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Author Topic: Are you a man or just a male?  (Read 1797 times)

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Are you a man or just a male?
« on: January 23, 2022, 03:22:08 PM »
Inspired by something Shawn sent me:

CIEMR: Are you a man or just a male?

Begging the ladies pardon and speaking to the males here, I think that question lies right at the core of what is wrong with America and latter day American culture. Speaking to you older folks out there, can you see your parents agreeing with any of this WOKE nonsense or going along with someone telling a bold face lie in a manner which is supposed to represent you? Not on your life would any men I knew who were older than me have anything to do with this foolishness.

So let’s review some of those lies that have been spoken over all of us. I remember President Obama saying that we were a Muslim nation, and I remember him telling us how Islam played an important part of our cultural development in the days of Thomas Jefferson. Errr, check that. The only things Muslims did for us then were to raid our commercial shipping and serve as targets for our new US Marine Corps Marksmen. Oh and just a week ago, this sitting president made another statement I find reprehensible. He said that one George Floyd had a greater impact on American culture than Martin Luther King has had. Preposterous! What a buffoon! Sadly he and his cronies probably believe that to be true! So do any of you subscribe to nonsense like that? If you’re still reading this, I’m guessing not. Good! But that means the executive branch of our guberment does not align with our thinking. Yea, I know, big surprise there.

Back to my point, are you a man or just an adult male? You should know straight up. Further, that woman sitting near you can also tell you whether or not you are a man, unless of course, she is listening to Black Lives matter podcasts and is sporting some unusual never-before-seen hair color. I know who I am, I am a man of God. It’s quite simple really. I do what a man does, and on a fair number of occasions fail miserably in the execution of doing so, but let’s continue. I am grounded in my faith. I am strong in my beliefs. Know me and you will either have no better friend, nor no worse enemy. I will stand up for what is right in the face of overwhelming opposition, heck, I’m doing it right here. I am patriotic and no flag burning weasel will ever get grace from me as I have a few life defining moments involving that flag to my credit.

I am a man. I aspire to be a real man. I am not there. The greatest Real man I have ever known is Jesus, our Christ. He took it and took it and never gave it back. You know he could have simply wished it and the thought alone could have burned mankind off the face of the planet? Now that is strength, but what I see that is greater than that is the fact that he withheld. So that must be a part of being a man. You have the power, but you control it, so from this example we could say that self-control is an indicator of being a man. And in full disclosure, someone else needs to talk about that one, since I would be a frequent failure in that area.

A man loves and he cares for his own. He nurtures and sacrifices for his wife and his children, his friends, extended family, and even his neighbors. Sometimes he sacrifices for someone who he does not know. Right this very second some sailor is manning the watch on a US warship off the coast of Taiwan staring down the Chinese navy. Although he does it because it is his duty, he, unfortunately is also doing it for that hate filled purple hair BLM pod-cast listener as well.

A man can usually point to the place where he became an actual man. Could have been when first striking out on his own or the day he completed Marine Corps basic which is anything but. It could have been the moment he took a knee before the most beautiful woman in the world, or perhaps it was the day he watched a parent or friend pass on into eternity. It is oftentimes personal with experiences as sorted as life itself. But similar to surrendering to the overwhelming love of God in the act of salvation, becoming a man is a point in time when you are no longer a boy or just a full grown drone, errr, male and you become a man.

The women out there will be in the greatest agreement with me. They are sick and tired of boys playing on their X-box and talking like a bunch of hens. They want us to be men, need us to be. And so does our nation. If there were actual men and not a bunch of grown boys filling the streets, well for one thing, we wouldn’t see much crime any more. We wouldn’t have open borders. We would dam well know who we are as a nation and so would everyone else. Places like Iran would be one huge training camp for the US Army.

Men have courage and can take a reasonable beating and still land on their feet. They are powerful and God intended them to be. I believe the devil wants men to find their feminine side. I believe he wants men to have desire for other men and for us to cower away from big challenges. What is that popular phrase? Evil exists because good men did nothing to stop it. Think that isn’t true?

So here’s the thing. Men respect the law, follow rules and try not to be much trouble to anyone. We are content to just love our families and nation and live peaceful, reasonable lives. But what happens when the walls start to push in on us? Our willingness to comply with the law is one thing, but in a rational and civil society, the other side ought to respect our lives the way we are asked to accommodate theirs. But what is happening is that over long stretches of time the devil has been pushing in. In some places, well, many places now, he says you do not have the right to personal safety but need to sacrifice so that criminal elements of our society can more freely express themselves.

That is bull crap and it can no longer be tolerated. These laws and rules and social pressures have done just about nothing to quell the spirit of a real man. He is pressed too far and will soon explode, this author believes. Force is about to be met with asymmetric force because make no mistake ten of these shims (She/him neutral gender thing) is out matched by even one of us. Like I said before we are strong.

A man is a man, and in the absence of a field of men holding the line, the few real men remaining are going to make a profound difference all across America if the direction of change is not halted or changed.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2022, 03:23:18 PM by Flyin6 »
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