PERSONAL READINESS => Hide Site => Topic started by: TexasRedNeck on August 08, 2015, 11:06:28 PM

Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 08, 2015, 11:06:28 PM
I'm starting this thread to document my decision process and progress towards my BOL and retirement site.

Now I know we will all have differing opinions on the opsec aspects probability and execution. This is just my thoughts. I strive for a balance between probability and usability.

I first sat down and developed a plan that I call concentric circles based on likelihood and scenarios.

The circles represent scenarios in order of likelihood and I have executed in order of probability.

Bug In ( most likely, highest probability) 2-4 weeks in duration.

Hurricane preparedness
Minor civil unrest
Some contagions
Short term power outages

Short term bug out( next most likely). 4weeks to 1 year

Major contagion.
Major civil unrest

Long term bug out. (Things are never going back to normal)

Major EMP
Total economic collapse

I'll come back and break it down in subsequent posts.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 09, 2015, 11:58:07 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 09, 2015, 05:14:31 PM
Sure, another can of worms opens!!

Should be great,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 09, 2015, 06:17:15 PM
Well a little back story.  My wife thought I was crazy, collecting weapons, ammo, hiring a professional weapons trainer to do 1:1 lessons each week.  Every time I would try to explain, she would shut down.

Then one day, it happened.  She watched a news special about EMP and the vulnerability of our grid.  So I tossed her my copy of Lights Out and from then on it was a different conversation.

I tend to be very analytical and methodical in my approach so I sat down with her and we went through, for us, what we thought would be the most likely scenarios and built outward from there. Thus the concentric circles were born.  That also gave us the ability to tackle things in an organized fashion.  Why buy land in Idaho for the ultimate BOL, when you can't survive 4 weeks without electricity or water in the event of a natural disaster?

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 13, 2015, 08:07:11 AM
I am also reading this with interest. That said, I have my reservations as to how much one should invest both time and money in trying to prepare for the unknown.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 13, 2015, 08:29:59 AM
I am also reading this with interest. That said, I have my reservations as to how much one should invest both time and money in trying to prepare for the unknown.
Not so unknown Koot
You know you gotta eat, drink, lay down, stay warm, personal hygiene, square dance and so forth. So you makey sure you have those things and you're mostly good. Beyond that it's a regional thing. Considering your excellent location, for you, bugging-in makes a coffee bean pile of sense.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 13, 2015, 09:15:45 AM
That's why I enjoy reading other folks ideas/plans. It's different everywhere.... I just wonder if one can really prepare, or does one just need to change how they live? Work into life the common sense society has largely lost sight of? Either or, it's enjoyable thinking out loud.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 16, 2015, 07:28:58 PM
So,back from the place and sore from hoisting metal pipe and beams as I add a lean to on the back of the shop.  30ft sticks are a booger to move and lift.

So Norm, my philosophy was that I needed a plan that balances risk and probability and is organized and methodical.  Having lived through a few hurricane's and evacuations, I realized that civility is a very, very thin and weak veneer made worse by the just in time inventory delivery system.  Remember when you were a kid and a local store had a "back room" with tons of produce and canned goods?  Not any more.  Very little inventory is available other than what is on the shelf.  If something disrupts the delivery, we are going to be hurting.

I saw this first hand in the evacuation from Rita (the one that followed Katrina by a few weeks)  Some people sat on the road 12 hours and never made it 100 miles.  More people died in the evacuation than in the actual hurricane.  Thousands upon thousands of cars were stranded on the side of the road as gasoline was no where to be had.  I had a 2 year old and my wife was expecting our second.  We had a place at the lake about 90 miles north and was fortunate to be able to get there in only 5 hours.  People were losing their minds, running all over the median and shoulders, causing accidents and backing up traffic.  Fights, gun play and other violence at the gas pumps was common.

When we got to our place we heard the storm had changed tracks and was headed right towards us.  As we prepared to leave and estimated the ability to get gas, I remembered a little out of the way gas station off the main highway and went to check it out.  It was closed but the VFD was there gassing up (they have keys) They said she only had about 200 gallons of premium left and opened at 7.   I was in line at 5 am (#3 in line) with my old gasser truck.  I filled the truck and my 35 gallon rolling gas can I used for my boat.  By the time she opened there were 51 cars in line.  Somewhere about car 10 they ran out.

We left for Arkansas and saw mayhem and madness everywhere.  I noticed that cars were all out of gas, but rednecks in their diesel trucks were having no problem getting fuel.  That's when it started for me.  I realized how thin the veneer of civility was, and how vulnerable I felt with my wife, daughter and unborn all counting on me.  I vowed I would never feel that way again.

I did make it to AR and we were fine, but I was never again going to be caught un prepared.  Thus the concentric circles were born.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 16, 2015, 08:18:11 PM
Circle One:

Short term bug in:  Hurricane, minor civil unrest, minor contagion, short term power outage. (keep in mind not all things get put on the internet for the world to see, but the basics are here).

Have a plan:  Put it in writing and share with your family.  Practice quizzing each other on the scenarios and actions and contingencies

We had this little thing called tropical storm Allison several years ago before we had kids.  It dumped 30 inches of rain in 2 days.  Everything was under water.  I had just flown back from Oakland and we landed about midnight.  I took my chances in my truck and wound up sleeping on the freeway overpass since there was 4 ft of water over the roadway.  Cell tower went down and my wife and I could not communicate.

Revelation #1, modern day communications fail in a disaster.  In a terrorist attack the plan by the government is to shut down cell towers and internet.  How you gonna call your wife to confirm plans, provide updates, or modify standing plans?  Amateur radio is the key.  I had a VHF/UHF antenna installed in the top of an 80ft pine in my front yard and got my HAM license.  I installed a mobile system in the car that I drove to work every day.  From anywhere within 35 miles I can hit my own antenna simplex ( radio to radio) without a repeater.  Now no matter what, I can communicate with the family at home.  I highly recommend making sure comms are one of the first things you consider in any planning.

Next was food and water.  I started putting together a food plan that includes: dried and canned goods, MREs, Dehydrated, and even heirloom seeds.  I obtained some new HPDE food grade barrels to keep filled with water.  Use tap water,if you can.  It comes from the treatment plant is has some chlorine in it already which helps it not grow stuff in it.  I add a few drops of chlorine for good measure.  Change the water out every 2 years.

The plan is to have food in the pantry that will last a month, a months supply of MREs with heaters and water stored on site.  All other food stores are off site in the BOL.

Weapons and training are a necessity.  Got a nice Glock or AR?  How much professional instruction have you had from guys like Bobby, Nate, Don, Blaine or others that have "been there done that"?  How much have you practiced?  There is more to being armed than having a weapon and ammo.  When I got my CHL as the provider and protector of my family I connected with an outfit of former Spec Op guys and found one of them that would also train 1:1 in addition to the group classes.  I began putting 1000 rounds a month downrange from my G17 in private lessons I took every week after work for 2 years, based on my situation and selected scenarios.   

Morale of the story:  Our government spent millions training our soldiers to fight.  Take advantage of your tax dollars at work and find a competent ex-Mil to train you how to fight. 

Next was weapon selection and stockpiling:

We all argue for our favorite weapon and those that have read my blathering posts know I am a Glock fan boy.  Get what you like and learn to shoot it often.  I chose Glock.  The originator. Simple.  Few parts, standardized parts. Tough. Rugged.  Dependable.  One helluva weapon when you swap out the factory trigger for a Ghost Rocket 3.5 trigger and Trijicon night sights.

A little side track here (Am I DOTing my own thread??)  If you believe in economic collapse as a possibility, then Gold comes to mind as a hedge.  However, think about this:  Guns never lose their value and only increase over time too.  So does just about ANY durable good.  Ammo, Weapons, tools, weapon mags, weapon parts.  If you buy a bunch and never need them for 20 years, you'll have a nice little investment anyway when you divest them. And you can barter with them nicely in the event of a collapse.  Not a lot of need for gold when you have no food and roving bands of thugs are out raping and killing (remember Katrina?  Yeah like those guys)

So I wanted to standardize my weapons for multiple reasons.  I and my family will all be shooting the same weapon system and thus familiarity and functionality and spare parts will be maximized.  Here is what I chose to amass in quantity.  ( I sill have the other odd weapons, like my Weatherby 460 mag, etc. but I ain't counting on that when trouble starts)

1.  Glock 21 full size 45.  I have several still in the tupperware in storage.
2. AR in 5.56. Again, several complete and in parts.
3. AK-47.  Cheap and always goes bang.  Ammo is cheap. Several in storage and also receiver flats and parts.
4. 12 ga Remington 870.  Enough said, always works standard ammo.  I have several in storage.
5. Glock 17, just for training and barter.  9mm is cheaper to shoot and since it functions like my other glocks my hands will never know when the time comes that I have something different in my hand.  Again, a few in tupperware stored away

The rest are personal use weapons not in sufficient numbers to barter or stockpile.

6. 22LR pistol and rifle - suppressed.  If things get nasty you'll want to harvest food quietly.  And maybe a few other things quietly.
7. 308 bolt and semi auto AR
8 300 WM for when you really need to reach out and touch someone

Ammo.  You can never have too much ammo.  As a minimum I would keep 5000 rounds of each caliber as a baseline.

Weapon parts:  Don't overlook springs, bolts, extractors,  mags and mag springs etc.  Stuff breaks and parts are always good for barter.

Cleaning supplies.  Same as above.

So you need to decide how much ammo and weapons you keep in your primary residence, how many go to secondary or tertiary locations.  I personally keep just what I need to potentially fight my way out.  Ammo stored in primary residence is mainly in loaded mags and amounts to more than what military loads out with and I'll leave it at that. 

Next is medical kit. Stuff happens. Keep a kit and again, get some first aid training.  Short of open heart surgery, I have a pelican case with just about everything I'll every need.  Sutures, meds, antiseptics, burn pads/gels, quick clot, israeli bandages, and epi pens, etc.  I'll do a complete write up on my kit later.

Cash.  I like to keep some funds on hand.  If something goes down, then having a few weeks worth of cash is important.  ATMs run on the internet and electricity.

Respirators/NBC:  I acknowledge that I have a gap here.  I will be closing this soon as the kids are of the age where  I can get them to wear one effectively.

Tape and plastic:  In the event of a nuke, or chem spill ( I am in Houston, the petrochemical capital) you may need to make a safe room, sealed off.

Back up power:  I have a gas portable gen set for the primary residence.  I plan to add a NG stand by.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 16, 2015, 10:38:28 PM
^^^Good write up

Well thought out process, solid reasoning. He has standardized good stuff, and enough of it, AND he has practiced using it.

I wouldn't add anything to all of that
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 17, 2015, 11:14:43 PM
I interrupt my own thread for a question.

I'm considering some bulk fuel storage and not having any experience with large tanks, wondered if there was some advice for me when considering a used tank.

Other than filtering and making sure there is no water in the fuel, if a used tank has any rust on the inside due to previous water presence, is it junk or need to be remediated, or does presence of fuel and lack of water and oxygen essentially stop the rust and render it a filtering exercise only?

This is a pretty good deal on a 1000 gallon tank and he's negotiable.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 18, 2015, 08:10:34 AM
Well, what I can offer is for above ground tanks the construction companies or a farm that is getting auctioned are good tanks usually.

As for keeping the fuel longer, one thing we sometimes do in the military that I don't see discussed often is remove the air from above the fuel and fill the tank with nitrogen.

The purpose is not to preserve the stuff, but rather to keep it from burning, since a fire needs oxygen. However a side bennie is the fact that bacteria has a harder time in nitrogen as does some types of algae.

So by my thinking if you take away all light, and all oxygen and don't expose it to higher temps you might achieve good long term storage of the stuff

Here's another plan. Store oil. Veggie oil, WVO, trans fluid, mixed with old diesel. Then when you need some, simply filter and refine it with your handy-dandy fuel maker (Available at Northern for $1450ish) and you now have fresh fuel. Waste oil ought to hang around much longer than refined diesel.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 18, 2015, 11:04:27 AM
Interesting reading... as per the fuel issue I'd recommend a air of 250gal tanks if doing above ground, and a constant cycling use of the fuel. Fact is, modern diesel does not store well at all.
Fuel oil keeps better than Diesel, it's also not always an option with newer trucks as I am sure you know..just a FWIW thing. Another reason for a pair of fuel oil tanks. They have less "regulations" and appear much less of a target to fuel thieves. No one has to know what "grade" of fuel oil your storing.

I found your story regarding hurricane evacuation thoughtful. I am sure if I lived in such an area I'd have a disposable Diesel "something" to use as my evac rig. I think I would factor in a rack of Mt Bikes also, it seems the roads were well jammed. Something the news didn't offer, but I am curious, were the secondary roads a equal mess? I would think if they were, leaving earlier, travel light, is the best plan I could dream up. I have a friend who was living in New Orleans when that mess went down. He was one of the smarter ones and left very early in the game. His over cautious nature paid off....they never did move back, guess I don't blame him.

Your Amateur radio solution is something I feel more should consider. Especially if in larger urban areas. We use FM Business radios on the farm, and they are forever handy for just such situations.

Looking forward to more posts.....



Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rasimmo on August 18, 2015, 01:40:06 PM
I live about an hour north of New Orleans. During evacuations I stay clear of major highways and travel through the bushes on back roads. I have family a little ways north of me and that is where we go if evac is needed or just safer. I have traveled further during hurricanes with my horses in tow. Sitting on the highway with them in the trailer in 100 degree heat is not an option. I have found that traveling the 2 tracks is a more constant movement type of travel during these situations.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 18, 2015, 02:20:38 PM
My friend who escaped NO with his family early on found traffic to start being a problem early on. His past life as a taxi driver had taught him all the alleys, interconnecting parking lots, and other such tricks to navigate across a city without relying strictly on established main roads. That most likely saved his family an immense amount of grief. I don't think all the $$$ in the world would put him back in a large city ever again.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 18, 2015, 02:52:53 PM
BTW, I have bid on some 250-300 gal portable job site tanks for around $500 and didn't connect the dots on any of them
 Starting @ $1000 and back tracking would make that a pretty good buy for the 1K tank pictured
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 18, 2015, 03:25:29 PM
Usually around here used fuel tanks go for about $.75 a gallon. But they are very common around here also. 1000 gallons is a lot to keep "fresh"  We have given up trying to stay ahead of diesel anymore...I bought a small tanker truck for harvest and planting season, and we just use that. Today's newer diesels are so finicky that stuff my old Dodge would happily drink, will cause a new combine to sputter and complain constantly. So we like many others have resorted to keeping what we can burn in a month on hand and no more.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 18, 2015, 03:53:04 PM
I would like to see more of this too. The tanks are pretty common around here, going for like 100 there so many of them.

Heck Koot, having a truck with enough for a month would be great. Something happens just hide it!!!

I need to get the family on board is my hardest part. I have most of the above. Buy a case of something here and there. A few cases of top ramen or beans will go a long way.

Regular masks (even childrens) and filters are easy, but new filters are pricey. I have enough for all with extra filters. Some are outdated, some are not.

I think a basic power system is something that should be covered besides generators. Solar and water power is free once obtained. I am not a big fan windmills.

For well under a $1000 you can setup a small system, keep you fridge cold and charge those batteries. I use solar for my batteries when camping, something like Don has in the back of SD. Plus think of all the batteries that will be sitting in fuel less autos, even yours. I don't like windmills, little output, to obvious. But they work at night like water.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Pulley on August 18, 2015, 06:10:18 PM
You mentioned quietly harvesting food, have you considered bow hunting?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 18, 2015, 08:10:51 PM
Thanks for the comments and suggestions.  Don, it is interesting that you mention inert gas.  I already keep an 80CF cylinder of nitrogen on hand.  I thought of the same thing,  Purge when full then pressurize slightly with nitrogen, say 5 psi with a relief valve.  When near empty and time to refill, just open the system and then repressurize after filling.  I'll have to dig out some old boyles law calculations and determine what pressure when 90% full would equal atmospheric pressure when empty.  That would be ideal.  ALong with some of the milspec treatment that should last a long time.  Of course my tractor might just be very thirsty so rotating that stock every 6 months would not be a hard thing.  I understand that well stored diesel can go 7-10 years.

When I get to the Second Circle things get a bit more interesting as evac routes, plans and equipment become much more debatable.  I'm somewhere between circle 2 and circle 3 now and hope that in 5 years I'm fully realized.

As for the hurricane evac, yes every road was packed.  MBs were not an option with a 7 month pregnant wife and a 2 year old.  As the kids get older more options become possible.  Which means you never have a static plan.  Even without kids, as we age, our plans have to change.  When you are 60, things you planned to be able to do when 30 are not likely so adjustments have to be made.  When you have 4 million people trying to move, its gridlock.  In Circle 2 I'll show some of the evac route maps and population density maps that helped guide some of my thought process.  As well as a concept that the Mils amongs the group will recognize, natural lines of drift.  Basically, if you are east of the Mississippi you are in a world of hurt as if you are withing 100 miles of the coast.  More to come as I get my thoughts together and organized for consumption.
Pully, yep. I need to get a crossbow at a minimum.

JR, I may want to pick your brain as I get closer to alternate energy execution.  I've read a bit about it but still studying.  At first I want a grid tied system and get paid for spinning the meter backwards but would like to have the gear to transition to off grid if/when the time comes.

Thanks again,  Keep the thoughts coming.  I have a plan, but I've never considered it to be perfect.  I have and will make adjustments as necessary and the collective intelligence from this group is helpful.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on August 19, 2015, 03:53:49 AM
At first I want a grid tied system and get paid for spinning the meter backwards but would like to have the gear to transition to off grid

There's a guy up here who has a couple of the windmills. Bought one for something like $5,xxx, turned it on and around 6-8 months later he received enough money back from the power company to buy another.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 19, 2015, 08:16:17 AM
On windmills: We have a windmill, as in a 1890's model LoL It pumps water very well, and I have the old stone grinding wheel attachment for it also, in case I am ever in the mood to sharpen a machete or something LoL

But my point being, sometimes the old ways work far simpler than new modern "concepts" That wind mill coupled to a 24V Alternator is a pretty darn quiet, cheap to run battery charger.

A flat belt and a old hit and miss engine can run a entire host of "attachments" and they run cheap and quiet. And they have an amazing duty cycle as well. This winter I will start a thread on the restoration of a few select old school means of living off grid that worked for generations and still do. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 19, 2015, 10:25:27 AM
I was wondering who and when a hit-and-miss would be brought up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 19, 2015, 11:00:36 AM
im in for that norm
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: moto123 on August 19, 2015, 02:25:23 PM
6. 22LR pistol and rifle - suppressed.  If things get nasty you'll want to harvest food quietly.  And maybe a few other things quietly.

Lots of great info there, but I am curious about this comment.  I was always told suppressors are not legal to buy, has this changed or are there exceptions that I should review?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on August 19, 2015, 02:36:18 PM
This is a really great thread! I really like your "concentric circles" perspective. I think all preps should done in a similar fashion- assigning probabilities of occurrence as well as the impact/cost if it does. As an example I don't think my house will burn down but the cost is too great for me if it does so fire insurance is a logical "must have" (not to mention my bank requiring it! ha). If you live in an area with blizzards that knock out power and suspend travel for a week or so on a routine basis then it makes sense to have a week's worth of food on hand at all times. And you go from there based on the risk/event and what can occur should it take place. Very thoughtful and forces you to think through the planning process.

On the issue of fuel storage has anyone used any of the fuel stabilizers (Sta-Bil or PRI-D)? I know for gasoline it makes a big difference in my mower etc. Don't have to run it empty which can lead to gaskets drying out, cracking etc. but the engine fires right up in the spring. I know these products will keep fuel for an extended period in better condition but cant seem to find how long their diesel products will "keep" fuel in good condition. But it might be easier than other ways of keeping the fuel good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 19, 2015, 04:37:03 PM
Back to the nitrogen unit

A thrifty guy might find one in the ex-military sales

We used them to actually catalytically create oxygen for breathing, at high altitudes

The thing was called OBOGS pronounced "O"- Bogs just like it appears.

Air was pumped into this chamber where it was separated into it's parts. O2 went to a tank where aviators used it to fend off the effects of last nights O-Club shenanigans, and the remaining stuff which was like 90% Nitrogen was pumped into the fuel cells.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 19, 2015, 04:55:30 PM
I buy/use about 10K gallons of diesel a year on the farm. My experience is sometimes we get a batch that goes "sour" quickly...sometimes it seems to last much longer. I think the additive package you have in the fuel is the deciding point. Since most of what we buy is "red" off road fuel in most cases it's far better than the road fuels ya get at the truck stop. As for products... some work pretty well. Our fuel guy will come mix in some additives if the stuff starts to go bad, and it seems to solve the issue until we burn it. I have no actual product names or data, but next time I see him I will ask.

Of interest: I recently bought 250gal of fuel oil that was put in a tank in 1992. My Cummins loves it.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rasimmo on August 19, 2015, 07:25:00 PM
6. 22LR pistol and rifle - suppressed.  If things get nasty you'll want to harvest food quietly.  And maybe a few other things quietly.

Lots of great info there, but I am curious about this comment.  I was always told suppressors are not legal to buy, has this changed or are there exceptions that I should review?
Yes they are legal to own and use. There are some steps to take to register and purchase/build them legally though. They require approval from the ATF after you send them $200 for the "tax stamp".
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 19, 2015, 08:50:56 PM
Most of us still have our rights.  IL, not so much. (

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 19, 2015, 09:11:33 PM
I'd love to see the write up on the hit or miss and other throw back ways of getting things done.

I figure I'll go though 1000 gal of fuel every 5 months.  My little tractor is very thirsty for red fuel

Don, If I remember chemistry and physics from 30 years ago, to equal 1 atmosphere when nearly empty, I would have to pressurize to 132 psi at 90% full for a sealed system.  Not sure that would be advisable so I'll need to look at a semi sealed system.  I'll need to devise a system to supply N during the filling operation (draining the tank)  A pressure regulator set to keep the tank at 3-5psi positive pressure.  If I keep it out of the sun then the expansion and cooling should be kept to a minimum and thus usage of N from the tank.  I'll need a pressure relief set at 10 psi and a regulator set to supply 5 psi so that its not a linear correlation between N usage and any fluctuation in temp/pressure......hmmm
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rasimmo on August 19, 2015, 09:17:51 PM
There's that picture again. I'm not sure if I like it or hate it. That and the discussion that followed has cost me some money. Not only to run one on 22 pistols, but also to rig one of those M&P 40 I just bought to be capable also. Not sure what the results of that are yet. Still waiting on booster from liberty that's on back order. More importantly waiting on that stamp.

 As RN mentioned, some states do not allow them. Not legal advice from me, but check your local laws and visit with a lawyer that specializes in NFA trusts would be my first suggestion on this matter.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 19, 2015, 09:23:30 PM
I'd love to see the write up on the hit or miss and other throw back ways of getting things done.

I figure I'll go though 1000 gal of fuel every 5 months.  My little tractor is very thirsty for red fuel

Don, If I remember chemistry and physics from 30 years ago, to equal 1 atmosphere when nearly empty, I would have to pressurize to 132 psi at 90% full for a sealed system.  Not sure that would be advisable so I'll need to look at a semi sealed system.  I'll need to devise a system to supply N during the filling operation (draining the tank)  A pressure regulator set to keep the tank at 3-5psi positive pressure.  If I keep it out of the sun then the expansion and cooling should be kept to a minimum and thus usage of N from the tank.  I'll need a pressure relief set at 10 psi and a regulator set to supply 5 psi so that its not a linear correlation between N usage and any fluctuation in temp/pressure......hmmm
Our fuel tanks were not pressurized. Actually they were vented.
Nitrogen is heavier than air so it just rests in there for the most part.
I think that OBOGS, however is an active system. While it is running you can breath and the fuel won't burn until it gets thrown into the noisy parts out back

Might be over thinking it

I still recommend, however store something more akin to oil, then refine it 60 gal at a time, what a home processer will make in a day.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 19, 2015, 10:45:19 PM
hmm.  A little google fu turned up this.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 19, 2015, 10:54:02 PM
Run an old cummins, and you wouldn't have to "refine" it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 20, 2015, 09:08:02 AM
Run an old cummins, and you wouldn't have to "refine" it.
Or a Perkins marine engine like the one powering that HB generator
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 07:59:03 PM
Circle 2

Here is where people’s thoughts tend to diverge.  You will recall Cicle 1 is short term bug-in.  The premis of Circle 2 is that you must leave your location for a while., up to a year.  This means 2 things: You must have a place to go and you must have a way to assuredly get there.  2 controversial things in our preparations.

Not everyone will be able to have 2 or more residences and that may not be a requirement, but you will have to have a place to go and most likely will not be able to carry all the necessary supplies with you which means you will have to have staged supplies somewhere.

The three things we will cover in this Circle are: Site Selection, Method of egress, and supplies to stockpile.
Everyone’s situation will be different so you must evaluate your location, your secondary location, your support group (if any) and your mode of transportation and avenue of egress.  Remember that civility is veneer thin and you will now see it evalorate before your eyes.  True depraved human nature will likely be the norm and you must prepare yourself for what that will look like.  I want to paint a picture for you.  Remember the name Reginald Denny?  During the 1992 LA riots he was driving a concrete truck and got caught up in the rioting in a bad part of town.  He was pulled from his truck and beaten severely and then one black thug ran up to him with a brick and bashed his head in.  It was all caught on a helicopter news camera.

People will justify in their own weak minds that any action they are taking is legitimate because they have “needs”.  It doesn’t have to be the black inner city thug.  It might very well be your penny loafer wearing neighbor who has been too busy buying the latest BMW to pay attention to this “crazy” notion of being prepared.  When suddenly faced with the reality that he is failing his family as a father and husband because they are lacking any sustenance and his wife is berating him though she be complicit in the lack of preparations, he makes the desperate decision to pull out that one shotgun he has and use it to kill you and take everything you have worked hard to store up for your family.  I guess the fable never envisioned the grasshopper pulling a gun on the ant….

This is but one thought process based on my location and situation.  You may very well choose to cache supplies and weapons in an camping or remote area that is not well known and set up camp.  You may form a pact with someone in a remote area that is like minded and work out a roles and responsibility arrangement to jointly prepare.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:00:15 PM

The first thing I considered was a concept known as “lines of drift”.  In only a few short days of a major event, the cities will be uninhabitable. Food will be gone, and roving gangs will have taken over. As that occurs people will flee, following a fairly predictable pattern of egress knows as lines of drift.  Like a virus spreading, you will want to make sure that you are safely away from these lines of drift.  If you live in or near a large metro area, consider that as people flee in their cars they will only be able to make it as far as a maximum distance of a tank of fuel.  You need to be further than that away from the city or the mongrel hoard will run out of gas on your doorstep.

Look at your location and the population density.  East of the Mississippi is not a place to be.  The population density is very high.  Same goes for the coast.  123 Million People or about 39% of the US population lives in counties bounding the coast line..  Estimates are that 80% of the population lives within 100 miles of the coast.  Those people have their backs against the wall and will migrate inward. I won’t pretend to be an expert in your area, but here is what I considered.
Here is a population density map and a map of hurricane evacuation routes in Texas.  Those major roadways will constitute the logical lines of drift.  I wanted to be away from those areas and further than a tank of gas away from major cities.  I compromised here a bit knowing that in an emergency the roads will be packed and a tank of gas will not equal Gallons x MPG at 55mph.  This enabled me to justify buying a second home within a few hundred miles of my primary residence .  I did however strictly adhere to the lines of drift requirement.  Once I defined my area and requirements, the use of Google Earth helped me narrow properties down considerably and saved on needless driving and touring properties that did not meet my requirements.  It still took 18 months of constant looking to find the right place.  Be patient, have a list of requirements, a geographic target area and get actively looking.
I found a place that was outside of the convergence of major MSA lines of drift and adjacent to 10s of thousands of acres of National Forest in a very low population density area..  A 2 lane blacktop farm road is the closest access and the entrance to my location is very well hidden and I do not have a mailbox, nor is my property registered with the post office, which is how many search engines plot you on the map .  When using Google to look up my address it actually plots about 6 miles up the road.  Useful to know.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:00:36 PM
So I now have a second location that I believe will allow me to weather a year of civil collapse, and maybe more.  I believe that a second location should not be large enough to draw attention,  Modest is better for maintenance, upkeep and cost management.  My place has HardiPlank and a metal roof and is extremely well insulated with a complete envelope of spray in closed cell foam.  The energy needs are extremely small.  I do not have a well as of yet, but it is on the planning agenda.  I do have seasonal creeks and a decent sized pond.

Other things that we’ll consider later are:  how not to draw attention to yourself and how to store bulk items securely, especially if you are not regularly at your secondary location

Up next:  Transportation/evacuation plans. (method of egress)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:02:04 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:04:18 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:06:28 PM
better pop density map
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:08:10 PM
Some links to maps and data you might find useful in your decisions.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on August 26, 2015, 08:21:07 PM
Great info.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 26, 2015, 08:30:46 PM
This will come into play later when we get to the third circle, but since we are looking at maps.

When you get to "things are never going to be the same", you have to be able to sustain yourself on naturally irrigated land.  Rainfall plays a key role in that deicison
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 26, 2015, 09:35:53 PM
I feel better...Just discovered my farm lies in the least populated area of the Kentucky!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 26, 2015, 10:03:36 PM
At or just under 1 person per square mile here. Life is good LoL

As for water....springs would be my advise, just saying.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: moto123 on August 27, 2015, 01:09:24 PM
There's that picture again. I'm not sure if I like it or hate it. That and the discussion that followed has cost me some money. Not only to run one on 22 pistols, but also to rig one of those M&P 40 I just bought to be capable also. Not sure what the results of that are yet. Still waiting on booster from liberty that's on back order. More importantly waiting on that stamp.

 As RN mentioned, some states do not allow them. Not legal advice from me, but check your local laws and visit with a lawyer that specializes in NFA trusts would be my first suggestion on this matter.

Thanks for the info.  I've only talked to people located in IL, so it hadn't crossed my mind that it was a state issue and not a country wide issue.  Stupid IL ... but at least it's legal to concealed carry now.  They are making progress.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 17, 2015, 04:55:09 PM
Little departure here. Built a dry stacked fire pit. About 6ft diameter


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on October 17, 2015, 05:10:31 PM
Looks great. I'd guess the stone is local? Nice when there is plenty and consistent thickness.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 17, 2015, 08:55:17 PM
It may be Mexican. So 500 miles max

You can see the massive pile o stuff I need to burn. 16 weeks and 1/4 inch of rain means burn ban.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on November 09, 2015, 07:14:33 AM
Qualifies for "Ring of Fire" playing while you wait for rain to actually start listening to the soothing crackle of a good burning campfire!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on November 10, 2015, 08:50:41 PM
Nice pit! Looks like a postcard and a match would set that pile off

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 11, 2015, 01:42:10 PM
Nice fire pit, before the fire department folks told me mine was not to code I had a rock one. Not flat but rock just the same. They told me the fire pit had to be either metal or concrete to meet forest service campground standards.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 11, 2015, 01:47:16 PM
Even with the concrete apron around it they would not approve. we have a concrete block with metal liner fire pit. Don't know if it will pass or not but it is what it is. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 11, 2015, 07:30:51 PM
Ah, Man...I liked the rock one more!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on November 11, 2015, 11:55:29 PM
Must be 'concrete or metal' because rock burns so easily. SMH.
I'm with Don, liked the rock better too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 12, 2015, 12:21:14 AM
Must be 'concrete or metal' because rock burns so easily. SMH.
I'm with Don, liked the rock better too.

We had the rock lined fire pit in place since the early 1970's, the new fire chief in the area for about a year. The whole area was sold off as RV lots in the late 60's, now there are almost as many homes as RV lots. The full timers don't like the recreation fires with the people sitting around having a good time. So now you either stop having fires or try to build the pits to the new standards and see what happens next.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 12, 2015, 10:57:57 AM
Stupid me...I never knew rocks burned!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on November 12, 2015, 02:36:26 PM
Why don't you re-stack the rocks around the new approved fire pit? That's just my opinion, as you now meet the standards they have for the fire pit. You can always add to standards, but can't subtract from them.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 12, 2015, 03:41:09 PM
Why don't you re-stack the rocks around the new approved fire pit? That's just my opinion, as you now meet the standards they have for the fire pit. You can always add to standards, but can't subtract from them.
But you will still have the problem of those rocks catching fire! Duh!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on November 12, 2015, 03:47:39 PM
See his sig that is a quote from you.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 12, 2015, 06:22:57 PM
Why don't you re-stack the rocks around the new approved fire pit? That's just my opinion, as you now meet the standards they have for the fire pit. You can always add to standards, but can't subtract from them.

Wish I had thought about doing that before the rocks were hauled off and dumped into a canyon.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on November 12, 2015, 06:58:42 PM
I am so glad we have not had that level of nonsense. I have a fire pit of all scrounged rocks on the edge of the pond. I burn everything (well almost) in it... every cardboard box that comes into the house goes there. I am sure my neighbors wonder some times when they see the glow from that edge of my property ha.

But I guess we have to have some redeeming factors here in MA given all the BS we put up with in gun laws, taxes and loonie liberals. Yeesh. Of course we do get lots of rain so it's not like we live under constant wildfire threat. But I fully expect some time to have someone ask me just WTH I'm doing. Last spring I burned off the ornamental grass out front and let me tell ya....that does not go quietly! It went from 0 to 30' flames in 0.002 seconds! Haha. My neighbor (who wasn't home at the time) asked me a week or so later what happened (I guess the 30x30 foot swath of black ash piqued his curiosity!) I explained the good that fire does in getting rid of bad bugs, molds, etc that can hurt the grasses. Good thing he (and others) didn't see the column of black smoke curling to the sky. Especially as I didn't have a hose anywhere near the damn thing when I lit the match!

Sorry for the DOT....firepits are the best way to relax and have good family fun (or guys swapping lies.....)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 14, 2015, 06:38:07 PM
Hard day. Mowed and then cleared all the trails and downed trees. Picked bush beans from the garden and mulched with hay. Burned up a bunch of downed limbs and am now setting by the fire with my silent partner. Old No 7. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 14, 2015, 08:47:08 PM
Way to wind down after a full day
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 14, 2015, 08:53:02 PM
Yeah. It was 42 here this morning. And 69 for the high. It's wintertime in texas

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 14, 2015, 08:58:35 PM
It was 40's here in the morn, then around 51 later on. I took the DR650 for a spin!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 14, 2015, 09:03:57 PM
Dressed as the Stig, no doubt !

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 14, 2015, 11:28:29 PM
It has rained here so much the past two days I couldn't have gotten an outside fire started.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 15, 2015, 08:54:08 AM
Enough gasoline and you can get anything to burn.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on November 15, 2015, 10:35:39 AM
This ^^^^^

Sounds like a good days work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on November 17, 2015, 08:17:36 PM
Just read this thread trn, love the circles.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 24, 2015, 09:37:25 PM
So I bought this cool propane weed burner/ torch to start fires, BBQs, burn weeds etc.  totally awesome and no mushroom cloud from gasoline Ina pile of limbs.

Having trouble uploading photos will try again tomorrow

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on November 24, 2015, 11:47:47 PM
Did you get the harbor freight one with the "hells inferno" lever?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 25, 2015, 07:40:21 PM
No I got it from Amazon. Purely manual. Valve near the body and a striker. Made in America by Red Devil

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 28, 2015, 08:38:40 AM
Looking forward to more updates.   I like other have struggled with getting family on board.  Even harder is dealing with this mixed family.  I have responsibilities to my wife and children but two of my children will inevitably feel they have responsibilities to their other families.  I can't think of leaving home with just my wife and two kids and abandoning the other two to the less prepared other parental units.   I also have no desire to help the other units much further then they are willing to help with the preparation of worse case scenario

Raising boys into RealMen!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on December 28, 2015, 11:06:26 AM
TRN I have one of those torches and they are really great. Kill weeds really don't even have to burn them up...just pass the heat over them and it bursts the cells and they die. Really great tool to have.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 28, 2015, 12:29:43 PM
Looking forward to more updates.   I like other have struggled with getting family on board.  Even harder is dealing with this mixed family.  I have responsibilities to my wife and children but two of my children will inevitably feel they have responsibilities to their other families.  I can't think of leaving home with just my wife and two kids and abandoning the other two to the less prepared other parental units.   I also have no desire to help the other units much further then they are willing to help with the preparation of worse case scenario

Raising boys into RealMen!!
You're reading too much into it

Here's what you do

Do what you need to do for your immediate family

Then pray earnestly, perhaps after fasting a time, that God would protect the extended family and provide for their safety. That should he bring them to you, that he would then provide what you need to do his work.

After that, it's faith. Either you believe that the Lord answers prayer or you don't!

(Hint: HE does!) :-))
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 28, 2015, 10:59:47 PM
I believe in faith and prayer.  But also believe in faith after all I can do.  James 2:14-26

I know all things are in gods hands but if I am to be prepared I want to be.
Raising boys into RealMen!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 29, 2015, 07:37:23 PM
So for a little mini update.  To go with the fire pit I wanted to build a fire wood rack. This thing is massive. 2x4 heavy wall rectangular tubing. 10 ft long and 6 ft tall. Have to go into town tomorrow and get some 2 inch angle to make the braces for the roof. It will have a slanted metal roof to keep the wood dry. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on December 29, 2015, 07:45:10 PM
That is going to hold a lot of wood!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 29, 2015, 08:16:34 PM
That is one stout firewood rack...

Like the old Stihl commercial: "I'd say that firewood rack would last you forever, but that of course would be a lie.... You're not gonna live forever"  ;D
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 29, 2015, 08:41:33 PM
Rofl. Yep. My grandkids will pass it on to their kids. Need to get some POR and then paint it too.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 30, 2015, 09:36:57 AM
Holy Tamale!

That is sturdy! Good welds too!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 30, 2015, 01:59:47 PM
Well here it sits waiting on the R panel I ordered for the roof and a coat of POR


Now I have to get after that big pile of oak logs and split it all up.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 30, 2015, 04:05:56 PM
Nice! Looks great.

Now I have to get after that big pile of oak logs and split it all up.

Do you use a maul or hydraulic? I got a Fiskars X27 splitting maul for Christmas, I'm itchin' to get out and see how it works.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 30, 2015, 04:19:09 PM
Sure does look good. I just used a piece of corrugated to cover mine.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 30, 2015, 07:04:17 PM
Kyle I'm doing it the old fashioned way. 4 way splitter wedge and a 10lb sledge then my 10lb maul from there. At least on the 20 inch diameter stuff. Otherwise just the maul. JR, that's what I was going to do but the wife unit wanted it green to match the roof on the house.  SMH

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rasimmo on December 30, 2015, 09:16:00 PM
Nice! Looks great.

Now I have to get after that big pile of oak logs and split it all up.

Do you use a maul or hydraulic? I got a Fiskars X27 splitting maul for Christmas, I'm itchin' to get out and see how it works.

That is the best manual splitting tool I have used. I am sure you will like it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 30, 2015, 09:50:27 PM
Sweet! I have the X27, X15 chopping axe, and the X7 hatchet and liked them... Have high hopes for the splitting mail too.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on December 30, 2015, 10:22:27 PM
heres a slight glimpse into nate's knowledge base.  fiskars makes the best scissors used in sewing, as a matter of fact, I have a pair that is close to 20 years old right next to me and will still split a hair down the middle..............
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on December 31, 2015, 12:09:10 AM
You won't be disappointed I the splitting maul.
I own a collection of Fiskars equipment, and it's all good.
The X27 is a fine splitter. However, sometimes the four way wedge and maul are better.
On well seasoned wood it is the real deal.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2016, 05:05:15 PM
Ok. Took a break from working on The Bus to make more progress on the firewood rack. My R panel came in and I had a piece of matching eave flashing left over from my shop addition so I used that in front.  Primed and painted the top part so I wouldn't have to paint around the roofing later. Will empty it and paint the rest in a week or so.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 17, 2016, 05:21:47 PM
You could at least smile for us TRN

Raising boys into RealMen!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 17, 2016, 05:54:03 PM
If it's not a frown or scowl, it's a smile......... ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2016, 06:10:06 PM
It's that's expression when your wife insisted on getting you in the picture.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 17, 2016, 06:43:03 PM
Trn, you got a nice rack! :o
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2016, 07:06:06 PM
Yeah. My boobs used to be much firmer

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2016, 07:41:21 PM

Nice finish to the day

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 17, 2016, 08:45:06 PM
OK, so back on track. Is the firewood in the rack just for camp fires or is it also for heat in the home or shop? Kills me every time I see a firewood rack (yours and Ash's) in Texas and it doesn't even hold a cord. Envious as I used to run thru 4-5 cords per winter in NE Indiana.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2016, 08:59:27 PM
Just firewood. It really doesn't get that cold  here. So far this season 27 is the lowest low. Shop heater might not be a bad idea though.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 17, 2016, 09:05:00 PM
Nice job and nice to have out of the way I bet.

Happy happy in the pic,,,,,,,,,, ::)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on February 05, 2016, 10:54:02 AM
You could at least smile for us TRN

Raising boys into RealMen!!

"I am smilin'..."
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 14, 2016, 10:42:09 PM
OK, the Bus is back in the shop parked.  It has the new exhuast and muffler in the back seat along with the caliper paint, water pump, a few Diode Dynamics, LED etc.  Didn't get to work on it this weekend. 

Was finshing the firewood rack and the garden. 

POR is interesting stuff.  You think with a name like Paint Over Rust, that it would just be brush it  Clean and degrease with their cleaner. Then spray metal prep and keep wet for 20 minutes.  Then rinse.  Then paint.  This stuff better be good.

It looks good.  Several sags on the vertical, but its just a firewood rack.

Then it was harvesting all the carrots, beets, chard, and lettuce and spinach and finishing the enclosure with more wire fencing.  Previously it was just 6 foot up the sides.  Now completely wrapped over the top and sides.  No critters getting into this one this summer.  Added bracing in the middle, finished the electrical, and started on the second part of the irrigation system.  Brought in about 6 FEL of mushroom compost and will till it in next week.  Started my seeds indoors for now.  Heirloom tomatoes, purple hull peas, squash, cucumbers, herbs, onions, peppers.

Long weekend.  Good to be sore.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 14, 2016, 11:04:47 PM
Looking good Red!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 14, 2016, 11:26:22 PM
Land, I will trade calif for land,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Nice work
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 21, 2016, 04:17:08 PM
Finished tilling in the mushroom compost and finished my seedling sprinkler system.  Wanted to water from above when starting seedlings and then switch to drip hose between rows once they are established. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on March 05, 2016, 07:13:06 AM
Any chance of hogs chewing thru that fencing?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 05, 2016, 08:39:04 AM
Yeah there is a chance.  It's not hog panel.  If they become a problem I'll line the bottom 4 feet with a layer of hog panel
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 05, 2016, 09:01:39 AM
what, no cool night sight sniping?!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 22, 2016, 09:44:15 PM
This means war.  Two weekends in a row, I've come to the place to find my feeder down.  That damn pig is making himself a pest.  Last week it was knocked down, legs off and the lid off and drug out in the middle of the woods,empty.

I welded it up and got it all back set up and full of corn and last night, according to the camera, he knocks it down again.  didnt get the lid off but a bunch spilled out.

I fixed the AR FTF issue with a buffer spring, the PVS14 is on and I'm going to stay up tonight.  Its going to be me or him.   I wish my buddies and their dogs were here, I'd hunt with dogs and stick him with a bowie up close and personal.

We ain't playin anymore.  It's on like donkey kong
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 22, 2016, 09:54:07 PM
Good luck, glad you fixed the rifle.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 22, 2016, 10:40:08 PM
Post video

Raising boys into RealMen!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 22, 2016, 10:46:20 PM
The man is going full in Rambo!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on April 23, 2016, 01:48:08 AM
get some!

hopefully there will be a dressed and hung hog pic tomorrow!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 23, 2016, 07:13:11 AM
Nothing last night Range time and kids being noisy must have driven him a little further into the woods. Regroup for tonight. In the mean time..... I can dream

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 17, 2016, 09:16:34 PM
Ok. Welds up a new feeder stand. Solid steel pipe and cross bracing. 4 ft no 6 rebar stakes with brackets welded so I can bolt the legs to the stakes. He'll need a back hoe to turn this one over. Also weeded the garden a mulched with some hay. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 17, 2016, 09:32:01 PM
You mean to tell me you haven't killed butchered & ate him yet???? ;D
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 17, 2016, 09:48:11 PM
no not yet.  Its just a matter of time.  hes been very elusive.  Confession of a tech saavy redneck....

I have a security camera on the feeder and I can lay in bed and watch it at night.  Then  I can open the living room window and use the end table as a shooting bench to wack him.  just a matter of time.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 17, 2016, 10:43:31 PM
no not yet.  Its just a matter of time.  hes been very elusive.  Confession of a tech saavy redneck....

I have a security camera on the feeder and I can lay in bed and watch it at night.  Then  I can open the living room window and use the end table as a shooting bench to wack him.  just a matter of time.

Yeah right.................!

well all be standing by for a report on how well that worked out for you with the BOSS...............!    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 21, 2016, 10:44:15 PM
well got up here late today.  Oldest had a sleep over and the youngest is with mamma at a dance convention.

Put in a pond aerator and today I wired up the timer for it. I'm only going to run it about 5 hours a day to keep the electrical use down and that should be plenty for the fish.

So with all that running around I didn't expect to see the hog tonight.  I pulled all the game cams and they aren't taking pictures consistently.  They should have had pictures of my running around on the tractor.  I'll need to try batteries first.

So, settling in for evening I turned the security camera on and there the pig was.

I got the window open and set up for the shot.  The Comp M2 on this AR is not exactly co-witnessed correctly with the PVS14 so the image is a little off.  I popped him but he ran into the woods.  I started in after him but decided that a wounded 250lb hog might be a formidable enemy in the dark in the dense woods.   I'll go look for him in the morning. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: moto123 on May 21, 2016, 10:47:11 PM

That's an exciting night!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 21, 2016, 10:57:12 PM
hmm, sausage!!

Do a solar panel with battery on the pump. Run and charge during the day, let the battery run it at night. Fish are happy, no elec bill.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: moto123 on May 22, 2016, 07:52:36 AM
What does a solar panel cost? Could that actually pay back in a few years?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 22, 2016, 08:44:44 AM
Not a bad idea JR but this is a 1/2 HP motor driven aerator. Had I gone the compressor bubbler that would have been the ticket.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 22, 2016, 08:48:05 AM
So went out this morning to look for the pig. He was in a hurry when he left so he was leaving some tracks. No blood trail I could see.  Hmm I know I hit him because he jumped. Followed the tracks for a ways before they got mixed up in his routine trail which I lost at the creek.  I wasn't planning on eating him anyway but I wanted to laugh in his face for knocking over my feeder twice. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 22, 2016, 08:11:49 PM
Now I'm embarrassed. 

Apparently I missed. I'm guessing my zero is off. It was only 125 yards.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 22, 2016, 08:12:05 PM
He was back at 3 am

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: moto123 on May 22, 2016, 08:13:12 PM
Now you get to try again!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 22, 2016, 08:36:21 PM
You can get them for around $.50 a watt looking on CL, but $1 a watt is considered. Here in the bay area there are lots of dealers so deals are easy to find.

I have smaller panels (24x38) that are 100watt, but the ones on my house are 250 watt and are 30x63. I like mono panels as they put more in diff light, but not as much as poly panels which are better in on direct sunlight.

Most new panels are good for 25+ years so it is a long term payoff. My house system saved me around $1500 this year, but cost 18k. However I also got a 30% tax credit on that so real cost is 12k.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on May 23, 2016, 07:45:58 AM
Them hogs are good freezer fillers. When we go to the lake, we like to hunt hogs from the boat..come to think of it, we should do that soon.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on May 23, 2016, 08:48:30 AM
RN, grab a different  tool from the safe and finish up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 23, 2016, 10:23:34 AM
Wonder if this would be a good enough excuse for a PVS22? A magnified image would be nice. Or maybe I'll just duct tape the pvs14 to the front of my 3-9 on my titanium hunting rifle.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 23, 2016, 02:22:10 PM
I would say quit fartin around and just get you one of these!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 23, 2016, 03:16:36 PM
I like the idea of a clip on.

Hmm, hunting from boats mean they can't chase you.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on May 23, 2016, 03:34:01 PM
LoL  We hunt from a boat because it's the only way to get to the area we shoot them at. Last one I killed was at 130 yards. 45.70 lever no optics. Full moon hunting...time your shot to the wave action...and down they go.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 23, 2016, 03:51:08 PM
You need a claymore array under the feeder - click, click and you're BBQing!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on May 23, 2016, 04:04:21 PM
You need a claymore array under the feeder - click, click and you're BBQing!

But the resulting backblast would destroy the feeder.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 23, 2016, 04:51:19 PM
He was back at 3 am

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Sorry Tex, but that's funny right there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 23, 2016, 10:15:38 PM
Yes.  I come here to also to admit failures, however big and funny....

Nate, I've only used GenIII tubes.  How does the Gen II tubes compare?  That's a lot cheaper than what I've been eyeballing
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 23, 2016, 11:44:12 PM
You guys really like the top end stuff!!

I am looking more like this. Nice thing with a clip on is you can change weapons without loosing center and use with reflex or regular scopes.

That is even a little pricey for me, I think gen 2 is just fine.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on May 24, 2016, 01:51:40 AM
Wonder if this would be a good enough excuse for a PVS22? A magnified image would be nice. Or maybe I'll just duct tape the pvs14 to the front of my 3-9 on my titanium hunting rifle.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 24, 2016, 09:19:49 AM
Thanks Bobby. If I get a pvs22/27 I'll have to install that on one or more of the precision rifles. JR that's the set up I have now except it's the ITT Pinnacle GenIII

One of  problem is the mount I'm using. It's perfectly co witnessed with my Comp M4 set up on the SBR but the mount on the AR with the Comp M2 is a bit higher so it's hard to get a good picture through it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on May 24, 2016, 11:12:59 AM
Thanks Bobby. If I get a pvs22/27 I'll have to install that on one or more of the precision rifles. JR that's the set up I have now except it's the ITT Pinnacle GenIII

One of  problem is the mount I'm using. It's perfectly co witnessed with my Comp M4 set up on the SBR but the mount on the AR with the Comp M2 is a bit higher so it's hard to get a good picture through it.

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Are you using the half moon spacer with the M2 or no?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 07, 2016, 12:55:48 AM
Minot familiar with that Bobby. Break it down for me.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 07, 2016, 12:56:50 AM
Garden is going well. So much rain as made the squash a challenge.

Got this in the mail today.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on June 07, 2016, 02:53:19 AM
Minot familiar with that Bobby. Break it down for me.

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What mount are you using for your M2?

Are you saying your AP is slightly too high or is the NVG?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 07, 2016, 07:55:29 AM
Will have to look this weekend.  I bought it used with the mount.  Yes, it sits about 1/4 inch high
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on June 07, 2016, 08:12:43 AM
Will have to look this weekend.  I bought it used with the mount.  Yes, it sits about 1/4 inch high

Is it a stock mount or did you throw it in a LT mount?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 07, 2016, 09:39:43 PM
Some QD device of some kind.  It was thrown on a back up weapon and not used much so I honestly don't remember much and cant lay my hands on it until this weekend
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 08, 2016, 12:08:54 AM
oh so you have CRS setting in.....................?!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on June 08, 2016, 03:32:22 AM
Some QD device of some kind.  It was thrown on a back up weapon and not used much so I honestly don't remember much and cant lay my hands on it until this weekend

Sounds good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 08, 2016, 07:11:43 AM
oh so you have CRS setting in.....................?!


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 08, 2016, 12:16:29 PM
;D  ...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 05, 2016, 09:52:02 PM
So took the youngest out to test some snake loads in the S&W. First time firing a pistol ( I had my hands around her to help )


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 05, 2016, 11:47:59 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on September 06, 2016, 02:23:04 AM
I like your artistic side, and the handy snake identification tag for the head pilot on this forum.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: moto123 on September 06, 2016, 01:43:15 PM
...and the handy snake identification tag for the head pilot on this forum.

Speaking of snakes.  I turned around on Saturday and realized I was being stared down by the largest garter snake I had ever seen.  It was about 8 feet away hiding behind some landscaping.  The thing was at least 5 feet long and nearly 2" wide at the thickest part.  I had never seen them get that big before.  Is that normal?  Then further behind it was the tiniest baby snake I have seen.  I know they are not poisonous, and optimistically I hope she takes care of some mice issues I currently have.  So I left them alone.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on September 06, 2016, 02:45:50 PM
...and the handy snake identification tag for the head pilot on this forum.

Speaking of snakes.  I turned around on Saturday and realized I was being stared down by the largest garter snake I had ever seen.  It was about 8 feet away hiding behind some landscaping.  The thing was at least 5 feet long and nearly 2" wide at the thickest part.  I had never seen them get that big before.  Is that normal?  Then further behind it was the tiniest baby snake I have seen.  I know they are not poisonous, and optimistically I hope she takes care of some mice issues I currently have.  So I left them alone.

I've seen them get sorta big. Seen some big pine snakes as well.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 06, 2016, 03:12:04 PM
We had a 4'-5' (he didn't like us trying to get an accurate measurement) bull snake in our back yard this summer, he had to find a new home via my rake and a trash bag.......

Prior to me moving him word spread thru the neighborhood boys he was in our back yard. Caught a couple 8 year olds with a big plastic tub on my back deck........ lol
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 06, 2016, 08:21:12 PM
I hate snakes. Hard not to kill them all and err on the side of caution. They only ones I've ever been able to let live are the blue indigo snakes in Deep South Texas. They eat rattlesnakes.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 06, 2016, 09:12:09 PM
Fixed my favorite weapon system today!! I had almost given up on the Ruger MK22/45 that I completely disassembled to the last nut. I reassembled and could not get it to function. I finally figured out I installed the mainspring wrong and took all of 5 minutes to figure out and correct. Now my little mouse fart pistol is back in the game. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 06, 2016, 09:42:00 PM
Nice, I've always wanted one of those with a can....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on November 22, 2016, 09:28:04 AM
Around here the kids find a Rattler they usually just bash it on a rock LoL  My personal favorite was one time Kay squared off with a rattler using the weed dragon. She lit half the mulch on fire in the rock garden, but man was it fun to watch.

So that little Ruger does look very interesting. I may have to build one of those for science. Nice to see kids learning... that's a solid life skill.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2017, 10:34:23 AM
So today I finished reading "One Second After". Highly recommend that as a read.  Brought some new perspective to contingency planning.  Will be doing food inventory this weekend. Have to start getting a little more serious about meds. Will write more on that later. I have a solid supply of medical kits but meds are perishable.  I'm good on weapons and ammo but need to focus on a few other things.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 15, 2017, 11:12:21 AM
I need to rotate some stock and inventory. What do you store your stock in? I found using cheap coolers work good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2017, 06:15:35 PM
Which stock JR? 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 15, 2017, 06:20:19 PM
Canned food and water. You just reminded me is all.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2017, 06:26:14 PM
Back to concentric circles concept. I have canned goods about 2-3 weeks. MREs for a month and then freeze dried and rice beans sugar salt for about 6 months.  Only thing I need to start eating is the MREs. They'll go 7 plus in a cool environment and I've had them 5. All my stock is climate controlled. Water is in 35gal hdpe virgin barrels. I rotate water every 2 years.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2017, 06:27:20 PM
I'd like to buy a freeze dryer but $7k is a lot of jack

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 15, 2017, 06:32:26 PM
I have 2-3 coolers full of FD and 6 or so cases of canned food. Water I just buy the 24-36 case and use the last one time to time. I also have lots of body wipes (less water wasted).

Don't leave out the dental and lots of TP!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2017, 06:36:37 PM
Roger. I have those huge rolls of floss. Good supply of TP. I've been using doctor friends to obtain meds but they are so expensive I'm probably going the fish/animal route for basic antibiotics.  Some of the more exotic stuff I need to just keep paying and tossing when it gets outdated.  My lidocaine is good for another 3 years. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 15, 2017, 07:57:51 PM
TRN, my buddy was a Seabee in the early 80's & swears he ate mre's from Vietnam era. I'm sure some other guys can chime in but I think 7 years is a little short.

With that said I only have a couple cases of mre's & have been focusing on freeze dried buckets of food. We stock a months supply of drinking water not including water heater etc. beyond that we'll start hauling & filtering from local sources. Our canned & dry goods get rotated & I'm careful about what I buy & experation dates.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on February 15, 2017, 09:24:24 PM
One thing I've learned from experience and a decent amount of research is food lasts SIGNIFICANTLY longer than expiry on the package. For our family that is just a cover your hind quarters thing for the money grubbers. I have eaten canned foods more than two years past the date, just fine no ill effects.

From a close friend who is a pharmacist, most meds last far longer than expiration. Now, at the same time there are certain meds that can become toxic when they expire working on a list to provide.

When storing water we also store filters, water purification tablets and bleach. While stored water should never need it, stored water can run out. The one gallon a day idea is strictly for drinking and cooking. In reality people use much more.

Freeze dried foods, we have found that single ingredients are better than meals, because then you can make meals your family likes.. check out thrivelife, I highly recommend their freeze dried products. Kind of expensive up front, but cost comparison is close to what you would get in a can from a store.  The cool thing about thrive and single ingredient freeze dried product is that there is more nutrition in it than in "fresh" produce from the store. 

How is that possible, you ask?

Well, fresh produce at the store is picked before ripe so it can ripen in route or be blasted with CO2 in order to finish ripening. While freeze dried produce is picked ripe. The two weeks to ripen on the plant increases nutrients.

The process thrive uses is this, picked ripe, flash frozen then trucked to their state of the art facility in Utah to be freeze dried where 98% of moisture is removed, then its canned and most of it has a 25 year shelf life unopened and up to two years once opened, depending on location humidity. I use thrive products in our every day meals atleast a few nights a week.

If your curious about the meats and cheeses, they are just as tasty as from a block a bag or fresh hamburger.

With freeze dried food, additional water needs to be taken into account for reconstituting it.

Rotating stock is important though. Always try to use a first in first out method, but if something expires it is up to you if you want to eat it. 

Closing note, sorry it's so long and I sell thrive is why I know anything about it. If anyone was closer I'd cook you a meal entirely from storable foods and you'd never know!

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 16, 2017, 02:41:55 AM
Looks like we have a base for another thread. I think we all prep a little, but how much.

Rememeber you may not be able to go out and source for some time.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 18, 2017, 03:00:56 PM
So I started laying the footings for my casita/storage building / reloading room.  7 inch thick with #4 rebar. 8 inch tube form. Gonna try every 12 ft on the long side and every 8 on the short. So 9 total footings each 4 sq ft. LVL beam 3 1/2 x 12. I know the beams will be strong enough. Wether the spacing on the long side is enough remains to be seen but I think the soil is solid enough.



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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 18, 2017, 03:45:41 PM
That'l work.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 18, 2017, 07:18:20 PM
Second footing


2 down 7 to go.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 18, 2017, 07:48:43 PM
Crazy, I always think in terms of depth of the frost line. Guess you ain't gotta worry about the ground freezing none......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 18, 2017, 09:07:23 PM
Lol. Yeah. Low this year was 16 degrees and only for a few hours.  It don't get cold here. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 19, 2017, 11:56:35 AM
Had to repair the sprinkler system/garden irrigation system. Although I drained it and blew it out with air, a little water remained on top of the valve and it split in the freeze. Installed two couplers this time. Next year I'll undo the couplers and remove the valve assembly all together and cover the exposed water stub.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2017, 01:36:15 PM
Today is target making day. Using what I had laying around. Some 6 ft T posts and weld on a mounting plate made of some purlin clips and some small targets and bolts. Wifey wants to shoot the G21 bedstand gun so I'm going to put up 4 of these targets and paint them different colors and call shots in colors. (

Ok I may shoot some too. Jus saying

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2017, 06:31:55 PM

Gotta love the Craftsman range bag rofl

Got the 11 and 13 year olds on the Glock 17. The wife shot the 21. She was doing ok but after a few she was milking the trigger and off low and left just a bit. Kids did well with the g17 with me behind them for safety.  Even with them limp wristing it would not FTF

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 14, 2017, 06:46:31 PM
I think kids like guns better than Disneyland.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2017, 07:42:00 PM
Some. I don't push it on them too much. As much as they want and then let them move on to something else. If I push them they'll never want to do it. I needed the practice.  Drawing from concealed while moving was a bit of a challenge.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 14, 2017, 08:26:36 PM
Family range day, nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on March 14, 2017, 09:48:41 PM
Nice! Looks like the targets did their job.
Funny, I have a DeWalt range bag. Lol.
And I have same ammo storage.

Bulk is beautiful.  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 15, 2017, 01:28:51 AM
Had to repair the sprinkler system/garden irrigation system. Although I drained it and blew it out with air, a little water remained on top of the valve and it split in the freeze. Installed two couplers this time. Next year I'll undo the couplers and remove the valve assembly all together and cover the exposed water stub.

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Unions on the sprinkler valves is the only way to go!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 15, 2017, 02:39:33 AM
I have those on strategic lines for my pool pump.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 09, 2017, 05:38:13 PM
Here is where the casita/ storage/ reloading  and weapons room stands


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 10, 2017, 07:40:29 AM
And here's the little one sending some rounds down range. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 10, 2017, 08:19:51 AM
And here's the little one sending some rounds down range. (

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Love it, have pics from when my girls started until now stashed away as well.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on April 10, 2017, 09:35:02 AM
And here's the little one sending some rounds down range. (

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Looks like a great spot to retreat out to and get away from the city.  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 10, 2017, 01:17:56 PM
Always love seeing kids shooting.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 10, 2017, 11:19:06 PM
I love seeing that!

My boys shoot all the time since we bought that farm...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 10, 2017, 11:47:16 PM
targets are about 75 yards on a rack.  two 6 inch round gongs and two 3 inch gongs.  She rings the 6 consistently.  She was having trouble with the 3s and I noticed she was slapping the trigger pretty bad.  Reinforced slow steady squeeze and gave her a single round.  She banged out 3 in a row. 

Then at 100 there is a steel popper.  She hit that with no problem.  Proud of her.  Only about the 4th or 5th time she's shot and shes shooting subsonic 22lr with a 4x scope and a can. 

Much better than when I was caught slapping the trigger......I had to carry the pimp cup and do pushups....
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2017, 11:28:56 PM
So trying to get caught up on this thread.   Didn't like the way the beams sat on the concrete.  Not as much bearing surface as I would like as I laid the supports out center to center and should have laid the corners out so that the distance was to the outside quadrant of the round column. So I went back and poured more concrete in a bigger diameter tube form. Used a bonding agent and extra Portland in the bag mix. So far so good. (

Here the anchoring system. Since the beams are not treated but will contact cement I sat them on pieces of treated 2x4. Sheathing and siding will go all the way to the bottom of the beam so it will not be exposed. I also used super strength epoxy to set the allthread in the column

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2017, 04:49:17 PM
About a month ago we had some of the hardest rains I've had here and it washed out a great deal of my driveway and overwhelmed the small culverts under the drive. The water comes from the front of the property and feeds down and enters the pond but the drive cuts across the low area and acts like a barrier which the water has to run along and then go under the drive through he culvert to the pond.   So I ordered 36 tons of rip rap to line the side of the drive where the water runs.  I also got a new 18 inch culvert and got to work. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 22, 2017, 04:52:01 PM
That will slow it down some. Water always seem to find a way to do,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2017, 05:01:40 PM
Now that I have the culvert I need to build some end walls/catch basin.  So I got busy with the mixer and some wood


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2017, 05:06:31 PM
So got the basin unboxed and graded the soil and finished the rip rap on the uphil side of the drive

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2017, 05:08:31 PM
And then I poured the base for the end wall on the other side and started the rip rap between the end wall and the pond. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 22, 2017, 06:04:34 PM
Excellant work Charles. Looks like it should work well.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2017, 07:00:46 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 22, 2017, 11:41:14 PM
Does look good.  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 22, 2017, 11:46:18 PM
Now get the garden hose and show us how it will work lol. Think you have enough volume?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 23, 2017, 12:00:28 AM
If you still have problems with the water moving too fast and cutting into the rock or driveway, you can add a few V shaped check dams to help slow it down. Just be sure to keep the height of the checks lower than the top half of swale and armored areas. Lots of work but better than fighting water problems when it is pouring out.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 23, 2017, 12:00:55 PM
Tex. Looks good and a lot of work. How do you like your mixer?  Is it electric?  Are you going to put any grate on the input side?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 23, 2017, 03:34:53 PM
So tex, is that your own redneck engineering or a lot of YouTube video watching?  Looks really good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 23, 2017, 04:02:03 PM
Good looking work!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 23, 2017, 10:14:21 PM
Mixer is HF 3 1/2 cu ft. On sale and with a coupon was less than$200. It barely mixes two 80 on bags. Perfect mix is one 80 and one 60. 3 1/2 is completely upright volume which is worthless as a measurement.  So far so good. I've estimated that I have mixed about 3.5 yards of concrete total. And yes. My total red neck engineering. No YouTube. Got the inside form on the down hill side done today. Will take 20 bags of #80 to finish. The walls and base are 5 1/2 inch thick. It will give me 19ft between the culverts that will handle an H25 load.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on July 23, 2017, 11:29:55 PM
Ditto the "looks good" comments! Well done!

If this was a Big D project we'd see you hauling a batch plant in on a trailer and setting that up! Ha!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 23, 2017, 11:40:45 PM
Ditto the "looks good" comments! Well done!

If this was a Big D project we'd see you hauling a batch plant in on a trailer and setting that up! Ha!
... :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 24, 2017, 03:50:06 PM
Mixer is HF 3 1/2 cu ft. On sale and with a coupon was less than$200. It barely mixes two 80 on bags. Perfect mix is one 80 and one 60. 3 1/2 is completely upright volume which is worthless as a measurement.  So far so good. I've estimated that I have mixed about 3.5 yards of concrete total. And yes. My total red neck engineering. No YouTube. Got the inside form on the down hill side done today. Will take 20 bags of #80 to finish. The walls and base are 5 1/2 inch thick. It will give me 19ft between the culverts that will handle an H25 load.

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Thanks. I have some small concrete jobs I need to do and that sounds like it will do the trick. All of the Craigslist tow behind mixers have been worn out and still expensive.

Looking good.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2017, 12:52:06 PM
Ok. Poured the final part of the downstream end wall. Bought a concrete vibrator which I should have bought a long time ago. $99 at HF. I had to take the form apart and wash all the mud out since we got a big rain since I poured the bottom.   Forgot to put my cross braces between the sides back in. Put concrete in form and all was fine. Then as soon as I dropped the vibrator in the form blew out. Took 20 minutes to get it back in line and re install the braces. Used by bottle jack and a sledge. Still a little bowed but good enough. Bottom line is the  vibrator works awesome. That concrete was mixed stiff and it just flowed as soon as I hit it with the vibrator. I wish I had it when I was pouring the footings for the casita.  If you use a vibrator make sure your forms are solid. It puts much more pressure on your forms.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2017, 10:06:20 PM
And mowed my new patch of land (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 28, 2017, 10:46:54 PM
Looks like a pretty good chunk , triangle or not.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 28, 2017, 11:10:30 PM

I don't quite understand the concept...Anything I know of as being flat has a house or corn on it!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2017, 11:33:09 PM
LOL, yeah its only 1/2 acre but it squares up my property nicely at the road.  And its the only cleared area around, so first order is to fence it. My fence runs along the tree line to the right.  I'll take that down and move it out to the R.O.W. line which is 50ft from the center of the road.  Then I'll start prepping it for a larger garden.  Have to do 8ft fence around the garden for the deer.  Probably also plant a few fruit trees.  Gonna also run electric and water out there for irrigation.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 29, 2017, 12:30:26 PM
In a previous post you said something about how it squares up your property at the road but the road cuts through... I'm having trouble picturing that. ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2017, 05:05:40 PM
See  if this helps.
The yellow piece is what I just bought

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2017, 05:07:41 PM
Took the forms off and graded around and put down more rip rap(

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 29, 2017, 06:06:18 PM

That is some work to be proud of

I and, well, everyone else, I'm sure has noticed the absolute fine quality of your work RN! I see workmanship like this and I'm reenergized to pick up the pace farmside.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2017, 06:15:37 PM
Ha. Don you hold your own my friend. It just takes me a whole lot longer with my dinky tractor

I'd get a lot more done if I was retired.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 29, 2017, 06:40:49 PM
Very nice, where are the pics of the broken equipment like in Big D's thread?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2017, 07:03:20 PM
:-). No comment

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 29, 2017, 08:41:28 PM
Ha. Don you hold your own my friend. It just takes me a whole lot longer with my dinky tractor

I'd get a lot more done if I was retired.

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You say retired

My wife says retarded

I guess its the same thing???

Whatever it is, I'll take it!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 29, 2017, 08:42:46 PM
Very nice, where are the pics of the broken equipment like in Big D's thread?
Nothing, well, not very much was broken the other weekend

Come on...That's at least one in a row!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 30, 2017, 01:08:42 PM
TRN, that does complete the land nicely. Is there a house in that lot somewhere?

Time for a bigger tractor?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 30, 2017, 01:38:36 PM
Yeah. House, shop and soon to be a guest house believe it or not.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 31, 2017, 01:06:59 AM
Ah ok that makes sense now :)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 31, 2017, 07:53:05 AM
yesterday i got a lesson in fence building....thank you Youtube, Mother Earth News and other sites.

Put the post auger on the tractor and marked the fence line (50ft from center of the road) and put up a sting.  Its difficult to get the hole exactly where you want it with an auger.  Its more like getting it in the same zip code....and the auger will only effectively reach down 3 ft, when I need a 4 ft deep hole.  enter the old fashioned post hole digger....and enter shoulder soreness this morning as a major slap in the face that I aint the boy I was in my teens that could rock a post hole digger for hours in the heat....So in go the posts and I used a 3/4 iron pipe with a cap on the end as my tamper for the backfill, adding a few inches at a time and tamping solidly.  Posts are rock solid thanks to heavy clay soil.

In any event I now have the posts in the ground at each end for the classic H frame configuration.  Next up will be to add the horizontal portion and start stringing wire.  I think I will buy a T post popper to go with the fence stretcher so I can reuse the posts in the section of fence I am taking down. 

Pics to come next week.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on July 31, 2017, 08:38:23 AM
TRN I had to relocate some of my garden fence and I've always just fought getting fence posts out. Grabbed a t-post puller at Tractor Supply and darn that is slicker than snot. Wish I got one years ago. Best $25 or $30 I've spent in a long time. Have used it other places too when I need a little leverage applied just right.

And I'm with you on post hole happy if any part of the hole is within my original planned circle. It's like I'm a "boulder diviner" when I use those things.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 31, 2017, 10:16:54 AM
yesterday i got a lesson in fence building....thank you Youtube, Mother Earth News and other sites.

Put the post auger on the tractor and marked the fence line (50ft from center of the road) and put up a sting.  Its difficult to get the hole exactly where you want it with an auger.  Its more like getting it in the same zip code....and the auger will only effectively reach down 3 ft, when I need a 4 ft deep hole.  enter the old fashioned post hole digger....and enter shoulder soreness this morning as a major slap in the face that I aint the boy I was in my teens that could rock a post hole digger for hours in the heat....So in go the posts and I used a 3/4 iron pipe with a cap on the end as my tamper for the backfill, adding a few inches at a time and tamping solidly.  Posts are rock solid thanks to heavy clay soil.

In any event I now have the posts in the ground at each end for the classic H frame configuration.  Next up will be to add the horizontal portion and start stringing wire.  I think I will buy a T post popper to go with the fence stretcher so I can reuse the posts in the section of fence I am taking down. 

Pics to come next week.
TRN, Here's the deal with three point augers

They use the weight of the thing to dig down, followed by the friction of the loose "dug" earth pushing against an advancing helix. So they meet a point of resistance of the hard pack vs the available downward force

Solution to all that?

If you have another tractor, you can push down on the auger and drill to hong-kong. Bigger tractors than our utility sized units have power down three points and they WILL do the trick. If you ever get to tractor next keep that in mind.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 31, 2017, 06:10:29 PM
Thanks Don,

Getting it to bite is not the problem (in my clay soil with no rocks).  If anything I have to remember to pull out every foot or so or it will screw all the way in to the heavy clay and shear a pin ( been there, done that).  My issues is getting it located exactly where I want the hole and then because the arc of the arm, it never creates a perfectly vertical hole, its a slight angle so the bottom of a 3 1/2 ft hole the bottom can be off vertical by 5-6 inches.

I like accuracy....this auger is the equivalent of a 4 moa rifle.  Good enough but not going to punch the same hole in the same location twice.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 31, 2017, 09:41:25 PM
Thanks Don,

Getting it to bite is not the problem (in my clay soil with no rocks).  If anything I have to remember to pull out every foot or so or it will screw all the way in to the heavy clay and shear a pin ( been there, done that).  My issues is getting it located exactly where I want the hole and then because the arc of the arm, it never creates a perfectly vertical hole, its a slight angle so the bottom of a 3 1/2 ft hole the bottom can be off vertical by 5-6 inches.

I like accuracy....this auger is the equivalent of a 4 moa rifle.  Good enough but not going to punch the same hole in the same location twice.....

So true
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 01, 2017, 02:15:31 PM
I found that if you pre-dig a starter hole, a few inches down by hand, it keeps the auger from jumping around, then move the tractor forward about half way down to keep her straight(ish).
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 01, 2017, 09:28:16 PM
Good advice Ken.  will give it a try
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 04, 2017, 11:20:28 PM
So today was a lesson in  fence building.  I have a new found respect for ranchers....

