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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #100 on: November 15, 2014, 07:38:48 PM »
Managed to push the ball down field a little more today, which is day 6 of the bumper and tire carrier build
Today I attached the tire carrier after measuring a couple of times. After that I fabbed up the bottom of the fuel can carrier.
Here's the tire carrier which has just been welded on

Most of the welds turned out fine with one notable exception which has to ground down and another pass made. I believe I must have run into some impurities because all of a sudden the weld puddled and rolled off the steel! Anyway, the rest of it looked OK

Next up was the can holder. I decided I had room for three cans, this much space:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #101 on: November 15, 2014, 07:41:59 PM »
I think I can find room for additional cans on the tactical topper which is soon to get reenergized.
The footprint of three cans is 21" X 14" which allows room for me to place a sheet of abrasion resistient something between the cans and still get a snug fit.
The bottom was made from 16 ga cut with a plasma cutter.

The sides were created from 1/8" plate cut the length of two sides, then bent to shape.

After cutting some holes in the sides to act as drains, I welded it all together. It will occupy a space beside the spare tire, and will fit a tire up to 37.5" OD
This is only the base, as far as I could get today, and will sit approximately here on the main beam:

The base will hold the cans securely and provide puncture resistance. The top will provide a means to lock them in place.
The fit is pretty good so far:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #102 on: November 15, 2014, 07:48:12 PM »
Cans removed, back to the cardboard welding table  for more fab, tomorrow that is!

OK, so let's get on with this bumper build. Looking at Day 7 of the fab and build and I think we are getting there. Today I concentrated on the can carrier and got that about 90% done. After that, I have the secondary latch coming in Monday, but I think I have a day of Big Red work then, so that might get delayed a little. After that, it's grind time then painting. I think I will use the bumper coating on the inside of the bumper and any high corrosion or high wear area like the can holder, and possibly spray the rest of the thing with my favorite JD black paint and gun lube!
So, off to the can container construction. First I bent up the top ring, then cut the legs:

The corner pieces are cut from 1" X .125" steel angle, 12" long

Those were tacked in place

Then the top band was welded in place
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #103 on: November 15, 2014, 07:54:34 PM »
I spaced the can holder up 2" to give more departure angle since that sucker protrudes back some and to be at a better height to grab from. Lastly I wanted to get a tad more angle on the yet to come support braces

Next, I welded the can holder to the main beam spacer plate in several places.

I got the support risers figured out, angle wise, but ran out of time to make the 4ea of them I am going to weld in place.
Here's how it will fit:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #104 on: November 15, 2014, 08:02:45 PM »
OK, done with day 8 of the bumper/tire carrier expo thing ah-ma-jiggy. I got most of it done today with the can box all mounted and the spare tire wheel flange done, well mostly.
I started with the braces for the spare can rack. Here's how I did that:

Those attached to both the main beam and the outside edge of the can rack.

With the family of cans:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #105 on: November 15, 2014, 08:17:07 PM »
With that done with the exception of final welding and grinding, I went on to the spare tire rack again. The wheel has to mount to something so I built that starting with a 8 on 180mm steel spacer ring and traced out a pattern on 3/16" steel plate .

I drilled out the axle hole first, then 4 more lightening holes

Next Mr. Plasma did his thing burning steel all over, setting my cardboard welding table on fire a couple times, but no worries we are nearing the end of this project!

For a quick minute I considered using the maltese cross lookin' thing as the flange, but naw, I went for the strength instead.
So with some grinding, I welded the flange to it

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #106 on: November 15, 2014, 08:20:09 PM »
Dem Dar is rose welds. Not like roses you always forget to send to the M.R.S, unit, nope this is an entirely different rose!
Anyway, it's quick strong and pretty. Shawn likes pretty welds, so the roses are in honor of him!
Next I placed the axle in there then I tilted it. I got the idea from the Earth. You see, it's tilted so how can that be wrong?

