Father Daughter Dance, how their first dates SHOULD be

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The local 4square church in town puts this together every year, and Sophie goes to school with the pastor's daughter, so this year we got the invite and decided to go. I showed up after work, got us both changed into our "date clothes", and did everything a gentleman should do for her first date: brought her flowers, held doors, pulled out chairs, ordered her dinner first, etc. We had a blast and with a solid Christian theme, we even got some of the good news delivered after dinner right before the festivities. The idea behind it was to write your own story, and while the theme drifted a bit, they tied it into a photo montage of dads and daughters going on dates like we were. By the night's end, she was asking if they do this every year, if we can always go. Starting her own traditions, and the foundation that we're laying with what she should expect out of her dates is one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. Bit of a pic dump here, s'cuse me.

Very nice!

Very nice there Tate!  Was at my last one most likely with my youngest, Friday, on her 11th Birthday!  By 5th grade, almost none of her classmates attend, so she hung with her 4th grade basketball buddies.  Nice night by all measures.......I always laugh at the youngest ones, who's mom's are so proud of those cute dresses.......little do they know that 30 mins. in, they become floor dusters as the little ones twirl, flop, spin and make snow angles on the floor most of the evening!

Great pictures too!

That's awesome Tate. What a little sweetheart.

Pretty cool!


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