96 degrees and 106 heat index.  No breeze.  dismantling an existing fence and rolling up the wire and then stretching and splicing barbed wire and driving t posts.

Pics tomorrow. soreness and scratches from barbed wire and mesquite trees tonight....good thing my tetanus shot is good to 2018
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on August 04, 2017, 11:32:04 PM
Too bad I'm not closer, I'd be glad to help out with the fence. It's a royal butt whooping type workout! Wife and I did ours, only a small 4acres but was a great work out!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 05, 2017, 12:44:35 AM
I can honestly say...I'm glad I don't live closer!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2017, 02:24:06 PM
after stretching the last of the barbed wire and driving 2 more T posts, I have decided that I am going to rent a powered post driver.  The soil is as hard as concrete and that manual driver is taking about 300 blows or more to get the post in the ground..

I contacted the rock yard and they are going to come give me an estimate on laying the rock on the 700ft of driveway. 

Done for now with the fence until I get back from San Diego.  I'm looking forward to relaxing in 78 degree weather and 68 degree water.....
We rented a house in Carlsbad/Oceanside area overlooking the beach and plan on relaxing and checking out the San Diego Zoo and a few other attractions
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2017, 03:00:58 PM
My old playground. Check out the wild animal park and all the military museums.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on August 05, 2017, 07:18:14 PM
Have fun TRN. One of my favorite cities. If you can check the Del Coronado Hotel. They don't care if you walk around. I used to stay there when we did Beta work for Qualcomm. I would also be curious what you think of the Mexican food at Old Town Mexican Cafe where the ladies in front make the tortillas by hand. I thought it was good but I might have just been a tourista.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2017, 07:37:03 PM
Mike,  love the hotel Del.  Stayed there before.  Thought I was a navy seal until I tried running down the beach in the sand.....its harder than it looks and the water is cold.......

Tidbit.  It is the largest stick framed building in the US. Built in  by Chineese immigrant laborers.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on August 06, 2017, 12:24:00 AM
TRN. It is definitely cool. I ran to the buffet.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 31, 2017, 09:26:23 PM
Ok so here is an update. First: lesson learned. Never ever attempt to reuse old fencing.  It's just not worth it. Fence materials are cheap compared to the labor. I was pulling posts after fighting all that barbed wire and finally said "forget this" and went and bought new t posts ($3.89 ea).  Rented a rhino industries gas powered post driver which is worth every stinking penny. Insert post, place bottom on mark, tilt to vertical and pull the throttle trigger.  Same with trying to reuse the clip wires that hold the wire to the post. Just get new.

Pics of finished fence to come.

Then I evacuated to the hide to escape Harvey.....more about that shortly.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 31, 2017, 10:24:18 PM
So one of the reasons I have this place is for events just like Harvey. Living in the middle of 4M people presents a challenge to evacuate in the event of an emergency.  In this case, knowing when to leave is the real key.  You must have an early warning system and multiple routes. See my concentric circle philosophy.  Keeping both trucks full is also a key. On the Bus I run 75 gallons and when the needle comes up off full, indicating that I've used 40 gallons, I fill.  That means I never have less than 35 gallons. On the dually I always have the 60 gallon tank full and fill the main tank when it gets 1/2 full.  That means I never have less than 75 gallons. I also keep at least a months worth of food at the hide in the freezer and pantry, not to mention a years worth of long term food. So the plan worked well.  If I had to say there was a lesson to be learned it would be to have a bigger generator and more gas stored.  I really need a mil surplus trailer mounted diesel gen set so I can power the entire house,  either the Houston or the hide house.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 31, 2017, 10:32:47 PM
So I'm on the schedule to have another 90 tons of granit brought in and my driveway re surfaced. I spent a month or more of weekends replacing a culvert and grading for drainage. While we didn't get torrential rains here it was steady light rain for 6 days. It required 4wd to get out and in and now my drive is very rutted. I attempted to drag out some material from up near the shops to mix with the clay mud and it helped with traction but still deep ruts.   Did as much as I could in these wet conditions.  So i moved on to the casita, attempting to get back on schedule. Installed Simpson joist hangers and hung 2x12 on 16" center. At 12 ft span that will carry plenty of load. I will say the best tool purchase in recent memory is my palm nailer to drive the short galvanized nails into the hangers. I now need to cut X braces for the joists before laying the 1 1/8" t&g plywood subfloor. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 01, 2017, 05:19:31 AM
Looks good

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 01, 2017, 10:25:15 AM
Looks good

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 01, 2017, 11:17:42 AM
Great looking work for a rain soaked Red-Neck!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on September 01, 2017, 11:25:29 AM
The casita is looking good.

So one of the reasons I have this place is for events just like Harvey. Living in the middle of 4M people presents a challenge to evacuate in the event of an emergency.  In this case, knowing when to leave is the real key.  You must have an early warning system and multiple routes. See my concentric circle philosophy.  Keeping both trucks full is also a key. On the Bus I run 75 gallons and when the needle comes up off full, indicating that I've used 40 gallons, I fill.  That means I never have less than 35 gallons. On the dually I always have the 60 gallon tank full and fill the main tank when it gets 1/2 full.  That means I never have less than 75 gallons. I also keep at least a months worth of food at the hide in the freezer and pantry, not to mention a years worth of long term food. So the plan worked well.  If I had to say there was a lesson to be learned it would be to have a bigger generator and more gas stored.  I really need a mil surplus trailer mounted diesel gen set so I can power the entire house,  either the Houston or the hide house.

Some good stuff here....

I think the big key is getting out of Dodge early- from what I have read traffic tie-ups, accidents etc. is what killed a bunch of people when they evacuated late during Hurricane Rita evacuations.

I like the fuel aspect- always having enough available. Do you store any you could easily load in the truck should you need it?

Curious about the whole house generator....I like the idea of having one mounted in a trailer. Have you given a thought to fuel? Would you have fuel at both locations or carry that too? Also curious about whether diesel or LP would be a better choice. I like the storage aspect of LP for something like that (not likely to be used that often), but maybe the ability to use it in a vehicle also lends itself to diesel. But with the added "work" of rotating it.

I am really glad it all worked out for you and your family. When you see what others who did not have a plan have gone through/are going through you should be proud that for your family it was sort of a "vacation". Good for you TRN!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 01, 2017, 08:19:33 PM
Wilbur.   LP. What is that?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 01, 2017, 08:22:21 PM
LP, liquid propane.

Many gens are set up for that now, duo-fuel.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 01, 2017, 11:16:28 PM
Natural gas was on the brain. Not liquid Propane

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 02, 2017, 09:03:58 AM
The casita is looking good.

So one of the reasons I have this place is for events just like Harvey. Living in the middle of 4M people presents a challenge to evacuate in the event of an emergency.  In this case, knowing when to leave is the real key.  You must have an early warning system and multiple routes. See my concentric circle philosophy.  Keeping both trucks full is also a key. On the Bus I run 75 gallons and when the needle comes up off full, indicating that I've used 40 gallons, I fill.  That means I never have less than 35 gallons. On the dually I always have the 60 gallon tank full and fill the main tank when it gets 1/2 full.  That means I never have less than 75 gallons. I also keep at least a months worth of food at the hide in the freezer and pantry, not to mention a years worth of long term food. So the plan worked well.  If I had to say there was a lesson to be learned it would be to have a bigger generator and more gas stored.  I really need a mil surplus trailer mounted diesel gen set so I can power the entire house,  either the Houston or the hide house.

Some good stuff here....

I think the big key is getting out of Dodge early- from what I have read traffic tie-ups, accidents etc. is what killed a bunch of people when they evacuated late during Hurricane Rita evacuations.

I like the fuel aspect- always having enough available. Do you store any you could easily load in the truck should you need it?

Curious about the whole house generator....I like the idea of having one mounted in a trailer. Have you given a thought to fuel? Would you have fuel at both locations or carry that too? Also curious about whether diesel or LP would be a better choice. I like the storage aspect of LP for something like that (not likely to be used that often), but maybe the ability to use it in a vehicle also lends itself to diesel. But with the added "work" of rotating it.

I am really glad it all worked out for you and your family. When you see what others who did not have a plan have gone through/are going through you should be proud that for your family it was sort of a "vacation". Good for you TRN!

So I made a 4 wire cable with locking 20A plug for the ten and a 4 wire RV plug on the other end.  Flip main breaker off and run generator in the shop and plug into the 50 amp 240 circuit in the shop to back feed the main panel.

The reason I want a mobile get set is to be portable and use it at either location.  I've seen trailer mounted get sets in mil surp that have a large tank as part of the trailer.  A good friend has two CUCV trucks with gen sets on them.  One is a 6.5 GM diesel with pto driven 12kw gen set and the other is a dodge with a dual fuel gas and propane gen set.  I may talk him out of the 6.5.  It has a huge cargo box on back with the genet that would hold a massive aux tank. that would allow that truck to run for days at full output.

I could back feed the main panel in either house with a larger cable connection.  12KW would run most everything at the hide and a good part of the house in Houston. 

As for fuel, I keep all my fuel on board the trucks (diesel anyway).  I do have a few 55 gallon drums that I keep around for extra storage.  I can easily plumb or siphon fuel from either or both trucks as needed. And having that fuel on board allows me to rotate stock and keep the fuel fresh.  Between the two trucks I have 170gallons of diesel. 

I don't really like the idea of having to maintain another vehicle, so I may look seriously at a trailer mounted gen set.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 09, 2017, 08:21:54 PM
So today I pulled a few of the joist hangers to get the joists more level. Being anal for sure. Then cut my cross braces and got everything buttoned up. Hitachi nail gun works well. Next up is laying the tongue and groove subfloor. 1 1/8 plywood. Any advice on how to lay the t&g would be appreciated. I plan to glue and screw but getting the tongue fully seated in the groove is where my concern lies.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 09, 2017, 09:30:53 PM
I used a 2x4 screwed onto each piece and pipe clamps on mine. Screwed a 2x4 next to the one I was working on for the clamp.

Use LOTS of glue, it acts like a lube. Be sure the glue is for sub floors so it doesn't harden, no squeaks!

I would only use coated torx screws, the phillips strip way to easy. Started each screw with a hammer so the screwing was easier.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 09, 2017, 09:35:23 PM
Thanks JR. I may have to sacrifice I sheet since I built this for 2 sheets by 6 sheets. And bout 12 total.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 09, 2017, 09:39:13 PM
Changed it a little once I found the pic. It was 10 years ago!  :knucklehead:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on September 09, 2017, 09:50:37 PM
Try the Bowrench. Looks like slowes carries it now. I've used it for my deck boards and you will need a sacrificial board for the groove. Or a come along
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 09, 2017, 10:04:13 PM
Cool little tool. What are those things with cords on them?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 09, 2017, 10:11:52 PM
Cheap old school 2" ratchet strap, one at each end with ratchet hung over outer edge of outside floor joist hooked to bottom of it......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 09, 2017, 10:30:10 PM
Cheap old school 2" ratchet strap, one at each end with ratchet hung over outer edge of outside floor joist hooked to bottom of it......

Yep, I didn't have a ratchet strap, but had the pipe clamps.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 09, 2017, 10:31:38 PM
Shawn, for a dope smoking hippy you sure are smart.....

Thanks.  I have some pretty heavy duty straps
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 10, 2017, 07:37:43 AM
Shawn, for a dope smoking hippy you sure are smart.....

Thanks.  I have some pretty heavy duty straps

 :likebutton: sounds like a compliment Ken might give, you guys related? Or, maybe just an affinity for all things H by chance?  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 10, 2017, 08:06:01 AM
Meh. Just piling on. The ankles on Hillary are bigger than my thighs.

I had a lady on my team transfer to Denver to get closer to the places she and her family like to camp. Someone gave her a green cross t shirt as a gag gift.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on September 10, 2017, 10:19:39 AM
We cut a strip that has the other matched tongue or groove. Then hammer away on that piece. Do not try to hammer on the tongue or groove on the piece you are installing. By cutting a strip you have a sacrificial piece that mates up to your sheet. With careful planning you can get this strip from some fall off. We also use liquid nails or sub floor adhesive and many screws. What plywood subfloor material are you using? We use advantech and it has proven to hold up well if it gets wet. It is more like water proof osb though. Plywood is strong but buckles when wet and will suffer delimitation. The floor is small so that helps but make sure your first row is perfectly straight otherwise when you stagger joints you will start to stair step. You could mark off 4' rows and start at the row closest to the center and work out in both directions. That way you will have less stepping because you traveled half the distance. Also, inspect each tongue or groove for debris before locking it in. The shape can be cleaned out with a razor knife. Your best bet is to get the roof on once you lay the floor sheeting.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 10, 2017, 11:01:14 AM
Meh. Just piling on. The ankles on Hillary are bigger than my thighs.

I had a lady on my team transfer to Denver to get closer to the places she and her family like to camp. Someone gave her a green cross t shirt as a gag gift.

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There are some very liberal (hateful pockets) here around / in Denver. Boulder is a large one, college town. I personally try to stay away from that place. When I do go there it seems I will get attacked at least once. Last trip 9 months ago (btw it's 15 min from my house) I had a guy come up wanting money to save the elephants. Can't make this stuff up, I warned him to go away & he did which was great for both of us but my guard is always high over there.

Now, there are also a lot of churches here. In fact the locally owned coffee shop is owned by a pastor of a church in Boulder. He's a real man in every sense of our definition. He's also on the front lines & has had services interrupted by mentally challenged individuals. Lots of good stories and I keep him in my prayers. There's plenty of tinder here & all it will take is a small spark.

One thing about it, for the most part you know which side people are on. I couldn't say that about NE IN, it was definitely hard to tell there. The ones here wear no camouflage......

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 10, 2017, 11:32:33 AM
Jared thanks for the tips. I tried to plan so that I had exactly the right number of sheets. The floor is exactly 16x24. But then I found that the 4x8 sheets are actually 96x47 when you account for the tongue engagement in the groove. SMH. Now I will have to go buy two more sheets. I'll start by ripping one in half and finish with one that is 2'6".

I hadn't thought about this but should I be cutting every other row into 4x4 and putting one whole sheet in the middle and the 2 4x4 pieces on the ends so I don't have one seam running all the way down the center of the room as I would have if I just laid them in full sheets?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 10, 2017, 11:34:13 AM
As for what it is, it appears to be just really thick plywood. I plan on getting the structure dried in shortly after putting the floor down. I'll tarp it in the mean time.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 10, 2017, 11:46:35 AM
I will backup how the OSB holds up to water! Had a leak in the tarp once the walls were up and I had a good inch of water trapped between the studs. 10 years later and the floor is solid, that exact spot above!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 10, 2017, 01:11:12 PM
Tex you should stager the seams, when I was framing we just used a 2x4 on the open mouth side and hammed it into place. Seemed to work well and not damage the joint.  If the joint does end up damaged just cut it open and clear out the degree

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on September 10, 2017, 01:43:14 PM
Yes stagger the seams. We stagger everything on the floors, walls, roof,and ceilings. It is stronger staggered. It also minimizes seeing that seam once done. Advantech holds up to water. I prefer plywood for strength but it must be kept dry. I am sure there are exceptions to that rule using marine grade plywood and such but the cost goes up quickly. I can put a hammer through osb easily. Plywood is much harder to break.  On the homes we build i use 5/8" plywood decking on the roof. It gets decking staples, then ring shank galvanized nails, then deck screws. Enough of each so that each type holds as if the other two were not there. Plywood will hold a roofing screw better than osb. In San Marcos, TX in 06 we had grapefruit and softball size hail. It went right into the living areas on homes with 7/16" osb. None of the hail punched through even 1/2" plywood. On the tornado/strong rooms we build we layer 3/4" plywood on the walls and ceilings then fasten the cube to the concrete with imbeds or wedge anchors every 12". We do that to reinforce when customers do not want concrete block. My business partner and i have hid several bunkers under buildings like yours.
I also agree that huge straps work well to pull panels into place. I use this method to get walls straight to brace and build off of once we start cutting the roof in. Good luck with your project. It is looking great.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on September 10, 2017, 02:32:53 PM
One more thing worth mentioning. Make sure each piece of sheeting you use touches at least three floor joists. It will dip over time if you go from joist to joist. For example. With 16" OC your smallest piece should be a minimum of 32" wide. 24" OC and your minimum is 48". Full sheets and half sheets are best for strength and material usage. If you have a situation where you have to go joist to joist you can block under it to add strength. This blocking works but is not ideal if it can be avoided. Also if you end up short on the ends due to width you can pull the sheet away from the edge about half the width of the glue lambs. The wall can then be pushed out to the edge and sandwich the floor between the wall and glue lamb. Fill this void with material so the wall has a solid base. Check the spec on your sheeting. Some require a gap to allow for expansion and contraction. I use a nail to gap when needed.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 10, 2017, 04:05:35 PM
Charles, I like this JH guy he is thorough.  :likebutton:

Maybe we can recruit him for DOT status? I mean Ken seems to be slipping ever since H lost. Don seems to be able to post much more here lately with less interruption which is never good.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 10, 2017, 10:14:59 PM
Guys thanks for all the advice.  It makes so much sense to stagger seams once I started laying it. I cut the first row down to about 24 inches knowing I'll finish witj about 30 on the other side. This stuff is a workout. 1&1/8 thick. I used the grove from the piece I trimmed to make beater blocks. Sledge encouraged them into place. 49 deck screws in each sheet. When I split the last sheet into 4 ft pieces it was so bowed that no amount of screws would pull the edge down so I ditched it. Now I need 3 more sheets to finish. The APA label says the glue used in this ply is water resistant so hopefully if it gets a rain before I get it closed in I'll be ok


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 10, 2017, 11:01:12 PM
Stagger looks good. Funny how it works out that even though you make the frame to match 4x8 ply, they are not!

Just roll on a coat of sealer when you are done, no worries about rain
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on September 10, 2017, 11:06:27 PM
Looks great. If the wood is water resistant you are golden. There will always be something exciting about the smell of cut lumber.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 10, 2017, 11:41:00 PM
Thanks Jared.  I plan to balloon frame with 2x6x12 and use a 2x4 for a ledger board let into the 2x6 wall at 9ft.  Set i joists on that and that should give me 24 inches of pony wall upstairs on which to set the rafters on a 12/12 pitch.  That should give me 10ft at the peak.

I plan to use a steel spiral staircase so on the side with the stairs I will have a shed dormer that should give me 8ft headroom at the top of the stairs.  My biggest uncertainty is the roof framing.  Just getting the birdsmouths accurate and the overhangs and shed dormer framed will be a challenge.

Like eating the bite at a time....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 10, 2017, 11:46:19 PM
Charles, do you need the roof joists laid out on cad? My new laptop and software should be here in the next couple days & I can do it for you if needed.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on September 10, 2017, 11:50:03 PM
I will keep an eye on your thread. I know how to cut those rafters in and might be able to help if i can relay the information correctly. I can show you how to lay it out with a framing square or use my construction master from calculated industries. I feel like the calculator is cheating but it sure is fast. They are definitely worth their cost when used often.
I am currently framing a 1200 ft garage for a customer and doing my own home in its entirety as money allows to teach my 17 year old daughter the business. Framing is just one aspect of what we do. Currently i would take her over most of the guys that are willing to work. When i got my lumber package delivered all at once the kids were looking at the bundles. I told them that is there home and we just need to put it together. That is eating an elephant one bite at a time.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 11, 2017, 12:04:45 AM
Hey Jared, have you seen my room addition? 1 step at a time for sure. Advice is always welcome.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 11, 2017, 07:36:54 PM
Jared that's great experience for the kids.  I have a few cheat sheets and such and I'm sure I'll muddle through it.  As you know when you don't do this often (or ever) it just takes 4 times as long.  Especially if you have plans in your head and somewhat sketched out on paper.

Shawn any and all help is apprecaited if you have something that will help and is not too much trouble.

outside edges of the walls will measure 16x24.  roof will be framed on a 12/12 pitch with 2x6 rafters with 18-24 inch overhang (what ever looks right).  In the middle of the left long side as vieweed from the front will have a 6 ft wide shed dormer that begins at the peak and slopes down about 18-24 inches to the end of the dormer.  Sheath with 5/8 ply and metal R panel roof.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 12, 2017, 09:08:13 PM
Jared that's great experience for the kids.  I have a few cheat sheets and such and I'm sure I'll muddle through it.  As you know when you don't do this often (or ever) it just takes 4 times as long.  Especially if you have plans in your head and somewhat sketched out on paper.

Shawn any and all help is apprecaited if you have something that will help and is not too much trouble.

outside edges of the walls will measure 16x24.  roof will be framed on a 12/12 pitch with 2x6 rafters with 18-24 inch overhang (what ever looks right).  In the middle of the left long side as vieweed from the front will have a 6 ft wide shed dormer that begins at the peak and slopes down about 18-24 inches to the end of the dormer.  Sheath with 5/8 ply and metal R panel roof.

Charles, laptop is being delivered tomorrow. Once I load the software I'll lay it out & send you a PDF.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 15, 2017, 08:42:12 PM
Thank you Shawn. Much appreciated. 
Today I picked up wood. Should start framing tomorrow.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on September 15, 2017, 10:22:22 PM
Thank you Shawn. Much appreciated. 
Today I picked up wood. Should start framing tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 16, 2017, 10:21:26 AM
Great looking wood Charles. :wink

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 16, 2017, 02:44:20 PM
Great looking wood Charles. :wink

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Careful Charles........ never know about these H supporters!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 16, 2017, 07:33:09 PM
Oh I have some big wood for Ken....

Finished the sub floor and got one wall up.  Even though I put the 24 ft wall up in two sections, a single 12 ft section was too heavy for me to lift.  I think I have a testicle rolling around on the deck somewhere....

So I was stumped for a while.  Then I figured that I would get my climbing gear and a climbing pulley and get up in a tree to hang a pulley then run it down to a carabiner then to the tractor.  That proved to be a bigger challenge than it sounds like since my blocks nailed to the side of the platofrm to keep the wall from sliding broke loose....

So back to the drawing board.  More blocks but screwed this time and put a lot of tension on the wall and went to lift then insert a 3ft  2x under the wall to hold it up.  Then back to the tractor and I got it most of the way up but not so much that it would flop off of the deck.  got it braced and then plumbed.

Then on to the second half using the same technique..

pics in a bit.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 16, 2017, 08:18:19 PM

First wall up. 12ft tall 24ft long. 3x3 window over sink.

Next up. Other 24ft wall. Will have 2 4x5 windows. Evenly spaced.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 16, 2017, 08:42:32 PM
Nice fast work. Wall go fast, like the height

Can't wait to get mine going, wiring is a mess (tying in, what goes where)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 16, 2017, 08:51:39 PM
It took much longer than it should have.  Working alone is tough. A buddy is coming up in the morning. Should go faster.

JR renovations always take longer and are tougher. Piecing things together it much tougher

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 16, 2017, 09:09:13 PM

JR renovations always take longer and are tougher. Piecing things together it much tougher

I hear you. Finally traced all the wires with my sons help. I have had to rewire the garage and pull new wire down to old outlets for about 1/2 the work now.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 17, 2017, 07:00:57 AM
Happy Lord's Day gentlemen.  Back at framing this morning.  Got a buddy coming over early to help.  My hope is to get all the rest of the walls up, but I'll settle on the remaining big wall and one of the end walls.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 17, 2017, 11:13:32 AM
Have fun Charles,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 17, 2017, 08:13:31 PM
Beer thirty

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 17, 2017, 10:06:25 PM
Good days work. About what you wanted, 3 walls.

Whats up with the stud above the right window?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 17, 2017, 10:25:29 PM
Actually all four walls are up now. If you mean the left window from our view, I don't know what happened. I laid it out as I went and got off kilter on the jack studs above the header. Will cut them loose and re center later. Just wanted to get all four up and then I can tweak.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 17, 2017, 10:27:09 PM
Here's all four up.

Next is cutting in the ledger for the joists for the second floor. I have 9 1/2 inch I joists.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 17, 2017, 10:29:08 PM
That front walk with two windows and the door was so heavy that two of us couldn't lift it. We had to use the pulley and tractor system and one guiding to get it up.

So some quick math says that wall was probably 600 lbs.

No wonder.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 17, 2017, 11:16:53 PM
Don't get me wrong, it looks great! Wish I had a wall or 2 up, still playing with wires  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 18, 2017, 07:46:28 AM
Now if you had added sheeting before leaning it up.  Think of that weight added.   Then you could have used a router to cut out the windows and doors too.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on September 18, 2017, 08:16:01 AM
My grandfather would not lift a wall until the windows, sheeting, tar paper, and siding were in/on it and either their full length or 16' minimum. I have never done it that way. Too heavy. He swore by it though. With my daughter we lift up to 16' walls by hand. But, i do not do window sills, tails, or headers in a wall before we lift it. For me i can get things perfectly square with less large lumber to shove over. I have also found i like the large cargo straps. I use chokers on each end to secure the strap. Walls can be moved in 1/8" increments easily to get and hold square.  Are you doing a second top plate to weave your plates and corners together?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 18, 2017, 08:42:13 AM
Good day's work, Looking nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 18, 2017, 09:55:01 AM
Times 2 on the top plate question.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 18, 2017, 10:49:40 AM
Yeah. I braced and plumbed the long walls usining a good old fashioned plumb bob to eliminate false reading off crowned studs.

Once it's squared up I'll weave the top plates.

Dave I thought about sheathing it but those 2x6 walls are already waaaay to heavy. Easier to adjust in sticks if it needs to be massaged

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 18, 2017, 10:50:59 AM
I still have some tweaking to do. I just wanted to get the heavy lifting done while I had help

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on September 18, 2017, 11:39:20 PM
I agree on the 2x6 walls - took me and 3 neighbors to lift my garage walls - and had to lift them up onto concrete stem walls over anchor bolts.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 23, 2017, 09:37:26 PM
Trying to get caught up here.

Got the walls up and made a mistake on the back wall. It was between the two long walls and I went 16 inch oc from the corner and  not from the corner of the long wall so sheathing did not lineup from the actual corner. Live and learn. Cost me 2 sheets of plywood.

Here you can see the rafters going up. This is a 12/12 roof. with the 32 inch pony wall upstairs the peak of the roof will give me 10 ft inside peak.
( plan is to have a spiral metal stair case in the opening which is about 62 inches square
Which means I needed a dormer to get the require 7'6" height above the stairs
Here you can see the lookout rafters and sub facia board going on. House will be all hardie including trim so I made the lookout rafters 14.5 inches so that with the 2x4 sub facia the 16 inch non vented hardie will completely cover all the wood and then a 1x8 hardi facia board finishes the outside edge.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 23, 2017, 09:39:49 PM
Here’s where the often elusive common sense kicked in. Working alone to haul sheathing up a 24ft ladder seemed like a bad idea and would take one man forever.  So I called the guy who built the main house and he hooked me up with his framing crew to come knock out the decking. Three guys at $46/hr. Seems reasonable and they knocked it our in 11 hours.

Instead of 30# felt I’m using rhino synthetic underlayment. Supposed to be superior and can be left open to the elements for 120 days. Very thin fabric and a roll covers 100 sq ft. 2x4 purlins for the metal roof in place and metal roof ordered. Will be emerald green R Panel to match the main house.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 23, 2017, 09:42:44 PM

So here’s where I got back to work. Wrapping the house in tyvek by myself was fun. Feel like I could leg press a Jeep after 100s of Tripp’s up and down the ladder to anchor on end then move the ladder to anchor the other then move the ladder and nail and tape all along the way.  You get the point.

Here the soffit coming together. Here’s where I hired the crew again. Holding 12 ft flimsy pieces of hardi 20ft in the air by yourself didn’t seem like a great idea. They knocked all the facia and soffit out in 5 hours. Another smoking deal.

And back to me working again. Poured 12 tube form footings for the 4x6 porch posts and sank wet anchors in place. Here’s where lack of planning and engineering came back to haunt me a bit. The double 2x12 from the house to the posts is really not all that structural but securing them to the house in a way that didn’t include a ledger board was tough since I was building all the way to the edge. Some timber locks driven at 45 degree angles in the top and bottom of each 2x12 seemed to do the trick. I may add a Simpson right angle bracket but I have to keep protrusions to a minimum since this will all be covered in hardie. I did some pull ups from them so I guess that will hold


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 24, 2017, 12:03:37 PM
Looks good I like the progress

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 25, 2017, 07:08:03 PM
Ran my crew today for 3 1/2 hours. Got all the main R panels up.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 25, 2017, 07:26:58 PM
And my new Hitachi coil siding nailer came in from amazon. About ready to rock and roll some hardi plank.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on November 25, 2017, 09:00:09 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 26, 2017, 01:26:47 AM
Looks good. I was lucky and wrapped my walls before they went up. How are you going to cover the crawlspace?

Coil guns are great for this stuff. I have a bostich for siding and a HF for shingles.

HF framer was acting up a little today, didn't like loading new nails. Had to set a few by hand and dig a couple out of the gun. Still saved me a ton of work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 26, 2017, 07:41:54 AM
Not sure yet JR. Because of the humidity I don’t want to cloSe it off completely. More of a critter filter probably.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 26, 2017, 05:32:18 PM
I was thinking of critters and them getting into the woodwork.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 26, 2017, 08:01:00 PM
Ok. Picked up a new 28 ft IA ladder, some scaffold jacks and some solar board for the porch since it won’t have spray foam insulation.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 26, 2017, 08:01:34 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 26, 2017, 09:07:59 PM
You should look at some ladder adjustable feet from Sherwin Williams or another supplier. That new ladder will have you a long way up in in the air.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 26, 2017, 09:27:25 PM
Yeah I probably do Bob. Especial on this sloping site so I don't have to dig with the claw hammer to level a spot.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 26, 2017, 10:06:41 PM
That was a pretty penny for that fiberglass ladder! 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 26, 2017, 11:48:39 PM
Yeah Dave, but cheaper than a trip to the ER.  The 200 lb capacity type III I have (24ft) is wobbly as all get out, especially since I go 230 by myself with no gear.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 27, 2017, 12:33:55 AM
I hate ladders but I own a forty foot ex, a thirty Ex, and a couple six foot A

You can never have enough ladders.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2017, 09:37:05 PM
So a few more tools came in this week. Maybe the reality is that I only build as an excuse to buy tools. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2017, 09:38:51 PM
And here’s where I left the porch. (

Low slope. 13 inches over 8 feet. Needed it to tuck under the eave from the side of the main roof.  Just need to build the lookout rafters and soffit and facia

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 27, 2017, 10:01:51 PM
I run a duofast siding gun. My business partner had a hitachi of a couple years old. It might be worthwhile to see if your gun will run standard coils. The hitachi is the only gun that coils the nails backwards. This is an issue if you run anything but their coils. It just makes it a bit more costly and narrows what nails can he used.
But, if it only for one project it will be ok. And, maybe they fixed the coil issue. The house is looking great.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 27, 2017, 10:02:45 PM
Is that the coiler special for concrete planks? got a pick of the nails? just curious.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2017, 10:06:49 PM
Its like having a 408 cheytac with no ammo.  Supposed to be a bad arse gun but we won't know until we get nails.

Jared, I think the new ones are pretty standard from the reviews I've read.  Will report back shortly
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 27, 2017, 10:07:16 PM
When the siding gets installed you might want to consider using moist stop behind every butt joint which laps out over the piece under it. I cut 12” strips so i end up with a piece 12”X12”. This keeps water out of the joint once the caulk cracks with the expansion and contraction of the hardi. I use a staple slapper to pin it in place.
Also, use smooth galvanized fasteners. The ring shank which get used on fencing blows the back of the hardi out due to the ribs in the nails.
Edit. If they fixed that one issue with their coil gun it will rock and roll. I have a ton of hitachi pneumatic guns.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on November 28, 2017, 12:40:10 AM
When the siding gets installed you might want to consider using moist stop behind every butt joint which laps out over the piece under it. I cut 12” strips so i end up with a piece 12”X12”. This keeps water out of the joint once the caulk cracks with the expansion and contraction of the hardi. I use a staple slapper to pin it in place.
Also, use smooth galvanized fasteners. The ring shank which get used on fencing blows the back of the hardi out due to the ribs in the nails.
Edit. If they fixed that one issue with their coil gun it will rock and roll. I have a ton of hitachi pneumatic guns.
Hardi no longer wants caulk to be used on butt joints. It's in the install instructions.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 28, 2017, 01:20:03 AM
Got my first sheets up today. Gun worked great!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 28, 2017, 06:21:35 AM
Good intel Jared and Ryan. I did see the install with the flashing behind the joints. Thanks for the reminder.  Jared I’m assuming you are referring to the product line by Fortifiber?  Can you link to the product or provide more specifics on comparable material to use behind the joints?

Also let’s chat about nailing. I get the ring shank piece.

I’ve never liked blind nailing just the hidden portion. It just seems flimsy.  Would you also nail into the lower portion of the plank every 32 inches or so?

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 28, 2017, 10:43:16 AM
In some states they require blind nails and a nail over the lap. I will give a run down on what i do and why. Some of my steps are not recommended. But, after many many houses it is what i do. I am in Texas so face nailing is not required in my area. I think some of the gulf coast regions do require the extra nail.
During my framing i use a sharpi to mark each stud and mark hazards on the outside of the slab. I do this before underpinning is installed which will cover my marks. If underpinning is already in i use a small pencil mark. This helps me locate studs accurately and fast to install sheeting. I then use this mark and transfer it to the wall for siding. So every hit is a stud for sure. There is no guessing.
I blind nail every stud. If i have two or three studs together i use two or three nails. I then do one face nail on each side of a joint. When this nail is left out these joints move too much for my liking. I also face nail as needed for rolls and such. Try to nail in the center of the lap. Too low and a nail will show. Too high and it does not hold the siding as well and could blow out the edge. I use moist stop for a joint flashing. You can use almost anything as long as it is water proof. I will post a photo later of my nails and my flashing.
I know hardi no longer recommends caulk but i caulk. My OCD will not allow me to see all those horizontal joints. These joints look terrible after paint unless the owner uses dark paint. Most are going light paint these days. They no longer recommend this as most painters use the cheapest caulk. It gets hard then the hardi expands and contracts and turns the caulk into a small ridge. This happens with the acrylic painters caulk which lacks silicone. I use the highest grade caulk i can. I also caulk twice to take care of shrinkage. I caulk as i go then i caulk a week later or once the siding is done. Carry a damp rag with you to clean up the caulk on butt joints. I try to leave a thin smooth layer over the joint to sort of bridge the gap. I have not had any issues doing this. I have used dap siliconized acrylic 40 year, i have used window and door trim caulk made by PL, and i have used dyna flex. Now here is where i also do what is not recommended. I caulk every horizontal joint and once again i caulk twice. The dyna flex or pl are thicker and harder to use but hold well and remain pliable. This sort of glues down the hardi pieces also. I started doing this after almost every homeowner insisted on it even when i said it is against the hardi installation instructions. But, i have been back to some of these homes twenty years later to repaint them and all is well. Some will say doing this traps moisture. This is true. But, had i used the 4X8 sheets the wall would have been sealed anyway. Any moisture would hit my flashing behind the joint. I leave 1/4” directly below this joint uncaulked. Or i come back and slit the caulk or push a scratch all into the caulk to leave an escape path for water that hits the flashing. With premium paints the walls are also sealed up and theoretically would trap water anyway.
On your starter row do a lathe strip. I just use deck staples to attach a 1”-1 1/2” wide strip of 1/4” luane plywood or i rip a 1/4” piece of a 2x4. Use a material slightly thinner than the siding because this gets attached to the framing. Then your starter row gets dropped down an inch to an inch and a half to create a drip lip. This distance i drop does vary based on how the home is framed. I mark all my first rows and chalk them out.   
I use hardi nails for the siding that are 1 7/8” so as not to penetrate too far into a wall stud where wiring or plumbing is.
On the trim i use hardi trim. I also install it as if it was wood. This is also against the rules. My issue is too many windows extend too far out beyond the wall surface so you have to double up hardi and screw it in. Or use cedar which will eventually rot. What i do is have the hardi siding cover the window flange. I bring it up to within 1/8” or 1/4” of the window , covering the flange, then put the 1x4 hardi trim on top. I do this because i do not want a horizontal joint running the length of the window. This also holds the hardi down. With most windows this puts the face of the trim even with the window or 1/8” beyond. I then caulk the junction of the trim and siding and the trim and window. I exclusively use PL window and door caulk to seal the top of a window. I have also used NP1 which can be on a roof in the sun for something like fifty years. It takes paint well. Any caulk that is used that does not take paint such as pure silicone can be allowed to dry. Then go over it with the dap siliconized acrylic and you get a paintable surface.  I caulk these areas between the window trim and siding twice to level out shrinkage. I only nail the trim in through the void of the hardi siding. If you try to nail through the 1x hardi trim and two layers of siding the nails bend over. I have experimented with galvanized non ringshank nails here with a framing gun but the framer is too tough and the nails too fat. So i use the galvanized non ringshank 2 1/4” nails here made for the hardi gun. The caulk i use also glues everything together. I carry a nail set while doing trim so i can get nails at least flush. Sub flush is ok. Just no reason to sink them too deep as they will not hold as well.
Make sure you get a good saw blade made for hardi. They run about $40 but they last me a dozen homes or more. I lose more to theft. They make some that are under $10 but they do not last. A good blade will keep chipping at a minimum. Also, cut with the table down wind. It will blow the dust away. Otherwise it causes silicosis. Bad stuff.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 28, 2017, 10:44:59 AM
Deleted redundant
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 28, 2017, 11:02:30 AM
Sorry guys. I can not get my post to work. I tried copy and paste. It is only showing a small fraction. At least on my phone. Can someone let me know if you guys can see it in its entirety?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on November 28, 2017, 11:29:05 AM
looks like it worked to me.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 28, 2017, 11:42:34 AM
Nice instructions, looks like it posted fine.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on November 28, 2017, 11:48:33 AM
I hope that was all of it, my brain is floating just trying to keep up with it so far. Great information, I’m looking at options for residing my new(to me) home and garage. Hardin is my top choice so far, but depends on cost maintenance/painting and other factors. We’ll see.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 28, 2017, 02:28:48 PM
Jarod, if it was supposed to be 7,645,239 words, then yes it worked.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 28, 2017, 02:38:40 PM
LOL. Sorry i am not good with describing my thoughts so if there is clarification needed i can do that. I need to find a computerologist. I can not add photos like on Cummins Forum with tapatalk here.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on November 28, 2017, 02:50:13 PM
Jared, if the photos can wait a little bit, i will upload them for you when i get home this afternoon.  Just PM me your email address and we can make this happen for you.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 28, 2017, 09:04:04 PM
  Jared. I bought a set of hardie shears to cut straight cuts. Have never used them before but it seems like they are perfect for cutting without dust.  Any experience with those?

Also can you clarify on my question about nailing and the actual moist stop product?

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 28, 2017, 09:21:50 PM
823058 is the Lowes item number to a product similar to the moist stop i use. I got mine at McCoys but can not find it on their site. I would have to actually feel the Lowes product to see how similar it is but it will work for the framing under the windows to flash the sill before windows go in and hardi goes on. It will also work on hardi joints. I have seen everything used from tar paper to synthetic roof felt on to and including metal tin or aluminum flashing. I just like the black roll flashing. I do not use house wrap as a flashing. You could also use many of the sticky window tapes also but they get expensive and are overkill.
I have never used or seen anyone use the sheers. I saw those and thought they were for the metal roof. If you like them let me know and i will give them a shot. I just use a diablo hardi saw blade. I try to never have a cut joint showing. I can get them perfectly square but if you look at the factory joint it has a very slight bevel. I hide all cuts under trim.
On the nails yes you can nail every 16” or 32” revealed. Or any pattern you want.  The hardi holds tight under all the trim and with proper nails hidden under the lap. But, i always reveal nail my joints and any irregularity that needs a nail to suck the siding down. Too many nails showing looks bad. It will sort of dimple the piece and will have a nail to caulk. The goal is a perfectly flat wall without any waves.
I also use interior/exterior liquid nails. It holds tight to hardi and i use it on trim pieces that i would shatter with more than one nail. If it oozes out spread the ooze and paint it or caulk over it and paint.
If you use a saw keep the guard blown off with air. The dust clogs its function and before you know it it no longer covers the blade and the saw takes off when you set it down. The saw is fast and allows me to cut a six piece stack at a time. It is however very dusty so wind to my back and cut. No wind and i am working on another area of the house as the dust is overwhelming at times.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 28, 2017, 09:41:23 PM
If anyone here wants to use Behr paint at Home Depot PM me. I have an account there which gets 20% off all behr products. It works at any location in the US but it could be verified at customer service before the paint is mixed. I am in no way endorsing them but use them and Lowes and Sherwin Williams. I have accounts at the other places as well but that discount is too hard to convey. The discount is immediate at the register with ProX rewards. You just enter my phone number. I get nothing for this discount. It is all to the purchaser. If this post violates any rules i apologize and i will delete it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 29, 2017, 08:45:35 AM
Jared, great information and thank you for sharing your experience.

I'm most confused about all the differing and changing thoughts on window installation. Particularly the use of flashing material below the window, whether that be moist stop or other tyvek type products.  If you already have a complete layer of tyvek on the house why and what use is that additional flap of material 12-18 inches below the window?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 29, 2017, 09:30:41 AM
If anyone here wants to use Behr paint at Home Depot PM me. I have an account there which gets 20% off all behr products. It works at any location in the US but it could be verified at customer service before the paint is mixed. I am in no way endorsing them but use them and Lowes and Sherwin Williams. I have accounts at the other places as well but that discount is too hard to convey. The discount is immediate at the register with ProX rewards. You just enter my phone number. I get nothing for this discount. It is all to the purchaser. If this post violates any rules i apologize and i will delete it.
No, you're good

Men helpin' men...Iron sharpening Iron...

You're just practicing your Christianity, that's all

No chance you'd be added to the same list that Ken, Shawn, and a couple others here are on ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 29, 2017, 09:40:28 AM
Another point

Jared, you seem to know quite a bit about buildin'

You should post over in the construction area

Let me see, I may be going somewhere with this...Brain (old as it is) is startin' to do some conjurin'

You could be a oracle of sorts. People could seek advice, after paying the proper homage, of course, then the oracle could speak, and the matter could be settled.

Could call it:
J Speakes
J's Advice place
The J list
Builder J and the do-right corner
J the answer man
Something like that

You could tell numbskulls (Tex comes to well as me) how to do things properly

As this idea starts to focus I see a new moderator being born. But this one did not ask for the job. You see around here, anytime someone has an idea about a new discussion area (Just ask Tex-red-neck) he/she gets appointed a moderator...

Just sayin' that this is new ground for me...someone who didn't suggest an idea gettin' corralled and all that...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on November 29, 2017, 01:08:38 PM
Another point

Jared, you seem to know quite a bit about buildin'

You should post over in the construction area

Let me see, I may be going somewhere with this...Brain (old as it is) is startin' to do some conjurin'

You could be a oracle of sorts. People could seek advice, after paying the proper homage, of course, then the oracle could speak, and the matter could be settled.

Could call it:
J Speakes
J's Advice place
The J list
Builder J and the do-right corner
J the answer man
Something like that

You could tell numbskulls (DON comes to well as me) how to do things properly

As this idea starts to focus I see a new moderator being born. But this one did not ask for the job. You see around here, anytime someone has an idea about a new discussion area (Just ask Tex-red-neck) he/she gets appointed a moderator...

Just sayin' that this is new ground for me...someone who didn't suggest an idea gettin' corralled and all that...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on November 29, 2017, 05:24:01 PM
823058 is the Lowes item number to a product similar to the moist stop i use. I got mine at McCoys but can not find it on their site. I would have to actually feel the Lowes product to see how similar it is but it will work for the framing under the windows to flash the sill before windows go in and hardi goes on. It will also work on hardi joints. I have seen everything used from tar paper to synthetic roof felt on to and including metal tin or aluminum flashing. I just like the black roll flashing. I do not use house wrap as a flashing. You could also use many of the sticky window tapes also but they get expensive and are overkill.
I have never used or seen anyone use the sheers. I saw those and thought they were for the metal roof. If you like them let me know and i will give them a shot. I just use a diablo hardi saw blade. I try to never have a cut joint showing. I can get them perfectly square but if you look at the factory joint it has a very slight bevel. I hide all cuts under trim.
On the nails yes you can nail every 16” or 32” revealed. Or any pattern you want.  The hardi holds tight under all the trim and with proper nails hidden under the lap. But, i always reveal nail my joints and any irregularity that needs a nail to suck the siding down. Too many nails showing looks bad. It will sort of dimple the piece and will have a nail to caulk. The goal is a perfectly flat wall without any waves.
I also use interior/exterior liquid nails. It holds tight to hardi and i use it on trim pieces that i would shatter with more than one nail. If it oozes out spread the ooze and paint it or caulk over it and paint.
If you use a saw keep the guard blown off with air. The dust clogs its function and before you know it it no longer covers the blade and the saw takes off when you set it down. The saw is fast and allows me to cut a six piece stack at a time. It is however very dusty so wind to my back and cut. No wind and i am working on another area of the house as the dust is overwhelming at times.

I have to give it to Jared if you are typing all of this on a PHONE!! I can't hardly type my email address correctly. Great content!  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on November 29, 2017, 08:23:27 PM
I am no expert. Just someone sharing information. I would be glad to answer any questions i can. The projects going on here are exciting. I am blessed to be able to do what i love for a career which is home building. I learned most of what i know from my grandfather and father and grew up on job sites. My grandfather retired about twenty years ago which set the wheels in motion to put me where i am today.
I am currently building my home with my oldest daughter. She just turned 18. She is interested in construction so we will do a complete home together so she can see the process and we can take it slow. The neighbors were puzzled to see a girl hanging beams when we were framing. Then they were wondering how a 115 pound girl could deck a roof with 5/8” plywood. I did have a crew pour the concrete and another drill the well. Everything else will be just us including the septic tank installation.
Anyway, if anyone needs help here just let me know.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 30, 2017, 11:33:51 PM
Any hints on my build are welcome. Know I have a couple of opps with stud spacing, but nothing major.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 01, 2017, 09:24:49 AM
...So no one picked up on recruitin' Jared???
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 01, 2017, 10:27:11 AM
Jared needs to start an intro line!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 01, 2017, 10:57:03 AM
That sounds awesome Jared. I only wish that at least one of my girls were interested in getting their hands dirty and learn some skills .....for free no less!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 01, 2017, 11:36:14 AM
Jared needs to start an intro line!

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What is that and where do you do it? I am usually here somewhere reading. Or over on the diesel forums watching the fighting and shaking my head. Just got done reading two other build threads here that were very interesting. This site has tons of good information and a great group of men.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2017, 08:09:09 PM
Jared, shot the hitachi for the first time today. Used 2 1/4 Galv wire coil 15 degree.  I assume that 0 degree will not miraculously work in this gun?  It works well.

Also the electric hardie shears are awesome. Zero dust and drama and easy to keep a straight line. I’ll try to post a video

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2017, 08:27:35 PM
It cuts faster. I was having a hard time holding the board down with my foot and the phone with one hand and the shears with the other. It’s variable speed and easy to work. They have one that is for curves and you can easily cut round openings with it.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 01, 2017, 08:40:56 PM
Wow i have never seen them in action. Looks like they will work great. Anything to keep that dust down is a huge plus. Hitachi makes great guns and compressors. I have had great luck with them.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2017, 09:03:04 PM
Started working on the deck today and ordered the rest of the eave trim and r panel for the porch. Here’s where I left it today. Hope to get the porch deck finished and the roof mostly done over the porch. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 01, 2017, 09:04:51 PM
Looks good. Did you say you were going with a spiral staircase?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 01, 2017, 09:06:59 PM
I like those shears, just wonder how long they stay sharp.

My mother in law added on to her house, turning it into quite the place, and they used hardy...lots of it. She hand stained each piece (wood stain?) herself, and I tell you what, it looks absolutely great....almost like a log cabin-ish. Just thought I'd throw that out there..
..wish I had a pic to show you.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 01, 2017, 10:31:06 PM
Jared needs to start an intro line!

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What is that and where do you do it? I am usually here somewhere reading. Or over on the diesel forums watching the fighting and shaking my head. Just got done reading two other build threads here that were very interesting. This site has tons of good information and a great group of men.

If this link works. Follow and you should be able to start an introduction from here

Tell us some history, your location, lay down some back ground and always remember to poke Don in the side anytime you can

Site Rules & Introductions

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2017, 10:44:28 PM
JR yes, spiral stairs, which is why I needed the dormer.

Ken I think it will last a while.  The blade is pretty thick and a touch up with a file to keep the right angled edge would be about all I could see it needing at some point.

I only do construction. Wife will pick out the color, which may precipitate painting the main house to match if she picks a color different than what's on the main house....would like to see a picture of that stain tho
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 02, 2017, 06:28:56 PM
Got the deck done today. Simpson hangers and screws and 5/4x16 ft boards so there are no joints. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on December 02, 2017, 07:03:45 PM
Aaannd...the deck is done.

Looking really good Charles.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 02, 2017, 07:24:43 PM
Thanks Sam. That was a nice caribou you took. The metal for the porch should be in next week. I have the stuff to deck it and just need to finish the soffit and overhang.  Going to use solar board on the porch some it won’t have spray foam insulation under it. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 03, 2017, 07:48:58 AM
Can't decide on whether I want to put railing on the porch.  I know code would say so, but I live code free in the woods.  I do need to lay out the stairs, but I have two small trees right in front of the stair placement to cut down.  By big Husvarna 372XP won't even sweat.  I may just use the old poulan 20inch box store special on it.

So the delivery of the shipping container is scheduled for tomorow.  I need to get up there later this evening so that I can drill holes and drive rebar in the ground through the rear most railroad tie to give the driver a place to set the back of the container.  Then I'll slip another one under the front as he drops it.  I'll lift the front of it with my high lift jack (rated 4600lb) and do final adjusting for the front and middle railroad ties.  Unfortunately I don't have enough tractor to lift it as it will be about a 4250lb one end lift.

Once I get it leveled I'll work on pressure washing inside and out and then painting the outside green to match the shop
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2017, 09:38:28 AM
Jared needs to start an intro line!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is that and where do you do it? I am usually here somewhere reading. Or over on the diesel forums watching the fighting and shaking my head. Just got done reading two other build threads here that were very interesting. This site has tons of good information and a great group of men.
OK, I did it for ya. This is your thread ($5 a month, but we'll discuss that in private ;-)
Use it to discuss and answer questions about construction information. Lead these boneheads with good advice and they will reward you with friendship and endless DOTing of your important information!

Here it is:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2017, 09:44:30 AM
Jared needs to start an intro line!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is that and where do you do it? I am usually here somewhere reading. Or over on the diesel forums watching the fighting and shaking my head. Just got done reading two other build threads here that were very interesting. This site has tons of good information and a great group of men.

If this link works. Follow and you should be able to start an introduction from here

Tell us some history, your location, lay down some back ground and always remember to poke Don in the side anytime you can

Site Rules & Introductions

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Bad advice!

You're banned for poor (No) use of discretion! And for spreadin' this DOT heresy! I'll not have it
(As if short of everyone's untimely demise it would evre cease!)

You should know better

I'll get around to removin' your credentials, password, and whatever else I have to do, in a bit, if I can remember to do so...Now, what was it I was about to do anyway?????
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2017, 09:45:50 AM
Oh, and you knuckleheads point Jared to his new thread and coach him along...Copy?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 03, 2017, 10:52:36 AM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 03, 2017, 11:03:06 AM
Oh, and you knuckleheads point Jared to his new thread and coach him along...Copy?
If we have to


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2017, 11:04:02 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2017, 03:02:20 PM
Look what showed up today (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 04, 2017, 03:10:17 PM
Heck yeah....should be able to hold a few pounds of powder in that shed.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2017, 04:18:24 PM
Ok. This was a bit of drama because of all the trees but he finally got it in place. It’s got a railroad tie under each end and it’s actually level!
Here is the spot I picked out. Back behind the shop and tucked way in the trees.  Mama doesnt want to have to see it.

Got spot leveled and measured so that the front will be even with the back of the shop.  Like things neat and orderly.  Drilled three holes and drove #8 rebar 4 ft into the ground so that when he sat the backend on the tie it didn't want to roll or move.


Can't believe my 20V drill put a 1 inch auger bit through that RR tie.  I left my big 1/2 electric drill at the other house of course. But the little drill did well!
Got the rear RR tie level and went to work on the front spot.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 04, 2017, 04:27:32 PM
I figured you would have bought one in Red.... :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on December 04, 2017, 04:32:00 PM
How much did it run ya tex? That size out here is 4K ish delivered 60 miles.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2017, 05:00:44 PM
I figured you would have bought one in Red.... :tongue:

Ha!  This one needs to blend in.  It will get a green paint job and I may camo the far side with some brown in addition to the green
How much did it run ya tex? That size out here is 4K ish delivered 60 miles.

I bought the CWOinstead of the WWT (cargo worthy, instead of just a wind and water tight) the CWO is more but its usually in better shape cosmetically and structurally.  Delivered 140 miles from the Port of Houston was just under $4k.  Bought it from a broker online, called Western Container Sales.  Pretty smooth process.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on December 04, 2017, 05:06:44 PM
I figured you would have bought one in Red.... :tongue:

Ha!  This one needs to blend in.  It will get a green paint job and I may camo the far side with some brown in addition to the green
How much did it run ya tex? That size out here is 4K ish delivered 60 miles.

I bought the CWOinstead of the WWT (cargo worthy, instead of just a wind and water tight) the CWO is more but its usually in better shape cosmetically and structurally.  Delivered 140 miles from the Port of Houston was just under $4k.  Bought it from a broker online, called Western Container Sales.  Pretty smooth process.

Dang that's a pretty good price I feel. We got ours from a dealer in Tucson. So I guess it makes sense why they are cheaper there, direct from the port probably helped.

When our box was purchased we were told by the dealer it was a one tripper. It does appear that it is as close to brand new you can get. It was 3600 delivered. Neighbor bought two 40' one high cube the other regular, he paid over 4 for the first one and just under 4 for the second. Interesting to see none the less.

I will  enjoy watching it on paint and build in and on it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2017, 05:08:43 PM
used an old trick to level the front RR tie to the back

Here is a tight fit.  took him a few stabs to get it right.

and here it sits


Aaaaaaaannnnnnnd, it's level.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2017, 05:09:41 PM

Starting to sketch out the inside and supplies list...
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 04, 2017, 06:22:41 PM
very nice
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 04, 2017, 06:46:58 PM

Thinking a HF airless spraygun would do great on that.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2017, 10:31:37 PM
WYO if you got a one tripper for that price, its a steal.  One trippers are closer to 6k here.

Shipping Container - 8'x40' High Cube / CWO (Next off stack) / Towards Cab of Truck (off last) for $2,990.00 each
Discounts : $-200.00 USD
Subtotal : $2,790.00 USD
TX State Tax : $213.44 USD
Dallas Municipal Tax : $68.30 USD
Shipping : $625.00 USD
Total : $3,696.74 USD

I got a discount code for two hondo just for asking.

JR, assuming I can get it back from my dad, I have a Titan commercial airless sprayer that should  work just fine.  Drop the pickup in a 5gal paint container and get busy.

I will do a build thread on it but there are a few tricks I plan on keeping to myself
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on December 04, 2017, 10:47:43 PM
Tex mine is only a 20'... I left that out sorry. It was also given to us for some work we did for my neighbor. I was with him when he was looking at his 40 high cube, and some how or another, he said "well buy it for you, we had planned on paying you anyways" so of course I didn't say no. Was a good month of work.

We haven't done anything to it other than fill it with our stuff. Shelves would probably be a good thing.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 10, 2017, 05:27:52 PM
Well I’ve been fighting a monster cold and against my wife’s better judgement I was out there yesterday and today. I’ve now lost my voice and am wiped out. But I did get the porch framing finished and got it decked with polar shield. I chose solar sheild since the porch will not be insulated and I want as much relief from the sun as possible.

And of course I ran out of my roll of synthetic underlayment and will have to buy a whole new 1000 sq ft roll for about 150 sq ft



Now I won’t admit she was right but as soon as I get home I’m taking a shower under the endless hot water and getting a nip of 129 proof

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 10, 2017, 11:12:28 PM
Looks good Charles. Hard to keep a good man down.

Think your porch is the size of my add on  :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on December 11, 2017, 12:16:06 AM
Eat raw garlic if you can stomach it. Seems to have always killed any bug I might catch, as I never stay sick long.

Equal parts ACV, lemon juice and raw honey with some hot water, helps heal a sore throats and fight the cold.

Eucalyptus oil on the bridge your nose will help clear it....if you have any. Obviously keep it out of your eyes, the fumes are bad enough. But it helps tremendously!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 11, 2017, 10:59:11 AM
Eat raw garlic if you can stomach it. Seems to have always killed any bug I might catch, as I never stay sick long.

Equal parts ACV, lemon juice and raw honey with some hot water, helps heal a sore throats and fight the cold.

Eucalyptus oil on the bridge your nose will help clear it....if you have any. Obviously keep it out of your eyes, the fumes are bad enough. But it helps tremendously!

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T- Maybe you should post that up in the Remedies thread in the med section...We do have a thread like that, don't we??

Edit: Found it:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2017, 06:30:08 PM
Ok. Back at it today. Picked up my windows yesterday. Marvin Integrity Fiberglass single hung single light. 


Started on finishing the roof today. Residential take and the ridge cap are the first order. Then I’ll tackle the windows before going back to finishing the eave flashing and closures.

Then I’ll install hardie in the gable above the porch before installing the metal roof on the porch

Here’s a neat gizmo to get on a steep roof


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2017, 08:32:31 PM
So those hooks mount on the ladder and have a wheel.  Push it up the roof on the wheel side and then flip it over and rest it on the hooks.   I taped 1" foam pipe insulation to protect the metal roof.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2017, 08:34:09 PM


It started raining so I got one window in.  Just need to put the corner gaskets on it and then drop the head flap and tape the sides and top.
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 16, 2017, 08:56:35 PM
Those ladder hooks work great. But, if you ever get in a bind take a page from our company safety manual and use the human ladder. You should see our section on power tools. (
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2017, 09:28:27 PM
That's nuts.

Plus I work alone.....kind of hard to do that.

Any recommendations on tool belts?  Mine broke after 15 years.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 16, 2017, 10:06:26 PM
I am PICKY about my tool belt. Mine usually die many times before they go into the fire. I just try everything on until i find one with pockets that i can deal with. I would like one of the leather tool vests they have out now but with a back injury that I had fixed i want to keep weight off my spine. Plus in Texas they are probably hot.
For me i need pockets that can be switched from holding framing tools to holding electrical tools. We handle most trades so versatility is key.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 16, 2017, 10:09:12 PM
If you work alone keep a cell phone on you at all times. I had a call from a guy that had missed his mark with a framing nailer and nailed his hand to a rafter. I had to go over and climb up and use a nail puller to get him free. If he had left his phone any place other than his pocket he would have been hanging there for hours.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 16, 2017, 10:22:17 PM
I need a better one too, probably with shoulder straps. Won't stay on my waist  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 16, 2017, 10:53:12 PM
Yikes Jared, that's sounds terrifying.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2017, 11:19:49 PM
Yeah I keep my cell phone. Usually in case I falll to the ground from 20ft up so I can call 911, if I’m conscious. Today I was texting back and forth with Norm while on top of the roof.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 16, 2017, 11:59:29 PM
He musta been text happy today......

I was hanging a light fixture in our mast bath while conversing with him about smokers.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 17, 2017, 07:41:14 AM
If you work alone keep a cell phone on you at all times. I had a call from a guy that had missed his mark with a framing nailer and nailed his hand to a rafter. I had to go over and climb up and use a nail puller to get him free. If he had left his phone any place other than his pocket he would have been hanging there for hours.
Sounds like he needed his claw hammer so he could get that nail out more than a cell phone.....rofl

and that's a big miss...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on December 17, 2017, 10:01:25 AM
I live with 5 women, sometimes I just need male conversation.

Besides I had your safety in mind guys, if you'd have fallen, I'd have txt'd my concern  :cool:
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 17, 2017, 10:05:33 AM
If i remember what he said i think he was crawling over the rafters with his hand on the trigger, a big no no, and he sort of bumped his hand with the gun. The older framing guns had real soft and easily compressed nose safeties. Just hold the trigger and brush it over a surface and a nail fires. Our newer guns have a better spring and a spiked tip so they are harder to fire.

When we have ceiling joists and rafters that are 16” oc it makes it hard to crawl around with a tool belt on. We usually install all the ceiling joists and then the ridge. Then the rafters all get cut. Then the only thing you need to install rafters is the nail gun. I work alone often. Things happen that are unexpected and it is good to be able to get help.
One morning i had to run to a few stores and the bank. When i got to the job all the roofers were sitting on the roof. Their boom lift they used to get on the roof had run out of fuel. They had been sitting there for hours with no way down. It was hot and they were all thirsty. Someone the night before had siphoned the diesel out and they did not know that until it was too late.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 17, 2017, 10:24:08 AM
I live with 5 women, sometimes I just need male conversation.

Besides I had your safety in mind guys, if you'd have fallen, I'd have txt'd my concern  :cool:
Understandable. And I feel your pain. I have 3

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 17, 2017, 10:44:16 AM
I really like the green metal. When doing shingle roofing i use old foam couch cushions to keep from damaging the hot shingles. On metal roofing the same foam sticks to the metal. You can get on a steep roof and the foam grips like crazy. I try to plan my trips up steep metal roofing the day after rain so some of the dust is washed off. If i see a couch on the side of the road i stop and grab the cushions if they are foam. Just remove the slip covers. The foam is best when used in pairs. Jump or crawl from one to the other. On hot days it keeps you from getting burned and your shoes from melting and leaving rubber marks.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on December 17, 2017, 10:53:27 AM
I have a LOT of metal roofs on buildings so thanks for the tip. I usually end up on said roofs in the summer, I usually ruin my arm hairs and burn my self multiple times. Almost always drop my hammer somehow....and watch it slide 50' and wonder what it will land on.

The good news is, they are rusty *1920's era  So they have decent traction built in LoL  But your idea would sure save on the old knees.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 17, 2017, 03:48:22 PM
I live with 5 women, sometimes I just need male conversation.

Besides I had your safety in mind guys, if you'd have fallen, I'd have txt'd my concern  :cool:
Understandable. And I feel your pain. I have 3

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Have three as well, no actually 4...Wifey...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 17, 2017, 05:22:40 PM
Problem with mine is that it is 12/12.  Nothing short of a ladder and hooks will keep you from shooting down that slope at a high rate of speed....  finsihed the ridge caps today.  Now just need to flash the wall of the dormer where it meets the roof.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 17, 2017, 05:23:55 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 17, 2017, 07:39:06 PM
Yup. Nothing sticks to a 12/12.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 17, 2017, 09:52:39 PM

Here both end pieces are on and I’m reasybti install the ridge cap over the dormer.

Now my backside feels like I rode a horse alll day. Straddling the peak of a 12/12 roof to shoot screws in the ridge apparently is a trauma to the buttocks and groin area.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 17, 2017, 09:54:09 PM
Looks very nice Charles!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 17, 2017, 10:02:11 PM
I can't even fathom working that 12/12

I metaled that 6/12 this past summer and that gave me sore legs for three days

Hat's off to ya!

Post two points in your RM bank account (Redeemable for a hardy handshake and a toothy smile ;-)

Oh, and consider yourself completely rehired!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 19, 2017, 06:26:28 PM
That's nuts.

Plus I work alone.....kind of hard to do that.

Any recommendations on tool belts?  Mine broke after 15 years.

Most of the carpenters around here that I can speak the same language as run Occidental bags. They look very very nice. Spendy, but will last ya forever.

I don't use a belt enough to justify spending that kind of money, so i use a CLC padded back support belt and shoulder straps, and replaced the CLC flimsy nylon bags with the more rigid Husky bags. It works for me.

This bag on the right:
I hate having my hammer in my middle back, i like how this one is on the side, but out away from your waist so it doesn't smack into your knees. There's others just like this one, but bigger too.

And a smaller bag for my left side (can't find it on HD website, but it's basically the same line, just pouches for nail strips, screws, torpedo level, chalk line, etc etc
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 19, 2017, 06:48:05 PM
I’m sure glad you didn’t weigh in last week Dawg. Those are some high dollar bags. I ended up with AWP ballistic nylon from Lowe’s. My only complaint is my framed had a custom set up he made with a Franken bag that allowed him to carry the  nailer behind him by using the hammer hook and a supplemental extra hook and the gun rested nicely on them both and he was able to climb well with it held in place. The awp is nice in that the location of the pouches are adjustable and held in place by a layer of Velcro between the padded belt and the belt.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 20, 2017, 08:09:33 AM
The nail gun hooks can be bought at HomeDepot and Lowes now. They are usually near the tool belts. They attach to the air inlet nipple. Many guns even have them built in. I have them on most of my guns so i can hook them to my belt or to a rafter or ceiling joist. Since i have been getting the hooks i have not seen a $400 gun come off from up high and fall onto the slab.
On another note i had a hammer hook once in the middle back. It was an awkward reach. I tried the hook in the middle front which did not last long.Those Occidental bags are good but expensive. I usually just pick mine up at Lowes or HomeDepot. They last a couple years but start to get holes. I am currently looking at new bags. I need a better drill holder solution. The key with bags is to be able to find a tool without looking. Also, the pockets must stay open. Two belts ago i had one which held my Springfield XD 40. The amount of dust that got on it though required a daily cleaning. I will Frankenstein my next belt to fit the 40 again. Going to look for a closed holster. Maybe something with a couple of snaps. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 20, 2017, 11:58:53 AM
Do yourself a favor and order one of these to stick in your new bags. Absolutely love this thing

Morakniv Craftline Carpentry Chisel with Carbon Steel Blade, 3.0-Inch

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 21, 2017, 10:24:48 PM
Kyle what do you use it for?

Today I was supposed to work on writing performance reviews for my direct reports,but with rain coming tomorrow I wanted to get windows in.  I got 6 of 8 in, including one of the 4'0X5'0 windows, which was a bear to get in.

I'll work on performance reviews tomorrow while it rains and then when it clears on Saturday I'll finish the windows and the final small roof trim pieces and then roof the porch.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 21, 2017, 10:27:39 PM
The nail gun hooks can be bought at HomeDepot and Lowes now. They are usually near the tool belts. They attach to the air inlet nipple. Many guns even have them built in. I have them on most of my guns so i can hook them to my belt or to a rafter or ceiling joist. Since i have been getting the hooks i have not seen a $400 gun come off from up high and fall onto the slab.
On another note i had a hammer hook once in the middle back. It was an awkward reach. I tried the hook in the middle front which did not last long.Those Occidental bags are good but expensive. I usually just pick mine up at Lowes or HomeDepot. They last a couple years but start to get holes. I am currently looking at new bags. I need a better drill holder solution. The key with bags is to be able to find a tool without looking. Also, the pockets must stay open. Two belts ago i had one which held my Springfield XD 40. The amount of dust that got on it though required a daily cleaning. I will Frankenstein my next belt to fit the 40 again. Going to look for a closed holster. Maybe something with a couple of snaps. 

Oddly enough Lowes did not have them but HD did.  My brand new coil nailer slid down the roof and onto the ground. Fortunately no damage but I need to hang it from something other than the bag.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 21, 2017, 10:55:53 PM
My 2 coil nailers have rubber bumpers so they don't slide.

I got one of those chisels some time ago. Does about anything but is finicky to get the sheath to stay put. Sharp as heck.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 22, 2017, 02:10:00 AM

Kyle what do you use it for?

I think it's used for cutting wood. Often referred to as 'chiseling'.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2017, 04:56:44 PM

Well got all the windows in and flashed. Tidied up the job site a bit and swept out the house now that it’s closed up save the front door. Will be getting on that quick. Supposed to rain and if it does I’ll work in the shop to clean and organize all my tools before getting back at it. Need to put purlins on the porch and then install the metal roof and trim. Then on to hardie siding and trim.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2017, 05:00:35 PM

Oh. And my thumb is throbbing.  Got lazy and held a nail with thumbnail facing up.  28 oz framing hammer go boom. Redneck go squeal like a pig

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 22, 2017, 06:30:06 PM
I like those hooks holding your walking planks to the extension ladders. What brand are they and where can I get a set?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2017, 06:53:51 PM
Werner brand from Lowe’s. They make two versions. One wider than others. These are the narrower ones.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2017, 06:55:34 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2017, 07:03:29 PM
One thing I didn’t mention was that in order to get the slope to the sills I took my saws all and cut a small wedge out of the jack stud and then shimmed up the sill. Wish I’d have planned it when I framed but it worked out well this way. Had about 3/16 slope when done. I was really happy the sills were all spot on left to right and required no extra shims.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2017, 07:32:10 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 22, 2017, 07:49:49 PM
Amazing how much a smashed finger/thumb can hurt
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 22, 2017, 09:00:11 PM
Not many things more fun than smashing a digit with a fresh waffle hammer.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 23, 2017, 11:41:43 AM
I hope you don't get tired of me posting"it looks great" because you might hear it a few more times before you're finished.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on December 23, 2017, 12:28:59 PM
X2 ^^^^
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 03:45:51 PM
Thanks gents.  Working on the metal roof for the porch.  Got purlins up and attaching hardie facia so I can get the overhang right.  The porch will be the only part of the house with a gutter on it. Pics later.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on December 23, 2017, 05:06:50 PM
Honestly what amazes me the most is that you have done almost all of it by yourself. Great work.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 06:27:34 PM
One learns to be creative when working by oneself

Here is the porch roof. Two inch overhang. Ran a string to keep it straight.




And I picked up these nifty shear attachments today.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 06:29:17 PM
And now I won’t say that I forgot the butyl tape between panels until halfway through and had to go back and undo and lift the edge of each panel and out the tape down.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 06:35:11 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 06:40:10 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 23, 2017, 09:47:14 PM
You have to seal between panels? I thought they just overlapped..?..
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 10:08:37 PM
They do Ken. However. Best practice is a line of butyl tape along the top of the panel that gets overlapped. It would have to be some hard wind driven rain to get through but on a low slopes roof I didn’t want to take any chances.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 23, 2017, 10:16:34 PM
Oh, on the top. I was thinking sides.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 23, 2017, 10:44:33 PM
It goes on every lapping seam on the sheet getting lapped. The tape is used on metal that does not have a second ridge with a channel contained within the ridge. It stops capillary action which could draw water over the ridge high point and into the metal and roof deck surface. Butyl tape or seam tape is not used on sheets that have an inner channel. Some types that do not require butyl tape are five v, rain guard, or channel drain.
With low pitch areas r panel or u panel are best because the ridges stand higher giving you more depth for water to stack before it leaks. The taller the panel ridges the lower the pitch can be.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 11:29:24 PM
like this
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 23, 2017, 11:46:40 PM
Well heck, you are talking about the sides also. Never did it that way before...sure glad it don't rain much out here.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2017, 11:49:39 PM
It would have to be a low slope and some torrential wind driven rain, but hey they call for it so I'm gonna do it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 24, 2017, 12:08:29 AM
I like the look of the shear attachment, how well did it work?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 24, 2017, 08:35:29 AM
I like the look of the shear attachment, how well did it work?
Worked well. Worth the $60

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 24, 2017, 08:48:26 AM
Where the image above shows the tape it also seals the screw hole that is made between the metal sheets. If the butyl tape is put on the other edge the seam is sealed but the screw hole will leak.
The tape is a pain to use when doing the metal on your own as it will stick each piece together pretty good before you have a chance to adjust the panel. This is worsened with warm tape and hot panels.
I never understood why you needed tape until last year. It was shown to me that with the little lap, on r and u panel, and no center channel within the lap that wind can blow water up slightly into the seam. The wet has a propensity to roll back and slightly up anyway. Then capillary action continues the pull of water into the dry side. 
I have always had issues with valleys and wind. Around here we have straight line winds and storms with 60 mph gusts which are not uncommon. On my home we just finished the roof a few months ago. They now have expanding foam in rolls that will seal a valley. The material compresses to 1/16” and expands to 1”. Seals up the valley real nice. Years ago we always tried flashing and butyl tape and np1 with mixed results. I also used this expanding foam anywhere that had a gap that needed to be filled before flashing was bend to cover the opening.
Your outer edge looks great. Too many times people let it saw tooth. Yours is perfect. The fact you did that solo is very impressive with tape. Looks great.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 24, 2017, 08:54:35 AM
Thanks Jared.  You have a link to that foam stuff?

A trick to working with the tape is to leave the wax paper on it until the panel is in place and then put a screw in the panel to hold it in place and slightly lift the edge and pull the paper strip off.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 24, 2017, 09:44:47 AM
Yes, that is how i do it but i will admit it took a few jobs before i started doing that. Let me see if i can find a link to what i use. I bought it at Montopolis supply in Austin TX.
Montopolis is a great company. It is in the center of Austin and heads explode while there. It is an old school company that has been there for decades. It has been swallowed by ultra liberal Austin. There is not a single wall without a sign with a religious saying or scripture quote. Even their receipts contain scripture quotes along with book chapter and verse. People have tried to get these items removed siting offense. They refused. Awesome. I will get some photos of what is left of mine.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on December 24, 2017, 11:11:42 AM
Here is the expanding foam i used. It is for valleys since no closure can be cost effective to manufacture for each metal type and valley pitch. The pitch changes the length and angle of the closure.
I also use it any place that needed a closure that did not match the profiles i bought. Worked well. (
Butyl /seam tape(
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 24, 2017, 08:54:39 PM
Very cool. I might need to check that out. 

