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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #150 on: May 15, 2015, 08:28:20 AM »
Still thinking about that prop, but a bit concerned with the WW2 bomb casing...not warm to the touch is it?? Lots of dead plants and bugs all around it? You get an itchy feeling standing next to it? Looking at people standing next to it, it's as if you can see right through them??
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #151 on: May 15, 2015, 10:21:38 AM »
LoL nah, it's a unused casing from the Naval Ammunition plant here in Hastings. It was never "built" into a bomb. Especially THAT kinda bomb LoL

They are actually common around here. The Army Air Force dropped thousands of "dud" bombs here on farmers fields. So they get found/tilled up constantly. I guess as the story's go they would practice bomb runs twice a night. And some interesting things happened on occasion. Like the time they dropped live ordinance accidentally and completely cratered a wheat field. Or the time some B17's dropped a payload on a small Neb town not far from here. Caved in some roofs, wrecked a few businesses and well "whoops" The Army covered it up rather well *war time secret* and to this day there is a wreck hall the air crews that made the mistake built for the locals as a "we are sorry"

And Don... although I am not a pilot, I have spent many hours flying assorted crop dusters and other odd stuff as a young adult. My uncle was a bush pilot in Alaska (usps) when I was a kid. I spent a few summers up there and learned me plenty of things.  ;D

Maybe some day when I find all my pictures.... I will give you all a virtual tour of a Atlas Missile silo property we owned when I was a kid. Thank God Mom sold it years ago or I'd be dealing with the ground water problem it now has. But rest assured, it was a very cool place to explore when I was a kid. Still have my Geiger counter and radiation badges I found there.

Guess if I can't find the pics I could just go take more, I know the owner pretty well. I can say I have been in every Atlas site in Nebraska as a kid/adult. Another uncle of mine made a fortune demilitarizing them.

My welding table at the farm shop is a 4x8 hunk of Silo door. In fact the new one I intend to build for my someday shop at home here will be a old silo door piece as well.

LoL good thing I don't mind OT stuff, or not much would ever get posted here.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #152 on: May 15, 2015, 02:19:26 PM »
You are just full of surprizes Norm,,,,,,

Best I had to play in was a burned out H46 they used for fire practice and it was in oil!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #153 on: June 03, 2015, 07:55:25 AM »
Ok so.... not loads of progress has been made of late.  June is here, it's suppose to be running by the end of June. Now since "running" is a definition I set, I have made the executive decision that "running" equals just that....the engine can be started by some means. And that it will move back and forth via the engines power. Now that we are back on track I am now ahead of schedule.  ;D  Heck I don't even need to have the cab bolted on to make it run and move right?

Anyway my plan of late is to toss some springs under it and cobble together a few axles, and call it progress.
How hard can that be? 

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #154 on: June 03, 2015, 08:20:09 AM »
Anyway my plan of late is to toss some springs under it and cobble together a few axles, and call it progress.
How hard can that be? 


Hey I just looked up running in the "Book of Don, Chapter 4 "Meanin's of things"
It sez right there, second paragraph, and I quote:

Runnin' wit respect to a truck means motorized propulsion with enough body werk to have provided a seat fer at least one occupant, made of at a minimum wood or plastic. This contraption would so-propel itself along a road or byway.

So, by definition, you may be close, if, and only if, that gravel pit out by your house actually is restored to being a road or a by-way!

Soldier on!
« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 08:21:05 AM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #155 on: June 03, 2015, 10:19:05 AM »
To DOT, or not to Dot Norm's thread...hmm. I choose the first....
We had some of those practice bombing targets around here as well. When I just a baby, my dad and uncle took me for a ride in Dad's homemade desert buggie. There's only one pic if that excursion, and guess what, no seatbelts and it kinda looked like Don's front bumper....yeah, all MadMaxxy...
Well anyway, I was too young to remember, but fast forward 20 years later, some slurred directions from pops, a covert crossing of the local reservation with signs posted "Stay on Paved Roads or you will be buried beneath an ant Hill..." and I found the closest one. Nothing left of the target shack, but plenty of casings. Most were destroyed on impact, but a couple just drilled there way through soft soil....so I dig a couple up, not a dent in them, and still had the smoke "poppers".
I haul them to dad as a gift and he throws them away!!! Yeah, that was my pops and that is another story. I guess about 10 years ago the gooberment (or contractors?) cleaned up all of the sites, as if they didn't exist.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 10:20:02 AM by KensAuto »
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #156 on: June 03, 2015, 04:04:38 PM »
Good to see you back here Norm. I have been through a few rainy seasons in my younger years on a farm in So Cal.

