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Politics/Know the Facts / The Real Democrats--Who Are They?
« on: October 03, 2022, 04:59:12 PM »
The Real Democrats--Who Are They?

By Ray DiLorenzo —— Bio and Archives July 23, 2022

The Real Democrats--Who Are They? The Democrats like to portray themselves as compassionate, defenders of democracy, civil rights, and the little people. They are, in reality, far from it.  Their history tells a bitter tale of racism, oppression, violence, and death. 

Let’s get beyond the hype, the puff, the lies.

Democrats, as their namesake declares, are big on democracy.  That may sound nice, but we are not a democracy.  We are a Constitutional Republic, hence Republicans. By definition, democracy is mob rule.  The founders were very concerned that minorities of other political thought be represented, not ignored, unless, of course, the other political thought is of insurrection.

The Four S Doctrine: Slavery, Secession, Segregation, Socialism
Some historians like to use the four ‘S’ words or, what I call, the Four S Doctrine in assessing the Democrat Party through the centuries.  These four principles were bitterly fought for by Democrats, with each in its own time being defended to the death. They are Slavery, Secession, Segregation, and Socialism.

The Democrat Party began in earnest with the election of Andrew Jackson, a ‘man of the people’, in 1828.  Their platform was one of limited government and individual rights, including maintaining and advancing into new states the institution of slavery.  The ‘Peculiar Institution’ was a bane on Whites as well as Blacks, affording cheap labor for the upper class elites, leaving many Whites out of the job market. 

Jackson was not above ethnic cleansing as he supported the Indian Removal Act, forcing indigenous people from their homeland (Trail of Tears).  It occurred over 20 years and killed thousands of Native Americans.  National Republicans (Whig), precursor to the Republican Party, opposed it, including Davy Crockett (Whig-TN).

Between 1830 and 1860 saw much debate on slavery, especially in the new territories. Southern Democrats saw it as a state or territorial issue where the central government had no authority, and as a property issue with the right to transfer their property anywhere they so chose… fundamental in the Constitution if you decide that other people can be property. Senators like Daniel Webster of Massachusetts (Federalist, National Republican after 1825, Whig after 1833) disagreed, spearheading an anti-slavery movement in Congress. Opposite Webster was John C. Calhoun (D-SC), Senator and Vice President, influential, rabid supporter of slavery.

‘The Man Who Started the Civil War’
John Calhoun is called by many, ‘The Man Who Started the Civil War.’   In issuing his ‘Southern Address’ in 1849, he called for a uniting of the southern states in order to defend what Calhoun called the “right” to own slaves. 

1854 sees the Whig Party become the Republican Party, the Grand Ole Party.

1860 sees eleven slave states secede from the Union.  Democrats start the Civil War. Republican, Abraham Lincoln, was elected president.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves. Republicans elect their first Hispanic Governor, Romualdo Pacheco, of California.

In 1865, Lincoln is assassinated.  Vice President Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, assumes the presidency.  Johnson opposes integrating the newly freed slaves.

After the Civil War, in 1865, the KKK was founded to oppose any integration by the Republican Party.  It’s first Grand Wizard was a Democrat, former Confederate General, Nathan Bedford Forrest.



In 1868, Republicans passed the 14th Amendment giving Blacks citizenship and full protection under the law.  It was opposed by Democrats. In that same year, Republicans passed the 15th Amendment giving Blacks the vote.  No Democrat supported it.

1869 saw Jim Crow laws established to legalize segregation.  1872 saw Republicans elect the first Black senators and representatives.   

Reconstruction ended in 1877, which saw Southern Democrats attempt to re-establish power with poll taxes, literacy tests, and ‘grandfather clauses’ to prevent Blacks from voting.

In 1878, Republican Senator Aaron Sargent introduced a bill to allow women to vote.  The Democrat-controlled Congress rejected it. 

1911 saw Woodrow Wilson (D-NJ),  become president.  He immediately fired all Black White House staff and set back race relations decades.

In 1918, the Democrat controlled KKK now targets immigrants, Jews, and Catholics, in addition to Blacks. 

From slavery to secession to segregation and now watching them fight for world socialism, a different form of slavery.  All from the original and only author of American insurrection… The Democrat Party
In 1919, a Republican Congress passed the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote.  Democrats now try to take credit since Wilson was president.

1922 saw Democrats try to keep lynching legal by filibuster in the Senate.  The Democrat total was 3,446 Blacks and 1,289 White Republicans lynched

In 1929, we saw the first Mexican American Senator (Republican).  That same year saw the first Native America VP (Republican).   

In 1939, Democrat from New York, KKK supporter and eugenicist, Margaret Sanger creates the “Negro Project” to exterminate Blacks, and establishes Planned Parenthood.

In 1942, President Roosevelt (D-NY) signs Executive Order 9066 ordering the forced removal of Japanese Americans and imprisoned them in internment camps without due process. Most lost their property, businesses, and personal possessions, lives destroyed.  Eleanor Roosevelt was shocked and dismayed at the order.  When she brought it up to her husband, he interrupted her and told her to never mention it again. 

1954 sees Republican lawmakers outlaw segregation in public schools, opposed by state Democrats.  Republican President Eisenhower decides to send in troops to enforce the law.

1964 – The Republican-controlled Congress passes the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as an extension of the Republicans’ 1957 and 1960 Civil Rights Acts. Democratic Senators filibustered the bill for a record 75 days.


1964 - 65 A New Strategy
President Johnson decides to keep Blacks quiet and… “have those N*****s vote Democrat for 200 years…. These Negroes, they get pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us…….we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”...WELFARE!

Destroy the Black family and make them dependent on the government.  In other words, outwardly fight racism, but keep them where they are. Black lawmakers, for the most part, are like antebellum Black overseers, delivering the Black vote (obedience) to their masters and getting rich doing it.  It has worked for almost 60 years.  It is only for the past several years that we see definite signs of it wearing thin with Black voters.

What has been the result, where’s the progress for our trillions of dollars in public assistance? But alas, not to be dissuade, Democrats are now letting in millions of unvetted illegal immigrants that they can pander to get votes from, remain in power, and continue their cooperation with the globalist elites to dismantle our country.

And how can we forget that this is the party that purposely put in office as President of the United States a man who is not only unqualified but dangerously senile. 

So, there you have it.  From slavery to secession to segregation and now watching them fight for world socialism, a different form of slavery.  All from the original and only author of American insurrection… The Democrat Party.

