneath for hanging medals, and a place to hang her placards:

...then the windmill, with copper blades:

Hmm..can't find a finished pic

I woke up, ate a couple scrambled eggs and left for work. Yea I lead an exciting life.  :)

Mowed the "grass" Sunday. Neighbor asked if he could pay me $20 to hit his yard too, (older guy and I've got the rider, so I offered to just take care of him). Let no good deed go un-punished; they were having a garage sale, and a 90's Nissan hard body was parked across the street. somehow, with the bags on and the guard down I threw a rock through the fence, bent the shot around a fir tree and clocked his driver's window with his daughter in the passenger seat. No one was injured, and the local pic n pull had a window assembly for $50. In hindsight, I should have taken the $20, ::)

Woke up, conducted personal hygiene, drank a cup of coffee, and headed in to work. Nothing exciting. SSDD. Only project I've worked on in a while is replacing the rear DS u-joint at the diff in the truck. Luckily my neighbor in the apartment complex has a cousin with a shop/press. He caught me pounding that sucker out using my small BFH and a socket in the parking lot, and got on the phone with his cousin. That followed with instructions for me to "put that $#!t in the truck and lets go press that thing out!" LOL. Thirty minutes of work on the press, and all was replaced and ready to go back in the truck. Gotta love southern hospitality. I guess that was karma for me replacing a battery in a woman's car at O'Reilly's, when the shop was swamped with customers. Rather than have her wait, I just offered to do it for her.


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