Running would be great, just like I need to do with my 1500 Sub. Don does not know what running is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  ::)
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #157 on: June 03, 2015, 06:52:51 PM »
Good to see you back here Norm. I have been through a few rainy seasons in my younger years on a farm in So Cal.

Running would be great, just like I need to do with my 1500 Sub. Don does not know what running is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  ::)
Yes I do!

I was a runner for many years. Used to run the Nashville half marathon and a bunch of 10K races!

JR, you'll like this one:

One day after a long run with little Don, Can't remember but I want to say we did the standard 7 mile loop. Anyway we are all showered up and drove the Cobra (Shelby Replicar) over to the hilltop Kroger to get a cold peach tea. The manager there knew us and struck up a conversation when we walked into the place.

He asked Little Don "What have you boys been doing?" "Ah just running" replied my son. The managers facial expression changed and asked, "From what?"
« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 06:56:31 PM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #158 on: June 04, 2015, 01:46:13 AM »
It was more on a PUN of SD Don. My running days are over, ankles are shot but I used to do a few miles without much issue. I can move if need be, but I pay the next day!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 01:47:28 AM by JR »
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #159 on: June 04, 2015, 08:17:59 AM »
It was more on a PUN of SD Don. My running days are over, ankles are shot but I used to do a few miles without much issue. I can move if need be, but I pay the next day!
I know that JR!

I just spun it and twisted your comment...something I learned from the media!

Be good

And SD will, should, might, could, possibly run some day!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #160 on: June 05, 2015, 12:26:56 AM »
Easy there BD, we ALL just want to see SD run.
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #161 on: June 05, 2015, 09:24:42 AM »
Easy there BD, we ALL just want to see SD run.

Sometimes I think that I am closer to running a marathon than SquareD is to actually running.

I have poured my energy into the bumper, outhouse, farm work and the like. All I need to do is find that TV cable, adjust the throttle cable, finish the brakes and hook up the shift linkage and finish topping fluids and she should be ready to make diesel exhaust.

I just get all wrapped up in the project at hand...

I suppose I don't see it done until it's done and hearing it run is no great personal accomplishment with so much yet to do...

But I like the harassment

But I like it even more that I get to mess with your ,heads. (Was trying to write out, "Boneheads heads" but just couldn't get it to work...)
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #162 on: June 05, 2015, 01:10:51 PM »
I have to find all those little parts still. I did just get a set of marine injectors though, good to about 370hp. Now for the turbo and build.

DOT is much easier,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Isn't this Norms thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #163 on: June 05, 2015, 01:32:32 PM »
Lol it is my thread... but I don't care really. To update we got 11" of rain and golf ball hail last night. So instead of truck building I will most likely be roofing my house again (twice in two years now) the driveway is so far gone it's 35" tires and 4x4 only at this point. And I hear I will most likely have to help my son and mm roof their homes also...again.

Truck progress... the bare metal is rusting nicely.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #164 on: June 05, 2015, 02:37:03 PM »
Truck progress... the bare metal is rusting nicely.

Rust patina...hmmm, might be onto something there Norm


Sorry for your misfortunes

If I were closer, I'd come over and help
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #165 on: June 05, 2015, 04:06:39 PM »
He he, little story when we had some rain one season in a small town called Winchester, Ca. I was 19 just a fresh lad out of HS working as a general mechanic on a Sod farm.

So after a few weeks of rain, the water for the most part was 1-3 ft standing everywhere. A funnel even touched down once and twisted the rolling irrigation line into a nice mess.

Well, we had to get to town and all the roads were under water. This is when I had my 77 GMC lifted 6 inches with 33 tires. So heading down the middle of the roads so not to run into the ditches (you could see a few cars sticking up) I was getting close to Sunset city with an overpass ahead. As I got closer I saw a couple CHP officers watching me drive up. Moving pretty slow as I was pushing a 1-2 wake in front of me. I slowed as I came to overpass seeing the CHP there, but the wake didn't. They just stood there and the wake rolled in and covered them to their knees. Now being 19 I was scared as hell, but they did nothing and I drove into town. 

