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Topics - stlaser

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Most Favored Companies / Switched today from discount tire to simple tire
« on: September 01, 2024, 06:28:35 PM »
So I’ve been a long time fan and customer of Discount Tire and their sister company Discounttiredirect.com (15 years?) It would appear that they have bought out or merged etc with tire rack. Pricing appears to have gone up. They will no longer ship to your home, only one of their discount tire stores.

Shopping for my youngest in Bozeman at college. Simpletire.com was $150-200 less on comparable set of tires. They will ship to mom and pop tire shops.

They just earned my business.

I’ll follow up once she gets them installed.

D.O.T. / #realman
« on: August 02, 2024, 10:59:34 AM »
Figured this story belonged on this site….


If someone has a YouTube link etc please share for those who don’t have FB

Build Threads / 2001 Excursion Alaska Overlander
« on: March 01, 2024, 10:20:32 AM »

2001 Ford Excursion V10 Limited w/ 190k on the clock.

We went to Bozeman for a long weekend last week and brought this back home with us. I loaned it to my middle daughter a couple years ago to have something to drive after her first semester at college. She drove it for nine months and then bought herself a low mileage Ford Explorer. So that September our youngest who joined her sister at college started driving it and has for the last 18 ish months. She just bought herself a low mileage Ford Edge.

I drove this home 5 hours and it’s got a bit more wear and tear on it now and the steering isn’t as tight any longer. I was unsure what to do with it honestly. It needs paint, some steering love at some point and a couple other small things. I do still have a pile of new parts for it I had gathered prior to loaning it out. However, it’s been extremely reliable and does what we have asked of it for the last 5 or so years.

Then enter Don’s Alaska trip which has been on my bucket list for some time………

Yes, I know. You could make a meme from the photo. The other project sitting looking at the new project with jealousy.

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Faith Discussion / Luke warm former KY pastor is on fire
« on: September 24, 2023, 12:37:11 PM »

This is worth a watch & watch it all the way thru please. He’s our former pastor from Colorado whom I must admit I had a falling out with about a year or so ago because I felt like he was soft against evil. He admits in this video that he was that soft pastor. I believe the spirit has shook him and he’s calling out the demonic in our society. Amazing sermon

Firearms / 6.5 Grendel
« on: June 28, 2023, 10:29:54 PM »
Anyone run this caliber? Thinking about buying an upper for the girls to use deer hunting with me. 200 yards is a long shot in heavy brush up here. Light weight ar platform, adjustable stock and reasonable recoil for them. I can get into it for right at $300 as I already have assembled lowers. So just a complete upper & a couple mags.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Trash can stands for anthem
« on: May 15, 2023, 10:04:40 AM »

Amazing what a 9 yr prison sentence of forced hard labor will do for your outlook……

Site Help / iPhone pictures showing up rotated incorrectly
« on: February 13, 2023, 10:13:58 PM »
In the past a few if you commented on this issue. However, I didn’t care or wasn’t concerned because I had Tapatalk to post photos with.

So thanks to Tapatalk being down or unlinked to site I ran into this issue posting photos directly from my iPhone to RM site.

If you take pictures with the phone sideways and then upload them directly to the site they will post rotated.

After messing with it for a bit I’ve found a work around. On those pictures posting in a rotated position. Go into photo album on iPhone, click edit and rotate it around (most likely to the same position it originally is oriented on the phone) stopping where it is oriented correctly with phone upright. Save it and then post it, magically that seems to fix them.

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / First set of Nicks Boots
« on: January 21, 2023, 11:03:32 PM »
Nate, if you have a better place please move this thread……

Nate has been waiting for this one I think…..

I ordered these boots a few months ago. I’ve read countless reviews and after being fitted by a guy at a remote independent seller whose crayon profile of my feet wasn’t second grade level I initially wasn’t sure I ordered what I needed. Fast forward a couple months and I found myself in Spokane home of Nicks boots an hour early to pickup my daughter from the airport so I stopped by. I was then able to actually try on a set. Extremely impressed btw.

So these showed up last week while I was out of state working. Had a few minutes this evening and unpackaged them. Going to start break in tomorrow and will give updates as I progress with these.