Today was a slow day. Bible study and I drove get a couple of rolls of butyl tape and installed flashing on the dormer walls and the porch. Finished the facia around the porch. Have to get some more outside closures.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 26, 2017, 08:24:02 AM
Kyle what do you use it for?

Sharpening pencils, opening boxes, cleaning out notches, cutting off splinters, etc etc. it’s sharp as hell, but also has the strength of a chisel

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 26, 2017, 09:57:40 AM
Kyle what do you use it for?

Sharpening pencils, opening boxes, cleaning out notches, cutting off splinters, etc etc. it’s sharp as hell, but also has the strength of a chisel

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When I read your post, I looked up that knife thing and immediately went and ordered it.
I bought a new framing belt and just placed it in there. Question: Seems light to me, can you pound on the handle end to use like a chisel? Strong enough? Remember who it is you're talking with...Carrep...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 26, 2017, 10:44:54 AM
Don, hammer of 2 ounces or less (thinking the ones that come in those cheapo women household type tool kits) in your case & you should be ok as long as you don’t leave I laying on ground & run over it. Don’t paint it tan & orange either as you’re apparently attracted to that color.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on December 26, 2017, 11:15:23 AM
Kyle what do you use it for?

Sharpening pencils, opening boxes, cleaning out notches, cutting off splinters, etc etc. it’s sharp as hell, but also has the strength of a chisel

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When I read your post, I looked up that knife thing and immediately went and ordered it.
I bought a new framing belt and just placed it in there. Question: Seems light to me, can you pound on the handle end to use like a chisel? Strong enough? Remember who it is you're talking with...Carrep...
I have yeah, its so sharp you won’t need to pound hard. You won’t want to pound and pry like you would a heavy chisel, but it’s a pretty well made little tool. You’ll see, it’s extremely sharp

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 26, 2017, 03:49:40 PM
I’m the cart on amazon.  Today I made another of what seems like endless trips to the metal building supply.  Bought outer and inner closures and some more screws and then a drip edge for the porch and more
Residential rake as I mis measured by 4 inches. Failing to account for overhang and trim at the rear. I could have pieced it together but I’d always know I screwed up every time I look at it.  So I ordered two new pieces. $30 mistake so it’s not the end of the world

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 06, 2018, 07:07:40 AM
So got the additional metal pieces and got them installed on the porch.  Aside from a few small trim pieces that I'll need to install after the hardie goes up, I'm done with the roof.

Windows are in and I started foaming the gaps,  On the recommendation of a builder, I went to a place in Houston called the Door Clearance Center.  So busy its a zoo but good deals.  Probably saved $400 on two doors.

Got a pre hung fiberglass door and ordered a matching slab door so that I can replace the door on the main house to match the Casita.

door installed and ripped a shim for the strike side of the jamb that gives me a solid piece of wood shim between frame and studwall.  Will get a heavy duty striker plate and anchor 4-6 long screws in it.

Took the trailer back and put all new tires on it getting ready for a 4900lb load of hardie plank, which I ordered.  Hope to pick that up next week and get started on hardie.  Got my coil nailer ready and a case of nails, will see how I like that brand before getting some more.

Having trouble getting my 2 1/2 inch finish nailer running.  got some replacement seals but still having trouble.  If it won't run I'll probably just buy another one for the trim.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 06, 2018, 09:37:11 AM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 06, 2018, 10:48:23 AM

Looking good, how many years until retirement?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 06, 2018, 11:19:25 AM
who really knows, Shawn.  I have 2 girls, 12 and 14.  I may never see retirement.  My hope is 10-12 years, but retirement for me would just mean doing something different.  Small business or something until they kick dirt on me.  I can't stand not to be doing something.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 06, 2018, 12:11:53 PM
who really knows, Shawn.  I have 2 girls, 12 and 14.  I may never see retirement.  My hope is 10-12 years, but retirement for me would just mean doing something different.  Small business or something until they kick dirt on me.  I can't stand not to be doing something.

I understand, after move to CO (hippy land) I had to reinvent myself a bit. It’s been a slow pace (conservative & trying hard to crawl before I walk to manage savings & investments) as it’s a whole different world here & how things work comparably. I am the same way though & will be doing something until I am no more. The slower pace has been a nice break & I see things picking up so trying to manage that as I don’t need nor want 18 hour days ever again.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 06, 2018, 08:58:37 PM
Place looks great!

Being retired is nice. Got all my wife's perks for now and seem to have no free time unless I really just sit. That is never long as you start add ons and suburban projects.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 14, 2018, 07:46:28 AM
So yesterday I started tackling the hardie plank.

Last week I put 4 new tires on the trailer.  Got rid of the chinese paper thin junk and picked up 4 goodyear endurance "merica" made tires with road hazard certs at discount.  I feel much better about towing that thing around with decent tires on it. 

I wanted to buy from my local lumber yard where I had been buying all my big lumber purchases, but they just couldnt get within $300 of the box stores.  Interesting that the box stores where identical in price (to the penny) on hardi plank and the prices varied from the stores in Houston to the stores in the Piney Woods of East Texas with Houston prices being cheaper.  So before work on Friday I went to Lowe's and placed the order with the contractor desk and picked it up about 1:30.  They don't carry the Hardie Shingle, interestingly enough, so I will have to get that elsewhere.  The plan is to have a little architectural interest and transition to the shingle panels on the dormer above the main roof line. (bonus: those shingle panels are 48 inches and easier to handle, me thinks)

So I really need to get some trailer brakes put on the trailer.  With 4500 lbs of weight on the trailer I was not confident towing that in rush hour traffic with the OBS truck and their mediocre brakes, not to mention my hydroboost is leaking and probably not working as well as it should.  Add that to the list of innumerable things I need to get to.

Yesterday, I stared at the building and the pile of Hardie for what seemed like an eternity....or about a cup of coffee worth anyway.....

then I stared at it some more and realized to eat the elephant, you must take the first bite.  The big side with windows and the dormer is the most critical since the roof transition needs to be flashed with the hardie and I want to make sure its 100% right.  Since its the hardest, as we like to say, eat the frog.  Do the hard part first and the rest will be easy..

The foundation is 3 1/2x11 7/8 glue lam and to minimize the visual height, since the walls are already 12 ft, I clad the base in smooth 12 inch hardie soffit and will paint it dark brown to give the illusion of a foundation and break up the expanse of hardie.  Since the tyvek runs all the way down I caulked the bottom of the tyvek to seal it then attached the hardie.

The sheathing is 15/32 plywood so it hangs out over the foundation by that much and because I want the hardie to completely cover the gap between the subfloor and the hardie soffit on the foundation, I needed to double the kickout course at the bottom.  Since the planks are designed to overlap at an angle,the bottom course has to have a small ledger piece ripped to keep the angle on the bottom piece.  because of the sheathing and because I was over lapping the siding to the foundation, I was attaching the kickout ledger strip on the soffit piece on the foundation which was already recessed 1/2 from the sheathing surface, so I had to double it up to get the correct angle.

Then I pre built the corners of 3.5 inch trim by fastening them together with 2 inch 16ga finish nails then attached them to the building with 2 1/2 inch 16 ga finish nails.  this assures perfect alignment of the corner pieces.

Then starting at the bottom I broke the first course halfway (24 ft building and pieces are 12 ft) and then staggered the joints in a pattern of stud wall spacing.  0,4,7,2 so that the joints were somewhat random and not just a stair step.

Then came framing the windows.  It took some figuring but because of the way the frame of the window sits I can't put the hardie completely flush with the frame so I'll have about 3/16 to caulk.  Even then, because of the flange and flashing, I learned (by having to go back and shim after the fact) that I needed to shim the vertical pieces so they sit flat.  Fortunately I had a bunch of composite shims left and simply shimmed out until the pieces were parallel with the wall and hit them with the nailer. 

So between all the figuring and remembering how to get started, and rebuilding the porter cable finish nailer, and re-stringing my chalk box, it was probably 10am before I started hanging planks.

Bought these gecko gauges which really make working alone a lot easier and keeps the courses much more accurate.  Well worth every penny I paid for them.  They are adjustable to set the reveal anywhere between 4 and 8 inches and hold the plank in place so you can use both hands to adjust and nail as needed.


Interesting, as much as I liked the shears, I'm still trying to figure out the accuracy of them, so I find myself going back to the saw, but having to put on the face mask filter is a pain.

So fairly drama free day despite being at or below freezing most of the morning I did this to my thumb trying to catch my falling 28ft ladder (did I mention that those class IA fiberglass ladders are heavy?).  Must of hit it on one of the square edged brackets, but it tore off skin and part of the nail.
In the winter, this side of the casita doesn't see any sun, so it was like working on the dark side of the moon.  With a 5mph breeze and no sun it was a bit chilly all day. 

So here is where I left it and I look forward to getting back at it today.  Will probably get to the eave and then start  working on the porch/front until I can get the hardie shingle for the dormer.....

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 14, 2018, 09:53:16 AM
Looking good Charles! :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 14, 2018, 10:07:36 AM
I have always had the same issue you are having with your windows sticking out further than the trim if i understand you correctly. On my next project i think i will mill some trex to build the window trim out 3/16”-1/4” beyond the window rather than being that amount subflush.
If i remember correctly you have vinyl windows. Those usually have a return which will allow the trim and window to be sealed whereas aluminum window have no return so you end up with a void that is troublesome to seal. I have tried doubling up hardi but my nailers will not get a nail through 1 1/2” hardi. Plywood would be easy but would rot unless sealed well. I think trex or composite deck material would work and be millable.
Your project is looking great.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 14, 2018, 10:27:05 AM
Thanks guys. That’s a good idea Jared. I have fiberglass extruded windows in this project. So far I’m pleased with them.

Yeah so say a 3 inch piece of trex milled to about 1/2 inch would recess the window about 1/4 inch. Then I could cheat the hardie over to butt right up against the window. Next
Build ....if there ever is one.  Lol.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 14, 2018, 10:30:09 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 14, 2018, 07:23:59 PM
Today I learned that things slow way down when you get further off the ground.  Didn’t get started until after bible study and breakfast so got in about 5 hours worth.

Got too dark to take a final photo but finished the side up to the last course before it will transition to the hardie shake shingle in the dormer. Tomorrow I’ll start on the front under the porch.


Will have to rip some jamb extensions for the door, trim the windows and door and then get rocking. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 14, 2018, 09:01:56 PM
I kinda liked the LOWES siding,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 16, 2018, 03:27:07 PM
So, Monday, we were off for MLK day.  I got started by ripping some wood for jamb extensions and then attaching them to the frame with biscuits glue and screws.  Now I have to figure out the sill extension but I can get to that later.

Then I started trimming the windows and door with hardie.  Based on my experience with the windows on the other side and some good advice from Jared, I started trying to figure out how to get better fittment of the hardie next to the windows, especially since the porch is the workmanship I'll have to look at most I wanted it to be right.

So I found that the hardie siding was really really close to being able to shim the trim out to the right depth so I ripped from siding 3 inch wide which allowed space for the protrusion of the window and flashing and allowed me to get the hardie right up to the frame and even recess the window in the trim about an 1/8 of an inch.  I still had to use the slightest of composite shim but it turned out really well.  I have 4 more windows to go  and 3 of them are high off the ground so there's that....
Once I got the trim put on the door and two front windows I had to stop and make a 3 hour trip to the pool guy again.....we were having some communication problems with the square footage of the decking and needed to work it out in person.

So with that said, it looks like I'm about to bury a brand new L5P Duramax in the yard...... 

Only thing left is to see if I can work him down on the cost to add a 14x24 slab for the outdoor kitchen while they are at it.

Oh well, I'll just smile and write the check and watch the family be happy.....

So its probably not productive to think about all the things I could do with with that money.....

turn-key 50x80 shop building....
Couple of nice pieces of hydraulic machinery....
3 pre 86 full auto NFA items....
but I digress.....

So I got back from the pool detour and had about 1 hour of daylight left and I was able to get most of the hardie up on the left side of the door and had to stop and pick up all my tools.  My AO there looked like the Red Dog had gotten into my shop and strewn my tools from one end of the yard to the other....  My shop is a disorganized mess and it drives my OCD crazy.....

I may run a crew next weekend to get the other two sides of the building finished quickly.  I need to get this thing done so I can start on the shipping container project which needs to be foamed with insulation at the same time.  Depends on whether the crew leader is hung over or not I suppose......  Weekend work for those guys is beer and girlfriend money....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 16, 2018, 04:38:29 PM
Truer words never spoken! "Oh well, I'll just smile and write the check and watch the family be happy....."  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 16, 2018, 05:47:04 PM
Amazing what we give into to keep the family happy. I must say though, I love my pool too.

Hows the thumb?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 16, 2018, 06:15:41 PM
Thumb is fine unless I touch it.  Having trouble buttoning shirts and pants.  Almost made me pee myself yesterday as I held it too long and was having trouble getting my jeans unbuttoned.....

I probably ought to disinfect it, put some triple A on it and cover it, but I'm lazy

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 16, 2018, 08:36:38 PM
Accidentally spill a little whiskey on it & you’ll be fine!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 16, 2018, 08:55:57 PM
Hmm. I like the way you think. Perhaps I can hold my whiskey with my left hand and just let the thumb soak In the glass

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 16, 2018, 09:41:39 PM
Shame on you trn!!!!!!!

Your thumb should get its own glass for all the pain and suffering you just it through. .....why does it have to share with you......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 17, 2018, 01:32:22 AM
Ol  framing joke. See who gets it. Soak it in cider  lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 17, 2018, 08:35:58 AM
Dave, I think framers and mechanics have similar brains. :embarrassed

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 17, 2018, 01:46:19 PM
Dave, I think framers and mechanics have similar brains. :embarrassed

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Still waiting for big brother to come and delete it.   I noticed a bit ago a curse word gets deleted pretty fast

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 17, 2018, 08:26:20 PM
That is what spelling phonetically will get you. Fonetikaly? If you still do not get it read it out loud to your wife. Thats what i did lol.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 17, 2018, 09:08:10 PM
Well Mr Dave, there has to be a line drawn somewhere!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2018, 09:18:34 PM
I aint touching that with a ten foot pole.  I am however excited that the temps will get into the 60s this weekend so I hope to get more hardi hung.  Although the chance of rain is high.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 17, 2018, 10:38:22 PM
That is what spelling phonetically will get you. Fonetikaly? If you still do not get it read it out loud to your wife. Thats what i did lol.
I hope you didn’t get smacked on my part

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 19, 2018, 06:38:10 AM
OK guys, serious moment, you knuckleheads... (I'm starting to sound like Don.....:-0 )

So I successfully negotiated my being robbed  by a pool contractor....which means that I will also be pouring a slab for an outdoor kitchen..(gotta up my game to keep up with Nate)

Its going to be 14x24 with a roof structure over it.  I'd like to use the same wax treated 4x6 posts to match the porch on the main house and the castia. 

My concern is how to attach the posts to the slab so that the roof is stable.  I'm convinced that surface mounting the posts will lead to a rickety structure.  there will be 6 posts. 

While I could use 45 degree braces on each side of each post at the top it would clash as none of the other structures have that on the posts.

Is there a way to attach posts to concrete in a more solid fashion?

Or should I sink the posts in the ground prior to the pour?

The structure will be typical shed type roof with hardie soffit, metal roof, etc, so there will be some mass to it.

Looking for some advice and experience.  ........

Where's Jared?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 19, 2018, 06:50:28 AM
Links to follow of what I would look at

This website has some pretty sweet options that can help ya in the right direction

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 19, 2018, 07:58:54 AM
OK guys, serious moment, you knuckleheads... (I'm starting to sound like Don.....:-0 )

So I successfully negotiated my being robbed  by a pool contractor....which means that I will also be pouring a slab for an outdoor kitchen..(gotta up my game to keep up with Nate)

Its going to be 14x24 with a roof structure over it.  I'd like to use the same wax treated 4x6 posts to match the porch on the main house and the castia. 

My concern is how to attach the posts to the slab so that the roof is stable.  I'm convinced that surface mounting the posts will lead to a rickety structure.  there will be 6 posts. 

While I could use 45 degree braces on each side of each post at the top it would clash as none of the other structures have that on the posts.

Is there a way to attach posts to concrete in a more solid fashion?

Or should I sink the posts in the ground prior to the pour?

The structure will be typical shed type roof with hardie soffit, metal roof, etc, so there will be some mass to it.

Looking for some advice and experience.  ........

Where's Jared?

My vote would be to sink the post in ground prior to pour. Similar to pole barn structure. I used plates on top of concrete when I built a large pergola in Texas and it still wiggled more than I liked. I ended up attaching it to the house.

Good luck. Great progress on your hide.  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on January 19, 2018, 08:05:20 AM
My experience with pole building types in northern WI.  Sink them about 4 ft in the ground.  Back fill with dirt only.  The 4 ft level here is an approximate.  That is about how deep the frost goes in most places.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 19, 2018, 08:56:52 AM
My experience with pole building types in northern WI.  Sink them about 4 ft in the ground.  Back fill with dirt only.  The 4 ft level here is an approximate.  That is about how deep the frost goes in most places.

It was 36-40 in NE IN, here in Colorado it’s 30” although after building my shed which sits on 4 posts if I had to do it again I would go deeper. Maybe it’s soil type as we had heavy clay in IN but this sandy clay mix doesn’t seem as stable & we have bentonite in the soil which is notoriously unstable. I might auger those posts in Tex & throw a round patio stepping stone in bottom of each to help spread the trash load.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 19, 2018, 09:29:10 AM
If you are using the posts i think you are burying them in the dirt and concreting around them will remove any movement and also take the need for using braces on the corners away for a year or two. Then the posts will be either rotted or termite infested and will need to be redone. When we get into free standing structures we go to 4x4 steel posts galvanized and buried in a hole filled with concrete. Or we use imbeds and weld the post to the imbed.
You can do imbeds and attach wooden posts to them but no matter what there will be a pivot point there. Depending on the amount of air push and lift that roof has it could be substantial movement. If it were my structure with my family underneath it i would do at least one of these things.
1) corner braces on wood or iron posts.
2) cement in galvanized posts and have a plate at the top of the post that wraps around the beam and is structurally screwed to the beam removing movement and the ability to lift.
3) Wall in two sides of the structure and internally reinforce the roof structure to stop any side to side movement.
4) Anchor it to an existing structure.
It is nice to match existing structures but it is more important to ensure a structure is stable. The posts can be rocked around and used as a feature that matches some existing rock on the pool or in the yard to keep a theme going. I have been lucky to never have a structure come down. In my part of Central Texas it is common to get straight line winds. I have been on ranches and seen structures that are not braced and anchored properly simply get ripped from the ground and tossed into a pasture. What is more common is less wind that induces sway and the roof being heavy pivots the posts and lays over. If the corner braces are not proper it can snap the post right below the brace.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 19, 2018, 09:37:42 AM
OK guys, serious moment, you knuckleheads... (I'm starting to sound like Don.....:-0 )

So I successfully negotiated my being robbed  by a pool contractor....which means that I will also be pouring a slab for an outdoor kitchen..(gotta up my game to keep up with Nate)

Its going to be 14x24 with a roof structure over it.  I'd like to use the same wax treated 4x6 posts to match the porch on the main house and the castia. 

My concern is how to attach the posts to the slab so that the roof is stable.  I'm convinced that surface mounting the posts will lead to a rickety structure.  there will be 6 posts. 

While I could use 45 degree braces on each side of each post at the top it would clash as none of the other structures have that on the posts.

Is there a way to attach posts to concrete in a more solid fashion?

Or should I sink the posts in the ground prior to the pour?

The structure will be typical shed type roof with hardie soffit, metal roof, etc, so there will be some mass to it.

Looking for some advice and experience.  ........

Where's Jared?

hey now, I am just trying to keep folks from getting complacent.

check out this thread.....its a bit long but dang if there isnt some great ideas here.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 19, 2018, 09:46:16 AM
Here is a free standing carport we did behind a custom home. We went around and around with the engineer and homeowner on this one. They wanted heavy timber with no braces. Minimalist. We declined to build it without bracing. It is properly built and braced. It is VERY top heavy. All the internals are cedar beam. It moved in every direction 4”-6” even with the corner braces. I have it pinned to an old cedar so the roofers could go up top and be safe. Before we left we also used 1/4” plate on every single joint with through bolts. That is when we removed the tree brace. ( plates helped stiffen it up and it is still there today but i do not think it would stand without corner braces. Without the plates and through bolts the movement would have eventually worked the timber locks loose until it failed. Once high winds are factored in bracing is essential.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 19, 2018, 11:40:33 AM
To keep it solid you would would have to bury the posts. I just used the above strong ties but doubt they would give you a solid structure.

Now an idea is to sink a round galv pole sticking up a couple ft. Bore the matching posts and slide over the poles. You get a solid mount with matching posts
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 19, 2018, 11:55:59 AM
JR might be onto something. Some of the 6X6 turned posts already have a square hollow core. Maybe you can find some square tubing that fits inside without drilling and compromising the post. If you do use pipe use heavy pipe. Like rigid electrical conduit pipe or drilling pipe. The thinner fencing pipe used on corners is good with compression to a point. But, if there is a side load that causes any deformation of the wall they will bend real easy. Most posts are only strong when vertical. Induce sway and the post is no longer vertical. Also, on these covers the posts are exposed to more weather as wind blows rain into the structure. Even with good paint the expansion and contraction of the wood forms small cracks in the paint. These cracks absorb water into the post under the paint where it is harder to dry out. This increases the speed at which they rot. If you can find posts treated and rated for ground contact they will last longer. Much longer. The posts i am seeing on the market are treated with a wax type coating which makes them safe to use inside a dwelling. This coating is also used as a food preservatives and is safe and non toxic. But, outside they are not holding up well for extended time periods. 
Another thing worth mentioning is that turned posts with a hollow core get pretty thin where they are turned. The manufacturers are using (4) 2x6’s glued together with a hollow core then turning them to kick out these posts. I think the 6x6 posts are rated for @5500-6000 pounds each but only in compression.
Something else i learned the hard way is to always wrap wooden posts that are getting wrapped with rock really well. They need to be pre painted and wrapped in house wrap or tar paper or both. If not the rock absorbs water this water is transferred to the post and causes the post to swell. This swelling post expands and cracks the rock work which allows more water in and more swelling. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 19, 2018, 02:12:25 PM
In our soil here it is about four five years before anything treated or not rots out if buried in the soil

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 19, 2018, 06:23:24 PM
 Or you could use metal poles buried in the ground anchored with concrete. Then you could build your wood post look around them 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 19, 2018, 11:43:00 PM
OK, so something has to be in the ground.  I kind of like the idea of steel wrapped in treated wood to form a column.  I get some steel from the supply place which is 3/16 wall and 2 1/2 diameter pipe.  Would work well for this.  Just need to auger some holes and drop some concrete.  Other choice is to fence black the bottom of some treated 4x6 and bury in soil then pour concrete slab.  Best estimate is that it would take 10 years to rot, then I could redo the posts. 

Attaching to the other structures is not an option I think.  this ODK will sit at an 45 degree angle between two structures and the roof line is already complex
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 20, 2018, 12:12:01 AM
Jared mentioned a square steel post in ground, with a heavy bracket on top to bolt the wood posts to. What about using a thick walled box, say 16" tall, anchored on, or in, the slab, with extra footings under those areas? Basically just a h/duty taller version of store bought versions? Or if you were lucky enough to find some square tubing with the inside diameter close to the dimensions of the timber?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 20, 2018, 12:52:18 AM
Jared mentioned a square steel post in ground, with a heavy bracket on top to bolt the wood posts to. What about using a thick walled box, say 16" tall, anchored on, or in, the slab, with extra footings under those areas? Basically just a h/duty taller version of store bought versions? Or if you were lucky enough to find some square tubing with the inside diameter close to the dimensions of the timber?

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Ken has a legit idea here, wait did I just say that? :huh:

You could dig or auger footers where the columes go, toss in some rebar on the heavy side. Then use square tube or even drops of I-beam. Note: if you can find a structural fab shop they will have all sorts of i-beam drops in the 4’-6’ range, check out scrap yards too. Weld a flange to the base or end of tube / I-beam and anchor into concrete. Build posts on or around them. Essentially the base is anchored well and then the upper & exterior is a fabricated wood post. Easy to replace when they rot out ten years down the road versus trying to dig up a wood post that was set in concrete.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 20, 2018, 03:28:40 AM
I did that (galv post) on the corner of the fence where I have my TH. Sank it about 4' down, then built a square column around it. Solid as a rock about 200# of cement int there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 20, 2018, 08:27:38 AM
Rather than bury a steel column why can I not bolt a steel flanged post to the slab??

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 20, 2018, 08:29:00 AM
Having dug/extracted several rotten posts/concrete from my fence the last few summers, I HIGHLY recommend using some form of metal solution!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 20, 2018, 08:37:26 AM
Rather than bury a steel column why can I not bolt a steel flanged post to the slab??

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My uneducated guess would be that the stress/force is better spread across more of the beam and concrete instead of a small section of studs/bolts susceptible to flexing in high winds.  Think weak spot like your wrist versus your forearm.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 20, 2018, 08:39:19 AM
Rather than bury a steel column why can I not bolt a steel flanged post to the slab??

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That’s what I was trying to convey

Ken has a legit idea here, wait did I just say that? :huh:

You could dig or auger footers where the columes go, toss in some rebar on the heavy side. Then use square tube or even drops of I-beam. Note: if you can find a structural fab shop they will have all sorts of i-beam drops in the 4’-6’ range, check out scrap yards too. Weld a flange to the base or end of tube / I-beam and anchor into concrete. Build posts on or around them. Essentially the base is anchored well and then the upper & exterior is a fabricated wood post. Easy to replace when they rot out ten years down the road versus trying to dig up a wood post that was set in concrete.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 20, 2018, 09:52:57 AM
So with a minimal structure up top and 6 posts for a 12x22 structure, a beam all around the perimeter of the slab, I should be ok with an 8x8 flange bolted down and then make a cap out of treated for the flange and some 1X material around the square post.

Sorry Shawn, I missed that, but great minds think alike.

That will keep me from being detoured and rushed to sink some posts before the pool crew gets the hole in the ground and ready for the concrete deck crew.

I just need to make sure the beam they put in the slab is directly under the post locations.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 20, 2018, 09:55:33 AM
like this (
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 20, 2018, 10:02:40 AM
Correct, move the holes out to the corners though....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 20, 2018, 10:11:35 AM
exactly.  Probably used epoxy like I did connecting the beams to the concrete pillars on the casita.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 20, 2018, 02:05:45 PM
That would save lots of work and the bigger the footprint the better.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 21, 2018, 07:21:05 AM
So got some more done on the hardie.  Rest of the corners assembled and installed.  Ripped hardie for the kick out on the first course on the remaining two sides and got the first course started.

Then sawed all the trim for the remaining windows and started trimming the windows.  Got the first floor 3x3 kitchen window and the dormer window done.  While I was on the dormer started working on the corner trim for the dormer and the final flashing/trim pieces for the metal roof where the roof intersects with the dormer.  Trim work is tedious and slow, so when the trim is all done the planks will go quickly.

Today will focus on the remaining roof flashing/trim on the dormer and more trim work and then some planks under the porch and on the front of the house.

Need to order the shake shingle hardie for the dormer but I will do that last since it involves getting back up on the 12/12 roof

Progress pics to come.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 21, 2018, 06:25:04 PM
Today, it seemed that I was making lots of mistakes.  ruined a few pieces of hardie but then got in a rythem.  Finished a few pieces of trim and then started on the gable end over the front porch.

Still have to finish the dormer and trim one last window on the back gable and then there's just planking the kitchen side and rear.

I had to stop on the underside of the porch until I get the soffit and hardi panel on the ceiling.  Those hardie panels are about 73 pounds so I need to figure out a way to hoist them up and hold them so I can nail them to the ceiling of porch.

So far so good.  Here is where I left it today

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 21, 2018, 06:39:05 PM
Awfully nice looking guesthouse there Charles!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 21, 2018, 07:32:43 PM
Here are some tricks on the ceiling hardi. Use H vinyl. Before sliding the piece into the h vinyl take a grinder to the hardi and make sure it will fit in the h vinyl. Usually the ends are mushroomed from the factory and they will not go in, just buzz around the perimeter and clean it up. Grind as fast as you can walk around it is all it takes. A heat gun helps massage the plastics if needed. That ceiling hardi is horrible to do with less than two guys. It is very flexible and breaks easily and is expensive. A 2x4 cut to ceiling height with a flat 3-4’ piece on the top can be used as a prop. It is almost impossible to do alone and have it look good. Without H vinyl the joints look wavy and the nails have a tendency to blow the edges out. Start with a chalk line for reference and mark it 4’1/2” from the beam or wall where you will be starting. If the first row is stair stepped the rest is more difficult.
Wish i was closer to your end of Texas. I would lend a hand.
Here is one i just did. Zoom in and you can see the h vinyl and how i staggered the joints. (
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 21, 2018, 07:59:33 PM
Before starting mark every ceiling joist around the perimeter. These are hard to find when fighting the sheet. Then install your first piece. Nail 12” in from the edge and only nail the perimeter at the 8”-12” in from the edge making sure each nail is good. Do not nail the field. If it is deep it will pull through so add another fastener and adjust the guns depth driver. If it is shallow set it. Then before the next piece goes in install the h vinyl. Nailing 12” away from the edge will allow this piece to slide in. The h vinyl gets cut to about 4’ and a notch is made in the part that is tucked up in the material. This will allow the perpendicular row to fit without hitting the 4’ butt joint piece. Just keep going like this using the previous piece of h vinyl to help hold the next sheet. When you are done use a chalk line preferably white chalk or a non oil chalk and mark every joist row. This makes every fastener hit lumber and not blow a hole through the material. From here finish nailing the fields and also nail the edges.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 21, 2018, 08:18:50 PM
What do you mean H?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 21, 2018, 08:20:40 PM
Heat transfer according to google. 

Why are we trying to transfer heat on the porch? Should we not be blocking or deflecting ?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 21, 2018, 08:37:53 PM
Jared. Thanks.  H is the profile of the trim. It provides a support from one panel to the next. Hadn’t thought of that Jared.   I may call in some help.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on January 21, 2018, 09:08:46 PM
Yes, it is the profile. There are two different sizes. As far as i know it is the smaller of the two. The larger looks bad when installed as it hangs down. Just trim it with a razor knife and cut it with a circular saw. Do not cut it real cold this time of the year as it will crack. Warm it up if needed.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 21, 2018, 09:18:57 PM
Good thing is that at just under 8 ft Deep I only have the 3 seams as the 4 panels meet

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on January 24, 2018, 01:31:38 AM
Dave, I think framers and mechanics have similar brains. :embarrassed

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Still waiting for big brother to come and delete it.   I noticed a bit ago a curse word gets deleted pretty fast

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There’s actually a word swap function that we use.... that’s why it seems weird when somebody says bullshoot lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 24, 2018, 11:10:39 AM
Dave, I think framers and mechanics have similar brains. :embarrassed

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Still waiting for big brother to come and delete it.   I noticed a bit ago a curse word gets deleted pretty fast

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There’s actually a word swap function that we use.... that’s why it seems weird when somebody says bullshoot lol

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Feel free to change that all up if you want.

I created out "Bad-word List" and made the automatic substitutions. Wasn't giving it all that much thought, and frankly the feature was really only for Shawn ;-)) and one or two others, so do with it as you may
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on January 24, 2018, 02:15:43 PM

I created out "Bad-word List" and made the automatic substitutions. Wasn't giving it all that much thought, and frankly the feature was really only for Shawn ;-)) and one or two others, so do with it as you may

Want me to REALLY test out that word swap feature?! It might decide to go AWOL...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 25, 2018, 12:22:40 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 25, 2018, 12:23:16 PM
Sh$t is now crap.   I think if we could adjust this to my texting on my phone it could be a good thing. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on January 25, 2018, 12:57:25 PM
Sh$t is now crap.   I think if we could adjust this to my texting on my phone it could be a good thing. 

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That's funny...and pretty dang accurate some days I'd suggest too... :beercheers:
And would likely be a pretty good idea.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 25, 2018, 03:56:40 PM
Not much car replace a well placed four letter word sometimes

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on January 25, 2018, 05:19:38 PM
So true, but some just might be a bit over the wall.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on January 25, 2018, 11:26:14 PM
They’re not cuss words, they’re sentence enhancers ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 26, 2018, 12:23:48 AM
Like racing strips on Honda’s? Just makes things sound better right?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 26, 2018, 08:44:48 PM
They’re not cuss words, they’re sentence enhancers ;)

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Elsewhere, true!

Here: The reason you can no longer access the site ;-)))

Hashtag: Banned
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on January 26, 2018, 09:20:46 PM
They’re not cuss words, they’re sentence enhancers ;)

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Elsewhere, true!

Here: The reason you can no longer access the site ;-)))

Hashtag: Banned

Well I certainly hope not! Enjoy all you knuckleheads too much! :D

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 26, 2018, 10:22:24 PM
They’re not cuss words, they’re sentence enhancers ;)

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Elsewhere, true!

Here: The reason you can no longer access the site ;-)))

Hashtag: Banned

Well I certainly hope not! Enjoy all you knuckleheads too much! :D

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Send me a pm and I’ll share my log in and we can have double trouble

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on January 26, 2018, 11:44:42 PM

Send me a pm and I’ll share my log in and we can have double trouble

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LOL... I don’t think that would work so well.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on January 27, 2018, 07:41:54 AM
Hashtag: Banned

So I've noticed something peculiar concerning Chief recently.

1. Acknowledged that he knows and listens(ed) to Beyonce songs.
2. Now wears an Apple smart watch, as opposed to a more sensible durable watch
3. Now uses the term "hashtag"
4. Trying to color-coordinate things down at the farm in colors other than OD green...

Something must be wrong.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 27, 2018, 08:10:53 AM
Hashtag: Banned

So I've noticed something peculiar concerning Chief recently.

1. Acknowledged that he knows and listens(ed) to Beyonce songs.
2. Now wears an Apple smart watch, as opposed to a more sensible durable watch
3. Now uses the term "hashtag"
4. Trying to color-coordinate things down at the farm in colors other than OD green...

Something must be wrong.....

What’s your prognosis doc? :popcorn:

I just assumed it was pilut stuff, maybe Duane could give us his input too?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 27, 2018, 08:11:06 AM
Hashtag: Banned

So I've noticed something peculiar concerning Chief recently.

1. Acknowledged that he knows and listens(ed) to Beyonce songs.
2. Now wears an Apple smart watch, as opposed to a more sensible durable watch
3. Now uses the term "hashtag"
4. Trying to color-coordinate things down at the farm in colors other than OD green...

Something must be wrong.....

My theory is that this is the longest period of his life where he has been in the same place for multiple years in a row without the rigorous standards of the military over his head. He’s becoming re-domesticated. There’s also a few serious blows to the knoggin - most recently over the Dodge Demon incident that could have triggered a serious personality shift frequently associated with head trauma.

Oblivion to
Former self

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 27, 2018, 09:20:44 AM
Boss wearing Apple watches and Nate driving Vdubs.... I wish there was something I could do. #Quitesadreally

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2018, 09:53:18 AM
Has anyone looked this up in webMD?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 27, 2018, 10:01:22 AM
Boss wearing Apple watches and Nate driving Vdubs.... I wish there was something I could do. #Quitesadreally

Hey now, i still have the duramax!

Dont be hattin on the Fahrvergnügen now, cause i am sure you would be glad to have one as well......
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2018, 10:07:05 AM
Ok for the urgent purpose I used my best resources, I had the two year old tell me where they hurt as a relation to where don hurts
Eyes for the color coordination, wrist must be in pain from that watch and of course back pain from sitting in the chair in the basement while the boys do all the work and he writes poems about skid steer tractors

My findings
Max and my guess is methanol poison
With all the painting he has been doing? The water leak from the Chevy and who knows what could have been given the boss when he was knocked out from that hellcat demon comment. 

Heaven only knows where the Apple watch thing came from.  Could it be some type of tracking system from cnn for all of dons politically charged coffee rants? Maybe someone from “the other place” is trying to find out if #Square_D is finished?
How does the boss magically run over everything? Is this a trend.   

Should I look up or add to the WebMD list forgetful?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2018, 10:15:10 AM
It could be this also (

We could have a serious problem here men. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 27, 2018, 12:12:05 PM
Alright, DOT army, back at the casita this weekend. It’s rainy today so I’m working some electrical inside and on the porch. Got two gooseneck farm lights. One to go over the door and one over the window on the second floor. They’ll have those low watt Edison bulbs where you can see the elements.  Then the porch has two small can lights and some outlets in the ceiling.  Instead of ceiling fans I plan to get some wall mount oscillating fans that put out much more than ceiling fans. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on January 27, 2018, 12:38:55 PM
Those fans will make a good mosquito repellant, as well as helping  keep you comfortable after a hard day.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2018, 01:53:36 PM
Do your lights have a light sensor on them? So they turn off and on automatically when the sun is out

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 27, 2018, 04:47:50 PM
Hashtag: Banned

So I've noticed something peculiar concerning Chief recently.

1. Acknowledged that he knows and listens(ed) to Beyonce songs.
2. Now wears an Apple smart watch, as opposed to a more sensible durable watch
3. Now uses the term "hashtag"
4. Trying to color-coordinate things down at the farm in colors other than OD green...

Something must be wrong.....

My theory is that this is the longest period of his life where he has been in the same place for multiple years in a row without the rigorous standards of the military over his head. He’s becoming re-domesticated. There’s also a few serious blows to the knoggin - most recently over the Dodge Demon incident that could have triggered a serious personality shift frequently associated with head trauma.

Oblivion to
Former self

First of all, I am obviously paying no attention to the Airborne SSGT...

Next, what the heck is wrong with a little color anyway??
Wife sez I need to get in touch with my feminine side! (Didn't know men had one!)

OK, as for being in the same place too long absence of incoming: Check! Its weird, I will admit

But I think that problem is about to fix itself.

And, there is nothing wrong with a little personality shift once in awhile

You people seem like a bunch of girls! Always noticin' how others are doing this or that!

Mind yer own bees wax, my daddy used to say. Not sure what that means, but he said it with authority, so it must apply

And, no I don't like the D__med watch. THing is either dead or malfunctioning. SO if any of you ever call, and I don't answer, the reason is about 40% I'm not movin' fast enough to get to my phone, and 60% because no matter how many buttons I push or how many times I do it, my tore up, hard as leather fingers can't make the tactile connection to actually answer the F__akin' call.

I can see how the well pedicured or manicured, or whatever procedure applies to girly-man hands can answer the phone, but the rest of we men cannot!

Rant over, CM...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2018, 05:53:18 PM
Add denial to the webMD list

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 27, 2018, 05:57:11 PM
Bring down dat ban hammer!!!!!!!!!

This has to be the ultimate DOT thread, ever. Sorry for my (small) part in this cluster, Tex.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 27, 2018, 07:22:14 PM
Dave. I don’t plan on using photo cells. I don’t like to leave lights on for potential criminals when I’m not there.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 27, 2018, 10:24:51 PM
Oh,  this was a build thread. lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 28, 2018, 12:10:33 AM
What about motion and timers? I don't like dusk-dawn either.

Motions take you off guard, add a timer and a camera here and there and you have mug shots of trespassers/targets.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 28, 2018, 08:07:22 AM
Well I got 12 cans inside installed, the box for over the sink pendant light, most electrical boxes, the cans on the porch and electrical boxes in the ceiling of the porch.  Started stringing some 14/2 and bought the 100 amp panel but where I wanted the panel to go on the inside it wouldnt fit between the two studs.  So I'll be returning that and getting a panel for the outside.  No big deal, except that it's double the cost.  But then I'll put it closer to the front side corner so the amount of 3-3-3-5 cable will be about 12 foot less which will be about a wash since the cable is $5/ft.

JR I have a motion on the shop for when the wife arrives in the dark. She doesn't ever seem to have the flashlights I put in her car....

I may put a three way switch and run the traveller over to the porch on the main house or outdoor kitchen to allow for turning the lights on when moving from the house to the casita

Or I can have dusk/dawn led stair lights just to give enough light to see the steps in the dark.

We'll see.  I'm making this stuff up as I go
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 28, 2018, 03:50:41 PM

Need to string more wire but it was too
Nice a day to be working inside. 

So I built stairs.  Tired of making that one 26 inch step to the porch. Gets old when you are going in and out and in and out. 

Once I get the cans wired I’ll probably run an extension cord to them so I can light them up and see better until I get the 100amp subpanel, water, and Ethernet run.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 28, 2018, 03:54:06 PM
Stair progress today. Did I mention I hate manual post hole diggers?



Still have to do some railing. 

The brass stair gauges for my framing square worked like a charm.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 28, 2018, 04:33:45 PM
so are you going to use the pink roll fiberglass insulation or are you going to have it spray foam?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 28, 2018, 05:33:27 PM
The main house is spray foam. The casita and the shipping container will both be spray foam as well. 18 seer two zone mini split and it will be very energy efficient.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 28, 2018, 07:03:44 PM
And here it is at the end of work day 52


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 28, 2018, 07:10:54 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 28, 2018, 07:42:39 PM
I agree, looking great!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 28, 2018, 10:19:47 PM
So jared was right.  Handling those 4x8 hardie panels is tough and I was unable to get them lifted into position on the ceiling of the porch.  I put a cleat on the wall and tried to rest one end on that cleat and pivot the panel up.  No dice.  Too flimsy and risked breaking it in the middle.

So I think I'm going to build a rig that has 2 2x4s with hinges that gets temporarily screwed into the wall.  Place the panel and pivot it up.  Supported by the 2x4 it should be easier to get pivoted up and put another 2x4 underneath to hold it in place then I can nail it..

We shall see.  Probably going to trench for power, water and ethernet soon to get that out of the way as I need to be able to work inside with some lighting.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 28, 2018, 11:17:37 PM
I wish they would make a foam contoured for containers. They have got so popular it should be a no brainer. Of course spray foam is better, but $$$.

Getting ready to hook up my split. Just 15 ser single.

Looks good !
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 29, 2018, 06:25:15 AM
They do JR.  It's stupid expensive.

I can get spray foam for 1.25 sqft to fill 2x4 cavity, 1.40 to fill 2x6 cavity.

I plan to install studs (skinny side) in the recessed part of the corrugation and then bridge across the top with 2x4, in essence making a drop ceiling to install electrical and insulation. 

I'll need a mini split that senses humidity and find a way to introduce a small amount of fresh air as it will be a big Styrofoam cooler

Looking for ideas on how to attach the studs to the steel container.  thought about drilling and screwing from the outside but that would be about 100 holes.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 29, 2018, 06:35:29 AM
They do JR.  It's stupid expensive.

I can get spray foam for 1.25 sqft to fill 2x4 cavity, 1.40 to fill 2x6 cavity.

I plan to install studs (skinny side) in the recessed part of the corrugation and then bridge across the top with 2x4, in essence making a drop ceiling to install electrical and insulation. 

I'll need a mini split that senses humidity and find a way to introduce a small amount of fresh air as it will be a big Styrofoam cooler

Looking for ideas on how to attach the studs to the steel container.  thought about drilling and screwing from the outside but that would be about 100 holes.

If you have a few minutes this evening, i can give you a call and explain how i did it in afghanistan?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 29, 2018, 07:08:34 AM
Will do Nate.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 29, 2018, 08:24:28 AM
An air powered drill will knock out a 100 holes in no time flat if you have enough air to power it, just a thought.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 29, 2018, 09:14:24 AM
Would there be anything against just using some contractors adhesive?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on January 29, 2018, 10:14:48 AM
They make a hilti anchor for direct on steel.
Not sure on what all types of fastener options.
The speed of the shot fuses the anchor to the steel.

Used a lot for electrical straps on steel beams.

What I don't know is if there is a stud that's long enough to go through a board.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 29, 2018, 11:50:59 AM
Could you use the walls for supporting the roof, then add self tappers from the top if additional support needed?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on January 29, 2018, 12:52:46 PM
I think the idea of breaking the outside layer of steel defeats the entire purpose!  Do you really want holes in the sides and roof? :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 29, 2018, 02:15:50 PM
No different than steel on pole barn......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 29, 2018, 02:25:01 PM
I can live with holes in the side and put sealant over them. I won’t put holes in the roof. Walls will support inner roof. Just need to make sure wall studs are secure as I will be sheathing the inside in plywood and attaching shelves etc.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 29, 2018, 08:50:31 PM
Oh, Charles I misread. I thought you were looking for a way to mount studs to the bad.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 29, 2018, 08:58:39 PM
here yah go charles
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 29, 2018, 08:59:27 PM
here is the site where that pic came from.........
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 29, 2018, 11:25:59 PM
You could weld bolts to the walls on the inside and than drill holes in the studs to bolt them to the walls. Maybe countersink the nut so it doesn’t interfere with the drywall

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 29, 2018, 11:56:57 PM
Why not just use body pulling studs to the walls? No holes and cheap enough. Drill holes to match, bend the ends over and still glue them on.

I like the insert there. Wouldn't really be that hard to cut foam. Cut the angle and you flip for the other side, then a sheet across the top. Just need a BIG can of glue!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 30, 2018, 09:48:34 AM
JR, he said "skinny" side, so the bolt/stud would have to be over 3-1/2"+ long. least that's what I got from it.

I think that no matter how you mount them, a couple of those semi trailer spreader bars might come in handy.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 30, 2018, 11:16:53 AM
I’m thinking that I may wedge and glue the studs, and then use Simpson hangers to hold the roof joists vertical to gain more strength and a deeper insulation cavity. Will start mocking some stuff up soon

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 03, 2018, 11:27:35 AM
Ok. Yesterday I cleared a few cedars to make room for the outdoor kitchen slab. Moved my construction materials out of the way. Moved the firewood rack and started marking off underground obstructions for the big dig.


So this morning I got back to working on the hardie.  I’m determined to get the ceiling panels up. After some thought I came up with a jig.


Some door hinges and 2x4s and a small angle bracket to hold the panel when vertical.... and then voila!


Walk it up the ladder and screw in a stop to hold it.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 03, 2018, 11:36:53 AM
great way to hold them in place Charles :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 03, 2018, 12:21:30 PM
Nice Jig Charles, you gunna name that jig? :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on February 03, 2018, 12:35:10 PM
Clever! I would have said rent a drywall hoist, but this was practically free!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 03, 2018, 04:07:40 PM
Very smart
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 03, 2018, 06:25:37 PM
And here is where I left it today. Grilling some chicken for lunch with the parents and sister tomorrow.


Got the inside of the porch completely trimmed out and now just need to cut the last 3 rows of siding to finish.

Then I’ll finish the outside of the porch.  Soffit got done today so all that is left is the trim on the beam and to cut a panel to cover the side piece.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 03, 2018, 06:28:12 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 03, 2018, 06:30:43 PM
Looks great Charles, per usual.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 03, 2018, 11:12:51 PM
Yep, great job. Just curious, sheetrock outside and not the green stuff?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on February 03, 2018, 11:27:03 PM
It’s hardi

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 03, 2018, 11:52:09 PM
It’s hardi

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Missed that!   :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 04, 2018, 06:17:22 AM
Nice Jig Charles, you gunna name that jig? :tongue:

Hmmm...patent pending...ROH3

Redneck One Handed Hardi Hanger

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2018, 02:19:10 PM
Well got some fuel capability added to the spa/hide....


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 06, 2018, 03:27:20 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2018, 05:47:32 PM
No. The 500 was $900 and they wanted like $2600 for a 1k. I told them I’d add another 500 later.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2018, 05:49:51 PM
Pool got marked on the ground today.  The big dig commences 0800 tomorrow.  They are going to excavate for my utilities to the casita while they are at it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2018, 05:51:29 PM
Oh and I’m going to go ahead and have them pour a walkway and hardscape for the fire pit.  Well basically they are destroying mine and building all new pit with matching flagstone.  SMH. I’m going to get kicked out of the neighborhood for not being redneck enough.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 06, 2018, 05:56:00 PM
No. The 500 was $900 and they wanted like $2600 for a 1k. I told them I’d add another 500 later.

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Copy, also if you ever need to move them my skid loader & mf4609 would both pick a 500 full. They were both maxed out but it was doable.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2018, 06:58:37 PM
I think my Kubota would pick it up empty but I'm struggling to justify a bigger tractor until I get either parcel on the north or east of me...or both.  Not to mention, did I mention I just paid for a pool?  SMH....  I hope I don't have to move it.  Its pretty strategically located.  central to the house, shop, casita and outdoor kitchen.

If I add a second would you just tee the lines together and draw from both?  I'm running a 10PSI regulator on it and will step it down at each point of use, eg. backup gen, pool heater, outdoor kitchen...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 06, 2018, 07:09:09 PM
Wow, a pool....So who gets to keep it clean. Every needle, twig, creepy crawler in the county will be in it if it is an outdoor model. I like the idea of two 500 gal tanks, regulators do fail and that pool better be warm for the family.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on February 06, 2018, 07:46:41 PM

Like ALL you do: top notch!  Quality doesn’t exclude you from Redneck STATUS!  That’s about attitude and not intelligence.  My students ask me if I’m a redneck and I don’t feel it’s an insult, rather a compliment regarding my attitude and convictions!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2018, 08:41:37 PM
As ususal Bob, all maintenance falls to me.....

Mike, that was a tongue in cheek statement for sure....No one can take away my redneck card....Its my license plate....

As I see it, being a redneck is a homage to a simpler time where integrity and values mattered more than material possessions and other worldly trappings.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 06, 2018, 08:47:49 PM
Well even if the duty falls on you, it will be a nice place for the family to relax and enjoy the Hide. You have been doing a great job fixing up the place, thanks for sharing...Keep the fires under control...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 06, 2018, 09:39:23 PM
Charles, double check with your local pane dealer but I ran a line from each tank outlet into a T. Then on that T I had a regulator as it went towards house actually my regulator on tanks was large enough to supply two separate lines that went into my house at two different locations. At each location going into house I had another regulator.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 06, 2018, 10:18:51 PM
Not trying to be negative, but a pool heater will burn through that tank like a ford burning fuel on flat least that's the feedback I've received from friends (yes my wife is trying to get me to go down the same path...I've been fighting her off for about 6 years now)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 06, 2018, 10:23:33 PM
Could you plumb a second heat source and use wood boiler to keep the temp right. My friend in WA uses a wood stove with coils as an only heat source for his pool.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 07, 2018, 12:18:03 AM
Solar heater would do the trick, and free
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 07, 2018, 10:01:40 AM
I keep forgetting about solar being from wet side of Washington.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 07, 2018, 10:27:16 AM

Snap. No turning back now.

I don’t plan to heat the entire pool just the hot tub. But we’ll see what drain that has on the tank. Too many woods right now for solar but every tree that drops leaves in the pool may find a sudden demise.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on February 07, 2018, 11:07:27 AM
What about a wood boiler for the hot tub? How often will you be at the site? Not like you have to heat it all the time anyway right? I don't know how fast it would come up to temp but that might be doable. 

Please looks really great Charles!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 07, 2018, 11:14:15 AM
Any bet takers on the sat dish cable getting cut? :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 07, 2018, 11:50:33 AM
^^^^ :beercheers:

For a moment I thought Don may have driven the Kobelco down from the tuck!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 07, 2018, 12:31:26 PM
Any bet takers on the sat dish cable getting cut? :tongue:

Since I buried it I knew it was going to be a casualty.

Just so happened to be the very first bite when they yanked the cedar stump out by the porch.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 07, 2018, 01:05:07 PM
Any bet takers on the sat dish cable getting cut? :tongue:

Since I buried it I knew it was going to be a casualty.

Just so happened to be the very first bite when they yanked the cedar stump out by the porch.

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Lol, sorry.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 07, 2018, 01:17:36 PM
No damage when things tore loose I hope. It had to be moved anyway right...Don't want it under that nice pool.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on February 07, 2018, 02:03:46 PM
How come that thing will just pop a cedar stump out, and I’ve gotta dig all around it with my tractor? 

Looks like it’s going to be a real nice layout, I’m not letting my wife look at this thread. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 07, 2018, 02:38:16 PM
^^^^ :beercheers:

For a moment I thought Don may have driven the Kobelco down from the tuck!
Wonder how long that would take???

In "rabbit" mode I think it only does like 3 mph
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 07, 2018, 02:59:26 PM
Hole is finished.  Rebar crew in it.  Plumbing tomorrow,  Gunnite tomorrow or friday. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 07, 2018, 04:13:54 PM
Wow these guys are fast. (

Ready for plumbing and gunnite

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 07, 2018, 04:24:53 PM
If you had known they worked that fast you would have negotiated better.... :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 07, 2018, 05:23:04 PM
When they were the only company willing to come this far, I was negotiating with myself.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on February 07, 2018, 05:32:04 PM
That will be really nice when its done!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 07, 2018, 05:50:12 PM
They are working fast. How come cement vs FG?

I have solar for my pool and it was all diy. Got everything off CL. Works great but you need about the same area in panels as pool sf.

I have a heater but have yet to install, just to get it ready earlier in the year and extend a few weeks.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 07, 2018, 07:53:57 PM
Would like more intel on the solar.

I debated FG for a long time and ultimately the ability to get warranty work and some stated issues with finish along with very few people willing to work with us this far out, I chose I local company that has been building pools, under the same name, for nearly 40 years.

Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on February 07, 2018, 08:28:34 PM
Nice looking pool/cabana house in the background

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on February 07, 2018, 08:52:28 PM
Where's the rough-in for the duck blind?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 07, 2018, 08:59:22 PM
Where's the rough-in for the duck blind?

He just covers the spa
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 07, 2018, 09:02:34 PM
Solar is easy. I find used panels fro around $50, new they are about $200 on ebay. I like the roof but any sunny area is fine.

Tap into the filter inlet and I run a small 110v pump on a timer. The pool pump will work too, but that costs a lot more.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 07, 2018, 10:12:25 PM
Looks good Tex. If you cut all the trees that drop stuff into the pool you will have lots of room for solar.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on February 08, 2018, 08:32:09 AM
Sorry Tex but I had to laugh. All of this time I thought the house (shed) you have been building was your primary dwelling. I thought you also had a shop / garage there also as a stand alone. Then you were going to bring in containers for storage and gun/re loading room. Then I see the pictures of the actual house next to the pool and then the light bulb goes off that you have a retirement house there and the rest is all add on's.

Very nice!

When I lived in NJ I had a very large pool and heated with Natural Gas. No spa but the wife likes 80 degree plus water or she won't go in. That thing cost me about $1000 a month to heat 5 months of the year. Plus another $1000 a month in electrical for the two pumps and 26 stations of sprinklers. I was always looking for a pool heater that was the type that floated on top of the water when you were not using it. Tons of lilly pads and other floaty types but I wanted one where you could hook up the return water line from the pump to it, it then circulates the return water through a series of dark floating pads and then returns the water back into the pool after it heats up.

Similar to these but instead they would be like air mattresses with water flowing through rather than air. Scale able to whatever size of pool you had.

Thank god I'm in Minnesota now where you don't need a pool. (sarc)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 08, 2018, 09:57:24 PM
I just realized I never posted the original house photo.

The day we closed.

Throwback Thursday.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 08, 2018, 10:29:32 PM
Nice getaway place, or even a main home for that matter. I really like the covered porches and the metal roofing. Once you get all that grass on the side of the house turned into a pool the mowing time will be reduced....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on February 08, 2018, 10:59:58 PM
With the dually lurking in the background...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 09, 2018, 06:13:14 AM
The pool decking will mirror the full width of the house with the decking matching up to the porches on the front and back.  Then when they do the decking in flagstone they'll also cover the porches in flagstone to match.  The outdoor kitchen will be a 14x24 slab, also covered in flagstone, angled and centered between the main house and the casita to form a kind of arc of buildings that look out over the pond.

They'll tie the kitchen to the pool with a walkway and on the far side of the pool they'll pour a walkway and 18ft diameter area for a 6ft diameter fire pit.

Its going to rain some this weekend so I'm hoping they get gunnite shot today.  Then hopefully I can get back to wrapping up hardie or wiring electrical.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 09, 2018, 08:38:13 AM
Obviously, watching this and all of the threads, I have to say I expected better of the men here

What we have here is a bit of disorganization

Yes- Sadly

But, True!

A military leader spends a lot of his time training his men to be able to take over in the absence of something. Someone gets hurt, the next highest ranking guy steps in for hopefully what is a seamless transition.

Others, seeing need, takes action. No fortifications down on the high speed avenue of approach into your logger, and some NCO will tell some private to set a machine gun to over-watch it, then set about making sure he is supported as well

I have tried to build that into you, "People." I would have expected that from most of you, (Excepting the "Salt lake City kid" of course, but the rest of you have shown yourselves to be somewhat disciplined and focused.

Charles here is building a pool, a rather dangerous and complex and expensive undertaking, I think we can all agree.

And where is the oversight, I ask? Anything organized...anywhere?

No just things from the SLC kid like, "Can I come and play!"

There should have been some of you who organized into the "Construction committee" Self starters who would have seen the need to get involved to provide the quality information Charles needs to build this thing. And much the same as you have done with me with the building of SquareD, that counsel should arrive well after the decision was made, the concrete is in the ground and all thoughts of that phase had that!

I'm disappointed

And what of those (none of you) who are knowledgeable about laws rules, laws, regulations, and things of this sort, where are you I ask? There should have been something to advise Charles of all the things he has to consider which would constitute guidance. Information coming from JR's unregulated state, common pool practices from Sam and those in Minnesota, and some HOA member. Matters not that none of that is accurate, the effort should have been made and there should be a "committee of crap-house lawyers."

But its not here...Sad, really

Where are the psychologists who know everything there is to know about the mind of a woman who might have given good advice to Charles on how this all fits into his marriage (Of which you know absolutely nothing?), where are you. We should have seen a mental health advisory committee form somewhere populated with guys like Phil. I mean if he can land a rocket going like ten thousand miles an hour that way, back here a few minutes later, figuring out a woman's mind should be child's play.

Everyone with me here?

I had hundreds of "Tips and advice" when building square D from peeps who wouldn't know a mig welder from an enema. I had paint experts commenting who were color blind, or just plain blind. I had 14 year old kids telling me about what they thought about how the military tires I selected would hold up. I even had a lieutenant comment about something, but I tossed that out years ago.

Lets get organized, lets get our brain power engaged, and lets get this man the quality help this web site is well known to provide

Move out!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on February 09, 2018, 08:58:04 AM

Someone's up early and probably had a bit too much coffee since he cant be havin none for none for a while anyways, or possibly in to the pre op drugs a little early.......

Or he migh be boo boo lipped that we havent D.O.T'd this one up like he thinks we did with square d.........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 09, 2018, 09:15:45 AM

Someone's up early and probably had a bit too much coffee since he cant be havin none for none for a while anyways, or possibly in to the pre op drugs a little early.......

Or he migh be boo boo lipped that we havent D.O.T'd this one up like he thinks we did with square d.........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh, what you all did (Do) to the SquareD thread is well documented

Causes me ptsd  (Pressure n' tension started delusions!)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on February 09, 2018, 09:24:17 AM
So if I read the earlier rant correctly, Don wants us to make this into such an audaciously huge project that it isn’t going to end well. Sorry to break it to you, Don. He did that just by starting to dig a hole for a pool. But if it makes you feel any better, I’ll give it a shot:

Instead of just adding a pool, put a hot tub on the side of it. Darn it, already done.
Oh, I know. You should put a flagstone surround and a huge fire pit  and walkway, then redo your porches with said flagstone too.  Dang it, he beat me to it.

Sorry to say it, but I think he’s already chosen to do all the really big add ons already.   I’ll keep looking though.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 09, 2018, 09:58:59 AM
I think the difference is Charles has not built a tac topper yet (yep I just went there). Add in the fact the biggest injury we have witnessed him commit is a smashed thumb (was yours the motorcycle wheelie accident or the fire in the house?). Anyhow either way I guess what I’m
saying is we are giving him quite a bit more lead way than you Don! :popcorn:

Add to the fact you did nothing but complain about all our DOT efforts of the past & here we are, you even managed to run my second in command of DOT efforts off (Ashley) and I was left with Ken who has become a turncoat with Charles now diligently contributing to the chaos we work so hard to keep up here.  :facepalm:

But hey, good luck with that surgery!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on February 09, 2018, 10:05:53 AM
I seem to remember something about don openly admitting his testing of the concrete hardness in his garage with his head and back.........
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 09, 2018, 11:02:44 AM
I seem to remember something about don openly admitting his testing of the concrete hardness in his garage with his head and back.........

Yeah, I think it’s a toss up at this point!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 09, 2018, 11:05:32 AM
...So you're sayin I'm gettin no support here? :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 09, 2018, 11:23:15 AM
...So you're sayin I'm gettin no support here? :rolleyes:

Quite the opposite, we give you a ton of support. It’s Charles that’s getting left out on the support! :knucklehead:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on February 09, 2018, 11:55:34 AM
Not to mention that just saying we can’t DOT up his thread is in itself DOTing up his thread.  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on February 09, 2018, 01:33:30 PM
"Hey guys here's a pic of the house we boug..."
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on February 09, 2018, 02:32:48 PM
If it weren’t for the labels, I would have thought that was Hillary’s political career.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on February 09, 2018, 03:29:27 PM
Now Don, I did ask where the duck blind was and JR already mentioned brushing in the hot tub.  Have you considered that since Charles isn’t a pilot, he’s used to the concept of nobody else is going to service his abused equipment and therefore avoids using his slide rule as a hammer?  Now, granted YOU fix whatever you break and mostly on your own, but you still need to master the art of Broke Stuff avoidance.  You to avoid BS!

Heavenly Father, guide Don’s surgeons and restore your servant to health in rapid fashion so he may continue to serve you .......... AND entertain the DOT Army you’ve placed in his life!

In Jesus name, Amen!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 09, 2018, 04:09:31 PM
Tate, you forgot to mark SD parked over to the right there,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Don, know whats in a woman's mind?  :facepalm:

Is this from the hospital? On meds?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 09, 2018, 05:42:49 PM

mistakes abound.  I assure you the pool, guest house and outdoor kitchen, when finished, will have cost more than the main house.....

Oh and not even a rocket scientist can decipher the mind of a woman....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 09, 2018, 06:24:16 PM
Here are some pics the wife sent. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on February 09, 2018, 06:25:38 PM

mistakes abound.  I assure you the pool, guest house and outdoor kitchen, when finished, will have cost more than the main house.....

Oh and not even a rocket scientist can decipher the mind of a woman....

Ah I believe we have one of those; Phil? any comment?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 09, 2018, 11:42:16 PM
Who is the “salt lake city kid”?

I feel hurt.    I wouldn’t drive to Texas to swim a pool full of Lilly pads and a duck blind.  A little to redneck for my type

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 10, 2018, 01:45:33 PM


Today I ran a temporary satellite cable to restore tv. Then started clearing the porches in advance of the flatwork.  Empty shipping container came in handy. Also straightened up the shop a bit and am either going to hang some hardie or work inside on the electrical at the casita.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 10, 2018, 02:39:16 PM
Tate, you forgot to mark SD parked over to the right there,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Don, know whats in a woman's mind?  :facepalm:

Is this from the hospital? On meds?
Its from the TBR procedure I think, I'm workin' on a new make-up base, leave me be, you're always criticizing and picking on me!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 10, 2018, 05:49:28 PM
Just some input for ya is all. We all want to see SD run!

TRN, whens the pool party?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 10, 2018, 07:46:24 PM
About mid March me thinks

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 10, 2018, 07:49:52 PM
Went back to hanging a little hardie and got the 100 amp sub panel hung and hole cut to the inside of the house to run romex.  Silicone sealed around the conduit running inside the house and across the top of the panel where it meets the house.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 10, 2018, 10:03:58 PM
What colors are you planing on putting on the exterior? Your getting close to finish paint the exterior

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 10, 2018, 11:21:41 PM
I wish I had dirt like that at my place.
Those guys sure kicked butt on that pool. Nice design.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 10, 2018, 11:27:46 PM
Wish I was moving as fast as you. This DIY really slows you down sometimes.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on February 11, 2018, 09:59:35 AM
Looking good Charles, what's the finish plan for the interior surface of the pool, tile?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 11, 2018, 10:11:50 AM
Thanks guys. Really starting to take shape.  Boss lady is still debating exterior color. It will match the house. The question is whether I get to paint both the house and casita or just the casita to match the current color on the house.  She wants to wait until the pool is in to see the color of the flagstone to make that call.

Pool will be pebble sheen finish. She’s still debating the color on that and has to make a decision in the next week or so.  She likes the dark colors but since the pool is shallow she is concerned about it being too hot.

Ken that “dirt” is pure red clay. Good thing is there aren’t any real rocks to contend with.

Temp is 30 degrees cooler than yesterday and the wind is blowing.  Looks like I’ll wire some circuits indoors today

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on February 11, 2018, 11:49:50 AM
For the color, you have to do some planning. First find the color you really want (but don't tell her). Then start looking at camo designs.....leave brochures around with pictures. Then say you made your decision and tell her that as this is a bug out place you want to keep everything hush hush and quiet so you then show her the camo design so that it won't easily be seen from the air. After she calms down say "well we could do this color....." (the one you wanted to begin with). She'll be do happy you're not going with a camo design she'll say yes.

Lemme know how that works out. Haha.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 11, 2018, 06:22:06 PM
Thanks Wilbur, I didn't want to take the #666 post. :)
Tex, the dirt at my place, and my brother's which is were I'm working now, is straight up powder. It won't compact, nor absorb water. Really difficult to work with... actually extremely difficult, and it goes down between 3 and 6 feet before hitting Az clay/concrete. Not sure if Tex red clay is better, but it looks nice. Lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on February 11, 2018, 10:35:54 PM
Had to pave the way for ya Ken! ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 12, 2018, 12:15:05 AM
You got it anyway. Must be the common core.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 12, 2018, 08:16:50 AM
Well, worked on some wiring yesterday.  Stupid cold and humid yesterday.  The thing about Texas cold is near freezing and 70% humidity and a light wind.....I'd rather it be 20 and no humidity and no wind.

I've run electrical many times but this is the first time that I've had to plan circuits and execute from scratch.  Keep getting into analysis paralysis, but as with most things it will be over engineered.  Electrical is where I am most critical of builders not planning ahead like location of swithes, 3 way circuits, planning for undercabinet lighting, floor recepticles, etc.  If I miss one I'll kick myself forever. 

Keeping to NEC code standards is pretty complicated and not always common sense.  Bathroom has to have a dedicated 20amp GFCI, but can power other bathrooms, but not any fixtures outside the bathroom, but can't power other bathrooms if you put the bathrooms lighting fixtures on it and then the fixtures can only be a certain wattage....

Plus you have to have a dedicated circuit for the a 120v outlet within 25ft of the AC unit not downstream of equipment cut off. 

Yadi yadi yadi.....

Pics later....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on February 12, 2018, 08:51:50 AM
Good luck but i think youre smart to plan it all out before you start pulling any wire. Do you have a friend you can send them to for a check to make sure you haven't missed anything?

I don't get what some places do so diagrams can be key. My FIL had tripped a GFCI on an outside outlet in his mfd house. None of the outside outlets had the reset. Fortunately the paperwork provided to him included a full wiring diagram, the reset was in a wall outlet in the what? Thank God for the diagram, but no rhyme or reason to my way of thinking. Course I'm no electrician.....and I don't play one on TV. Ha
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 12, 2018, 09:29:19 AM
I’ve never planned out a whole house, plenty of single runs here or there in homes & shops. I agree I think making a diagram and planning is just the right thing to do.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on February 12, 2018, 10:09:03 AM
When we did out remodel I planned/ ran new wires for the hole house.  Just make it make sense when you do it really isn't that hard.  Being a smaller dwelling it shouldn't be to complicated.  For where I live and doing a remodel I didn't have to have anything inspected so I didn't need to worry to much about the odd requirements.  Just making sure everything is safe etc..  I did have a licensed electrician friend at work that I was able to run stuff past/ ask questions which was nice.

Don't try and split stuff up into to many circuits though.  They will quickly add up and fill up the box. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on February 12, 2018, 11:45:32 AM
we used to have an electrical guy named Darren around here, but he hasn't been on since dec 2016......want me to reach out to him for you Charles?
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 12, 2018, 06:02:50 PM
Thanks guys. No need Nate I have a EE friend with a master electrician license that I can have look at it. I have a 20/40 circuit 100 amp panel so I’m ok being somewhat conservative.  And will still have room to run the outdoor kitchen off that panel and leave room for future expansion.  I think I’ll end up around 10 circuits. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 14, 2018, 06:20:38 AM
Not much going on this week with rain off and on all week. Some dirt work happened yesterday in prep for flatwork.  Electrical and some coping work might get done today. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on February 14, 2018, 09:43:40 AM
looks like that same nasty staining red dirt they got up there in south western oklahoma
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 14, 2018, 09:57:19 AM
For some reason I pictured the cabin out a little more.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on February 14, 2018, 03:29:59 PM
Success!  Pool holds water!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on February 14, 2018, 06:08:27 PM
Success!  CEE-ment pond holds water!

FIFY!  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 14, 2018, 06:12:50 PM
I can see the CTL track marks everywhere
s torture to me
Seeing that
Looking at my recovering knee
And knowing I own one which has never seen the first minute of dirt...

Killin me...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 14, 2018, 06:25:59 PM
I can see the CTL track marks everywhere
s torture to me
Seeing that
Looking at my recovering knee
And knowing I own one which has never seen the first minute of dirt...

Killin me...

Well, on the bright side you haven’t broke anything on it or drove over anything orange with it yet.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 14, 2018, 10:43:30 PM
Ha!  Don you’ll get
Yours soon!

Some tile work got done today. Pics later.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 14, 2018, 10:51:30 PM
For some reason I pictured the cabin out a little more.

The plan is that the casita, the outdoor kitchen and the main house will form an arc of buildings that all face the cement pond...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 16, 2018, 07:02:51 AM
Some tile work got started yesterday.  (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on February 16, 2018, 10:22:04 AM
VERY nice tiles and stone!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on February 16, 2018, 04:58:28 PM
reminds me of a charred whiskey barrel, looks great.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 16, 2018, 07:29:02 PM
Here a little more progress today. I came up to smoke some pork butts for a charity event tomorrow.

Preview of final grade

Not as bad as I thought.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 16, 2018, 07:51:50 PM
How many gallons of water do you expect that to hold?  What chemical set are you going to use to keep it clean?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 16, 2018, 09:32:50 PM
You and your wife have great taste. Looks good.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 16, 2018, 09:35:56 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 16, 2018, 09:37:55 PM
Dave, I'm going to guess about 20,000 gallons and it is a salt water pool.

Ken its all my wife.  I can't take credit.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 24, 2018, 04:14:05 PM
Been raining pretty consistently for a week. No progress on the pool. Did get some more wiring done.  Bought a spool of #1 AL wire to run the sub panel. Rated 110 amps which will do fine for my 100amp panel.  Just need to finish the conduit but it’s a mess outside. So I’m wiring circuits indoors.

Feeder wire
Ground bars since sub panels need local ground.  Will ground locally with 8ft rod and #4 copper
NOT UL approved. Have an extension cord wired to the panel for now just so I can use the lights and outlets. Note the jumper from common to ground since I’m using the ground back at the main panel via the extension cord
There’s a lot of wire in that small kitchen. Got a wall up where the little fridge will sit.

The two orange wires are 10ga to feed dual 28gal water heaters. One in series with the other.  Will run just one unless girls have a few friends over. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 12:32:58 AM
Dried up a couple of days. Forms down for decking, fire pit and kitchen.


Should pour tomorrow and lay stone next week.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on March 02, 2018, 07:33:19 AM
With the water heaters.  Are you going to plumb a by-pass around the second one that will only get occasional use.  Then just turn it on and turn a couple valves when you want to use it?  Why not a tankless set-up?  I know I was advised against it for the home water heater when we were remodeling the house but it seems like it would be fine for something like this.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 07:47:44 AM
Bear, no bypass.  From what I can tell, just running them in serioes (hot from the first into the cold of the second) is good enough and will allow me just to flip the breaker when I need more water.  If I ran in parallel I would need a bypass set up to isolate the non working heater when running only one.

I have tankless at the city house and I'm tired of the girls taking 45 minute showers.  This way, they learn what its like to run out of hot water so they can take a 10 minute shower.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on March 02, 2018, 08:32:14 AM
After a little more thought I can see how it could work.  Maybe I am interpreting what you wrote wrong, but would you want the heater that is "off" to be the first in line, and the heater that is always "on" second.  This way you are drawing cold water from the first water heater to be heated in the second, and not dumping hot water from the first water heater into the cold second one. 
I had not considered that "perk" of a standard tank water heater before.  Maybe just stick with the single heater then.  The summer we lived in a camper I was surprised how long the little 10 gallon heater would last.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Superwhdm on March 02, 2018, 08:56:30 AM
Shouldn’t that wire bed be elevated 2” or so?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 02, 2018, 09:15:44 AM
Shouldn’t that wire bed be elevated 2” or so?

It should be but on small pours such as that it’s not uncommon to drop a few piles then lift the wire up as you continue the pour.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on March 02, 2018, 09:17:02 AM
Looking good! 

Not to DOT this thread up, but what tankless water heater do you have in your home?  We're making that final decision in the next few days and any insight would be appreciated.  You can respond over on my house thread if you don't want to muddy this one up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 02, 2018, 10:00:02 AM
I would have thought tankless too. Maybe add a timer to it?