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #166 on: June 09, 2015, 04:09:26 PM »
So more off topic stuff......

Anyone need a M1031? 6.2L  Dana 60/14Bolt detroit rear, LS front. All ready to go.... rust free bodies on the pair. Auction is June 19th

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #167 on: June 09, 2015, 04:21:07 PM »
If they were crews, I'd be on it like white on rice

You bidding?

Was thinking you could throw down an $800 bid for me and see if I get lucky...But then I'd have another project...

What's the HFS? (Home front situation?)
Have a driveway yet?

Not even going to think about asking about the W350
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #168 on: June 09, 2015, 06:13:28 PM »
ken could use those and start a mobile repair business..................?
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #169 on: June 09, 2015, 11:25:10 PM »
Anything under $2500 a piece I will buy the pair. But I am hoping they go for more as I don't need any more stuff laying around. Last one I had I sold for $5500 and it wasn't as nice as these.

Driveway is semi repaired. 160 ton of rock latter.

Crops... what washed is gone, the rest will survive I think. Some hail damage...hard to say just yet. My guess maybe a 40% loss all said.

House roof is toast. Rest are steel and dented ...no leaks so not going to worry about it tell fall. I think this time the house is getting steel as well.

W350 Rusting peacefully in the shed.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #170 on: June 18, 2015, 12:23:38 PM »
So did you buy em'?

Did Miss Kay get anything done on the crew cab cruiser?
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #171 on: June 18, 2015, 02:04:53 PM »
Nah Auctions tomorrow Don... and I might buy them we shall see. And no she's not done a thing on the truck she's been focused on putting the Ramcharger back together so we can at least have one functioning off road truck for this summer and fall. I should start a build thread on that but.... eh whats the point LoL

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #172 on: June 18, 2015, 03:11:57 PM »
...putting the Ramcharger back together so we can at least have one functioning off road truck for this summer and fall. I should start a build thread on that but.... eh whats the point LoL

I'll take it!

How many for a Ramcharger build thread?
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #173 on: June 18, 2015, 03:36:55 PM »
Do it !  what's one more Dodge in a sea of, well, Dodges. lol
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #174 on: June 18, 2015, 07:19:09 PM »
I'll vote for it as well!
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #175 on: June 18, 2015, 09:06:17 PM »
OK, a Ramcharger Oil Change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #176 on: June 18, 2015, 09:16:20 PM »
Norm (or Miss Kay) You listening?
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #177 on: June 18, 2015, 09:32:37 PM »
OK, a Ramcharger Oil Change,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I thought we were gonna DODGE that topic, but oh NO, you just gotta RAM ahead with it any way!  Oh well, MOPAR to him if he does it!

Baaah, haaa, ha........cracked myself up and got all the puns in I could think of about my first brand! 8)
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #178 on: June 18, 2015, 09:34:41 PM »
^^Out did yourself Mikey! ;)
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #179 on: June 19, 2015, 12:34:33 AM »
Hello real men this is Kay, I do lurk here and read on occasion. I just don't often have anything to contribute to your interesting discussions.

No matter how much he resists tearing my RC apart, after watching him drive it this afternoon while we went out to check on the crops, I have decided to tear it apart myself.

I have many times encouraged him to tear it apart. I have assured him I don't mind, but he refuses, and now I am playing my last card. Today late this afternoon he left to run his Mom to Iowa to visit elderly relatives for the evening. Since his Father passed away this past February he now often has to shuttle her around.   

I realized this was our chance and rounded up two of our three sons, two of our daughters and one hired hand. We have just finished, the transmission, engine, and other parts from my RC are now laying on the shop floor. He's going to be ornery about this, but it's done.

In the morning when he arrives home he will find his Fathers Day present neatly ready for the next step in getting that Crew Cab on the road.

Happy Fathers day to you all.


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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #180 on: June 19, 2015, 01:41:59 AM »
Looks like Ms Kay uses my wife's motto. "If you want something done just start it yourself and the big dummy will have no choice but to step in and help finish it"
Now if I was just smart enough to figure out a way get her to start on something I really want to do....