It got together all good and crooked, mother nature was pleased, so I moved on. Here's the thing nearing completion with it's "longer than it needs to be axle, which will get trimmed to size once me gits the spare tire n' wheel!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #107 on: November 15, 2014, 08:22:25 PM »
So who knows why the thing is tilted other than the obvious influence of the tilted earth thing?
OK, I have to spoon feed you people everything!
Gets you a little more departure angle coming out of a ditch or reversing from down back to up. That extra inch helps. I did it to my Hummer and stopped dragging the tire driving down into the creek!

OK hold on to your kittens we're not quite done yet!
Ever balance a 90 pound tire and wheel about waist high while you align those pesky studs into the wheel holes?
Yea, that...
So I added a hub to the flange so I can heft (Or get one of you boneheads to do it for me) Anyhow, however it gets up there just like playing off road horse-shoes, all you have to do is to get the wheel onto the hub and you're home free.
I'm smart that way and look at the pics, you'll agree!

Here's some more pics. Not that you need any, but I took the time to take them so you can take the time to look at them

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #108 on: November 15, 2014, 08:25:14 PM »
Originally Posted by nmeyer414
"by the way, can we get an update on how the repairs of big red are going and the barn? sorry for the derail "

No worries!
Big red is almost healed
So far they replaced 3 hydraulic lines
New gaskets in the final drives
New trans filter and fluid
Amsoil in the engine
New fuel and hydraulic filters
Final drive and transfer cases oil changed
New radiator hoses
New antifreeze
New track adjuster fittings
New sprockets installed
Alternator rebuilt
New wiring run
Inline fuses installed
Battery cables crimped on properly
4 cracks welded up in the frame
New idler link in the bucket arms
New bushings installed in the arms, bucket, and me thinks some of the cylinders
New voltmeter
Engine shut off cable repaired
Cracks in the bucket welded up
Idler wheel repaired and bolted back on
Air filter replaced
New exhaust stack installed (Yup, the chrome is gone!)
New Hydraulic fluid
Tracks adjusted
Same ugly paint
I get to steam clean it this coming week
Did I mention same ugly paint??
I want to paint it OD Green before it leaves the shop, but the Case guys are a bit stand offish everytime I start in talking about spraying color next to all their expensive machines...
If it all goes well, I'll have it trucked down to the farm this week some time, and stick it under a tarp

As for the barn. the builder told me he couldn't get out to my place with that road in the condition it is in now. So job 1 is to fix the road, then I can get started on the barn.
That is to be a 36 X 56 two story affair. 10" concrete floor 16' walls with a 8/12 pitch roof and a cozy apartment tucked up there. It will have a glass cupola upstairs hear and air, a second floor deck a septic and a cistern. I'll put a small covered deck with rocking chairs down below and gravel around one side and put grapes and fruit trees around the other sides to keep me from running Big Red all over the tile field.
I would like to have the barn done minus the apartment by mid summer, then able to live in by thanksgiving next year.
I am thinking of having a gathering down there this summer...more on that soon if my concept works out...you'll like that!
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #109 on: November 15, 2014, 08:30:52 PM »
I didn't get to plug away on the bumper project but I did get a bunch of cool stuff in for it, enough to almost finish it off.
Here are the over-center latches I found on line. I purchased these latches for a little over $8 each! I found them selling in other places for anywhere from 30's upward into the 70's each! I picked these up from Sears! Yea, Sears, so I bought extra ones for future needs.

It will fit onto the main beam and bumper in approximately the following manner:

Once the tire flange axle is trimmed to size, it will be held in place by 3 pinch bolts, 1/2" and fine thread thank you very much! The idea here is if I ever need to rotate or reposition the axle, perhaps because of larger tires or different back space wheels, then all I'll have to do is remove an inch of rust, then heat the rusty mess, use penetrating oil and finally strip the heads off and give up on the whole idea. In reality all I'd like to do would be to loosen and rotate, but we all know that is much too easy to expect it will ever happen!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #110 on: November 15, 2014, 08:32:50 PM »
The project has been going along much too well, so I decided to weld in the wheel studs all crooked
I think I succeeded!

