My Wife's Hide/Part 1

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Finished the gate today,  at the southern property line.

So, we put down 2" shale on the length of the easement,  and 2-6" (actually a bunch of large stuff mixed up to 16" in size) on the semi steep driveway after scraping off most of the mud.
Then started hauling 3/4 minus today...5 more loads and still hauling after we left. Sidenote...not used to daylight from 4am to 9 PM. Difficult to sleep in after having a drink or 2.

Felled a dead fir leaning over the road.  First "real" tree I've ever cut. Still only about a 20" base.

Might get rid of the yellow sign. It was a last minute purchase but doesn't fit the situation.

I think a no trespassing would be more appropriate....

One of my buddies who was a Ranger had a place at the end of a road.  On his fence he had a professionally done sign that read: “If you arrive here uninvited your chances for survival are slim”

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Looking good Ken.
I agree with TRN’s version.

Only 4am to 9 pm. I’ll take it. That’s like seven hours of dark.

We’re at about four and a bit hours now and will get to mere moments in a couple weeks.

Sam, buddy,  you Canadians do math a metric 7 is actually 5 in the states? ;p
Told the guys we would fish and screw off on Friday and go home Saturday,  but 90% chance of rain tomorrow.
Doing some fishing now...lake Pend Orielle.


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