I know what the Colonel is talking about here. Not from Vietnam, but from Afghanistan where the Huey of old was resurected into something everyone called the "Super Huey." I was honored to pilot those birds on many combat sorties flying both the Gunship and medevac configurations. I agree, the bird is a gritty, tough warbird that was one of the high honors of my life to fly!

UH-1H Helicopter Vietnam Memories

By Keith Nightingale U.S. Army (Ret.)

Unique to all that served in Vietnam is the UH-1H helicopter. It was both devil and angel and it served as both extremely well. Whether a LRRP, U.S. or RVN soldier or civilian, whether, NVA, VC, Allied or Civilian, it provided a sound and sense that lives with us all today. It is the one sound that immediately clears the clouds of time and freshens the images of our mind. It will be the sound track of our last moments on earth. It was a simple machine - a single engine, a single blade and four man crew - yet like the Model T, it transformed us all and performed tasks the engineers never imagined. For soldiers, it was the worst and best of friends but it was the one binding material in a tapestry of a war of many pieces. The smell was always hot, filled with diesel fumes, sharp drafts accentuated by gritty sand, laterite and anxious vibrations. It always held the spell of the unknown and the anxiety of learning what was next and what might be. It was an unavoidable magnet for the heavily laden soldier who donkey-trotted to its squat shaking shape through the haze and blast of dirt, stepped on the OD skid, turned and dropped his ruck on the cool aluminum deck. Reaching inside with his rifle or machine gun, a soldier would grasp a floor ring with a finger as an extra precaution of physics for those moments when the now airborne bird would break into a sharp turn revealing all ground or all sky to the helpless riders all very mindful of the impeding weight on their backs. The relentless weight of the ruck combined with the stress of varying motion caused fingers and floor rings to bind almost as one.

Constant was the vibration, smell of hydraulic fluid, flashes of visionary images and the occasional burst of a ground-fed odor - rotting fish, dank swampy heat, cordite or simply the continuous sinuous currents of Vietnam's weather - cold and driven mist in the Northern monsoon or the wall of heated humidity in the southern dry season. Blotting it out and shading the effect was the constant sound of the single rotating blade as it ate a piece of the air, struggling to overcome the momentary physics of the weather. To divert anxiety, a soldier/piece of freight, might reflect on his home away from home.

The door gunners were usually calm which was emotionally helpful. Each gun had a C-ration fruit can at the ammo box clip entrance to the feed mechanism of the machine gun. The gun had a large circular aiming sight unlike the ground-pounder version. That had the advantage of being able to fix on targets from the air considerably further than normal ground acquisition. Pears, Apricots, Apple Sauce or Fruit Cocktail, it all worked. Fruit cans had just the right width to smoothly feed the belt into the gun which was always a good thing. Some gunners carried a large oil can much like old locomotive engineers to squeeze on the barrel to keep it cool. Usually this was accompanied by a large OD towel or a khaki wound-pack bandage to allow a rubdown without a burned hand. Under the gunner's seat was usually a small dairy-box filled with extra ammo boxes, smoke grenades, water, flare pistol, C-rats and a couple of well-worn paperbacks.

The gun itself might be attached to the roof of the helicopter with a bungee cord and harness. This allowed the adventurous gunners to unattach the gun from the pintle and fire it manually while standing on the skid with only the thinnest of connectivity to the bird. These were people you wanted near you - particularly on extractions. The pilots were more mysterious. You only saw parts of them as they labored behind the armored seats. An arm, a helmeted head and the occasional fingered hand as it moved across the dials and switches on the ceiling above. The armored side panels covered their outside legs - an advantage the passenger did not enjoy. Sometimes, a face, shielded behind helmeted sunshades, would turn around to impart a question with a glance or display a sense of anxiety with large white-circled eyes - this was not a welcoming look as the sounds of external issues fought to override the sounds of mechanics in flight.

Yet, as a whole, the pilots got you there, took you back and kept you maintained. You never remembered names, if at all you knew them, but you always remembered the ride and the sound. Behind each pilot seat usually ran a stretch of wire or silk attaching belt. It would have arrayed a variety of handy items for immediate use. Smoke grenades were the bulk of the attachment inventory - most colors and a couple of white phosphorous if a dramatic marking was needed. Sometimes, trip flares or hand grenades would be included depending on the location and mission. Hand grenades were a rare exception as even pilots knew they exploded - not always where intended. It was just a short arm motion for a door gunner to pluck an inventory item off the string, pull the pin and pitch it which was the point of the arrangement. You didn't want to be in a helicopter when such an act occurred as that usually meant there was an issue. Soldiers don't like issues that involve them. It usually means a long day or a very short one - neither of which is a good thing.

The bird lifts off in a slow, struggling and shaking manner. Dust clouds obscure any view a soldier may have. Quickly, with a few subtle swings, the bird is above the dust and a cool encompassing wind blows through. Sweat is quickly dried, eyes clear and a thousand feet of altitude show the world below. Colors are muted but objects clear. The rows of wooden hooches, the airfield, local villages, an old B52 strike, the mottled trail left by a Ranch hand spray mission and the open reflective water of a river or lake are crisp in sight. The initial anxiety of the flight or mission recede as the constantly moving and soothing motion picture and soundtrack unfolds.

In time, one is aware of the mass of UH1Hs coalescing in a line in front of and behind you. Other strings of birds may be left or right of you - all surging toward some small speck in the front, lost to your view. Each is a mirror image of the other - two to three laden soldiers sitting on the edge looking at you and your accompanying passengers all going to the same place with the same sense of anxiety and uncertainty but borne on a similar steed and sound. In time, one senses the birds coalescing as they approach the objective. Perhaps a furtive glance or sweeping arc of flight reveals the landing zone. Smoke erupts in columns - initially visible as blue grey against the sky. The location is clearly discernible as a trembling spot surrounded by a vast green carpet of flat jungle or a sharp point of a jutting ridge, as the bird gets closer, a soldier can now see the small FAC aircraft working well-below, the sudden sweeping curve of the bombing runs and the small puffs as artillery impacts.

A sense of immense loneliness can begin to obscure one's mind as the world's greatest theatre raises its curtain. Even closer now, with anxious eyes and short breath, a soldier can make out his destination. The smoke is now the dirty grey black of munitions with only the slightest hint of orange upon ignition. No Hollywood effect is at work. Here, the physics of explosions are clearly evident as pressure and mass over light. The pilot turns around to give a thumbs up or simply ignores his load as he struggles to maintain position with multiple birds dropping power through smoke swirls, uplifting newly created debris, sparks and flaming ash. The soldiers instinctively grasp their weapons tighter, look furtively between the upcoming ground and the pilot and mentally strain to find some anchor point for the next few seconds of life. If this is the first lift in, the door gunners will be firing rapidly in sweeping motions of the gun but this will be largely unknown and unfelt to the soldiers.