Well, maybe I didn't weld anything yet, who knows, but hey here's some neat parts that I ordered that showed up
The plastic guards fit into the clevis's and make them all pretty. Not sure what else they do, but I'm good with the splash of color with the extra torque and horsepower that provides!
The packages are Israeli battle bandages and let me tell you, if you don't have some, GET THEM. Get one for practice and a half dozen or so to pack away. THe band aid looking things are steri-strips for gluing body parts (as in human) back together when something you didn't plan for comes your way. Those were added to my field medical kit stored in the back.
The black rubber looking things are black rubber things!
I kind of like them so I bought them. I might use them or I might store them to be forgotten and sold in 10 years at some future garage sale. But for now I have them and know where they are. I think they lock stuff like axe handles in place...

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #111 on: November 16, 2014, 10:16:19 PM »
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #112 on: November 16, 2014, 10:18:10 PM »
OK, into day 10 of the bumper build with tonight's posts. With the exception of possibly adding a Hi-Lift jack mount to all this, and a locking device for the fuel cans, the fabrication is complete.
Today's objective was to finish the tire carrier which was completed and to add the secondary over center clamp to the main beam, which is also complete.
I welded the three nuts onto the spare mount which will retain the tire axle:

Next, using the spare as a guide, the wheel studs were welded onto the flange providing for a secure base to bolt the spare wheel onto:

Next up was the creation of a mount for the secondary over-center latch.
Placing the cardboard welding table into service yet again, and starting with a cardboard model, I cut out the first few pieces from 12 gage steel sheet:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #113 on: November 16, 2014, 10:22:40 PM »
Lining up the latch base in the same plane of the bumper strike plate took some juggling, but with a little luck of the Irish, we made the first of many tack welds:

Then all the assundry pieces were cut with the plasma cutter, ground and tacked into place. I was not as concerned for absolute percision as the intent was to weld it together from the inside, then grind all the overhang away, which I did.

...And resulting in this odd shaped box:

After welding and the initial grinding, this is what resulted, which was welded onto the main beam.

The earlier photo shows some gaps, but they were filed in with weld, then ground flat. The fit was good and strong.
The latch catch went in first with some drilling and tapping for 5/16 coarse thread screws. I chose allen head stainless.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #114 on: November 16, 2014, 10:24:36 PM »
Next the latch mount box was also drilled and tapped, then final welded onto the main beam.

Once it was secured I adjusted the latch to pull the beam in against the poly vibration pad. I immediately noticed that when I closed the latch it tends to pull the beam more upright against the torsional stress of all that junk hanging off to the rear!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #115 on: November 16, 2014, 10:26:52 PM »
I'll start the cosmetic prep tomorrow. I'd like to do some more grinding, then coat the thing with body filler and sand smooth prior to finishing to give it a better appearance.
I'll figure out some way to secure the cans with a lock and move this whole thing toward paint, which is what I have decided to do.
The wheel and tire are on order and will be here in days, so this should (might) come together this week!
Well, that is if I don't need to move Big Red on Friday.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #116 on: November 16, 2014, 10:27:54 PM »
Originally Posted by C************
"You got me intrigued.. explain the new ic pipe you hinted at.. lol "

Myself and another member have custom passenger IC pipes being built. Actually, I believe mine, the prototype is already done.
This is a new system that goes all the way from the IC to the Y-Bridge. It eliminates the EGR air valve and heater grid completely. So there should be an improvement in flow and certainly more clutter. Gone is the cumbersome plastic up pipe and that funky connector. The air valve, heater grid, cable and mount all goes bye-bye and another 3" Mandrel bent pipe goes over to the factory Y-bridge stand. Simple clean, coated and 3" all the way.
I had mine made with a couple of 1/8" NPT bosses for H20/Methanol injection, but the pipe can be made either way.
You will, of course have to delete that awful EGR, but with having done so, this mighty LML is getting better parts and cleaner all the time.
Next up will be a replacement Y-bridge that actually necks down from 3" to something less than 2.5" and has an awful bend in it.
I'll check with the man and if it's OK, I'll release his name so everyone else can order.
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #117 on: November 16, 2014, 10:29:52 PM »
Originally Posted by C*************
"Is that being made by the guy at t-rex? We had a similar convo earlier today "

Yes, Calvin.
I had just emailed him to ask his permission to release his name, but it seems you are talking to him as well.
I chatted to him about making a full delete pipe. He agreed, I sent some rudimentary measurements and away we went. He said he had it done I believe and would ship it this week. I'll install it next week and figure out what to take off and where, and get all that figured out.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #118 on: November 16, 2014, 10:32:26 PM »
OK, after evaluating the need for a main beam stop to limit travel, I decided against it. The tire will come to rest against the body so that is a pretty natural stop in itself. My Hummer was the same way, and it worked fine.

