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Offline Flyin6

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CIEMR Fight Time!
« on: August 31, 2020, 10:41:11 AM »
Fight Time!


By Don Harward

We have absolutely arrived at a turning point for our republic. Almost everything the left promises is a lie. They will not unite this nation, they will change it into a communist country where we lovers of freedom will be silenced, controlled, and jailed. Think I’m going too far? Well, a bunch of kids can beat innocent Americans nearly to death and burn legitimate businesses while some politicians argue that they are simply exercising their freedom of expression. I’d say that is more than a wee bit o’er the line wouldn’t you agree? BTW if you think I’m wrong, please just stop reading, go away, and find some domesticated animal to argue with that the world actually is flat!

I’ve heard just about enough of these crazy ideas from the left. Paying reparations to 30th generation blacks because that distant relative may have been a slave? Entertaining the notion of white privilege? Or things like toxic masculinity, or crimes perpetuated against people who do not practice heterosexuality are hate crimes while the same crime perpetuated against an elderly couple is not? The left (Call them deranged, communists, soldiers of satan or whatever) want to control what you think through a propaganda machine called CNN/MSNBC/CBS and some others. All of that is preparing the sheep to take away their right to disagree by rewriting or removing the first amendment. Well, the left does not actually want to remove the first amendment for themselves, but only for those who disagree with them.

They then want to take away your second amendment right to keep and bear arms. Well, of course they do. Those Arms in our hands and the threat that we just may use them is about all there is remaining to prevent a leftist takeover. Think about a national police force controlled by the left being used to enforce illegal regulations over those of us on the right. The left wants to kill for all time the idea of a marriage between a man and a woman and the fruit of that marriage as being the core unit of our free society. They will do that by killing off the notion of God and Jesus. They will remove tax incentives from churches which will close the doors of many of our traditional neighborhood places of worship. Then they will go further and show you to be an agitator to the peace by making these liberal leaning people uncomfortable, offended, and afraid.

The end of our peaceful society is here, like it or not and all there is left for us to do is to fight. I say that with 100% certainty! We are now devolving into the fight for survival phase of our culture, our society, our republic, and our free country. We need to fight like hell to reelect Donald Trump as president. The left will do everything possible to corrupt the process. This election is all about one thing to them: Get rid of Trump. There is nothing beyond that. They have no real plan, and have lost any concept of the reality of what our nation should look like. They are the biggest bunch of moral cowards I have ever witnessed and they are as hollow as a helium filled balloon (Should have said “Hot air balloon”). The entire demoncratic party platform is to just get rid of Trump, and nothing more.

Because once they win they are going to do anything they want. Right away, “Weapons of war” will be registered and confiscated. They won’t try and pass any laws, a democratic party controlled executive branch will simply make some regulation and use force to get it done. They will bow to the extreme left, their power base, and work to keep those fools happy while they continue to move to denuder the right. Now the extreme left, those American University, Berkeley, and Georgetown University fools are simply twenty year old tools. In time they will be discarded once things have gotten to the point where we have given more control over and solidified the power for the UN, the seat of a one world government.

The left has no clue about American Exceptionalism. I mean how could they? None of them has ever done anything or been anywhere where great men have done the things that make us exceptional. Nossir, not going to witness it on the voice, and even though an eskimo can be married at first sight to a headhunter from Borneo, and that right there is pretty amazing, there is nothing truly exceptional about it. The NFL provides us a spectacle of human athletic prowess, but nothing earth shattering has ever happened there. Compared to the raising of the American flag on the summit of Mount Suribachi by some battle torn Marines, nothing that ever happened in any super-duper bowl will ever come close. I think that perhaps the only exceptional thing that is notable about professional sports are their astronomical paychecks, and little else.

We now have to fight. There is no getting out of it, we do not have a choice. While the smoke from a dozen burning cities pollutes our air, the fight came to us, we did not start it. We have but to fall in battle, or meet the haters of freedom and destroy them. We have to reelect Donald Trump. Under him we have four years to root out the evil and entrenched false government and send them to prison or to the gallows. Once Mr. Trump is reelected, we can now go after all those treasonous imposters who have occupied the seat of power for far too long.

We need to restore authority to our police and protect them while they do their job. We need to stand up for our rights everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Get rid of or stand up to liberals on your local school board. Make a stand to set things right once again. I did it, and I’m no body. All you have to do is to stand on solid principals, try to be a righteous person, dig your heels in and hold your ground. Yea, the fight may get tough and ugly and you won’t be making a ton of friends, but doing the right thing is always worth it. If your neighbors stop talking to you but one starts to show up when it really counts, then count yourself fortunate. You just weeded your personal flower bed and discovered a struggling gem of a begonia.

Make a declaration against censorship and teach our real, sometimes ugly, but also glorious history once again. To hell with hurt feelings, there is going to be a lot of that on the road to victory. You think the families and sailors and soldiers and marines from Pearl Harbor didn’t have some hurt feelings after the Japanese attack? Yep, they sure did, and they checked all that until they watched Japan surrender to us on the deck of one of our battleships. “Get over it” Needs to be our new battle cry heard over and over again at a hundred thousand board meetings, and court sessions, and legislative branch hearings and in our media, and on the bumpers of our cars.

We really do have a fight, and you had better wake up and take notice. We have but this time RIGHT NOW. We are still armed, still organized to some degree, we still have money, and influence and can still congregate in sufficient number. Do you really want to acquiesce to the notion of the liberal friendly man? I saw him on a cat food commercial the other day. The woman was the dominant character, well dressed and fit and pretty and articulate. Then there was the cat, a rather large critter of black and white furrage. Then there was the man, err, male. He was pudgy, rather ungroomed with big thick glasses and wearing a cardigan sweater and was shorter than the woman. I remember my football playing son’s reaction to seeing this “Man,” he cringed. We both looked at each other and he said, “He’s a drone.” Copy that. That cat-boy was there of only one reason. Not to lead and stand strong, but at the appropriate time provide one single cell to help make another human, if he was needed for that at all. Maybe he was another of the woman’s pets, I’m not sure.

But we are not that. They will try to make us conform to their concept of what a proper male should look like. Not outspoken except to echo the principals of Carl Marx or some other unworkable construct dreamt up by the people from this emerging one world government thing, or should I just cut to the core and say, “from satan’s elite.”

Don’t know about you but I hear the thunder from the distant guns and the footfall from thousands of enemy troops approaching. I’m marching out to meet them. As long as I am able, they will not pass. Wanna join us?

God Bless America. God Bless all lovers of freedom. Protect us Father from the plans of the enemy as we enter the twilight.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 08:20:23 PM by Flyin6 »
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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: Fight Time!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2020, 12:03:26 AM »
Good start


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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Re: Fight Time!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2020, 12:49:04 AM »
Yes, I fear this will happen sooner than later now. In our lifetimes.

Largest culprit here though is the media, on all counts. They no longer show both sides and hide the truth.
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

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Offline EL TATE

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Re: Fight Time!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2020, 10:19:14 AM »
Yes, I fear this will happen sooner than later now. In our lifetimes.

Largest culprit here though is the media, on all counts. They no longer show both sides and hide the truth.

remember when it was law for media outlets to equally represent both parties in representation? don't see that anymore.
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Offline cruizng

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Re: Fight Time!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2020, 11:32:59 AM »
Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.


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