They will now be focused on the quickly approaching ground and the point where they might safely exit. Getting out is now very important. Suddenly, the gunners may rapidly point to the ground and shout "GO" or there may just be the jolt of the skids hitting the ground and the soldiers instinctively lurch out of the bird, slam into the ground and focus on the very small part of the world they now can see. The empty birds, under full power, squeeze massive amounts of air and debris down on the exited soldiers, blinding them to the smallest view. Very quickly, there is a sudden shroud of silence as the birds retreat into the distance and the soldiers begin their recovery into a cohesive organization, losing that sound. On various occasions and weather dependent, the birds return. Some to provide necessary logistics, some command visits and some medevacs. On the rarest and best of occasions, they arrive to take you home.

Always they have the same sweet sound which resonates with every soldier who ever heard it. It is the sound of life, hope for life and what may be. It is a sound that never will be forgotten. It is your and our sound. Logistics is always a trial. Pilots don't like it, field soldiers need it and weather is indiscriminate. Log flights also mean mail and a connection to home and where real people live and live real lives. Here is an aberrant aspect of life that only that sound can relieve. Often there is no landing zone or the area is so hot that a pilot's sense of purpose may become blurred. Ground commanders beg and plead on the radio for support that is met with equivocations or insoluble issues. Rations are stretched from four to six days, cigarettes become serious barter items and soldiers begin to turn inward. In some cases, perhaps only minutes after landing, fire fights break out. The machine guns begin their carnivorous song. Rifle ammunition and grenades are expended with gargantuan appetites. The air is filled with an all-encompassing sound that shuts each soldier into his own small world -- shooting, loading, shooting, loading, shooting, loading until he has to quickly reach into the depth of his ruck, past the extra rations, past the extra rain poncho, past the spare paperback, to the eight M16 magazines forming the bottom of the load - never thought he would need them.

A resupply is desperately needed. In some time, a sound is heard over the din of battle. A steady whomp whomp whomp that says: The World is here. Help is on the way. Hang in there. The soldier turns back to the business at hand with a renewed confidence. Wind parts the canopy and things begin to crash through the tree tops. Some cases have smoke grenades attached - these are the really important stuff - medical supplies, codes and maybe mail. The sound drifts off in the distance and things are better for the moment. The sound brings both a psychological and a material relief. Wounds are hard to manage. The body is all soft flesh, integrated parts and an emotional burden for those that have to watch its deterioration. If the body is an engine, blood is the gasoline - when it runs out, so does life. It's important the parts get quickly fixed and the blood is restored to a useful level. If not, the soldier becomes another piece of battlefield detritus.

A field medic has the ability to stop external blood flow - less internal. He can replace blood with fluid but it's not blood. He can treat for shock but he can't always stop it. He is at the mercy of his ability and the nature of the wound. Bright red is surface bleeding he can manage but dark red, almost tar-colored, is deep, visceral and beyond his ability to manage. Dark is the essence of the casualty's interior. He needs the help that only that sound can bring. If an LZ exists, it's wonderful and easy. If not, difficult options remain. The bird weaves back and forth above the canopy as the pilot struggles to find the location of the casualty. He begins a steady hover as he lowers the litter on a cable. The gunner or helo medic looks down at the small figures below and tries to wiggle the litter and cable through the tall canopy to the small up-reaching figures below. In time, the litter is filled and the cable retreats - the helo crew still carefully managing the cable as it wends skyward. The cable hits its anchor, the litter is pulled in, and the pilot pulls pitch and quickly disappears - but the retreating sound is heard by all and the silent universal thought -

There but for the Grace of God go I - and it will be to that sound. Cutting a landing zone is a standard soldier task. Often, to hear the helicopter's song, the impossible becomes a requirement and miracles abound. Sweat-filled eyes, blood blistered hands, energy-expended and with a breath of desperation and desire, soldiers attack a small space to carve out sufficient open air for the helicopter to land. Land to bring in what's needed, take out what's not, and to remind them that someone out there cares. Perhaps some explosives are used - usually for the bigger trees but most often it is soldiers and machetes or the side of an e-tool. Done under the pressure of an encroaching enemy, it's a combination of high adrenalin rush and simple dumb luck - small bullet, big space. In time, an opening is made and the sky revealed. A sound encroaches before a vision. Eyes turn toward the newly created void and the bird appears. The blade tips seem so much larger than the newly-columned sky. Volumes of dirt, grass, leaves and twigs sweep upward and are then driven fiercely downward through the blades as the pilot struggles to do a completely vertical descent through the narrow column he has been provided.

Below, the soldiers both cower and revel in the free-flowing air. The trash is blinding but the moving air feels so great. Somehow, the pilot lands in a space that seems smaller than his blade radius. In reverse, the sound builds and then recedes into the distance - always that sound. Bringing and taking away. Extraction is an emotional highlight of any soldier's journey. Regardless of the austerity and issues of the home base, for that moment, it is a highly desired location and the focus of thought. It will be provided by that familiar vehicle of sound. The Pickup Zone in the bush is relatively open, or if on an established firebase or hilltop position, a marked fixed location. The soldiers awaiting extraction close to the location undertake their assigned duties - security, formation alignment, or LZ marking.

Each is focused on the task at hand and tends to blot out other issues. As each soldier senses his moment of removal is about to arrive, his auditory sense becomes keen and his visceral instinct searches for that single sweet song that only one instrument can play. When registered, his eyes look up and he sees what his mind has imaged. He focuses on the sound and the sight and both become larger as they fill his body. He quickly steps unto the skid and up into the aluminum cocoon. Turning outward now, he grasps his weapon with one hand and with the other holds the cargo ring on the floor - as he did when he first arrived at this location.

Reversing the flow of travel, he approaches what he temporarily calls home. Landing again in a swirl of dust, diesel and grinding sand, he offloads and trudges toward his assembly point. The sounds retreat in his ears but he knows he will hear them again. He always will. Keith Nightingale is a retired Army Colonel who served two tours in Vietnam with Airborne and Ranger (American and Vietnamese) units. He commanded two airborne battalions and both the 1/75th Rangers and the 1st Ranger Training Brigade. He was a member of the Iran rescue attempt in 1981 (Operation Eagle Claw, better known to many as "Desert One") and was the assault force commander in both Grenada and Panama

Intel / Ex-CIA analyst's view on Putin going nuclear
« on: September 27, 2022, 12:48:17 PM »
Ex-CIA officer says Putin is 'completely cornered' and the chances of him using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine are increasing 'by the day'
jepstein@insider.com (Jake Epstein) - 2h ago

An ex-CIA officer said Putin has been backed into a corner over his months-long war in Ukraine.
Robert Baer told CNN that the Russian leader is unlikely to deescalate, given all his setbacks.
Baer also said the chances that Putin turns to tactical nuclear weapons are increasing.
As military setbacks in Ukraine force Russian President Vladimir Putin into a corner, the odds that he turns to tactical nuclear weapons continue to increase, an ex-CIA officer said. 