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / Public Transit Issues
« on: November 30, 2022, 09:56:25 PM »
Gentlemen: I have been riding trains daily for the last two years,
and the service on your line seems to be getting worse every day. I
am tired of standing in the aisle all the time on a 14-mile trip. I
think the transportation system is worse than that enjoyed by people
2,000 years ago.
Yours truly, A Commuter Dear Sir: We received your letter with
reference to the shortcomings of our service and believe you are
somewhat confused in your history. The only mode of transportation
2,000 years ago was by foot. Sincerely, The Railroad Gentlemen:
I am in receipt of your letter, and I think you are the ones who are
confused in your history. If you will refer to the Bible, Book of
David, 9th Chapter, you will find that Balaam rode to town on his
***. That, gentlemen, is something I have not been able to do on
your train in the last two years.
Your truly, A Commuter

Build Threads / 2018 F250 6.7L grandpas tow pig
« on: November 23, 2022, 09:41:48 AM »
So bought this over the summer, July if I recall correctly. I wasn’t initially going to do a build thread but as I continue small upgrades it occurred to me I should document it to some degree.

Intel / Darn, made another list I bet….
« on: October 26, 2022, 12:18:55 PM »

I never changed my daily pattern, you know being self employed it really wasn’t an option.

Hide Site / NWMT Cabin
« on: October 20, 2022, 02:04:49 PM »
Starting an ongoing thread on our last home (hopefully) we purchased nine days ago. Just had internet hooked up this morning so I can now get back to making H jokes directed at Ken and giving the boss more headaches. I’ll post some pics shortly.

The low down is a legit log cabin built by meadowlark homes out of libby, MT (Amish family originally from Lagrange, IN my old stomping grounds). It’s just shy of 1600 sq ft, 2 bed, 2 bath, 2 story home on 3.66 acres in the middle of the woods in NW MT literally on the way to no where surrounded by mountains, lakes and rivers. Water is in abundance along with all sorts of critters.

Currently on the property is a 2 car detached garage 24’ x 26’ with a potentially unfinished living space above that has water and sewer run to it already. Place came with a 8’ x 10’ wood shed which I’m doubling in length at the moment. New shop on property will go up next spring or summer and trying to get a 12’ x 20’ addition off back side of garage put up before the deep freeze sets in. As far as that goes for MT it doesn’t get that cold here due to lower elevation.

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Wanted: enclosed trailer
« on: September 01, 2022, 09:23:13 PM »
Looking for a tandem 7 x 14 and need cargo rear doors versus ramp. Anyone have one for sale or know of one? I can drive to Indiana and buy new for $7500, here they’re $10500 or more.

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / I’ll just leave this here
« on: August 16, 2022, 08:31:20 AM »

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Most Favored Companies / Yukon Gear Clamshell Bearing Puller
« on: July 14, 2022, 12:08:46 PM »
Shout out to Randy’s ring and pinion (our very own Tate here). I purchased this direct from them several years ago and under fairly heavy use (I regularly/ weekly build 1 ton diffs) the upper adjustment “washer” somehow became tweaked and threads on the washer were ganked.

Quick call to Tate reminding him how I bought this quality tool from him several years ago. He confirmed I had checked threads and asked if it wasn’t the body which I had determined it was not. He then immediately sent me two new adjustment washers not just the one I needed. Now I have a backup on the wall should another get tweaked.

Hats off to Tate & Randy’s! You won’t get that service with the chinaman knock off on eBay I’m sure…..

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Ok, wanted to further this discussion. I recently acquired a 36’ 4 season fifth wheel rv and am looking for a truck. Just starting and two things I’m trying to decide. Go diesel or gas and single wheel or dual. I’ll add my opinions later but I have hauled a 36’ fifth before with a diesel single wheel f350 w/o issue.

The gas motor can add a turbo for few thousand and make crazy hp and torque, ford is even developing a twin turbo setup based on this engine.

Faith Discussion / Roe Vs. Wade being overturned
« on: May 03, 2022, 09:16:46 AM »
After last nights leak of the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe vs. Wade via Politico and handing it back to states to decide I think we should all be praying that none of them flip flop or lose their spine. The leak was intentional by the left and is unheard of……..

The world over and through eons of time the principles of communism must always fail and capitalism must always prevail. The danger comes when the most successful societies attract the attention of the communists.

The central issue at play in both systems, communism and capitalism, and the cause of failure or success, is innovation.

Communists are communists, because they’re administrators, mid-level managers who recognize the need to use threats and force to obtain results. If they begin as communists, they are attracted to these positions where there is no requirement of specific talents or abilities other than the willingness to manipulate and force compliance.

