GENERAL TOPICS > Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant

Great Lake Off Road aka GLO

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Prayers sent but it sounds like you have a good plan, the experience to pull it off and your priorities straight.  Exciting.   :popcorn:

Oh yea! H E R E we go again!

I am pleased by this. GLO made some good stuff (Except for that diff cover on my truck that nearly rusted through) and it served to keep you occupied.

I've said it in private, but I'll say it publically. Use this platform to advertise or promote your stuff Shawn. This web site is a family, a larger one than I was blessed with, so I and we all draw from it What folks do here is good stuff, so why shouldn't people of this family and the kingdom of God be blessed by Real Man

BTW, any of you boneheads ever figure out RealMan? Real man is Jesus. He is the finest example of a real man I can think of, and I believe he blesses through this site. So may this RealMan web site bless the continued saga of RealMan!

And since GLO is clearly now a company of RealMan (In more ways than one, it needs a moderator.

Ken, you are appointed moderator over GLO. Try and keep that thing under some control if you can. If you can't both of you are fired!

Maybe a link to them? Someone has to be first

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

JR, the fact is that I was content when I sold it and had my auctions for the remaining equipment & tonnage. If I had my preference I would not have it back. But in life sometimes you don't get your first choice. Take my wife, I probably wasn't her first choice!  :tongue: So you have two options always, glass half full or glass half empty. I do know this business or used to and I know who to call to make things happen. So as an optimistic person it will be half full for me.

As far as logistics, still much is up in the air. In a perfect world I would touch every part before it gets shipped which is what used to happen but all my suppliers were within 40 minutes of me so that made it easier to do so. Today my suppliers are from 40 minutes to 15 hours away. These parts are steel and heavy so we'll see how it all works out. So I need to crunch numbers and look at the landscape. I have a lot of data to scroll through to get a feel for how I should progress forward. Currently my plan is to head back to Indiana the end of this month. I'll meet with some old vendors and sort through what's left of inventory or what I just purchased etc.

Don, the intent of those diff covers were to be bashed up against rocks. I made no claim to their durability stuck in a mulch bed and watered twice a day......

I did contact Don, initially I think in the 24 hours of craziness when I decided to go this route. I'm not sure why exactly I contacted him but I felt compelled to do so. One thing we decided was when the GLO site gets a rework is to change the link for Cmax from that heathen overrun D site to the RM site. The thought was to maybe inspire some godless customers of GLO to come here and partake. So we will be doing that once I get actual control of that site starting next month.

Oh and Ken, you're getting fired!!!! lol


--- Quote from: JR on April 18, 2018, 10:24:23 AM ---Maybe a link to them? Someone has to be first

--- End quote ---

Let me get it reworked and proper then I'll post a link.


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