GENERAL TOPICS > Faith Discussion

out of the pot and into the fire....

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Hey ya'll im a n00b here. My life is going to be absolutely insane the next few months. Please keep me in prayer for strength, guidance, wisdom, discernment, patience, kindness and the peace that passes all understanding.

im moving my family from the cooshy suburban life where i walk to work and have every amenity imaginable to man to the country on a farm that's quite a distance from all that in the name of self sustainability and frankly - something new. I know normalcy bias is alive and well, and there is time needed to adjust to a new lifestyle.

during this time, i got multiple massive software launches and a trip (planned a long time ago) to a locale owned by an evil corporation which i despise, but it will bless my daughter's heart.

I'm excited as hell and adapt/adjust fast, but my girls lean on me and need that pillar in their lives that is firm, consistent, decisive and gracious.

I'll need a double portion of that for a while.

Please keep me and this move in prayer. And also throw in a PS that the Lord somehow place an atv or a side by side on my property as i will need it  :D

will send prayers

I'll stand with you

Father, buttress this man and feed his need and show up in his life in real and meaningful ways

In the name of Jesus, Amen

Oh and your thread probably should have read:

"Out of the pot and into the free!"


Amen. And as much trial and tribulation as it may seem like, I feel like you're making the right choices for your family. God Bless


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