"I think the chances of his de-escalating are close to zero ... he simply cannot give up so much ground and be seen to be losing and continue as leader of Russia," Robert Baer, a former CIA case officer, told CNN on Tuesday.

"The chances of his using nuclear weapons — at least tactical nuclear weapons — is going up by the day," Baer added.

Ukrainian forces have recently liberated thousands of square miles of territory previously under Russian occupation in counteroffensives along the war's eastern and southern fronts — a move that appears to have sparked a shift in Putin's approach to the seven-month-long conflict.

Last week, the Russian leader delivered a rare televised address in which he announced the partial military mobilization of his country's reservists, paving the way for more troops to deploy to Ukraine. Immediately after, Russians took to the streets and protested against the war. Many fled the country by any means necessary, fearing a call-up to fight.

The Kremlin admitted on Monday that it made mistakes when selecting draftees who would be sent to Ukraine and said it hopes mobilization will speed up once the issue is fixed. 

But battlefield setbacks in Ukraine and domestic pressure within Russia won't have any impact on the Russian president, who is unlikely to withdraw troops and negotiate an end to the war, Baer said.

"He's a strongman — he's portrayed himself that for the last 20 years — he doesn't give into dissent. He's cornered. He is completely cornered, and like a shark, he's got to move forward," Baer told CNN "He continues to bomb Ukrainian cities. He continues to grab people. He continues to hold onto ground, and I don't see him caving in at all."

During Putin's mobilization announcement, he also threatened to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, baselessly accused Western countries of provoking him with "nuclear blackmail," and stated that his remarks are not a bluff. Russia has the world's largest nuclear arsenal, equipped with strategic nuclear weapons — which can be used on cities — and tactical nuclear weapons — which can be used on the battlefield. 

"Russians that I keep in touch with in Russia are convinced he's going to go nuclear," Baer told CNN. "I don't know how well-connected they are, but this threat — it was a threat initially — but the more trouble he's in, the more likely he's going to use nuclear weapons."

State Department Spokesperson Ned Price told reporters on Monday that Putin's "nuclear saber-rattling," among other things like mobilization, signal "very clearly that he knows he is losing."

"He's on his back heels. And he's making every attempt to intimidate those who would stand up to him," Price said. "We – along with our allies and partners around the world – are not going to bow to intimidation."

General Vehicle Related Discussion / 2024 Chevrolet HD
« on: September 27, 2022, 11:46:31 AM »
Many of you may have gotten the same email from Chevy as I did. It shows details of the slightly modified 2024 HD trucks available sometime in the future from Chevy.
I like many of the features of the current HD trucks, but I could never get past that front end. It's all personal preference, of course, but for me I thought the double headlight arrangement that we currently have is awful. I actually ruled out owning a new truck just based on that. Don't know why, but it just didn't sit well with me.
Here's the new front end:

Intel / Russian mobiliazation (From 1440 09222022)
« on: September 22, 2022, 10:39:22 AM »
Russia Mobilizes
Russian President Vladimir Putin partially mobilized his country's army reserves yesterday for the first time since 1941, signaling a major escalation of Russia's war effort. In a brief speech, Putin also warned he would use nuclear weapons to defend Russian territory, days ahead of referendums seeking to claim parts of Ukraine as Russia.


The decree comes amid a Ukrainian counteroffensive in the northeast, which has forced a Russian retreat from the region. The partial call-up conscripts up to 300,000 of Russia's 2 million reserves into the Armed Forces initially, though analysts note the decree is open-ended (see text). For context, an estimated 190,000 troops took part in the initial February invasion and experts estimate that number has remained under 200,000 since.


At least 1,200 people were arrested in protests against the announced mobilization Wednesday, and airlines and rail carriers reportedly saw a surge in one-way tickets out of the country.

Intel / A.I. threat
« on: September 16, 2022, 11:03:37 AM »
I have noticed an increasing concern about the increasing possibility of Artificial intelligence becoming a threat. The instances with which we are using and developing A.I. is exponentially increasing and I would venture a guess and say it will likely touch everyone's lives in some way in the very near future. If I have understood the root cause of the problem of A.I. actually threatening mankind, the threat becomes greatest when and if A.I. actually becomes self-aware. It could become a sentient being at some point. We will have to have a conversation at that point as to whether we treat it as a living organism. We currently have corporations that we treat the same as a business owned by an individual. A corporation survives the death of those who created it and continues on, theoretically, forever. A.I. is more or less the same.

Researchers with the University of Oxford and Google Deepmind have shared a chilling warning in a new paper. The paper, which was published in AI Magazine last month, claims that the threat of AI is greater than previously believed. It’s so great, in fact, that artificial intelligence is likely to one day rise up and annihilate humankind.

AI is impressive. It can simulate Val Kilmer’s voice in movies and has helped researchers solve complex problems multiple times. Now, though, researchers posit that the threat of AI is greater than we ever thought.

The researchers published their findings at the end of August. According to the paper, the threat of AI could change based on a set of conditions the researchers have identified. This isn’t the first-time researchers have viewed AI as a possible threat, either. But the new paper is intriguing because of the plausible assumptions that it looks at.

Chief among these assumptions, the researchers believe that “AIs intervening in the provision of their rewards would have consequences that are very bad,” Michael Cohen, one of the authors on the paper, tweeted this month. Cohen says the conditions the researchers identified show that the possibility of a threatening conclusion is stronger than in any previous publication.

Additionally, the team says that the threat of AI is building based on an existential catastrophe. And that this is not just possible, it’s very likely. One of the biggest problems, Cohen and his fellow researchers note, is that more energy can always be put towards a problem to bring it up to the point where the AI is rewarded for what it has done. As such, it could put us at odds with the machines.

“The short version,” Cohen writes in his Twitter thread, “is that more energy can always be employed to raise the probability that the camera sees the number 1 forever, but we need some energy to grow food. This puts us in unavoidable competition with a much more advanced agent.” With that in mind, it sounds as if the threat of AI could change based on how it is taught.