And whats wrong with a 45 min shower?  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 01:46:57 PM
JR, on septic a 45 min shower is no bueno

Don I have a Norritz. Works great going on 10 years.  Only issue was an igniter.  Fixed it myself and cost me $12

I would check with local plumbing supply houses.  I found that there is usually a regional preference and you want what ever is most prevelant in your area so that parts and service familiarity work in your favor.  There are several good brands like Rennai and Bosch and Norritz etc

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 02, 2018, 03:07:31 PM
Looking good! 

Not to DOT this thread up, but what tankless water heater do you have in your home?  We're making that final decision in the next few days and any insight would be appreciated.  You can respond over on my house thread if you don't want to muddy this one up.
Made that same choice for tankless.  After all dad is usually the last one to shower, I am done with cold showers. 

Most research and friends I know that have them say about $30 saved on the bill. However you have to yell at kids as Tex refers to. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on March 02, 2018, 04:54:00 PM
Local supply house and plumber pointed us toward Bosch.  Hot showers are something I'm looking forward to again!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 06:10:33 PM
Well a lot got done on the pool today.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 02, 2018, 06:26:49 PM
Very nice Charles
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 06:50:38 PM
Thanks Shawn. They should start the overlay with the flagstone next week.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on March 02, 2018, 06:51:26 PM
Real purdy TRN. Gettin done just in time for the heat to hit!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 02, 2018, 07:05:03 PM
Am I seeing a heli-pad for my MD-530 in the foreground??
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 07:44:25 PM
It kinda looks like that doesn’t Don?  It’s where the fire pit is going.  It’s only 18ft in diameter. Probably bigger than some places you’ve put a chinook

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 02, 2018, 08:47:19 PM
Really looks nice, ties it all together.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 02, 2018, 09:03:07 PM
What is the third area of concrete for? Is that the outdoor kitchen area?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2018, 09:25:15 PM
the rectangle piece between the casita and the main house is the 14x24 outdoor kitchen slab
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 02, 2018, 10:43:33 PM
It kinda looks like that doesn’t Don?  It’s where the fire pit is going.  It’s only 18ft in diameter. Probably bigger than some places you’ve put a chinook

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Man, a Hook takes up a lot of real estate...Unless you're talking about doing a aft wheel landing and hanging the forward gear in the breeze. Then, ya, it has been on some tidy little spots in the world.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 02, 2018, 11:18:28 PM
So how's it feel having your own personal resort?  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on March 03, 2018, 09:03:21 AM
VERY nice there Charles!  Is the PVC on Don’s landing pad for drainage or gas feed?  The other question is, if you’re burning wood, and a pyro like I am, won’t the concrete spall and crack from heating and cooling cycle?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 03, 2018, 10:10:40 AM
Not there yet Ken.  Hopefully by the middle of summer the casita will be done and I can actually enjoy all this.

Mike the pipe is a landing beacon for Don

It’s actually a drain. They will be lining it with fire brick all around so I think that will take care of the cracking issue. They do a lot of them and this time for a change I’m just writing a check.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Wilbur on March 03, 2018, 02:24:50 PM
Dang that will be nice when it's done. Congrats!! Really great forethought in this. So when it's done I think ya need a RMTS "break in" get together. I'll bring some pig and bourbon!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 03, 2018, 07:24:38 PM
Might not be a bad idea. 

Got some hardie done today.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 03, 2018, 08:03:23 PM
Not there yet Ken.  Hopefully by the middle of summer the casita will be done and I can actually enjoy all this.

Mike the pipe is a landing beacon for Don

It’s actually a drain. They will be lining it with fire brick all around so I think that will take care of the cracking issue. They do a lot of them and this time for a change I’m just writing a check.

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FYI, I look for an IR Strobe. Anything else is either the wrong landing pad, or someone shootin' at me!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 03, 2018, 08:04:09 PM
On second thought, I'll just use the top of the connex if its OK with you Tex...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 03, 2018, 10:04:16 PM
Either one Don.  I have a Surefire IR strobe, just tell me where you want it.  Connex is between some tall trees, so we may want to put you on the pond berm......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on March 04, 2018, 09:16:05 AM
Dang that will be nice when it's done. Congrats!! Really great forethought in this. So when it's done I think ya need a RMTS "break in" get together. I'll bring some pig and bourbon!

Reminds me of the shed scene in Caddy Shack - got a pond and a pool.....the pond would be good for you! LOL!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 04, 2018, 11:14:15 AM
well I dang sure aint sitting in a hot tub full of men.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 04, 2018, 12:29:43 PM
Ah, come on buddy, don't become a JH.
(Jacuzzi Hermit)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 04, 2018, 08:57:12 PM
well I'd rather sit with you all than Hildebeast.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 04, 2018, 09:31:49 PM
I will second that!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 04, 2018, 09:56:20 PM
Poor Ken and these tough decisions....... :huh:

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 05, 2018, 04:22:54 PM
Either one Don.  I have a Surefire IR strobe, just tell me where you want it.  Connex is between some tall trees, so we may want to put you on the pond berm......
Yea...I've hit my share of pine trees with Bell and Boeing rotor blades in my lifetime!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2018, 06:54:18 PM
Well slowly but surely.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on March 09, 2018, 07:00:53 PM
Total class there Charles!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 09, 2018, 07:10:19 PM
Total class there Charles!

^^^^^^ agreed
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2018, 07:45:05 PM
Thank you sirs. My kids better get a scholarship

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 09, 2018, 07:49:22 PM
That is sweet!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2018, 08:36:01 PM
Tomorrow I’ll pull the #1 AL cable from the main panel to the sub panel and the casita will be running on it own power.  100 amp breaker.

Btw. After careful consideration I will probably use a 3.5gpm norritz tankless heater with a 15 minute timer on the ignition circuit. 15 minutes of bliss and cold.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 09, 2018, 08:46:29 PM
That is really nice RN
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2018, 08:53:22 PM
When we are done.  I will have room for 8 to have their own bed. Then maybe an RV hookup. Might have to have a RM reunion.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 09, 2018, 08:55:45 PM
When we are done.  I will have room for 8 to have their own bed. Then maybe an RV hookup. Might have to have a RM reunion.

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And a helo pad/landing area...No hook up required!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on March 09, 2018, 09:26:00 PM
Looking very nice man. Our hide sight looks like a tent LoL
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2018, 10:07:55 PM
When we are done.  I will have room for 8 to have their own bed. Then maybe an RV hookup. Might have to have a RM reunion.

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And a helo pad/landing area...No hook up required!
You let me know when you are headed this way and I’ll give you the grid coordinates. I can pop smoke on your approach.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 10, 2018, 09:13:50 AM
When we are done.  I will have room for 8 to have their own bed. Then maybe an RV hookup. Might have to have a RM reunion.

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And a helo pad/landing area...No hook up required!
You let me know when you are headed this way and I’ll give you the grid coordinates. I can pop smoke on your approach.

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Won't need it...I'll be on ya before you can dim the lights...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 10, 2018, 10:34:17 AM
Because Vampire.  I forgot.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 10, 2018, 12:22:23 PM


100 amp. Casita running under own power.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 10, 2018, 05:30:28 PM
1 of those boxes goes to the casita, where is the other one?!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 10, 2018, 06:11:42 PM
Maybe the main panel from the house?
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 10, 2018, 06:44:46 PM
Lol. Yup the main panel the main house.  100 amp breaker bottom right. Runs #1 AL to the 100 amp sub panel.

Crazy to have a 200 amp panel on the main house when it’s only 1550 sq ft but I’m glad they did.  Plenty of room to run sub panels for shop and guest house and pool. And eventually the shipping container

The guest house will never pull more than about 40 amps if everything runs at once. Main house may draw 65-70 with AC and Oven both on. Pool may draw 30 and the shop won’t run more than 10 unless the welder is going.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 10, 2018, 10:58:12 PM
I have the same, a 1650sf house with a 200main and 100 sub to the garage.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 13, 2018, 07:32:53 PM
More flagstone down and some grouted.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 13, 2018, 07:57:17 PM
So what goes down in between the stone Tex? What holds them in place? Weed control? Slip and falling on a sharp corner?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 13, 2018, 08:32:48 PM
So there is a 4 inch slab. Then mortar the flagstone and then mortar between the stones to finish. It’s just an overlay like tile but a lot thicker.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 13, 2018, 09:49:54 PM
I was picturing just on sand and pouring sand in between the stones,

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2018, 10:14:08 PM
Got a little more done. Last side before getting the shingle hardie to finish the dormer.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 14, 2018, 10:47:34 PM
Charles, is this building you are doing for the landscape/pool guy/security  quarters for the mansion in the woods you call a hide site? Sure is coming together nice.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2018, 11:15:54 PM
Bob, its a multi purpose building.

For the kids as they have friends over. Potentially a parents/in law quarters as they get older, and potentially a caretaker in my own old age.....

Or for me when my wife and girls are just to  much to bear.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 14, 2018, 11:37:54 PM
I think I knew that, just jabbing a bit. The place sure is looking good, I think the pool is going to be a bear to keep clean but there are machines and/or people that can do a good job when you get tired of trying to keep up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on March 15, 2018, 09:55:25 AM
I think I knew that, just jabbing a bit. The place sure is looking good, I think the pool is going to be a bear to keep clean but there are machines and/or people that can do a good job when you get tired of trying to keep up.

With a self-cleaner/robot and daily pH testing, keeping a pool clean is fairly simple......let it get outta whack and it requires a couple days of more steady attention to get back on course, but not horrible.....spend the money on the robot!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 15, 2018, 11:46:02 AM
Mike thanks for that. It’ll have the Polaris cleaner and will be a salt water pool. Any advice there?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on March 15, 2018, 01:18:08 PM
Forgot about that salt thing........stock up on blocks of salt?.....good for deer season too!  No experience with that other than keep a good stock of oranges around to get that taste outta your mouth upon exit?  :grin:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 15, 2018, 08:28:10 PM
Backside done.

Few pieces under porch and then the dormer to go

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 16, 2018, 12:15:44 AM
Wow you do have a nice back side, I mean, quite a large back side, I mean....oh nevermind

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on March 16, 2018, 08:27:30 AM
Mike thanks for that. It’ll have the Polaris cleaner and will be a salt water pool. Any advice there?

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TRN, We had a very large saline pool when we lived in NJ and it was the easiest to keep maintenance on it. We rarely had to add salt because the evaporation only takes out the H2O and not salt. You could hardly tell it was salt water but kept the crud out. We ran the pumps about three hours a day. We had a Polaris also like this.

It worked easy also. We also had many trees and it took care of all of it.

I think you are in good shape!

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 16, 2018, 11:18:28 AM
Mine is salt water also. I like to keep it covered so it stays really warm!

I have the same style sweeper, but the pump needs new bearings.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 16, 2018, 12:54:09 PM
Well onward and upward!

Hardie shingles for the dormer. I should have reconsidered.  Those things are expensive.  That little architectural touch set me back $650 more than just putting the planks on it. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 16, 2018, 06:48:56 PM
Well finished up the porch today. Not a very productive day but now I need to calk the front side. That will leave me with just the dormer to finish


Then i hosed off the outdoor kitchen. So much pollen and dust. It looks much better. Will probably want to seal it.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 17, 2018, 01:13:05 AM
Looks great!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 17, 2018, 09:14:12 AM
Looks great!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 17, 2018, 10:15:53 PM
Today was a slow day.  Mom and dad decided to pay a visit.  So I drove to the feed store and bought plants for the garden.  I harvested spinach, lettuce and turnip greens today and planted three different types of tomatoes, hatch chili, Goliath jalapenos, regular jalapenos, zuchini, bell pepper, cucumber, basil, and cilantro.

went to lunch with the parents for burgers.

Then i cleaned the shop a bit and moved firewood with the youngest.  cleaned the pine needles off the roof and out of the gutter, burned all that stuff i blew in a pile. Smoked some chicken legs,

Watching Ferris Bullers day off with kids.  I figure they are old enough now to watch it. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 17, 2018, 11:38:32 PM

Take a look at this link  charles
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 18, 2018, 08:55:13 AM
Interesting Nate. Thanks.

BTW, you never notice how much foul language is in an old classic movie until you watch it with your kids

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 18, 2018, 09:26:06 AM
what movie were you watching?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 18, 2018, 09:30:32 AM
I watched ol Smokey and the bandit with my boy one day. It was much the same way, we had a language time and place conversation

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 18, 2018, 11:08:07 AM
what movie were you watching?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 18, 2018, 11:37:28 AM
what movie were you watching?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

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Classic, foul language yes but unfortunately it is a part of society
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 18, 2018, 01:02:50 PM
Yeah, we lead by example.  My children have never heard that language out of my mouth

OK menses.

Need advice.  Have a 8700lb high cube shipping container sitting on RR ties, one at each end.  Need to move it back 3 ft.  Have trees behind it.  gravel in front.  Don't think I can push it with the dually because it would spin on gravel and the tractor just digs a hole with the wheels.

I thought about putting two 4 ton cable pullers, one on each corner and tensioning it to the trees and then if it doesnt move, give it a shove with the tractor or the dually

Any advice on how to move this thing that I have not thought of?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 18, 2018, 01:10:05 PM
That's the way I would do it, or, use a high lift to put some pipe on the would break friction and possibly give it just enough momentum to go 3 feet.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 18, 2018, 02:31:44 PM
Like Ken, if the cable pullers don't work, set up rollers under it and roll it into place. I moved a shed with 4 inch pipe rolling on 6x8 timbers, hardest part was trying to stop it before it ran into the apple tree which actually stopped it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on March 18, 2018, 03:16:02 PM
I was thinking that I would be worried about stopping with the pipe rollers as well Bob. 

Looking good TRN those shakes get pricey fast.  The trim pack for our house cost more than the siding.  It all adds to the look as well as the bill.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 18, 2018, 04:30:10 PM
I was just thinking rollers on the 2 timbers..the pipes would fall after it starts moving

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 18, 2018, 05:13:51 PM
Snatch block off each corner to two separate trees one either side of container, truck pulling one & tractor pulling the other. I would think it would move it that way as your splitting the load in half then multiplying the force with the blocks.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 18, 2018, 06:48:24 PM
I can't say, just nudge it with the new SVL-95...Sorry...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 18, 2018, 07:26:03 PM
Yeah. I need one of those.

Maybe I’ll sell the tractor.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 18, 2018, 10:18:18 PM
Ok so last night we had big rain. Today I cleaned up in the shop, changed the oil in the HH6 minivan. Test fit some 2x4s in the shipping container. ( study about charismatics. Cleaned up outside some misc junk.  Then moved a stack of firewood to a new location and cut up 5 cedar trees and stacked them up. And cut two small cedars near the pool.

Hope they get this thing done this week. (

Found this big ass tarantula lurking on the side of the pool. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on March 19, 2018, 01:14:43 PM
Four inch pipes.
We move all kinds of stuff on them.
As long as the ground is reasonably flat two will do.

Depending on grade, you could push it with a golf cart.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 19, 2018, 01:37:29 PM
Are you saying your scared of spiders....he may just be thirsty and was lookin for a drink
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 19, 2018, 02:45:30 PM
If you do use the trees to help move the thing put something between the chain or cable and the tree to protect the bark from tearing.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 19, 2018, 03:04:33 PM
If you do use the trees to help move the thing put something between the chain or cable and the tree to protect the bark from tearing.

6” wide x 10 foot long lifting strap ie tree savers are what we use when winching
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 19, 2018, 05:30:57 PM
Are you saying your scared of spiders....he may just be thirsty and was lookin for a drink

Spiders scare me more than snakes. Especially ones that measure more than 3.5 inches across. Nothing good has that many legs.

My wife made me promise not to kill it.  I wanted to take the flamethrower to it. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 19, 2018, 09:50:59 PM
Yeah. I need one of those.

Maybe I’ll sell the tractor.

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Keep the tractor

But there is a point to be made here

A CTL and possibly a wheeled loader can do almost everything a tractor can do.

I'd say if you were just starting, as in punching into raw land, then by all means get 75-95HP CTL with the attachments you need. It will clear land, create flat spaces, dig basements and cut in roads. It can hoist heavy stuff like a bridge beam is you're unlucky enough to have to build that, and it can spread gravel.
But when you get the place where you can drive back and are starting to shift from raw clearing to building sone nice things, then a tractor is the right choice.

So: for planning...Starting out?? CTL

Ben there for awhile and have a place to live: Tractor
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 19, 2018, 11:07:26 PM
Yeah Don, it only took you 5 years to take your own advice (and there might have been a few of us pushing that direction). :)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 20, 2018, 11:15:02 AM
Yeah Don, it only took you 5 years to take your own advice (and there might have been a few of us pushing that direction). :)
If I dropped that kind of coin on something like this back then you would have been saying, "Now when was Don killed? Was it four or has it been five years now???
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 20, 2018, 07:35:09 PM
Haha.  Nah, we would've thought it was standard Don procedure.   :cool:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2018, 07:10:08 PM
Little more progress. 

Fire pit cut down and topsoil spread and more flagstone delivered.  Flagstone should be done tomorrow and pebbletec shot next weekend.

About to try out the fire pit


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2018, 08:31:39 PM
Inaugural Fire

Feel all uppity with a real firepit and a crystal glass.

(Don’t tell anyone. I’ll have to change my license plate. )

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 23, 2018, 09:26:04 PM
Sneakers to add

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2018, 09:31:29 PM
what you don't like my Saloman's?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 23, 2018, 10:21:51 PM
Didn’t say I liked or disliked, just noted they are not boots like a name like Tex lol implies

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 23, 2018, 11:32:14 PM

....nah, doesn't roll off the tongue the same
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 23, 2018, 11:49:26 PM
Hey I’m all for comfortable footwear. You won’t hear a peep out of me in that regards. I wore leather work boots in a steel shop for close to twenty years, seven days a week and now I sport merrell’s from slip ons to sandles year around. Just be aware Ken likes to throw hippy accusations around like it’s his full time job for such things.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2018, 11:49:52 PM
Ha Ken. I’ve seen your palatial patio and fire pit

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 24, 2018, 12:51:35 AM
But you haven't seen me holding crystal while sporting purdy shoes.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 24, 2018, 08:42:40 AM

It’s just a shoe.

As for the glass, I have no excuse.

Now back to hanging hardy

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 24, 2018, 09:04:09 AM
Check out hoka’s, I bought a set on the recommendation of a couple of neighbors. When I was jogging my left hip and knee were hurting and it was limiting my runs. So I finally dropped the money on a set (don’t buy anything less then the $120 version I was told) they are amazing. Feels like I’m walking and running on a cloud of air, I run with no joint pain (only doing a mile or two currently).
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 24, 2018, 10:18:33 AM
Does the pit have propane or NG or is it straight up??

Reason, I am about to level a section of ground (Read: Add dirt up to level, and it would be a great time to lay in the gas lines for a propane initiating device to get things cookin'
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 24, 2018, 03:12:11 PM
Just firebrick lined concrete with dry stack mortared to the outside and flagstone on top.  No propane, just a center drain to relieve it of water.  I do have a big weed burner I used to start fires
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 24, 2018, 05:54:22 PM
I just purchased these on sale (
Wore them on our March today. Maybe four miles. But I needs some shoes to frame houses in so these should do the trick for walking walls.

I have owned some of your brand shoes and liked them a good bit. Mine were convertible to fold the back heal down and use as slippers.  Took me to the Grand Canyon twice on the same shoe

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 24, 2018, 08:29:48 PM
Well. If I had to do over again I’d just run hardi plank all the way. This stuff is a pain.

Almost 8 hours to do this one side.

Just the two dormer sides to go and those will probably be worse. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 24, 2018, 08:49:34 PM
Looks good Tex. Yeah the sides won’t be fun having to work from the slope of the roof.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 24, 2018, 09:52:02 PM
I like the dark window in there, are you going to give the shakes a boarder between the two styles?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 24, 2018, 10:28:18 PM
Dave, my wife asked the same thing.  I could have trimmed all the tabs even  at the bottom but decided against it and just leave it like it is.  I reckon at least 40-50 trips up the ladder today at 20ft.  Legs are feeling it but the whiskey is helping....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 24, 2018, 11:33:45 PM
Anyone wanna take bets till the boss sends Tex back up the ladder? Lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 25, 2018, 01:12:10 AM
That looks good and I like the uneven break on the bottom.

Those shoes looks nice Dave. I got some other shoes from them but my feet are giving me issues, may have to go custom.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 25, 2018, 01:27:51 AM
What part of your feet Jr?  I was having issues with my arches.  Like can’t stand up bad.   Did some calf stretches And helped a bunch

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 25, 2018, 01:32:37 AM
My arches are screwed, the whole foot hurts when I walk for awhile. Told I have bad circulation too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 25, 2018, 02:47:16 AM
Try some calf raises for kicks.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 25, 2018, 03:00:13 AM
Do you have proper orthotics (arch supports)? They can make all the difference in the world.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 25, 2018, 03:38:41 PM
Tried all the crap, never helped. Going to do PT on the right knee next week, got better, now bad again.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 25, 2018, 05:33:58 PM
Well the sides went much quicker than I thought, even with the compound angles where the pieces hit the 45 degree roof and the 4/12 soffit. 

I finally stopped advertising for Lowe’s. 6 months from start of framing to complete shell. Just have the front side to finish caulking and then paint. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 25, 2018, 05:53:16 PM
That looks good, really good. Now just the inside!

As much as I use Lowes, HD seems to have more of what I need right now.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 25, 2018, 07:17:44 PM
In my neighborhood HD is where most of The illegals hang out.

Wife needs to pick pant colors. I Suspect I’m painting both the casita and main house.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 25, 2018, 07:54:47 PM
Those poor guys are only looking for a days work...Give them a break, isn't that what the USA is all about????? While my son was in the brush business, it was the circle K to find day labor.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 25, 2018, 09:23:39 PM
Don’t mind them as much as them leaving trash everywhere. It’s just a junky store compared to Lowe’s.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 25, 2018, 10:43:00 PM
If you can find anyone inside,,,,,,,,,,,,

Remember the Jarad has the paint deal at HD.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 25, 2018, 10:58:19 PM
I've always been a big fan of Sherwin Williams Duration.   I'm open to use other paint, but paint is like tires.  No sense being penny wise and pound foolish.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 25, 2018, 11:15:37 PM
I painted for years and years, I like duration and super paint from sherms.  I don’t buy anything else.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 26, 2018, 04:28:54 PM
Bought some grass


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 26, 2018, 04:51:53 PM
Now you need to drive over to Home Depot and hire some help....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 26, 2018, 06:08:10 PM
Bought some grass


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Charles, that phrase means a whole different thing here in hippy land.... :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 26, 2018, 08:51:55 PM
Yeah. Went to the Royal Gorge a few years ago and there were teens with their parents wearing pot leaf t shirts saying “my money grows on trees”

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 26, 2018, 09:14:33 PM
Yeah. Went to the Royal Gorge a few years ago and there were teens with their parents wearing pot leaf t shirts saying “my money grows on trees”

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RG is neat, you ride the train?

We moved here just south of boulder in early June of 15 into an apartment. So first holiday the 4th we drove up to boulder and went to pearl st. (Neat brick paved street with trees planted down the middle & you walk it). So we’re walking down pearl st and they have entertainers (guys juggling flaming sticks & music people etc). It’s about supper time and we see this little ny style deli with glass windows you can people watch from. Right below via and outside stairs I notice there is a pot shop in the basement as we walk into the deli. So we’re sitting there and my oldest Baylee who was 13 sees a panhandler on the corner with a sign. It says “why lie, I need drugs” so our first real experience in the hippy culture. So as we’re eating I’m watching the stair well. All age groups & socioeconomic backgrounds coming and going. After 15 minutes someone comes up with a little brown bag and hands it to the panhandler. I guess what surprised me the most was the police walking the beat, they just glanced at the guy and kept going.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 26, 2018, 09:44:22 PM
Rode the train and did the zip line across. 

What a rush.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 27, 2018, 08:47:30 AM
One day while flying out of Peterson AFB in Springs, we were up on El-Magre a 12,700 foot mountain, which is kind of behind NORAD, the taller one to the right. We were doing ridge top landings which is a fun thing to do. Anyway afterward, with a lot of fuel still remaining we had a choice, go up to Leadville and land there at the highest airport in the US, or down to Royal Gorge to fly under the bridge...

We went south

Got to the bridge and was circling it and trying to figure out if there were cables or the like under that bridge, but couldn't... Anyway, I'm sure that as long as we poked around there someone had us on video...A video which would have clearly shown a special operations Armee helicopter, which most folks were denying actually existed at the time...

Funny, but we didn't get in trouble for that one, because of all the noise abatement complaints coming from the good people of Colorado Springs, bless their socialist hearts!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 27, 2018, 04:36:30 PM
Laid some sod


Found my little friend. He had an unfortunate accident and lost a leg to the landscape rake since I didn’t see him in the dirt.


They cleaned the pool out to get it ready for pebble tec Thursday. (Hopefully) and start to fill it Friday.

Last of the flagstone going down today.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 27, 2018, 04:51:15 PM
that looks really really good
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 27, 2018, 04:57:54 PM
Rabbits just love grass!! Is there a plan between them and the hogs?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 27, 2018, 05:20:14 PM
Rabbits just love grass!! Is there a plan between them and the hogs?

Story I heard Tex was buying goats, think he’s planning on using em as bait....... :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 27, 2018, 06:15:00 PM
One word


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 27, 2018, 06:26:40 PM
One word


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Nate sent me to some business version of Costco in downtown Denver. So I go there because he told me they had bone in butts for sale there (price was ok but not great) & then I saw the halal goat carcass for sale & left without any meat.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 27, 2018, 06:36:47 PM
The grass really set off the whole area. Excellente'
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 27, 2018, 07:44:51 PM
One word


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Nate sent me to some business version of Costco in downtown Denver. So I go there because he told me they had bone in butts for sale there (price was ok but not great) & then I saw the halal goat carcass for sale & left without any meat.......

was that costco business?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 27, 2018, 07:58:02 PM
One word


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Nate sent me to some business version of Costco in downtown Denver. So I go there because he told me they had bone in butts for sale there (price was ok but not great) & then I saw the halal goat carcass for sale & left without any meat.......

was that costco business?

It was, glad you put me on to it for other stuff regardless. The halal crap freaks me out a bit, I've read about that process.......... granted she loses me on the catholic thing much but she usually is pretty factual otherwise.

as such I refuse to buy anything halal, granted I doubt the butts were from the same processor obviously.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 27, 2018, 08:47:33 PM
So off to the right of the picture is where they have all the pallets of stone and their trailer and mortar mixer and where the gunnite/pebbletec truck will land. That will require more grass. I figure another 6 pallets. Since they weight 2500 each I can only haul about 2 1/2 at a time on my trailer since it has 3500# axles and no trailer brakes. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 27, 2018, 09:27:59 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 27, 2018, 11:23:11 PM
Lookin good....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on March 27, 2018, 11:38:03 PM
Isn't the rules of trailer ownership that if it fits it ships.   Such as  if you can fit 5 pallets it should go?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 28, 2018, 03:17:31 AM
I see the lawn chair awaits another visit.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on March 28, 2018, 10:37:06 AM
The most weight i ever towed with my 2500 was four pallets of wet sod. The last pallet could not be pushed in far enough so it was even with the edge of the trailer. I told the guy loading me it looked heavy. He said each pallet was 2000 pounds. I pulled that trailer through the Texas hill country and it swayed a ton. In fact i had to keep hitting the trailer brake switch to straighten the trailer out. When i got where i was going the trailer brakes were smoking. I returned for more pallets and had the owner loading me this time. He said that guy was wrong on the estimated weight. Each pallet was just over 4000 pounds because it had recently rained and the sod was much wetter than usual.
We have guys sitting out by Ace Hardware that are illegals looking for work. I have never used them. I believe we need borders and hiring these guys only drives them harder to be here illegally and gives them money to stay.  I have heard they all run about $15 per hour. Lunch is also required and cash is at the end of each day. I will say that there are tons of Americans here with families paying taxes and obeying the law that will work just as hard for that same money.
I had a friend from high school working for me for years. I had his SS number and filed the necessary reports. One day i get a call from the Texas Workforce Commission and get an audit. His number was invalid and he was illegal. I never knew that. I got fined and had to pay more tax on that one. I was told that if i ever get caught again paying illegals on payroll or through contract labor i would receive their highest penalty because i had been warned. They were not messing around at all. This was around 07 or 08. I am still to small to be required to E verify but that process has helped identify fake numbers. IMO hiring daily help is a good way to get high schoolers involved and excited about work and earning pay. It also builds work ethic which is needed more and more these days.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 28, 2018, 11:45:06 AM
Yikes, I don't think Charles would allow any illegal close to his place. My comment was tongue in cheek, yours is well taken however. Although, I will say those guys do work in some areas where it is very hard to find a legal person to preform the tasks.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 28, 2018, 11:59:38 AM
As far as a two axle tag trailer I once had close to 18k on a 12k trailer. Fort Wayne to KC, MO 6 tires later......

On a 25k deck over gooseneck we had it over 35k, 5 mile trip to scrap yard no tires blown

Can’t recall the 28k flat bed trucks but we loaded them heavy routinely.

Then DOT got their crap together & it wasn’t as much fun...... :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 28, 2018, 02:44:21 PM
I used to work as a mech for a sod company. We went around the scales all the time out of Hemet Ca. (suburb but gone now)

Almost all the hires were illegal but I was just an employee too and worked next to them when mech work was slow.

We loaded trailers all the time to 120k and it showed!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 28, 2018, 05:31:54 PM
Illegal immigrants are a tough subject. You feel for the ones trying to make a better life but we are either a nation of laws or we aren’t.

Republicans (as opposed to conservatives) want cheap labor and Democrats want cheap votes

I don’t mind paying $40 for my lawn to be mowed.  Saving $10 by hiring illegals is not worth it.

Get in line, immigrate legally, learn English

Studies show speaking English in the US as an immigrant will double your earnings

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 28, 2018, 09:28:57 PM
Agree Charles.
.. and it's not the same as 20 years ago. Those guys are charging full price around here, or they work for a contractor that charges full price, then they send all the tax free money back home, spending very little here.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 29, 2018, 12:44:46 AM
Yep, no reason they have to teach in 100 other languages. Fast tract to english I understand.

Keep thinking on using some for a couple things, but would rather hire a couple HS students to get their feet wet. There are so many illegals where my kids go to school, they think its normal. When asked how I feel I warn them you are not going to like what I say, but I say it.

If I where in their shoes though I am sure I would do the same, we all want better!

We have a city and a county here in Kali who are fighting back this this stupid santuary crap, Orange ( my birth place!!!) and Los Alomitas. Hammer down AG!!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 29, 2018, 01:14:18 AM
Had a bit of a run-in with some (likely) illegal lawn care workers yesterday morning. I live on a culdesac, and you can barely fit 3 cars wide across the end of the street. They show up to take care of some yards and park 2 trucks, one on each side of the street. One of these trucks has a trailer full of bark mulch with a gate that swings open, over a foot into the remaining lane of travel. I had to squeeze through very slowly, dodging the  gate. I laid on the horn for a few seconds to make my disapproval known. When I came back a few minutes later, one of the guys was at the trailer shoveling bark into a wheelbarrow, so I rolled down the window and said nicely “you need to park somewhere else because your gate is blocking the lane of travel” and then he responds with something in Spanish. So then I may have lost it a little bit on him. They think they own the place and it just pisses me off. Can’t wait to pull a Charles and get out of the city.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 29, 2018, 07:11:19 AM
Ryan I’m as deep in the middle of Houston as you can get and deal with that all the time. I live in a neighborhood that is undergoing gentrification (original homes built in the 40s that are being torn down.  So we have construction all around and deal with the double parked contractors all the time.

I can teach you a few choice words in Spanish that might help

The weekend place is aspirational for when I punch out if the city

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 29, 2018, 12:22:16 PM
You’re also a lot closer to the source... ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 30, 2018, 05:02:38 AM
Well today is an exciting day.  Supposed to shoot Pebbltec today on the pool.  Have a breakfast meeting, then I pick up a little more sod and head up to the house to watch.  Should be filling the pool tomorrow....and the day after
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 30, 2018, 07:58:30 AM
So in my area we don’t have a bunch of pools.  Swim season is short or something like that.    But the guy up the street has always filled his pool from the fire hydrant.     What will you use as a water source?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 30, 2018, 08:18:20 PM
Pebbletec done and another pallet of sod down and mowed.


Tomorrow they acid wash and start
To fill

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 30, 2018, 08:26:34 PM

How are they filling it?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 30, 2018, 08:58:53 PM
Water hoses

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 30, 2018, 09:06:19 PM
Water hoses

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 30, 2018, 10:30:01 PM
Dumb question dumb answer right? Lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 30, 2018, 11:20:53 PM
No I’m in the middle of nowhere. So two garden hoses and the pool fill is all I can do
In the mean time last fire
Of the season.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 31, 2018, 12:01:11 AM
Why is this the last fire of the season?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 31, 2018, 01:40:43 AM
Pool looks great. Can't be that warm yet for no more fires?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 31, 2018, 02:22:47 AM
Sounds like he might be heading back to the concrete forest for a while, to pay for the pool.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 31, 2018, 07:06:42 AM
No kidding,Ken.

It really is getting that warm here. Lows have been in the 70 range, highs in mid 80s

We just got a little cold snap and it was 52 last night

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 31, 2018, 01:15:26 PM
Charles, what did you go with for a pool water heater? We used solar water heaters on the roof to help with the community pool heater. Poor installation or winterizing  resulted in freeze damage so we now only use the propane heater. The solar didn't work all that well up North with the trees and so many cloudy days, but they did help.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 31, 2018, 02:16:05 PM
Solar works great here and no real freezing issues, just a quick frost now and then. If you have the sun, go for it! Plus you can run at night to cool down too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 31, 2018, 08:06:09 PM
Heating is like a gazillion BTU propane heater.

Filling about 6-7 inches every 3 hours.

Kids are getting impatient


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 31, 2018, 08:11:34 PM
Is it ready yet?  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 31, 2018, 08:16:26 PM
I want one...I want one...I want one
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 31, 2018, 09:02:01 PM
Pool party at Charles house.  Nate bring the meat, I’ll bring asparagus to tell us if some one pees in the pool.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 01, 2018, 07:44:40 AM
Pool is full. Somewhere around 20 hours to fill. Filling the spa now.


Spa full now too

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 01, 2018, 02:30:18 PM
As a semi famous fisherman once said, a million times, Booyah.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 01, 2018, 02:56:50 PM
Very nice, am betting heading back to work on Mondays just got a bit harder.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 01, 2018, 06:21:57 PM
I ran a dedcated 3/4 line to mine. It tops off so fast it is scary.

Sure looks good, tying to get mine clean now, always had an algea issue. Ordered another set of filters.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 01, 2018, 09:17:17 PM
Thanks guys. I have to say guys, the stone work was an arm and a leg but now that it’s done it was well worth it. The fire pit and the outdoor kitchen and porches all matching makes a huge difference. 

I mulched the beds today (just to keep Don occupied) and power washed the shop front. Got a couple of rockers for the fire pit area but will probably get some Adirondack chairs and put the rockers on the porch of the casita.

They come tomorrow to pick up all the leftover stone and debris and put chemicals in the pool and start  the pump

Also having the septic pumped tomorrow.

Making progress for sure. Gonna have dinner with the guy that built my house tomorrow and get the name of the plumber he uses. Probably going to just stroke a check to get the plumbing and sewer roughed in so I can get to insulation and Sheetrock sooner.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 02, 2018, 07:49:02 AM
I like how your rock turned out, weed free, smooth enough to walk on bare foot, doesn’t spread to be slippery when running around the pool edge.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on April 02, 2018, 09:43:10 AM
Very nice TRN. Nice place to look forward to spending time!  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 03, 2018, 07:08:35 AM
They came yesterday and removed all the debris and started up the pool and worked on some finishing details. Stone guy has to come back and mortar in the skimmer kids and raise up an area that’s holding a little water in the porch.

I’m also thinking about adding the automation equipment. I can see now that the wife won’t want to turn valves and flip switches. She’d rather have a remote control


Now I need about 6 more pallets of sod

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 03, 2018, 08:55:29 AM
 :likebutton: very nice
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 03, 2018, 10:46:47 AM
Which one of you moderators can fis the title of this thread?

I need someone to draw a solid line through the part that says "Hide site" as it clearly has evolved far, far beyond anything like that! ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 03, 2018, 12:51:53 PM
Well, if we start down that slippery slope Don then we would have to change the name on your thread to include something about extreme equipment testing or carnage or destroyer of worlds, you know something along those lines.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 03, 2018, 01:31:23 PM
What do we change square D to? Dodge dust bucket?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 03, 2018, 02:21:50 PM
Wow. That escalated quickly.

Don I still have a shipping container. That counts for something, right?  It’s emp proof....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 03, 2018, 02:41:21 PM
Looks good TRN. My kids love swimming at night with the led doing its thing.

Honestly, I would just get a good solar cover for the pool. It keeps the junk out, keeps the heat in and will help warm it up more than you think.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 03, 2018, 09:52:05 PM
Well, if we start down that slippery slope Don then we would have to change the name on your thread to include something about extreme equipment testing or carnage or destroyer of worlds, you know something along those lines.  :popcorn:
Hey, no one asked ya!

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 03, 2018, 09:53:25 PM
Wow. That escalated quickly.

Don I still have a shipping container. That counts for something, right?  It’s emp proof....

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Definitely worth some points!

Until you plush it out and add a sound system, 50" flat screen and lounge chairs!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on April 03, 2018, 10:01:38 PM
This is amazing! Well done, ah that’s all I got.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 04, 2018, 03:13:13 PM
Thanks Sam. 

Decided to improve the ride quality of the dually.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 04, 2018, 06:00:11 PM
Reminds me of my ex, wide hips and a whole bunch in the middle.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 04, 2018, 06:27:16 PM
Reminds me of H, wide hips and a whole bunch in the middle.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 04, 2018, 08:36:56 PM
Who said she is an ex?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 04, 2018, 08:45:33 PM
I just threw up a bit in my mouth

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 04, 2018, 09:20:28 PM
Who said she is an ex?

I knew it!  :knucklehead:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 04, 2018, 11:40:05 PM
Oh Shawn, don’t defile Tex’s sweet ride like that!

Good thing H isn’t a redhead.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on April 05, 2018, 09:54:36 AM
Looks great Charles!  I'm sure your kids are going to love it.

If you don't mind sharing...

How much are you paying for sod in your area?  I'm thinking of ordering up to another 10,000 sq/ft.  10k delivered is running $2,500 for me right now, if I return the pallets.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 05, 2018, 08:22:55 PM
Tommy I’m paying 135 for common Bermuda per pallet 425 sq ft

Your deal sounds pretty solid.

I get to keep the pallets....they make for a good redneck bonfire.

So here’s the latest taken from standing at the firepit. They finished today and replaced the hardy they broke. I didn’t have them paint it because I’m about to repaint the entire house and soon as the wife decides on paint.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on April 06, 2018, 06:58:01 AM
Looking like an Expedia ad:  “Redneck Holiday Texas Style”
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Jared Herzog on April 06, 2018, 08:28:10 AM
I am waiting for the Air B&B ad to come out. Everything is looking great. Resort style.
I know nothing about salt pools. Is there a way to remove the salt and make the water drinkable in a survival situation? Short of distilling it i guess.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 07, 2018, 04:20:17 AM
Sometimes you can taste the salt but you can drink it as is. The salt is just turned into chlorine by the system and is supposed to regenerate, but I add salt every year and still shock.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2018, 01:58:37 AM
Kids are begging for the inaugural  swim and we just got a cold snap. 39 tonight. So I fired up the 400,000BTU heater at 10:45. Pool water was 57 hours later it’s 67.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 08, 2018, 02:02:14 AM
Nothing like steam coming off the pool when its cold out. I got a heater for mine, but not ran the gas pipe yet.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2018, 08:45:03 AM
Well this is a special inaugural swim occasion. I ain’t running a heater for the whole pool often if ever again

7:24 am ambient temp 40. Pool temp 78

Roughly 2.3 degrees an hour increase. 

Roughly 4 gallons an hour to run the heater.

At current cost of propane here that’s just under $10 an hour for the heater to run.

I gues $100 to heat the pool once ain’t the end of the world but it’s pretty silly IMO

Of course it’s been cheaper if it was 60 outside and no 40 :eek

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 08, 2018, 08:47:16 AM
You knew this was a slippery slope when you agreed to get a pool...... :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2018, 10:32:42 AM
As I like to say ( and did to the guy that shot himself in the leg re-holstering his pistol) hard to feel sorry for someone with a self inflicted gunshot wound. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 08, 2018, 11:27:15 AM
It's only money Tex. I told my wife, a pool is like a broken slot machine, keep throwing money in it and get nothing in return.
So now I'm raising the backyard a few inches in  anticipation of the upcoming pool (to keep the wash from filling it with sand)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 08, 2018, 11:45:38 AM
Anybody else notice the complex digital grass cammo pattern Tex did there?

Should disguise him from orbit!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2018, 05:56:30 PM

I’d say it’s been a hit today.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on April 08, 2018, 06:33:06 PM
Mama better not find out that your puttin bathing suit pics of here a matter of fact, send me your addresse, because i have a feeling i will have to show up in black in a few days once they have released your body from the morgue
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2018, 07:02:08 PM
I’m prepared for the consequences.

And don’t think the good booze will be left. I’ll have finished it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 08, 2018, 07:07:13 PM
Notice they’re in the hot tub... pool still too cold?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on April 08, 2018, 08:34:14 PM
I’m prepared for the consequences.

And don’t think the good booze will be left. I’ll have finished it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on April 08, 2018, 09:02:49 PM
Mama better not find out that your puttin bathing suit pics of here a matter of fact, send me your addresse, because i have a feeling i will have to show up in black in a few days once they have released your body from the morgue

He lives in HOG country Nate - no body, just teeth and memories!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2018, 09:50:01 PM
Pool was 88 and spa was 92 since that was where most of the heated water flows

They spent time in both. The pool was just the right depth. 3’9” on the ends and 5’ in the middle.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on April 08, 2018, 09:54:25 PM
I'm thinking you need to splice in a wood fired boiler/pool heater
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 08, 2018, 11:17:09 PM
Or use the BBQ to heat it up, double duty!

I figured the same on mine to heat. But mainly got it for getting open earlier and a little later use. Using a cover really helps!!! I dodn't use it last year and you could tell.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on April 10, 2018, 09:12:14 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 13, 2018, 03:11:25 PM
More grass. Sad my trailer can’t handle 3 pallets. Will be looking for a gooseneck


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 13, 2018, 09:25:58 PM
Got a little better than two pallets down. Rest of the third will go over by the casita.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on April 13, 2018, 10:20:33 PM
Looking good - gotta be a great feeling getting close to finishing the large scale operations!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 13, 2018, 10:47:12 PM
I appreciate the happy thoughts but I still have to paint both the casita and main house then finish electrical and plumbing and insulation and the interior of the shipping container and on and on.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 13, 2018, 11:41:38 PM
House projects never end... and you have two houses! :cookoo

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 17, 2018, 10:46:54 PM
So today, I took some PTO after I had a breakfast meeting with a business associate.

Hauled $600 worth of paint and my airless sprayer up to the hide.  caulked some joints and nailed a few loose pieces of hardi and then got after it.  Started about 2:30 and finished about 7.  All the eaves, main parts of the house are painted now.  I just need to get paint selected for the trim and do that part by hand.   I love my titan 400i that I bought from sherwin williams in 2003.  I've painted 2 houses and some cabinetry with it and it has more than paid for itself and I still have a great tool.

Tomorrow I'll reinstall some of the downspouts, lights and stuff that I removed to make painting easier.  Then I may pressure wash the casita and get it ready to paint.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 17, 2018, 10:53:08 PM

New color below. Old color up top. Didn’t like the orangeish red tone.  This is much more brown.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on April 18, 2018, 07:25:04 AM

New color below. Old color up top. Didn’t like the orangeish red tone.  This is much more brown.

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I like the brown better also.  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 18, 2018, 08:59:20 AM
I like them both

THe top color is what I expect from a cabin I'd find in Colorado on some lofty setting, but the more subtle brown looks like it is more a part of the earth, whereas the more orangey color seems to make a break from the ground.

I'd be happy with either.

Good work!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 18, 2018, 05:02:10 PM
Thanks.  Tried out a trim color today.

Then reinstalled downspouts and lights and cleaned up equipment. 

Then cleaned overspray from windows and automated the pool.

The guy never explained about pool automation and I’m glad he didn’t. I did for $750 what he was going to charge $2500 for. Now I have a floating waterproof remote that I can control the settings.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 18, 2018, 05:27:43 PM
That brown looks a lot better at that angle, especially with the upper painted.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 18, 2018, 11:26:22 PM
You going to put some kind of cover over the PVC pipes to protect them from the sun?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 18, 2018, 11:27:25 PM
Nice work there with all digital. Even auto controlled valves! Looks like we have the same heater with the nickel core, better for salt systems. Just paint the pipes.

They did a standard timer on mine. I do need to upgrade it for real time info and running the solar.

Honestly, get a cover for it to keep the heat in and gunk out. Just cut to fit leaving a hole for the heated water.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 19, 2018, 05:20:26 PM
Thanks guys.  That area stays in the shade.  I plan to build a little privacy fence around it but that’s about it.

I also have the home internet interface that will allow me to monitor and operate it remotely from anywhere in the world. 

Not sure I want or need that but I may send it back.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 20, 2018, 12:39:19 AM
Just thinking the UV rays would make the pipes degrade over time and then one little bump... crack!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 20, 2018, 06:33:16 AM
Makes sense Ryan. I’ll do it when I build the fence around it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on April 20, 2018, 09:53:30 AM
Looking great!  Personally think the paint color is a big improvement. 

I might have missed it somewhere, but are you planning a sprinkler system?  I'm enjoying the new lawn, but it might get old moving sprinklers around.  For now that is the plan but after the savings recovers a bit I might start researching a more permanent irrigation system.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 20, 2018, 01:05:02 PM
I swore I wouldn’t be a slave to the grass but I fight the urge to manicure it.   I want it to get established but I’ll probably wait until I get a well drilled before I think about sprinklers for the grass. I have a 6 zone controller and 2 zones running already for the garden and the landscape beds. It would be easy to add on. Just some pvc and sprinkler heads and I have a lot already laying around. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 20, 2018, 02:02:20 PM
When you get ready to do sprinklers, look at the Hunter PGP-ADJ heads. Yes Orbit carries a knock off at Home Depot or Lowes, but not the same quality. Place really looks nice Charles.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 20, 2018, 02:28:36 PM
I got those heads in the back, wish I had em in the front. Easy to adjust and can cover a good area.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 21, 2018, 12:12:28 AM
When you get ready to do sprinklers, look at the Hunter PGP-ADJ heads. Yes Orbit carries a knock off at Home Depot or Lowes, but not the same quality. Place really looks nice Charles.

Yes. Hunter or rainbird - they’re pretty much interchangeable - at least the pop up ones.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 21, 2018, 11:38:56 AM
When you get ready to do sprinklers, look at the Hunter PGP-ADJ heads. Yes Orbit carries a knock off at Home Depot or Lowes, but not the same quality. Place really looks nice Charles.

Yes. Hunter or rainbird - they’re pretty much interchangeable - at least the pop up ones.

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I have my entire lawn around the house, make it about 1.0-1.5 acres on a 9 zone water sprinkler system.
You will have problems
Every year, possibility of freeze damage.
My pump has broken several times
The electronics buried in the lawn at various points fails regularly
I mow over and crush heads like all the time
Over a winter, some heads will no longer work or (and this is weird) come up crooked!
I winterize it with air pressure, making sure to blow vegetable oil and WD-40 throughout the system in the fall. Last two years I stopped using it. I guess I really don't care about the nice suburban lawn any more. I'll let the 40 somethings compete all they want. My goal is to park a junk car on my front or side lawn just to mess with them this summer '-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Tommy13 on April 26, 2018, 11:19:42 AM
Right now I'm just using a couple hoses and tripods.  It's working fine and really makes the investment in a system seem silly.  We'll see if my resolve holds when the heat starts. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 26, 2018, 12:02:07 PM

Right now I'm just using a couple hoses and tripods.  It's working fine and really makes the investment in a system seem silly.  We'll see if my resolve holds when the heat starts.

At some point you will get tired of moving hoses, forgetting to turn off the water, or change sprinkler locations.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 27, 2018, 02:32:40 PM

"I have my entire lawn around the house, make it about 1.0-1.5 acres on a 9 zone water sprinkler system.
You will have problems
Every year, possibility of freeze damage.
My pump has broken several times
The electronics buried in the lawn at various points fails regularly
I mow over and crush heads like all the time
Over a winter, some heads will no longer work or (and this is weird) come up crooked!
I winterize it with air pressure, making sure to blow vegetable oil and WD-40 throughout the system in the fall. Last two years I stopped using it. I guess I really don't care about the nice suburban lawn any more. I'll let the 40 somethings compete all they want. My goal is to park a junk car on my front or side lawn just to mess with them this summer '-))"

1. Freeze damage possible but if blown out properly should not happen and not sure you need to have oil blown into the lines
2.Set the system up with water manifolds for the valves in a shrub bed and run wire loom for the valves laid under the main water line for protection.   
3.Driving over heads and hitting them with the mower, or shoving them down on one side so they come up crooked, and broken water pump ....Just some more Don things...

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 29, 2018, 07:04:03 PM
Well. Got the casita prepped and started shooting paint at 8 am saturday. Was done with main areas by 10:30. Then went to town to get paint for the dormer. Along with several paint color samples to test on the trim.

Got on the roof again and taped and papered off the area and shot the dormer.

Getting closer. Picked the trim color. I took the two the wife kinda liked and dumped them in a container and mixed them 50/50. Boom. Done.  Now I have to get a couple of gallons and finish the trim and I’m done with the outside of both houses and can move to plumbing and finish electrical.

Also installed the 2 LED can lights on the porch and installed gooseneck lights over the door and the gable window.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 29, 2018, 07:54:46 PM
Looks good TR

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 01, 2018, 08:34:25 AM
Thanks Dave. As soon as I get the facia painted over the porch I can install the gutter on the sawhorses in the foreground and get all that picked up.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 01, 2018, 09:53:43 AM
Glad to see that "Club Red" is moving right along!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 01, 2018, 11:22:17 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 01, 2018, 11:27:08 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 01, 2018, 04:16:30 PM
I’m growing less patient and am going to start sub contracting.

Got a plumber coming Sunday to give me an estimate on the plumbing rough in.

Then I’ll finish the electrical and contract insulation and Sheetrock.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 01, 2018, 04:50:05 PM
so what your really saying is..................HH6 has put her foot down and said no more shenanigans
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on May 01, 2018, 07:18:53 PM
Kind of ironic there Nate... shenanigans starts with ‘she’...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 01, 2018, 10:40:16 PM
Doing it all yourself gets to you, I know!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 02, 2018, 08:25:22 AM
Kind of ironic there Nate... shenanigans starts with ‘she’...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 03, 2018, 08:43:49 AM
Doing it all yourself gets to you, I know!
It’s not so much the doing, which I really enjoy. It’s wanting it to be done so the girls can invite their friends and I have place to put he little hormonal womens so that I am not driven insane

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 03, 2018, 09:39:16 AM
Doing it all yourself gets to you, I know!
It’s not so much the doing, which I really enjoy. It’s wanting it to be done so the girls can invite their friends and I have place to put he little hormonal womens so that I am not driven insane

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Nice try!

Everyman's challenge who has multiple females

Won't work

Prayers sent!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 03, 2018, 10:12:00 AM
The only things that work well are, for the most part, against the law, and the Bible. Suicide, homic...........

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 03, 2018, 12:38:37 PM
Keep the big house stocked with Chocolate and hunker down in the little house, secured behind steel doors and hurricane shades, with Bourbon, meat, firearms, ammo, and your favorite movies!  Only come outside in the wee hours of the morning to watch the sunrise by your fire as you sip coffee and fry an have until 9am before you must retreat back inside your compound before the zombies might rally for a swim.....prayers sent your way.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on May 03, 2018, 12:39:58 PM
Doing it all yourself gets to you, I know!
It’s not so much the doing, which I really enjoy. It’s wanting it to be done so the girls can invite their friends and I have place to put he little hormonal womens so that I am not driven insane

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Nice try!

Everyman's challenge who has multiple females

Won't work

Prayers sent!

I'm in that same boat... but at least I have a few more years until it reaches critical mass (they're 8 and 4).
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on May 03, 2018, 12:57:28 PM
Yeah, I feel for you. I have five at home, a couple old enough to cause trouble(16,15,10,5,1). And gotta watch out for momma on occasion too. That’s where having a little acreage comes in handy. And like was said above, just keep the house stocked for their needs and the garage or little house stocked with yours and you might survive.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 03, 2018, 06:08:59 PM
So I left my 4 for 4.5 days, I’m surprised someone hasn’t been murdered....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 03, 2018, 09:21:23 PM
Doing it all yourself gets to you, I know!
It’s not so much the doing, which I really enjoy. It’s wanting it to be done so the girls can invite their friends and I have place to put he little hormonal womens so that I am not driven insane

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Nice try!

Everyman's challenge who has multiple females

Won't work

Prayers sent!

I'm in that same boat... but at least I have a few more years until it reaches critical mass (they're 8 and 4).
So I had three little ladies at about 18 months separation between each of them, and the momma. When I flew commercial airliners, I could bid a four or a five day trip at around the third week if I have that memory right. That was the ONLY way I (well, maybe they...) survived that retched time.
Then, and I thank God, someone started a couple wars and I was outta here. Got to play Armee while the madness went on without me! So you see, my memories of warfare all all good ones! ;-)
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 03, 2018, 10:40:04 PM
Interesting Don. However I don’t think they let me enlist at my age now.....(although getting shot at seems like a good trade off )

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 05, 2018, 02:42:44 PM
Starting to make some progress

Got to paint the trim on the back and the straight side.

Then I can move to the house.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 06, 2018, 04:46:01 PM
Casita is officially finished on the outside save for the threshold extension and the last deck board.

Got almost all the house trim painted. Still have the area above the hip roof where I’ll have to make a platform to set a ladder on to get to the peak.

Then the window and door on the rear porch.  86 today. Getting warmer.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 06, 2018, 04:51:51 PM
That grass sure looks green!    What type of Hand rail are you going to do ?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 06, 2018, 07:23:36 PM
Looks like something from a movie, very nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 06, 2018, 07:48:17 PM
I agree, very nice Tex!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on May 06, 2018, 08:20:00 PM
Sure do like the covered porch patio areas. But I am from the rain country...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 07, 2018, 09:33:25 PM
Thanks guys, Dave probably use a 2x6 treated top rail and some 2x2 rails and a 2x4 lower stringer.  Not sure if I'm going to put railing around the porch yet or not.  Wife thinks I should, I think if you are dumb enough to fall off a porch then you should sprain an ankle...

Still have a bit of sod to buy and lay down.

I ordered a sewage lift pump station(casita sits below the septic tank level) to move sewage up to the main system.  Also ordered a Norritz 3.5gpm tankless water heater, a KBRS composite shower pan, shower drain and shower valve.  Then I picked up a 30 inch door and pocket door system as I need to frame the bathroom walls out so I can mount the shower valve before the plumber comes in.

This weekend I have to finish painting the remaining trim on the main house and then will probably tackle the framing for the bathroom and the pocket door to get the shower drain and shower valve installed so I can get the plumber out soon.

Then I can move on to the man door in the shipping container and framing the inside of the container to be ready for the spray foam guy for the casita and the shipping container.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 13, 2018, 11:43:46 AM
Picked up the sewage lift station, check valve and high water alarm for the casita plumbing along with a shower rough in valve.

Then swung by the metal supply and picked up a 36 inch man door, frame and a stick of 2x4 steel tube to install a man door in the shipping container

Got the painting finished on the trim for the main house and went to framing the bathroom walls and pantry walls.

Ready for the plumber to rough in and install the sewage lift station. Won’t be there next weekend but will probably schedule him out the week after.

Then gotta just finish up the electrical before shifting my attention to the shipping container and install the studs and man door and get ready for spray insulation for the casita and the shipping container at the same time.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 13, 2018, 12:07:12 PM
Definitely osha approved.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on May 13, 2018, 12:50:27 PM
Definitely osha approved.   

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Shudder at the thought of that.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 13, 2018, 01:15:59 PM
That is why I’m going have to hire a painter - I can afford hydraulic scaffolding like that!  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 13, 2018, 02:51:11 PM
Something wrong with ladders in tractor buckets???
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 13, 2018, 05:03:05 PM
Something wrong with ladders in tractor buckets???

I don't think there is anything wrong with them, probably just doesn't want to run over them so in the bucket is a safe space...... :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 13, 2018, 05:12:06 PM
Something wrong with ladders in tractor buckets???

I don't think there is anything wrong with them, probably just doesn't want to run over them so in the bucket is a safe space...... :popcorn:
Lol.  Thank you.  Just thank you. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 13, 2018, 05:46:04 PM
Hey, I saw that on youtube a couple times. Well what happened right after!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on May 13, 2018, 06:21:02 PM
Hey I think it’s a clever solution to a common problem! I like it!!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 13, 2018, 06:51:21 PM
Well it was cheaper than renting a lift or building a platform


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on May 13, 2018, 09:49:08 PM
Well it was cheaper than renting a lift or building a platform


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I seem to remember you bought climbing gear, I also saw trees. But I also see a roof that could have a fall arrest system mounted to provide a safe and effective system to facilitate a safe working environment for someone to paint and for further upcoming maintenance.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 13, 2018, 11:03:25 PM
yeah Bobby, I'm old enough to know better but still to young to care.  I figure at 17 ft I can survive the fall as I bounce off the metal roof and then the final 9 feet to the ground.  It would take longer to rig up the harnesses and anchor points than to slap a ladder in the bucket and start painting.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 14, 2018, 12:07:24 AM
Well as long as you don't let Don run the tractor, you shouldn't have to worry about the hydraulic lines blowing, causing a gravity test with the cowboy riding the ladder.  : popcorn

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 14, 2018, 08:53:52 AM
Well it was cheaper than renting a lift or building a platform


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I seem to remember you bought climbing gear, I also saw trees. But I also see a roof that could have a fall arrest system mounted to provide a safe and effective system to facilitate a safe working environment for someone to paint and for further upcoming maintenance.
You sound like some safety Nazi

You're an Airborne grunt, act like one! ;-)

Ladder in the bucket is fine!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 14, 2018, 08:58:05 AM
I think the rule of thumb is as long as you don't leave anything under it to impale yourself on when you fall it's considered safe.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on May 14, 2018, 09:14:50 AM
You sound like some safety Nazi

You're an Airborne grunt, act like one! ;-)

Ladder in the bucket is fine!

Probably cause I'm a Safety Trainer and Fall Protection is part of my purview. However, I can say that during the last blizzard I was shoveling dense wet heavy snow off the roof in windy slippery conditions.. So maybe I don't have much leeway either..

For the record, I can still PLF and walk away... TRN maybe not so much.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 14, 2018, 09:19:09 AM
So I probably shouldn’t mention the day I was standing on that little hip roof power washing the siding.  The grip on metal roof is tenuous at best and when it gets wet it turns to owl snot. One moment I’m standing upright and the next I’m face down flat on my stomach slide towards the edge at a high rate of speed. Still amazed at the human mind and the speed of thought. In that millisecond I thought “point your toes, maybe you’ll catch the lip of the gutter and that will keep you from going over”

Fortunately it worked. Thus led to the improvised scaffolding which provides much greater purchase than friction on metal roof....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 14, 2018, 09:20:22 AM
As I’ve never been trained what does PLF consist of ? Assuming it is a duck & roll keeping arms in similar to a skate board or roller blade tumble?

& yes, I realize I’m opening myself to vast criticism by mentioning skate boards & roller blades  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 14, 2018, 09:51:27 AM
As I’ve never been trained what does PLF consist of ? Assuming it is a duck & roll keeping arms in similar to a skate board or roller blade tumble?

& yes, I realize I’m opening myself to vast criticism by mentioning skate boards & roller blades  :facepalm:

here yah go shawn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 14, 2018, 10:04:05 AM
You sound like some safety Nazi

You're an Airborne grunt, act like one! ;-)

Ladder in the bucket is fine!

Probably cause I'm a Safety Trainer and Fall Protection is part of my purview. However, I can say that during the last blizzard I was shoveling dense wet heavy snow off the roof in windy slippery conditions.. So maybe I don't have much leeway either..

For the record, I can still PLF and walk away... TRN maybe not so much.
Good point!

Maybe you can teach him the PLF via YouTube or something.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 14, 2018, 10:07:21 AM
So I probably shouldn’t mention the day I was standing on that little hip roof power washing the siding.  The grip on metal roof is tenuous at best and when it gets wet it turns to owl snot. One moment I’m standing upright and the next I’m face down flat on my stomach slide towards the edge at a high rate of speed. Still amazed at the human mind and the speed of thought. In that millisecond I thought “point your toes, maybe you’ll catch the lip of the gutter and that will keep you from going over”

Fortunately it worked. Thus led to the improvised scaffolding which provides much greater purchase than friction on metal roof....

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I hate working on metal roofs

I found out that a leather sofa cushion laid down and my kneeling on it provided the grip I needed until the droplets of sweat migrated underneath...Then comes a couple of two inch slips, and that precedes the final break and slide...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 14, 2018, 01:54:53 PM
As I’ve never been trained what does PLF consist of ? Assuming it is a duck & roll keeping arms in similar to a skate board or roller blade tumble?

& yes, I realize I’m opening myself to vast criticism by mentioning skate boards & roller blades  :facepalm:

here yah go shawn:

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 14, 2018, 02:06:03 PM
Just because I’m too smart to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fall. Feet together, arms in and collapse under tension as you meet the earth feet first (hopefully). Did it just a few months ago when my ladder rolled off the tree at about 12-13 feet in the air.  Decided that I was going to the ground on my own terms and bailed off feet first. 

Helped having Airborne relatives. And falling off stuff since I was about 8 years old.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2018, 08:42:14 PM
So plumber came out yesterday and started on the rough in. Laid the 2 inch line from the septic to the lift station and put the lift station in the ground. Then proceeded to rough in the waste lines in the casita and will come back Monday to finish.

So I started tackling this today. I’m fighting a bad cold and 92 heat and humidity didn’t seem to help.

First up. Mark the opening and proceed to cut it out with a small grinder with a cutoff wheel.  Makes me wish I had bit the bullet and got a plasma cutter.  But it got done.

Then clean up the leftover welds on the base beam and clean the paint off the edges where I’ll be welding.
Door is metal with a metal knock down frame.

Then start mocking up the sub frame out of 2x4 square tube

Then install the frame and door.

Got the left side plumb and installed and then on to the right and then lastly the top.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2018, 08:43:38 PM
And semi finished.

Have to install the weather stripping and cut the hole in the jamb for the latch and then clean up some welds and prime it.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2018, 08:48:13 PM
Then, when I'm finished I'll start installing the stud walls in the shipping container and get it ready for insulation at the same time the insulator is spraying the casita.  Getting closer to being able to install AC and sheetrock...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 26, 2018, 09:51:51 PM
AC, insulation & Sheetrock that’s gunna be one nice shipping not container...... :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2018, 10:16:53 PM
Then, when I'm finished I'll start installing the stud walls in the shipping container and get it ready for insulation at the same time the insulator is spraying the casita.  Getting closer to being able to install AC and sheetrock...
Lol. The Sheetrock is for the casita. The shipping container will be finished with 7/16 OSB over studs and insulation.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 26, 2018, 10:39:32 PM
Then, when I'm finished I'll start installing the stud walls in the shipping container and get it ready for insulation at the same time the insulator is spraying the casita.  Getting closer to being able to install AC and sheetrock...
Lol. The Sheetrock is for the casita. The shipping container will be finished with 7/16 OSB over studs and insulation.

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I know, was picking on you. The one armed bandit is away on disability leave so I think he’s currently protected by FMLA from me for the time being..... & we’ll after that serial prefix on his new tool I figure it’s karma at the very least.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 29, 2018, 02:24:35 PM
Nice work!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 03:48:51 PM
Ok. You all know about putting the zero turn in the pond so I’ll not repeat the drama here.

On to the shipping container. Got most of the studs and ceiling joists in. Got to cut a few more of the tie down hooks off to get the last studs in.


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 16, 2018, 04:46:32 PM
What are your inside dimensions of this?

Have you seen the houses people build out of these?   Pour a heated concrete pad stack two on one side two on the other and two for a back wall. Metal roof over the top and a very large open floor plan for a patio type living area and a giant set of garage doors on the open end. 

This is about the coolest one I have seen and I really like the idea of its layout and open space
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 04:54:33 PM
Finished interior dimensions will be 7’4”wide 8’4”tall and 38’ long

Yes there are many web sites dedicated to building with shipping containers. I like the modern look where they cantilever the second story containers.

No need for a heated slab in the south :wink

Eventually I may cut enough trees to put another parallel to it 30 ft apart and weld C purlin between them and install R panel roofing to give me a 30x40 covered storage/parking area.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 16, 2018, 05:04:28 PM
They are building a 3 story unit near my sons school.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 16, 2018, 05:32:18 PM
The cost is really a lot less than new build homes. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 16, 2018, 06:19:19 PM
Looks like progress.

We know the story about your swimming hole, but,
I think your wife needs an account on here so we can get some zero turn pics. If not from this time , maybe the next.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 07:00:06 PM
Ken third times a charm.  I’ll go down with the ship. Dealer called and it’s ready to pick up. He said he was amazed there was no damage

Here’s the container ready for spray foam


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 07:30:38 PM

Little time to relax while the pork butt finishes

And don’t be jealous. Not everyone can have sticks that look as good as these!!

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 16, 2018, 08:02:52 PM
You shouldn’t call your wife names like that. I second Ken’s idea. We need a mrs redneck on here

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 16, 2018, 08:19:00 PM
You shouldn’t call your wife names like that. I second Ken’s idea. We need a mrs redneck on here

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Preferably one who is quick with a camcorder, we need more videos....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 09:01:43 PM
You laugh. Mowing by the pond is like don piloting his chinook thu enemy territory.  It’s rough terrain and danger is everywhere. Only the fearless tread where I send that mower

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 16, 2018, 09:17:56 PM
What enemy? Deer? Squirrels? Long weeds?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 09:19:10 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 16, 2018, 09:19:56 PM
You laugh. Mowing by the pond is like don piloting his chinook thu enemy territory.  It’s rough terrain and danger is everywhere. Only the fearless tread where I send that mower

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The bottom of the fish pond? Carp maybe?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 16, 2018, 09:20:05 PM
Take the guards off that mower and make raccoon burgers

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 16, 2018, 09:24:15 PM
You laugh. Mowing by the pond is like don piloting his chinook thu enemy territory.  It’s rough terrain and danger is everywhere. Only the fearless tread where I send that mower

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The bottom of the fish pond? Carp maybe?
New obstacles in BUDS school

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 16, 2018, 09:41:30 PM
Here I was thinking fish breeding habitat
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 17, 2018, 12:57:07 AM
Did you place the 2x4's short side or side side against the steel?

Did you wedge them in and glue them like we were talking about, or what way did you go?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 17, 2018, 09:16:23 AM
Short side against steel to give more depth of insulation.

Wedged in and then tied together at the top with the joists.

No glue. But I shot a screw in the bottom of each one into the wood floor.

Seems legit and solid.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 17, 2018, 10:42:33 AM
Once you get all the plywood up, it will be nice and solid
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 17, 2018, 01:03:13 PM
Time to finish mowing around the pond


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on June 17, 2018, 01:42:48 PM
I don’t see M/Ts on the drive tires of the mower yet...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 17, 2018, 01:57:48 PM
Looks like they washed it for you also?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 17, 2018, 02:03:22 PM
Does anyone else see this as a viable solution to the problem

Plus (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 17, 2018, 02:04:48 PM
I don’t see Paddle tires on the mower yet...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 17, 2018, 04:22:13 PM
Bahaha. You guys are ruthless!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on June 17, 2018, 04:29:04 PM
How about something like this?  My wife wants one because we have some nice hills on the property, and she wants to be safe. Oh well, more toys for me. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 17, 2018, 04:47:48 PM
Dave, is that 4 wheel drive? Buddy if mine in SE KY had to have one that was to mow his mountain side yard.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 17, 2018, 06:25:40 PM
Dave, is that 4 wheel drive? Buddy if mine in SE KY had to have one that was to mow his mountain side yard.....
I have seen some similar to that eight wheel monster up at Weberstate as it’s mostly steep hill, they seem to do pretty awesome

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on June 17, 2018, 06:26:16 PM
Time to finish FISH mowing around the pond!


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Fixed it for ya there BUDSy!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on June 17, 2018, 06:29:26 PM
Dave, is that 4 wheel drive? Buddy if mine in SE KY had to have one that was to mow his mountain side yard.....
Yes, it’s hydrostatic drive 4x4 hydraulic articulates in the middle for steering. They are rated to 20 degrees slope sideways or up down without the dual tires. With the duals, they are rated to 30 degrees.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 17, 2018, 07:57:21 PM
But are they amphibious?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 17, 2018, 08:30:21 PM
But are they amphibious?

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Not that it would help Charles but I think H would float, just a consideration in case you get stuck in a flood Ken.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on June 17, 2018, 09:07:04 PM
There were two canoes in the picture too. Maybe a weed eater and a canoe would be better around the pond?  :)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 17, 2018, 10:20:46 PM
You laugh. Mowing by the pond is like don piloting his chinook thu enemy territory.  It’s rough terrain and danger is everywhere. Only the fearless tread where I send that mower

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I feel ya on that!

Not the part about the hook

But piloting the mower over hazands...Def been there and did that!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on June 18, 2018, 08:02:22 AM
I used to mow a lot of side hills around the farm with a zero turn.  A lot of those areas were impossible to mow before we had a set of better tires installed.  They will tear your lawn up more then the standard turf tire, but they help a ton on side hills.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 21, 2018, 01:22:29 AM
Just put floats on it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 24, 2018, 12:17:04 AM
Today finished the rough in of the electrical. 97 degrees and high humidity. Inside the house with no AC was closer to 102-104.

Ran smurf tube to the upstairs where the AV and computer equipment will be.

Only got lit up three times working in the hot electrical panel because I didn’t want to kill the music by cutting the main breaker.


Still have a few circuits outside the house to run. The sewage sump pump and the mini split and the outdoor kitchen circuits.  The ill properly label them.

Maybe a little overkill. 10 circuits in a 625 sq ft guest house. And that’s before the AC or stove should I put one in

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 24, 2018, 03:12:35 AM
Looks clean. I don't like turning my stuff off either, whats a little tingle now and then.

Actually did socket upgrade today for my sons room for LED, got away zap free!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 04, 2018, 12:36:47 PM
So official update.

Foam insulation guy came Friday for an estimate.  Now I’m on the schedule in about 2 weeks. This house and shipping container will be tight. Fortunately I’ll be running mini splits that can dehumidify

Open cell inside and a 2 inch layer of closed cell underneath

Then I’ll work on the AC and pause the guest house project and finish the inside of the shipping container.  Gotta get all my reloading equipment from my BIL and off load some long term storage stuff from the main house.

Got gravel delivered and spread in anticipation of heavy rain... and then it passed us by.


Last night met up with a buddy from Kansas who had picked up a LB7 motor I plan to rebuild.

Nothing says red neck like a lifted old red truck with a motor in the back and a ton of fireworks in the back seat


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 05, 2018, 11:19:07 PM
So after a day of hot hard work in the shop I get a call at 7:30 from the insulator that he’s freed up and coming at 8 am tomorrow.  Great, had to go do some clean up and a bit of work to get ready. Will get up at first light and finish.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2018, 11:36:12 AM
Got the casita swept out and ready and built my end wall in the container.


Ordered a mini split for the shipping container. Fredrich 9000 btu. About double what it needs but hard to find a 6000.  The variable speed should make it workable

Then it’s on to running electrical to the container. Led lights , outlets , cat 6,

I’ll weld up the end doors so the only way in is through the man door.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 06, 2018, 12:05:10 PM
Charles, you need your own page. "Texas Resort Retreat" would be a lot better page name than having it posted inside the hide site page.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2018, 12:44:39 PM
Charles, you need your own page. "Texas Resort Retreat" would be a lot better page name than having it posted inside the hide site page.

Bob it’s like most things in life.  When women get involved, things get a lot more complicated.  And expensive.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2018, 06:25:52 PM
Insulation guys almost done. Casita is finished. Shipping container almost done.

I have a window unit I’ll probably run in the guest house until I get the mini splits installed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2018, 06:27:42 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2018, 06:28:36 PM

Shipping container almost done

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 06, 2018, 07:31:10 PM
Wow, looks really well done from here.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 06, 2018, 08:05:02 PM
Very nice, per the usual we expect nothing less from you.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 06, 2018, 10:17:19 PM
Really nice job all around.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2018, 10:27:47 PM
I can’t take credit. I just wrote the check. Tomorrow I’ll start a materials list for finishing the sea can.  7/16 osb interior, led lights, 6 duplex outlets, shelving, sub panel.  Then pressure wash and spray the outside in emerald green. I’ll rent the trencher from HD to run power and Ethernet next weekend.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 09:03:04 AM
Here’s the finished sea can.

Going to start hanging 7/16 osb for interior

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 07, 2018, 09:53:18 AM
Here’s the finished sea can.

Going to start hanging 7/16 osb for interior

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Charles, is that a 40 footer? Any idea what you’ll have in total cost for that & are you costing the roof day with like that silver roofing rubberized covered paint? Just thinking for long term leak proof & to reflect some heat.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 10:22:29 AM
Sean, I'll be in it for close to $7k when its completely finished out with mini split, insulation, osb interior, electrical, lighting etc.