So after running around and buying the paint and spray gun I got started grinding which I did for over an hour. THen came the wire cup brush for some more detail cleaning.
After all that, I cleanec out the inside of the bumper and sprayed it with U-Pol acid etching primer.

I only have siphon hi pressure spray guns so I upgraded to a HVLP gravity gun compliments of Lowes
I will be spraying a variety of products depending on the particuliar area on this bumper, but the main coating will be the John Deere obtained Ditzler satin black using hardener.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #119 on: November 16, 2014, 10:35:26 PM »
You know I said Ditzler, but it's Valspar, my bad!

Next I filled in around the welds with body filler working it into all the imperfections. I thought about painting over the welds, exposing them, but I finally decided to smooth everything up somewhat to make a better looking finished product.

Originally Posted by Dustoff 35
"Good call on covering up those welds !!! "

Man you should give me a little credit for the three decent welds on there!

Hey, you should see Big Red now. I spent hours with a steam cleaner spraying hot soapy water on it. I went through a lot of the soap that the boys at Case generously allowed me to use. It is still butt ugly, but one heck of a lot cleaner. And minus square yards of grease streaks and smears!

Now, back to sanding!
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #120 on: November 16, 2014, 10:38:02 PM »
Just a little got completed today.
I spent hours steam cleaning Big Red so no sanding my fingerprints off!

But what I did get done, focusing on the tire carrier made a significant difference:

Those joints will need one more thin coat of plastic filler to make all things right with the world, but you can see they did get most of the way there with the initial fill.
I'll plug away at it in the morrow and see if I can make some more of this look like it is one piece.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #121 on: November 16, 2014, 10:44:06 PM »
All the sanding and smoothing of the plastic is a slow, labor intensive process. I am not going for perfection just a smoothing of the contours and weld joints. Never the less. I am approaching 8 hours of grinding, painting, working body filler and staring. Probably more of the latter!

So I got the final coat of body filler on the tire carrier and got the can carrier in primer after much sanding and a total loss of useable fingerprints!
Here's where tire carrier is at the moment:

After beaucoup sanding with all sorts of devices, this is what the car holder looked like prior to primer:

Then after the acid etch primer:

And a couple more, however I really just wanted to get the primer on there to prevent any rust. I still have to fab up a can rack which will be simple and require just a little welding. I'll clean off that area with the wire brush, then repaint after I am finished.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #122 on: November 16, 2014, 10:49:18 PM »
It will hopefully look like it's attached to the truck before next year!

Made some progress today on the locking/retention device for the fuel and water can rack.

I want the cans to be postively retained with no rattling around like was the case on my old main battle tank back in the day. So I decided to incorporate dense foam padding into the design from the beginning. Starting with an ancient coleman ground mat which the dogs partially chewed up, I cut a strip. This piece is only for fitting the soon to come bracket.

I decided to use 4" wide 1/8" mild steel to hold everything in place. The idea is to make a flexible belt as it were from the plate. I did that by shaping the steel and welding sturdy hinges to it.

This first piece will eventually weld to the side of the can holder and be hinged so it can easily fold out of the way.

Here the side piece is going together

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #123 on: November 16, 2014, 10:51:53 PM »
In this series the top piece is cut, fitted, and welded to the side piece hinge

Some more angles of the top section construction

Hmmm, got a fuzzy one...rare find, I wonder if it's worth anything???