The number that Cohen is referring to here is based on a test to force the AI agent to reach a certain number. And, once it has been shown a way to do that, it could use more energy to optimize reaching that goal. It’s an intriguing proposition and one that shows why so many are worried about the threat of AI.

Obviously, the examples provided in the paper aren’t the only possible outcomes. And perhaps we could find a way to keep the machines in check. But this new research does raise some questions about just how much we want to trust AI going forward, and how we could control it if an existential catastrophe were to strike

I would be paying keen attention to what is happening as the feckless Russian Army falters and is on the run.

When the Soviet Union folded the effect surprised the west and caused a myriad of problems. There is a looming real possibility that the entire Russian federation may collapse. Putin has been and is being defeated by, let's face it, Ukrainians yielding American weapons. Ukrainians are waging a surrogate war between the US and Russia. That point is not lost on Putin who controls a very large nuclear arsenal.

Today Newsweek posted an article claiming Putin is finalizing plans for a nuclear strike against NATO

In case you are confused that means a nuclear strike against the US because of our treaty, but I promise you he will shower us as well.

Just two days ago I was reviewing WW3 nuclear strike scenarios, and none of them is anything that will result in less than 75%-90% of we Americans dying in the following 1 second to 12 months. From what I can determine, it looks like 150 separate nuclear strikes against our land-based silo in Wyoming, the Dakotas, Idaho, and parts of Nebraska, and some other places. Almost 100% of the sources I read felt sure the Russians dedicate 1-2 750Kt warheads per silo for three Air Force missile commands with some 50 silos each.

Additionally, all of our major cities are targeted by much larger megaton-sized warheads capable of incinerating from 3 to 20 kilometers outward in all directions.

We will of course counter with most if not all of our minuteman III's and some from our Sub fleet which actually numbers even more warheads and all MRIVs approach 1 MT in size.

Ya, know, come to think about it, forget about prepping because the release of that much fissile material will kill everything on earth, many times over. So ya, I don't know what to say except that if you're on the fence about accepting Jesus as your savior, I'd read Romans 10:9 before bedtime and make the commitment.

This will either come or not, but I certainly see both the fools going about as if nothing is amiss, while flag officers are thinking we have entered the most deadly phase of this European war.

Faith Discussion / The power of the cross
« on: September 13, 2022, 10:25:31 AM »
The power of the cross and grace and forgiveness through belief in Jesus and who he is

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR: Today is Patriots Day
« on: September 11, 2022, 10:43:56 AM »
Today is Patriots Day

Some things should be remembered, and some things are forever etched into our memories. We establish holidays to recognize the significance and enormity of a particular event. We celebrate Christmas because we Christians just want to celebrate the birth of the savior of mankind. His actual birth may not have actually happened on the 25th of December, but we nevertheless recognize that day, and it is perhaps the most recognizable holiday in the entire world. We recognize Independence Day for what it was, the birth of the United States of America. It too is significant and well known everywhere.

Neither of those days was etched in our memories because we were not alive when it happened. So, we grew up and at some point, we were introduced to the idea and grew to accept it. December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor Day, the Sunday when Japan attacked the United States of America is much more recent but is not etched in the memories of those still alive.

I was in grade school when I remember my principal coming into the classroom and whispering something into Miss Caron’s ear. I saw her shed a tear, then she told us that our president, John Kennedy was just shot. Shortly after that the buses came and took us home early. That date is etched in my memory because I experienced it. It is of a higher significance to me because I actually experienced it.

I was an Army pilot just leaving the room in Tucson Arizona to fly a para drop mission for some Navy Seals during another “etching event.” The guys down in the rental car were yelling for me to hurry it up, they wanted to swing through a McDonald’s on the way to the airport where our Chinook was parked and waiting. I watched the liftoff of the Columbia. I watched it climb and climb and I was all caught up in the moment, and I watched it explode and break up. It was surreal like I was watching a movie. I remember turning, still halfway out of the door to the hotel room, and saying to the guys in the car, “The space shuttle just blew up.” That moment became part of me, forever etched in my memory.

Many years later I walked into my apartment near Cincinnati. Being a relatively new airline pilot, I had a place along with a couple of other pilots as is the tradition within the industry. I Had just flown in from Canton-Akron airport on the 6 AM, my last flight and I was dead tired from being out all night inside either a jet or a hotel for a couple of hours. I had just sat down when my phone rang. It was Kathy. I answered and she just said, “Oh thank God you’re OK.” That seemed pretty odd to me as I flew all the time and often on these late-night/early morning pairings.

I asked why she had asked that. She responded, “You don’t know what’s happening?” I answered that I did not and she said, “Turn on the TV.” I asked her what channel, and she said, “Just turn on the TV.” It focused on the image of the tower or towers burning, then there were reports of the pentagon then of additional possible attacks. I watched as if that too, was surreal. I remember saying to myself, “We are at war, the United States is at war.”

Today is Patriots Day. Today we remember the brave firemen and police who died trying to save those trapped in the burning towers. Today we remember when an unspeakable evil came to kill us and set us on a course that would cost many thousands of more lives. We remember the efforts and sacrifices of all brave Americans who died or sacrificed or suffered. We think about the children and wives and husbands and grandmothers and granddads, brothers, and sisters who lost a loved one.

I personally also remember thousands of soldiers who went on to fight. Today is 9-11. Today is Patriots Day.

Faith Discussion / The "African thing"
« on: September 09, 2022, 12:06:25 PM »
I'm a bit frustrated by this

I have run into it so many times that I believe that it is the cultural norm in Africa.

I have some history with the culture of Africans, from Africa. I once was the principal military/security advisor for a man, an African, who ran for the office of president of one very large country there. While doing the work up for that project, I spent several years and lots of very long days pouring over maps and data and interviewing people and reading reports and all of that with a military eye, and I advised the candidate factually.

He was well educated and could not actually live there for fear of losing his life, so he campaigned and made plans from afar. I got to know him well and admire him greatly. He wanted me to be a lot more than just an advisor, and I cautioned him about bringing in "White people" to just take over and run things.

I began to see that something was missing from Africans, it was a lack of drive as if they did not really want to solve their problems. I studied them more and more and one day, I asked this man, "Tell me, why is it that in all of recorded history, no black African has ever built anything over one story tall?" It would seem like a racist question, but I posed it never the less.

He answered that there was indeed something missing with the black African, and we just sort of left it at that.