If they begin as ideologically neutral and find themselves in these positions through accident or attrition, they quickly understand that they have no power that does not derive from the police state and once they get accustomed to the power that comes with forcing people to renew their license or pass some exam or abide by certain criteria on which their livelihoods depend, they become statists and communists. The power to destroy and use regulations of specious origin to do it is an intoxicant.

Capitalists are in a state of nature. They’re likely dumped into society after school without a penny or good understanding of business, but they’re cold and hungry and soon come to search their environment for means of alleviating one or both of those conditions. They might offer services for a price, recognize a poorly-designed machine and design a better one, or they might create something absolutely new. The minute they try to profit from it, there’s a communist to detail the steps required before they can do so; a business license, a permit to operate, a license to practice.

A communist cannot function, even exist, in isolation. They must have a system in place, a structure to exploit, a police force or army to enforce their regulations. These regulations usually serve only to provide the communist with food and shelter as they enforce the ordinances and regulations against business. This is the original nexus where the communist comes in contact with the capitalist as they inform and enforce regulations (often promoted by competitors) for a wage and the capitalist, in order to sustain his ability to provide himself with food and shelter, must comply.

The capitalist effectively comes to work “for” the communist, ensuring his place in society and providing not only for himself, but the communist as well. Initially, it’s a small fee, a statutory requirement, but the more effective these are at demanding payment, the more demands are made and the greater the price for ignoring them. This is how the communists thrive and grow while the economic engine is slowly dismantled.

In order to satisfy the growing rolls of communists, even greater demands are made on the capitalist and he recognizes the need to be more productive or efficient and innovates a way to achieve that. That event drives him onward and as his enterprise grows, it takes up a greater and greater share of the communist’s budget and must be regulated more strictly and at greater expense.

But before the communist seizes this fact as his purpose, his place in capitalism, the same exact dynamic is achieved by more capitalists who provide competition. Capitalists hate competition and often turn to the communist to hinder or prevent competition from rising. This is the point of inflection. Only one method can prevail.

Communism is a poor choice, because it always fails. It’s a parasite on the healthy body, not an integral part of it. It cannot innovate, because it arises from of a strict adherence to a central plan, i.e., restricting innovation in favor of taxing that which exists. Innovation is work, it’s difficult to understand and recognize the opening for exploitation in a new system. The communist always prefers a static industry on which to feed.

Capitalism always prevails (until the crony capitalists employ the communists to impede competition), because they’re forced to find a better way. There is no money in repetition or duplication, they have to have something new, something better to capture the eye of the public or the needs of an industry.

The day always comes, however, when the communists have fed so thoroughly on the capitalist’s labor that they kill the host. Economic chaos ensues, which leads to violent revolution, purges and exterminations.

By keeping so many of the people starving, dealing with useless junk made by people who have no vision and no way to put a vision into practice if they had one, that general hostility abounds throughout society.

When the communist can direct one disgruntled group at another disgruntled group they can keep the focus off of their failed policies that resulted in too few crops, too many poorly designed machines and equipment that must be made to the specifications of imbeciles, they will do it, even if it causes civil unrest. But when the disgruntled groups realize they’ve been manipulated, they can focus that righteous anger on the responsible party: communists.

This is the state of the US: When people stop falling for the distractions and recognize that communists started burrowing into the healthy body of the United States over 100 years ago and have now hollowed out its soul, causing all of its problems and difficulties, they have the chance to break free, but not before.

Who let the 2020 election get stolen? Who enforced illegal lockdowns by men with guns? Who is it that prefers eviction for property owners who simply cannot pay their property taxes? (probably as a result of pandemic lockdown enforcement causing unemployment) Who is it that helps the federal agents raid the property of their fellow citizens for “domestic terrorism” charges arising from speaking out at school board meetings, or when they exposed the criminality of the communists in the 2020 election insurrection? You guessed it, your county government. They are not your friends, they are the intimate communists in your world.

Build Threads / 2004 Hand me down back to Dad TJ
« on: March 26, 2022, 10:47:19 AM »
So thought I’d start a thread on my 2004 TJ Sport. It’s been driven by 2 daughters and had some various upgrades which I’ll try to cover. It’s a 2.4L 5spd manual sport Jeep with a well worn out motor with hardly any compression and some oil usage. My youngest is currently driving it until August when she heads to Bozeman with the middle daughter at MT ST.

