FOOD CORNER > Canning & Food Storage

Pickled whole peppers


About the only thing still producing in this god awful heat are my peppers.

Harvested a ton of jalapeƱo and habaneros

Wash jars , bake in oven at 250 for 15 minutes to sterilize. Place lids in shallow pan of water and simmer. Add water to canning pot and get it boiling. Make sure you have canning rack and do not set jars directly on bottoms of pan.

Wash peppers, stab with small paring knife 3-4 times to allow brine to penetrate.

Add to bottom of jar:  1 tsp pickling salt (table salt has iodine and will darken contents), 1 tsp coriander seed, 1 tsp black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves , 2 whole cloves of garlic.

In a separate pan bring vinegar mixture to near boil - do not boil. 50/50 mix of vinegar and water. (I use a blend of cider and white vinegar)

Pack peppers in jars, I used quart wide mouth. Most recipes are for pints so the water bath time is shorter for pints.

Pour hot liquid over peppers leaving 1/2 inch headspace. I filled each and pressed peppers down and added more to get as much in as possible since peppers will soak brine.

Wipe jar rims, add lid from simmering water and place ring on just finger snug.

Using a lifter place jars in water bath with 2 inches covering lids.  When water returns to boil start your timer. 25 minutes. Remove and place on towel in counter.  Lids should pop when cooling. Press on them after a few hours to make sure they sealed. They should be concave and no give to them when pressed. Write the date on the lid and store.

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Those look awesome.
For the record, my tomatoes have finally bloomed.
Looks like greenhouse in the boy's bedroom is coming.

Bob Smith:
Very nice, I don't do hot peppers but they look great.

Those will come in handy during the non producing months, if you actually have those near the equator..... ;)


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