OK moving to the side, I first had to fab up a striker plate and latch holder. Here it gets done:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #124 on: November 16, 2014, 10:56:13 PM »
Next comes the side plate which I bent to tend to squeeze the cans together as you pulled it down to the latch.

Here's the flexi-strap thingy before I permanized it

Then I welded the upper catch and drilled 4 holes for the handy-dandy over-center latch and attached it to the rack

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #125 on: November 16, 2014, 10:57:22 PM »
Utilizing a simple shock tab, I welded it inbetween the catch and the latch so that when the lock is closed in place, you can't lift the handle far enough to open the thing. A determined thief could get through it, but a casual passer-by hoping to score a gas can will not be able to easily snag anything.

Just to be sure, I plan to extend the catch "hook" area about half an inch with some additional hardware and welding. Minus painting and gluing on of the foam pads, this project is in the bag. Now on to more finishing and finding a place for the hi-lift jack.
Travis, sorry for adding so much to your bumper, but I sort of warned you it was headed in this direction! 

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #126 on: November 16, 2014, 11:02:01 PM »
This was day 15 of the bumper build project.
I'm in a laborous stage of the bumper finishing. The work is tedious and has to be done over and over again until the desired result is achieved. Conversly, if I rush through this part, I will end up with a questionable end product which is not at all in keeping with the execllent product Road Armor supplied.
So with the few hours I had today, I just pushed the ball down field a few more yards.
Initially, after looking at the anchor side of the can retainer, I didn't like the angle. It was straight, whereas, it should have tapered in toward the cans a bit. So I corrected that.

There was some minor cutting and welding involved, so I pulled some body filler over the piece after I ground the welds flush

Next up, I worked all the body filler covered welds on the tire carrier. After I had them smooth I sprayed it once again with the acid etching primer.

Most of it now is satisfactory for finishing, however on close inspection some bad spots showed up again. Sometimes you just can't see what it looks like until you get it primed up. These areas will get another coat of plastic and more sanding:

I guess I missed sanding that spot all together, but I know about it now!

I ground down some more welds and coated them as well. I am starting to run out of areas to work on the bumper which is a good thing!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #127 on: November 16, 2014, 11:03:02 PM »
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #128 on: November 16, 2014, 11:06:49 PM »
Coming up on paint!
I put a marathon day in on the finishing of all the welds, this's and that's that still needed to get done. Well I got them done, so in the morrow we'll be seein paint!
I finished the body filler, as much as I am going to do, recognizing this is a bumper and not a show car.
Here's some of the progress photos today:

It's all starting to look rather integrated and more and more of the thing was coated with the acid etching primer

After spraying the bump stop with the primer, I wasn't liking that weld so much so I let it dry and hit it with a disc sander and a 100 grit pad. It did a remarkable job on it making it smooth and rounded. It didn't need any filler!
I moved on to some other parts:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #129 on: November 17, 2014, 08:43:07 PM »
In that last photo you may notice I extended the latch catch for the fuel can retainer about an inch. It is much more positive now.
Here's some more progress:

The yellow paint is zinc phosphate a self sactificing zinc based material used in aircraft construction. I sprayed it on the suspected high corrosion areas

Yep, there are a few runs, but just think of those as extra thick protection
I also refinished that wheel mount. It looks much better now

I actually worked on the bumper 15 minutes and cleaned up and put things away for 7 hours. Well, it seemed that way!
I am obviously still not done cleaning, but that will happen prior to spraying paint tomorrow.
That cardboard welding table worked out pretty well!
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #130 on: November 17, 2014, 08:48:28 PM »
Originally Posted by j***********
"i forgot if i saw it or not but will the tailgate still be attached or not? and if it will be, will it be able to open and lay down with that fancy metal work on the back end? (mainly the part attached to the rear bumper on the passenger side) "

Reading this post gave one of those "HOLY CRAP" moments. You know like you build a room addition and just before you get ready to move in, realize you forgot to add outlets...Not saying I ever did something like that, but, well...

So I reinspected the whole thing and yes, I am good to go. The main beam pedestal is indeed outside of the area of the tail gate swing!
But in looking at it, I suddenly decided I don't like those triangular steel stops. So tomorrow I am going to intro them to Mr. saw and let them discuss things for awhile!