I personally really like the TJ platform and had a 2004 Rubicon w/ 33’s for about 10 years in Indiana when girls were growing up. So I’ll be gutting this one for myself.

Powerplant, Driveline, and Braking / Yukon HD Ball Joints
« on: March 14, 2022, 05:39:52 PM »
Wanted to give a shout out for Tate @ Randy’s Ring and Pinion. Yukon (Randy’s product line) just released an extensive line of heavy duty ball joints. I literally pressed my first set in about 15 minutes ago on an almost 50 year old set of gm hd flat top knuckles. So far I’m extremely impressed, these joints are super tight and the fit is above average. If they hold up long term to the hype then I think these will be a go to for some time to come. Forget Moog and TTX imo if Yukon makes a set for your application.

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Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Am I the only one
« on: February 22, 2022, 06:28:00 PM »
Who thinks that you just don’t do certain things out of respect for a fellow human being just because it’s the right thing to do?

You know like I don’t bother people on Sunday.

You don’t go up to a strangers table while they are eating a meal with family and bother them.

Sorry, these are the two that are fresh in my mind. I think as the world gets more wicked by the day we whom we’re raised with some respect / morals need to push back against those who have none. If nothing more than to set an example to those who had no respectful upbringing taught.


D.O.T. / We’ve got ourselves a convoy
« on: February 19, 2022, 09:44:51 PM »

I’ve been following T.L. Davis for a few years, this is worth a listen. If you can’t go and are wondering how to support patriots I believe this guy is a good source to donate money and well I already put my money where my mouth is so not asking for something I haven’t done.

His PayPal, I’ve been assured money will go towards freedom whatever that looks like.


Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / 2" Grizzly Magnetic Base Drill
« on: December 09, 2021, 07:56:58 AM »
So after years of wanting one I finally pulled the trigger this morning and bought on a sale flyer / email. At $700 delivered it was too good to pass up and with larger shop I can see myself doing some heavier fab jobs on occasion. In reality the larger reason is the shop had a good year and I need some expenses according to my accountant.

specs below:

Grizzly PRO T30944 2" Magnetic Drill
A consistent, accurate and more powerful magnetic drill.
The Grizzly PRO T30944 2" Magnetic Drill is designed for tough, industrial-level use that will keep cutting on the most demanding of jobs. When it comes to drilling tough metals in hard-to-access locations, you can't beat the precision and speed of a magnetic drill.

With 3500 lbs. of force, the magnetic base of the T30944 adheres to ferrous metal surfaces when turned on. The mag drill can be positioned to drill vertically, horizontally or overhead, just be sure to secure the drill in the event of a power loss.

The 2 HP motor smoothly powers the variable-speed drill press from 100–810 RPM. The T30944 comes equipped with a 3/4" Weldon tool holder to give users access to the broadest selection of annular cutters and twist drills on the market. An included 1/2"–20 adapter for the drill chuck opens the options even further.

Coupled with a spindle stroke of 6", a gravity-fed coolant system, and a heavy-duty case for hauling and storage, these mag drills are consistent, accurate and powerful.

Like all Grizzly mag drills, the T30944 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects. (Consumables are not covered by the warranty.)

The T30944 manual was written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based. Parts and accessories for the mag drill may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory

Motor: 2 HP, 110V, single-phase, 13.4A
Spindle bore: 3/4"
Spindle Stroke: 6-3/16"
Spindle speed: Variable, 100–810 RPM
Max. distance spindle to table: 7"
Cutter shank diameter: 3/4" Weldon
Max. carbide annular cutter diameter: 2"
Max. HSS annular cutter diameter: 2"
Max. twist drill diameter: 1/2"
Magnetic holding force: 3500 lbs.
Magnetic base dimensions: 6-1/2" x 3-1/4"
Coolant tank capacity: 18 oz.
Overall dimensions: 7" W x 10" D x 22" H
Approximate shipping weight: 34 lbs.
Gravity-fed coolant system
Heavy-duty storage case
Includes Weldon 3/4" to 1/2"–20 adapter for drill chuck
Includes 1/16"–1/2" drill chuck
Includes replacement fuses
Includes 5' nylon strap

and link:


Classifieds / Kyle “Pinochet” Rittenhouse T’s
« on: November 19, 2021, 01:32:31 PM »
So that Texas redneck and I decided a week or so ago we needed some new apparel. So we had our buddy T do a sample

If you’re interested feel free to contact him directly or I can help arrange getting you some. He’s charging $17 ea plus the ride from paradise.