But in the years that have ensued, none of my friends have been able to get anything done over there. We have had money to send them oil, but that didn't work. We tried to build a couple of hospitals, but those plans fell apart too. In summary, although westerners from Europe to the US to Britain, to well, everywhere simply can't make anything work there. I even served under an Army Ranger who rose to become an ambassador, and he quietly told me to run from these people because no matter what we did, nothing would work out. He said everyone in power is corrupt and the cultural pastime is corruption and wastefulness.

So that was the background story to my latest, toss my hands in the air attempt to help over there. I came to know a pastor in Uganda who is struggling. He passionately has asked for my help several times. He wants financial support, prayer, and bibles. Through my investigations, I found out it was completely impossible to get even one bible to the man. A friend who has tried now over two decades has not been able to ship a single bible over there that was not stolen while shipping. Now only DHL will ship anything there and they are very expensive, like $200 for a single bible to Kampala, the capital of Uganda!

After praying about it for a couple of weeks, I thought I was hearing that I could send him $100. So I texted him and asked him how he gets cash. Now due to all the corruption there, most companies will not allow you to send money to a lot of countries in Africa. MoneyGram.com was not one of them.

I tried to just send him a small test amount, $20. I was unable because I did not have the credentials of the man's account, and his wallet ID number. So, I shared this information with him but it seems as if he can't understand the concept here. He just keeps telling me to just send it without filling in the details...

But I can't, I tell him because I cannot advance to the actual send page with all the open fields. He continues to tell me to do this and do that, and that's when I recognize the pattern. The African thing. The African thing, by my definition, is that they want you to do all the work, do absolutely everything and they simply seem unable to lift one finger to help themselves.

I texted him my thoughts about this and asked him (Monday) to simply open an account, then forward me the account numbers...Monday.
Well, it's Friday and despite several attempts and him suggesting I go to other services, he has not just gotten off his butt and opened an account!

I decided I'm not going to lift one more finger to help him at all. I am really frustrated with people who won't do the simplest of things to help themselves. And now I feel convicted for not helping him...BUT I CAN'T!

Help! Am I wrong feeling like it is a waste of time to help these people who can't seem to help themselves? Am I wrong? Am I missing something here?

Faith Discussion / Queen Elizabeth
« on: September 08, 2022, 05:39:37 PM »
Today, Queen Elizabeth died at the age of 96

She is the singular longest reigning monarch Britain has ever seen, exceeding the previous longest, Queen Victoria who reigned 63 years.

I greatly admire her and although the royals (Like all of us) are mortals and run through their own particular sorts of problems, they, never-the-less galvanize the British empire. That is huge, for the British empire or what remains of it surpasses the influence of even we Americans. While we elect and toss about presidents every few years, the British with their constitutional monarchy are really cornerstones to the civilized world.

Queen Elizabeth was atop that mountain, and her entire life was one of service. I just read that even in her final year of life, she made some 400 public appearances and functions, including the resignation of a Prime Minister and asking the next Prime minister to form a government in her name, just last week.

She died at what I believe was her favorite country home in the Scottish Highlands

My family is British by origin. We hail from an area well north of London way up near the Scottish border. I have admired the throne and easily assimilate with the people of my homeland. I am personally saddened by Queen Elizabeth's passing, and for all my life, "God save the Queen," has been the only proper salute I have known with my British comrades. Now we will have to get used to, "God save the king."

D.O.T. / Like it or not, the writing is on the wall
« on: September 02, 2022, 02:18:54 PM »
Munroe is an automotive genius. He is the #1 guy on the planet with respect to knowledge on how to build cars, setting up factories for automotive manufacturers, and has now pulled apart nearly every car being built today.

He thinks EVs are going to massively take over and the scaling up is really taking off.

The Texas factory is now producing 150 Model Y's a day with plans to ramp up to something like a new car every 45 seconds. This is not a passing whim or a fad. It is the end of things as we knew them for all our lives. No legacy auto manufacturer is anywhere close to Tesla, none. The best is little more than an embarrassment by comparison.

Being completely neutral about this, I do not think there is any doubt that the big three US auto manufacturers are in trouble of going away completely, and the EV car/truck/commercial market is going to be taken over by EVs. The change is coming and picking up pace.


D.O.T. / Some good ones
« on: August 29, 2022, 11:28:18 AM »
I mean, Ya, I guess so...

D.O.T. / Life in America today
« on: August 27, 2022, 01:23:25 PM »
John graduates high school and takes out a loan for$ 50,000 to start his plumbing company. He buys plenty of expensive tools, A work truck and learns a trade.
Chris graduates high school and choses to take out a loan for $50,000 to go to college to study liberal arts
John works for 5 years to build and pay for his investment.
Chris graduates from college with a debt he cant afford to pay.
Chris gets his debt "forgiven."
John's taxes go up to pay for Chris's unpaid debts.
John then gets audited by 1 of the 87,000 new IRS agents and has to prove his truck and tools are actual work expenses.
America.... 🇺🇲
Someone save us.

I shall not forget how this administration pulled America out of Afghanistan.

Bureaucrats (We call them clerks)

Thirteen unnecessary lives. Brave warriors who served honorably. I remember you today along with thousands of others who were KIA/WIA.

Rest easy, MC

General Vehicle Related Discussion / 2022 Tesla Model 3 Performance
« on: August 22, 2022, 07:38:43 PM »
After waiting months, I finally took delivery of my car this morning

Parenting / Let me brag on my son!
« on: August 19, 2022, 11:24:51 PM »
I just came home from a football game where my youngest son played as a starting Line backer and a starting Running Back.

Oddly several hours earlier I had one of those tough talks with him. He had blown off getting some paperwork filled out and the head coach started burning up our phones around 0800. Had the paperwork not been completed, Chris would not have been allowed to play tonight.

Knowing his laziness could have well affected not only him, but his entire team, I said a few choice things about letting your teammates down and other things about team playing as it relates to his desire to lead men as a future Army Officer.

With that in his crawl (Did I spell that korektly?), he departed around 1700.

The game began at 1900. We played a team much larger than ours with fifty-odd players. This year we are putting out a smaller team in the 30s. Watching them work out prior to the kickoff, I made the comment that I hoped we could last three quarters against these monsters.

Talk about eating my words...My son shut down their runs with some outstanding tackles. It seemed on literally every play, number 45 was the guy who made the tackle. On one runaway kickoff return he tackled the runner on the three yard line preventing the score. Our team was able to hold them and they did not score.
Early in the first quarter I saw him run for a first down after a 15 yard penalty set us W A Y back. He caught a pass the next play for another first down, and during the next set, advanced the ball to field goal range which we scored on.

