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Author Topic: Sadly, I would agree  (Read 509 times)

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Sadly, I would agree
« on: December 29, 2020, 09:54:54 AM »
Although I do agree with this anointed pastor, I know that Jesus returns to destroy all this evil. I think we Christians have been swept into the lions den without much of a fight. I take solace in knowing that physical life is short and an eternity of serving my God in glory awaits this short visit I currently enjoy. But we will much more quickly now be ripped away from our common sense, God-fearing moorings, at least most of us will. Some will not and consequently will not have an easy road to travel. It seems as though spending our energies is fruitless because no matter how hard some of us struggle against this glacier of evil, the vast majority of so called Christians just let it happen, making the way easier for those who would corrupt all things holy. Well, so be it, life will go on and America will receive in kind, based upon what it is working so hard to become

Sorry – the future is not bright

Mychal Massie   By Mychal Massie
Published December 28, 2020 at 7:12pm

This will be my final syndicated column for the year 2020. My observation, based upon what has been this year, gives me grave concern for mankind as we approach the New Year.

As both a born-again Christian and an ordained minister, I see nothing that bodes well for the future, despite what people may desire to believe. My perspective is based upon the Word of God, specifically Psalms 33:12, which states, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" (KJV).

America's God is no longer the Lord; America's god has descended to everything God Almighty condemns. Sexual sin on every quantifiable level is not only celebrated, but it is practiced openly without shame. Liars, thieves and the debauched are elevated to positions of admiration. They are heralded as models of citizenry. The so-called Christian church has been infested and infected with reprobates who practice the very behavior God abhors.

A nation whose governors boast that 100% of all baby-killing facilities are operating without interruption and where city governments vote unanimously to keep homosexual bathhouses open because they are deemed essential to the economy, and at the same time houses of worship are ordered closed, cannot be blessed by God.

A nation whose governors and mayors order the arrest of people for going to church, but keep liquor stores, cannabis stores and adult bookstores open cannot be blessed by God.

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It matters not whether one believes the Bible is the infallible Word of God or not. God's Word doesn't require validation of authenticity by man. The Word of God is the Word of God, irrespective of whether or not men believe it.

A nation that celebrates bad as good and condemns good as bad cannot and will not be blessed by God. "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20 KJV)

My pastor, another gentleman and myself were having this very conversation following our Christmas Eve candlelight church service. We spoke about the Apostle Paul's words in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

It is the fool who dismisses the truth of the Word of God. It is the fool who believes the Word of God is out of touch with reality and modernity.

We discussed the immeasurable ignorance of those who glibly and pompously attempt to insult and belittle those of us who believe the Word of God without hesitation.

I wish I could point to a hopeful outcome for America, but from a biblical perspective I see none. I would be a liar if I tried to convince you of anything else.

In this, my final piece for the year, I would be remiss if I did not point out that prophecy can be delayed, but it cannot be denied nor prevented.

We the people of America, and specifically those people who call themselves Christians, stand at the crossroads of eternity. Not the eternity of America, but the eternity of our souls. We cannot save America, but we can share the good news of the Gospel in the time remaining. (That is not to be confused with a social gospel.)

The horizon of America when viewed based upon the current civil, political, social and ecclesiastical elements of today point toward the end being nearer rather than further off.

This is my 23rd consecutive end-of-year column, and I daresay that I have never viewed that horizon with more conviction
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