So today I pressed forward on the painting. It literally took a couple hours of cleaning and vacuuming to get that part of the garage dust free enough to attempt spraying some finish.
One big surprise was I have another table! Yes, directly beneath the cardboard welding table I discovered a wooden painting table! Can you imagine my surprise! What luck!
So with the proper moment of silence for the removal of the cardboard which had taken many burns, although never burst into flame. I moved on...
The wooden painting table is not as complete, it seems to have come as a bunch of wooden slats nailed haphazardly to some poor quality wood with some bent and crooked nails. But the thing seems to be holding out so I let the painting begin.
I got everything primed and in some cases following with some more sanding grinding and contouring. The end result looks good enough to put in the spouse's fine china cabinet!
What do you think?

Actually if the truth be known, I sprayed the bottom of the tire carrier assembly beam first, then finished priming the bumper. so that's how I'll show it here:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #131 on: November 17, 2014, 08:53:07 PM »
You can already see the top part mostly sprayed, here's what I used:

This material is a high quality poly plastic coating that sprays on in the same manner as rubberized undercoating, however dries to a bed liner consistiency and hardness. One can did all this:

Basically we're looking at the bottom and outside edges, an area I'd equate to maybe 65%-75% of the total area. The concept was to spray this in the morning (check) then allow it to dry for 24 hours, then in the morrow, flip that sucker like some sumo wrestler going for half gallon of ice cream in a syclone! Then proceed with spraying the rest of it and giving a double coating to the areas where stuff might rub.
I'll also spray the inside of the bumper with the bed liner because it will take some abuse with flying pebbles from the dusty areas of the mall, and of course, should I attempt to cross one of those dreaded mulch beds, no telling what kind of damage that bumper will have to contend with! Better be safe than sorry, we all know the type and amount of damage dust and mulch can reap upon our fragile trucks!
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #132 on: November 17, 2014, 08:57:32 PM »
I picked up the spare today. Same Pro comp wheel as before and almost the same Toyo MT as before, but this tire was specially created with reformulated rubber. THis particuliar rubber actually has finely ground mulch dust added to the mixture. The idea is that the mulch imbedded in the tire will be able to stick to the mulch in those nasty flower beds around the mall, and I might get enough traction where I no longer get stuck in them! Also, since I have gotten a greener attitude and even recently sold all my "Nuke the Whales" T-shirts, I decided these tires ought to decay all by themselves. I figure when the tires wear out, in true Kintucky style, I'll fill them with dirt, stick a plant in them at the end of the driveway and they will decompose into a nice rounded plant bed in three to four hundred years! Good thinking eh?

I almost got it done today, but I'll have to spray the actual bumper exterior tomorrow.
Today I finished with the bed liner coating and got everything done right up to paint.
Here's how it progressed:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #133 on: November 17, 2014, 09:00:11 PM »
The yellow zinc phosphate provided a good contrast to show areas I missed. Here things are getting done:

As planned, I coated the inside of the bumper, the side which I think would be subject to the most abuse

And the spare tire hub:

It came out about how I envisioned it would

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #134 on: November 17, 2014, 09:04:02 PM »
One final chore was drilling the holes for the lisence plate mount, which I will temporarily install, pending a possible future rear winch install
With the holes drilled, the bumper is just about ready for the final coat of paint.

moving along on the bumper build thread with 400 extra pages attached!
I just sprayed coat #3 of the John Deere blitz black paint and gun lube. I used dealer recommended products and a new Lowes sourced HVLP spray gun which did a flat great job of laying down that paint!