During the second quarter, Chris playing both defense and offense scored a touchdown on a thirty-something-yard run. The other team scored, but we led at the half. The third quarter they scored, but Chris ran in for another long touchdown run. He was on fire. He sacked the quarterback at least twice and made a bunch more tackles. All you'd hear is "tackle by Chris Harward" time and time again. Late in the third, that boy ran in for another touchdown, now having scored three.

The fourth quarter was a real fight. They should not be losing to our 2A team, but they just couldn't move the ball. Then once more with four minutes on the clock, Chris took it in for his fourth touchdown of the night. He ended the game by making the final tackle.

After the game, the head coach looked me up and asked me, "What in the He__ did you feed that boy this morning?" He was amazed. I told him I had gotten into an almost argument before the game, and maybe he was taking out his frustration on everyone else. Coach just shook his head and I told him, next week before the game, I'll restrict him and take away his car keys!!!!!!!!!!!!

To say I am proud of my son is a gross understatement at the moment. So proud of you Chris!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / Upcoming tesla roadster
« on: August 15, 2022, 12:15:20 PM »
Fastest car in the world!
no, not in the top 5, it's the fastest! And look at that range!

Base Specs

Acceleration 0-60 mph     1.9 sec

Acceleration 0-100 mph     4.2 sec

Acceleration 1/4 mile     8.8 sec

Top Speed     Over 250 mph

Wheel Torque     10,000 Nm

Mile Range       620 miles

Seating     4

Drive     All-Wheel Drive

Base Reservation     $50,000


COSTELLO:  I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America 

ABBOTT: Good Subject.  Terrible Times.  It's 5.6%.

COSTELLO:  That many people are out of work?

ABBOTT: No, that's 23%.

COSTELLO: You just said 5.6%.

ABBOTT:  5.6% Unemployed.

COSTELLO:  Right 5.6% out of work.

ABBOTT: No, that's 23%.

COSTELLO: Okay, so it's  23% unemployed.

ABBOTT: No, that's 5.6%.

COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 5.6% or 23%?

ABBOTT: 5.6% are unemployed.  23% are out of work.

COSTELLO: If you are out of work you are unemployed.

ABBOTT: No, Biden said you can't count the "Out of Work" as the unemployed.

You have to look for work to be unemployed.

ABBOTT: No, you miss his point.

COSTELLO:  What point?

ABBOTT: Someone who doesn't look for work can't be counted

with those who look for work.  It wouldn't be fair.
COSTELLO: To whom?

ABBOTT: The unemployed.

COSTELLO: But ALL of them are out of work.

ABBOTT:No, the unemployed are actively looking for work.
Those who are out of work gave up looking and if you give up,

you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
COSTELLO: So if you're off the unemployment roles that would count as less unemployment?

ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely!

COSTELLO:The unemployment just goes down because you don't look for work?

ABBOTT:Absolutely it goes  down. That's how it gets to 5.6%. Otherwise it would be 23%.

COSTELLO: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways

to bring down the unemployment number?

ABBOTT: Two ways is correct.

COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job?

ABBOTT: Correct.

COSTELLO: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?

ABBOTT: Bingo.

COSTELLO: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down,

and the easier of the two is to have people stop looking for work.
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like a Democrat.

COSTELLO:  I don't even know what the hell I just said!

ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like Biden.

Jan. 6 prisoner: Ray Epps recruited me
'Why is he not in jail for obstruction of Congress or seditious conspiracy?'
Art Moore   By Art Moore
Published August 4, 2022 at 7:18pm

A Jan. 6 defendant who faces decades in prison on charges related to the Capitol riot wants to know why the Arizona man he claims tried to recruit him to go inside the Capitol – and is seen in numerous videos doing the same – is not "on the stand to answer the tough questions."

"Why is Ray Epps not in jail for inciting the crowd or obstruction of Congress or seditious conspiracy?" writes Sean Michael McHugh, a California business owner and father of four, in a letter published by the Gateway Pundit.

"Where is equal application of the law?" McHugh asks. "Who was he there with? What were his motives and who does he work for? Why did he keep repeating that we need to go inside not only a day before January 6th but even after being met with police force outside the Capitol?"

McHugh faces decades in prison on federal charges, including assaulting a law enforcement officer with a deadly weapon, obstruction of justice and physical violence on Capitol grounds. Officials with the U.S. Attorney's office released photos they said show McHugh shouting into a bullhorn during the riot. Court documents say he was caught on police body camera spraying officers with an unknown yellow chemical and that he pushed a metal sign into a line of officers while shouting at them.

He has been imprisoned for more than a year in what he describes as "very inhuman conditions" he believes are designed to "make me plead guilty under duress."

McHugh said he had direct contact, as seen on video, with Epps, who at the very least "appears to be a government cutout protected by a lawyer who was formally known as an employee of the FBI."

Epps' role in the breach of the Capitol has been reported by Revolver News, which has presented evidence that FBI informants and Antifa operatives turned a peaceful Jan. 6 rally into a riot. In a follow-up report in December, the news outlet presented evidence, backed by videos and images, that there were others who worked in tandem with Epps to orchestrate the Capitol break-in.

Epps was featured in a recent New York Times story that lamented he is "a man whose life has been ruined by a Jan. 6 conspiracy theory."

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However, Epps is the one man who has been captured on video urging people to storm the Capitol on the day before the Jan. 6 riot and then directing the breach of the guarded perimeter while Donald Trump was still speaking one mile away.

In a Senate hearing Thursday, FBI Director Christopher Wray admitted that the bureau director of the Detroit field office that oversaw the bungled Gov. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case in Michigan – a failed plot in which at least a dozen FBI informants were involved – is now in charge of the Washington, D.C., field office, which is overseeing the Jan. 6 probe.

See the exchange between Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and FBI Director Christopher Wray:

Wray admits to Ted Cruz that the FBI special agent in charge of the Detroit field office during the Whitmer kidnapping debacle is now in charge of the DC field office during the J6 investigation. pic.twitter.com/DUsXbBX0Vt

'We are going inside'
In his letter, McHugh said that throughout Jan. 6, he had "coincidental contact" with Epps and "people who appeared to be working in concert" with him.

Epps is seen on video Jan. 5 urging Trump supporters to go inside the Capitol. But the government and Chief Judge Howell of the DC Circuit have accused McHugh of being de facto leader of the riot.

On the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, McHugh said he was walking with his mother and a friend down Constitution Avenue toward Ellipse Park when he encountered Epps and associates, who were wearing military colors.

Epps, McHugh said, was yelling, "We are marching over to the Capitol at 1 p.m. whether Trump is done speaking or not, and we are going inside."