I'll pressure wash it for paint here soon and inspect the roof.  Its a CWO container, so its in great shape and I doubt the roof needs much.  Its in the shade for the most part and the 6 inches of foam insulation on the interior roof should make it as cool as a Yeti cooler.

The long term plan may be to buy another one just like it and put it parallel to it about 25 ft apart and cover both and the open area with c purlin and R panel roofing to create a covered parking area for the equipment.  That'll be a few years away more than likely
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 11:59:42 AM
Ok menses. This is not a redneck test.

Some of you may recall that I need to move my seacan about 3 feet back lengthwise to accommodate future expansion of the shop. It tares at 9600 and probably 10500 with the lumber in it. It currently rests on a rr tie at each end.

There is a conveniently placed tree that I can attach to.

I was going to rent 2 six ton lever hoists but I got to thinking. I have a 25 ton log splitter.

I was thinking of attaching the base end of the beam to the tree with straps or chain and then using the ram to press the chain( pulling it) forward about 1 ft at a time then re connect the pulling chain and pressing again. You get the idea.

I’d have to make a metal cover for the wedge so the point doesn’t cut the chain.

Is my logic off base?  Why wouldn’t that work?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 07, 2018, 12:20:03 PM
Could you use some large logs to roll it back on, if it’s on RR ties already, lift it up more to the log height slide under and push. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 12:36:30 PM
Dave I think 25 tons of force would move it if it was glued in place.

Lifting it is as much of a challenge as pulling it. The plan is to lay 2 more rr ties and drag it onto them.

Just wondering if I’m overlooking some safety aspect of using the log splitter.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 07, 2018, 01:13:33 PM

I think it would work, even if you had to set up a double pull with wire rope. Protect the tree bark too unless it is history after the move.
Added: Call in a friend with a good sized winch on their truck. Rig it up and be done.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 07, 2018, 01:52:19 PM
Depends on how strong the log splitter (trailer?) mount/strap setup is. If it won't hand at least 20k of compression or stretch, then it might be sketchy. Sounds like a high lift might be safer...and that's sayin' somethin'. Of course if we had a crayon drawing of the situation we would be of greater help....or you can just try it and post pics of the carnage after.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 07, 2018, 02:27:09 PM
Sounds like it would work as long as you mount the chain/straps in the right place and not bend the splitter.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 07, 2018, 02:28:47 PM
It will probably work, hope you don’t tweak your log splitter. But just in case the whole thing goes south and the splitter ends up in the pond or something similiar. Can we request the wife unit video this for us? :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 02:34:54 PM
I’ll make sure and get video.

I’m going to split a piece of heavy wall pipe to fit over the wedge edge and make sure the vectors are linear with the main beam. Use a recovery strap on the tree and chain to the container.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 07, 2018, 03:44:23 PM
single cut length of pipe should work, it will spring open and should fit blade good...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 07, 2018, 04:14:06 PM
Hum...What would Don do..Stay away from that and all should be good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 07, 2018, 04:26:48 PM
Hum...What would Don do..Stay away from that and all should be good.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 07, 2018, 06:12:14 PM
and why cant your tractor not push it back the foot or 2 that you need?

if you place the bucket on the bottom frame portion of the container you should be good?  just go slow and don't ram anything?

if all else fails, give boone a call and see if he can come down with something?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 07, 2018, 06:24:09 PM
and why cant your tractor not push it back the foot or 2 that you need?

if you place the bucket on the bottom frame portion of the container you should be good?  just go slow and don't ram anything?

if all else fails, give boone a call and see if he can come down with something?

Getting to close to what Don would do....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 07, 2018, 06:30:30 PM
Bob's feeling froggy today. lol   :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 07, 2018, 06:37:29 PM
Well maybe...If it don't move ya got to hit it harder.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 07, 2018, 06:42:44 PM
I thought Charles owned like 12 chevy trucks? Can’t you hook a couple to it and tug it?

Oh wait, I forgot. Sorry
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 07:56:53 PM
Shawn, aside from the Chevy poke. There’s simply not enough weight to get traction. Plus the direction I’m going is further into the woods and not accessible by truck. It would have to be a push, on gravel no less.

I have a 30000 lb tow strap and will probably pick up another and a couple 6 ft 1/2 inch grade 80 chains

Those will hook to the corners of the seacan and then to the tow strap which will allow adjustments as the container begins to move. 

That’s probably a couple weeks away but I promise to get video.

In the mean time got started on the ceiling with some osb I had on hand.  Then went to Lowe’s and got 30 more sheets

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 07, 2018, 09:10:33 PM
Thirty sheets?  What did you pay per sheet?

What truck did you put them in, or flatbed trailer

My truck squats a whole lot with that much in the bed.  Enough I won’t do more than that

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 07, 2018, 09:31:29 PM
I sure would like to see the action, don't think one truck will move it unless it is tied to a tree with a wrecker between the truck and the load. BUT I am from Washington so just need to see it on video to believe it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 07, 2018, 09:39:30 PM
I believe in the power of hydraulics. Video will be available.

Dave I put the 30 sheets in the trailer.

7/16 osb is 46lb a sheet. Little over 1300 lbs. should be an easy load for a 3/4 ton if it’s set to factory rake

The dually just laughs.  That weight just makes it ride better. IIRC the payload on the dually is 4700lbs

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 07, 2018, 09:57:52 PM
Hum...What would Don do..Stay away from that and all should be good.
Well, not so quick there Tonto!

I'd take a run at it with the rubber track loader and it would move as far as I wanted!

But that contraption Tex is talkin' about sounds like it would work, but we'd need a vid just in case it didn't! ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on July 07, 2018, 10:28:16 PM
How about two RR ties longways and jack up the end with a bottle jack and put some 1” conduit under for rollers ( like the Egyptians).  A couple come a longs should move it pretty easy.
You’re not lifting 10k just moving some of it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 07, 2018, 10:30:18 PM
Let’s put it up on peg legs.   Three footers.  Than you just push it over and it should fall the distance of the legs it’s standing on

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 07, 2018, 10:49:48 PM
So let's add a couple thousand pounds to it before we try to move it, maybe it'll be easier. : Knucklehead

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 07, 2018, 11:14:09 PM
Hum...What would Don do..Stay away from that and all should be good.
Well, not so quick there Tonto!

I'd take a run at it with the rubber track loader and it would move as far as I wanted!

But that contraption Tex is talkin' about sounds like it would work, but we'd need a vid just in case it didn't! ;-))

Now that is what I am talking about. Two rubber tracks laying in the woods and Don scratching his head wondering what went wrong.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 08, 2018, 02:28:56 AM
So let's add a couple thousand pounds to it before we try to move it, maybe it'll be easier. : Knucklehead

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I was thinking the same thing!

Why not double or triple (maybe 4x?) over some line in pulleys to a big tree behind the sea can? Will increase your pulling power with less effort.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 08, 2018, 07:12:41 AM
Regardless, as long as it’s not digging in the dirt it should move pretty easy. I do agree a couple snatch blocks would help. Another thought is hire a local wrecker (as cheap as buy more gear) to come in with his truck winch. Between that and rigged off a couple trees I’m sure you could make it work too if he can anchor his truck to a tree on the front end or several chevys (ironic I know!).

Honestly, the log splitter may work but it would not be my first choice for the record. Too each their own and we’ve been promised video so on the other hand it should be interesting either way.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 08, 2018, 07:24:20 AM
All good ideas.  I’m trying to do this without spending a ton on rigging that I don’t have.

Yes, Ken, I added 2000 pounds to the interior finish just to make it a challenge.  :wink

I may use the hi-lift to raise each corner and put some lubricant on the RR ties just to help.

All in all I’ll take it slow,  check angles and bail on it if it looks like it’s not working.  Worst case is pay a mover $650 to pick it up and set it down.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on July 08, 2018, 08:17:55 AM
Here’s a question for you- how are you going to anchor the log splitter?  It’s going to need more anchor force than the combined weight and lateral forces you’re putting into play or you will only move your splitter.  That cylinder rate is between the ram and the fixed anchor points with the log rack.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 08, 2018, 11:03:04 AM
The end of the beam(left side circle) will be strapped to the tree horizontally like it sits. The wedge (right circle) will actuate the pulling strap which will be attached to the corners of the seacan


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 08, 2018, 11:11:46 AM
Have you considered a crane?  My crane guys only charge per hour and $120 bucks in time and safety go a long ways.  Plus he could pick it up and set it down where ever you want with out damaging equipment, the weight might not work so well in that new gravel road.  But maybe it needs compacted too

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 08, 2018, 11:32:01 AM
I think it would be kind of hard to pick up the container with the tree cover it already has?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 08, 2018, 12:19:10 PM
I say let Charles use the splitter. We could start a wager if there are any takers?

I'm leaning against this working at the moment for the record. I owned a 40 ton splitter and have stalled it out more than once so even though it states 40 ton or less in Charles case I'm not sure that is relevant to this equation. Interesting non the less though, good luck Tex! 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 08, 2018, 01:01:17 PM
If I lose I win a Darwin Award. What to I win if I win?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 08, 2018, 01:15:58 PM
Can't you rig a long line on the go handle of the splitter. You then could get out of the path of flying chain or hot oil from broken lines. If you win the container ends up where you wanted it and you get an I told you so moment. :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on July 08, 2018, 01:47:30 PM
A couple of pipes on rr ties and you could push it almost by hand.
I moved a 2900# shed on grass with a quad. Shed was on 4 x 4” pipes moved quite easy.

I’m all for Darwin videos, but not at TRN’s expense...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 08, 2018, 02:14:30 PM
It’s getting heavier


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 08, 2018, 04:31:06 PM
Yeah that should work fine .
I was trying to picture how you were going to attach it since I've never owned, or used a log splitter before. Probably have to make sure the tail end of the beam can't flip out of the strap. long as you quit adding crap, like, we don't want the next pic to show a concrete floor and a lead liner around the perimeter.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 10, 2018, 10:56:56 AM
If I lose I win a Darwin Award. What to I win if I win?

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Hardy handshake and a toothy smile!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on July 11, 2018, 11:35:10 AM
Charles, if you are going to use the splitter use only chains. The strap will stretch more than you think it will and you’ll go almost nowhere very slowly.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 13, 2018, 09:58:29 PM
Well you won’t have to wait long.  Tomorrow the container gets moved.  Got a buddy coming up to help. 

Also picked up a trencher and conduit to run electrical and Ethernet


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 14, 2018, 01:50:54 PM

Well that was easy

2 1/4 inch pipe. RR ties for runners.

Shove it with the tractor. Set it back down. Done.

Have video later.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 14, 2018, 01:53:49 PM
And started on trenching. More like root clearing.  It is slow going. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 14, 2018, 02:05:53 PM

Well that was easy

2 1/4 inch pipe. RR ties for runners.

Shove it with the tractor. Set it back down. Done.

Have video later.

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Bummer, wanted to see the log splitter in action.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 14, 2018, 03:24:27 PM

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 15, 2018, 12:09:49 PM

Well that was easy

2 1/4 inch pipe. RR ties for runners.

Shove it with the tractor. Set it back down. Done.

Have video later.

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Bummer, wanted to see the log splitter in action.
Yeah. You’re no fun if there isn’t any carnage for the peanut gallery. Looking good!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 15, 2018, 01:27:59 PM
Break time. Thermometer says 97 already. Finished the inside except the base board

Now working on conduit and sub panel


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 15, 2018, 03:12:07 PM
What color are you going to paint the inside ?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 15, 2018, 03:13:20 PM

Drilled the container to mount the sub panel and route the wiring inside.


Got about 90 ft of conduit laid and another 40 feet to go. Break time for bible study and to cool off


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 15, 2018, 03:14:38 PM
What color are you going to paint the inside ?

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Haven’t decided if I’m going to leave it alone or paint it white for reflectivity.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 15, 2018, 03:57:31 PM
Ashley and his wife just gutted a place and redid the whole house here a year or so ago. She has a large craft room of similiar size to your container. They just sealed up the osb and it turned out very nice.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 15, 2018, 05:04:41 PM
Interesting.  The printed side(the side I have out)Seems to have some sort of sealant on it. It certainly looks different than the other side.
I have 7led light fixtures going in it that are 4 ft long and 4400 lumens each. I’m Thinking it will be plenty bright.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 15, 2018, 06:58:29 PM
I think it would function better painted personally but that’s me

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 16, 2018, 05:22:35 PM
Break time. Thermometer says 97 already. Finished the inside except the base board

Base board!?!?  IN A SHIPPING CONTAINER!?  :shocked:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 16, 2018, 07:12:21 PM
well if you notice there is a gap at the bottom.  This is a 9'6" high cube and when I dropped the ceiling enough to spray foam insulaion and install a ceiling it happened to come out to 8'3-1/2" so perfect space at the bottom for a 1x4 base board to finish the wall and provide a good protection at the bottom of the particle board.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 17, 2018, 08:21:00 AM
Interesting.  The printed side(the side I have out)Seems to have some sort of sealant on it. It certainly looks different than the other side.
I have 7led light fixtures going in it that are 4 ft long and 4400 lumens each. I’m Thinking it will be plenty bright.

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With that many lights some might call that a tanning bed.  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 17, 2018, 08:49:27 AM
Looking good Charles!  :likebutton:
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 18, 2018, 08:30:07 PM
Hey Tex, keep the dually and do a 6-door conversion?



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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on July 19, 2018, 06:12:19 AM
If you could do an eight door conversion on it, I might be interested. At least then there would be enough seats for everyone in the family.   Of course I might need escort vehicles and a couple of people with flags for directing parking in the grocery store lot.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2018, 02:55:51 PM
Alright. 104 here today but still going at it.  Just a lot slower and more water breaks.
Wall unit mounted and hoses and wire through the wall
Everything connected except wiring

Vacuum pulled and held so good to go there. 

Now about to pull cable to the sub panel so I can make all the electrical connections. Hope to be in AC late tonight.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 21, 2018, 03:54:18 PM
If you could do an eight door conversion on it, I might be interested. At least then there would be enough seats for everyone in the family.   Of course I might need escort vehicles and a couple of people with flags for directing parking in the grocery store lot.

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I found this post interesting, the two main points being the amount of people in the family & in the next sentence the grocery store!  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 21, 2018, 03:55:30 PM
 :likebutton: looking good Charles!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2018, 07:34:58 PM

Sub panel connected. Drove an 8 ft ground rod for local ground. Need a ground buss for the inside of the panel and some grounding clamps.

I Jerry rigged the ground enough to get the ac running. Hose clamp and solid wire to the rod and since I’m just running the AC at the moment I attached the ground for that circuit directly.

Will make a run to the store tomorrow and get a few things and also get a light circuit going

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2018, 09:31:51 PM
Went and checked on the seacan and it was downright cold in there!  Less than 2 hours running and it went from 100 to 72.  Its going to be a lot better to run lights and electrical in the cool air.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 21, 2018, 10:20:10 PM
Nice work Charles. I am sold on split systems. You could paint the walls red?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2018, 11:09:03 PM
Jr that’s my first mini split and I am amazed. It’s super quiet and very effective.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 21, 2018, 11:17:10 PM
I would venture to say its efficient because of the spray foam insulation?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 07:27:40 AM
It’s effective because of the insulation.  It’s efficient because it’s inverter powered variable speed compressor.

In any event it works.

Put a brisket on last night at 6. Pulled it at 165 internal and wrapped it and put it in the oven at 225. Then put 4 racks of ribs on at 6. Family coming over at 12. Should be good to go.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 22, 2018, 08:16:15 AM
Tex what is this putting it in an oven?  I guess after it gets smoke flavor it’s good to cook in an oven?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 22, 2018, 08:44:05 AM
As a general rule, meat will only take on smoke for about 3-4hrs (remember, the smoke ring is the byproduct of the chemical reaction of smoke/oxygen/meat).  Also at 165 deg (or as some call it, "the stall") is where the collagen starts to breakdown and liquify in the meat/muscle fibers. 

Once the brisket hits this point, it is very easy to wrap it and finish it in the oven at a very low temp like 225 deg.  You are able to catch a few hrs of sleep, you dont have to worry about staying awake because of the fire you have burning, etc, etc.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 09:08:18 AM
So the same can be done with butts then too
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 22, 2018, 09:34:32 AM

I do mine to 165, then cover to finish.  But i also do mine in steamtable pans
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 09:38:43 AM

I do mine to 165, then cover to finish.  But i also do mine in steamtable pans

Copy, I use those same pans buying in bulk at Costco
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 22, 2018, 09:46:53 AM

I do mine to 165, then cover to finish.  But i also do mine in steamtable pans

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 22, 2018, 10:02:25 AM

I do mine to 165, then cover to finish.  But i also do mine in steamtable pans

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Everything i cook in my smoker gets cooked either on a pan or in a pan to make cleanup a lot easier.

Or were you asking about the pans?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 22, 2018, 10:52:15 AM
Not sure what a steam table pan is.    I use the throw away tin pans for things from time to time

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 22, 2018, 11:07:37 AM
The metal pans that are used on a a buffet line.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 22, 2018, 11:08:41 AM
Yes they cost a little more, but they are reusable and your not wasting/throwing money away like the aluminum pans
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 11:13:11 AM
Well heck, I thought you were talking about the throw aways...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 22, 2018, 11:36:58 AM
See are t we all glad I asked

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 11:45:06 AM
Nate what do you use to keep the meat up off the bottom so not to soak in the grease and drippings?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 22, 2018, 12:29:33 PM
It’s effective because of the insulation.  It’s efficient because it’s inverter powered variable speed compressor.

In any event it works.

Put a brisket on last night at 6. Pulled it at 165 internal and wrapped it and put it in the oven at 225. Then put 4 racks of ribs on at 6. Family coming over at 12. Should be good to go.

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Just wonderful, what you have going on down there in that infernal heat!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 22, 2018, 12:36:26 PM
I use these

They make them for the different size pans as well.  You can find a limited selection at sams or costco, but i get mine from an actual restaurant supply store.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 03:10:55 PM
Thanks Nate. I’ll go by the restaurant supply.

In the mean time


My family says they’ll keep me around a while longer.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 22, 2018, 03:11:28 PM
Talking about a thread going sideways........

...and not a single one of you said anything about the three runs of Red wire.

That's a heck of a man cave Charles.   :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 03:13:41 PM
Why would we say anything Ken? He had the ground labeled, kinda hard to screw it up otherwise... :wink:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 22, 2018, 03:17:37 PM
The color is what I was referring to knucklehead!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 03:25:39 PM
The color is what I was referring to knucklehead!

I’m aware, what difference does the color of the wire make on the two legs of 220 single phase was what I was asking?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 22, 2018, 03:38:20 PM
None on 220 single, as long as its not the ground wire,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 04:12:01 PM
Ken. They just didn’t get your humor.   Red being my favorite color and all. I bought a roll of 500 ft 6 ga and they didn’t have black in stock. Only red and green. And I’d rather have red than green since green is usually ground although any color can be used and still be code compliant as long as neutral is wrapped in white tape.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 04:16:12 PM
I didn’t know about the white tape code, good info
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 09:07:03 PM

Today went back and brought the ground up to code and used a 6 ga solid copper ground. Went ahead and grounded the whole  seacan too. The. Went back to the condenser and ran liquid right conduit to the condenser and added a weather proof plug. Although technically not up to code since the AC should have a separate disconnect at the wall and the outlet should be in a separate circuit for servicing.  Although I am so far outside any jurisdiction and it’s not a living quarters so I’m not worried that anyone will ever worry about it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 10:03:20 PM
Was the box not already ground to the container via steel bolts or lags?
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 10:08:36 PM
Yes but you can never have too much ground.  Amperage through a small screw may not be enough. I feel better with a clamp and wire that will handle 70 plus amps. I’ll add more grounds later when my amateur radio goes in along with antennas. For lighting protection on antenna it requires a lot of grounds.  Even 2 inch strips of copper buried in the ground and attached to multiple rods.  Along with a shunt that send the electricity to ground should the antenna take a hit. 

The station at the main house has an extensive ground system. I have a 70cm/2m antenna at the top of an 80ft pine

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 22, 2018, 10:25:36 PM
You know, something that is lacking on this site is detail comms info. Just a thought, hint, hint.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 22, 2018, 10:48:02 PM
It’s here. I just need to dust it off and up date some things.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 23, 2018, 11:46:57 AM
You know, something that is lacking on this site is detail comms info. Just a thought, hint, hint.
Oh, its there, he is just not "Detailing" it...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wilsonphil on July 23, 2018, 03:00:24 PM
Jr that’s my first mini split and I am amazed. It’s super quiet and very effective.

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Those are in use every where in Europe and the Middle East, I have never seen them give much problems and always worked well.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 23, 2018, 04:21:48 PM
Jr that’s my first mini split and I am amazed. It’s super quiet and very effective.

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Those are in use every where in Europe and the Middle East, I have never seen them give much problems and always worked well.
I think the US Army purchased several million of them for we desert campers

I discovered them over there and swear by them! Best idea since the stapler!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 24, 2018, 02:09:13 PM
One of the big things is they are not open to outside air like a standard window AC.

I wold not consider that tin can a ground until grounded like you did.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 24, 2018, 05:32:26 PM
Agreed JR. I am considering some fresh air exchange mechanism since there are no windows and the door is well sealed. I’m sure it would take hours to deplete the O2 but just in case.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 24, 2018, 05:50:33 PM
Smart idea. Planning on another and a center area right? Are you painting the outside to blend in?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 24, 2018, 07:09:34 PM
Might add another in the future. I’m just ready to get done with the guest house and seacan and rest for a while.

I have the paint already. Just need to pressure wash and spray.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2018, 07:01:35 PM
Made some progress. Still working. Lights and low amperage outlets are in. Have to do the 20amp outlets in the work area


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 28, 2018, 07:04:40 PM
Clean work, but why 3 one way and 3 the other?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 28, 2018, 07:14:21 PM
Clean work, but why 3 one way and 3 the other?

Storage at one end with shelving both sides & opposite end work area?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2018, 09:54:04 PM
Correct Shawn.  Actually there are 4 at the work station end. After that pic was taken I bent and installed conduit and double duplex boxes for a separate 20 amp circuit in the workshop area. All I have to do now is pull 12 ga wire and install the outlets. Then I’ll install the 1x4 around the bottom of the walls and sweep and vacuum. Waiting on my shelves to come in so I can get all that set up and then I have to go get my reloading stuff from my bro in laws.

Then on to pressure wash and paint the outside.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 28, 2018, 10:14:00 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2018, 10:44:00 PM
And it sure was nice working in 73 degree space today......since it was 101 and we had a 5 minute shower that upped the humidity to near 100 percent...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 28, 2018, 10:46:36 PM
Charles, I hear you. We’ve had a high in the upper 70’s and it’s been raining every day for last week. I think we hit 74% humidity, this is crap I tell you! I didn’t move to hippy land to deal with humidity. :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 28, 2018, 11:49:38 PM
I'd paint those walls white... jus sayin'. The amount of reflective light would make it sooo nice for reloading/gun work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 29, 2018, 12:40:30 AM
Just 99 hear today, but add that half the state is burning and it feels nasty as heck.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2018, 07:44:09 AM
I find it interesting that every where there is beautiful mild weather seems to be liberal infestations.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 29, 2018, 09:26:06 AM
I find it interesting that every where there is beautiful mild weather and or a college campus there seems to be liberal infestations.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 29, 2018, 11:53:43 AM
Because they’re snowflakes and can’t stand the extremes. Look at Portland... rainy/cool most of the year.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 29, 2018, 04:02:47 PM
Sad part is where it burns the snowflakes just visit. Now if LA and SF would take a turn.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2018, 05:26:04 PM
Here it is. Inside finished.


Ken. No need to paint it white. There is 17,600 lumens in the 8x12 workshop area.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on July 29, 2018, 06:02:00 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 29, 2018, 06:36:14 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 29, 2018, 06:53:58 PM
Looks good, simple toe kick.

If he painted it the dirt would show,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 29, 2018, 06:55:49 PM
Raptor line it with a grey ish color.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2018, 07:04:31 PM
I may paint the floor but that's about it.  once I get the shelves and reloading and amateur radio stuff in then I can reassess.

I will probably add some fresh air venting that I can control when I'm working.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 29, 2018, 07:08:35 PM
I may paint the floor but that's about it.  once I get the shelves and reloading and amateur radio stuff in then I can reassess.

I will probably add some fresh air venting that I can control when I'm working.

I think Don had a solar powered vent fan left over from the tac topper you might be able to score cheap!  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 29, 2018, 07:13:48 PM
Wow.  Shots fired!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 29, 2018, 08:20:51 PM
Why would you load the place up than think about paint? So you can have to unload it again? 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 29, 2018, 10:04:23 PM
JR, you sayin Charles is filthy?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 30, 2018, 08:00:27 AM
Nice progress TRN! Looks like a lot of room and well lit!  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 30, 2018, 12:19:11 PM
JR, you sayin Charles is filthy?

Its a shed and in Tx, it WILL get dirty.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 30, 2018, 05:31:02 PM
I may paint the floor but that's about it.  once I get the shelves and reloading and amateur radio stuff in then I can reassess.

I will probably add some fresh air venting that I can control when I'm working.

I think Don had a solar powered vent fan left over from the tac topper you might be able to score cheap!  :popcorn:
^^^ The boy certainly has a long memory ;-/
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 04, 2018, 10:49:42 AM
Yesterday I began the process of weaponry relocation (what wasnt already at the and resort) and moved my big gun safe  on the trailer with the help of 2 friends and a furniture dolly.  Sketchy for sure.  One thing for sure once it was flat on its back on the trailer it didnt need to be strapped to anything....

Bought another smaller safe and put just the essentials in it at the main house so I can fight my way to the next location.  My Wilson Combat 870, an LMT AR and a couple of Glocks along with several loaded Magpul 60 round mags, glock mags, in a chest rig and a shell bandolier for the shotshells should be enough.  If not then it wouldn't matter anyway since that's all I can carry at once anyway.

This morning I was able to lift the safe off the trailer with the tractor....barely.  And now I'm trying to figure out rigging to get it nosed into the seacan door so I can shove it with the tractor.  Then I'll get my daughter to help me stand it up on the furniture dolly.  When I weighed 30 pounds more I could tip it myself but I just don't have enough weight at 220 to tip it.  She put a shovel under the other end and put her weight on it to help and I was barely able to get it tipped.

I also have about half my reloading stuff which took up the entire back seat area in bins and the front seat too.  This week I'll get down to my BIL to pick up the majority of my reloading stuff.  Looking forward to some berger 175 VLD load development in my 308.  And maybe some sub sonic 210 VLD that Ive had sitting around.  I need to get another scope for the GAP 300 win mag since I traded off the US Optics I had on it.  Then that will lead to a new can cause that bad boy packs a punch.  Probably a 338 can to get some extra volume.

That will probably be next year at the earliest since I still need to finish the inside of the casita
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 04, 2018, 02:50:58 PM

And this is my reloading bench I’ll be retrieving this week along with my other reloading supplies.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on August 04, 2018, 04:01:44 PM
Rollers Charles, 3/4” pipe I’m sure you have some around.
Slope the grade if it isn’t to be flush with door, couple planks or sheet of ply and a few chunks of pipe. Roll to location and stand it up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 04, 2018, 05:01:05 PM
Does your door not come off in any way?   I know your safe isn’t cheap like mine but that is a selling point to me was that the door came off

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 04, 2018, 06:36:04 PM
Dowels vs pipe, won't tear up the finish. I had to use 2 dolly's, one wasn't strong enough or steady enough upright.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 04, 2018, 07:50:51 PM
good luck man, I know my new safe (National Safe ) was all two guys could handle from the truck through the garage into the wreck room. After all was said and done, it looks nice either from the room or outside looking in. If it is druggy, they want it now, so will move along to the neighbor hopefullyr, if not, well they would find it anyway.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 04, 2018, 08:46:26 PM
So my question is........why are you trying to kill yourself when you can rent stuff like this?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 04, 2018, 08:56:32 PM
Good info, didn’t realize they rented those.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on August 04, 2018, 09:02:55 PM
Dowels vs pipe, won't tear up the finish. I had to use 2 dolly's, one wasn't strong enough or steady enough upright.
Dowels much better idea.
Now the rental dolly looks like the real deal.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 05, 2018, 12:05:38 AM
So my question is........why are you trying to kill yourself when you can rent stuff like this?!?!?!?! (

Why not just hire the safe sales place to move it for you, less to worry about and they know what they can  and  can not do?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 05, 2018, 12:11:56 AM
I had to pay 600 to have mine delivered Bob, and that was only 65 miles. Pretty sure they charge by the pound, and mine weighs 1600 lbs . Lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 05, 2018, 12:32:12 AM
Then his hide place wouldnt be a hide any more
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2018, 12:56:26 AM
I think getting into the container is the trick. When I got mine we laid it down for the ride home. Getting it out and upright was the work and I painted the bottom which was done at the factory.

Once upright in the garage it was easy on 2 dolly's, left it on the pallet!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 05, 2018, 01:36:02 AM
Then his hide place wouldnt be a hide any more
The pool company, sod company, the day labors, the drywall folks, conex delivery driver, cable company

All them know where the “Hide” is lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2018, 03:45:50 AM
Unless they never left,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2018, 07:04:08 AM
Like I tell the girls about dating,

Daddy has a backhoe a bag of lime and I live next to 18,000 acres of national forest

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2018, 08:22:54 AM
So I had this old work bench with butcher block style top I’d had stored in the shop for 4 years and dusted it off and sanded the top and applied porch paint to it. Second coat this morning and then I’ll clean the base and reassemble. I think I’ve lost some of the leveling feet so we’ll see how it sits when it goes in the seacan


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2018, 03:06:03 PM
Well pressure washed the entire seacan including the top. Gonna spray it tonight or tomorrow. Will likely leave the top alone until I can get some edpm coating to roll on it.

Then I’ll put the big circle and H on top so Don can land

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 05, 2018, 04:29:20 PM
Suppose he can trim the trees on the way in. :Bugeyes

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2018, 04:31:33 PM
I resent that! I just have a hatred for lawnmowers.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 05, 2018, 06:16:24 PM
I think you might have misunderstood my jab at Don....think rotors vs pine trees. Lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2018, 06:33:15 PM
Getting ready for all that now. Shows no interest for now in front of us but it is there.

Tell them I am retired cop and I know how to hide the body.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2018, 07:03:27 PM
Love airless sprayers. Hate running short of paint.

Needed about another half gallon


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 05, 2018, 07:29:40 PM
Charles, did you weld the clasps on those end doors?
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2018, 08:34:18 PM
Not yet. There’s a metal plate(visible in the middle of the doors) that I’m going to weld that will connect the two doors together. Might as well tack the clasps too.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2018, 11:59:51 PM
That green will look great dirty,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 06, 2018, 08:05:55 AM
At least I didn’t paint it red....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 06, 2018, 08:51:11 AM
At least I didn’t paint it red....

you are correct!  But we all know that the thought entered your mind and was most likely demolished by HH6 when she saw the gleam in your eyes.......HAHAHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 06, 2018, 02:09:24 PM
Well pressure washed the entire seacan including the top. Gonna spray it tonight or tomorrow. Will likely leave the top alone until I can get some edpm coating to roll on it.

Then I’ll put the big circle and H on top so Don can land

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Funny, but over at the BlackWater Compound in N.C. they use a SeaCan with an "H" on the topside to train new littlebird pilots to land to...Similates landing on the superstructure of a ship...which they may or may not own several of...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 06, 2018, 03:53:27 PM
Well I painted myself into a corner....

Since I had to go to town to get more paint I went ahead and got enough to paint the top and a second coat on the side facing the shop since I got a little skimpy when I tried to stretch to the end .... and ran out anyway.

You’ll have a hard time finding it now don unless it’s giving off a heat signature


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 06, 2018, 03:55:27 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 06, 2018, 03:59:57 PM
You’ll have a hard time finding it now don unless it’s giving off a heat signature
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Just look for the cabana boys and fu fu drinks...... :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 06, 2018, 06:26:04 PM
Only if Ken happens to be here :wink

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 06, 2018, 08:34:12 PM
Well with all those trees, Don won't be landing anything on there except for a paper airplane!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 06, 2018, 11:04:16 PM
Yeah I tipped the driver well for threading the needle and getting it back there.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 07, 2018, 07:17:15 AM
So today I’m having another belly dump of crushed limestone delivered which hopefully will get me 90% done with the driveway.

A little loader work is in my future

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 07, 2018, 07:39:56 AM
Watch out for boulders coming through your windshield will ya.  Seems to be a thing these days

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 07, 2018, 10:12:07 AM
Lol.  No windshield, no cab , no AC. Doing it like a real man!

(Ps and the rocks are 3/4 inch. )

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 07, 2018, 10:22:21 AM
Lol.  No windshield, no cab , no AC. Doing it like a real man!

(Ps and the rocks are 3/4 inch. )

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Shots fired!  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 07, 2018, 10:24:20 AM
So today I’m having another belly dump of crushed limestone delivered which hopefully will get me 90% done with the driveway.

A little loader work is in my future

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In my minds eye, I can see that SVL-95 of mine back dragging

You won't believe how nice a job a rubber track machine can do spreading gravel and leveling a driveway

I see one in your future

Just a good used SVL-75, 90, 95 or a Cat 279, 289, 299 or similar... (Get a wide track machine, stay away from the smaller ones)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 07, 2018, 10:25:15 AM
Lol.  No windshield, no cab , no AC. Doing it like a real man!

(Ps and the rocks are 3/4 inch. )

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Hey, I was a real man once...I have pics to prove it! ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 07, 2018, 10:25:15 AM
Lol. Would I ever make fun of Don??

Wait, don’t answer that.

This showed up at 07:00


Think I need one more to finish

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 07, 2018, 10:27:37 AM
Lol. Would I ever make fun of Don??

Wait, don’t answer that.

This showed up at 07:00


Think I need one more to finish

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I'm gonna fire ya for something...Just as soon as I come up with something...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 07, 2018, 10:29:32 AM
I’m just jealous Don. Pay no mind. ;-)

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 07, 2018, 12:22:36 PM
I continually under estimate. Need one more load but can’t get it until next week.

On top of that I have a puncture in the left front tire. Will keep air in it and hopefully finish working and then take it somewhere to be tubed
 Oh and the dually makes a nice compactor for the gravel.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 07, 2018, 01:31:13 PM

Got my first puncture on the tractor tire. You guys with tractor experience think a plug is ok?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on August 07, 2018, 01:57:53 PM
bias ply tires accept plugs very well. steel belted radials chew them up a bit and tend to work loose. just rasp it good and jam the thickest one you can get in there. it's a temporary fix at best though and will lose air over time.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 07, 2018, 01:59:37 PM
Like Tate said, it’s a get you by fix until you patch it & tube it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 07, 2018, 05:33:34 PM

Got my first puncture on the tractor tire. You guys with tractor experience think a plug is ok?

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Heck yea!

A tractor tire without at least one plug is unused!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 07, 2018, 06:28:34 PM

Got my first puncture on the tractor tire. You guys with tractor experience think a plug is ok?

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Heck yea!

A tractor tire without at least one plug is unused!

Don buys them by the gross, probably basket weaves them together prior to installing them in fist sized punctures!  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 07, 2018, 06:47:22 PM
On those little tractors I just un mount them and toss a patch on them, good as new.

I do use plugs on my skid loader...I have ine very bald very well used tire on there with more than 20 patches/plugs LoL

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 07, 2018, 08:57:21 PM
I have a bunch of plugs in the front tires of the 4720, none in the fluid filled rear tires, and some more in all four tires on the JD2720
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 07, 2018, 10:40:49 PM
Norms probably got those tractor tires figured out, but if you've ever tried to replace one, or break one down, by yourself, you'd probably burn the tractor to the ground.(my local tire shops will do them, but only if you pay a healthy premium)
I guess what I'm trying to say is stick a plug(s) in it. Some holes require multiple...I've even used a sock one time. lol
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 08, 2018, 07:28:01 AM
Yeah I’ve heard about how hard they can be to break down and re seat.  The hole is fairly small so I may have to drill it out a bit first. I’ve always preferred patches

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 08, 2018, 09:29:28 AM
Yeah I’ve heard about how hard they can be to break down and re seat.  The hole is fairly small so I may have to drill it out a bit first. I’ve always preferred patches

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Don't over think it.

Ream, shove in a plug and as they say in the New Yark

"Forget ah-bout it"
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 08, 2018, 05:12:08 PM
Been off all week and getting things done. 

Installed my old spare window unit in the casita to make working inside bearable as it’s back to upper 90s and humidity this week. That unit has been around for 10 years as an emergency backup for hurricanes and power outages. Well worth whatever I spent on it. Will be putting up the pony walls upstairs to make the code compliant 5 ft minimum wall height and create storage space.
Caulked the entry door to the seacan and then made a step out of a piece of RR tie and 2x12

Then put up a new feeder


Gonna make fried chicken fingers for my helper. Youngest has been hanging out with me all week.

Oh and I spread topsoil and made a stone path to the garage and will spread some seed to get grass growing.


Tomorrow I’m hoping my shelving units finally show up and I’ll get my reloading set up from my BIL place.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 09, 2018, 11:26:37 AM
So much progress!

Need to purchase one of those window units as well...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 09, 2018, 01:47:38 PM
Anyone else seeing double posts?  And missing posts?  The post with the pics of the AC and feeder etc disappeared?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 09, 2018, 01:49:47 PM
everything is kosher on this end?  try a restart of whatever device, and if it persists give me a call.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 09, 2018, 01:50:09 PM
Weird. Now it’s showing. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 09, 2018, 07:22:15 PM
Anyone else seeing double posts?  And missing posts?  The post with the pics of the AC and feeder etc disappeared?

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Looks OK on my puter
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 09, 2018, 08:17:44 PM
I have been getting double posts when I read things, also things that pop up out of order than re shuffle later.   Who knows. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on August 09, 2018, 09:35:14 PM
I’ve been using Tapatalk exclusively this last week and this morning it would throw an error when I’d post something and act like it didn’t post, but then the post would go through... seemed fine over on DF when I posted some stuff last night.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 10, 2018, 10:18:45 AM
I have been getting double posts when I read things, also things that pop up out of order than re shuffle later.   Who knows. 

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I had a tech guy put a virus on your account



Maybe I didn't

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 10, 2018, 10:22:15 AM

BTW, the thing sometimes does not allow me to add a second post

Like when first I start chewing on your butt for screwin' up again

Then the second post, where I fired you, somehow doesn't show up


Same thing happened with Shawn for a long time

I don't get it...

But, seriously, I watch peeps try to register, then nothing comes through. As if there is some filter blocking them. Makes me thing the devil is at work keeping good men from joining up with other strong men in the name of the Lord.

Sounds like something he would do...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 10, 2018, 09:36:33 PM
Ok. Today I disassembled the reloading bench and cut 12 inches off the depth from 36 to 24. Got that installed in the seacan and started assembling the shelving units. Rest
Of the family came up and so the youngest and me cleaned house and tidied up so mama didn’t feel like she had to clean when she got here.

3 done and now on to the 3 on the other side.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 10, 2018, 10:10:49 PM
Well developed space there


Its giving Nate, Me, Bobby and Sean the shivers

We lived out of those things! You're bringing back memories of a plywood life at 20 and 40 feet...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 10, 2018, 10:21:29 PM
I actually kind of like it. No windows and quiet space.   My family thinks I’m anti social

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 10, 2018, 10:47:16 PM
I like it, I need a couple & some land to sit them on too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 11, 2018, 08:24:36 AM
I think two next to each other with some big holes in the middle would be nice, otherwise it closed in real fast and in the photo I feel trapped

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 11, 2018, 09:35:42 AM
So apparently Obama made me a hoarder. Most of this stuff I haven’t seen in four years.

In this pile is 55,000 primers and 103lbs of powder and 20,000 projectiles.

In this pile is 15,000 rounds of brass

And I apparently have a nice reloading set up. Bad thing after not using it in four years I need to go through setting and calibrating it all over. Same with the brass. Not sure which was fully prepped/sized and what wasn’t.

Got the shelves done this morning too

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 11, 2018, 09:38:49 AM
Good Golly, Miss Molly!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 11, 2018, 09:40:54 AM
Yeah. Need to do some shooting. That doesn’t account for the loaded rounds I’ve hoarded. I’d be embarrassed to admit what I have stored in loaded rounds.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 11, 2018, 10:36:32 AM
you may want to get some boards cut and put on those shelves with the particle board.  those things will start to bow in about 3 months.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 11, 2018, 11:08:35 AM
Only thing missing is a fire suppression system!

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 11, 2018, 12:42:03 PM
Since I’m storing my surplus fireworks that might not be a bad idea. Halon pipe right down the outside long wall. Shouldn’t take much in an enclosed space like that.

Now I have the can finished and I’m filling it up with stuff the kids are asking questions. Interesting convo with them about my concentric circle planning and where the next piece of property will be for the last circle. I did have to detour a bit to “resort up” the place because life with kids, ya know!

They used to joke about my “phases” as they would call them. Weapons, reloading, HAM radio, Ready Store, etc. now they are starting to see all of it put in order in the “plan”

Will run inventory on all my stuff with a eye towards one year self sufficiency here. Next step is looking for some acreage in ID or MT as the last and final circle.

In retirement it will be the summer get away from the heat for a couple months and the permanent get away if something really really bad happens

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on August 11, 2018, 01:03:04 PM
That shipping container give a whole new meaning to "A Can of Whoop A**"  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on August 11, 2018, 04:31:41 PM
Looks sweet. Nice set up and I will bet it great to get everything out of storage.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on August 12, 2018, 12:25:10 AM
Since I’m storing my surplus fireworks that might not be a bad idea. Halon pipe right down the outside long wall. Shouldn’t take much in an enclosed space like that.

Now I have the can finished and I’m filling it up with stuff the kids are asking questions. Interesting convo with them about my concentric circle planning and where the next piece of property will be for the last circle. I did have to detour a bit to “resort up” the place because life with kids, ya know!

They used to joke about my “phases” as they would call them. Weapons, reloading, HAM radio, Ready Store, etc. now they are starting to see all of it put in order in the “plan”

Will run inventory on all my stuff with a eye towards one year self sufficiency here. Next step is looking for some acreage in ID or MT as the last and final circle.

In retirement it will be the summer get away from the heat for a couple months and the permanent get away if something really really bad happens

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Having been through both of those states in the last week, the heat during summer isn’t much less than Texas. Still hits the low to mid 90’s. The southern parts of both are pretty blah, but up north it is very nice.

We’re contemplating moving to Montana...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 12, 2018, 08:41:00 AM
I’m thinking up near Grangeville at some altitude. Much cooler there than Boise. Finding the right piece of land will be the trick. Has to be in the area where it gets sufficient rainfall for crops and high enough elevation to be cooler and flat enough in at least 1 acre to be farmed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 12, 2018, 11:44:13 AM
I was really surprised that our new place up there hit *102 last week. That's pretty hot for the panhandle area me thinks, especially when it was in the upper *90s here.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 12, 2018, 12:32:40 PM
Black hills Dakota.  Let’s all be neighbors

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 12, 2018, 12:40:14 PM
I was really surprised that our new place up there hit *102 last week. That's pretty hot for the panhandle area me thinks, especially when it was in the upper *90s here.

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Yes it was hot up there Ken. Spent 3 days in the area last week. That is some very nice country for sure and that new mini will surely help the looks of your new place.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 12, 2018, 12:52:43 PM
You know Charles, if you're only attempting to plant an acre the actual amount of rainfall wouldn't be that important as long as you have a good well. At my farm in Indiana we installed a windmill powered hand pump which the design also could build pressure. IE you could run a small irrigation off of it if you had wind. The amish still make them and some have them plumbed into their house and a pressure tank for indoor plumbing.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 12, 2018, 01:28:52 PM
Shawn that sounds interesting. As I learn more about space requirements I may have to increase that area but I think that’s sufficient for my family.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 19, 2018, 07:24:19 PM
Welded up the latches in the seacan
Put the gutter on the front of the porch on the casita and then started installing the knee walls upstairs and finishing out the storage space with OSB


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 19, 2018, 08:16:04 PM
Looking good!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 19, 2018, 08:46:50 PM
I like
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 19, 2018, 09:31:25 PM
Impressive collection C basically Colorado light. Another 10 years it will be a mess i'd bet.

just food for thought

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 20, 2018, 02:22:41 AM
Nice work Charles. Whats wrong with hoarding a little,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 20, 2018, 04:56:42 AM
What’s interesting is that the seacan fulfills the original mission of climate controlled storage and reloading facility. The casita is full on mission creep and has taken on a life of its own. Next month will be one year since I started the structure.  I’m tired of working this project and am ready for it to be done.  It’s much bigger Than I imagined and weighing on me like a brick. It’s taken most of my free time and I’m ready for it to be over.

Oh, and I just threw on some ribs for a little team meeting at the office today at 11


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: OldKooT on August 20, 2018, 10:08:23 AM
can I work for you?.... from home? Wait then I would miss out on the food...ugh

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 20, 2018, 12:16:30 PM
can I work for you?.... from home? Wait then I would miss out on the food...ugh

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 20, 2018, 01:14:10 PM
Food porn


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 25, 2018, 11:36:32 PM
So I'm getting ready for sheetrock.  This I will sub contract to guys that do it for a living.  2000 to rock it, tape and float and texture.  I have to supply the rock. 1650 sq ft of rock so I think its reasonable.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 25, 2018, 11:38:10 PM

For the ceiling I dropped the ceiling down by about 10-12 inches so I could install recessed cans

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 25, 2018, 11:55:50 PM
Smart move Charles to have the sheetrock done by others. Sure looks good,  a lot of work but it shows.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 26, 2018, 12:24:07 AM
I would pay that in a second again, it is hard work!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 01, 2018, 10:39:29 PM
So I’m trying to make sure that everything is ready for Sheetrock.

Going to use a composite shower basin that is made by KBRS and guaranteed never to leak. It gets set in thinset and then tile over it.  I got the corner seat and shampoo niche as well.

Also had to install a few outlets outside on the porch and the rear where a the AC is going to be.

I have 1 inch smurf tube coming in from underground conduit for cat 6.

I plan to make the casita the nerve center for the network. The 100mb connection will start in the main house and switch will send internet to the casita where another switch will distribute network cameras, a wireless access point, and send internet to the shipping container where more cameras, internet and distributed TV will be.

All the AV sources will be in the guest house and a matrix switch will send any of the 4 sources to any of the 4 TVs. 2 in the main house, one in the guest house and one in the shipping container. TV will be sent over CAT6 to bakuns.

Here is the smurf tube where it enters. It goes up and across and to the upstairs storage where all the computer rack stuff will be


Ran out of romex so went to Lowe’s to get more and will finish the upstairs wiring tomorrow along with the ceiling fan mounts and can lights.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 02, 2018, 12:00:49 AM
Sounds like plan. What about internet/wifi in the tin can? Wifi might not work in there so will it be hardwired?
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 02, 2018, 07:13:57 AM
Yes. The can will have a WiFi access point and will probably have a cell phone repeater like the one in the main house since no signals get through. Although I do like being un reachable

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 02, 2018, 08:38:43 AM
Sometimes I miss the days b4 cell phones.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on September 02, 2018, 08:44:33 AM
Sometimes I miss the days b4 cell phones.....

Hey Shawn - push that button on the side for awhile and POOF you’re unreachable!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 02, 2018, 08:55:18 AM
Not the same, I can drive up in the mountains and do that too in many places.

You know the days when you had a landline phone with a tape recorder attached. The really nice part was if you didn’t want to be reached then someone else in the house must have deleted that message......

As the saying goes you don’t know what you had until it’s gone!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on September 02, 2018, 09:30:41 AM
 :beercheers:   :grin:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 02, 2018, 01:36:09 PM
Here’s the KBRS shower basin. One piece some kind of foam core with composite material covering it. It better be good. This shower pan was $600


It has the curb molded in which should make for a stable curb. Most showers have trouble keeping tile on a site
Built curb when it’s wood with membrane

Also added a double stud where the tile backer will end and the Sheetrock begins to give me solid place to anchor the shower doors.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 03, 2018, 09:07:09 AM
Finished roughing/finish electrical upstairs. Outlets and lights in the storage space behind the knee wall are done and tied all the commons and grounds in the 3 gang box for lights and fans

It’s a good thing I double checked before Sheetrock. I found I omitted a piece of romex that I needed to tie the storage area lights on one side to the other. That way I have one switch that turns on the storage lights all together.  Would have not been able to tie those together after Sheetrock.

Double checked all the edges for nailing surfaces and declared it ready for Sheetrock

All that’s left downstairs is to install the drain in the shower, lay the pan in thinset and hang the tile backer board and then finish the pocket door framing. All the electrical rough in and vent fan got done Saturday.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 03, 2018, 11:08:23 AM
Looks good.
I don't see any steel plates where each stud has a romex running through (to keep drywall screws from hitting wires) it's code out here, no matter how thick the stud is. Not sure what they're called.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 03, 2018, 01:47:58 PM
Getting close. When does the ladder go?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 03, 2018, 02:45:09 PM
Looks good.
I don't see any steel plates where each stud has a romex running through (to keep drywall screws from hitting wires) it's code out here, no matter how thick the stud is. Not sure what they're called.

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Simply called nail plates Ken.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 03, 2018, 03:54:16 PM
Yes. Thanks for the reminder. Those were on my list. JR the spiral stairs go in last.

Got the shower pan installed and backer board going up. Pics later.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 03, 2018, 09:51:04 PM

Still have to waterproof the seams with tape and sealant and then use thinset to set the corner seat

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 09, 2018, 11:01:50 AM
Got the pocket door installed and the nail plates on. Ran about 8 short and will get those this week and order the Sheetrock.



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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 28, 2018, 03:15:58 PM
Today the rockers showed up at 7:30. There is a separate crew for hanging and floating/texturing.

It is really starting to look good.  I did smile at one compliment today as the rockers talked about how straight and square it was which made it easier to hang the rock.

I also thought i ordered about 5-10 extra sheets just to be sure but they used every last one.  It came out perfect.  80 sheets, granted they said a few were buggered but it was good to have some extra!


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 28, 2018, 03:16:31 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 28, 2018, 03:17:58 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on September 28, 2018, 07:57:57 PM
9’ ceiling downstairs? Like advice in many of Don’s threads (ie, too little, too late)... ya know they make 4.5’ tall pieces so you only end up with one seam on those walls? :) Looks good though! Will look even better once it is mudded, textured and painted!

Hope they used screws and not nails on the ceiling pieces. I spent some time last Saturday pulling nails, replacing with screws and repairing about a dozen pops on my ceiling.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 28, 2018, 09:33:54 PM
Yeah thanks Ryan. Smh
But since I didn’t hang it I’m not sweating the extra seam.

They did use screws on the ceiling.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 28, 2018, 10:45:22 PM
Looks good, let me know when I should plan my trip south to stay and visit! Maybe I can swing over and pick up Ken too...  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 28, 2018, 11:14:28 PM
Looks good! 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 29, 2018, 01:33:21 AM
That's alright Shawn, I'll pass. He said that it's a Casita, not a love shack. Maybe Ryan swings that way....?...(although he'd be distracted by all of the sheet rock seams)
Sorry Charles, looks good.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 30, 2018, 12:03:06 PM
Looking good. Throw a little mud and paint on there!

Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 30, 2018, 07:06:54 PM
Ok. Swept the debris out and measured for the trim and cabinets. Gonna have the trim rough sawn in pine just like the main house.

Finished pulling cable to the seacan and terminated the pull box and sealed it to the outside.  Made a drip edge out of some 2x2 angle over the door

Need to work on ordering the AC this evening. 

And the mud crew shows up tomorrow am.
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 01, 2018, 03:50:54 PM

First coat of mud on. Will be back Wednesday to finish.

Then on to texture.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on October 01, 2018, 03:52:51 PM
Colors don’t match, you might have to paint it. :)

Looks good

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 01, 2018, 04:14:52 PM
Glad I didn't do it, wouldn't look as good or be done!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 13, 2018, 05:16:21 PM
So I got the PVA primer sealer and broker out the airless sprayer. And man if I didn’t run out of primer mid job and have to make a run into town. But about 8 1/2 gallons later and it’s primed.  I’ll roll the ceiling in the morning and start working on the finish electrical


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 13, 2018, 05:36:59 PM
Seems I used more than I thought too, but they sure work good!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 13, 2018, 08:35:11 PM
Fired up the 5 watt porch lights


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on October 13, 2018, 10:03:43 PM
Looks good Charles  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 13, 2018, 10:36:02 PM
That is really looking nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on October 13, 2018, 11:06:43 PM
Looking sharp!

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 14, 2018, 04:24:14 PM
hard to tell but I rolled the ceiling with good ceiling paint this morning and then started on the electrical. Got all the led lights in the cans and all the duplexes installed.  Just need some 20 amp receptacles and some switches. I was pleased that all my wiring was where I expected it to be and all the receptacles  and fixtures were wired correctly.  All breakers on and nothing tripped or burned down.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 14, 2018, 04:40:29 PM
Now its the details, but looking good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on October 14, 2018, 04:49:51 PM
Having lights light up is a great mile stone imo.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on October 14, 2018, 06:31:57 PM
Having lights turned on is a better milestone!! I sure wish I had circuit breakers

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 21, 2018, 09:26:03 PM
Alright. Got switches in and the three way switches for the stairwell light wired.

Bought the pantry/closet door and hung it. Had to buy full size doors and cut them down and build my own frames.
Took me a while to get the first one made and then the others started taking shape a lot quicker before I ran out of daylight. 
Got the first left hand one set in place.  Have to shim and nail tomorrow
Wired up the stairwell pendant light with a LED 100w equivalent bulb


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 21, 2018, 09:29:57 PM
I took off tomorrow so I can go down to the saw mill and see about ordering the mill work for the casita.  Will hopefully finish making the doors and installing the 20 amp fixtures in the kitchen area.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on October 21, 2018, 09:38:11 PM
Really coming together, very nice
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on October 21, 2018, 09:39:11 PM
That’s Turing into be the nice little house man,  what are you doing as far as other appliances. ? Fridge? Kitchen area? Shower,

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 21, 2018, 09:45:37 PM
Thanks guys.  Trying to make it match the main house as much as possible.

Will have an apartment fridge, about 24 inches wide and 5 ft tall.  Nice sink and disposer and granite counter tops in the bath and kitchen.  All the trim and cabinets will be rough sawn pine.

The floor will likely be tile planks that look like wood and Im not sure about the shower yet.  I’m not going to match the main house for the shower as I not thrilled with the tile selection in the house.

In the upstairs it will be carpet and bunk beds,  Then a metal spiral staircase
Because its on wood subfloor I plan to install an isolation membrane, which will help it last and flex a bit.  But of course its twice the work.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on October 21, 2018, 10:00:26 PM
Great looking work.  The light is on at the end of the tunnel.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 21, 2018, 10:13:08 PM
You gunna live there?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 21, 2018, 10:21:02 PM
Thanks.  It’s a guest house. I hope to have the girls have their friends there and we have a couple of families that we are close to that might come visit. 

My cave is the shipping container.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 21, 2018, 10:23:37 PM

My cave is the shipping container.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 22, 2018, 06:40:06 PM
Finished the electrical. Had to go get 20 amp switches and outlets since the kitchen is all 20 amp branch.

Some numb nuts at Slowes tried to tell me I could use 15 amp outlets and switches.  I just walked away. Wast worth arguing.

Finished making my doors. Most went it without a big challenge. One rough opening was a bit tight. I need to take about 1/16 off the edge of the door.

Then went to a local saw mill and ordered 950 linear feet of rough sawn pine. Did a double take when the guy told me $150 for all of it.   I was like...SOLD!


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on October 22, 2018, 06:48:33 PM
$150 for that much. Gotta be a typo! Lol.

Looking good for sure.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 23, 2018, 01:43:11 AM
That might be worth the drive!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 23, 2018, 09:45:27 AM
I REALLY, REALLY, like those doors. Such a wonderful result emerging from all this great work!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 27, 2018, 07:59:23 PM
I may not be that good but at least I’m slow!

Yesterday evening I rented an orbital floor sander and sanded the casita floor to get all the drywall mud and crud off the floor to prepare for tile.

today I built a server for the hide in a 2U rack case. It will be the backbone of the security system and. Misc document storage.

Then I finally installed the matching door to the casita on the house. Worked perfect. Glad the existing frame had an adjustable threshold.




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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 27, 2018, 09:48:54 PM
Purty door, but shouldn't the star be red??

Nice work, and like me, slow and steady,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 27, 2018, 10:04:56 PM
Purty door, but shouldn't the star be red??

Nice work, and like me, slow and steady,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 27, 2018, 11:32:00 PM
Your right, me bad!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 28, 2018, 09:13:39 AM
Your right, me bad!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 19, 2018, 08:21:52 PM
Well it’s not like I’ve been on vacation...

So I picked up my order of rough cut lumber. Also bought a dewalt miter saw stand and started cutting trim.

Stained some as well as the doors upstairs.

Also spent some time at the floor store looking at tile and carpet. Wife went today and picked out tile

Installed the LG dual zone mini split today and yesterday. Took my time and got it right. It’s running as heat pump and warming the space up quickly.


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 19, 2018, 08:23:29 PM
Got a new clutch type anodized aluminum flare tool. Works like a champ

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on November 19, 2018, 08:24:26 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 19, 2018, 08:53:32 PM
Nice looking flare tool, I have bought and thrown away way too many of those tools. I hate working with brake lines anyway and then not being able to make a good flare connection.....WELL.. Saltwater or salt air makes brake lines turn bad even when you are extra careful.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 20, 2018, 03:46:25 AM
New tools are always good. Why is the head unit off center?

Bob, why not go to SS?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 20, 2018, 06:40:59 AM
To accommodate the supply and drain lines to the side of the window.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 20, 2018, 01:36:01 PM
So your going to do the lines through the wall then recenter?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 20, 2018, 04:47:05 PM
Lines to the side of the window. Lower level unit lines up with it and they’ll both go down the same channel cover to the compressor

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on November 20, 2018, 05:14:10 PM
I think JR wants it symmetrically pleasing to the eye.  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 20, 2018, 06:06:18 PM
Yeah the window and peak made it less than ideal

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 20, 2018, 08:51:43 PM
Looks and function TRN!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on November 21, 2018, 08:53:19 AM
We are great armchair quarterbacks!  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 21, 2018, 09:32:16 AM
We are great armchair quarterbacks!  :popcorn:
No, Mike, not great ;-/

Kinda of average in an aggravating sort of way ;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 21, 2018, 12:36:25 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on November 23, 2018, 04:44:49 PM
Bob, why not go to SS?

Never thought about using SS. Was just replacing brake lines on old cars with what was on them. Next time JR, some one else will for me.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2018, 02:15:26 PM
Little update.

Went to spiral stair place and got quote. Reasonable at $1800

This is for a locally sourced one piece welded stairs with balcony railing. Painted black.

Too bad it’s a 4 week lead time. Maybe they’ll beat estimate.

Finished the trim upstairs except the parts around the stairwell. Once stairs are in I’ll finish that trim and carpet will go down.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 27, 2018, 03:38:11 PM
Nice, what flooring?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on November 27, 2018, 04:03:33 PM
What is the wire hanging from the ceiling? Cat6 for Wifi AP?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 27, 2018, 04:09:31 PM
Really like the matching window casing.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2018, 04:59:51 PM
Nice catch Ryan,  You must have a really big always catch detail.  It is cat6 for a ubiquity AP.  The closet to the right is the nerve center for the entire property.  100mb connection, video matrix switcher, HDMI baluns, all the , NVR, Satellite-DVR, DVD, network server, stereo, etc.  It will then be piped to the main house and the seacan.  Will be installing all Ubiquity POE camera's and access points

Thanks Ken,  The stain turned out darker, much darker than what it was supposed to be but can't change it now. downstairs will have an arch top with a keystone over the windows and doors.

Standby JR, pics of the floor coming.  It the upstairs its a Shaw carpet frisee with memory foam pad.  Downstairs will be tile with a reclaimed wood look.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 27, 2018, 05:08:26 PM
I was looking at digital security systems this weekend. Price about doubles over the standard stuff.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2018, 05:35:05 PM

Here is the floor, the glass insert for the shower and backsplash and the pebble floor of the shower


Biscuit colored subway tile for backsplash and a larger version for the shower.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2018, 07:07:02 PM
JR, i used Simply Safe for the alarm.  I really like it.  Outside cameras won't be linked but they will text me photos of motion events and store video on the NVR
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on November 27, 2018, 09:34:20 PM
Nice catch Ryan,  You must have a really big always catch detail.  It is cat6 for a ubiquity AP.  The closet to the right is the nerve center for the entire property.  100mb connection, video matrix switcher, HDMI baluns, all the , NVR, Satellite-DVR, DVD, network server, stereo, etc.  It will then be piped to the main house and the seacan.  Will be installing all Ubiquity POE camera's and access points

Thanks Ken,  The stain turned out darker, much darker than what it was supposed to be but can't change it now. downstairs will have an arch top with a keystone over the windows and doors.

Standby JR, pics of the floor coming.  It the upstairs its a Shaw carpet frisee with memory foam pad.  Downstairs will be tile with a reclaimed wood look.

Dual 24’s and a 22” flipped portrait ;) And yeah, I’m a stickler for details as you have noticed (anal/OCD whatever you’d like to call it).

I almost pulled the trigger on a Netgear Orbi system this weekend then discovered it isn’t true mesh, so I scrapped that idea and think I’ll just add a few ubiquity APs like the one I have now. Slowly working on getting my house retrofitted with cat6 runs for data and cameras to a central smart panel.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 27, 2018, 09:49:50 PM
Little update.

Went to spiral stair place and got quote. Reasonable at $1800

This is for a locally sourced one piece welded stairs with balcony railing. Painted black.

Too bad it’s a 4 week lead time. Maybe they’ll beat estimate.

Finished the trim upstairs except the parts around the stairwell. Once stairs are in I’ll finish that trim and carpet will go down.


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I know you thought of this, but make sure it fits through the door, or window

Hint: You can actually buy one larger than the door opening as long as it remains a spiral for its entire length. You simply "Screw" it through your opening.

I built a timber frame house in Tennessee and had a spiral staircase brought in after the walls, doors, and windows. It was too large, but we twisted it right through with nary an issue.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 28, 2018, 01:01:40 AM
I really like the SS idea but have not pulled the plug yet. Had Vivint for a few years, but service was $$$. Live and learn,,,,,,,,,,,

I think a little about hacking with wireless cameras, but not sure if I should. With wired it is easy to add a camera and not pricey.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 28, 2018, 08:59:34 AM
I really like the SS idea but have not pulled the plug yet. Had Vivint for a few years, but service was $$$. Live and learn,,,,,,,,,,,

I think a little about hacking with wireless cameras, but not sure if I should. With wired it is easy to add a camera and not pricey.

In a real life issue where someone comes to your home with ill intent what in the large scope will the difference between WiFi vs hard line, secured self contained be? 

Will either stop someone?

I know I ran a bunch of stuff to hard wire cameras but my thought was to not need to change batteries.  My only thought was the power source.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 28, 2018, 09:03:14 AM
My outside cameras are hard wired and the Simply Safe cameras are wifi but they have a metal lens cover that makes a big click when it opens so you know if someone is watching
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on November 28, 2018, 09:51:14 AM
I really like the SS idea but have not pulled the plug yet. Had Vivint for a few years, but service was $$$. Live and learn,,,,,,,,,,,

I think a little about hacking with wireless cameras, but not sure if I should. With wired it is easy to add a camera and not pricey.

In a real life issue where someone comes to your home with ill intent what in the large scope will the difference between WiFi vs hard line, secured self contained be? 

Will either stop someone?

I know I ran a bunch of stuff to hard wire cameras but my thought was to not need to change batteries.  My only thought was the power source.

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WIFI can be hacked, there is no true encripted wifi as of yet....(read the military still does not run on WIFI, but is testing.).

a lock will only keep an honest person honest?

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on November 28, 2018, 04:46:27 PM
Call me cautious but I won't have a Siri enabled device in my house and won't install a Ring type doorbell or consumer "Internet Accessible" camera that connects to my WiFi. Most newer routers provide for the plug and play type of port forwarding (UPnP) that you had to have some expertise to set up before and ensure encryption in active on that data stream. Typically the default is to have that on.

So when you buy a device and then just have to push a button and enter your WiFi password it uses UPnP to create an encrypted tunnel to that device (Ring Door Camera) to their Host server in the cloud.

The same approximate thing happens with any device you attach to your WiFi where you can access it remotely without using an actual VPN client like Cisco Anywhere Connect.

If you are at your site you can use this website to just check to see what ports if any you have open.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2018, 11:58:14 AM
Working on a few things this weekend

First is the line set cover. Glad I got the 6 inch. Made it easy. When it got to the first floor unit I used a hole saw to cut a hole for the first floor units lines to join in the cover cover with the 2nd floor lines.  May paint it later but it on the backside that faces the forest.

Now working on trim for the first floor and around the stairs. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 01, 2018, 07:13:59 PM
Nothing wrong with that,  pretty clean.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 01, 2018, 08:41:14 PM
Looks so nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 02, 2018, 01:02:58 PM
Alright. Back to finish work.

Paint downstairs and outlet covers. Stained a batch of trim for the windows and ends of crown mounding

About to varnish the first batch


Have the estimate from the flooring company. Likely have them do the carpet and floor tile.  They are smoking crack on shower tile labor.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 02, 2018, 02:27:47 PM

Next batch of trim stained and varnished.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 02, 2018, 02:35:04 PM

Keep up the hard work Charles!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 02, 2018, 06:11:00 PM
Laid some stone for a path

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on December 02, 2018, 06:13:15 PM
For some reason I can’t quite find as much time to get things done as you do.

Which mini split are you using?  I might have to replace the unit in my little house(~1000sqft) but not sure it would work with our heating needs up here in KY.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 02, 2018, 06:34:10 PM
Dave. I have a friedrich in the seacan and LG in the casita. 

Depends on how insulated your place is. Between the 2 zones on the LG I have 18000 btu in 768 sq ft

I get stuff done because I only sleep 5 hours or less. Blessing and curse

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 02, 2018, 10:25:54 PM
Was over at Duane's garage-ma-hall today. THink of it as a garage that Tex would build and you get the idea.

Duane has tow Friedrich mini splits, one up and one down. Can drive him out in the cold or freeze him out in the summer. took him a few hours to install. Way easy. So much so, I'm putting them in my "Shed" before summer.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on December 03, 2018, 08:47:18 AM
Based on those recommendations and the fact that I’m in the same area/climate zone as Duane, I’m going to say that they should handle heating my place in winter. I’m going to see what exactly I need.  I’m In the process of seeing if the existing LP furnace/central air is worth saving, or do I replace with mini split. It would save me the $500 for filling the LP tanks.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2018, 11:19:07 AM
Based on those recommendations and the fact that I’m in the same area/climate zone as Duane, I’m going to say that they should handle heating my place in winter. I’m going to see what exactly I need.  I’m In the process of seeing if the existing LP furnace/central air is worth saving, or do I replace with mini split. It would save me the $500 for filling the LP tanks.

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Dave, the mini split is so much better that I wouldn't even begin to look at repairing old junk

FYI, I am looking to remove the old duct/vent system in my daughters home and installing a mini split.

Its what I used in Afghanistan and Iraq at various elevations and climates. It never failed in its mission and so easy to install/repair.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on December 03, 2018, 12:19:22 PM
Now that you have mentioned it, I remember those were all over the place in Afghanistan. That would have answered my question without having to ask if I had remembered that.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2018, 03:34:48 PM
Now that you have mentioned it, I remember those were all over the place in Afghanistan. That would have answered my question without having to ask if I had remembered that.

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Yea, what would you estimate, a few hundred thousand of them there?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on December 03, 2018, 09:11:08 PM
At least, after all, each Air Force hooch has to have a couple each. ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 03, 2018, 09:27:23 PM
At least, after all, each Air Force hooch has to have a couple each. ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 08, 2018, 07:10:13 PM
Well up at 04:00 and after a cup of coffee I headed to the hide to install the trim for the inside of the windows and crown end pieces that I had stained and  varnished last week.
Then I measured and cut and stained the rest of the trim and crown mounding. Will  varnish it next weekend. Headed baxk for bible study with the extended family tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 15, 2018, 10:05:27 AM
Got the trim varnished last night. Put it up this morning

Got to unbox the new saw.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 15, 2018, 11:12:14 AM
Great saw. Love mine!

And of course everything else is looking great, Tex.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 15, 2018, 11:22:31 AM
Nicest little "Cottage" I think I've ever seen anyone build


Like that saw too, I have one...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 15, 2018, 11:36:43 AM
So really the only big project are the stairs now?

Heck, who needs a main house!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 15, 2018, 11:41:48 AM
Nicest little "Cottage" I think I've ever seen anyone build


Like that saw too, I have one...
Your going to need to step up your quality on the farm side projects bud.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 15, 2018, 02:45:02 PM
Thanks guys.  I have the 12 inch standard compound miter saw that is 23 years old now (Man, I'm getting old, bought that saw in '95 to remodel my first house)  Wife and girls got me the sliding compound for my birthday.

Stairs are on order.  Should be ready either next week or week after, I think.  They are one piece welded so should be a matter of threading them through the door and standing them up and bolting it down.  Carpet should be in before the stairs go up which will complete the upper floor.

That leaves tile floor, tile in the shower, cabinets, countertops, toilet, shower glass enclosure, them base molding and trim on the doors.

Then I'll have to run the LP line to the tankless water heater
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 15, 2018, 03:08:18 PM
Those should be nice and less work!

I need to address my moms house (mine now) Not sure if I want to upgrade and sell or just sell. (Its clean but a little dated)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 15, 2018, 03:57:24 PM
Nicest little "Cottage" I think I've ever seen anyone build


Like that saw too, I have one...
Your going to need to step up your quality on the farm side projects bud.

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I'm a hillbilly

You studs have me beat

But I can dig a hole and stack a stone or two ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on December 15, 2018, 05:35:15 PM
Those should be nice and less work!

I need to address my moms house (mine now) Not sure if I want to upgrade and sell or just sell. (Its clean but a little dated)

Possible rental/airbnb?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 15, 2018, 06:05:18 PM
Thanks guys.  I have the 12 inch standard compound miter saw that is 23 years old now (Man, I'm getting old, bought that saw in '95 to remodel my first house)  Wife and girls got me the sliding compound for my birthday.

Stairs are on order.  Should be ready either next week or week after, I think.  They are one piece welded so should be a matter of threading them through the door and standing them up and bolting it down.  Carpet should be in before the stairs go up which will complete the upper floor.

That leaves tile floor, tile in the shower, cabinets, countertops, toilet, shower glass enclosure, them base molding and trim on the doors.

Then I'll have to run the LP line to the tankless water heater

Didn’t you say you’ve had 12 houses? That’s like moving every couple of years on average....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 15, 2018, 07:10:38 PM
Ordered the carpet last night.  It MAY make it on the truck for Tuesday the 18th. If it doesn’t it won’t get here until 1/8/2019 because two holidays on each of the next two week’s Tuesdays.  And they only get shipments on Tuesdays . Bummer.

Hoping the stairs will be done next week.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 15, 2018, 09:21:23 PM
LOL yeah Shawn at one time I was moving about every 2-2 1/2 years, plus a lake house and now this second house.  I never stayed in a house long enough for it to need a refresh, but now that I'm in my current house going on 10 years, the crap is multiplying exponentially. Good news is that it has appreciated 30%
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 15, 2018, 09:24:54 PM
So cleaned out all the overspray mud from the Sheetrock guys to get ready for tile in the shower.


Then stained the doors and then varnished one side.


Now I’m sipping 130 proof whiskey and watching Star Wars phantom menace.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 15, 2018, 09:29:17 PM
Lol, our average was 7 years roughly (building 4th home now) although it’s been 3.5 in this current home which is about what I expected when we moved in as we bought small in case we needed to flip it if things didn’t work out.

30% is pretty good, ours sold for about 7% more than we paid 3.5 years ago. But things are softening up a bit here on the front range...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 15, 2018, 10:11:29 PM
130 proof ? Of what!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 15, 2018, 10:43:39 PM
Love real wood features. Know it's not the in thing, but neither am I.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2018, 06:49:07 AM

Here ya go, Dave.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 16, 2018, 08:55:47 AM
That’s looks great, Utah’s has some goofy liquor laws.  Like it only can be sold in government run liquor stores, higher taxes on purchases and stuff.   I think the supply is limited also

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2018, 09:35:36 AM
Well, it is run by the Mormons, so there is that.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 16, 2018, 09:38:52 AM
Well, it is run by the Mormons, so there is that.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2018, 10:38:37 AM
JR, if we wait long enough everything comes back in style.  Now where’s that bag of skinny ties I had......

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 16, 2018, 10:44:28 AM
Well, it is run by the Mormons, so there is that.

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Just an observation.  If it were the Catholics they’d have one on every corner and none of it were the Baptists.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on December 16, 2018, 11:41:15 AM
Here in Wa we were state run liquor stores too. Now most grocery stores have product for sale. The Dems voted it in, they can't face reality while sober.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on December 16, 2018, 07:45:30 PM
Well, it is run by the Mormons, so there is that.

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Just an observation.  If it were the Catholics they’d have one on every corner and none of it were the Baptists.