The calculations there are my conversions from ratios to inches. I created this highly specialized screwdriver paint mixing system and porportion determining thing, well, that's all technical. I used this thing to add the paint, thinner and hardener in together:
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #135 on: November 17, 2014, 09:07:28 PM »
Here's the first wet coat going on

And after 15 minutes drying time:

I applied a second and a third coat of paint with 15-20 minutes set up time between each coat. Here's various shots of that process:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #136 on: November 17, 2014, 09:08:30 PM »
And after the last coat, the contrast between the bedliner coated upper and the painted lower portions of this expedition bumper. THe paint is still wet in these shots, hence shiney, which it has already ceased to be.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #137 on: November 17, 2014, 09:09:00 PM »
Well, I think that gets me to the installation of this 3-week long modification of the very excellent new for our trucks rear bumper where it became a very capable expedition bumper capable of supporting all sorts of cool stuff. Now if it only fits and doesn't fall apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #138 on: November 17, 2014, 09:13:09 PM »
I had planned to install the bumper tomorrow. So this afternoon, I removed the stocker to get ready for the swap.
It would be a fairly easy proposition to remove the stocker, that is if you don't have sulastic shackles. If you do, then you have a nightmare and migrane to contend with. Guess which path I had to go down.
You see the three bolts which hold the factory bracket are completely covered with that big knob of steel and rubber. So either you get scotty to dissemble it with a transporter or you get to take off the shackle, at least part of the way. Then you get to jack the truck up to loosen this one, then lower it all the way to get the other one, then wiggle it somewhere in between to get the third.
So here's the process

The plastic unsnaps and is pryed off. The lisence plate light unplugs as do the Back up sensors

This is where the Abb workout started. You can see how the sulastic shackle covers over the bolt head. There isn't even enough room for a wrench!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #139 on: November 17, 2014, 09:17:03 PM »
That was my finger in the last pic before I smashed it, but that's another story...
You have to look, but in the last two shots I am bending the steel in the bumper substantially with just my hand!
The main truss is pretty thin, in fact the wax coating is thicker than the steel. I'd say you don't have much protection back there!

This plastic spacer was mounted on the rop at each corner, so I pryed it away to get more working room
The bolts holding the bumper to the frame and to the hitch were pretty big, having a 21mm bolt head.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #140 on: November 17, 2014, 09:21:06 PM »
The electrical connectors were all in one location and just pop apart

Finally the bumper yielded and came off. Here's what it looks like at the moment:

Here's the parts outside where the dog can chew on them some prior to installation to give them that trail scratched look

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #141 on: November 17, 2014, 09:26:09 PM »
Here's where it got interesting.
Ever heard that famous phrase, Houston, we have a problem?
Well, I have a fitment issue it would appear:

It's a lot more complicated than just these holes not lining up.
First I will need to cut some slots into the body flange there. OK, no big deal, but if I do then that bracket will get pretty close to the bottom of the tailgate.
That wouldn't be an issue except the bracket does not fit near the top of the bumper, but perhaps 1"-1.5" below the top edge. So if I mounted it all up that way, then the tailgate would not open without striking the bumper on the downward arc somewhere.
So I'm thinking if that happens then obviously the bumper is in the wrong place, so will it even bolt up to the trailer hitch?
Well, tomorrow will tell the tale. Right now I'm kind of emotionally beat. If this thing can't be made to fit, well...

Originally Posted by S*********
"You will find a way!! Im sure if all else fails you will fabricate your own mounts."

You just gave me an idea!
If I cut the factory brackets off the bumper I just took off, and then cut that end off of the Road Armor bumper, I should be able to weld the two pieces together and get it done!
Yea, that's the ticket!

Originally Posted by k***********
"My first post in this thread after completing all 418 pages. Absolutely awesome. Great read and great information. I can definitely thank Don for all this has become and also being a TRUE PATRIOT. But to address the bumper fitment, I have some experience with you're issue being a bodyman by trade. I would have assumed that Road Armor would have known this but when they has it mounted on a half ton it wouldn't fit a 3/4 ton. Taller frame which puts the bolt holes in a higher position. Basically if you ordered a brand new stock bumper, everything would swap between trucks besides the actual brackets"

I basically have the two options I already mentioned. Cut a slot in the body flange and fit the RA bracket, but like you said, that places everything too high. So option 2 would be to reuse the stock horns, bolted in place, then cut into the RA brackets and figure how to splice the two together. Should be a half day project, worst case, and barring anymore discoveries.
Anyone know if the 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton hitches have the same approximate dimensions? I'm thinking I just might get lucky with that one since I believe both trucks use the same rear bumper.
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #142 on: November 17, 2014, 09:32:50 PM »
Originally Posted by nmeyer414
"Off hand don, have you called your guy @ RA to see what he says? "

Sure did, emailed actually. Travis was all over it. He offered a different bracket which also fits the 2008 1500 silvy. He explained there were many variations to the chevy truck frame which he has to cope with.