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Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Fireball Tool Hardtail Vise
« on: September 12, 2021, 06:13:38 PM »
So couple days ago I put down my $100 deposit on this bad boy



Check out his Instagram account for cool videos of it


And in case you were wondering, yes this monster will be getting its own stand that is bolted to the floor in new shop.

Once it comes in sometime next April I’ll update this thread with more info.

Ammo & Reloading / Russian Ammo ban implications
« on: August 25, 2021, 07:09:28 PM »
Thank you for subscribing to the SGAmmo.com newsletter. If you have trouble viewing this email you can see the newsletter at this link: Bulk Ammo In Stock With Free Shipping and My Russian Ammo Sanction Opinion

There has been a lot of people asking me about the sanctions on Russian ammo imports put in place by the US state department this past week and what it means for the future of ammunition supplies. There will be more clarity in several weeks when we can see the publication of a Federal Register notice expected on September 7, 2021. The state department announcement can be seen at this page - https://www.state.gov/fact-sheet-united-states-imposes-additional-costs-on-russia-for-the-poisoning-of-aleksey-navalny/

My Russian Ammo Sanction Opinion - First, I hope you don't 'shoot the messenger' and I'd like to pat everyone on the back and tell them things are going to be okay but that wouldn't be truthful. In my opinion the sanctions are a major game-changer in the ammunition supply chain that is already strained. For the time being and based on what we can see so far, we believe that this will be the effective end of Russian made ammo in the USA as it plays out over the next year or so as import permits expire or are filled to the quantity limits, and in doing so eliminate supply of a huge portion of the ammo in the US commercial market. From what I understand, the USA commercial market consumes around 800,000,000 rounds of ammunition from Russia every year, roughly 800 semi truck trailers worth in a mix of the most popular calibers. For the immediate short term we expect ammo to keep coming in from Russia but I expect the importers to raise prices substantially which is understandable to me given its the end of the lifespan for their business model. The calibers we believe will be most effected are soviet metric calibers like 7.62x39, 5.45x39, and 7.62x54R because there is almost zero available manufacturing capacity for these calibers outside of Russia and what little exists will not make a significant impact in filling the needs of the USA commercial market without Russian ammo absorbing the lion's share. In addition to these calibers, I estimate that the Russians supplied 30% to 40% of the 223 Rem / 5.56 and 9mm Luger consumed at the shooting ranges across this country, and large portions of the 45 auto, 9x18 Makarov, 30 carbine, 308 Winchester / 762x51, 380 Auto, 300 Blackout and 6.5 Grendel. I see this as a potentially devastating blow to the supply for of 223 Rem / 5.56 and 9mm Luger, where the reduction in supply from Russia will be difficult to make up in the short term for other manufacturers who have already been unable to keep up with demand this past year. Consumers who have used Russian ammo regularly will have to move on from Russian made ammo to those other products made elsewhere and in doing so absorb the supply and prolong recent shortages. Again this is my opinion, based on my knowledge of the industry after 20+ years experience, and how things play out over time could be different. For me, selling Russian made ammo is about 40% of my business, and while we plan to source as much supply as we can from other sources, we do expect this to have a major negative impact on supply for 7.62x39, 7.62x54R, 5.45x39, 9mm Makarov, 9mm Luger, 223 Rem / 5.56 NATO, as well as the other mentioned calibers.

Free Shipping Promo - For the rest of August we will be offering free shipping on orders with $200 or more of merchandise, and a $12 flat rate for orders under $200. To get to the free shipping threshold of $200 you can mix and match different items until the order subtotal reaches $200 or more, or purchase any item over $200. This is a temporary promo through the end of this month as we test the waters of offering free shipping. Depending on how it goes we may continue to extend this offer or make it permanent but for now the offer is only for set for the rest of this month. Below is a list of products that have been popular recently. It has been 17 months straight of the highest demand levels for ammunition ever seen, exhausting supplies of many popular calibers and driving prices up. Many things that were once normal have changed in this time including price and availability of ammunition. All things considered I think we have some decent deals on some calibers at this time. If this newsletter does not promote calibers or types of ammo that you use then future newsletters will as supply allows. We recommend that you stay subscribed even if this product list does not meet your needs, as other products will come in time.  We thank you for your support of our family owned and operated business and will do our best to serve our clients well in these strange times, so please stay subscribed for future SGAmmo newsletters. If you have some spare time please take a few minutes and look over the online catalog at www.SGAmmo.com