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Know how to keep your Baptist fishing buddy from drinking all your beer?  Bring along one of his Baptist buddies!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 16, 2018, 08:24:51 PM
Lol that’s shz is funny right there

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2018, 06:56:15 PM
Redneck table saw for working full sheets.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 23, 2018, 07:09:54 PM
Really not that redneckish, other than its on a trailer.....

It’s how we setup our big table saws in the cabinet shop. Just built a larger table around the saw body so not uncommon.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2018, 07:53:08 PM
Yeah I noticed the rails of the trailer were not too far off the height of the saw.  Built a jig that I can reuse that. The saw sits on and the MDF top lays on and rests on the sides of the trailer.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 24, 2018, 06:03:13 PM
Got to work on the vanity in the bathroom


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on December 24, 2018, 06:16:43 PM
Are you building it from scratch, or did you buy it and just broke it down for staining/install?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 24, 2018, 06:41:45 PM
Building it from scratch. The vanity is a bit of a test run for the kitchen cabinets. I need to get some pipe clamps so I can clamp the cabinets. I use biscuits and glue and prefer not to use many nails.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 24, 2018, 06:43:58 PM
Headed to MIL in the morning. Pray for me that I hold my tongue as there is much drama in that household.  Between the always complaining MIL and the ungrateful and unhelpful SIL that is still living at home at 45 years old.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 24, 2018, 07:54:51 PM
Cabinet looks great!

Good luck tomorrow, Charles!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 24, 2018, 09:30:51 PM
Nice job on the cabinet  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 25, 2018, 01:11:08 AM
Good work and good luck!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 25, 2018, 02:24:03 AM
A follow-up to my good luck wishes earlier... ;)


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on December 25, 2018, 01:15:15 PM
Headed to MIL in the morning. Pray for me that I hold my tongue as there is much drama in that household.  Between the always complaining MIL and the ungrateful and unhelpful SIL that is still living at home at 45 years old.

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Patience for you in your DAY of need TRN! I had a SIL living with us for several weeks/months on and off a few years ago...... I know your pain!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 29, 2018, 06:23:42 PM
I survived the trip.  So much disfunction in that house and a weak but compassionate father figure. 

Today I ripped plywood and made the box parts for the kitchen cabinets.

Since I’m in a bit of a rush (impatient) I bought a Kreg joiner. I like biscuits and glue and will use the Kreg to hold everything so I can keep building without having to clamp and wait overnight. I’ll build the boxes and get them in place and then use the rough sawn lumber to build the faces and then lastly build the drawers and doors.

Carpet gets installed Monday and rain is on the way so with all the box pieces cut I can get to making the boxes indoors out of the elements tomorrow.

Now I’m about to make flank steak fajitas

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 30, 2018, 01:50:59 PM
So put the boxes together this morning and will stain them this afternoon.  One they are stained and varnished on the inside I’ll level and attach the boxes to the wall and then start to build the face frames

I really like that Kreg jig.  I’m still using biscuits and glue but the pocket screws let me complete without having to clamp and wait overnight. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 30, 2018, 04:21:53 PM
As we all know, I just got intro'd to the kreg gig. I love it. Plan to get a couple other models for mo-better cabinet joinin'
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 30, 2018, 04:56:38 PM
They are a nice little unit, been eyeing for years.

So TRN, carpet in the guest house?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 30, 2018, 06:00:21 PM
Carpet upstairs. Tile down. Gotta wait on the stairs to get finished and installed before I can install tile.

Carpet has to go in before stairs. Once stairs are up it will be next to impossible to get a roll of carpet upstairs.

Then stairs in and then tile.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 31, 2018, 02:18:27 PM
Carpet installed. Much nicer and quieter upstairs.

Unfortunately they dinged my wall and will have to come back and repair.


Now back to cabinet making

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 31, 2018, 02:27:15 PM
If you want something done right... ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 31, 2018, 03:32:43 PM
You sure have a bunch of space between those kregg holes, hope it don't come apart!!

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on December 31, 2018, 03:39:58 PM
You sure have a bunch of space between those kregg holes, hope it don't come apart!!

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 01, 2019, 12:59:20 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 01, 2019, 11:43:24 AM
Boxes are in. Floor is pretty level high spot was about 1/8 inch. Kreg screwed the sink cabinet to the subfloor to give a rock solid base for the sink and for the other cabinets to reference.

Gotta start working on the face frame with the rough sawn lumber.

Interesting that this plywood had some kind of up coating or something that was spattered and didn’t take stain evenly. Not a big deal since it’s all inside the cabinet but something to keep an eye on in the future should I use that type again. These things are solid as a rock.



Oh and kept up the family southern tradition. Black eyed peas


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 02, 2019, 08:39:15 PM
You sure have a bunch of space between those kregg holes, hope it don't come apart!!

Lol. Where did that evil emoji go?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 03, 2019, 05:22:46 AM
Oh and since I installed the cabinets before the floor, I adjusted the cabinet height by 1/2 to account for the difference.  Not that it matters since there won’t be any appliances, like a range, to worry about height issues.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 12, 2019, 09:33:30 PM
So today the plan was to move all the AV and security cameras and internet to the structured wiring closet in the casita. Recall that I ran 6 CAT6 cables between the main house and the casita and then 3 more CAT6 between the seacan and the casita.

I have one directv receiver and one dvd player that also streams.  I have a 4x4 switching matrix that can send any of 4 signals to any of 4 tvs,which will work out fine once I add the 3rd tv, which will be in the casita. Depending on how bad the teen years are, I may add a 4th in the seacan.

The 100Mb connection comes into the main house and then is sent to the casita and distributed to the computer, av equipment, a wireless access point for the outdoors and guest house and outside cameras as well as to the seacan for wifi access point and camera.  I also have a rack mounted computer that will serve as the security video recorder and network storage device. The baluns inside the main house also send IR/remote signals to change settings and channels to the video equipment

in the main house it also is connected to security cameras around the exterior of the house.

I still have a lot of configuring and aiming of the cameras to be done but the bones are done.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on January 12, 2019, 10:00:11 PM
May come to moving the reloading stuff to the casita and locking the girls in the seacan. Just kidding of course but the thought might pop up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 13, 2019, 12:03:17 PM
May come to moving the reloading stuff to the casita and locking the girls in the seacan. Just kidding of course but the thought might pop up.
I raised three girls...Seacan is a viable option for a week every month...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 13, 2019, 12:50:50 PM
Doing this all yourself TRN?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 13, 2019, 06:34:41 PM
So today the plan was to move all the AV and security cameras and internet to the structured wiring closet in the casita. Recall that I ran 6 CAT6 cables between the main house and the casita and then 3 more CAT6 between the seacan and the casita.

I have one directv receiver and one dvd player that also streams.  I have a 4x4 switching matrix that can send any of 4 signals to any of 4 tvs,which will work out fine once I add the 3rd tv, which will be in the casita. Depending on how bad the teen years are, I may add a 4th in the seacan.

The 100Mb connection comes into the main house and then is sent to the casita and distributed to the computer, av equipment, a wireless access point for the outdoors and guest house and outside cameras as well as to the seacan for wifi access point and camera.  I also have a rack mounted computer that will serve as the security video recorder and network storage device. The baluns inside the main house also send IR/remote signals to change settings and channels to the video equipment

in the main house it also is connected to security cameras around the exterior of the house.

I still have a lot of configuring and aiming of the cameras to be done but the bones are done.


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Looks good TRN. Where is your UPS?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 13, 2019, 06:37:30 PM
Yeah pretty much. I have some friends that are experts. If I get stuck I call them.  Installed a few more cameras today.  Here’s the one in the seacan.  Also got most of my bookcase built

It’s where my reloading books and scales etc will go

Just need to face frame it.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 13, 2019, 08:57:55 PM
Now all the Cat6 is powered via the wire right?

Contemplating my hide stuff when not around.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 13, 2019, 09:06:02 PM
Mike, no UPS.  I have whole home surge protection and am working on auto switching back up generator set.

JR, camera's and access points are POE (power over ethernet) meaning they only require a single CAT6 connection with a 24v power injector, or a ethernet switch with POE capability like this one.

Ubiquity makes all the components and they all work together and can be configured and monitored remotely.  Highly recommend them.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 13, 2019, 09:06:54 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 13, 2019, 09:36:54 PM
I'm thinking that and wireless for a few prime spots with solar power. Since I won't be there some of the time I want to see what/who comes and goes in realtime and game cameras.

Might not even have any power at first, so gen and solar will be options.

Don, do you have a few cameras setup just for fun? Specially with all those machines just sitting there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 13, 2019, 11:04:58 PM
Mike, no UPS.  I have whole home surge protection and am working on auto switching back up generator set.

JR, camera's and access points are POE (power over ethernet) meaning they only require a single CAT6 connection with a 24v power injector, or a ethernet switch with POE capability like this one.

Ubiquity makes all the components and they all work together and can be configured and monitored remotely.  Highly recommend them.
Thank it sweet. As long as your equipment is tolerant of being dropped and then booting back up when the backup fires up you are good.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 13, 2019, 11:38:15 PM
Never thought I'd say this,  but, nice rack Charles.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 13, 2019, 11:58:51 PM
Never thought I'd say this,  but, nice rack Charles.

I told him that very same thing a year or so ago..... :knucklehead:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 14, 2019, 01:15:55 AM
But he had to buy them,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 14, 2019, 07:25:14 AM
Best kind

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on January 14, 2019, 11:45:15 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 14, 2019, 07:50:19 PM
Mike, no UPS.  I have whole home surge protection and am working on auto switching back up generator set.

JR, camera's and access points are POE (power over ethernet) meaning they only require a single CAT6 connection with a 24v power injector, or a ethernet switch with POE capability like this one.

Ubiquity makes all the components and they all work together and can be configured and monitored remotely.  Highly recommend them.
Thank it sweet. As long as your equipment is tolerant of being dropped and then booting back up when the backup fires up you are good.

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Now I’m looking at UPSs. Maybe just enough to keep it live during the xover. Power drops out all the time up there but since I have more invested now it makes more sense. 

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 14, 2019, 09:28:25 PM
Mike, no UPS.  I have whole home surge protection and am working on auto switching back up generator set.

JR, camera's and access points are POE (power over ethernet) meaning they only require a single CAT6 connection with a 24v power injector, or a ethernet switch with POE capability like this one.

Ubiquity makes all the components and they all work together and can be configured and monitored remotely.  Highly recommend them.
Thank it sweet. As long as your equipment is tolerant of being dropped and then booting back up when the backup fires up you are good.

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Now I’m looking at UPSs. Maybe just enough to keep it live during the xover. Power drops out all the time up there but since I have more invested now it makes more sense. 

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It doesn’t look like your equipment would draw a lot. Something like this should work.

Good insurance.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 15, 2019, 05:54:31 AM
Perfect.  Saw that one on Amazon.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 20, 2019, 07:08:31 PM
OK so installed software and booted up cameras and access points.  It’s an enterprise set up so it was a bit more intensive to get it going but the management of it is so easy.

I have 3 WiFi access points that are controlled from a web GUI and I can clone settings and update all the software from the web page and a click of the mouse.

Cameras are a little more complicated but essentially the same.  Can program for motion video recording and adjust sensitivity and area of the camera view that triggers motion.

Also have an app on the phone and iPad that gets motion alerts, can view all the cameras and view recorded events.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 20, 2019, 09:14:52 PM
Those are some really clear camera images!!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 20, 2019, 09:57:23 PM
And the garage is till cleaner than mine.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 20, 2019, 10:04:35 PM
Yeah, the shop is a bit of a mess since I've been working on the casita.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 21, 2019, 08:48:56 AM
Top notch setup! If the whole insurance thing doesn't work out you always have a job in the tech field!  :beercheers:

No rush but if you have a chance could you post up a component list unless that is classified. :)

I'm always looking for a nice camera setup.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 21, 2019, 03:04:32 PM
Ok here you go.

I’m using the UniFi AC Lite.  They are POE and come with their own POE injector. They will mesh with each other and you can clone settings with a click of a button.

If you need a mesh network and you can’t get a CAT 6 cable to each point they have a repeating mesh network set up too.

I was able to put cable to each one with no problem but if you are in a big warehouse you can use a mesh/repeater set up.

So get the first one plugged in and powered up and then you download a UniFi software app to your computer and then access it on the network and set your SSID, password, etc.  Then everyone you add after that will show in the software utility and you just click “adopt” and then you can go in and select the first one to clone settings to.

For the security cameras I use the G3 Dome and the G3 bullets.  They make a all in one NVR that has all the software and hard drive on it and its about $300.  Or you can download the NVR software to a network computer and run it from there (I did this for the hide, the house in Houston I have the all in one NVR).  You can also download an app to your android or apple device and monitor your cams and get motion alerts.  The software will also email you alerts if it detects motion and it will auto record if you set it up that way.

More to come

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 21, 2019, 03:27:36 PM
I’m also using the ubiquity POE switches to power everything. 

I also have the dongle that you plug into the network and then you can manage, upgrade and modify your settings from anywhere.

As soon as I upgrade the OS on the rack computer I built I will run Remote Desktop and be able to access files and manage the whole system from anywhere.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 21, 2019, 07:06:55 PM
I’m also using the ubiquity POE switches to power everything. 

I also have the dongle that you plug into the network and then you can manage, upgrade and modify your settings from anywhere.

As soon as I upgrade the OS on the rack computer I built I will run Remote Desktop and be able to access files and manage the whole system from anywhere.

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I honestly never heard of Ubiquity hardware and I have been doing this a long time. Sounds like you have a great experience with. I will definitely check it out.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 21, 2019, 08:03:07 PM
Interesting Charles, quick question do you find yourself logging in and looking at the live feeds often?

We had cameras setup at my old facilities (mainly to make sure automated machines were running 24-7). After leaving there I’m glad I don’t have cameras.

My new shop has them (whole facility does in fact) but I won’t download the app. John who owns the development obsesses over those cameras too....

New house is setup with amazon and ring on the front door which as you know can be expanded (not sure I like any of it, we’ll see)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 22, 2019, 12:52:37 AM
Think about all this fancy stuff and who can watch whats going on besides us? I really like the idea, but don't trust cloud stuff.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 22, 2019, 05:01:55 AM
Got the shower sealed yesterday and ordered all the tile for the floor, shower and backsplash.

Supposedly the stairs will be done this Friday and I hope to get them installed this coming weekend.

Tile will be here on or about 1/30. It’ll really start looking close to finished when the floor goes down.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 22, 2019, 10:16:14 AM
Been to Dachau?


Looks like a gas chamber

But, yes, I know this is only inprocess and will arrive at something north of spectacular

Ya know, thinking about it, Tex, you have screwed yourself! :facepalm:
Ya, really

Unlike me, you never screw anything up. Your work is always top notch, better than imagined, over the top and surprising. :angel:

Mine is, well, I work on stuff

So we all have expectations of you completing something fit for the pages of "Southern Living" magazine.  :likebutton:

I pray for you to be comforted in the day when you finally (if ever) screw somethin' up. :rolleyes:

Oh what a sad that day will be :cry: :cry: :cry:

Good work!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 22, 2019, 11:29:39 AM
Interesting Charles, quick question do you find yourself logging in and looking at the live feeds often?

We had cameras setup at my old facilities (mainly to make sure automated machines were running 24-7). After leaving there I’m glad I don’t have cameras.

My new shop has them (whole facility does in fact) but I won’t download the app. John who owns the development obsesses over those cameras too....

New house is setup with amazon and ring on the front door which as you know can be expanded (not sure I like any of it, we’ll see)

I think I have mentioned that I am not a fan of Siri, Ring, or any of the new device that listens to you 24X7X365... but here is a very good article to back that up...

You can put in any fake gmail address to read it.

Do you really want this person listening in on your house?

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 22, 2019, 03:32:46 PM
Copy, one other question? Where did you get that picture of Ken?  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 22, 2019, 04:44:55 PM
Copy, one other question? Where did you get that picture of Ken?  :popcorn:

Well... it is a long story... and I happened to be in AZ actually looking for a H rally when here comes Ken directing traffic and then discovers Trump WON! OMG the humanity of it all... I gave him a hanky and left.  :popcorn:

Wait... did Ken just hear me type that via my iPhone microphone...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 23, 2019, 06:51:18 AM
Been to Dachau?


Looks like a gas chamber

But, yes, I know this is only inprocess and will arrive at something north of spectacular

Ya know, thinking about it, Tex, you have screwed yourself! :facepalm:
Ya, really

Unlike me, you never screw anything up. Your work is always top notch, better than imagined, over the top and surprising. :angel:

Mine is, well, I work on stuff

So we all have expectations of you completing something fit for the pages of "Southern Living" magazine.  :likebutton:

I pray for you to be comforted in the day when you finally (if ever) screw somethin' up. :rolleyes:

Oh what a sad that day will be :cry: :cry: :cry:

Good work!

No necessarily so, Don.  I just don't post the mistakes....except maybe that pond thing with mowers....

There is no doubt that if i were the subject of interest by some agency they could likely hack my camera system.  One reason only exterior cameras.  I don't want the chinese seeing me walking around naked in my house.....

I don't find myself checking cameras all that often.  Because they have motion detection, i get alerts if they detect motion and the sensitivity and area of detection can be adjusted.

Don, that shower is coated in a rubberized coating by KBRS, who also made the one piece composite showe pan.  Guaranteed leak proof.  There is fabric mesh seam tape that goes on all the seams and then you roll on the sealer and put about 3 coats on it and its essentially a monolithic rubberized box.  Even if water penetrates the grout or mortar, there is zero chance water reaches the stud cavity.  Once its dry you just tile right over it.  I spent a lot of money on the shower system because I've seem my fair share of poorly constructed showers and the damage they can do.  The 3x4 composite shower base kit alone was $600 but it will last longer than I will.

Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on January 23, 2019, 07:06:25 AM
I picked up the Ubiquiti AC Pro just before Christmas after seeing what you were using. I had never heard of them before but after doing my research and looking at them, decided to give it a shot. So far I’m really happy with it. The range is better than my old three node meshed consumer grade network was. Setup was easy enough and POwer over Ethernet is definitely nice, as long as you can get cat6 to it you’re golden. It has given me better coverage in the whole house(~4700 sq ft) than I had before and the throughout I’m getting is much better. I’ll be picking up a couple more, probably the AC lite to extend the mesh into my garage and the back yard.

Are your cameras from ubiquiti as well?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 23, 2019, 08:23:30 AM
Yes. Camera, WiFi and switches.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 23, 2019, 09:37:15 AM
Copy, one other question? Where did you get that picture of Ken?  :popcorn:
Ya know...

I'm thinkin' of throwin' the yellow flag on this one


What about it

Is that overly cruel or am I wrong

Spank him or let him run for a bit longer?? What do the menses say?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 23, 2019, 09:45:15 AM

No necessarily so, Don.  I just don't post the mistakes....except maybe that pond thing with mowers....

Ah yes, I forgot about that noteworthy event

There is no doubt that if i were the subject of interest by some agency they could likely hack my camera system.  One reason only exterior cameras.  I don't want the chinese seeing me walking around naked in my house.....

Nor would we!

I don't find myself checking cameras all that often.  Because they have motion detection, i get alerts if they detect motion and the sensitivity and area of detection can be adjusted.

Don, that shower is coated in a rubberized coating by KBRS, who also made the one piece composite showe pan.  Guaranteed leak proof.  There is fabric mesh seam tape that goes on all the seams and then you roll on the sealer and put about 3 coats on it and its essentially a monolithic rubberized box.  Even if water penetrates the grout or mortar, there is zero chance water reaches the stud cavity.  Once its dry you just tile right over it.  I spent a lot of money on the shower system because I've seem my fair share of poorly constructed showers and the damage they can do.  The 3x4 composite shower base kit alone was $600 but it will last longer than I will.

^^^^^ See! See what I'm talking about^^^^ You and Duane cosmic brothers or something? ;-))

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on January 23, 2019, 09:27:24 PM
I think we all subscribe to the “buy once, cry once” mentality in one way or another. Be it trucks (and the parts for them), tools, or quality building materials. Spending a bit more will often save you some hassle later.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 25, 2019, 02:25:29 PM
Well finally got this today. Will go in this weekend and then it’s on to tile (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 25, 2019, 02:59:47 PM
It looks a little twisted guy.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 25, 2019, 03:58:38 PM
Can't wait to see it up!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 25, 2019, 06:17:41 PM
I’m still wondering how I’m going to spiral it through the 3’0 door opening.  We shall see

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on January 25, 2019, 07:48:59 PM
I’m still wondering how I’m going to spiral it through the 3’0 door opening.  We shall see

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Running start and constant momentum usually helps. I mean the careful and skillful application of twisting and retwisting.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 25, 2019, 08:01:35 PM
Bobby I thought you would say drop it in from a high altitude! Will keep you posted. 

May require a cutting torch and a BFH

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 25, 2019, 08:15:39 PM
How much you think that screw weighs?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 25, 2019, 09:15:35 PM
#300ish. Got two buddies coming to help. Just stopped and bought 3 ribeyes. Gonna feed em good.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 25, 2019, 09:52:32 PM
Screw it through the door!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on January 26, 2019, 02:36:51 AM
We wanna see video. Maybe re-aim one of those fancy surveillance cameras toward the action?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on January 26, 2019, 07:04:12 AM
Bobby I thought you would say drop it in from a high altitude!

Well that fancy chunk of steel falling from high altitude and reaching terminal velocity would easily get into the casita via the roof, however you'll have to fix the roof and order a new stairway lol.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 26, 2019, 06:47:28 PM
A lot of mental drama for nothing.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 26, 2019, 07:27:41 PM
Turned out nice Charles.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 26, 2019, 07:40:30 PM
Sweet, guess it fit through the door.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 26, 2019, 07:48:06 PM
Thanks.. it wast bad at all.  Got it plumbed and then drilled the holes for the landing to bolt to the second floor.

The railing is a little longer than my wood blocking on the floor. I’ll have to replace that one pice with a longer piece and then bolt it down.  Not a big deal at all.  Really sturdy and decent sized.

Made ribeyes for my boys that came and helped and then we shot a bit of steel and then made a fire and drank whiskey.  All in all a good day

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on January 26, 2019, 08:47:18 PM
Looks really good. Glad it went in smooth.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on January 26, 2019, 09:51:30 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2019, 12:50:51 AM
That does look pretty awesome

What are you going to put on the treads?  I ask because I would fall down them slick looking steps

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 27, 2019, 08:09:47 AM
I had that conversation with the stair guy and he said no diamond plate because it actually makes less traction because your only gripping the raised area with much less surface area.  If grip becomes a problem I’ll put grip tape strips on it. I haven’t tried it in socks but with shoes it’s no problem

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 27, 2019, 10:18:09 AM
The local HD sells a sticky tape stuff for stairs.   I am prone to slipping on all types of stairs, breaking hand rails, usually in a bath towel only. So on.   Size 13 feet don’t fit stair real well. 

Shoes would make a large difference for sure

Next is tile?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 27, 2019, 10:44:45 AM
Yes. Ordering the toilet today from Lowe’s. Tile is supposed to be here 1/30. I’m paying the labor on the floor but doing the shower and backsplash myself.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 27, 2019, 04:19:21 PM
Tex, I actually think I had that exact spiral staircase in my Tennessee house. I don't remember ever slipping or falling on it. Open floor plan and had a mezzanine loft above the kitchen that, that staircase serviced. I don't thing it had any friction surface at all. I'd bet you will be OK with that as is
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on January 27, 2019, 06:00:10 PM
Nice, staircase looks good, glad you didn’t have any problems getting it in.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 02, 2019, 07:45:19 PM
Ok. Tile guy is three weeks out so I’m working on shower and cabinets.

Installed shower seat with thin set
Got the face frames done on the cabinets. Now on to doors and drawers.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 02, 2019, 08:37:23 PM
On the staircase, is there a brace under the lower step after the floor?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 02, 2019, 08:50:19 PM
Negative.  Not necessary.  Stout.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 03, 2019, 09:14:19 PM
Took a few minutes for some impromptu practice.  Got a ways to go to get back the skills I’ve let atrophy.  5x8 miniature IPSC at 12-15 yards.

G17 now officially has 18,500 rounds down it. 19k when I finish this can

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 23, 2019, 08:16:22 PM
Tile guy is supposed to be coming Thursday for the floor. Started on the shower today. OMG.

It’s going to be harder than I thought.


Getting the first course level is the biggest pain.

At least my tile saw still works.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 23, 2019, 11:03:04 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^What am I looking at here, Tex? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 23, 2019, 11:25:46 PM
That there is where you set your whisky so you can use both hands to wash your ba.... back yeah wash your back

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 24, 2019, 08:00:12 AM
Lol Dave.  Don that the glass accent tile in the shower niche , where the daughters will not have enough room to put the 6 bottles of hair products

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on February 24, 2019, 12:43:40 PM
So maybe Dave is right then. Lol.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 24, 2019, 04:24:15 PM
Here’s where I left it today. Knee is killing me and I’m moving slow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 24, 2019, 08:38:39 PM
Lol Dave.  Don that the glass accent tile in the shower niche , where the daughters will not have enough room to put the 6 bottles of hair products

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You're a cruel man! But that's funny...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 24, 2019, 09:51:41 PM
Getting a tumbler holder cut out for my shower.   Not much better than a crown n coke in the hot shower.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 24, 2019, 11:03:58 PM
I would be happy with a shelf (I have), a hole would collect it and warm it up. Mount a stick on up high, maybe neck level with a straw.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2019, 01:53:58 PM
Well. Tile guys didn’t get started Friday. Now that torqued up my schedule.  Gotta catch a plane Monday and they won’t be done until Tuesday. My dad is gonna come let them in Tuesday.

They did come and fix the Sheetrock they messed up installing the carpet
And dropped off the tile and ditra underlayment

I picked out granite and the granite guys came to measure
Today I made the drawers

And re configured the sink base cabinet since the wife nixed the apron sink due to cost. Now going under mount stainless.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 02, 2019, 03:19:33 PM
That drawer box is good looking.  Nice and tight corners

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 02, 2019, 04:11:16 PM
Thanks Dave.  I cheated.  The cabinet supply place I went to, had baltic birch sheets 5x5 with both sides poly urethaned.  And then I noticed that they had pre made drawer pieces out of that with the dado groove for the bottom panel already it it and the birch tape already bound to one edge.  They also had 1/4 inch birch with poly on one side.

All I had to do was measure, cut glue and nail and then slide the bottom panel in.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 02, 2019, 04:28:37 PM
We use Burch in most of our drawers. I spray instead of getting the prefinished,   That way my cut edges get sealer

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on March 02, 2019, 06:55:45 PM
That sounds pretty handy.  Plan your cuts accordingly so you cover your exposed cuts and nobody would be the wiser.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 03, 2019, 09:36:19 AM
Yeah. Once the drawer fronts go on the only way you see a cut is to pull the drawers out and look at the back. These pre made sides are great for small projects and they come in three heights. 4,7,9 inches.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 05, 2019, 04:15:25 PM
Ok. Tile guys started yesterday. I was there to get them started and then left to go to the airport. Dad came over in the afternoon and stayed the night to let them in today. They finished today and dad sent some pics. Can’t wait to see it in person


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 05, 2019, 04:18:24 PM
Now it’s time to install baseboards and the door molding

Then finish the doors and drawers for the cabinets

Then finish the shower tile and wait for the countertop guys to get the countertop installed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 05, 2019, 04:45:04 PM
I built some drawer boxes yesterday (

That tile looks really good.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 05, 2019, 05:23:10 PM
Looks great Charles.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 05, 2019, 06:06:20 PM
Charles, looks like them knuckleheads spilled three types of paint on your floor and forgot to clean it up! You ain’t paying them in bourbon are you?  :facepalm:  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 05, 2019, 07:38:38 PM
Man, that floor is all ganked up! Who painted that? Paint all kraked up...Looks like they just used old pieces of wood and left over stuff ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 05, 2019, 07:39:06 PM
I would had I been able to overcome the language barrier

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 05, 2019, 09:29:46 PM
Probably doesn't help that Dad is still using a polaroid from the 50's. lol
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 05, 2019, 09:34:51 PM
Funny Ken. I was wondering why the pictures were that way. Then I realized he was taking pictures through the windows since he couldn’t walk on the floor

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 05, 2019, 09:43:50 PM
Makes sense!

Well at least he thought it through.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 05, 2019, 10:49:14 PM
Funny Ken. I was wondering why the pictures were that way. Then I realized he was taking pictures through the windows since he couldn’t walk on the floor

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Couldn’t he open the front door? Lol

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on March 05, 2019, 11:31:53 PM
I’m confused by the floor. But it sure looks good! They did a nice job around the stair mount! Needs to be in an old log cabin style house.

What’s the tile called? Old paint splatter mismatched stain??

On a serious note, it looks good. I’ve never seen a tile like that in a store. But have only looked for one job, and he bought travertine.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 06, 2019, 12:14:58 AM
Ryan the 3rd pic in post 1518 was through the front door. It’s the clearer of the 3 :wink

I’ll run down the name of the tile. It was a Shaw floor tile IIRC but will run it down.

Given the variation in color and pattern I’d shouldn’t show dirt as easy as the tile in the main house. Which is good for teenagers.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 06, 2019, 12:19:41 AM
Blowing Charles crap aside (I mean it is my job.....) I really like that tile. Would have loved to had that in our 100 year old Indiana farm house. Interesting concept  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on March 06, 2019, 12:39:53 AM
Blowing Charles crap aside (I mean it is my job.....) I really like that tile. Would have loved to had that in our 100 year old Indiana farm house. Interesting concept  :likebutton:

That’s what I’m thinking.... well more for a future house as I ain’t puttin a whole lot more in this one.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 06, 2019, 03:37:27 PM
I could see that going in my future Idaho cabin.... I meant my wife's cabin
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 06, 2019, 04:47:26 PM
I could see that going in my future Idaho cabin.... I meant my wife's cabin

Lol, yeah you’re just the care taker, contractor, site developer, excavator.... on second thought you’re just the slave labor! But aren’t we all.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 06, 2019, 05:52:56 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 06, 2019, 07:02:47 PM
Well, at least he doesn't have to sleep in the doghouse!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 06, 2019, 07:39:40 PM
Here is the link to the tile on the floor.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on March 06, 2019, 08:57:56 PM
Thanks for the link!!! That stuff sure is nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2019, 07:34:18 PM
Ok. Off for spring break for a week.

Today I cut all the wood for the base molding and door trim and put it in the casita to dehumidify. It will shrink about 1/4 inch overall so I want it to shrink before I stain and cut to final length
Then I installed the drawers. Still have a couple to go. These self closing soft close drawer slides are nice. May have to replace the ones in the house with these.
More shots of the floor.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 09, 2019, 09:45:57 PM
You’ll never have to vacuum as you won’t be able to see the dirt ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 09, 2019, 09:47:37 PM
Just what I was thinking, can't tell when its dirty unless you step on something.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on March 09, 2019, 10:17:41 PM
Hidden mess aside, that floor looks great!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 09, 2019, 10:41:03 PM
That’s kind of the entire point. The tile floor in the main house is dark and all the same color. Shows up every speck of dirt.

Little hot tub action and now a fire.

53 degrees.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 09, 2019, 11:56:32 PM
Looking good

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 13, 2019, 11:49:13 AM
Trying to replicate the cabinets in the main house has me doing things in a weird order. Made the boxes then installed and then made face frames and then stained and varnish the face frame. Not ideal but it works.

So made some progress on the trim. And got quite a few drawer fronts made. I only have two sets of pipe clamps so it’s slow going as I alternate between other work and gluing up drawer fronts.


Now I have to make the arch tops for the doors, trim the pocket door height and a few other little details.

I’m doing anything I can to avoid the shower tile.

Countertop guys are fabricating the counters and hope that’s about 1-2 weeks out. I can almost. Almost see the finish line.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2019, 11:31:55 AM
Well granite guys called yesterday and said they’d be here this morning!  Wow. One place in east texas that moves with a sense of urgency.


Just about done with drawer fronts. Gonna have to get some more wood milled to make the doors.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 14, 2019, 11:59:58 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 14, 2019, 12:41:28 PM
Here’s the kitchen


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 14, 2019, 01:18:43 PM
Looks good TRN

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on March 15, 2019, 07:55:48 AM
That is really sharp TRN. Lots of hard work hopefully coming to an end soon and start to enjoy it.  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 15, 2019, 09:12:25 AM
Liking it Charles, very nice
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 15, 2019, 04:59:40 PM
Thanks guys. Today’s agenda was remainder of the trim in the living area around the pocket door, the arches over the doors and the drawer fronts install.

Found my first real mistake. I’d never framed a pocket door before and used a kit.  A cheap kit but it’s what the door place had. As I trimmed it out I realized it’s about 1-1-2 inches shorter than the closet door. The video from the mfg on YouTube I watched didn’t show a 2x4 wall plate at the bottom so I attached the uprights directly to the subfloor and now it’s 1-1/2 inches lower than it should be. It looks good and other than the height difference there aren’t any problems. It’s way too late to fix now. If it keeps eating at me I’ll take the closet door out and cut it down 1-1/2 inches to match. There’s enough molding to cover the gap.


I also bought all the waste and supply plumbing for the sinks.

I also ordered more rough cut pine to make the cabinet doors next.

Punch list:
Fabricate cabinet doors,Stain varnish and install
Install finish plumbing- supply and waste for sinks
Buy and install ceiling fans
Install drawers and fronts on vanity
Run conduit and circuit for sewage lift station
Reconnect shower drain after plumbing a valve in it to divert grey water to the area out back (10 teenage girls can over power a septic with showers)
Handrail on steps to porch
Install railing at top of stairs
Finish tiling shower and grout.
Finish plumbing in shower
Have a glass enclosure fabricated for the shower
Install toilet
Install vanity lights and mirror
Install towel racks and toilet paper holder
Install backsplash
Build and install upper cabinets in kitchen

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 15, 2019, 07:03:41 PM
At least you haven’t shot 1 1/2 nails into the trim affectivly pinning the door open/closed. Lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 15, 2019, 08:52:09 PM
At least you haven’t shot 1 1/2 nails into the trim affectivly pinning the door open/closed. Lol

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Does look good.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 15, 2019, 09:34:30 PM
While I had surgery they started trim in my house,  the kid doing it pinned all my doors open with big ol long 16 G nails.   Had to fill a bunch of holes

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 22, 2019, 08:52:26 PM
Took off today and Monday to try to get some progress in since Tuesday I go in for knee surgery and won’t be able to squat or kneel for 4 weeks. Got trim pieces and drawers varnished and some progress on the shower


Seat was cut to small so they have to recut it and the curb top.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on March 22, 2019, 09:15:57 PM
so what your saying is that your about to stroke a check and get the shower finished?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 22, 2019, 09:43:55 PM
I have a backup plan in case I don't finish.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 22, 2019, 10:39:01 PM
Love 7-7s, had 2 big ones last night. Slept great.

Looks good Charles. That whole guest house is pretty high end. You planning on moving in?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 22, 2019, 10:46:16 PM
LOL JR, I might.  one month out of the week when they are all "in sync".  Either there or the shipping container....

I hope that while the knee is healing I can be building the cabinet doors.  Once the shower is done, its just paint in the bath, install the toilet and trim and hook up the drain and supply plumbing.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 22, 2019, 10:52:53 PM
LOL JR, I might.  one month out of the week when they are all "in sync".  Either there or the shipping container....

I hope that while the knee is healing I can be building the cabinet doors.  Once the shower is done, its just paint in the bath, install the toilet and trim and hook up the drain and supply plumbing.

Plumbing while the knee heals? Cabinets I can see.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 22, 2019, 10:54:39 PM
Batteries went out in the Dmax this AM.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on March 23, 2019, 12:40:03 AM
Looking good TRN. Good luck on the knee. Speedy recovery.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on March 23, 2019, 01:08:47 AM
LOL JR, I might.  one month out of the week when they are all "in sync".  Either there or the shipping container....

I’m gonna need a guest house too... have a third kid on the way (known since Christmas) and found out yesterday it’s another girl. That makes 4 including the wife... plus one cat and the dog. Just me and the cranky old cat keeping the testosterone in check around here (and he has no balls).

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2019, 06:26:31 AM
I had heard about that Ryan but not that is was a girl. Wow. That’s why I quit after two.  I’m in the same boat. Just me and a neutered cat to hold the man card

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on March 23, 2019, 10:29:08 AM
Looks great Charles.

For your own sake don’t rush back to using the knee.
I have a buddy 47 now, had a third scope about 10 years ago, and only took a week off.
Can hardly walk now.

Cabinets yes.
Reloading bench yes.

Tile, plumbing... I wouldn’t.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2019, 11:29:52 AM
Roger that. That’s why I’m trying to finish the shower this weekend. Time to get back to it. Drove to Corsicana texas to pick up some LLY heads, valve covers and fuel rails this morning.  More stuff for a future build.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 23, 2019, 11:37:16 AM
LOL JR, I might.  one month out of the week when they are all "in sync".  Either there or the shipping container....

I’m gonna need a guest house too... have a third kid on the way (known since Christmas) and found out yesterday it’s another girl. That makes 4 including the wife... plus one cat and the dog. Just me and the cranky old cat keeping the testosterone in check around here (and he has no balls).

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Reading this...You having another girl...and trying to maintain a TBQ (Testerone balance quotient)

Generated a scene in my minds eye

It was holland I think, because the guy was wearing wooden shoes. He was frantic

He was standing next to a dyke (As in a mass of earth and rock)

He had several fingers on both hands plugging holes in the dyke.

He was looking off to his side at a new leak fountaining forward a little stream of water

His look was more of resignation...

Sorry for your situation (Not really!!)

Oh and another thing

A cat does not the man make. Best not mention it unless talking about this spectacular shot you made when.... ;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2019, 01:50:19 PM
Progress.   Either getting better or less anal about perfect alignment.


Or both. Lol. At this rate I should be done except the curb and seat tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 23, 2019, 02:55:47 PM
I have three teenage daughters, wife and a female golden retriever and that B is red headed too boot  so don’t get me started....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 23, 2019, 03:01:11 PM
Shawn, you are really out numbered!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on March 23, 2019, 03:36:39 PM
I’ve managed (with my wife’s) help to keep the TBQ pretty even, 5 boys, 5 girls. Two of each are teens.  However, like TRN, I’m glad I have a guest house at times, and 63 acres to disappear on.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on March 23, 2019, 05:15:47 PM
Just me, the wife, and one B dog, and still outnumbered after the 4 girls moved on.
What was this thread about?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 23, 2019, 05:42:59 PM
Progress.   Either getting better or less anal about perfect alignment.


Or both. Lol. At this rate I should be done except the curb and seat tomorrow.

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If it means anything it looks good from here pal!!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on March 23, 2019, 05:45:34 PM
Right now it's just me and one daughter.  There is a little boy on his way to even things out this summer though. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 23, 2019, 06:47:48 PM
A boy, dads happy for sure. My first was a girl too. Now she is driving.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 23, 2019, 08:01:20 PM
Well got busy and made some progress today.

Pebble floor is just dry fit at the moment.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on March 23, 2019, 08:44:41 PM
Looking real good.
One last big push.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on March 24, 2019, 04:38:31 PM
Very nice.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 24, 2019, 10:58:34 PM
Laid the pebble tile today. Then went to town to get paint for the bath and a few things to run electrical to the sewage lift station, a couple of ceiling fans

Duh a trench and laid conduit and ran two circuits. One for the lift pump and one for the high water alarm. You don’t want the alarm to be on the same circuit should the breaker trip for the pump you still want the alarm to function if the lift station is not working.

Painted the bath a lighter color and installed the vanity lights

Tomorrow I’ll grout the shower and then start on the supply and drains to the sinks and maybe get the ceiling fans installed


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 25, 2019, 08:34:04 PM
Got the drawers mounted and drawer fronts on the vanity today.
Got one of the fans mounted


And got both sinks supply plumbed.

Got the vanity waste connected.

Stained crown and base moulding for bath and installed some trim on the inside of the pocket door.

Got started on the grout.  It’s harder than I remember and the directions resulted in a mix too stiff so I was only able to get about half done.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 25, 2019, 10:17:12 PM
Nice work Charles!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 25, 2019, 10:40:36 PM
Thanks Shawn. Waiting on the seat and curb to be recut and the toilet water supply parts in oil rubbed bronze to show up

I’ll finish the last little
Bit of trim and grout and kitchen sinks drain once the disposal arrives.

One more ceiling fan and. Then I have to build the cabinet doors.

Then I’m going to party like it’s 1999

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 25, 2019, 11:57:23 PM
It's to nice for me,,,,,,,,,
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 06, 2019, 07:04:27 PM
Ok.  Back at it. Knee not doing too bad.

Put a new spindle on the zero turn mower deck and mowed for the first time this year last night and then put a coat of varnish on the last of the bathroom trim so it would be ready to install today.

Then this morning mowed the rest of the area around the house since it got dark before I could finish last night.

Then installed the trim in the bathroom, installed the oil rubbed bronze toilet supply stuff, set the granite curb and seat in the shower and while I waited on that set up, I plumbed the waste connections on the kitchen sink and installed the disposer

then back to grout the shower and now just need to wait for it to dry so I can remove the last of the haze and then set the toilet.
And just 2 weeks ago this oak tree was bare.  When the spring springs it pops

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 06, 2019, 07:30:48 PM
Looks good man

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 06, 2019, 07:57:08 PM
Thanks.. Wife thinks I should have run the glass tile horizontal instead of vertical.  She can run it however she wants when she builds the next one.... jus saying 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 06, 2019, 09:06:44 PM
When I come to visit I won’t mention the vertical tile....  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 06, 2019, 09:20:43 PM
Thanks.. Wife thinks I should have run the glass tile horizontal instead of vertical.  She can run it however she wants when she builds the next one.... jus saying 

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The original trend was to run it horizontally around the shower but now folks are doing the waterfall type look.   I think both look good.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 06, 2019, 09:22:33 PM
Looks good, glad the knee is doing ok.

Just put a down on 52 acers in Palomino Valley.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 06, 2019, 09:29:16 PM
Congrats JR. that’s great news!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 06, 2019, 09:37:08 PM

Big hail storm

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 06, 2019, 10:10:00 PM
Looks good, glad the knee is doing ok.

Just put a down on 52 acers in Palomino Valley.
You know the rules.  Picture

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on April 06, 2019, 11:31:15 PM
Thanks.. Wife thinks I should have run the glass tile horizontal instead of vertical.  She can run it however she wants when she builds the next one.... jus saying 

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Looks really good. Glad your knee is not holding you down.

Like my wife. Waits until it is all done then has an idea. I honestly have no idea why she says anything other than to poke the bear. She knows I’m not going to change it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 07, 2019, 12:10:23 AM
Looks good, glad the knee is doing ok.

Just put a down on 52 acers in Palomino Valley.
You know the rules.  Picture

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In the morning, on the road.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 07, 2019, 07:15:34 AM
Aaaaaaaannnnnd done!


Will seal the granite and grout before use and then I have to adjust the thermostat control on the shower handle once I get the propane run to the water heater

Now on to grouting the line between the granite curb and outside tile. Different color than the shower

Then setting the toilet.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 07, 2019, 09:36:28 AM
Did you get the cool floor drain that has a hair catcher built in? 
Ebbe- America is the brand our tile shop sells

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 07, 2019, 11:17:12 AM
Looks great.
Your knee Dr must have known what he/she was doing.

Your place is turning green while everything out here is turning back to brown.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 07, 2019, 03:28:23 PM
Flippin' crazy

The notion of working at all the same calendar year as a knee surgery

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 07, 2019, 06:05:10 PM

Second ceiling fan in
Toilet in
Had to get oil rubbed bronze lever and grind down one tile about 1/8 inch so the toilet would sit flat.

Turned the water on for the first time. No leaks!

Cut and stained and varnished some wood for shelves in the closet.

Now on to propane connection for the water heater

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 07, 2019, 06:44:18 PM
No leak is a good thing, good job Tex
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 07, 2019, 06:56:35 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 07, 2019, 08:36:37 PM
Bro, I hope that knee isn't making deposits in the pain savings account for later withdrawals!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 07, 2019, 09:15:33 PM
Negative sir.  All good. Climbed a ladder with 125lb tile saw today and also jogged from house to shop in the rain.  No issues. Only time I had to think about it was when I knelt on the right knee on the tile floor this morning.  It barked at me a bit.

Oh and Dave, no on the hair strainer. It’s a Koehler solid brass oil rubbed bronze.  It’s going to get discharged outback with a flapper valve to keep the septic from getting over loaded.  If I ever need to connect it back to the septic I can as the main branch is plumbed to receive it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 07, 2019, 10:09:13 PM
Nice idea on the flapper.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 08, 2019, 08:41:17 AM
Nice idea on the flapper.
Yea, good thinking. I did that in Tennessee, and do it now at the farm setup

Gives the term "Clean drinking water" a whole new meaning (For the critters)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 08, 2019, 11:15:27 PM
Ok so, I won't take the time to rant on Home Despot with the pick up process for my buy online and pick up in the store order.  Suffice to say it was a 35 minute process to just pick up a prepaid order.

So I'm going to plumb the propane this weekend (I hope) and decided on poly tubing and connectors.  The poly tubing is stiff and in a fairly tight roll.  Suggestions on how to straighten it? Can I kiss it with the propane torch to heat it gently as long as I don't overheat it?  Not sure its hot enough yet in Texas to lay it in the sun and get it to soften....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 08, 2019, 11:52:31 PM
Don't think you need that much heat, they will soak it up.

I used sharkbites on moms house, worked great.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 09, 2019, 01:43:02 PM
He's talking about propane, JR. Can't use Sharkbite on that.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on April 11, 2019, 12:25:41 PM
Beautiful work there Charles!  Glad the knee is a non-issue so far - hope it stays that way!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 11, 2019, 02:38:14 PM
Got the poly gas tubing and connectors and another secondary regulator. Trying to lineup the mini trencher to rent and get the tankless water heater up and running this weekend. Picked out a frameless glass bypass enclosure. Just have to double check the opening is square since there is no adjustment.

Then hope to pick up my lumber order from the sawmil to get started on the cabinets.

Wife is looking for 5 mattresses and misc furnishing

I can smell the finish line

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 11, 2019, 04:29:04 PM
Seeing the finish line is great, I'm just getting going.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 11, 2019, 09:00:53 PM
What's the bypass enclosure?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 11, 2019, 09:41:00 PM
That’s what they call the shower door that slides like a patio door across a fixed panel. Not enough room for a swing door

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 11, 2019, 10:33:41 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 20, 2019, 12:52:04 PM
Ok boys. Getting. Closer. Hope to have hot water tonight. Pressure testing the underground poly propane piping.

Wired the electrical to the tankless water heater. Installed shelves in the closet and wife is mopping cleaning.

I ordered the shower enclosure and wife ordered mattresses and box springs.

Still waiting on wood to be milked for the doors.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 20, 2019, 01:02:51 PM
Texas must be a strange land.... never heard of wood being milked before!  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on April 20, 2019, 02:11:54 PM
Texas must be a strange land.... never heard of wood being milked before!  :facepalm:
That makes two of us...

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 20, 2019, 02:42:21 PM
Milled, you knuckleheads

All the propane connections checked out and the tankless heater works great and the pool heater still works so I didn’t screw that up when I replaced the lines.

Just cleaning and putting tools away now.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 21, 2019, 05:53:58 PM
Getting closer.

Cut downspouts today. Of course no gloves. Hands and fingers all nicked up from sheet metal work.

Covered the gas lines cleaned up tools and shop and burned some downed limbs


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 21, 2019, 06:17:35 PM
Dang that looks good... I'll head that way. Do I need to bring my own pillow?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 21, 2019, 06:19:44 PM
H arm will do I am sure ken

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 21, 2019, 07:48:00 PM
Nope. Just ordered towels and linens from Amazon. And put my backup kuerig coffee pot out there.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 21, 2019, 08:14:37 PM
So your not telling Ken that he can bring H by for a trip?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 21, 2019, 08:18:15 PM
Looks good Charles  :likebutton:

So all of you with second “places” wondering what the average age here in which you purchased them? I’m thinking of acquiring at the minimum the ground in the next five years somewhere off the beaten track. That would put me at barely still middle 40’s but depending I could be 50 before it happened too just a lot depends on how the next several years play out.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 21, 2019, 08:45:26 PM
I'm 51 Shawn, and feel like I'm starting 10 years too late... but couldn't afford it 10 years ago.. matter of fact, if it wasn't for my wife's income, I still wouldn't have land.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 21, 2019, 08:46:36 PM
I was in my 50's when I purchased place numba deux. Paid cash for it.

I think that makes a difference. Probably don't want to hold a mortgage on your second/go-to/retirement property. The place in the burbs...Mortgage the heck out of it, but the farm, I'd think it best if you can pay most or all of the money out of the chock blocks
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 21, 2019, 08:54:00 PM
I was in my 50's when I purchased place numba deux. Paid cash for it.

I think that makes a difference. Probably don't want to hold a mortgage on your second/go-to/retirement property. The place in the burbs...Mortgage the heck out of it, but the farm, I'd think it best if you can pay most or all of the money out of the chock blocks

Copy guys, yeah this will be a cash deal when it happens. I only plan on having one mortgage. The shop was kinda an unexpected purchase really. I mean it wasn’t totally unexpected but it depleted a lot of reserves for us. So that’s where I am thinking another 5 years to recoup before another large purchase again. Plus I have three kids off to college within next 5 so we’ll see how that goes too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 21, 2019, 09:56:58 PM
I was 36 when I bought our first second home.  Lake house, boat, sea doo, etc.  Then kids came along and it was just too much to keep up with with small kids.  Held our powder until I was 46 and we bought the second second home when the kids were 10 and 8.

Most people buy a second home and then 5 years later don’t use it as much and wind up selling it. Wait until you have the chance to buy exactly what you want.  Do it once.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 21, 2019, 11:06:40 PM
So far I am paid up with the new land and what goes there.

My current home is my first I got it in 95. Worth 4x times what I paid with about 1/2 mortgage. If Ca goes as I think, I may walk away.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 21, 2019, 11:07:14 PM
I was 36 when I bought our first second home.  Lake house, boat, sea doo, etc.  Then kids came along and it was just too much to keep up with with small kids.  Held our powder until I was 46 and we bought the second second home when the kids were 10 and 8.

Most people buy a second home and then 5 years later don’t use it as much and wind up selling it. Wait until you have the chance to buy exactly what you want.  Do it once.

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Copy, as Don stated in another post it’s nice to pee of the back deck and shoot at things. I can’t do that in our new home addition (legally anyhow). At the shop we can as it’s a gun friendly zone but I don’t advertise around there (for the record Ken I’m talking about firearms). So as much as I like and enjoy minimal upkeep at these two places which allow me to focus my time on other ventures. I do plan on ending up somewhere a little off the beaten path a bit in the end. I also would like a place I can take grand kids to some day and teach finer points of things like dirt bikes, cutting wood and shooting things.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 21, 2019, 11:11:27 PM
Here, here,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 25, 2019, 07:32:27 PM
So bathroom hardware came in. Towel ring, TP holder towel hooks etc

Also all new towels, handtowels and washcloths and new bed linens

I’ve been fixated on buying a new chainsaw. Think I have it narrowed down to a Stihl 241, a pro level 40cc saw as a day to day lightweight saw for small stuff.  The big Husky with the 28 inch bar is a bit much at about 16 lbs just to cut small trees and limb and trim.

Gonna take off tomorrow and pick up mattresses and go to the hide and mow

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 25, 2019, 08:40:58 PM
Have you posted about your 28 inch?    How do you like those green makita saws? 

I think any excuse to buy a new saw is a good excuse.   I want a 30 plus bar but haven’t found a reason.    Gonna start planting trees soon

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 25, 2019, 09:46:13 PM
Tex, the longer the bar the less you have to bend over to make the cut. I have a 20 inch Husky and wish it was a 36 inch most every time I use it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 25, 2019, 09:52:06 PM
Bob I can run a 32 on the saw I have (5.5hp) but holding it upright for 30 minutes is a chore no matter how young you are.

I need a smaller lighter saw for light work on the ground and up in the trees

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 25, 2019, 10:33:25 PM
You really should consider an electric one for light stuff. I was the biggest skeptic but it is extremely handy. Just used mine today.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on April 25, 2019, 10:51:58 PM
I also have an electric that came with a pole.  It is handy.  Works well for hedges also.  Also have a 16 Stihl, 18 and 20 Jonesred.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 25, 2019, 10:57:22 PM
I'll get an electric for the wife....jus sayin....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on April 25, 2019, 10:59:22 PM
You really should consider an electric one for light stuff. I was the biggest skeptic but it is extremely handy. Just used mine today.

Still am a skeptic, simply because I like my saw and it’s that perfect in between of just too small for some jobs and just too big for some, but can be used for both....

That said, neighbor bought an electric from harbor fraught, and dangit, if it isn’t just handy. If I needed a smaller saw I might consider an electric. But for now, I’ll use our stihl, I think it’s a 391 with 20” bar. When we lived in GA I used it all the time to prep firewood to heat the house, and new exactly what it was, now I’m not 100% certain on the bar size.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on April 25, 2019, 11:00:57 PM
Mine uses it and says she cuts more than me with a bigger one.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 26, 2019, 12:41:33 AM
The DeWalt will keep up with my old school 250(?) with a carbide chain... not exaggerating... without the noise and doesn't bog down. Your wife would cut more than you. ;)
 Won't keep up with my 261 but gives it a run for the money.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 26, 2019, 01:13:43 AM
Do it Charles

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 26, 2019, 01:30:30 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on April 26, 2019, 08:13:03 AM
I'll get an electric for the wife....jus sayin....

TRN I have an old Stihl Farmboss that I use and works great. I do have a couple different bars and chain combinations but rarely swap them. It is on the heavy side so I tend to cut everything horizontal and let the weight of the saw rest on the wood. I would have never thought of buying a cordless chainsaw for the light vertical stuff until I watched this video.

If you already have the batteries for other tools it might make sense. I haven't gone that route yet so I would appreciate you spending your money and trying it out and letting us know. LOL

Plus if one of your friends see's it in your tool shed you can just tell them it's for "your wife". :)

Don't forget your life preserver if your heading out mowing.  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 26, 2019, 08:30:51 AM
I'll get an electric for the wife....jus sayin....

You know the rules...

We need a picture and video of Wife unit actually cutting wood would be great!  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 26, 2019, 09:16:52 AM
That electric saw would be sweet to mount on a trail bike.  There are a few trailers here that when the snow burns off you find a large tree down and the gas saws are lots more weight to carry on the front forks. 

In past I ride around or under tree but that would be helpful for the first ride      Justification?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 26, 2019, 09:49:13 AM
When Charles goes quiet on his own thread I imagine him saying:
Silence, I keel you!!   Hahaha
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 26, 2019, 11:48:34 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 26, 2019, 01:18:49 PM
Found a 241 on sale for steel dealer days for like 467 and at 13+ pounds for that battery powered chainsaw my 5 1/2 horse power 372 XP Waze about that and there’s no way that I want to be using a 13 1/2 pound chainsaw just to cut up a little limb

But at the moment I’m hauling a bunch of mattresses with a license plate that says redneck I look like the Beverly hillbillies(

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 26, 2019, 01:20:12 PM

But at the moment I’m hauling a bunch of mattresses with a license plate that says redneck I look like the Beverly hillbillies(

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Come and listen to my story about a man named Charles...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on April 26, 2019, 01:34:04 PM
Reddddd that is... big trucks and bronkin' bucks
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 26, 2019, 02:44:51 PM
Just needs a couple riders up there!

Could just see granny up there with an old side by side.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 26, 2019, 05:30:49 PM

This thing is quite the little bobcat. It screams.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 26, 2019, 06:09:17 PM
For you Shawn

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 26, 2019, 06:15:33 PM
So that little black handle looking thing, is that the electric plug in? Nice looking saw Charles, might be a tad big for tree work but time will tell. Nice grabber teeth too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on April 26, 2019, 06:29:30 PM
I see you have the proper PPE on too!!! Close toed shoes... should be a great little saw.

On electric, house I’m currently tending to owns all electric yard tools, them worx brand things... blower and weed eater are really quite impressive. Battery lasts a lot longer than expected.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 26, 2019, 07:46:11 PM
But those are too girly for Charles Wyo.
I guess my testosterone is running low... just the thought of pulling a cord makes me tired.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 26, 2019, 08:05:06 PM
For you Shawn

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I’m impressed, it started!  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 27, 2019, 07:15:39 AM
And it’s 4 pounds lighter than the battery saws....

Now I may try a battery powered pole saw pruner soon.  That seems like the perfect type use for a battery saw.

Started making cabinet doors yesterday and found that my second set of pipe clamps were for 3/4 pipe instead of 1/2inch. Need to return and exchange them.

Had some lumber milled for bunk beds and may have over shot the mark.  6x6 posts are stupid heavy and true 2x8 rails are also heavy.  Guessing the bunk beds will weigh 400+ pounds. May have to think about that a bit.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 27, 2019, 09:33:32 AM
6x6 posts are pretty massive for bunk beds.   Can’t wait to see what they look like.   Have a older lady who came into the cabinet shop and asked us if we could build bunk beds.  We plan on it.  But don’t have a plan of attack yet

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 27, 2019, 10:05:30 AM
Yeah, 4x6 might have been a better choice. However, the 6x6 would be really cool looking and if Ken ever brings H over she could sleep on the top bunk w/o anyone having to worry about it collapsing on them!  :facepalm:

Maybe some strategically placed removal of wood would help the weight on those posts? Bore holes from the ends in with a large bit or router out some deep grooves in back side possibly? Could even incorporate it as part of the joiner process, get creative to lighten it up but keep the appearance.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 27, 2019, 10:40:25 AM
Take that new chainsaw and carve them up a bit to make them look rustic   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on April 27, 2019, 10:59:49 AM
Take that new chainsaw and carve them up a bit to make them look rustic   

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Don’t do this ^^^^^ unless you carve eagles and various animals from tree stumps in your spare time!  :knucklehead:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 27, 2019, 01:33:16 PM
And it’s 4 pounds lighter than the battery saws....

Now I may try a battery powered pole saw pruner soon.  That seems like the perfect type use for a battery saw.

Started making cabinet doors yesterday and found that my second set of pipe clamps were for 3/4 pipe instead of 1/2inch. Need to return and exchange them.

Had some lumber milled for bunk beds and may have over shot the mark.  6x6 posts are stupid heavy and true 2x8 rails are also heavy.  Guessing the bunk beds will weigh 400+ pounds. May have to think about that a bit.

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10 lbs dry...vs
DeWalt 12.2 lbs...
Must be looking at the Milwaukee. 14.4 lbs. Didn't realize how heavy those things are (both brands).

Well, I guess you are getting up there in age... don't wanna twist an ankle carrying a chainsaw around. :wink
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 27, 2019, 06:41:16 PM
I’ll ignore that Ken.  I have the towel holder and toilet paper holder mounted bedframe assembled and one post finished for the bunkbeds


Well that cuts it down from 115 to about 80 pounds

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 27, 2019, 08:31:09 PM
Don't get mad when I copy your cabin in the next couple years. Beautifully done my friend.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 27, 2019, 09:23:38 PM
Ken my dream is to build it again in ID or MT. If you want to replicate I’m happy to help you. Would love to come up and help.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 27, 2019, 09:27:15 PM
Ken my dream is to build it again in ID or MT. If you want to replicate I’m happy to help you. Would love to come up and help.

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Such a deal, Ken don't pass that one up. If I can still drive the truck and trailer when you get going on it I will drop over and "WATCH"
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on April 27, 2019, 09:30:28 PM
Ken my dream is to build it again in ID or MT. If you want to replicate I’m happy to help you. Would love to come up and help.

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Such a deal, Ken don't pass that one up. If I can still drive the truck and trailer when you get going on it I will drop over and "WATCH"

You ok bob?.....or are you talking about the weather?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 01, 2019, 09:48:16 PM
Well got a call from the constable.  My huge red oak by the front of the property fell on the road and blocked it. TX DOT was called and they cut the big limbs and pushed them up in a pile by the fence.


I had planned to cut it down in the next couple of weeks. It wasn’t looking too well

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 01, 2019, 10:06:14 PM
DANG!!!!!! That will he some GREAT sippin by the fire pit wood right there!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 01, 2019, 10:36:18 PM
Yeah.  I’m not even sure my 28 inch bar will get through the main trunk in one pass.  But the new small saw is a real work horse.  I worked it 3 1/2 hours and it ate through everthing. Most of the limbs they piled up by the fence are about 10-12 inches in diameter.  It was finicky to start a couple times so I’ll keep an eye on it.  It sure is nice to have a powerful 10lb saw.  Tomorrow I get to run the beast and tackle the main trunk and big forks.  If I do it right I may be able to avoid bad damage to the barbed wire fence as it’s stretching the top to strands but the branches are holding it up where they hit the ground.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on May 01, 2019, 10:40:42 PM
Lots of work there.  Be careful sir.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on May 01, 2019, 10:43:01 PM
Dang, wish I was closer! I’d love to come help run a saw for a day to cut that up! Always enjoyable work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 02, 2019, 12:36:32 AM
Can you get alcohol free gas? That'll make start better and last longer.

Guess you have firewood for the season.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 02, 2019, 09:15:01 AM
Like JR said, but I don't think it matters. Just pour it on the tree and light it.

Oh, I think he was talking about the chainsaw. :rollseyes
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 02, 2019, 09:33:00 AM
In that instance I recommend diesel
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 02, 2019, 10:07:29 AM
In that instance I recommend diesel

Less boom, more burn (actually did that at scouts last weekend)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 02, 2019, 10:48:40 AM
I always cracked the water filter on my fass.  Filled up a water bottle and dumped s little on when the kids were not looking. Than I would drop in my match and they were always amazed at my one match fire.  Non the wiser

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 02, 2019, 11:58:12 AM
Yes I have super unleaded no ethanol I get from the farm and fuel store.  Gas and oil mix is fresh.

I learned the hard way not to use gas to start a fire.  Almost blew myself up.  Had a pile of leaves about 10 ft in diameter and 4 ft tall that I poured gas on and then realized the match box was empty.  By the time I went to the house and retrieved another box it had all vaporized and was trapped between all the leaves.

One match and it exploded loud enough to bring neighbors of their houses from 3 doors down.  I must of looked like that cartoon character with soot face and white, wide open eyes.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 02, 2019, 12:25:27 PM
Been there before Charles. I have a 4-5' deep burn pit in the back yard. All I had was a gallon of white gas, a propane torch, a couple dead Christmas trees, and 4 semi drunk buddies around the perimeter of said hole. I'm no longer allowed to start camp fires.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 02, 2019, 01:00:21 PM
I started a fire once with gas, once.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on May 02, 2019, 01:13:55 PM
Been there before Charles. I have a 4-5' deep burn pit in the back yard. All I had was a gallon of white gas, a propane torch, a couple dead Christmas trees, and 4 semi drunk buddies around the perimeter of said hole. I'm no longer allowed to start camp fires.
Recipe for a hold my beer moment there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 02, 2019, 01:15:14 PM
I know he’s lying now....


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on May 02, 2019, 01:18:37 PM
Do you have a “sawmill” bar attachment Charles?
An oak like that will have some nice wood in it if you are inclined to oak.
Also makes some great wood fire steaks too.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 02, 2019, 01:53:30 PM
Even better Sam.  I have a sawmill about a mile down the road and I know the owner.  He’d mill what ever I wanted.

I do need a table,maybe that would work.  I’ll see how big a slab I have to work with

I have a 20ft trailer piled high with just the wood 4 inches and better from the limbs and haven’t touched the mains yet.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 02, 2019, 03:12:01 PM
Best way to start a huge bonfire at an outdoor bachelor party- Gallon of gas poured on huge brush pile,  1/4 gallon of gas set 3 feet away, light candle behind 1/4 gallon - one well placed shot from shotgun from a suitable distance and BANG!  Instant blaze, no burnt appendages and lots of bugged out eyeballs magically return to their sockets amid laughter and another cold beer!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 02, 2019, 04:42:09 PM
Or a Roman candle into the brush pile

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 03, 2019, 02:48:03 PM
Can’t have those in Illinois - they’re DANGEROUS you know  :laugh:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 04, 2019, 09:10:18 AM
I always cracked the water filter on my fass.  Filled up a water bottle and dumped s little on when the kids were not looking. Than I would drop in my match and they were always amazed at my one match fire.  Non the wiser

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Sneaky...Effective...Good ;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 04, 2019, 09:11:02 AM
Can’t have those in Illinois - they’re DANGEROUS you know  :laugh:
Have to protect that shrine of political wisdom...

Please move... ;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 04, 2019, 05:37:39 PM
Got up at 04:00 and drank quoffee until 05:00 then left for the hide. Made good time but along I-45 there was a large pine tree down on the northbound side in the dark. I came up on it about 5-10 minutes after it happened. A few vehicles were pulled over with flashers on. An ambulance stopped and blocked the freeway to keep others from hitting it.   Miracle no one was killed.

Stopped for breakfast in Trinity at a little place where old men drink coffee and chat loudly.

Made it here about sun up and got to work on cabinet doors and while some were glued up I tackled the shower enclosure.  It really was a two man job handling 1/2 thick panels of glass but I managed to dodge a bullet.


Then adjusted the temp on the water heater

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 04, 2019, 07:13:26 PM
Barn door style, cool.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 04, 2019, 08:29:25 PM
Thanks..  It went up by more than $100 the week after I ordered it on Amazon...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 04, 2019, 09:16:27 PM
That finished off the shower nicely.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 05, 2019, 02:48:19 PM
Well between gluing up cabinet doors and staining I tackled this today.  My 28 inch bar would not get through it in one pass.

Sharpened the chain and took some height off the depth gauges and that made a huge difference.  It went through 30 plus inches of red oak like butter. (

And I was able to save the fence.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 05, 2019, 04:51:06 PM
That's some nice looking wood Charles. (Be nice)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 05, 2019, 06:42:36 PM
Red oak. Hard. That piece on the other side of the fence is about 6 foot long I’m going to see if my tractor will move it and I’ll take it to the mill and have it milled into wood for a table

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on May 05, 2019, 10:32:58 PM
How would you process the wood? as in drying to avoid cracking, how thick to make the slabs? I'd like to make a few things likewise, but to buy one kiln dried slab of oak is stupid expensive like 150 iirc.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 05, 2019, 10:36:50 PM
Hey Steve, How’s the dually?  I have a guy down the road that has a mill.  I figure 4-5 inch thick slab won’t have much warping, but I will ask the miller. Seems like the bigger the lumber the less warparge

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on May 05, 2019, 10:54:16 PM
Dually's fine not driving much  working in NC   I was talking to a guy at a local sawmill and he told me that in the winter the trees have less sap and when they dry they are less prone to crack.   I don't know how that will work for Texas oaks, but i was just wondering. Keep us updated on how that works.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 07, 2019, 08:19:20 AM
How would you process the wood? as in drying to avoid cracking, how thick to make the slabs? I'd like to make a few things likewise, but to buy one kiln dried slab of oak is stupid expensive like 150 iirc.
With that, square up the sides and make 2" pases

Stack them under a roof with stickers at 2' intervals along the length.

Let them sit a year then plane them and build the ark if you so desire.

I'm doing the same thing with the Ash trees the borer killed in my yard. Have two nice 8' and 10' logs. Going to make a kitchen and a coffee table out of them.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on May 07, 2019, 01:23:55 PM
I have a buddy with a mill.
He said same as Don, except one year per inch thickness for oak.
I’d slab it in around 2 inches. Heck of a lot of board feet there.
And it looked like a really healthy tree.

If the loader can’t lift it...there are ways...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 11, 2019, 07:42:47 PM
Well. Got the cabinet doors installed and the granite countertops sealed


Making the drawer/door for the last spot. It’ll hold cutting boards and knives.

Went ahead and made the upper cabinet for the right side. Not sure about the left.  I’m contemplating cutting the counter and cabinet and putting the fridge there instead of to the side.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 16, 2019, 10:49:14 PM
I won’t recreate the log splitter drama but the new carb showed up today. It will run this weekend or get blown up

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 16, 2019, 11:00:15 PM
I won’t recreate the log splitter drama but the new carb showed up today. It will run this weekend or get blown up

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I sat blow it up, long range  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on May 16, 2019, 11:11:24 PM

I sat blow it up, long range  :tongue:


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 16, 2019, 11:22:14 PM
Leave the tank full!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on May 17, 2019, 12:00:07 PM
Please place an action camera about 10yds away from its final moments! And maybe a video from your long range perspective. Of course, it will run, but if not.... the video would be fun!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on May 17, 2019, 10:32:32 PM
But it needs to be one of those crazy expensive high-speed cameras like they used on Mythbusters whenever they would blow something up.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on May 17, 2019, 11:22:43 PM
But it needs to be one of those crazy expensive high-speed cameras like they used on Mythbusters whenever they would blow something up.

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Im sure don could give some good recommendations on cameras that can/cant take a beating......   :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 18, 2019, 10:42:45 AM
But it needs to be one of those crazy expensive high-speed cameras like they used on Mythbusters whenever they would blow something up.

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Im sure don could give some good recommendations on cameras that can/cant take a beating......   :popcorn:
Just had a panic attack just hearing about cameras (or chain saws, or tractors, or...) ;-)
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 18, 2019, 09:41:36 PM
So, mowed today.  Some rat had chewed through the top of the tank on the push mower.

String trimmed today for the first time since last fall.  Going around the pond was a bear with grass at least 2 ft tall.

Then piled up all the limbs from the big oak out front and put some diesel on it and lit it.  6 hours later and all we have left is this

I also stained and varnished the upper kitchen cabinet and doors for the casita and hung a shelf over the toilet to hold towels and installed smoke detectors that link to the alarm. 

Pretty much done except making the bunk beds

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 19, 2019, 01:36:56 AM
How did you not end up color matching more parts on this pickup?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 19, 2019, 07:22:55 AM
I bough it how it sits other than wheels and I changed the color matched handles for black

Front is pretty peppered up with rocks and bugs.  At some point I may have it painted, but then I’d be anal about not scratching it which would be tough since I use this like a truck.

My Denali is the pavement princess.  It’s one year old next week and has 10,400 miles on it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 19, 2019, 05:15:42 PM
Got cabinet mounted and one door. Didn’t realize I was out of hinges.

Made the crazy thin drawer to hold cutting boards. Getting all 4 slides on correctly was a bear.

Then realized I made the drawer front too big.  Had to go make another. After the glue dries I’ll stain and varnish.

Made the railing and stiles for the stairs.

Hung the mirror and the smoke detector that’s connected to the alarm via the internet.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 19, 2019, 07:42:14 PM
That place looks outstanding Charles! Really beautifully done-
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 19, 2019, 09:55:29 PM
Thanks Mike. I’m soooo close to being done. Almost 2 years.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on May 20, 2019, 12:14:14 AM
Thanks Mike. I’m soooo close to being done. Almost 2 years.

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I’m just building a truck and I tell myself the same thing.

Nice job Charles!!!! You clearly have a career after your existing one if you so chose it! Your work is great.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 20, 2019, 08:12:02 AM

Truly an outstanding project, start to (nearly) finish!  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 24, 2019, 06:35:18 PM
Ok. So I didn’t give up on the Kohler engine.  But I changed carb and plug and still not working.

So since I needed a no doubt solution I stopped today and bought this


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 24, 2019, 06:42:12 PM
So I get here about 12pm and swap it out. Fill her up and add oil and.......


Shoot ether in it. Starts and sputter a dies

Same as the old

Then it hits me.  I could swear I added new ethanol free super unleaded to the can that I was filling both engines from. But when I drained the tank into a bucket that was white it looked awfully yellow.

Went to the station and bought fresh gas and can.

Filled it and it fired right up just like a Honda should.

So apparently neither the Kohler or the Honda has enough compression to run.....on diesel. :eek


So I drained the Kohler and filled it and it fires right up.

At least now I have a spare. That will fit the splitter, the pressure washer or the tiller. I’ll drain it and spray it with oil in the cylinder and put it on the shelf

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on May 24, 2019, 09:36:15 PM
It’s already got oil in the cylinder from the diesel... :knucklehead:

Sorry did have prior to you refueling and running. CM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 24, 2019, 09:38:03 PM
Think I have the same issue with the Polaris. Starting running bad after I filled it, just gas I had laying around.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 24, 2019, 10:11:21 PM
Man if I only had a nickle for every gas motor I serviced with diesel...  :facepalm:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 25, 2019, 06:47:56 AM
Got the other door on the upper cabinet mounted, got under cabinet LEDs installed and the small sliding drawer face built and stained.  Will varnish today and install.

Added a second security keypad in the casita with siren and a camera to go with the smoke detector.

Will pressure wash the outside and porch to prep for tinted stain on the deck and call this project done!

At least until I decide whether to add the second upper cabinet on the left or cut the countertop and sink the fridge into that space instead of leaving it setting to the side. I can never have too much shop space and the wife can never have too much fridge space apparently.  I wanted a smaller fridge but now that i have the larger one, she doesn’t want to get rid of it.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 25, 2019, 06:19:31 PM
Split a bunch of red oak today. Gonna be sore from muscling the big rounds on the splitter.  24 inches thick and 28 inches wide red oak.  Will feel it tomorrow still have a bunch to do but stopped and got in the pool with the family and then grilled burgers and dogs and now working on a bit of muscle relaxer (130proof)


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 25, 2019, 06:26:43 PM
Now I know why I hurt so bad.  I just calculated the weight of the logs I was  pushing around.  61 lb/ft3 for wet red oak.  Means the biggest rounds were about 400lbs

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 25, 2019, 10:28:51 PM
Charles will you please do a walk though of the complete casita taking photos and post them in one group

It’s really hard to scroll through all the posts and show my wife lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 25, 2019, 10:34:34 PM
Ok Dave. Tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 25, 2019, 11:12:34 PM
You know Charles, all that work will make a man of you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 26, 2019, 12:03:50 AM
Thanks guy. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on May 26, 2019, 08:17:38 AM
You know Charles, all that work will make a OLD man of you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Fixed it-
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2019, 09:53:59 AM
Back at it


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2019, 04:31:52 PM
So Dave, here is the (mostly) finished product.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2019, 04:34:34 PM

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2019, 04:37:45 PM
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2019, 04:44:02 PM
Just a few odds and ends to put the finishing touches.

