PERSONAL READINESS > Self Defense and Tactics

Situational Awareness

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All above very good.
I find myself between yellow and orange most of the time.

While touring in Miami prior to coming home, we were out for a walk...yeah I know...unarmed and unhappy about it, but it was late afternoon and still light. I was orange up to the point we hit the top of an overpass and rapidly went red and evac was happening.
Mama was confused until I told her take a look around.
Was like we were passing into the small town slums of Mexico, or pick your venue.

That little voice is very important to listen to.

Always on a swivel in new areas but need to maintain that where I'm comfortable, maybe even more so nowadays. I'm a parking lot Nazi; always back in for easy egress, always take forever finding "the" spot where there's better light, or less skeezy cars, people, etc. Always look to see who's sitting in their cars around me, what they look like etc. Wife and I were at a jewelry store in a strip mall where her friend worked looking at some really overpriced, ugly stuff, (mostly just trying to make her friend feel good). The lot was empty and this old beat up 80's buick w/ 5 dudes in it chose to park directly in front of the store next to our car. I walked out to "put something in the back" to evaluate the deal and they were just "hangin' out, smokin' and waiting on a buddy". I went back inside, told her friend and manager they need to keep an eye on those guys and should call the cops just in case. we left but I felt it needed to be done so I called them and turned out 2 had warrants, both armed robbery. maybe nothing, maybe casing it, or maybe just waiting for us to leave, but I heard the voice and listened and now my wife listens too when I say it's time to go.

Thanks for all the perspectives.  we know that even the most trained guys get in bad situations because they let their guards down..

Shawn, I listen to my gut, but it usually leads me to the buffet....

God put these little hairs on the back of our necks for a reason.....

I'd rather be accused of being a racist and be alive than politically correct and be dead.

"I'd rather be accused of being a racist and be alive than politically correct and be dead."

Exactly! :grin:

TRN, they can call me whatever they want. Guarantee I've been called worse by better......... :tongue:


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