The good news is, I solved the problem as we will see over the next few posts.
I started with prepping everything with tape to prevent accidental scratching.

The next step in the process was to mount the bumper to the trailer hitch using two large bolts, then begin the process of reverse engineering the brackets

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #143 on: November 17, 2014, 09:38:14 PM »
OK, so far, so good. I had a decent dimentional fit. while holding my breath, after prayer, and a wispered, "Come on, FIT!" I slowly opened the tailgate. Did I measure correctly? A tad off and the tailgate would have to go bye-bye!

What do you think?

That worked out nice! There is an even 1/4" gap between the boss which the main beam rests on and the tailgate...Good to go!

Without adjusting anything yet, see how well this bumper sucks into the body work?

Knowing I'd have to use the factory brackets, I first removed the structural piece from the bumper, then cut off the brackets.
Notice how much protection you don't have. THe bumper skin is super thin. I could bend it with my hand. The assembly only weighed a couple pounds without the one thicker beam which is the skinny little piece. I tell you there is nothing there...Just like the front bumper!

The Road Armor brackets would have to be cut to fit. So after squeezing them in there I marked and cut them.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #144 on: November 17, 2014, 09:41:00 PM »
After some fine tuning, I ground the mating surfaces down on all 4 pieces, then drilled a dozen holes randomly in all parts. THe idea would be to bolt the halves up to the frame and bumper, then weld through a hole, forming a rose weld, then remove the part and finish weld it.

Here the brackets are tacked together, then removed and welded, then brushed and painted, then reinstalled right before your very eyes!

Next, I transferred the back up sensors and wiring harness to the Road Armor bumper. The sensors are indexed with a fitting that fits one way only into grooves cut into the RA bumper surface
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #145 on: November 17, 2014, 09:44:46 PM »
Without further adieu, I placed the bumper onto the hitch for the last time. THe studs in the bumper fell right into the bracket holes!

The brackets fit well and offered all the adjustment I needed.
Using two .75" thick blocks of wood, I jacked the bumper up against the bottom of the tailgate and tightened the bolts. I had removed the tape earlier so that I could get some good measurements and eyeball alignment. It fell right in with no fuss at all!

Here it is in it's current state. All bolts are tightened and adjustments made. The fit is exceptional, I think. My hat's off to Travis at Road Armor bor creating a magnificent piece!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #146 on: November 17, 2014, 09:50:40 PM »
Originally Posted by G***********
"Looking really good. You should paint the two back up sensors that are silver to blend in with the other two and the bumper. Looking forward to seeing that rack on there too ! "

I don't think I am going to paint them at all. Not sure what effect a layer of paint might have on the sensor. I have experience in that area with regard to aircraft radar, FLIR, and other sensors. You can't paint them!

As for waiting for the rack, wait no more. I got it on today, although it fought me for hours. What I thought was going to be a 2 hour deal lasted from 1000 until 1700!

Here's how it shaped up:

I gave the hardware a coat or two of SHark Hide to allow drying time prior to installation .

Next I installed the trailer harness and reattached the aft wiring harness

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #147 on: November 17, 2014, 09:52:13 PM »
More of that sequence

Then the hardware went on along with the latches and that's when I noticed the thing was leaning aft!
So after loosening up the bumper bolts again and realigning the bumper, I tightened down the bolts and called it a day.
There wasn't enough time remaining to mount up the tire, so this will stretch out another day!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #148 on: November 17, 2014, 09:59:32 PM »
OK, was away for a few hours, but just got back.
I took some photos of the tire rack without the spare like it is at the moment.
The photos are a bit dark but you get the idea:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #149 on: November 17, 2014, 09:59:48 PM »
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