I have two more of those barstools, we’ve been hanging on to those for 10 years since it took us more than a year of looking to find them and then we moved and the current house does not have a bar height counter.  Going to have a bar height table in that space.

Tv will mount in the corner

Can’t decide yet wether to leaver the fridge where it is or cut the countertop and sink it in the left side of the counter, in which case, no second upper cabinet.  Once that decision is made I’ll tile the backsplash. Same tile as the shower and the glass insert.

Upstairs I just need to finish the bunk beds I’m building and then some bean bags and a storage trunk.

Once the handrails on the porch season, I’ll stain the porch and posts and railing.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 26, 2019, 05:46:39 PM
Looks great. To bad you couldn't just sink the fridge into the wall its at. Isn't that a MW behind it?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 26, 2019, 05:50:51 PM
Thanks. It’s the pantry/closet. Can’t give that up.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on May 26, 2019, 07:08:06 PM
That is a very nicely built “casita”! I air quote that because it is way above the average home in quality. Job well done sir!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 26, 2019, 10:07:07 PM
I'd live in that on a bet!

And be darned happee!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on May 27, 2019, 09:01:47 AM
TRN. Very nice work. Really amazing. How is the knee doing?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on May 27, 2019, 09:44:22 AM
Thank you for posting photos    The wife and I like it,    I don’t remember why you didn’t pour a foundation.   Did that get covered a year ago when we started this?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on May 27, 2019, 10:45:06 AM
I'd live in that on a bet!

And be darned happee!
Yes sir. Feel the same here.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 27, 2019, 05:24:35 PM
Thanks guys.

Dave I decided on post and beam because of the slope and because I wanted to do it all myself without hiring out foundation. Seems to fit the theme even though the main house is on slab.

Remember this started small and got out of hand quick.

Knee is almost 100%. Still taking it somewhat easy. Doing some moderate leg presses at the gym, about 330 with higher reps. Not running yet but about to start.

Finished all the wood splitting. Man that was a lot of wood.

Pressure washed the casita and porch and then pressure washed all the flagstone around the pool, porches and kitchen area.

Smoked a pork butt overnight and now chillin and about to head home in and hour.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 05, 2019, 07:07:27 PM
Starting to get some finishing touches on it. Still have to stain the porch and install a small amount of finishing trim (will get done tomorrow). Stain will have to wait for the wood to dry after today’s rain.

Gotta get after the bunk beds.

Today assembled some chinaman furniture for the porch. Matches what’s on the porch of the main house.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 05, 2019, 08:07:15 PM
I lied. Installed the keystones and cabinet trim tonight.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 06, 2019, 09:19:40 PM
Today I loaded the 6ft section of log onto the trailer and took it to the mill


The bottom was a bit too big for the mill. Those pieces are 4 inch thick 6 ft long and 28-30 inches wide

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 06, 2019, 09:35:11 PM
Did you lay down to take that picture?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 06, 2019, 09:42:03 PM
If he lifted those, he should be!

Is that off the red oak?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 07, 2019, 07:27:41 AM
Yea. The last of the red oak. It’s really pretty. Those slabs are about 250 each.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 07, 2019, 07:37:49 AM
250 lbs or $250.00?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 07, 2019, 08:08:40 AM
Maybe both Lol. They weigh 250. Miller tells me they aren’t cheap either.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 07, 2019, 10:34:21 AM
Maybe both Lol. They weigh 250. Miller tells me they aren’t cheap either.

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Once milled, that firewood takes on a new life, a very spendy one
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 09, 2019, 01:29:04 PM
Working on bunk beds.

Not even Ken’s girlfriend could break these.


True 6x6 and true 2x8. True 2x6 for the steps.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on June 09, 2019, 02:16:51 PM
Are you going to use the loader on the tractor to move them? 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 09, 2019, 04:13:09 PM
Wouldn't it be cheaper and lighter to just put your kids on a diet?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 09, 2019, 04:31:43 PM
Wouldn't it be cheaper and lighter to just put your kids on a diet?

Charles was planning ahead in case you brought your gf for a visit, sure he will rent front end loader to get her in and out of it too.....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 09, 2019, 08:30:45 PM
Man that’s big!
Whoa, that's serious! What are you naming it, USS North America? Does it come with its own zip code, what's the area code for that thing? I bet it creates its own mini gravitational field! Do things suddenly pop off the ground and start to orbit around it?
Does ATC offer clearances for low flying jets to safely clear that thing? You know you have to put blinking lights on anything taller than 200 feet! Have you ever seen mini weather systems forming on the inside? What sort of viewing system (Telescope??) do you use to see from one end to the other?
What about communications?? I assume you have several cell phone towers erected here and there on the inside! Have you ever lost a small child on the inside? Does it require climbing lessons to be able to get to the sleeping areas? And when you get there do you require oxygen to stay there? Do you ever see birds of prey swooping about on the inside?
Do you get a decent quality echo? HELLO, HELlo. HEllo, hello... Has the national park service ever contacted you about allowing visitors to view the vast interior expanses?
Do the people living on the inside all speak English? Any river or mountain systems forming in there? Is there enough room to do a full stop landing or perhaps a go around with a full traffic pattern?
Is there cultural diversity between the various people living on either end? Has the US navy asked to use it for night landing practice for F-18's? If you had to turn it would it require an addition to the national highway system? Has it showed up on any police or FBI Intel report as a UFO?
Has the military ever been sent to investigate it? Do people in white coats ever show up to drill core samples in it to determine its make-up? If it were to move, then stop suddenly would it show a tic on the Richter scale? Say in China? Is it visible from space? And have you ever noticed the formation of polar caps on either end?

Man be careful with that thing, its big!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 09, 2019, 09:52:36 PM
Don, what ya drinking this evening?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 09, 2019, 10:52:36 PM
Sounds like the coffee rant the other morning!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on June 13, 2019, 12:12:40 PM
Tex - looks outstanding on all accounts!  I agree that the rotation of the fridge into line with the sink/countertop will look/flow better.  You could put up a couple shelves and some coat hooks where the fridge now stands if you go that route.

Those slabs of wood look like they're really special and will make beautiful furniture when you decide what to use them for!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 15, 2019, 06:54:51 PM
Well here is it’s permanent resting place. 


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 15, 2019, 07:05:54 PM
Will H fit on the bottom bunk? We know she won’t on the ladder

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 15, 2019, 09:09:46 PM
She might. The stairs to the second floor may not hold her.

Assembled some poly wood Adirondack chairs and tables today.


4 chairs and two tables total.

20 year warranty. We shall see

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 15, 2019, 09:20:48 PM
Love that bunk setup.
Chairs look great also.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 15, 2019, 09:25:03 PM

Thanks Ken.

Here’s all 4

Burning the boxes they came in. It’s 96 and fire doesn’t help

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 15, 2019, 10:40:41 PM
Looks very inviting even at 96*
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 15, 2019, 11:37:51 PM
I am buzzed !   I can’t stand up, sitting in one of those chairs for the rest of the evening sounds like an amazing start to the weekend of Father’s Day.    I hope to be in a home that’s finished as nice as yours.      Well don Charles. WELL DONE SIR. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cudakidd53 on June 16, 2019, 12:16:34 PM
Nice finished bunk bed there - top bunk will certainly NOT be hot under that chiller unit!  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 16, 2019, 12:44:07 PM
Nice finished bunk bed there - top bunk will certainly NOT be hot under that chiller unit!  :likebutton:

that is honestly exactly where I would sleep.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 16, 2019, 06:42:44 PM
Don, what ya drinking this evening?
OK, you got me...Baileys...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 16, 2019, 07:59:25 PM
You sir are more than entitled to do that if you wish. Hope the home front is coming around , better to keep up than just use up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 17, 2019, 09:14:22 AM

Just completely over the top in a classy way.
Double thumbs up on one really nice build.
Everything well thought out and sorted. We all have learned so much watching this come together.
(All your photos of the brown stuff reflecting the evening fire got me to enjoy some of those moments myself)
I give this whole thing the coveted and just created"TBERM" award (The best ever on Real Man).
And you are competing in some tall cotton. Salt Lake Daves home, Shawn's, well, his wife's place, well, his wife and daughter's place, JR's palace on the roof, my shed (Just kiddin' with that one), and so many more.

Well done indeed!

Oh and along with receiving the award you also get a hardy handshake and a toothy smile from you'r truly, a rare glimpse of "the Duane" and immediate pay raise of 10%, complimentary additional posting, and one get out of fired card which you can use for yourself or pass along to some Dave or Ken or J named people, or just anyone else that you may choose which, of course I will subsequently disapprove

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on June 17, 2019, 01:05:42 PM
Don dipping into the Baileys again? :)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 17, 2019, 02:20:25 PM
Probably. He sure seems generous. Thanks for the encouragement Don. It started small and quickly grew into a beast. Just glad to put the final touches and call it done.  For those keeping score it took the better part of two years.  Not exactly setting speed records.

Daughter took the inaugural shower last night.  She approves.  And I realize I was right to be worried about a tankless water heater. Wife had to run her out after 30 minutes.

I have a box full of receipts. The next fun episode will be to sit and tally all that up and determine the real cost.

I may want to build it again someplace in ID. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 17, 2019, 07:16:44 PM
Got room on my spread...but ...
Reasons. Lol
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 17, 2019, 08:54:53 PM
Don dipping into the Baileys again? :)

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Jest a wee wittle! ;-))

Weird. I don't really drink, like almost not at all. But that Baileys someone shoved in my hand one evening in Kandahar started something. I can drink the stuff, no problem. Feel all warm and smiley all over...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 17, 2019, 09:30:11 PM
Ken, maybe the next 150 acres over....just a 20 minute ride by SXS....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 17, 2019, 11:03:05 PM
I dare you.  We could tag team a couple more casitas.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 28, 2019, 11:06:20 PM
So today i installed a 6ft 8 blade 10,000 CFM outdoor ceiling fan on the back porch.

Brushless DC motor.

Muuuuuuuuch better than the Mickey Mouse piece of garbage fan that was up there


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on June 28, 2019, 11:27:28 PM
So today i installed a 6ft 8 blade 10,000 CFM outdoor ceiling fan on the back porch.

Brushless DC motor.

Muuuuuuuuch better than the Mickey Mouse piece of garbage fan that was up there

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I need that in our living room! We haven’t turned the AC on yet this year because it had been cooling off well enough at night. But I think that has finally past, last night didn’t drop below 69.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 29, 2019, 08:16:11 PM
First time with the new rig.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 29, 2019, 09:13:54 PM
Did you even put it on the grill?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 29, 2019, 09:15:26 PM
60 seconds under the salamander on each side and then 90 seconds on top of the coals for each side. Done.  Medium rare.

Steaks need to be 1-1/2 thick

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 29, 2019, 09:21:17 PM
So today i installed a 6ft 8 blade 10,000 CFM outdoor ceiling fan on the back porch.

Brushless DC motor.

Muuuuuuuuch better than the Mickey Mouse piece of garbage fan that was up there


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That bring back memories ;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 29, 2019, 09:37:27 PM
Sitting at  Sac waiting 1.5hrs till our flight and looking for food.  That doesn't help
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on July 01, 2019, 09:36:55 AM
First time with the new rig.


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Leave it to the TX Redneck to make an analog salamander. well done sir! or should I say, medium rare
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 01, 2019, 09:23:54 PM
Thanks Sam.

Today, I transported the second bunk bed from the shop to the casita where I assembled it.

Starting to get my shop back.  This week I intend to install that Grizzly locker that’s been sitting on the shelf for 6 months.

Then I installed some can lights on the back porch since the fan I installed didn’t have lights and there were none on the porch.

That lead to all kinds of drama.  Once I selected the locations, and cut the holes,of course directly above the holes were bracing that I couldn’t cut so I had to go back to the store (2 hr trip) to get low profile recessed cans.

Then I spray painted the bezels oil rubbed bronze metallic krylon and got them installed along with a dimmer switch.

much better.


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 02, 2019, 08:39:47 PM
Railing upstairs was just not fitting on the wood trim along the opening of the stairs, so I cut the railing and welded it back up.

Now that I figured out that welding with gas and solid wire requires a polarity change, (DOH!) my gas welding is getting better. Still need some practice..


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 03, 2019, 08:25:55 PM
So today, after spending an hour in a parking lot with the oldest teaching her to park between the lines, I stopped in at harbor freight and bought the kit with the small and large HVLP guns in a blow molded case for $49.

Took a bit of adjusting but got it dialed in and sprayed the railing where I welded after using some self etching primer from a can.

Then took it back upstairs and installed it with HeadLok screws (like timber lock but with a large flat head).  12 screws into the wood triumph it sits on and the subfloor and in a couple of instances, the engineered joists, and that thing would support Ken’s girlfriend..


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 14, 2019, 05:08:27 PM
So the finishing touches continue installed 40 inch smart TV upstairs for the girls USB duplex outlets because I’m tired of my wall warts disappearing and blackout cellular shades

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 14, 2019, 05:25:58 PM
Then took it back upstairs and installed it with HeadLok screws (like timber lock but with a large flat head).  12 screws into the wood triumph it sits on and the subfloor and in a couple of instances, the engineered joists, and that thing would support Ken’s girlfriend..


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Pics or we know it’s not true!!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 14, 2019, 08:26:51 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 14, 2019, 08:50:56 PM
Really like the keystone styled casement.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2019, 06:26:36 PM
Well now that the casita is done there are a few housekeeping items to attend to. The seacan has never been properly organized and all my reloading stuff was just kinda thrown in there.  Today I started organizing and cleaning. I also took time to clean a few weapons just to make sure the other enemy (rust, as opposed to politicians) didn’t get a hold of my stuff. Started with the most expensive and working my way down. So far they all were fine from when I put them away a couple of years ago but I cleaned the bores and oiled them again.

This is the prettiest gun i own.


Weatherby MkV 460. Very few rounds down it. The bluing is like a mirror. Check out the bolt.

Thing is massive.

This thing slings a 400gn bullet at 2700fps. 115gns of powder iirc

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 21, 2019, 08:09:29 PM
Is that a custom stock set, very nice either way. I didn’t know you guys hunted elephants down there. Even with the brake I bet you feel it take off.   :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 21, 2019, 09:23:29 PM
Thanks Bob. That’s a laser engraved stock. It came that way from the factory. And yes. 5-6 rounds sighting it in is about all you I can handle and then some. Not sure how old it is. I bought it NIB from and estate sale. It has maybe 15 rounds down it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 22, 2019, 11:00:12 AM
That has to be crazy brutal!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2019, 12:48:45 PM
Ok back in the seacan and working through trying to remember all I forgot about reloading


Thought I would start with some 308 brass and prep it in the single stage while I try to remember how to set up and run the progressive. 


I really want to get a bigger tumbler but may settle on multiple smaller ones. The Thumlers Tumbler is top notch just a bit small for the amount of brass I have to process.

So after tumbling and body sizing and neck sizing I use the RCBS case mate prep center to uniform the flash hole clean the primer pocket and be burr the opening and chamfer the inside of the neck


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2019, 02:19:58 PM
cement mixer
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2019, 03:28:44 PM
I’ve got one. You really think that would work?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 05, 2019, 03:58:02 PM
Sure just add media
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 05, 2019, 04:03:46 PM
I have heard of several who use the smaller plastic one for it.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on August 05, 2019, 06:38:55 PM
Dish washer dedicated to brass? Couple small baskets on the bottom rack you can do large quantities in no time....?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 05, 2019, 07:20:45 PM
Dish washer dedicated to brass? Couple small baskets on the bottom rack you can do large quantities in no time....?
Never thought of that...Darned good idea!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 05, 2019, 08:31:41 PM
Response to Shawn's post:

Like the New York times?
Or will concrete be more uniform?
Hehe, haha
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 05, 2019, 08:56:04 PM

Just drop this here for some drooling....

I do think I'll get 50 lbs of media and see if I can use the cement mixer.  Gonna need more brass....
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 05, 2019, 10:18:03 PM
And if you get that super press, you best be buying a few more pieces to help recycle the brass more quickly.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 05, 2019, 11:04:09 PM
Response to Shawn's post:

Like the New York times?
Or will concrete be more uniform?
Hehe, haha

Truthfully as soon as I posted that I thought to myself “CNN”..... as in a few of those commentators should be in that mixer with some cement
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 16, 2019, 10:14:47 PM

Got some new Klipsch bookshelf speakers for the seacan to go with the onkyo TXH receiver and subwoofer.

Working on shelves for the amateur radio set up as well.

Brought an old desktop and upgraded to windows 10pro and it has my internal external ballistics software.

All I need is a hammock in the seacan and I can live out there.

Already have a coffee maker and mini fridge.  Maybe I just need a microwave and a hammock.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 17, 2019, 08:42:02 AM
And after last nights teenage hormone fest I remember why I have the seacan.  Solitude and I have the only key

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 17, 2019, 09:42:14 AM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 17, 2019, 12:17:29 PM
That's a hard word to say, "Klipsch"

What is that, German?? Chech? Polish?

Keeps soundin' like something else

Not sure I like it...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 17, 2019, 01:53:39 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cj7ox on August 18, 2019, 07:22:50 AM

Sounds like an interesting dude! BTW, he went to a rival high school of mine. LOL!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 18, 2019, 08:09:07 AM
Got the shelves done. Got reacquainted with the Dillon 650, the powder scales and had to find the ac adapter for the electronic scale.

Loaded 5 230fmj rounds and 5 230 Hornady XTP rounds over 4.5gn of Titegroup to test.

Set up the pistol dies on a new toolhead for the 650 and sorted a batch of brass. Only found two small primer cases.

Now I’m reacquainting myself with the Oehler 35P crono getting ready to test the rounds.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 18, 2019, 08:16:56 AM
Charles, something to consider maybe is running a strip around front three sides of those shelves. I use 1.5 x .75 stock keeps the shelves straight over time and keeps things up on the shelf too. I normally countersink and screw it on every 12” with short drywall screws.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 18, 2019, 08:26:32 AM
Thanks Shawn.  Not my best work there but it’s 3/4 ply with brackets every 24 inches.

Should have used my big level to get the brackets exact but I was in a bit of a hurry.

You talking about. Leaving the face flush at the bottom so as to create a lip on the top to keep stuff from sliding off?  Might have to think about that.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 18, 2019, 08:28:08 AM
Correct, you can leave it flush at bottom for a decent lip around top. Can be added at anytime too.....

Edit: if it’s plywood glue may be helpful
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 18, 2019, 09:40:57 AM
Pick up some rough sawn poplar and cut it down,  good wood for not much $.   Any cabinet that we paint gets made out of poplar.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 18, 2019, 10:19:19 AM
Something else to consider is using the chrono outside. Might be a little loud in there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on August 18, 2019, 10:58:12 AM
Something else to consider is using the chrono outside. Might be a little loud in there.

4.5 sounds about right Charles. Maybe 4.6. Haven’t rolled those in a while.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 18, 2019, 04:30:35 PM
Thanks Sam,  you’re right 4.6 would probably be ideal.  I may turn it up a bit when loading the XTP HP Rounds. 4.5 was a nice safe load averaging about 775fps.  I was just a bit nervous with that Titegroup since its so compact.  Using that powder thrower on the 650 aint perfectly consistent and I didnt want a hot load.  theres only 8 tenths between starting and max (4.0-4.8)  Figured I'd split the difference.  Its a nice little load I can load a bunch of. 

Loaded about 200 rounds.  Will pump out another 800 next weekend.  Time to get some more ammo cans...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 18, 2019, 04:34:17 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 19, 2019, 06:03:27 AM
The way to read the chrono output is:

Each shot is logged on a line
first number is the proof screen velocity (the 35p measures each shot twice and compares the two to make sure the data is as accurate as possible)  You can see on  the first shot on the right ticket it only measured the proof and errored on the primary, thus the asterisk which means it was not included in the summary at the bottom.
the middle is the shot number
the last is the measured velocity used for the calculations
then below the dashed line is the summary of the string of shots

extreme spread
standard deviation

A little overkill for pistol, but for precision rifle work, it really helps in load development
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 30, 2019, 06:40:32 PM
In addition to ordering 5000 rounds of once fired 45ACP, I also found that The Ready Store was running a sale on some #10 cans of meat products.

So I picked up 6 cans of freeze dried meat.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 31, 2019, 03:59:52 PM
In addition to ordering 5000 rounds of once fired 45ACP, I also found that The Ready Store was running a sale on some #10 cans of meat products.

So I picked up 6 cans of freeze dried meat.
I just hate that stuff

Its one of the few things that looks the same coming out as it did going in!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 31, 2019, 07:17:34 PM
You are talking about the brass right
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 31, 2019, 07:30:19 PM
Don,  I have to tell you the freeze dried stuff is incredible.  I've used it quite often on camping trips and the kids love the pasta with meat sauce.  My little reactor stove heats water in 3 minutes and then we pour it in the pouch and voila! dinner in less than 5 minutes.

I looked at the home freeze driers but decided against it just because of time constraints.

I have a ton of MREs and those are hit and miss , but the tortellini are awesome
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on August 31, 2019, 08:14:24 PM
TRN, make sure you keep an eye on those mre's...they do have an expiration date.

and to keep them good for as long as possible, keep they in a temp controlled area
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 31, 2019, 09:02:28 PM
Roger that Nate. 5-7 at 72 degrees. I eat them occcasionally but they are good well beyond that date. There are documented stories of people eating 20-30 year old MREs.

I don’t buy the meals anymore. I buy the entrees and heaters separately

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on August 31, 2019, 09:27:02 PM
Freeze dried foods have come a long ways. It really depends on the brand you use. We use them regularly in our house, for dinners and such. The freeze dried onions get used at least once a week, we love them!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 31, 2019, 10:30:34 PM
Good friend of mine was a SeaBee in the early 80’s and swears they ate Vietnam era rations......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 01, 2019, 09:33:42 AM
Finished the 1000 rounds of 45 I was loading.  Then re oriented the flag in the frame to display it vertical and hung it in the sea can.

I guess it’s finished since I’m decorating. (


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 01, 2019, 05:43:48 PM
^^^ I like that!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 01, 2019, 06:59:56 PM
So today I cleared a little piece of land behind the pond for a new pistol range.

Now I can move and shoot and take cover.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on September 01, 2019, 07:19:13 PM
What kind of back stop do you have?  Are you shooting downhill so the ground is your impact point or is it and extended section of woods behind you?   Just curious as this is something I need to complete as well.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 01, 2019, 07:54:26 PM
Its an extended piece of woods but I’m down in the valley of a creek and the other side of the creek behind there, rises about 40 feet total so its a backstop of sorts

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 01, 2019, 11:01:47 PM
Prepping for some fun tomorrow.

And yes I know #7 is missing.  It’s in the safe with jhp loaded in it.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 07, 2019, 04:59:15 PM
Another 1000 rounds loaded today.

I’ll make seating depth adjustments and run 500 Hornady XTP JHP 230gn

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 21, 2019, 06:37:10 PM
So today I finished my compressor condenser.

Transmission cooler with the output from the compressor head to the top then out the bottom into an automatic water separator and then into the tank. Will make a wall mounted copper tube condenser to get additional moisture out.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 21, 2019, 10:57:39 PM
Interesting concept Charles
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 21, 2019, 11:01:43 PM
Stole it from utube.  Dude demonstrates the improvement in temp and moisture. My media blast cabinet has never worked right because of the moisture. (Easily 70+% humidity a good bit of the time )

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 22, 2019, 02:05:36 PM
Only in TX, right?

Not a bad idea at all though. Just AC units for the pressure?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 22, 2019, 02:14:44 PM
Great idea there Tex!

So, air primarily for the blast cabinet then?

BTW, mine has never worked correctly either

I get a lot of water out of that monster V4 compressor of mine
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 22, 2019, 02:56:28 PM
Check out youtube and there are several videos with part numbers.  I used a transmission cooler and an auto drain.  I plan to add a copper pipe manifold on the wall to further cool the air.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 28, 2020, 04:12:48 PM
Well with the shelter in place and us spending a lot of time here I decided it was time to put up a mailbox.

Bought a mailbox and then scrounged some pipe and C purlin and voila

Used the auger on the tractor to dig the hole and got it in the ground and then mounted the mailbox. Will take finished pics later after the rain

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 28, 2020, 08:14:17 PM
Proper looking country mail box stand
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 29, 2020, 01:17:25 PM
And done. Just need to get my property address on it and some reflective tape on the pole


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on March 29, 2020, 02:29:44 PM
Looks legit!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 29, 2020, 08:45:07 PM
Installed a new gate up at the far side of the front where the cleared land is. This is how we’ll get loads of materials and equipment in when we start large scale gardening.   First up will be fruit trees and berry bushes along the fence. Then I’m investigating square foot gardening and other high density high performing methods. Not sure which way I’ll go.

Will get more pics tomorrow. Got the second post in and the H. brace made. Fence stretcher is a piece of garbage. The metal on the cams are too soft and they won’t grip. May have to use come along to get it right.
Garden is coming along nicely.

Lots of tomatoes, peppers,spinach, chard, purple cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers and yellow squash.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 29, 2020, 09:18:00 PM
I thought a come along was “the fence stretcher”?  :huh:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 29, 2020, 09:54:45 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 29, 2020, 10:01:50 PM

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Ya, copy was being a smart butt. We always used a come along......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 30, 2020, 08:46:13 PM
Finished the gate today.

Need to adjust the lowest wire strand


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 30, 2020, 11:12:20 PM
Good work!

So green already down there.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on March 31, 2020, 08:57:52 AM
My office for the next while.

No green in sight here for a while.


Oh. Brisket in the smoker for dinner tonight.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 31, 2020, 11:33:04 PM
Lol. It was 90 here last week.

Today I built a package drop for the Amazon fairy.

Still need to clar
The outside in R panel and put some treated feet on it

It’s 36x24x36

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 01, 2020, 07:42:12 PM
The couch ornament decided to move to the open kitchen sink window

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 01, 2020, 08:51:58 PM
How’s that HF blast cabinet work for ya Tex? I think you said you had to make some tweaks to it? I’m thinking of picking one up to finish up some projects.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 01, 2020, 09:15:15 PM
Yeah. Go with a TP gun and it works fun. Bigger is better on the compressor.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 01, 2020, 10:01:47 PM
TP is Tacoma Products right? I’ve seen them mentioned various times in conjunction with the HF cabinet.

Never mind, it’s Tacoma Company. TP is something else...? Not the white stuff everyone thinks they need to buy right now.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 04, 2020, 12:31:46 PM
And this is why my shop never gets clean. In the process of cleaning I find some cedar that was in the way and it winds up being a little project that distracts me.


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 12, 2020, 08:59:01 PM
Ok so added some additional security cameras and power washed the back porch and the casita and rebuilt an 18v dewalt  nicad

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 12, 2020, 09:05:58 PM
Is that auger you get from TSC? Been looking but I have more rocks I bet.

Nice box and far enough off the road for drive bys.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 12, 2020, 09:12:54 PM
Yeah TSC special. I have the 10 inch auger. Need the 12   Want an 18 when I go to do the cantilevered sliding gate at the entrance.

Amazing.  Amazon will find me long before the FBI does.....within 2 days I got brown Santa dropping packages...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 12, 2020, 09:16:19 PM
Yeah TSC special. I have the 10 inch auger. Need the 12   Want an 18 when I go to do the cantilevered sliding gate at the entrance.

Amazing.  Amazon will find me long before the FBI does.....within 2 days I got brown Santa dropping packages...

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Of course the reality is that if the FBI wants to find me they will and the CIA will hack all my internet connected devices and the spec ops crew will use all the IR from the cameras to sneak up on me with the NODs.  Nah, they’ll just drone in a missile and call it done.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 12, 2020, 09:24:09 PM
So I had mothballed the ice maker from the days when I had the 5er. Since we’ve been quarantined I dug it out and it’s been awesome. I’ve used it to make ice to keep the Yeti topped off with ice and cold drinks cold on the back porch. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on April 13, 2020, 05:23:29 PM
Source on batteries for the Dewalt rebuilds?

Yes the camper ice special.
Ours still kicking as well. Been without camper for several years now.
It racks ice all summer for us.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 16, 2020, 08:48:08 PM
Sam amazon as always. Sold in 15 packs. Perfect for rebuilding an 18v batter. Just search Sub C NiCad. These were 3400mah

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 17, 2020, 12:41:56 AM
Wouldn’t it be more efficient in the long run to use the adapter to a lithium ion?

DEWALT 18v to 20v Adapter - Bare (DCA1820)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 17, 2020, 03:28:47 AM
Put Nichol metal hydride in there. Usually more capacity and can use the same charger. What we used in models before lipos hit the sceen.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Dawg25385 on April 21, 2020, 04:21:48 PM
Just caught up on your thread Charles, everything looks great! Really top notch work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 21, 2020, 09:11:09 PM
Thanks Kyle. Ryan the adaptor is more than what I spent to rebuild this one but eventually I may go that route. JR, nimh I’ll have to look at the form factor since the spacing is really tight in the case

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 21, 2020, 11:20:56 PM
A Kyle sighting!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 22, 2020, 01:37:36 AM
Same size batteries,  just better ratings.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 26, 2020, 08:17:13 PM
Ok finally did something with the pile of rocks that was the fire pit before we had all the pool and fire pit built.

Just had some paver base laying around.  Will water it in and then get some smaller decomposed granite to finish


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 26, 2020, 08:21:04 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on April 26, 2020, 09:40:26 PM
Nice pattern Red

What are you using to lock them in place? Sand? Crushed stone? Something else?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 26, 2020, 10:06:40 PM
I had some paver base laying around but will finish with fine decomposed granite.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on April 26, 2020, 10:40:56 PM
Very nice Charles, bet you will be glad when you are finished and not walking in dirt or mud to get wood for the fire.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 26, 2020, 11:17:32 PM
Looks great to me.   They have that glue concrete type sand.  I have used that with pavers. Worked good from my experience

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 27, 2020, 08:15:24 AM
I’ll look into that Dave.  I’ll probably just stick with crushed granite since I didn’t plate compact. These will probably settle some and I’ll need to make spot repairs I’m sure.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on April 27, 2020, 11:21:47 AM
What Dave is talking about is called polymeric sand. It locks everything in place once it gets wet.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 27, 2020, 01:28:22 PM
Looks great to me.   They have that glue concrete type sand.  I have used that with pavers. Worked good from my experience

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I used the same on my patio, held up great for years now. My pavers are pretty tight though.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 09, 2020, 08:27:53 PM
Just for kicks I added a WiFi access point at the pond/garden.  I have a shielded direct burial cat 6 cable already out there. The run is right at the max of about 330 ft. for POE. Works great. Good signal. Will probably add a 3 port switch and the. Piggyback a camera too.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 09, 2020, 09:02:21 PM
And enjoying what is likely to be the last fire of the season. Been a cool spring. Gonna get to the upper 40s tonight.  Note the big D welding crocs(

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 10, 2020, 09:31:05 PM
Just for kicks I added a WiFi access point at the pond/garden.  I have a shielded direct burial cat 6 cable already out there. The run is right at the max of about 330 ft. for POE. Works great. Good signal. Will probably add a 3 port switch and the. Piggyback a camera too.


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Someone's gonna think you're a spook!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 10, 2020, 10:39:03 PM
Well with all the IR Illumination real spooks should be able to walk right up like it’s daylight. Or a laser designator would find it an easy target. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 01, 2020, 09:16:08 PM
Hmm. Seems my last post is a little different than I remember. I’m any event.

So time to build the outdoor kitchen starting with the structure.

I debated the engineering because there is no sheer wall to create rigidity. Four posts and a roof. Like a table of sorts.

14x24 structure with one post per corner. The attachment of the post to the corner is key to rigidity. So the traditional post attachments won’t create any real structure. 4x6 nailed into a Simpson post base is not rigid.

So I decided I’d use steel columns with a base plate bolted with epoxied all thread into the concrete. The columns will have beam pockets welded out of 10ga with nail holes to fasten.

I ordered prefab base plates that came in today.  Gonna weld these on and then start working on the pockets


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 01, 2020, 10:49:27 PM
Wish my build was this far along.

Wonder what Dons farm looks like??
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 01, 2020, 10:55:05 PM
Wish my build was this far along.

Wonder what Dons farm looks like??
I’m sure antifa has taken over by now.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 01, 2020, 11:11:30 PM
Plus he has no Dozer to chase em with. THAT would be fun!!!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 01, 2020, 11:33:05 PM
He would smash his chainsaw and camera first anyway

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 01, 2020, 11:35:18 PM
Tag the protesters with orange, GTG.

OK Charles, we'll stop the DOT for now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 13, 2020, 06:11:29 PM
Ok boys.  Here it is at the moment

Got the base plates down. Concrete drilled and 3/4 stainless all thread cut. Used the diamond wheel to level the stone so the plate sits flat and level. Just need to clean the holes and epoxy.

Dave this May answer your question.  Here is the first column. 10 ga pockets 13-1/2x3-1/2 for a LVL beam 3-1/2x14

 I’ll stand them up and brace them and then weld them to the base plates to make sure I get them plumb

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 13, 2020, 06:17:30 PM
Charles, turn up your heat and/or slow down a little on your welds. Beads look a bit stringy atm, ideally it should be a flat 45 degree fillet laid in that corner. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 13, 2020, 07:33:10 PM
Thanks Shawn.  Heat is all the way up.  I may have too much wire speed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 13, 2020, 07:46:17 PM
Thanks Shawn.  Heat is all the way up.  I may have too much wire speed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 13, 2020, 07:54:34 PM
Watching :)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 13, 2020, 08:17:43 PM
Thanks Shawn.  Heat is all the way up.  I may have too much wire speed.

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So I was getting good penetration on next to the hottest but wanted to put more heat on the 1/4 inch tube.  Cheated in that direction a bit and let the rest of the heat onto the 10ga.  Plus I think the weld you are looking at is on top of the adjoining weld in the other long plate.  In any event the most important welds are the ones on the small bottom plate where the beam will rest.  I fully welded both inside and outside seams on those..

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 13, 2020, 09:01:45 PM
I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Just constructive criticism, I know you’re anal about quality of your work so just trying to help as all. If you would have slowed up how fast you were moving the gun forward it probably would have been perfect.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 13, 2020, 09:26:19 PM
Where is your flops and wood table ?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 13, 2020, 09:32:09 PM
I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Just constructive criticism, I know you’re anal about quality of your work so just trying to help as all. If you would have slowed up how fast you were moving the gun forward it probably would have been perfect.
Greatly appreciate the feedback. I’m not an expert welder and I want to get better.

Dave, I was wearing short and tennis shoes if that helps...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 13, 2020, 10:21:08 PM
Flip flops are not considered appropriate welding work wear?  :huh:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on June 13, 2020, 10:37:35 PM
I don’t think it’s going anywhere. Just constructive criticism, I know you’re anal about quality of your work so just trying to help as all. If you would have slowed up how fast you were moving the gun forward it probably would have been perfect.
Greatly appreciate the feedback. I’m not an expert welder and I want to get better.

Dave, I was wearing short and tennis shoes if that helps...

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Flip flops are not considered appropriate welding work wear?  :huh:

At least hes not wearing mandals with socks like don and his cardboard welding tables
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on June 13, 2020, 11:01:26 PM
You have a lot of weld length so I am sure it is not going any where.  Were you pushing or pulling and what type of pattern were you using?  I'm guessing most of those welds will be somewhat exposed and visible.  Just wanting to help make them as pretty as possible.  The easiest way to make the best looking weld for me is to set my piece up so I am welding a bit down hill and then pulling the weld.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 14, 2020, 07:44:26 AM
Mostly pulling and a little wobble like writing a cursive e. Mostly flat horizontal welds. Going to work on the next column and will play with wire speed a bit. None of the welds will be exposed. It will all be covered with treated or hardi when finished.

Part of the problem is likely welding outdoors with a good breeze. May pull it inside on saw horses.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 14, 2020, 07:52:37 AM
Charles, only problem outdoors gas welding is porosity “if” wind blows shielding gas away. I saw no pics of any. There will be small pin holes in the welds. To help combat this try to push the gun forward. By definition pulling away the gun from the direction the gas is blowing can cause issues.

Bear mentioned pulling downhill, gravity helps in this scenario. It helps move the weld puddle in direction you want to go and gas is heavier than air so the shield gas tends to drop back around weld. So there is some science to back up his statement.

I’d try to keep settings the same and just move slower, watch your puddle not the flash of light and let it fill in a bit more by moving gun a tad slower.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 14, 2020, 03:00:22 PM
What welder do you have? Dial settings

I like pulling my welds too. Maybe a little pre heat will help?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 14, 2020, 07:52:38 PM
Lincoln pro mig 180. Today was better. Need to clean the rollers and adjust a bit. It still surges occasionally

. Moved indoors today as well.


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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 14, 2020, 08:00:08 PM
By my calculations each pocket will have less than 400 lbs on it so I think it’s going to be fine.

Shawn I got a bunch of porosity in one weld today as though I had forgotten to turn on the gas. Turns out the tip was caked with spatter and once I cleaned it I was GTG.

JR I may preheat the column base plates a little when it comes time to weld the columns. Plates are 1/2 inch and columns are 1/4 and I’ll run .035 flux core for a little better penetration.

The plan is to stand up the columns and brace them plumb and tack them in place. And then set the LVL and nail those in place and then finish welding the plates. Going with 3-1/2x14 LVL/Parallam. Way overkill me thinks but I don’t want any sag in a 22ft span.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 14, 2020, 08:33:38 PM
I would saw you ae fine, not bad welds by any means.

Watched a youtube where the guy lifted like 10k with a 1in weld on 1/4 plate just to see what it would hold. Never actually broke it. (carmarata)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 20, 2020, 04:14:42 PM
Well. Epoxied the stainless all thread this morning. Stood up the first column and started welding it in.

Forgot how messy flux cored wire is


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 20, 2020, 04:24:53 PM
Maybe stick weld using 7018? Flux just rolls off.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 20, 2020, 06:24:12 PM
Yeah I’d like to get a 250-300 amp stick welder for those special occasions when it’s more about penetration that purdy

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 20, 2020, 06:42:08 PM
Did you put bolts on the thread first then you can raise post off the Crete and level the post with the turn of a nut.  Then put nuts on the top to hold it

That how they do street lights

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 20, 2020, 07:23:13 PM
Dave you’re fired. I thought of that after I cut the all thread but I’ve got everything level so far.

Two up. Two to go
Will get the lumber this week

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 20, 2020, 08:15:14 PM
Lol that doesn’t work!!!

You can use washers as shims too

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on June 20, 2020, 08:16:11 PM
I think you mean you have them plumb ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 20, 2020, 08:37:43 PM
I think you mean you have them plumb ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 21, 2020, 01:13:09 AM
Maybe too late to mention but I usually weld multiple passes on uprights like that at least 3. There can be crazy leverage on those plates.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 21, 2020, 11:49:52 AM
Not too late. That was the plan. I laid down a root pass and will back it up with one on each side.

All four up and pretty plumb all around.

Hope to pickup lumber this week and get framing started next weekend
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on June 21, 2020, 12:10:45 PM
What do you have for a footing under the pad?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 21, 2020, 04:06:31 PM
Nothing. 5 inch slab with rebar 16oc. Should be plenty for my little cover.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 21, 2020, 04:33:47 PM
I might reinforce the corners with a little more cement. Just for a wider print since its on the corner. Lots of weight there and it will never show.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 21, 2020, 04:41:48 PM
I agree with Charles, shouldn’t go anywhere and won’t weight much. Should be gtg as is, no snow load etc.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 21, 2020, 06:15:29 PM
Entire weight of the structure is under 4000 so under 1000 per column.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 21, 2020, 06:48:41 PM
Not so much the weight, just thinking about when the wind blows just a little like it does there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 21, 2020, 08:19:41 PM
I’m ok with it on the pad as is.   Five inch is a good bit of concrete,  I’d put a car lift on it and be ok

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 21, 2020, 08:28:10 PM
I’m ok with it on the pad as is.   Five inch is a good bit of concrete,  I’d put a car lift on it and be ok

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So would I, but not on the corners. Up to TRN, just giving our opinions.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on June 21, 2020, 08:39:17 PM
5 inch slab shouldn't go anywhere.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 21, 2020, 09:05:23 PM
It's probably too late to change anyway
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 21, 2020, 09:17:55 PM
It's probably too late to change anyway
100% agree. No pouring a footing under it really easy now anyway

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 21, 2020, 10:13:28 PM
And after the cracks appear it will be too late anyway
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on June 21, 2020, 10:28:05 PM
If that lad is like anything else TRN does, it’s probably over engineered even beyond what he told us. I don’t think he’ll run into any issues, like someone said, there is no snow load, rain will run off and not add any load, and I really think 4000 pounds total load for his roof is overestimating. Heck, Don said his trailer only weighs about 250 pounds or something, right?  ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 21, 2020, 10:32:19 PM
Er, were is Don?
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 21, 2020, 10:34:57 PM
I have not seen him or anything

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 21, 2020, 11:12:16 PM
Last I seen on a island from a post from the boss lady he was tagged in.  So fishing?

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Welp, there goes this years pay increase.....  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 22, 2020, 01:13:23 AM
Playing in the mall mulch?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 25, 2020, 12:44:33 PM
Harvested a few tomatoes this morning. Think I’m going to jar some salsa.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 25, 2020, 01:11:04 PM
If its really hot, I'll like a jar?  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on June 25, 2020, 09:54:47 PM
Dang. I just planted last weekend the peppers and tomatoes, and tonight cabbage and Brussels sprouts.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 27, 2020, 04:00:05 PM
Well first beam in

Practicing with the short side. Then the long ones

3-1/2x14 PSL. Stupid strong. Stupid heavy.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 27, 2020, 05:03:12 PM
 :likebutton: Those are awesome, used two of them when I built loft in shop. Good deal on front end loader, I had 16’ers and they brought the suck putting up.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 27, 2020, 05:24:20 PM
This one is 23ft


It’s barely y’all enough at full extension. The crappy part is standing the beam upright from one end while it’s laying on its side. All while standing on an 8ft ladder. Don’t want to over rotate and have it go off the front side.

Anyway. Two down
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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 27, 2020, 05:26:55 PM
That sure beats putting them up on your shoulder!!  Looks good !

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 27, 2020, 07:30:06 PM
Thanks Dave.  And no kidding. The long one is 345lb so one end is 175.  I made a little dolly to transport them to the spot and then i put them on the FEL.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 27, 2020, 07:50:22 PM
Charles, I think you need a vacation and I will need a shop built. You could use one of the spare bedrooms while staying and building the shop. :cool:  Just kidding I think, Your place looks so nice with all the improvements you have made
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 27, 2020, 08:05:04 PM
Bob. That may not be a bad idea.  I’d love to spend some time in the PACNW one day.  Let’s get Nate to come and we can build and cook together.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 27, 2020, 08:25:03 PM
Well now, we could have a real barn raising if and when we ever close this thing. When I find a place to put a shop and  get the county to agree that is.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 27, 2020, 08:34:36 PM
Got a 22' in the upstairs garage. Used an A frame and 12v winch.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on June 27, 2020, 09:20:33 PM
Bob, I work for food......

Get Tate & Nate to come work the kitchen and I’m there!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 28, 2020, 12:50:52 AM
Bob, I work for food......

Get Tate & Nate to come work the kitchen and I’m there!

Yep, those 2 should get a room, er restaurant together,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on June 28, 2020, 01:29:56 AM
Bob. That may not be a bad idea.  I’d love to spend some time in the PACNW one day.  Let’s get Nate to come and we can build and cook together.

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I can build but not much of a cook, count me in.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 28, 2020, 03:14:33 PM
Wait wait wait, I don't even own the place yet. I would hate to start planning a barn raising not even knowing where the barn will be. I sure do appreciate the thoughts however. 
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 28, 2020, 03:51:54 PM
I'm in if any one of those guys are cooking.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 28, 2020, 04:10:49 PM
Did somebody say somethin' bout some free food?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 28, 2020, 05:15:21 PM
Me and Ken will come up two days later and tell you guy it’s built wrong lol Don can come and try and put a 12v in it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 28, 2020, 06:03:58 PM
11 hour day


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 28, 2020, 06:29:18 PM
 Is there any slope to that roof?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 28, 2020, 06:43:17 PM
Those are the joists. Ridge beam goes up next with rafters 6:12 gable on the short sides


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on June 28, 2020, 06:52:59 PM
I guess you could have gone with a single pitch roof and be ready for sheeting.  Oops

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 28, 2020, 07:03:01 PM
Nope.  Trying to keep the architectural style similar to the other structures.

95 and humid as all get out today. Despite using powder I have a bad case of monkey butt.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 28, 2020, 08:35:04 PM
11 hours is only about 5 more than you should have done. Looks nice Charles
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on June 28, 2020, 08:57:25 PM
Leave it to you Charles to overbuild a ramada. Use it to winch and engine swap a Cummins while also being tornado proof.
Looks great per normal.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 28, 2020, 10:08:34 PM
Dang Charles, did we really need to know that?

Was about the same up at the ridge, but crazy windy. I looked like a dust bowl after clearing brush.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on June 29, 2020, 07:33:09 AM
Nope.  Trying to keep the architectural style similar to the other structures.

95 and humid as all get out today. Despite using powder I have a bad case of monkey butt.

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TMI alert...One time I had a real bad case of that. I resorted to using diaper rash cream. Now I keep a tube in my pack. Works wonders.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 29, 2020, 08:42:32 PM
Harvested tomatoes again this morning. It’s getting out of control.

Harvested about 25 lbs to go with the 15 pounds I already had on the counter. 

Time to break out the pressure canner and jars.  18 quarts of tomatoes up.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on June 30, 2020, 11:05:08 AM
"It’s barely y’all enough at full extension." << Best Freudian slip EVER
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 30, 2020, 01:20:32 PM
If your still making salsa, its my birthday,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 30, 2020, 03:11:20 PM
Happy birthday JR.  Just canned tomatoes yesterday will get on to salsa here shortly.  Happy to send you some.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 30, 2020, 03:45:22 PM
That would be great to get some real stuff.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 30, 2020, 06:28:42 PM
So when you say spicy, you mean CA spicy or Tx spicy?  Just checking.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 30, 2020, 06:44:51 PM
Tx spicy. I like it to clear my head.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on June 30, 2020, 10:59:46 PM
If your still making salsa, its my birthday,,,,,,,,,,,,
Happy Birthday JR!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on July 01, 2020, 12:44:45 PM
Happy belated JR!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 01, 2020, 01:03:06 PM
Thx guys,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 03, 2020, 10:58:53 AM
Time to start getting some rafters up

@bigdave think it has slope now?


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 03, 2020, 11:13:22 AM
It looks like it could when your done now. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 03, 2020, 07:57:11 PM

Here’s where I left it today. All the rafters are cut and a little more than half hung. Ran out of Simpson rafters hangers so I hope the rest I ordered are in when I go to HD tomorrow.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 03, 2020, 08:09:59 PM

Looks good, make a great shed for the tractor...   :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 03, 2020, 08:16:16 PM
Better be careful. You add any more wood and it'll weigh as much as Don's camp trailer.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 04, 2020, 01:47:27 PM
And you said the footings were enough?

Looks solid, just a little overkill,,,,,,,,,,,oh, Texas.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 04, 2020, 09:04:22 PM
Rafters all up. Making sure they are all square to the ridge beam and nailing them in.  Then hurrciane straps on each tail and then snap a line and cut them off at 14.75 inches to get the overhang correct.

Then I’ll start the lookout rafter and barge rafter construction on the gable ends.  Then 23/32 sheathing.  Then order the R panel roofing to match the houses. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 05, 2020, 07:24:58 PM
Here’s where I left it for the week. Need to do the lookout rafters for the other end and then then on to sheathing


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 05, 2020, 07:30:52 PM
Looks good!!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 05, 2020, 07:33:55 PM
Surprised you didn’t spot the glaring mistake??

I forgot to trim the ridge beam. Will be doing some surgery with the chain saw.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 05, 2020, 08:37:48 PM
Add some sides and you have a garage! Looks stout.

What kubby is that back there?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 05, 2020, 08:56:40 PM
I guess not knowing what trim your putting on, people leave them open all the time

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 06, 2020, 07:27:00 AM
Add some sides and you have a garage! Looks stout.

What kubby is that back there?
L3800DT 2012. No emissions

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 06, 2020, 12:33:14 PM
Mines a 2012 also, no crud.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 06, 2020, 05:16:47 PM
Better be careful. You add any more wood and it'll weigh as much as Don's camp trailer.
Careful! I'm startin' to watch you (Again...)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 06, 2020, 05:37:04 PM
TRN, we best be careful. Both of these are orange and you know what Don does to orange things.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 06, 2020, 06:38:35 PM
TRN, we best be careful. Both of these are orange and you know what Don does to orange things.
You're good
I own one myself. Take me years to chew it up before I go lookin'
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 11, 2020, 08:29:45 PM
Finished the lookout rafters and trimmed all the rafter tails and fixed the ridge beam mistake. Started on sheathing.

It was 102 with heat index 115 today. Slow going


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 12, 2020, 10:00:34 AM
Good looking work!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 12, 2020, 11:05:52 AM
Cant wait to get mine started. Just cleaned this weekend but it was even hotter.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 12, 2020, 01:04:22 PM
Pretty much finished sheathing.

Did my annual bone density test by falling off the ladder. Nothing broke. Just a bruised hip and ego.

Have to call it quits today. Gotta go start the “cleanse”. Bi annual colonoscopy tomorrow. Youse over 50 guys don’t put it off. It can save your life


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 12, 2020, 01:09:09 PM
Bi annual? Sounds like you're starting to enjoy it. I thought it was supposed to be bi century?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 12, 2020, 01:51:30 PM
Yeah, I was told every 2 years also.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on July 12, 2020, 01:52:54 PM
Bi-annual can mean twice a year or every two years.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 12, 2020, 01:59:16 PM
I am here to tell you it is very important  3 years free and hope the ultrasound shows growth on kidney is a cyst and not a tumor
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 12, 2020, 02:16:52 PM
I have Crohn’s (IBD) so I have to get them every 2 instead of every 5.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 12, 2020, 03:54:18 PM
Tractor shed is looking good!  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 12, 2020, 05:07:34 PM
I have Crohn’s (IBD) so I have to get them every 2 instead of every 5.

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So every 2 years. I thought you meant twice a year.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 12, 2020, 09:07:54 PM
God no. Every 2 years is way to often for me. The prep is worse than the procedure especially now that they put you out with propofol.

It’s like playing Michael Jackson for a few hours. (The propofol part)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 13, 2020, 12:18:49 AM
Yeah had it done last year and I agree, the prep is terrible, and the hangover afterwards is worse than what happens after a night of vodka, whiskey, and margaritas mixed together.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 13, 2020, 02:06:09 AM
TRN, do you want to be awake? Never had an issue like hangovers though, but trying not to be an expert
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 13, 2020, 10:27:22 AM
I’ve had probably 15-20 in my life. The propofol is the bees knees. I’m already done back at home and had two breakfast tacos.

They say not to drive for a day. And make you have someone pick you up. My wife is not an early riser. I drive myself and then she picks me up and drives me around the block and drops me off at my truck. I’m GTG once I have coffee and breakfast

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 13, 2020, 10:28:33 AM
Mine is scheduled, and this squirrel sure ran some distance!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on July 13, 2020, 03:05:28 PM
Charles, glad it is over and hopefully good results.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 13, 2020, 07:48:39 PM
All good Bob. Thanks.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 18, 2020, 05:10:24 PM
Dried in. Just in time for a summer shower about 2 hours after I finished. Ordered metal roof, trim, gutters, downspouts and a low profile 10 ft section of roof vent.

Headed to the lake tomorrow.  Rented a house and boat and gonna try and relax for a few days.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 18, 2020, 08:07:37 PM
Did you wire for a fan in the top as either an exhaust fan or just ceiling fan?

Looks really nice Charles

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 18, 2020, 08:28:19 PM
Impressive. A bunch of work for one man.
Enjoy your time off.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 18, 2020, 08:55:13 PM
Thanks guys. Dave wiring is coming. Soffit and facia and metal roof first. I ran 50 amp service to slab which will be plenty for all I have to run. Standby for details ;-)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 18, 2020, 09:41:48 PM
Some good looking can lights could be nice on the inside of the area and maybe some nice porch lights also. (
We sure like our 30 inch   Small enough to not strobe the can lights but enough to move some air

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 18, 2020, 10:39:46 PM
I have 8 can lights ready but now I’m considering taking out the joists and flat ceiling and going for the vaulted ceiling. I’d have to get some low profile can lights for the 5.5 inch rafter space.

Still debating. I’ll finish the soffit and facia and roof first. Then I’ll make the decision.

Once all that is done then I’ll start working on the cabinets and countertop along the back. Plan is to have a 48inch or 60 inch commercial stove with griddle, burners and oven(s). Sink to one side. Maybe a countertop char griller. Then the pellet smoker and charcoal pit on each end.

Couple of big ceiling fans and then a custom made farm table with 6 inch x 10 inch pine slabs. 3 of those 10-12 ft long with welded metal base.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on July 18, 2020, 11:02:57 PM
When you selling the Houston digs and relocating permanently?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 19, 2020, 12:39:15 AM
Sure looks good.

I used flat LED pods for much of my builds Charles. Many on amazon, just sheetrock thick with spring clips for 12v. You can get them at HD and lowes that have the juction box for 110 too, but pricey.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 19, 2020, 08:05:12 AM
When you selling the Houston digs and relocating permanently?
Maybe sooner than I thought of this virus,BLM,Antifa crap keeps up much longer

JR I used some of those flat ones in the hallway upstairs.  Pretty cool. They had a switch on the box to change the kelvin color of the lamp from cool to warm white.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 22, 2020, 06:17:45 PM
When you selling the Houston digs and relocating permanently?
Maybe sooner than I thought of this virus,BLM,Antifa crap keeps up much longer

JR I used some of those flat ones in the hallway upstairs.  Pretty cool. They had a switch on the box to change the kelvin color of the lamp from cool to warm white.

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Maybe if rioters, err, I mean peaceful demonstrators torch your place, you forgo the selling thing and just collect the monee...Then leave the lot a scorched ruin as a monument to weak leadership and emboldened sheeple.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 23, 2020, 12:26:39 AM
That could be a plan here,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 23, 2020, 06:07:57 PM
Picked up the metal roofing components and made progress.  Have to go pick up the ridge vent from a different vendor tomorrow and I can get closed up top before starting on the soffit/facia and eave trim


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 23, 2020, 07:57:43 PM
Some of that cedar tongue and grove stained up would look and smell wonderful onderside of that. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 23, 2020, 08:01:58 PM
Agreed Dave. In this instance I’m trying to maintain consistency between the three buildings which means hardi soffit facia and 4x8 sheets on the ceiling. If I did T&G on this my OCD would take over and I’d do it on the other two structures too!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 23, 2020, 08:12:43 PM
You could leave punted hardi on the exterior and change up the upper ceiling

I’ll look for a photo.  We used to have lots of church pavilions that way. They look nice


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on July 23, 2020, 08:13:21 PM
I think the ceded holds its own with a painted exterior.   It also pulls your inside the casita to the outside too

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 24, 2020, 07:04:16 PM
Dave those are some beautiful pictures.  The first one was kinda what I was originally thinking before the HH6 matching obsession kicked in. So, here we are.

Today drive 3 hours round trip to pickup the ridge vent only to find after I got home that they bent the end caps for 12/12 and not 6/12.  I’ll get those installed whenever they get the correct ones made.  Still got the vent and the rest of the ridge roll installed and started working on the soffit and facia.

Starting to get some of the extreme outer bands of the tropical storm so I knocked off, and covered materials with tarps and about to make some home made pasta sauce..


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 25, 2020, 10:39:40 AM
Really nice work, very clean
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 26, 2020, 12:05:21 PM
Making progress. Slow going handling 12ft pieces of brittle hardi by ones self. Making some jigs to help hold stuff in place helps. One gable end to go with soffit facia and metal roof eave trim then I can cover up the gable area with 15/32 osb and hardi before moving on to the electrical and ceiling


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cruizng on July 26, 2020, 01:21:45 PM
TRN. You never cease to amaze me how much you get done by yourself and in Texas heat and humidity.

All top shelf work.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on July 26, 2020, 01:59:07 PM
TRN. You never cease to amaze me how much you get done by yourself and in Texas heat and humidity.

All top shelf work.

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I agree Mike. That mans got talent.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on July 26, 2020, 05:03:23 PM
Yes he does, sure looks nice.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on July 27, 2020, 09:10:10 AM
X3 or 4. The man is a workhorse. True to his kind, he has that Texan thing all over him. No wonder he is accomplished!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 27, 2020, 08:33:24 PM
Thanks guys.  (
Roof, soffit and facia finished. Gable
Ends should go fairly quickly then on to lights and electrical and then the ceiling and trim.

Wanted to work hard to get it to this dried in stage and can take a breath now

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on July 27, 2020, 09:31:31 PM
Is your fascia board a. Four inch hardie trim board?  Do you need to predrill for the roofing metal screws for the trim?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on July 28, 2020, 07:10:58 AM
It’s 5.5 inches wide. And no pre drilling. I use the wood grip screws that have a self drilling tip followed by wood threads.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on July 28, 2020, 07:22:13 AM
Okay, I wasn’t sure how the hardie trim would do with the those screws. That’s what my roofing supplier provides with the metal roofing as well.  Glad to hear there isn’t an additional step.

That shelter is looking great, looks like something I need to build here.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 01, 2020, 05:09:55 PM
Made a run to Lowe’s and got some more material.

One end done and the other tomorrow.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 01, 2020, 05:13:48 PM
Next comes the built in BBQ?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 01, 2020, 05:24:06 PM
Well I have to run electrical and lights and then hardi panel on the ceiling, caulk and paint.

Plan is to have pellet smoker on one end, charcoal pit in the other. Then along the back will be 24 ft of counter with a commercial SS range/oven in the middle and a sink on the left. The range will have double ovens, 4 burners and a 36 inch flat top. Should handle all the cooking chores.

I actually plan to custom make a cabinet pellet smoker when I’m completely done. 36x18 about 6ft tall with adjustable racks. Should be able to fit about 4 racks in there. More than enough room to cook a small meal ;-)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on August 01, 2020, 05:32:31 PM
That looks great. I want something like that at the campground.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 15, 2020, 02:40:36 PM
Cans and ceiling fan boxes in. Wiring run. Hardi panel in. Just need to trim it out around the inside of the beam. Then caulk and paint before moving on to wrapping the columns in treated lumber and finish electrical.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 15, 2020, 03:15:52 PM
That’s good progress for sure!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 15, 2020, 03:21:08 PM
Yeah. It’s 102 outside. Time for lunch and start building an AR

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 15, 2020, 04:07:32 PM
That looks great, almost finished up!

For all I have built I wish they had figured a better way to retain all the springs. Like set screws, so simple!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 15, 2020, 05:59:44 PM
Been a while since I built a lower but it took only an hour

Teaser pic. Details coming with pics in the build thread


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 15, 2020, 08:11:56 PM
I built my 300 on a tan base, 556 black and 22 is OD.

Easy Id of ammo/mags.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on August 15, 2020, 09:00:57 PM
Been a while since I built a lower but it took only an hour

Teaser pic. Details coming with pics in the build thread


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 16, 2020, 05:41:13 PM
Hardi all complete. Cleaned up debris and the shop a bit. Getting ready for caulk and paint next weekend


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 16, 2020, 06:22:48 PM
 :likebutton: Looking good Charles!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on August 16, 2020, 10:29:07 PM
Looks like that table needs a friend now
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 16, 2020, 10:36:31 PM
Thanks Shawn.  Bob the plan is a custom made farm table.  Still noodling it but 6x10 rough pine slabs 10ft long, 3 of those on a welded steel base.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 16, 2020, 10:51:10 PM
Real Man party?

Fire, brew, guns, conservatives, what could go wrong!!
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 16, 2020, 11:09:23 PM
It would have to be Conservatives, Guns, Fire,Brew...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 16, 2020, 11:31:24 PM
You guys cutting Ken out?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 17, 2020, 12:17:35 AM
Not unless he brings H as a date,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on August 17, 2020, 11:15:23 AM
But then it’s guns brew fire.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 17, 2020, 12:48:41 PM
Correction.  Guns, backhoe, brews, fire

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on August 18, 2020, 10:56:01 AM
My bad.

Missed one step.

Charles you nailed it there.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 23, 2020, 02:05:20 PM
Aaaaaannnnd painted.  My Titan 440 rocks. That thing has paid for itself many times over. It took longer to clean the machine than to shoot the paint. Trim done by hand


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 23, 2020, 02:19:23 PM
Looks good Tex,   You have some fans you said?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on August 23, 2020, 02:59:29 PM
Do you need to worry about overspray getting on everything else, like tables etc?  Or is th overspray at that point mostly just a. Fine mist that has dried in the air?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 23, 2020, 04:15:43 PM
Yeah for the most part it’s dried by the time it hits the ground...and my face...

Ordering two 7 ft fans.  Right now I’m bidding on a Vulcan commerical range with 2 burners, 24 inch griddle and a 26 inch oven.  It’s a $5500 stove new and I’m hoping I can pick this one up used for about $1500

Gonna build the counter/cabinet out of metal studs/track/channel.  Sink on the left end, Range in the middle and I’m thinking of a recessed area in the counter to the right where I might put a Charbroiler but then have a removable section of granite counter for a cover for when its not in use.  Would also like either a set of warming drawers or a holding cabinet. I’ve found holding cabinets that are about the size of the dishwasher and open like a mini fridge and you set pans on rails inside.  Great place to hold food at temp.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 24, 2020, 04:13:41 PM
Ok. So a little earlier than I had hoped but when they become available at auction you have to jump on it. Not many smaller Vulcan ranges out there to be had at auction

This thing is a tank. 600lbs. Still have a lot of work to do before it gets put to use but now I have a definite plan/dimension for the opening. Now to find a good cook/hold or warming 1/2 cabinet. Likely an Alto Sham. Then a charbroiler


Also got the recessed LED lights in. Painted the trim oil rubbed bronze to match the main and guest house.

Going to start figuring out metal stud construction techniques for the counters and cabinets.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on August 24, 2020, 08:43:03 PM
Ooo that stove is purdy!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 28, 2020, 08:56:15 AM
Ordered the fans for the outdoor kitchen.  These supposedly move 14,000cfm.  We shall see.  I wanted 96 inch, but the layout would have had the blades obstructing the lights which creates that strobe effect

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 28, 2020, 11:10:07 PM
Sure wish you would build something half azzed. Getting tired of giving you props on your projects.
That being said. Beautiful work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on August 28, 2020, 11:13:13 PM
I think its more the invite we all need?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 29, 2020, 12:06:38 AM
Sure wish you would build something half azzed. Getting tired of giving you props on your projects.
That being said. Beautiful work.
Want me to tell him how many of those fanz customers install and replace due to faulty product?


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on August 29, 2020, 10:21:47 AM
Sure wish you would build something half azzed. Getting tired of giving you props on your projects.
That being said. Beautiful work.
Want me to tell him how many of those fanz customers install and replace due to faulty product?


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Nah. Don't say anything.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 29, 2020, 10:51:18 AM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 29, 2020, 10:49:05 PM
5 year warranty. I’ll take it.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on August 29, 2020, 11:00:23 PM
Just keep the receipt ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on August 30, 2020, 12:03:34 AM
Sure wish you would build something half azzed. Getting tired of giving you props on your projects.
That being said. Beautiful work.
Want me to tell him how many of those fanz customers install and replace due to faulty product?


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Nah. Don't say anything.

Had one in last house, it was a pos.......
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on August 30, 2020, 12:14:33 AM
Sure wish you would build something half azzed. Getting tired of giving you props on your projects.
That being said. Beautiful work.
Want me to tell him how many of those fanz customers install and replace due to faulty product?


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Nah. Don't say anything.

Had one in last house, it was a pos.......
Hanging fans blows

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on August 30, 2020, 06:57:03 AM
My bad. Lifetime warranty indoor. 10 year outdoor. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 05, 2020, 01:54:06 PM
Extruded aluminum blades. Made very well.  Moves good air.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on September 05, 2020, 04:20:17 PM
Looks like one of Don’s chinooks, albeit upside down.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 06, 2020, 03:09:31 PM
He'd get flashbacks sitting under em,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 06, 2020, 09:01:28 PM
Looks like one of Don’s chinooks, albeit upside down.
Probably moves the same amount of air going by the size of those blades!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 07, 2020, 01:53:27 PM
So I started wrapping the steel columns in treated lumber. Ripped down some 2x lumber to cover. Hoped to give it some scale and heft with the thicker lumber. Turned out to be about a 7 inch square post. The only problem was where it met the top structure it was sticking way out from being flush. Looked goofy. So off it came and I put 1x cedar on it instead. (.75 actual). Looks better. Will be interesting to try to stain and match the treated posts.

Two on the front done. Will wait until kitchen counters and cabinets along the back are done before I trim those posts.

Now I need to get a 4x4 cedar to make the base caps to cover the plate and bolts.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 07, 2020, 04:32:02 PM
That will look sweet
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 07, 2020, 06:35:56 PM
Thanks JR.  I haven’t forgotten about you.  Your package is sitting on the counter just waiting to be shipped.....

I also planted the fall garden.  I have some tomatoes, jalapeños, bell peppers in green orange, yellow and red, some small onions, basil, rosemary, Napa cabbage, and cauliflower.  Gonna drop some chard and mustard greens, carrots and turnips tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 07, 2020, 06:38:21 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 07, 2020, 06:38:58 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 08, 2020, 03:31:40 PM
Looks like one of Don’s chinooks, albeit upside down.
Ya, saw that too! Was wonderin' where the rest of it was???
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 08, 2020, 03:54:13 PM
Looks like one of Don’s chinooks, albeit upside down.
Ya, saw that too! Was wonderin' where the rest of it was???

Thats the new stealth/transformer model. Wait until those panels open up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 13, 2020, 10:08:47 PM
So opened up the area at my pistol range to about 50 yards.  I have 180 degrees shooting.  So I ordered some new steel targets 12x20 since I’ve been shooting on the 7.5x12 which are challenging when moving.

May put one 100 yards into the woods on a narrow lane to sight in rifles too.

Started looking at loads for the 300blk.  Finished off the prep on the last 2000 once fired 5.56 lake city brass.  Will clean up and adjust the progressive press and start loading for a change.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 13, 2020, 10:37:12 PM
Do you get from Shootsteel? I just got a few from them.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 13, 2020, 10:44:00 PM
Yes. All my target come from them. As long As they fit in the flat rate boxes the price is good.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 13, 2020, 10:49:35 PM
Sales aren't bad either, just got a 10x20 to put way out there. I need at least 6 more rounds for those odd shots
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on September 14, 2020, 09:57:25 AM
We had been ordering most of my steel from ShootingTargets7 along with their rubber straps to hang everything.  Lately we have been going with something like the JC Steel targets slotted targets with AR500 hangers.  They are more expensive but are a lot nicer if you are moving stuff around from time to time.  Also, no hardware or straps to worry about to brake or maintain.  I just put an order in to get a full 5x10 sheet of AR500 cut up for more targets and hanger posts for the club.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 14, 2020, 10:17:29 AM
I called about AR500 locally and may still buy a sheet and have it jetted just to get my targets free or near free

What are you paying for AR500 and jetting?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on September 14, 2020, 11:10:41 AM
I called about AR500 locally and may still buy a sheet and have it jetted just to get my targets free or near free

What are you paying for AR500 and jetting?

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$300- $350 for a 4'x8' sheet of 3/8" AR500 and another $300 or so to get it cut.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 19, 2020, 05:49:44 PM
Well finished the outlets in the ceiling and mounted the TV


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 19, 2020, 08:59:16 PM
So you plan on taking it down each hurricane ?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 19, 2020, 09:06:21 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 19, 2020, 09:27:57 PM
I’m 200 plus miles from the coast. Not too many big wind events here. Maybe a tornado. I got the 4 year warranty on it and insurance will take it from there.

View from the firepit tonight. Girls kinda social distancing with friends who are staying in the guest house


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 19, 2020, 10:43:38 PM
So what are your kids in Tex doing for school? Your not full time at the hide? Are they coming back and forth each weekend?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 19, 2020, 10:45:20 PM
Virtual for now.  Decision time coming up in October.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 20, 2020, 10:32:37 AM
Mine go back to physical school on Monday the twenty-oneth.

Two days at school, two days virtual (Read: Farm chores) then Fritag iz off.

(Read: Friday night game, then farm work, n' wood splittin)


Yes, slavery is a good idea ;-))
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 20, 2020, 10:47:40 AM
Mine are every day but shortened days

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 20, 2020, 02:37:05 PM
Mine were supposed to be 2 days in, 2 days virtual but that all away with the Komi's here. V only.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 21, 2020, 12:02:49 PM
Mine were supposed to be 2 days in, 2 days virtual but that all away with the Komi's here. V only.

So sad, JR
For the good people of what used to be our greatest state
The communists have turned Cali into a welfare state where stupid rules the day
But I also say it is to the people of California to fix that mess out there themselves. I only hope that they have the will to do so
Going to end poorly if they don't...for all of us.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 21, 2020, 01:58:32 PM
Had some really good salsa last night. Very diff with smoke taste  :likebutton:

Problem with that Don is the good people are leaving, being told to shut up or just don't care anymore. When you voice doesn't count, you address it other ways.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 23, 2020, 09:08:52 PM
Received 3 new lawn ornaments today

12x20 3/8 AR500

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 23, 2020, 09:35:15 PM
JR, I believe they call that voting with your feet.

Tex, nice lead recycling centers.  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 23, 2020, 10:38:41 PM
JR, I believe they call that voting from the rooftops
FIFY Shawn

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on September 24, 2020, 12:01:14 AM
JR, I believe they call that voting from the rooftops
FIFY Shawn

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Meh, only if they’re Korean........  :wink:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 24, 2020, 01:53:42 AM
I am voting with my feet, wallet and as much as I can muster.

Did you hear our wonderful gov grusum just said he wants all elec personal vehicles by 2035. What do you charge them with when we have brown outs now because of "green energy"
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 24, 2020, 09:19:06 AM
I am voting with my feet, wallet and as much as I can muster.

Did you hear our wonderful gov grusum just said he wants all elec personal vehicles by 2035. What do you charge them with when we have brown outs now because of "green energy"
Think they have wind turbans around their necks they plan on wearing to capture all of their hot air

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on September 24, 2020, 10:45:41 AM
I'd stand them up

Not just lay them around on the grass!


Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on September 24, 2020, 02:21:03 PM
Stepping stones next to the flag stone?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 25, 2020, 12:32:35 AM
I'd stand them up

Not just lay them around on the grass!


Right next to the “no trespassing” signs....with some nice shot mark groupings

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 26, 2020, 07:33:22 PM
Well, painted and installed the lawn ornaments.  The range is a work in progress.  There are a lot of exposed roots and sawn off stumps that makes moving and shooting more challenging.  I actually like it. You have to feel with your feet as you move.

Wife shot her new 9mm today.  She liked it except that she’s limp wristing it a bit and she didnt like that hot brass went down the front of her shirt.  At least there was no FTF from her weak wrists, just short thrown brass.

I set these about 10 yards back from the 5.5x7.5.  I can start up close and move back and hit the little ones on the way to cover behind a big Elm tree.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on September 26, 2020, 07:39:58 PM
Those are way to pretty, you know what to do. I just got another 6 pack on special.

About 1/2 a jar left, tasty stuff  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on September 26, 2020, 08:20:48 PM
That must have been quite the sight to see her dance around from that hot brass.

Did you at least offer to help her get it outta there? ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on September 26, 2020, 09:27:55 PM
Nice range Charles. Looks like a blast, pun intended.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on September 29, 2020, 06:26:39 AM
I was going to make some of them targets out of scrap we have laying around. How thick are they?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on September 29, 2020, 07:23:44 AM
These are 3/8 inch, hardened AR500 steel.  Mild steel unhardened, may work for some pistol rounds, but it will get pock marked pretty bad, I assume and deformation creates a ricochet hazard so wear eye pro and watch your distance.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on September 29, 2020, 09:18:38 AM
Mild steel should work fine for a long time with 22lr, and milder center fire pistol.  Any center fire rifle is a no-go on mild steel though.  Regardless, always where glasses when shooting steel.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 31, 2020, 12:16:11 PM
Got wood??

Picked these up from my local saw mill guy.  All white oak.  The large ones are 5x10x100 inches.  Those are going to make the table top of the farm table for the outdoor kitchen.  Not sure I realized the table top would weigh 600 pounds....  No one will steal that anytime soon.

