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Author Topic: Testimonies  (Read 479 times)

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Offline stlaser

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« on: August 03, 2018, 11:30:07 PM »
Ok, so this conversation below happened on text today between Mike and I. You may recall he is one I have had you pray for through some extremely invasive surgeries and he was also the one who I sold then bought a business from. I believe I had stated he was raised Catholic but was not practicing, leading up to this huge surgery I spoke with him several times. His wife even confided in me and told me to keep pushing.

My current local pastor once said faith is like growing crops, you plant it and let God do the rest. So after considering this exchange for awhile today I decided we needed a new thread. One that can highlight those crops and how they grow. So please if you have a testimony share it here, I'll start off with the exchange with Mike today.

Back story, Mike has flipped cars for years to make income, at present time it is his only source currently. He has been through a lot, in last few years. At times I was and have been very frustrated with him. In other words it's been very tough being his friend and watching him stumble and get tossed around. I know I've had conversations with my wife about what to do or how I can do more.

Hind sight is always 20/20 and I guess the biggest thing was just being there to listen and give him my take. Patience has never been easy for me, looking back I witness the Lord working to make me be more patient and even though I have been given this lesson more than once I'm hard headed in this regard. So below is our conversation from today, these seeds appear to be bearing some fruit.

"..Something strange. Yesterday I found I had a $50 dollar bill, a $10 and a couples $1s. That was it and i couldnt get my medicine. As a rarity I prayed for help.
  Both vehicles sold today within 1 hour by very religious people that told me about their faith. Amazing how things workout."

My response, That's called a testimonial, how cool! :likebutton:

"We grow thru the tough times."
My response, Sure do, I'm glad you had that experience

"Since I'm not able to do much I read a lot. I decided last week that I've spent my whole life judging a book negatively that I've never read. I dug my mother's old bible out of the attic and I'm gonna start reading it."

My response, Start with the New Testament
Read that then go back and study the old. You might want to try county line church too, no judging there and Kruse is a great pastor

"Ok. I'll have to check out which I have. We have a couple around the house of Dawn's."

My response, If I can help let me know

"I'll keep that in mind too. Ok thanks."
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..


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