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Offline Flyin6

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Financial earthquake? Tsunami? or surfing opportunity?
« on: December 22, 2020, 11:36:24 AM »
I have been non stop studying economics in the past couple months in an attempt to ferret out the safest course for some of my "legacy" investing.

I have preferred in the past to remain in 1. Land, 2. Silver/Gold, and 3. Cash

But I think I am seeing a mosaic carefully woven that is pointing to a tectonic shift in how things will be done.

So we have the setup, which is the Covid-19 false pandemic (false in my view). Next we have run-away spending by Congress on just about everything to the point where I think we are approaching 70% or so of every dollar borrowed from the Fed is used simply to pay back interest. Not actually pay back any money borrowed, but just pay the interest.

Please note that the Fed is a small group of people who ARE NOT A PART OF THE GOVERNMENT. These few in secret decide what to do to control the flow of money. Sometimes they adjust the interest rate, and sometimes they authorize "someone" to print money. We don't print millions or even billions anymore, but now we print trillions.

And we are getting into the business of giving that money away. Stimulus after stimulus. Auto industry: bailed out. Banks "too large to fail": bailed out. Aircraft industry, medicine, Insurance, Fannie and Freddie, and a multitude of others either bailed out, given loans, or shoved over to the favorable side of regulatory measures.

We live on anything but a level playing field, and actual charts and trends point toward a destructive end and not one that will bring us to the city of gold on the hill.

We, America, set amongst a robbed election, broken at the middle class level through killing Covid restrictions are falling off the cliff. So many businesses have failed and will not return as to set the stage for "The new normal" as we have heard government leaders talking about.

The big one will be the elimination of cash. I think that is coming right up. The next and probable head of the Fed is a strong advocate for a crypto currency that is "managed and issued" by the US Government called the "Fed Coin" I think is about to make its appearance.

There is a war on cash going on. Notice the number of businesses that are no longer taking cash? The list is growing. McDonalds now has kiosks which are cash free, as do a growing number of businesses.

Here's the cornerstone to the actual implementation of all of that. Our Congress and Senate has already passed legislation authorizing the setup of a federal crypto currency. It was written into legislation that was passed while the number of Covid cases were capturing the news...Ever feel like a bass going after the flashy spinner bait?

There is another connection which I do not fully understand but Bill Gates was awarded that patent with the odd patent number, 06, 06, 06. That creates a visa card sort of thing that gets imbedded in the body which is called an activity monitor, But that thing is supposed to somehow correlate activity with working or production and award us payment via some crypto currency, which we can then use to buy our big mac.

Partnering with this bold shift is an odd collection of nefarious players. In this group, I constantly come across the International monetary fund, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, the Clinton Foundation, and the Federal Reserve bank.

I know sounds like a huge conspiracy. It does because it sure looks like it is exactly that. Control of all of us seems to be within their grasp. And it would be if everyone falls in rank and file and does not buy in. I think that will be the significant and most important chapter and we patriots are yet to write that one. Just keep your pen and ink at the ready.

Now what I can see from that bill that passed, the creation of the Fed Coin calls for the destruction of physical cash. Obviously there will be some sort of adjustment period, but thereafter, if such a thing find full maturity, we would have arrived in that place written about in Revelations. And not to go biblical here, but I think it is. I think only a fool divorces the bible and current events as some coincidence.

No the lines intersect just around the corner where we are simply making it up right out in the open. And if my gut is right we will have a failing Biden presidency followed quickly on with a Harris presidency which is the death knell of America. We are in full prep mode right now unless you are: 1. A sheep, 2. Have your head buried in the sand, or 3. Don't care.

So picture a United States where the borders have been relaxed. Where you can be jailed for not wearing a mask while on the other hand child rapists are released from lockup. A place where Black Lives matter so much that they can burn your stuff as a first amendment right, and your bank account is taxed so we can pay reparations. Imagine some third or fourth generation of the Covid, this one causing a nasty rash calling for a total lockdown while the changeover to Fed Coin is taking place.

An exaggeration, yes, but I'll wager that most of that starts happening in a whole lot more places than they currently occur. That is why I suggested Bitcoin some time ago. The federals will not want us to trade in that currency because it keeps one free and annomonous. It does not provide for third party control measures or for taxation. And since it grows in a manner opposite of the dollar it is just going to explode. I used to read of it hitting $5,000. Then someone saying it could top $10,000. People started to really believe it could actually double up to $20K, but now you can't buy it for that as we are on our way to $25K. The smart folks back in July were saying they could see $100K Bit coin by the close of 2021. Later those experts were revising their estimates upward to $250K-$288K. And now some say Bit coin will hit $1,000,000 a coin. The number of bit coins "Created" decrease as is written into code, and by 2030, production will end for all time.

Bit coin will become the new Gold, but far, far more valuable, and for those smart enough to realize what is happening right now, turn the coming Tsunami into the greatest surfing event of all time.

This is, of course just the opinion of one-each, not to bright, Armee pilot, so take it with a grain of salt. But for what it's worth, I feel I need to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ because he will protect his flock in the coming firestorm.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Offline cj7ox

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Re: Financial earthquake? Tsunami? or surfing opportunity?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2020, 10:27:35 AM »
My biggest concern with bit coin is its digital nature. With the threat actors out there increasing their cyber warfare capabilities, what is to protect this currency from being hacked, and investors losing it all?
~Sean M. Davis

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