Thank you, Sam Gabbert, SGAmmo Owner

Medical Corner / Ivermectin C Uno Nine
« on: July 29, 2021, 09:19:02 AM »
So I'm posting this as I have a first hand experience with this now. Back story is that all three of my teenager daughters have had it at least once. None of them have had the "vaccine" due to our concerns of fertility. Of those three my middle daughter had it and lost both taste and smell the first time around. It was confirmed in all three by a test, whether or not the tests are accurate is another question however they had the symptoms. Middle daughter had it then 2-3 months later we believe got it a second time. Still very little return of those two senses.

Fast forward to last week, I had been reading about Ivermectin for some time and its apparent it is being suppressed as a treatment. There are cases of adult children whose elderly parents were in icu and not doing good who demanded this be tried after all else has failed. Luckily for a few a court order was granted and their parents recovered immediately after the doses were administered. In another instance an Australian politician brought up the facts before what I believe is their parliament in the last month. If you dig you can find these stories.

So then last week I read about a girl just like my daughter who had lost those two senses. Believed to had it twice and after second round took ivermectin, she regained her senses quickly. So I ordered the 1% injectable and some 3ML syringes. Her and I earlier this week took a dose. I took it in a bit of solidarity as a Dad will do to assure her I believed it was safe. I have had the Pfizer vac back in Jan or Feb I can't recall but never had the bug. Within 24 hours her taste came back almost 100%, within 48 hours her smell is close to 100% now. The test for this was root beer, she loves root beer and it did not smell or taste right for last 6 months.

So it works on the back end for regaining the senses at least in my daughter and I have a feeling it works for keeping it at bay too initially. A lot of third world countries take this as a prophylactic which is my belief why many of them were hit ever so slightly during the height of this quote pandemic unlike us where big P reins supreme. I am posting the best fact sheet I know of on the drug. I am not catholic for the record and as a good friend and member here once told me "I don't need someone between me and my god" best describes my position in regards to that. However, this gal who runs the site aside from Catholic teachings / rants does her homework extremely well. I believe everyone should have a bottle of this in their preps as it appears to be a great anti viral / anti inflammatory that is no longer under patent so its very cheap. Any questions feel free to message me.


Shops Garages and Barns / New GLO Shop 2.0
« on: July 21, 2021, 09:13:50 PM »
As some of you know already I’ve been working on a larger space / different shop layout.

Flash back to fall of 2018 in which I had purchased back my prior company 6 months earlier and I needed a work space. I then purchased the 1125 sq ft shop & it’s been a good space, lots of growth and twists and business turns since.

Fast forward to now and I know what I currently need and have secured the next space going forward. So over the coarse of the next three months I’ll be outfitting the new shop and then moving equipment into it.

New space 16’ wide single overhead door, 1500 sq ft, 22’ ceilings. First job is to add extra insulation to the roof between the z channels as this will lower heat bills in winter and help with keeping temps lower in summer. I’ll be having some electrical upgraded and new lighting and ceiling fans installed next. I’ve already started procuring steel for the mezzanine that will house my new office along with a space elevated for compressors and air storage. With Charles help last week I ordered the mini split for that space.

Single largest difference between then and now is I literally have the floor plan on CAD and have been moving lifts and equipment around to best fit space and work flow.

D.O.T. / To spare tire or not to spare tire?
« on: July 21, 2021, 06:45:24 PM »
So I’m at a cross road. I always buy a fifth tire and wheel. I rarely have ever used it, I typically buy good tires and drive reasonable. Trailers aren’t included in this discussion, if you don’t have at least one on your trailer you don’t use your trailer.

So on the fummins I have the 4 centerline 20x10” wheels getting sand blasted currently. Then off to paint to recoup an I owe you from a friend. I’m ordering cooper sst’s in 37 x 12.50 R20 which are 4 bills each, then I now need a fifth wheel which isn’t cheap. I carry a nice plug kit in truck and a compressor. Aside from cutting out a sidewall I don’t see the need for the spare really. What says the brain trust (that doesn’t include Dave, Ken or Sam who lives forty thousand miles from civilization).

Build Threads / 1971 Chevy C60
« on: April 20, 2021, 10:55:16 PM »
So where to start? My extremely bad influence Hoosier buddy just got me back for the two old trucks I located and sold him last year. He hits me up last Saturday morning with a link to this truck for $700 and we’ll hook line and sinker I had him buy it and haul it to his place in Auburn In.

