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Food shortages coming
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:50:30 PM »
CIEMR: Fertilizer shortage

Not to be alarmist here, just sharing some information.

From some sources: Fertilizer is critically short. How short? Well normal sized farms may not have it available in some areas. You see, the cost has increased 2X to 3X since last year and that is the first part of the problem. The second, much larger part of the problem, is that there is only roughly half as much fertilizer available worldwide as there was last year...Half!

So, because there is less, and because the price has tripled, normal sized farms which run close to the margin, cannot buy it and make any money. So, they will likely not be producers like they normally would have been. Only the mega large farm corporations will be able to pay operating costs and still be in the black. They will push up the cost of their product to cover expenses.

Result: Less food available. Less food and at a greater cost. Expect it to show up in ways like this: The supermarket will still have cereal, but likely only one or a few choices, not rows of different brands. Any excess corn and wheat will be diverted into protein production or animal feed. That means ethanol production will decrease sharply. In many places, ethanol augments gasoline, and since it is cheaper than gas to produce, it can reduce the cost. That will not happen because the grains will be needed to make human and animal food. Consequently, gas prices will rise starting in October through the winter of 23.

We have a perfect storm coming and it doesn't seem as though people are even aware of it. The cost of meet will go up a bunch more because of the high cost of a dwindling supply of animal feed.

The poorer countries rely on food donations from the rich countries. This year that is going to start to dry up. Europe is already seeing an epic population migration from Africa. Expect it to get much, much worse. Social conditions in the western countries of Europe will devolve as nonwestern cultures start to crowd out traditional European cultures. A lack of food will ignite regional wars in the poorer regions.

Expect them to be in and all-around DRC and its 11 satellite countries. DRC has the most water in all of Europe and Asia. It also has the most aeratable land. It can easily feed all of Africa and all of Europe. DRC, however, is totally corrupt and so bad that any system of large-scale food production would be nearly impossible. But it will have some food and not many of its neighbors will, hence more wars are coming there.

Fuel prices in America will continue to rise. According to the CEO of a major petroleum supplier, the industry can no longer meet demand so prices will climb steadily to around $6 a gallon for gasoline and as high as $8 a gallon for diesel by summer’s end. The nation's produce travels to market on trucks for the most part so food costs will get another 15%-25% boost simply due to soaring energy costs.

One may conclude that most of this seems by design, but who is to say? The United Nations has for decades now, planned on depopulating the world, even published theories about how that may happen. It seems that starting with this coming harvest season, they may be getting their wish.

So, what can you do? Well, not too much as most of our population is urban based and clueless as to how to actually produce food, but that will soon change driven by raw necessity. Grow your own produce and can it. It's a fairly simple process and not costly.

Next, stockpile starting now. Buy UV resistant sealable bags and fill them with the basics. Flour, corn meal, sugar and the like. Toss in a de-oxygenator bag and seal them. Buy the kind of bags you must iron to seal. Fill up a trash can sized container with these bags. They will last a couple decades in there if the rodents can be kept at bay. If all this never happens, make cookies and pies for the next decade out of it and have a good laugh. But if things happen like they should, you have something. If you're rural, buy and house chickens. If your HOA says no, tell them to do something about it and do it anyway. We have a place for 2-6 cows, so we are doing that, and stocked a pond with fish.

There is no way that this rather extreme lack of fertilizer is going to just pass us by. No, it is going to hit hard. There will be a social and crime and just plain shock aspect to all this. If you have and you are in the vicinity of a bunch of have nots, either buy enough for all of them or learn to defend what is yours. People are already punching holes in gas tanks to get at the fuel. And we are still somewhat culturally normal. What do you think will happen when gas is at $6 a gallon and there isn't all that much food about? Just think about it.

So, crime is going to go up very quickly. The government is already hamstrung and starting just this fall we should have 1-2 million new illegal inhabitants. People coming from socialist countries are liable to be our best friends. They will likely fight to keep America from turning into the third world crap hole they just waded across the Rio-Grande to escape. But the others have come from countries where crime is a way of life. They are quietly filling up apartments in every American neighborhood there is. What they do and how they react when they realize they may not be getting free meals and a new I-phone and Cadillac is yet to be seen. But to say they will immediately become productive members of society and not become a big problem is a stretch.

America has changed. The idealistic socially progressive administration believes we are better off at $10 a gallon gas with everyone owning windmill powered cars and using their healthcare system for a sex change operation. They are no help to everyday Americans. It will take a new president to reauthorize drilling new wells to alleviate the energy crunch, but how long will all that take? 5-7 years probably. And what will have happened during that time? Will we even remember 8-10 years from now after having lived through all this self-made bull crap what the America of the 20-teens was like?

I say no way. By then things might even have gotten to the point where a state or two secedes from the union or we have a couple of regional civil wars. Certainly, we will be far more used to seeing murder and theft and living without abundance. I think we as a people will be less outgoing and more protective and secretive just to protect our own families. Sadly, America may have already sailed for a new port in some history book, never to be seen again. There is little you can do to make a difference in the macro space, but you can as I've mentioned you can make a difference for that smiling grill to your left and right. So, smart folks out there in TV land, get at it!
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