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #181 on: June 19, 2015, 07:31:39 AM »
Welcome miss kay, sounds like you would rather have the crew cab than the RC.
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #182 on: June 19, 2015, 08:38:21 AM »
That's awesome.  ...and welcome miss Kay!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #183 on: June 19, 2015, 09:49:31 AM »
Wow, that's gutsy, and that right there is how to get things done. What is the old saying?

"The best way to finish anything is to start!"

Way to go Miss Kay to get this ball rolling! Good for you (two)! Now we'll see this crew start coming up from that great looking frame you worked on so much already!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #184 on: June 19, 2015, 12:04:35 PM »
Well, we know who wears the pants and the daisy dukes, DD take over!!

Stop lurking Kay, get your own account!!!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #185 on: June 19, 2015, 12:14:12 PM »
Well that will certainly get things started.
I'm not sure how I'd take it or like a surprise like that, but it certainly lends to getting things done!
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #186 on: June 21, 2015, 05:09:53 PM »
Did we scare them off?
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #187 on: June 21, 2015, 05:15:09 PM »
I figure Norm took another trip out of town and Ms Kay is busy putting the crew cab together. I'm sure she will fill us in when she is done.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #188 on: June 21, 2015, 07:31:58 PM »
I figure Norm took another trip out of town and Ms Kay is busy putting the crew cab together. I'm sure she will fill us in when she is done.
Judging from what we have seen her do so far, I wouldn't put it past her
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #189 on: June 21, 2015, 09:44:44 PM »
We did did travel a bit. I figured since my wife is my best friend and so much more, I should take her away for the weekend and spoil her like the queen she is to me.


On a truck note, we picked up a nice rust free 84 D150 beater for $350 en route home to harvest the front clip off of for the crew cab. The fact that it was cheaper than the night at the resort wasn't lost on me LoL

« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 08:53:38 AM by Flyin6 »

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #190 on: June 21, 2015, 09:49:16 PM »
That's a great story....I think I blushed a bit.
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #191 on: June 21, 2015, 10:45:18 PM »
What, no pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #192 on: June 21, 2015, 10:50:18 PM »
What, no pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of the purchase?
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #193 on: June 22, 2015, 07:20:25 AM »
I gotta say, I like Ms. K's STYLE!  Quick thinking on her feet and dirt under nails!  8)
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #194 on: June 22, 2015, 07:41:20 AM »
Don... I forgot to mention. Those Military Chebbies at the auction brought $3700 and $4600 respectively.

Project update: So it looks like Nebraska's Monsoon weather is finally paused or done. Which means we can now actually work out side a bit instead of inside my oven Aka Shop, barn. 

So the next order of business is to paint the frame with a few coats, and then get busy bolting on some springs of some sort. Sounds like I have typed this before LoL

I even charged the camera in case I do anything picture worthy.

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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #195 on: June 23, 2015, 12:07:58 AM »
Wow, 4k for 25 year old trucks. But they did have nice beds on them, diesel and smog free!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #196 on: July 04, 2015, 11:02:05 AM »
Norm...What's up with this truck frame project ;-)
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #197 on: July 24, 2015, 04:50:33 PM »
No much Don. Since the eye Dr feels this may be my wife's last summer of driving, we abandoned the project for now.
Also, I decided I may go a different direction with it. I even bought another crew to play with or sell when time allows.

We have been working/traveling too much to get much wrench time in, but we did accomplish a few things. We put Anvil back on the road in what is now I guess Phase 3 of it's life with us.

We tossed a brand new Cummins crate engine in it. A new NOS Bosch VE pump, a new smaller Super B turbo (62mm), and some other fun stuff I won't bore you all with. This saves the "big" Cummins for the crew cab, and keeps us in a 4x4 toy for the summer. With built axles running 4.56's and Detroit's in both ends, it gets around very well off road and manages 20mpg yet.

I just pulled the front bumper off to build a winch mount/bumper.


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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #198 on: July 24, 2015, 04:57:35 PM »
That is sweet Norm. Should be good for another lifetime!
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Re: Yet another old Dodge crew cab project (1985 W350 USAF)
« Reply #199 on: July 24, 2015, 05:34:04 PM »
Well I hope for the best for the eyes.
Liking the plans for the big motor, and have fun with the bumper project.
Should be an awesome little wheeler in the meantime.
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.


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