I think the others may make benches for the farm table.  I still have another log to process as well.  Now to get welding on a base.  Wonder if I should kabuki them, or what ever that Japanese burning wood preserving thing is and then put some urethane on them.....  Thoughts from the menses?(

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on October 31, 2020, 02:16:57 PM
Will 30” be wide enough on the table?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 31, 2020, 08:04:25 PM
Yeah. I don’t want it too wide.  My current picnic table is about that. Of course I have another log if I need to make it 40 inches.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on October 31, 2020, 09:29:33 PM
Too pretty to burn imo, but less maintenance, maybe?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 07, 2020, 11:03:49 PM
Finished this today.  Pick up my roof panels Monday.  Didn’t realize I had this much junk laying around


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on November 07, 2020, 11:11:06 PM
Good job  :likebutton:

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 08, 2020, 01:34:55 AM
Heck I need one of those here. The 4x4s don't cut it anymore.

Going to cover it?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 08, 2020, 07:59:45 AM
Yep. R panel metal roof. Pick up the panels Monday. Then I can move the untreated wood out of my shop to the upper level which should stay completely dry.

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 08, 2020, 09:40:17 AM
Looks good,   Is there a way to move it while loaded with a tractor or some type of forks? Drag it if need be on some skids?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 08, 2020, 04:30:33 PM
Dang you! My next project I guess. If you saw my metal supplies in their current state you would cry.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 08, 2020, 06:25:35 PM
Looks good,   Is there a way to move it while loaded with a tractor or some type of forks? Drag it if need be on some skids?

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Negative.  Too heavy for my tractor anyway.  Hopefully I don’t need to move it any time soon.

Ken, I hear you,  that’s why i sidetracked and started this mini project. 

About to weld up a table base for the white oak slabs,  8ft table, 30 inches wide.  Wood plus base will be over 600 lbs when the wood is dry.  Right now it would be closer to 800.  Base is going to be 4x4 square tubing 1/4 wall.

Then I need to get a bunch of 2x2 galvanized square tubing to fab the cabinets for the outdoor kitchen

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 08, 2020, 07:07:38 PM
From working in the cabinet shop we built lots of tables. The one I tester the most is we didn’t have the welder put any cross braces for the weight.    Your table will lots lots lots bigger.   What ever you do make sure it has lateral support so if someone pushes an end it will not taco over.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on November 08, 2020, 08:20:25 PM
I was this old when i learned 2 new things


Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 17, 2020, 06:46:32 PM
Well, wife unit strikes again.  Tomorrow the flooring guys are coming to give me an estimate to replace the perfectly good tile floor with the tile we laid in the guest house.....Wife likes the floor we put in the guest house better than the floor in the main house so now they need to match.....

1st world problems for sure. 

But my revenge is I have the concrete guy coming to give me an estimate on enclosing the back 300 sq ft of the shop and add 300 sq ft to the front and then add a 30x30 concrete parking pad out front.  Should net me a place to park without tracking gravel into the house and an enclosed shop at 40X30.  The plan later is to add a 40x60 to the side for a total of 40x90.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on November 17, 2020, 07:56:28 PM
That’ll show her!!!  ;)

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 17, 2020, 08:24:31 PM
I like this logic lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 17, 2020, 10:16:55 PM
Good move Tex. But like with chess, you may be out-matched and not even know it until the trap is sprung

Be careful...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 19, 2020, 06:54:25 PM
Concrete guy came today.  Tentatively scheduled for Monday after Tgiving.  I’m supplying the concrete and the rebar and its costing me $2/sq ft

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 19, 2020, 08:16:37 PM
We used to bid $12 a sqft but that includes the form, site prep and everything

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 19, 2020, 09:40:21 PM
I hope to be well under $10sf for my pad. I plan on doing much of the work.

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 20, 2020, 05:15:38 AM
He wanted $6 turnkey but I’ll be closer to 4.25 when done.

$12 a ft Dave ?  Geez man. I paid $18/ft for turnkey concrete with hand laid flagstone on top.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 20, 2020, 08:33:46 AM
Paid the excavation, road base and compaction, the concrete, the finish guy to pour it.   Plus my profit on top.  People didn’t bat an eye at it. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 20, 2020, 04:49:36 PM
You must not have as much illegal labor there.

But look. I get to play Ken today!


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 20, 2020, 07:54:45 PM
We do try to employ legal folks, and men who are good at their craft but I’m not past saying we made good profit off of after the fact concrete being added to the house,  I don’t recall ever telling a customer the sqft cost but only a total based off what I bid

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 21, 2020, 10:15:05 AM
Just be yourself bud. The world will be a much better place, and more level. Lol
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 21, 2020, 10:08:13 PM
So i ran it 8 hours and got 8 stumps out and dug out some clay to patch the pond berm and dug a trench for a longer pool drain and for propane line to the out door kitchen.

Almost tore up the septic line but saved it.  Tore up the cat6 cable to the shop but there really no other way.  Missed the power to the shop and the power to the casita and only slightly dinged the corner piece of the metal building.

Now the ditz from the rental place didnt have the pin locked all the way and I lost the bucket pin and had to dig out all the fill from the big stump hole to find it.  Arrg.....

All in all a good day.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 22, 2020, 10:41:06 AM
So i ran it 8 hours and got 8 stumps out and dug out some clay to patch the pond berm and dug a trench for a longer pool drain and for propane line to the out door kitchen.

Almost tore up the septic line but saved it.  Tore up the cat6 cable to the shop but there really no other way.  Missed the power to the shop and the power to the casita and only slightly dinged the corner piece of the metal building.

Now the ditz from the rental place didnt have the pin locked all the way and I lost the bucket pin and had to dig out all the fill from the big stump hole to find it.  Arrg.....

All in all a good day.

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Do we need a nomination for the "Un-Don project wreckage award?"
Seems like he met most of the criteria
That being:
1. Project is started with the purest and best of intentions
2. Something gets broken
3. Usually a lot of things get busted up
4. We all get a good chuckle out of the tellin' of the story
5. The perpetrator of said destruction is really just amature pretendin' to know what he's doin'
6. and a couple other things...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 22, 2020, 11:53:33 AM
The reward being Don sends out one of those stickers we all want one of ?

The down side is Charles didn’t document any of this wreckage and pictures are proof

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 22, 2020, 12:52:26 PM
The reward being Don sends out one of those stickers we all want one of ?

The down side is Charles didn’t document any of this wreckage and pictures are proof

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Good point
probably didn't happen...
Still the makin's of a gud storie
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 22, 2020, 06:54:25 PM
Here’s a shot

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 22, 2020, 06:58:45 PM
Dug some holes for fruit trees while I was at it.

Extended the pool drain


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on November 22, 2020, 07:23:27 PM
That’ll buff out.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 22, 2020, 07:39:03 PM
So I’ll get on the board at the concrete plant for 22 yards of Crete for Tuesday after next.  Get the shop expanded and a nice parking area for a change. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 22, 2020, 09:30:37 PM
Well I still have you beat by breaking the same water line 3 times in one trench, in the same day.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on November 22, 2020, 10:01:52 PM
That’s some nice looking soil. Here you’d be lucky to get more than 12 inches in before hitting a rock the size of a Buick and clay.....lots of clay.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 22, 2020, 10:05:40 PM
Mine would back fill with water, grow mold and then a dog would lie down in it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 22, 2020, 10:38:52 PM
You laugh but that is all red clay. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Mrwoody on November 22, 2020, 10:43:48 PM
so what type and size of fruit trees?   I was working with a guy from Florida this week and he has 400 persimmon trees to plant when he gets home.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 22, 2020, 11:09:29 PM
Well I still have you beat by breaking the same water line 3 times in one trench, in the same day.

But how many mowers have you sunk?  :tongue:

Charles, is you truck bagged? My springs are sitting on the overloads now.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 23, 2020, 06:33:33 AM
Steve. Not sure yet but I wanted to dig the hole and get the soil amended. Probably pear, fig, Avocado, peach, maybe plum

Jr. I steered well clear of the pond with the mini x

No bags on the bus. Haven’t needed them. I put new springs on it off a 2010 when I took the deavers off. Hard to tell from that picture but it’s level. I kept the factory rake when empty.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on November 23, 2020, 01:04:11 PM
Steve. Not sure yet but I wanted to dig the hole and get the soil amended. Probably pear, fig, Avocado, peach, maybe plum

Jr. I steered well clear of the pond with the mini x

No bags on the bus. Haven’t needed them. I put new springs on it off a 2010 when I took the deavers off. Hard to tell from that picture but it’s level. I kept the factory rake when empty.

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Make sure you get self pollinating trees, otherwise no fruit for
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 24, 2020, 06:39:57 AM
So I got in the schedule with the concrete guys for next week. I’ll supply the concrete and rebar and the crew forms and lays for $2/ft

Got the rebar and purlin and open cee yesterday and ordered the R panel for the shop enclosure/expansion.

Today off to get the concrete colorant and some tie wire

I’m pumped about having a shop I can work in while a vehicle is in it. 

So update on the wife’s project. They wanted $12k to pull up and lay tile. Lol. That’s double what my concrete project costs. So that’s on hold at the moment.  Taxes are due and we’ll see after the first of the year.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 24, 2020, 03:02:40 PM
Taxes much on the rural place?
Just curious. Dirt cheap in the Tuck outside and away from any city limits.
My farm: $564 this year
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 24, 2020, 03:11:11 PM
My agg exempt property (hide) is about 2k a year.

House in Houston - 20k

Any wonder why I’m ready to move up here full time...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 24, 2020, 03:18:19 PM
That must be one nice home Charles.

Ridge is $221 this year, but I doubt that will last long.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on November 24, 2020, 07:04:11 PM
That must be one nice home Charles.

Ridge is $221 this year, but I doubt that will last long.
This year: dirt
Next year: Dirt + house = moar monies
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 24, 2020, 07:08:58 PM
That must be one nice home Charles.

Ridge is $221 this year, but I doubt that will last long.
Well we don’t have income tax so we have to make up for it somewhere.  Conservatives=boiling the frog slower.....but they still boil the frog (high taxes)

I fear we are heading towards the refreshing the tree of liberty......

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 24, 2020, 07:14:22 PM

I fear we are heading towards the refreshing the tree of liberty......

I think many of us here fear that. Maybe thats why we build out a little.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2020, 03:21:54 PM
So.  Not having had any rain for weeks and weeks it starts raining as I’m prepping to set the corner posts to expand the shop. Not sure I’ve mentioned it but have I mentioned how much I absolutely hate this red gumbo clay when it gets wet?  It gets in and on and sticks to everything.

It cakes up so heavy that you get about 3 inches taller and weigh another 25 lbs.

But got posts set and concreted.

Tomorrow I’ll start stripping the panels off the front and back in preparation for the concrete guys.

Then I’ll weld in the open C channel between the existing corner and the new posts before setting the purlins across.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 27, 2020, 04:02:15 PM
Why would you wear those knowing there is any mud around. Mind you, I like my comfort and tennis shoes are the norm.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on November 27, 2020, 04:02:42 PM
Clay is the worst..... I despise the heavy blue stuff the most
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 27, 2020, 04:19:12 PM
I had boots and jeans on but that was just after I changed and went back out to cover the concrete with plastic

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 29, 2020, 08:34:13 PM
Clay is the worst..... I despise the heavy blue stuff the most
Ill put this up against blue/gumbo any day.  So today was miserable.  My ladder got so heavy I was having trouble carrying it around.  Had to stop a few times and take a putty knife to get all the mud off of it..

in the end I got the purlins up and the rest of the panels off.  It was dark when I quit welding the purlins so no pictures. 

Concrete guys come tomorrow to form up the shop and parking pad.

I’m very excited

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on November 29, 2020, 09:23:25 PM
All I’m gunna say is that I don’t miss that Indiana clay......

Keep up the good work Charles  :likebutton:

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 30, 2020, 06:35:37 PM
Concrete guys showed up today.  I stripped the rest of the panels off the front of the shop, took the roll up and man door and frame off. Set bigger conduit for electrical service. My sheet metal order was not ready today so I’ll have to pick it up tomorrow. The real work starts once the Crete is in.  I have to redo all the electrical, lighting and re install the doors.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 30, 2020, 07:46:05 PM
Wow. You weren't kidding. Nice size slab!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 30, 2020, 08:18:11 PM
Yeah,  when I bought the place 5 years ago I should have just negotiated a 40x60 new shop instead of having him concrete the floor of the 20x30 he had already done.  Now I’ve mickey moused two additions to it.  Se La vie.

Now I’ll have 40x30 and a 35x30 parking pad.  I’m so over tracking gravel and mud into the house that this will at least allow me to have a decent parking and shop area until I add another 40x60 to the right of the shop for a total of 40x90.

And if I pour 20 yards at a time I can get 135 ft closer to the front gate each time....that will take 5 pours to get there...

My next move may be to add a second seacan and build a roof between them to park outdoor equipment....

Anyone got design plans for trusses made out of 2x2 angle that will span 35 foot?  I think i can build my own trusses to set on the seacans.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on November 30, 2020, 08:48:33 PM
Your city slicker is showing... concrete to the gate... *smh*
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 30, 2020, 08:49:36 PM
Your city slicker is showing... concrete to the gate... *smh*
would it be better for asphalt?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on November 30, 2020, 09:18:49 PM
Concrete for the win in ever instance.  Less maintenance. Washes up nice.

I think you should be able to copy what they do at the large super stores. 

If for sure try to source something before I did it

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on November 30, 2020, 09:26:04 PM
Your city slicker is showing... concrete to the gate... *smh*

This makes me chuckle, my wife just told me a couple days ago while we were talking about having a house in the country, "its not like we'd have anything more than gravel driveway to the garage." I laughed because working under vehicles in gravel is not something i like to do, and I still intend on a concrete driveway once we get to that point, which apparently she was surprised by.

Charles, very good work sir! I look forward to having space again one day, and seeing your shop expand really makes me miss the bit we had when we lived in AZ.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on November 30, 2020, 10:07:44 PM
Oh I have nothing against the concrete parking area! I just thought it funny that it’s a country home and he talking about concrete to the gate.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on November 30, 2020, 10:54:00 PM
I think you asked me about the trusses I've been using,  the ones from a cotton gin. Just so happens that they're 36'. Matter of fact, just pulled one out of the stack today. I have to extend it to 39' for the last section of roof.
I'll take some pics tomorrow.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 30, 2020, 11:06:34 PM
Awesome. Yeah Ken I’m trying to cheap out on roof trusses by building them myself.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2020, 07:56:53 AM
Oh I have nothing against the concrete parking area! I just thought it funny that it’s a country home and he talking about concrete to the gate.
I suppose if I did that I’d have to change the name of the thread...nothing with a concrete driveway can be a “hide”

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 01, 2020, 08:17:21 AM
Oh I have nothing against the concrete parking area! I just thought it funny that it’s a country home and he talking about concrete to the gate.
I suppose if I did that I’d have to change the name of the thread...nothing with a concrete driveway can be a “hide”

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Something with lodge in it maybe? Great Wolf Lodge? Great Hide Lodge?  :tongue:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2020, 10:48:40 AM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 01, 2020, 11:43:33 AM
Werkin' konkrete...That's fun (Not!)

Going to be great when dried!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2020, 12:00:13 PM
20 yards so far and just called for another 5


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on December 01, 2020, 12:14:35 PM
The Crete can’t go to the gate.
But what you got going there is perfect.

Looking great.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 01, 2020, 12:20:55 PM
So weird to see rear load cement trucks

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 01, 2020, 03:40:27 PM
You mean Cement trucks? Still very common, new isn't cheap.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2020, 05:54:11 PM
Broom finish and done. Forms come off tomorrrow. Picked up the sheet metal today and hope to get the roof on tomorrow.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 01, 2020, 06:00:07 PM
Hmm, room for more shop, another container and a lift.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2020, 06:42:21 PM
You laugh.  Those plans are already in the works. Directly to the right of the shop and attached will be another 60 ft wide and the same 40 ft deep but 14 ft walls. Behind that is the seacan and before the next shop will be another seacan and roof attached to the first one for an equipment shed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 01, 2020, 07:00:49 PM
Do you guys get cold enough for concrete blankets?

Moving those things freaking sucked!!! The Crete heats up enough to melt the bottom of the snow, then as the mud cures the water then freezes into ice making the whole blanket solid!!
Snow and construction don’t mix

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 01, 2020, 10:12:17 PM
Uh no. We got to 26 last night and that was unusual and only for a couple hours

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 03, 2020, 07:09:25 PM
Well in the 40 degree rain yesterday I got the roof panels on the front to keep my stuff from getting any wetter than it already was.

Today I started at the back.  The concrete guys did not come to get the forms off so I had to knock off the forms and start welding in the horizontal purlins and cutting the panels.

I am re using the panels on the back and I didnt want to have new/more screw holes so I had to weld the purlins back on exactly in the right spot and cut a few inches off the bottom since The slab is higher than the gravel that was in the parking area in the back.

Got that done and closed in the two sides in the back so that’s done.  Tomorrow on to the front where I have to reframe the man door and roll up door.  I think I under estimated the need for more panels but will find out tomorrow.

Once the shop is dried in, the real work begins.  All new electrical EMT, air distribution and moving all the metal rack/shelving 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on December 04, 2020, 08:09:10 AM
So weird to see rear load cement trucks

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Around here is wierd to see front loaders.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 04, 2020, 10:40:06 AM
I guess I’d like to know the pros and cons.   I’d first think the rear would handle weight driving but then I think the whole truck might be smaller.   The front loaders are dual engines. Usually six drive axles, and the floater

Just sure neat trucks either way they shoot mud

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 04, 2020, 07:06:28 PM
Well Dave, your inquiry made me investigate.  Front chute trucks are more expensive for sure.

So today I worked on framing up the front of the shop having finished the rear.

For some odd reason the purlins i cut loose are now miraculously too short and I will need more purlins. I’m also short R panel for the sides and am tired of trying to match up prior screw holes so I’m just getting all new R panel for the front and new trim.  I ordered the R panel but it wont be ready until thursday but everything will be ready to install so it will go really quick.

I set the door today and the opening for the roll up on front.  Will go get more purlin tomorrow and set the roll up door and then start moving shelve units and clearing up the mess.

I have to wait a week for everything to dry out before I can get top soil and limestone to landscape around the new parking pad.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 05, 2020, 02:36:12 AM
Nice. Rollup on the cont would be great
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 05, 2020, 10:20:31 AM
So, you're supposed to put sides on a shop?   Asking for a friend
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on December 05, 2020, 11:51:22 AM
So, you're supposed to put sides on a shop?   Asking for a friend
He has a man door, what else does he need? It’s that redneck thing, and least he has a roof that is more than I have right now. :beercheers:
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 05, 2020, 07:41:17 PM
Well, I lock the man door just to be safe....

Miraculously the purlins I cut loose are too short to re-use.  Went to the metal store again....

Feel like Johnny Cash building that 57 Cadillac.

Got the roll up door installed and it took a while to get it tensioned correctly.  I got most of the other purlins welded in and have 4 to go.

Ordered ten 8 ft 12,000 lumen LED lights.

Will get the remaining purlins in tomorrow and start moving some shelving to its likely resting place.  The sheets will go up quickly when I get them next thursday.

Let the wife be the first to park on the new slab,  she likes unloading groceries better on the slab with the easy walkway.

As usual its taken longer and I’m over budget, but that’s just how I roll....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 05, 2020, 08:13:06 PM
Ok, Where do these purlins go? I’m used to seeing purlins stick out from the sides to create eaves. Don’t see anything like that in the pics.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 06, 2020, 12:08:47 AM
Big difference Charles. He didn't pay for the caddy parts.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 06, 2020, 08:05:51 AM
Touché Ken.

Ryan purlin is the material used to span the roof beams and attach roofing panels to. It comes in a “C” and “Z”configuration. 

In this instance I’m using that same material for the hoizontal pieces spanning the sides between posts to attach the wall panels

Welding little plates or “clips” to the poles and then attaching the purlin

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 06, 2020, 08:47:45 AM
Looks good Charles, glad you ordered all new steel. Sucks writing the check but will be happier in long run.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 06, 2020, 06:32:11 PM
Well the structures are all up I’m just waiting on panels now so I started a cleanup organization and moving all the shelving around that’s gonna be the worse than even the construction

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 06, 2020, 06:49:45 PM
The concrete is already dirty

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 06, 2020, 10:27:43 PM
It happens.

Investigating sealers. Any advice?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 06, 2020, 10:40:21 PM
The sealers I have used never last to long.   Let me get a picture of what I used
It’s held up ok. But time will tell

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 06, 2020, 10:41:01 PM
Be careful of epoxy as they will work well but make that driveway really slick.   The guys who helped with your pool might have a option or two also

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 06, 2020, 10:43:30 PM
I like Zinsser stuff, will remember they have it.

TRN, not quite secure yet??
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on December 06, 2020, 10:44:14 PM
Well, I lock the man door just to be safe....

Miraculously the purlins I cut loose are too short to re-use.  Went to the metal store again....

Feel like Johnny Cash building that 57 Cadillac.

Got the roll up door installed and it took a while to get it tensioned correctly.  I got most of the other purlins welded in and have 4 to go.

Ordered ten 8 ft 12,000 lumen LED lights.

Will get the remaining purlins in tomorrow and start moving some shelving to its likely resting place.  The sheets will go up quickly when I get them next thursday.

Let the wife be the first to park on the new slab,  she likes unloading groceries better on the slab with the easy walkway.

As usual its taken longer and I’m over budget, but that’s just how I roll....

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Where did you order your lights?  I have at least 30 8 ft fluorescent light fixtures in the garage. I want to start replacing them as they are a pain in the winter with slow startup and I’ve already broken a couple of bulbs. The idea of the kids breaking one and getting themselves cut up doesn’t make me happy either.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 06, 2020, 10:48:38 PM
Charles, stuff I used at last home. Recommend by concrete guy and sold via bobcat dealer. Good stuff

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 06, 2020, 11:07:10 PM
Quit leaving the chevys on the slab and you won't have any stains?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 06, 2020, 11:08:49 PM
Quit leaving the chevys on the slab and you won't have any stains?

^^^^^^^ what he said.......  :popcorn:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 07, 2020, 12:46:51 AM
Quit leaving the chevys on the slab and you won't have any stains?

Wait until you park the cummins there!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 07, 2020, 07:11:12 AM
Well, I lock the man door just to be safe....

Miraculously the purlins I cut loose are too short to re-use.  Went to the metal store again....

Feel like Johnny Cash building that 57 Cadillac.

Got the roll up door installed and it took a while to get it tensioned correctly.  I got most of the other purlins welded in and have 4 to go.

Ordered ten 8 ft 12,000 lumen LED lights.

Will get the remaining purlins in tomorrow and start moving some shelving to its likely resting place.  The sheets will go up quickly when I get them next thursday.

Let the wife be the first to park on the new slab,  she likes unloading groceries better on the slab with the easy walkway.

As usual its taken longer and I’m over budget, but that’s just how I roll....

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Where did you order your lights?  I have at least 30 8 ft fluorescent light fixtures in the garage. I want to start replacing them as they are a pain in the winter with slow startup and I’ve already broken a couple of bulbs. The idea of the kids breaking one and getting themselves cut up doesn’t make me happy either.

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Amazon.  About 200for a 10pack

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 07, 2020, 08:54:07 AM
Some things that inherently leak a lot also work very well

Take the Chinook for example...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on December 07, 2020, 04:19:00 PM
Some things that inherently leak a lot also work very well

Take the Chinook for example...
SR-71 fuel tanks...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 07, 2020, 08:45:36 PM
Engine oil pan and transmission pan gaskets...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 08, 2020, 11:05:55 PM
Lights came in
Will probably get 2-3 more.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: kampfitt on December 09, 2020, 09:44:13 AM
Do you have a link for the lights? They look Great
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 09, 2020, 09:57:31 PM
Will get it. Can’t look at my Amazon account until after my birthday tomorrow. Wife doesn’t want me to see my gifts in order history.

So had some 066 limestone and Calichi mix delivered today

Got it spread and packed. Just need to fine tune the level

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 09, 2020, 10:00:23 PM
Those lights 12v or AC.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on December 09, 2020, 11:19:39 PM
So Charles... you and the wife can have separate Amazon accounts but share a “household” Amazon prime account. Makes it easier to keep things separate ;)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: wyorunner on December 10, 2020, 03:54:12 AM
Will get it. Can’t look at my Amazon account until after my birthday tomorrow. Wife doesn’t want me to see my gifts in order history.

So had some 066 limestone and Calichi mix delivered today

Got it spread and packed. Just need to fine tune the level

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A calichi mix, fascinating. Never heard of it being sold but I shouldn’t be surprised. I always wondered what it would be like to create small plant to process the stuff into some kind of usable adobo concrete like stuff. It’s available a plenty where we lived in AZ. Hit it all over our lot, 6” down in some spots, 30 or better in others.

How does it hold up in the long term? I’d imagine well because the stuff we uncovered didn’t deteriorate much over the 5 years we lived there.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 10, 2020, 08:02:43 AM
Ryan,  I’,m too lazy to explain it to her.  She’s not the most technological person. 

Turner, its used a lot on farm and ranch roads, particularly in south Texas. This is my first time using it, but in my estimation as long as it doesn’t have standing water on it, the Calichi doesn’t get washed away and it stays packed.  Most likely I will come back in at some point and put a thin layer of 066 on top just to keep the dust and mud from tracking on the concrete.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 10, 2020, 10:52:29 AM
Buy rock, have rock installed, pack rock, dig up well packed rock, pour more concrete, find new place to pile up rock. :)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 10, 2020, 06:48:29 PM
You a berry bad man, Kenneth.....

But probably not too far off.  They SB2 limestone road base I had down is still under the concrete.  It made for a good hard base.

The path around the side of the shop is SB2 Granite and I like it even better, but its expensive.  Eventually that will probably get spread under the foundation for the future shop addition..

Got my R panel today and hope to start on putting it up tomorrow and get the shop closed in.  Work keeps getting in the way.  It’s dark when I go to work and dark when I get done.  Not conducive to projects.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 12, 2020, 03:26:25 PM
Do you have a link for the lights? They look Great
10Pack 8Ft LED Shop Light...

Currently show unavailable but there are many similar. I think they are all made by the same chinaman under different names.

Also wrapped up the front including eave and corner trim. On to the back for eave and corner then the box rake along the side roof line

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 12, 2020, 03:31:20 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 12, 2020, 03:31:45 PM
Those would be killer bright under mommas mez

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 12, 2020, 07:26:37 PM
Nice work Charles  :likebutton:
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 12, 2020, 07:38:47 PM
Thanks. Got the back done and the corner pieces all done and got one side of the box rake on.  Should be able to finish tomorrow

Here is the before photo

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 13, 2020, 07:55:20 PM
Got the box rake pretty much complete this morning just before the rain hit.  I can attest that with double the roof area, the sound on the roof is deafening..  No leaks except from under the man door.  Have to get my threshold down

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 13, 2020, 08:32:54 PM
Got the box rake pretty much complete this morning just before the rain hit.  I can attest that with double the roof area, the sound on the roof is deafening..  No leaks except from under the man door.  Have to get my threshold down

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Charles, we always put pink insulation board under the roof panels. Makes life a lot quieter.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 13, 2020, 09:47:13 PM
Yeah, Ive been thinking about that but I need to get ventilation figured out ....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on December 13, 2020, 09:57:37 PM
If you don’t have some insulation up there it will be raining on the inside as well as the outside
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 13, 2020, 11:21:58 PM
If you don’t have some insulation up there it will be raining on the inside as well as the outside
Thats a good point. Mine is really bad right now with the moisture in the air and lower temps, but I don't have any walls.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 13, 2020, 11:31:40 PM
Spray foam

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on December 14, 2020, 12:06:55 AM
They used spray on insulation on the inside of a shop at work. Problem was it had asbestos fibers mixed in it. Had to spray over it all and put signs everywhere warning not to disturb or hang anything against the walls.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 14, 2020, 10:11:17 AM
Spray foam

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 14, 2020, 12:51:55 PM
It’s not to expensive, here two inches of spray foam isn’t to bad

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 14, 2020, 01:55:42 PM
Closed cell is the expensive stuff.  Open cell is not too bad.  If I get another seacan I’ll have it shot so it might be a good time to consider. 

I really need some ventilation.  The roof mounted passive vents are really expensive so I’m not sure if I want to go that route or a gable vent with a powered fan

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 14, 2020, 02:43:14 PM
Sorry the vents I had viewed are for vans and trailers

Can you do just a regular turtle back vents?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 14, 2020, 05:00:45 PM
I could but the low slope of the roof is a challenge and I like the big ridge vents that have an open / close setting If I’m going to insulate and potentially condition

The gables controlled by a humidistat would be ideal if I don’t insulate or condition

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on December 14, 2020, 07:43:03 PM
Charles, you need to put something between the metal roofing and warmer moist air or you will be dripping water when air is cooler outside than inside.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2020, 07:58:07 PM
So dug a trench and started pulling cable to the new sub panel.

4awg thhn and some 14ga for a light over the door controlled by a WiFi switch next to the porch on the house.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 22, 2020, 09:39:15 PM
Got my fill of pulling cable Sunday at my brother's new shop. 2/0x3.....162'. Not fun.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 22, 2020, 10:13:44 PM
Yeah.  Gotta remember the lube

I pulled 1/0 150’ to the casita.  This was 40 ft.  My youngest pulled the fish tape while I lubed and organized and fed the cable. Oversized conduit is a big help.  3 #4 plus 3 #14 in a 1-1/4 was easy.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 23, 2020, 12:24:26 AM
Yeah.  Gotta remember the lube

I pulled 1/0 150’ to the casita.  This was 40 ft.  My youngest pulled the fish tape while I lubed and organized and fed the cable. Oversized conduit is a big help.  3 #4 plus 3 #14 in a 1-1/4 was easy.

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We used 2.5" conduit, with multiple bends but the spool of cable said "No Lube!!". I didn't know they made non-lube compatible insulation until I saw that. If it was mine I probably would've used it anyway.

I'll quit dotting your awesome thread now....

.. until tomorrow.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2020, 08:05:53 AM
Also picked up this gizmo like a Chinese handcuff. Worked really well. Won’t say I was testing it and got my finger stuck....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 23, 2020, 01:55:02 PM
That is a good idea but I think lube would have messed it up.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 23, 2020, 07:02:09 PM
You would think but it grips like crazy. Lube or not

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 23, 2020, 07:34:56 PM
Asso.. ancient chinese fingers huh?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on December 28, 2020, 05:28:25 PM
Asso.. ancient chinese fingers huh?

"I Korean you … "
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 28, 2020, 08:24:18 PM
So brief update.  Bending conduit is fun....not.  I’ve gotten pretty decent at it over the years, but bending 3/4 takes more effort.  When finished will have 48 110 outlets (twelve 2 gang boxes with duplex recepticles) on four 20amp circuits and six 240V outlets (four 3 wire and two 4 wire) on two separate circuits.

Got about 3/4 of the conduit run and bent and the lighting circuit is done with almost all the LEDs are up and the flood light over the door is in. 

Also succeeded in pulling the original service cables out of the old conduit and cut the old conduit off flush with the floor since it now comes up in the middle of the shop.

I now have to completely disassemble the shelving units and re- arrange them along one wall,including the two I made into a work bench, which now will be fun since I screwed them to the metal framing before adding the 2x4s and pegboard... so the lights have to come down, the pegboard comes off and the 2x4s off and then I can remove the screws...unless I can get a long recip blade between the frame and building and cut them loose.

So I moved my parts bins and started moving my chemical cabinet, but the bottom is about rusted out after 15 years so I went to Sams and bought two rolling 36x18x72 inch cabinets which I will now have to assemble....

Still probably 2 weeks away from getting finished organized and a massive trip to the dump to purge junk.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 28, 2020, 08:29:54 PM
You are always churning things out. Wish I had that energy right now.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 28, 2020, 08:51:26 PM
JR you aren’t letting grass grow under your feet either

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 28, 2020, 09:39:46 PM
JR you aren’t letting grass grow under your feet either

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Doesn't seem like anyone here has that issue
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 28, 2020, 10:08:16 PM
Just know I want to do so much more.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on December 28, 2020, 11:00:49 PM
Just know I want to do so much more.
Same here. I wish Idaho was a lot closer. Wouldn't hurt to have half a mil to spend there as well.
Guess we'll have to count on this Texan for inspiration.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on December 28, 2020, 11:28:15 PM
I think we get to many irons in the fire.  Progress is slow on each but not as productive,  I wish I could finish a few more without starting new ones

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on December 29, 2020, 11:51:53 AM
Well up here in mason county wa they take care of all that. 4 months to get a garage permit after waiting a month for a pre app meeting
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 29, 2020, 12:51:35 PM
And they wonder why people build without permits
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on December 29, 2020, 02:36:05 PM
I’m still waiting for the city of Winnipeg to get back to me on wether I needed a permit or not for my condo. That was 2017/18...
Was done in a week. Lol
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 01, 2021, 09:32:16 PM
Well destruction phase over and now reassembly and organization begins.  Shelves all in their new place and redoing the electric on the work bench section.  Going from 3 single duplex outlets to 3 double duplex outlets and led lights in place of the fluorescents. Have quite the pile of trash and junk outside to haul off and hope to get mostly done this weekend so the wife can park her SUV in there when she comes back Monday.

Once all the junk is off the floor and back on the shelves I can finish the other electrical circuits along the back wall.

Then I plan to weld supports on the back wall to make a plywood wall floor to ceiling so I can start hanging metal pegboard which is where a lot of various stuff with no home will reside.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 01, 2021, 10:27:41 PM
Charles, kind of a cool idea I’ll pass along. My buddy had a lot of shelving units like yours. He took 1” sq tube and made double door door frames to cover front of racks top to bottom. Mounted them at each end of rack with hinges then put metal peg board on the frames. Hung the tools inside the peg board doors. He could open the doors and grab a tool or access the shelf. Super clean and functional, maybe something to consider? 
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 02, 2021, 08:32:28 PM
Thanks Shawn may look into that.  I usually have stuff hanging off the edges.

Made some progress today.  Still have the 2000lbs of white oak in the middle of the floor to deal with and have to put up and organize all the workbench stuff that’s on the floor in buckets as well as a few other organizational things before building the back wall and finishing the electrical


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 02, 2021, 08:36:52 PM
Looks good  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 02, 2021, 08:52:09 PM
Way to clean, fix that!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 03, 2021, 10:54:29 AM
You're a freakin dynamo!

That looks great


It's been cool just watching this "hidesite/vacation resort of yours grow over the years.

I expect only more good things as we press forward

And send a prayer (to all) that this place of the Texas reddened neck guy never has to use it to hide anything.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 04, 2021, 09:05:19 PM
Thanks Guys. 

Wife’s ride fits nicely with room to spare

Don I dug a big hole with the excavator behind the pond berm to get clay to repair the berm.  Left the big hole and now the running joke is that I’m preparing to hide a body

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 04, 2021, 09:55:10 PM
Thanks Guys. 

Wife’s ride fits nicely with room to spare

Don I dug a big hole with the excavator behind the pond berm to get clay to repair the berm.  Left the big hole and now the running joke is that I’m preparing to hide a body

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Your prepared for the first boyfriend!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 04, 2021, 10:25:38 PM
I think the trick for digging holes.   Dig a hole put the mini dig again, cover with concrete, back fill, dig out back fill and plant a tree .   

Many of employees got told the same example of the get hurt.   “ I don’t know where he is, never seen him here today”

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 04, 2021, 11:29:33 PM
Well, easier to dig a hole. Trap a couple of pigs in there. Toss Boyfriend.  Come back in a few days and shoot pigs or let them loose.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on January 04, 2021, 11:30:04 PM
English Dave?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 05, 2021, 12:03:36 AM
Borrow minX
Dig hole as far as miniX can reach
Drive mini into hole, dig again.   

Body>concrete> back fill> dig out of hole> backfill > plant tree > return miniX

We used to tell employees that were accident prone that we would follow that procedure and tell who ever came looking that we never seen them, no call no show that day

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 05, 2021, 12:14:24 AM
Well, easier to dig a hole. Trap a couple of pigs in there. Toss Boyfriend.  Come back in a few days and shoot pigs or let them loose.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 05, 2021, 12:21:06 AM
Well, easier to dig a hole. Trap a couple of pigs in there. Toss Boyfriend.  Come back in a few days and shoot pigs or let them loose.

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We don’t have wild pigs here just crazy fat ladies at Walmart, I have no desire to trap one of them lol

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 16, 2021, 07:03:58 PM
Put a cheap pioneer receiver in the shop with some speakers. Organized the stuff on the pegboard and bought 11 sticks of 1-1/2 square tube to build a plywood wall at the end of the shop for metal pegboard and installed the last of the led lights.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 16, 2021, 08:37:28 PM
Can you take another photo looking in from the garage door,  those lights look amazing and you didn’t have them all up?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 16, 2021, 09:14:01 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Nate on January 16, 2021, 09:39:21 PM
You plannin on having to be surg-e-ratein in that space?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 16, 2021, 11:20:48 PM
I freaking love it!!

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2021, 09:24:55 AM
You plannin on having to be surg-e-ratein in that space?
Maybe. I may actually add more. As I get older more brighter is more better

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 17, 2021, 03:48:42 PM
Maybe. I may actually add more. As I get older more brighter is more better

Isn't that the truth!!

Funny, night vision is good but I can't see little things at all.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 18, 2021, 07:22:00 PM
Well got the air hose reel hung and HDPE air distribution tubing and a few other things tidied up.

Then started on the back wall. 1-1/2 sq tube welded to the purlins and 3x4 plate feet. Going to be spaced 48 inch oc and I’ll hang 3/4 plywood. 8x24 feet. Then I can finish the electrical circuits that will run in front and eventuallly hang metal pegboard for misc junk.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 18, 2021, 11:23:29 PM
No insulation
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on January 19, 2021, 06:44:03 AM
No insulation

You don't need that in the south. They dont get cold.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 06, 2021, 07:15:27 PM
So finished welding the 1-1/2 sq tube frame and got the 3/4 plywood on it. Now I can finish the electrical since it has to run across the face of the plywood wall.  Also got to try out my new infinity digital Miller helmet. Where has that been all my life?  Much better than my cheap entry level Miller. Now I just need a 2.5 cheater for it.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on February 06, 2021, 07:52:55 PM
Nice helmet
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 06, 2021, 09:42:09 PM
Yea, I like that helmet. Seems I am always having issues with the ones I have. Should bite the bullet and opt for one like that Miller.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on February 07, 2021, 10:15:12 AM
Nice helmet. I really should look at one with the bigger window.
Mines one of the original auto ones and only has the 2” window.

Garage coming along nicely.
You still fighting Rona priced lumber?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 07, 2021, 01:02:30 PM
I have the larger window with auto darkening? Is the digital diff?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 08, 2021, 06:39:08 AM
Yeah, 23/32 CDX sheathing was $39 a sheet. 

JR, I believe the digital has some electronic controls like different modes for grinding, cutting etc with just the push of a button.  Also tracks arc time and other stuff.

Ordered my cheater lenses for it yesterday so I can stop wearing my readers under the helmet

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on February 08, 2021, 08:19:41 AM
Does that helmet have a ClearLight lens? Supposed to allow more colors through the lens.  Of the few people I have talked to that uses them they have all raved about them.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 08, 2021, 08:36:51 AM
Yes I believe that is the type of lens.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 08, 2021, 11:27:25 AM
Nice, but $400,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 08, 2021, 04:38:23 PM
Nice, but $400,,,,,,,,,
What value do you put on your eyesight?
For that reason I've never even thought of trying a version from harbor freight, or similar.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 08, 2021, 04:54:41 PM
Would like to try a really good set. I have a Kolbalt now, works greats.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 08, 2021, 05:37:38 PM
Iv been using a harbor freight helmet for what little welding I do,  it’s adjustable and I set it usually as dark as I can.

But I also don’t weld hours and hours a day.   

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: EL TATE on February 08, 2021, 05:52:41 PM
ESAB Sentinel.
If you want 1st hand reviews, we gave a bunch of these away on a sales promotion some years ago and our customers  LOVED them.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 08, 2021, 08:49:04 PM
Shop around. I got mine for $271 from

Tate those are nice helmets. Some reviews said downside was the expensive curved replacement lenses.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bear9350 on February 09, 2021, 08:22:17 AM
I went back to a cheap fixed shade.  I've tried a couple different brands of auto helmets.  I just replace the outer shield pretty regularly and the shade itself a couple times a year and it really helps with my visibility. I go through about a 44lb roll of wire every 2 months or so and the majority of my welding is 12" runs so a fixed shade doesn't bother me as much as somebody who is doing a bunch of short runs.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 09, 2021, 11:28:18 AM
I went back to a cheap fixed shade.  I've tried a couple different brands of auto helmets.  I just replace the outer shield pretty regularly and the shade itself a couple times a year and it really helps with my visibility. I go through about a 44lb roll of wire every 2 months or so and the majority of my welding is 12" runs so a fixed shade doesn't bother me as much as somebody who is doing a bunch of short runs.
That's the consensus from a couple pro welder friends. They make fun of me for using autos....say that they're for amateurs... which is fine with me. I need all the help I can get.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 09, 2021, 12:28:23 PM
Armature,  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 13, 2021, 09:33:01 PM
So were are getting the global warming special this week.  Will be 5 degrees at the hide and likely 6+ inches of snow.  My old generator from hurricane IKE is not up to the task to run what I need and the 20kW Cummins onan whole house generator I ordered 5 weeks ago has not even shipped yet so I went to Northern Tool and bought an electric start 11000 watt running gen set.  Wrapped all the pipes good, sharpened the chains on the saws and gassed everything up and put the saws and chains and straps in the truck and got both 30 gal barrels filled with gas and the Bus topped off with 94 gallons of diesel.  And a few bottles of bourbon just in case....(

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 13, 2021, 09:55:23 PM
How long have you had the nitto mud G’s on the bus?

Jealous you guys are getting the snow

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 13, 2021, 10:01:20 PM
They are Ridge Grapplers.  35x12.5x20s.  Maybe 20k miles?  I’d have to check.  Much better than the Terra Grappler G2s I had

I’m fine with the snow but the family back in Houston will have to content with sleet and ice on the power lines and roads and we don’t have but 1 salt truck for 10000 miles of roads...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on February 14, 2021, 04:39:23 PM
Good luck with the global warming cool down.
I witnessed some freezing rain events years ago down that way driving.
The lack of winter infrastructure is a real thing.
I threw on a set of chains and left.
Don’t know if it was legal, didn’t care.
Weren’t nobody moving that didn’t have chains.
And the DOT there didn’t know what snow is let alone how to use chains.

Hopefully you weather the storm safely.
Extra bourbon always a good bet.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2021, 04:56:40 PM
2 storms with 6 inches of snow in less than 5 weeks.....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on February 15, 2021, 05:11:02 PM
That looks like it’s time to figure out how to heat that pool and go for a dip Charles

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 15, 2021, 06:56:11 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 15, 2021, 07:42:35 PM
Heck thats pefect. Enough to play and look pretty. Plus you can still drive around and it doesn't shut things down. About like we get at the Ridge, but Tx's?

Funny how whenever there is snow around population areas its a "storm", think it is just "winter" like happens every year. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on February 15, 2021, 07:45:54 PM
The effect shown here of all this global warming means Biden probably needs to double down on the Paris climate accords. Place a few more job and energy killing regulations in place before the snow gets too deep to move!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 15, 2021, 09:01:40 PM
We got our share also
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 17, 2021, 05:06:26 PM
Things are getting a little racy here now.  Near zero temps are over but we won’t see above freezing for a few more days.  Today we got ice and freezing rain.  When I’m outside all I hear is trees and limbs snapping and dropping all around.  I’m beginning to doubt we make it out with out damage.  As soon as this is over I’m cutting every tree close to a structure.  No more tree hugging wife to keep me from cutting.  Too risky.(

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 17, 2021, 05:28:28 PM
A few trees look too close. What temp is the pool??
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on February 17, 2021, 07:53:09 PM
Well Charles you have some work in front of you. I agree with you however, easier to take them down than take them off. Some would say to just open them up to allow the wind to pass through but one limb through the roof causes lots of problems. I will be trying to work with our county to be able to remove trees here. They or the state designated the trees between our house and the beach as natural buffer area. I believe state law says any tree within striking length can be removed. My problem is the wind more often than not blows from the beach toward the house. Yes they may have root system to hold them up but larger limbs don’t care about that. Tough call but you are right, darn trees can always cause a fight.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 17, 2021, 09:24:41 PM
Bob, at the moment, at least, I don’t answer to anyone (other than the wife) on what I want to do with my property.  I will likely rent a 60 ft self propelled boom lift to get them all down.

JR. the pool is 37 degrees.  Just right for a dip....

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on February 17, 2021, 10:14:06 PM
I used a tow behind lift to get some trees last fall. It wasn't too bad moving it with the tractor and a good bit cheaper.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on February 18, 2021, 08:45:47 AM
That pine above the garage sure looks sketch. ... would be a terrible kick in the gut after all that work, especially doing the work yourself.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on February 19, 2021, 09:23:51 AM
Lots of ice no power no internet.

No significant structural damage yet and the pool equipment hasn’t completely frozen. So I counted all a blessing

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on February 19, 2021, 01:43:26 PM
A little foresight goes a long way.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 12, 2021, 06:05:53 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 12, 2021, 06:20:36 PM
Cummins poweded!! More,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 12, 2021, 07:19:21 PM
You will never regret that purchase.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 12, 2021, 09:05:13 PM
You are probably right, Bob.  20kW LP gen set.  Now the real work begins with pouring a pad and trenching for LP lines and wiring all this mess.  It has an auto transfer and a dual 50amp load shedding panel so the pool and the main house AC can drop off and be picked back up automatically if needed.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on March 13, 2021, 12:41:16 AM
Very nice Charles. Well worth the cost and work to get it setup
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 13, 2021, 05:42:35 PM
East part done. Unloaded and slab poured.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 13, 2021, 07:12:35 PM
Looking forward to a total cost of this,   I wired my home to add a Gen set, but we haven’t had many of the power outages that my home I grew up in did.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 13, 2021, 07:43:18 PM
Well so far with the gen set auto disconnect and load shedding panel and slab I’m in for about $5600

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 13, 2021, 08:09:20 PM
That’s not terrible considering your peace of mind and household comfort I would think
It will power everything but the pool you said?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Farmer Jon on March 14, 2021, 08:11:26 AM
That a good choice with LP. A lot of people around here got hooked up with natural gas when the pipeline went through a few years back. They are finding out that its not a resource that will always be there. There was pipe rupture that dropped pressure to near nothing. And then this recent storm skyrocketed prices. I was shown a bill that is normally $3,000. Last month it was over $12,000.

Get a 1,000 gallon tank and fill er up.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 20, 2021, 09:04:30 PM
Well the easy part is over.  Time to start digging


Last two outlets wired.  Electrical in the shop complete.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 20, 2021, 09:56:08 PM
Very nice Charles  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 20, 2021, 11:44:47 PM
Me likes too!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 21, 2021, 09:24:49 PM
Today I started cleaning and organizing the shop since I had finished the electrical.  Still not finished but getting there.

Made a rack for all my wire spools.  Got a chance to use my new plasma circle guides from 911 motor sports.  Worked like a charm to cut 3/4 holes for the conduit to go through the standoffs


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 21, 2021, 10:46:36 PM
OOOO, nice rack Charles,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 21, 2021, 10:48:17 PM
OOOO, nice rack Charles,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Look at all of that room for activities

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 21, 2021, 10:53:33 PM
You worry me Dave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 21, 2021, 11:01:45 PM
That was a good show come on

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cj7ox on March 22, 2021, 04:08:24 PM
That was a good show come on

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I'm with you. Never, under any circumstance, touch my drum set! LOL!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on March 22, 2021, 04:12:15 PM
That was a good show come on

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I'm with you. Never, under any circumstance, touch my drum set! LOL!
Did we just become best friends?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: cj7ox on March 22, 2021, 04:16:16 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on March 22, 2021, 05:32:10 PM
Sounds like you 2 should go on the overland trip together,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 22, 2021, 05:59:04 PM
In the same van...

And here are the stencils I got.  Love these things.  At least on thinner stuff.  We’ll see how they work on thicker stuff

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 22, 2021, 09:17:31 PM
Sounds like you 2 should go on the overland trip together,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I second the motion...All in favor say aye...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on March 22, 2021, 09:19:25 PM
In the same van...

And here are the stencils I got.  Love these things.  At least on thinner stuff.  We’ll see how they work on thicker stuff

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OOH, I'm gonna get those!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on March 22, 2021, 09:42:35 PM
In the same van...

And here are the stencils I got.  Love these things.  At least on thinner stuff.  We’ll see how they work on thicker stuff

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OOH, I'm gonna get those!
They ship fast too.  I plan on getting all the stencils eventually..

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on March 22, 2021, 09:44:21 PM
Sounds like you 2 should go on the overland trip together,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I second the motion...All in favor say aye...

 :likebutton: :likebutton: :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 11, 2021, 08:37:12 PM
So having set the generator on the pad it was time to get busy with a shovel. Manual labor time.

I found electrical, comms, and water to casita. Electric to septic.  Electric to pool. Pool light conduits. And all 8 2 inch pipe for the pool. Intertwine that with some serious roots and that’s why I couldn’t use heavy equipment.  Way too much stuff to damage.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 11, 2021, 08:42:54 PM

So first pic is where I tied into the line going to the pool heater.

What is not shown is the copper wire run with the poly pipe. Code requires it so it can be detected.

Pressurized and monitored for 15 minutes. No loss of pressure. 👍

Covered it all up and smoothed it out.

Next up. Final connection to gas and the conduit for electrical and comms and wiring the transfer switch and load shedding center.

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Fixed your thumb,,,,,,
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on April 11, 2021, 08:56:49 PM
Hell that looks wet and sticky

Ya have to scrape the shovel off each scoop kinda diggin

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 11, 2021, 09:06:30 PM
Dave its about as ideal as it gets for red clay.  Too wet and its a mess.  Too dry and its like concrete.  Another month in Texas and it would have been like concrete, needing a jackhammer.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 11, 2021, 10:42:35 PM
Hey, at least he is not wearing man slippers! Thumb is a tad big,,,,,,,,,

You don't put tape in on top? Thought that was required to?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on April 12, 2021, 06:17:02 AM
Not sure I’m tracking on the tape part...

Non metallic piping just requires a copper wire, per Tx Railroad Commission

But then not much out in the country is up to code.  Those electrical conduits being 6 inches underground is no bueno but I know to be careful and I know generally where the stuff is.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: KensAuto on April 12, 2021, 09:26:41 AM
Caution tape, closer to the surface.

Next time someone digs, hopefully hit the tape before the pipe.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on April 12, 2021, 12:20:53 PM
Caution tape, closer to the surface.

Next time someone digs, hopefully hit the tape before the pipe.

Yep, so when someone digs without knowing where or calling the pipe locators its like, hey there might be something under this tape!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 29, 2021, 08:41:41 PM
Ok. More progress on the generator

Since I’m saving money installing my self I get to buy tools.

Bought a hydraulic hole punch kit for punching holes in the electrical panels.

Works amazing and no shavings.

Got the transfer switch panel mounted and the conduit run to the main panel. No pic yet but got the conduit run all the way to the generator and the wires pulled. Have to do the connections and finish the gas connection.

Then buy a battery, mount the load shedding switch and then have to pull the meter to move over the mains.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: oklawall on May 30, 2021, 09:09:33 PM
isn't rule 97 of the man card handbook is that for each new project you must buy 1 new tool?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on May 30, 2021, 09:13:29 PM
isn't rule 97 of the man card handbook is that for each new project you must buy 1 new tool?
Absolutely correct.

Gotta love the hydraulic knockouts.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 30, 2021, 11:42:25 PM
Only 1,  :sad:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 31, 2021, 10:51:35 AM
Gas connected and most connections made at generator. Need to anchor it to the slab and connect the Ethernet cable and a few low voltage signal wires.

The load shedding panel I bought was not nema3 rated for outdoors so I ordered a nema3 enclosure to transfer all the guts to.

Once that gets here I’ll wire that and then it’s just pulling the mains and transferring over and hope it doesn’t go up in smoke. (

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on May 31, 2021, 11:28:39 AM
Letting the smoke out is usually never a good thing. At some point I need to upgrade our system. Ours is a manual switchover now, and the generator is mounted in the garage with exhaust plumbed to the outside. Very nice job on the install Charles, sorry you have to change out the box.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 31, 2021, 08:15:56 PM

Here is where I left it today.  Low voltage wiring to the ATS complete, Identified ground and neutral (kind of important).  Drilled and secured the gen set with concrete anchors, terminated and connected the Ethernet cable.

Now just need a battery, the load shedding panel replacement box and connect the load shedding panel before pulling the meter.

Talked to my electrician friend and he said I should be able to pull the meter and replace it myself.  I was concerned that since it is monitored over the lines, that they would not reactivate if I pulled it.  If they give me grief he said to tell them he did it.

So that means that I’ll be pulling the meter and making the connections in the next couple of weeks.  Girls are having a few friends up right after school is out next week so I don’t want to pull it and find out that the won’t connect it just as the girls are having their friends up so i will wait until that’s over.

That wall is starting to look pretty busy...

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on June 02, 2021, 11:24:47 AM

Here is where I left it today.  Low voltage wiring to the ATS complete, Identified ground and neutral (kind of important).  Drilled and secured the gen set with concrete anchors, terminated and connected the Ethernet cable.

Now just need a battery, the load shedding panel replacement box and connect the load shedding panel before pulling the meter.

Talked to my electrician friend and he said I should be able to pull the meter and replace it myself.  I was concerned that since it is monitored over the lines, that they would not reactivate if I pulled it.  If they give me grief he said to tell them he did it.

So that means that I’ll be pulling the meter and making the connections in the next couple of weeks.  Girls are having a few friends up right after school is out next week so I don’t want to pull it and find out that the won’t connect it just as the girls are having their friends up so i will wait until that’s over.

That wall is starting to look pretty busy...

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Man, that looks 1. Pretty busy 2. Like it needs its own enclosure, 3. Where I'd aim if I was shootin' up the place

Are things getting pretty complex or is it just me???

But like all things Tex, perfectly executed!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 02, 2021, 09:07:39 PM
Yeah,  its a bit busy. 200 amp main panel.  Conduit out the main panel feeds:

100 amp sub panel on the Casita
90 amp sub panel in the shop
50 amp service to the pool equipment
20 amp service to pond for aerator and electrical
20 amp service to septic
Left over small conduit to the shop where the original 50 amp service was
20 amp service feeding GFCI/ flood light and sprinkler controller

And soon another 20 amp service to the generator for the charger and associated equipment.

Not including the new connection to the transfer switch.....I think I have about reached the limit

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 03, 2021, 12:02:00 AM
As long as there is room and a drawing or marking showing where stuff goes, all is good
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 14, 2021, 08:31:23 PM
Creeping closer to P day (pulling the meter day)

I received my NEMA 3 enclosure and transferred the electromagnetic relays to it and got it mounted.  Punched the holes with my handy dandy hydraulic punch tool.

Then after figuring out that to load shed the AC i need a 60 amp rated relay, I had to order a new relay.  Now that I know how this all works I would have been much better off building my own.  12v coil activated relays are about $30 each and I paid 100 for the enclosure.  The “kit” was $300.

In any event, I plan to pull the meter and make the connection from the mains to the ATS and the ATS to the house next Tuesday.  Even if I can’t finish the load shedding wiring, getting the mains switched over will allow me to run the generator with just the risk of tripping the breaker if too many loads come on line.

I used the clamp on amp meter to test circuits and the main feed and with the oven, dryer, pool and AC running all at the same time it was pulling 76 amps and the unit is rated for 83.  The only time I think I might have an issue is during the coldest winter months if the electric supplemental heat kicks in to supplement the heat pump.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: rpar86 on June 15, 2021, 02:17:56 AM
That is one busy wall. The writing really helps understand it all.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: dave945 on June 15, 2021, 08:42:57 PM
I think the only thing you are missing is one of these on your wall.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 15, 2021, 09:41:48 PM
Just needs a kitchen sink!!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 17, 2021, 07:06:23 AM
Yeah, makes me wonder what its going to look like when I retire and go grid tied solar as well with about 30 panels

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Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on June 20, 2021, 04:02:39 PM
My new 80 amp rated relay came in so I swapped out 1 of the 50 amp relays for the 80 and made the final connections from the load shedding panel.

If the generator senses a voltage drop it will send a 12V signal to the relay and take one or both loads off line until the generator has enough capacity and then it de energizes the coil and the relay drops back to bring those loads back on line.

I have the pool and the AC on them. 

That is the last of the connections except the final one which is disconnecting the power from the meter and moving the feed from the meter to the transfer switch and then from the switch to the main panel.  I plan to do that Tuesday after the family leaves since the power will be off for an hour or two.

Then and only then will we know if i got all this right.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bob Smith on June 20, 2021, 07:57:14 PM
I would venture a guess you are worried about nothing. All will work just like it should.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on June 20, 2021, 08:25:54 PM
Nice setup. Even the backup has a backup.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 01, 2021, 08:13:19 PM
So as winter approaches I’m focused on a few projects that involves welding.

 Before I can really get serious I need to replace the cardboard and plywood welding table with something more suitable.

Bought 2 sticks of 3x3 tubing which I will turn into the frame. Most likely a 3x5 table with a 3/4 inch plate steel top.

But the wheels showed up today.


I believe these were rated 900 lbs each.  Got two with brakes. And the wheels are red…..

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on November 01, 2021, 09:28:29 PM
Funny, I have been looking for a 4x4 table for home. Just a 1/2 plate is $300.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 08, 2022, 12:28:50 PM
So here’s the finished table sans top and I’m looking at adding drawers and a shelf underneath.


And upgrading the cutting torch.

#4 and a 251. Victor journeyman set up with rosebud inbound from cyberweld

Upgraded the ground on my little promig 180. From #4 to 1-0 with a brass clamp

Hydraulic crimp, solder and heat shrink

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 08, 2022, 12:30:50 PM
And started on a fire pit grate to get the wood up and air circulating.

Some #6 rebar but I ran out of gas.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 08, 2022, 01:15:16 PM
I get a photo of what your fire pit looks like?  Are you gonna cook on this?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 08, 2022, 01:42:01 PM
Looking good Charles  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 08, 2022, 03:59:40 PM
Table looks good.

I used rebar once for a fireplace. Had to replace it. Just sagged with little use. Strong stuff, but it doesn't like heat like that.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 08, 2022, 05:16:25 PM
Table looks good.

I used rebar once for a fireplace. Had to replace it. Just sagged with little use. Strong stuff, but it doesn't like heat like that.

Technically rebar is chit, made from junkiest metal they can find to melt down. I was bending some 3/4” diameter up into L shapes when I was 18 in a steel shop and the bar I was hand bending in a hossfeld bender broke. I went head over heels backwards into a pile of junk……

Should work just fine for ya Charles! :tongue:
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 08, 2022, 06:35:33 PM
Nope Dave, no cooking.  Just getting the fire up off the floor.  It will be roughly 27x27 and about 6-7 inches tall.  Ill have 3 pair of “feet” to keep it from sagging and then

Cross bars will be bent up at the ends like this.


Here is the pit Dave,  ID is 39 inches
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 08, 2022, 08:25:04 PM
I’m with ya now,   I want to build one that I can swing over my pit to cook on

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 08, 2022, 08:55:34 PM
I’m with ya now,   I want to build one that I can swing over my pit to cook on

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I would like do the same for the ridge. BBQ is fine but fires are nice too, why no cook.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 09, 2022, 07:37:38 PM
So today, I got rid of the one little light fixture in the stairwell and added a canless LED gimbal and a second one.
 Then I got a small 26 inch cheap tool box from HF to put in the seacan to hold knife stuff, flashlight stuff and glock and AR parts.  Need to dig out a few more knives from storage


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 09, 2022, 07:38:27 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 10, 2022, 01:53:31 AM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2022, 06:24:20 PM
Ok back to building the fireplace grate. #7 rebar support and #5 cross pieces.  Three sets of support cross braces/legs and 6 grate pieces.  Measures about 26 inches square.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 17, 2022, 08:04:55 PM
Looks fantastic!!  I need to do something for my big bowl, it struggles with air flow

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 17, 2022, 08:55:06 PM
It’s getting the workout so well see if its going to bend.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 17, 2022, 09:56:17 PM
Very nice, I need a pit its cold now!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 18, 2022, 09:28:20 AM
^^^^^ So nice!

I'm prioritizing one of those down on my farm for the springtime
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 18, 2022, 06:26:05 PM
Aftermath. Looks solid still


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Bigdave_185 on January 18, 2022, 08:48:30 PM
Fine job!! Well done! 

So did you get the fire roaring enough to make the rebar glow?

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 15, 2023, 07:35:05 PM
So its been a while since I’ve updated anything.

Bought two 36 inch culverts and put them in the wet weather creek and started hauling aggregate.

16 yards so far and still need at least 8-12 more.

First time ever having the tractor to the back half of the property.  Now I can get after some real trail maintenance.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 15, 2023, 07:37:53 PM
And while I’m at it.  I found a very heavy duty piece of industrial cardboard for the top of the welding table


Don was right, cardboard works very well.

Now just need to get the mid 1940’s Wilton vice that I inherited from my grandfather mounted.

Shawn gave me some good ideas for getting it fully restored, which is on the list

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 15, 2023, 08:13:23 PM

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on October 15, 2023, 09:37:09 PM
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on October 15, 2023, 09:54:16 PM
Nice job Charles  :likebutton:

Have you float tested the tractor yet?  :popcorn:

Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 15, 2023, 10:31:52 PM
No but i got up on 3 wheels with a bucket full of rock going into a downhill turn….

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on October 16, 2023, 10:37:38 AM
No but i got up on 3 wheels with a bucket full of rock going into a downhill turn….

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Sounds like a good time.
Be careful once you’re on two wheels…

More access equals a lot more work.
But tractor will make it all better.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 19, 2023, 08:51:05 AM
And while I’m at it.  I found a very heavy duty piece of industrial cardboard for the top of the welding table


Don was right, cardboard works very well.

Now just need to get the mid 1940’s Wilton vice that I inherited from my grandfather mounted.

Shawn gave me some good ideas for getting it fully restored, which is on the list

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Looks like they compressed it too much, probably won't work very well...But you can always overlay with MDF...;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 22, 2023, 11:34:30 PM
Finally got to work on the engine stand.


Roughly finished.  Need a handle to rotate.  Maybe throw some paint on it and find a tray for the underside.  Trim the tails on the spindles and call it good enough. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 23, 2023, 09:39:57 AM

Nice work for a "white Collar guy"

Whoa!!!!!!!! ;-)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on October 25, 2023, 11:00:48 AM
Lol. Don’t tell anyone….about the white collar thing.  Don’t want to ruin my image and have my red neck card revoked.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 25, 2023, 04:35:43 PM
Lol. Don’t tell anyone….about the white collar thing.  Don’t want to ruin my image and have my red neck card revoked.

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Type "H" personality for sure
Actually a type "A"
Who has somehow learned to temper all that and fit into the type B world
Without losing sight of who you really are
And having retained all common sense
With the keen ability to sort (quickly) through the day to day BS
and make good decisions
Without numbskulls ever being aware they are being shown the door
While retaining all useful "Country-boy" skills
That you have honed over the years
In the shadows so as not to alarm the alarmists
and now
Find yourself very close to closing the loop
To where you:
Chuck the dress shoes and tie
and finally
Don your the cowboy boots
Which have never been far away
for the rest of your life.

You, sir, are the one who "fooled" all of them
Well done!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on October 29, 2023, 11:18:47 AM
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If you decide you don't like that Surefire M951 hanging on the front of a rifle or taking up space in your toolbox, I'll give it a home. I used one on a few deployments and like them.
Just saying, I can help you out, since you'll be able to get a newer, fancier brighter light.  :beercheers:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on October 29, 2023, 08:46:44 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Sounds like a sincere/good offer to help store the thing, Tex!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 06, 2023, 11:16:12 PM
Hmm. Maybe a few others you’d like.  I like my M4 Devastator with the LED conversion just as much. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on November 07, 2023, 09:51:21 PM
Hmm. Maybe a few others you’d like.  I like my M4 Devastator with the LED conversion just as much. 

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I like stuff. But there's just something nostalgic about the M951.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on November 09, 2023, 09:36:25 PM
Yeah it’s pretty cool.

If I ever get rid of it you’ll be at the top of the list

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: BobbyB on November 12, 2023, 05:16:03 PM
Yeah it’s pretty cool.

If I ever get rid of it you’ll be at the top of the list

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on December 19, 2023, 07:11:56 PM


18T of rip rap spread.  Now just some road base or fines to smooth the top.  it’s about a 12-13 foot wide area that’s safe to drive almost anything on.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on December 19, 2023, 09:34:56 PM
About ready to use
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 19, 2023, 11:24:37 PM
Nice  :likebutton:

I hauled another 30 yards of pit run today. Backside of shop is almost ready for top layer of 3/4-1” minus crushed.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 20, 2023, 09:32:08 AM


18T of rip rap spread.  Now just some road base or fines to smooth the top.  it’s about a 12-13 foot wide area that’s safe to drive almost anything on.

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That looks good/solid
Concur, I would get on that with my track-steer in a second.
BTW, you need one of those...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 20, 2023, 11:38:51 AM
Everyone needs a skid steer…..
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 20, 2023, 12:09:21 PM
Everyone needs a skid steer…..
Just like your first Pick up truck. You soon realize you CANNOT do without one.

Maybe we should caution people NOT to buy one...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 20, 2023, 12:59:58 PM
Nah, I’m on my second. Probably be buried in this one!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 20, 2023, 04:54:27 PM
Nah, I’m on my second. Probably be buried in this one!
I was digging in a grub pile that I had stacked up with my excavator, once, which collapsed on me inside the machine!
Be careful what you speak into your future... :-0
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 20, 2023, 08:03:26 PM
Long story, but I almost lost a rented tracked skid loader in a big hole once. Was able to use bucket and push myself back away but it was pretty hairy for a good couple minutes. Fortunately, owning one and operating one on construction sites years earlier I was able to save it….

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 21, 2023, 02:26:26 AM
Yeah, my youngest thought the gehl could go anywhere being 4x4 (I had a moment or 2) and he got really stuck in soft soil. Took a few attemps, but he got out with the bucket.

Getting a tracked unit stuck take practice, big hole you said?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on December 21, 2023, 10:19:06 AM
Yeah, my youngest thought the gehl could go anywhere being 4x4 (I had a moment or 2) and he got really stuck in soft soil. Took a few attemps, but he got out with the bucket.

Getting a tracked unit stuck take practice, big hole you said?
Tracked units on slippery stuff are useless. I first noticed it a century ago with my M60A1 tank. It was useless on snowy Germany roads. It took the frozen dirt beneath thin snow in the fields to give us any traction.
My SVL-95 and now my SVL-87 are 12,000 lb bobsleds on wet slopes. They always seem to want to slide downhill and will spiritually seek out mud holes, sink holes, well, any holes, really!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on December 21, 2023, 10:26:50 AM
Yeah, my youngest thought the gehl could go anywhere being 4x4 (I had a moment or 2) and he got really stuck in soft soil. Took a few attemps, but he got out with the bucket.

Getting a tracked unit stuck take practice, big hole you said?

Think quick sand, muddy water laden new fill. It’s was sketch, had I dropped it in that hole it would have needed large equipment to remove it…..
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on December 21, 2023, 10:55:34 AM
Screw in studs for winter.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 01, 2024, 09:22:01 AM
So perhaps you guys might like my rednek engineering here.

Making a farm table for the outdoor kitchen and using white oak beams from the ranch that have been milled and drying for 4 years.

Of course some bowing and warping made them not sit flat when i put them on the base.  No one had a planer that could handle these so after much consideration, I built a slab flattening jig with some 2x4 square tubing that I was going to build another firewood rack.  Split a piece of 4x4 square tube, added ball rollers and connected those with angle for the router sled.  2 inch flattening bit and 4 passes later, I had taken 1/2 inch off in some places and nearly none in a few others and now it is perfectly flat.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 01, 2024, 10:32:04 AM
Now, that's kind of interesting.

So you just use a common router to mill that plank bit by bit. Hmmm, lots of labor but in the end you actually have a usable slab.

I like that :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on January 01, 2024, 11:40:59 AM
Now, that's kind of interesting.

So you just use a common router to mill that plank bit by bit. Hmmm, lots of labor but in the end you actually have a usable slab.

I like that :likebutton:
And could be CNC capable with a few more bits added to the sled.

Well done sir!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 01, 2024, 12:50:49 PM
Looks like it came out nice.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Atkinsmatt on January 01, 2024, 04:56:23 PM
Very nice work.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 01, 2024, 07:42:36 PM
Not too shabby for a rednek executive…….  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 02, 2024, 11:49:37 AM
Thanks guys.  Don, they sell these set ups (albeit a bit smaller) with linear bearings, stainless round railes and dust collection, but those were $800-$1000 and weren’t big enough for my use.  Basic idea is to use a 2 inch flat router bit at a fixed height and remove material above that height.

I have $16 in those cheap roller bearings from HF.

Design set up execution and take down in less than 8 hours.

If I was doing this more often I’d invest in some additional bits, which I may later as I have some wide red oak slabs that are about 28 inches wide and 6 ft long that have been drying for 4 years.  Haven’t decided what to with them yet, but I have proof of concept and can easily replicate as I kept the sled parts.  Just have to make new rails.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on January 02, 2024, 01:10:47 PM
These are similar to what one of my buddies has for his sled.
You’d need a pair of these and a pair of shorter ones for the cross slide.
These are working really well according to him and don’t break the bank.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 13, 2024, 09:22:42 PM
And,poof! The slab flattening jig is now a fire wood rack.  Finished and prepped for POR15.


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 13, 2024, 10:10:53 PM
Nice job Charles  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 13, 2024, 10:17:52 PM
Why por15?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 14, 2024, 07:55:50 AM
Great question JR.  I don’t remember why I used it on the first one, but its held up really well for 5 years so I’m using it again.  Plus some of this metal was sitting on the metal rack for a few years and had some rust and I didn’t feel like using 100 flap discs and spending a week sanding all this down completely. 

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 14, 2024, 08:56:31 AM
And,poof! The slab flattening jig is now a fire wood rack.  Finished and prepped for POR15.


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Interesting transition!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 15, 2024, 01:09:00 PM
Its pricy for bare metal vs just primer IMHO. I think it needs rust to really do its thing too.

Son is doing the frame on his sonoma now, just a solid layer of rust and using the rustolium spray converter.
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 15, 2024, 05:08:34 PM
Its pricy for bare metal vs just primer IMHO. I think it needs rust to really do its thing too.

Son is doing the frame on his sonoma now, just a solid layer of rust and using the rustolium spray converter.
Still need to degrease that thoroughly, and I found it works well if you agitate the rust by scraping off the scaly stuff and then wire-brushing the hazy stuff.

Sorry for hijacking...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 15, 2024, 08:48:14 PM
It’s your world boss.  Just living here…

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 15, 2024, 10:54:38 PM
It’s your world boss.  Just living here…

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Well, I was really just providing it for all of you. You possibly may have just answered a question I have been asking...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 29, 2024, 07:59:48 PM
Bringing closure to the project

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 29, 2024, 08:33:44 PM
Cute, but on the small side for a Tx item
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Sammconn on January 29, 2024, 08:37:12 PM
Cute, but on the small side for a Tx item
I disagree JR.
reason being, that’s a huge amount of steel and roof for one course of firewood…
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 29, 2024, 08:50:03 PM
Just seems small to me. Double wood stacks would be perfect (JMHO)

Is there a need to cover the outside there TRN?
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 29, 2024, 09:07:00 PM
No need for outside cover as hot and (usually) dry it is.  I cut wood 24 inches in length.  Those racks are 10 ft long and about 5 ft or so of usable height for stacking.  I burn about one rack a year so this years wood will be ready next year and then I can put up more wood for the following year.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on January 29, 2024, 10:45:17 PM
I see the sense behind it then. I was thinking 16in logs and rain getting to it. Good overhangs.
Title: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on January 29, 2024, 11:21:41 PM
To give it some perspective those roof panels are 42 inches, edit 48 inches.

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on January 29, 2024, 11:47:16 PM
Nice job  :likebutton:
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on January 30, 2024, 09:49:18 AM
Well done!

That even looks smart!

Love how the paved path passes through the structure(s).
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 18, 2024, 08:39:33 PM
Finished the farm table finally.  White oak timbers harvested off the property with black epoxy filling the cracks. 4x4 1/4 wall square tubing base.  700lbs


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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: stlaser on May 18, 2024, 08:47:01 PM
You move that around with a tractor? Looks great!
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: Flyin6 on May 18, 2024, 09:49:07 PM
That looks really great! So you did the epoxy work yourself?

Reason for asking: I plan to build Kat a new kitchen table about the same way...Epoxy, steel base, and fairly similar size and shape.

I would have been building it already, but I was told I should be building a vanity for a granddaughter...
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 18, 2024, 10:15:55 PM
Very nice. Get some machine casters!! (kidding)
Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: TexasRedNeck on May 25, 2024, 12:28:16 PM
That looks really great! So you did the epoxy work yourself?

Reason for asking: I plan to build Kat a new kitchen table about the same way...Epoxy, steel base, and fairly similar size and shape.

I would have been building it already, but I was told I should be building a vanity for a granddaughter...
Yes.  Two part deep pour epoxy with mica powder mixed in to make it black.  Pour into the cracks after taping the ends and bottom of the cracks.  You will find that those cracks can run in some wierd directions and that expoxy will find the way out if you don’t tape it up.  Hit the top with a little flame or heat gun to get rid of the bubbles

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Title: Re: Hide site, retirement site.
Post by: JR on May 25, 2024, 12:34:00 PM
Does look nice
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