Came with a clean title, has the tach dash and hand throttle which those two things alone will fetch $500

This truck was sold as a double frame dump truck to the city of Butler, Indiana by Maxton Motors (small town Chevy dealership) which the emblems are still on the fender. True story when I started GLO I lived about two miles south of Maxton Motors in Butler, In and had a business account with them. My wife was raised in Butler so it’s kinda fitting we bought this truck I think.

This truck had a 427 tall deck in it per decals on fenders. I will be hauling this to Colorado and building it into a 4x4 toy most likely with a set of 406 MOG axles I acquired recently, some 46” claws and probably a caddy 500/nv4500/205 setup.

I had a couple other projects but well cash talks and this unit is pretty complete and will be next up after fummins build is finished.

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Well, I’ve been dreaming up a fabricated bench mount vise for at least two years using a small bottle jack for pressure and trying to find a heavy vise used reasonable that would fit the bill.

So the other day I stumbled on an online machine shop auction at a residence 2 miles from our home.

$70 later and I have a new vise on my bench. Cole Tool MFG out of Chicago Heights IL.

Super excited

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Adventure / Trans American Trail Adventure trip 2021
« on: February 27, 2021, 09:27:13 PM »
Ok, tentatively thinking June 29th meetup at my shop in Dacono, CO. You all can camp there if you like? Gated facility with water, Rv dump, showers, kitchenette, WiFi and some electricity depending on who shows up. Depart morning of June 30th for a week. Starting North East WY up in Newcastle WY and hitting the trail for a week. No set pace, we’ll take it as it comes and see how far we can get.

Ideally we’d like at least 3 other trucks besides Don and I

Who’s in?

Possibility of a bike or two joining us trucks.....

D.O.T. / By God, We’ll have our home again
« on: February 21, 2021, 09:43:43 PM »

Financial Prep / Silver
« on: January 31, 2021, 07:44:19 PM »
So with the melt up on Reddit over game stop stock last week and rumors of silver (arguably the most suppressed / manipulated item in the market) looking to be the next Reddit push. I then spent today going over a lot of research.

I’ll highlight some key points, first I’m not giving financial advice so take everything I say with a grain of salt and do your own due diligence.

-JP Morgan is a big time player in manipulating and has been sued multiple times for such acts

-I believe jp is shorting silver and if it blows up may wipe them out Lehman style

-ratio historically between silver and gold 15-1 or 20-1 range, currently 70-1 (taking factors into consideration such as mining costs etc)

-physical silver cannot currently be bought, it dried up over the weekend 1/30/21

-if you have some keep it safe and to yourself

-efx (paper silver) is not the same as physical in any way ie: not backed by physical silver unless you count 250:1 ratios and many of these funds are backed by house of Morgan or what they do have is stored in Morgan vaults (a lot of it in London from my research)

-silver miners with access to silver may be something to consider (Australian producers up 8% this evening so far)

-if inflation was not being suppressed by means of precious metals there is a valid argument silver could be $1000 an ounce in today’s market.

-silver is used in manufacturing

-J.P. Morgan is sitting on supposedly 600 million ounces of physical (how many efx’s are outstanding idk)

-it’s obvious there is a demand and supply constraints

-grab your popcorn if nothing else


Gun Control / Stabilizer brace update
« on: December 23, 2020, 09:59:06 PM »
For those whom this applies

See post below for info

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D.O.T. / Black rifle coffee
« on: November 22, 2020, 03:11:43 PM »

Worldwide free advertising and they pull this? Kinda on the fence but I don’t think that was a good response. What say all you coffee connoisseurs?

D.O.T. / Worth a read
« on: November 13, 2020, 08:37:52 PM »

Other Weapons / Leatherman Free K4
« on: August 15, 2020, 06:32:34 PM »
So I picked up a new EDC today, had some time and a gift card in my wallet to cabela’s left over from Father’s Day I think? Since Charles bought and hoarded all the pistols (or at least the ones worth buying) I strolled to the knife case.

After some time and consideration came home with this. No I’m not a big Swiss army type knife guy but I like functionality and with big paws took a liking to the wider handle. Sub hundred price was ok too. Seems solid and well built, everything is still pretty tight including the tools. To the point I hope those loosen up slightly as they’re a pain to get out atm.

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