VEHICLES, CAMPERS, and BOATS > Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things

If it flys or drives, we can put a camera on it.


Hi Guys, I sorta started all this over in Tech so we will see how this goes.

We would use drones or radio control aircraft for carrying something here to there. Be it a camera or small payload (F A A and H L S) look down on this so be careful. It was really a big deal 10 years ago and right now they are passing laws to regulate this. You can read about it on the AMA site which is a safey-governing organization in the USA.

Just to add to this don't get stuck with thinking all recon must be done in the air. If that wind is howling and its pitch black what are you going to see?

Now that cameras with IR are about everywhere, why not put one on an solid little 4x4 truck. There are RC cars and trucks that will rival anything real now, plus they are quiet and can sit and watch for a long time when an aircraft can't.



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