McHugh said Epps put his hand on his shoulder and said: "You have a bullhorn! You have a loud voice to get the word out! You need to tell people the plans. At 1 p.m. we are going inside the Capitol whether Trump is done speaking or not."

Epps, according to McHugh, continued, "We are leaving from here and we will walk that way to the Capitol and through the front door."

After Trump's speech, McHugh saw a crowd heading down Constitution Avenue towards the Capitol Building, which he regarded as the beginning of a peaceful protest.

He noted the video that shows Epps in front of a Capitol Police barricade whispering in Ryan Samsel's ear, just before Samsel leads the charge to knock down the barricades. The Bristol, Pennsylvania, man has been charged with unlawfully entering the U.S. Capitol building, assaulting an officer and obstructing or impeding law enforcement.

"I can tell you Ray Epps was inciting the crowd all day," McHugh writes in his letter. "Ray Epps was yelling to the crowd 'push forward' on the West Terrace. I heard Ray Epps on multiple occasions saying 'We are going inside,' even after peaceful protesters were met with police force on the West Terrace."

McHugh continues: "Not once did my mother, my friend, or I pass the police line or continue into the Capitol Building that day. However I was attacked multiple times with rubber bullets and sprayed repeatedly directly in the face with various chemicals for speaking on my megaphone."

He said his mother "was also sprayed with multiple different chemicals in her face and shot with rubber bullets and pepper balls in her head for no reason."

"Capitol police were aiming for faces leaving multiple people’s faces riddled with holes bleeding profusely."

McHugh says his friend "was hit in the head with a concussion grenade and it went off severely injuring him and cracking one of his teeth without warning or any provocation."

"It was clear they wanted to severely injure people without any announced reason or any apparent provocation," he continues. "I watched as Capitol Police beat unarmed women with batons. I watched a very petite woman pushed over by Capitol police onto a sharp leg of a barricade that was on its side purposely and unwarranted. They wanted to hurt the vulnerable and elderly. Everyone was asking “Why are you doing this?” They were out for blood!"

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Meanwhile, "cool, calm, and collected Ray Epps was still there directing others to 'remember the plan.'"

"The plan that he and his corrupt cronies had in place on a very specific timeline, seemingly in order to stop the truth from coming out on the House floor as representatives started to contest the election," McHugh writes.

"Imagine if our representatives had time to present the evidence in a constitutional debate on the House floor in front of millions on national television. I knew something was off. It was an ominous feeling I know shared by many patriots that day."

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / The Common sense thread
« on: August 05, 2022, 10:34:33 AM »
I think I'll start a new thread.

I think I'll call it the commonsense thread or something like that

I'll write this concurrently along with that self-published next book I am working on called CIEMR

I'll include a common sense and wisdom section to it.

So, with as much confusion as there is about things, I think I'll just tackle various subjects and look at them from a commonsense approach and explain what is going on and offer a suggestion or two as to how to address the various issues.

So to start off, I was thinking about the US Military and our preparedness to fight a real war. I mean a WW2 kind of thing. If you're watching the news at all, these Chinese military exercises all around Taiwan are telegraphing a time of increasing tensions between us and China. They don't want to lose their cities any more than we do, so a direct confrontation is unlikely...depending on how strong they get and how much more weakness we telegraph.

But a surrogate war somewhere like Africa where we slug it out just may happen. Our troops need to be ready. They need to be properly equipped, and they need to be motivated. My concern is that our military is once again in a decline.

Our government is in a preputial ebb and flow with changing administrations who, in the span of just a couple of years turn the USS United States around and set her on a new course. We are now paying people not to work, allowing an invasion to occur along our southern border, redefining what we have always and traditionally been, and not keeping up with our role as the mightiest military on earth.

China is quickly closing the gap and will soon surpass us. When that happens, they will ramp up their pressure on us to capitulate on many fronts. They aim to become the dominant superpower on earth.

The military is now having problems filling its cockpit seats. Some services are short up to 30%!

Why is that? Lack of qualified candidates? Does the civilian world pay more?

Perhaps that may be partly the cause, but from what I hear and what my common sense tells me is that this WOKE bull crap is driving aviators out and causing potentials to seek other employment. After all, who wants to deal with this nonsense? We have really gotten very stupid in this country, and we are letting a very small tail wag a very large dog.

If you spend more time in a classroom studying the new pronouns and trying to convince intelligent people, that there are more than Mr.'s and Mrs.'s then those smart people are not going to sign up for an environment where they won't be able to just quit if the level of the bull crap starts to get too deep to breathe. If you spend time talking about inclusion and the new genders, and not practicing flying those aircraft, dropping bombs, and flying low level with night vision goggles, not only have you driven away our brightest, but you made the warriors who still remain less trained and prepared to fight.

Get rid of all this social experiment crap in the military. Do that and the Christian core in middle America who for hundreds of years have signed up to defend this nation will return.

I'll start a thread on how to change out the seat covering material in a chevy truck. I'll be using my 2100 Silverado LTZ HD truck as the test subject for this changeover.

I started by directly contacting Leather Seats.com to speak with them. I met a very helpful gentleman named Steve who guided me through the steps. He was able to answer all of my questions and I'd say the whole process took about 15 minutes. He gave me a military discount and I placed the order which came in just under $1200 for the front and the back.

As per his recommendation and my reasoning, I selected the "Deluxe kit which places leather everywhere on the seating surfaces that the factory. The rest is high-quality vinyl. I might note that my leather is still fine from 2011 and 138,000 miles, but the vinyl has begun to crack and peel. If I get another 11 years out of this new interior, I'll be in great shape.

Steve has emailed me a couple of times not checking on the details and today, verifying whether or not if I have a side impact airbag. I believe I do not based on my inspection.

Below is today's email from him:

Hey Don,

I definitely think the Black and Mitt brown color combo looks great. I was talking to production and they wanted to see if you could send photos of your seats over. They also wanted to make sure that you had side impact airbags on the front seats.

Steven Malcolm - Ext. 102

Customer Service



1-866-639-7328 (Toll-Free)

1-405-848-9999 (Local/International)

Faith Discussion / Message about sexual immorality
« on: August 03, 2022, 09:23:49 AM »
Sent to me from a pastor. Man, I was convicted, but I'm not hiding this. If it convicts you, then repentance is available.

After today's message, I got so many calls, text messages and WhatsAppings. Let's reflect!
There is something both the aged and the infant do not know anything about.

The church also has closed its eyes to this particular issue. Nobody wants to talk about it but it is very real.

In case you are not aware my brethren, I want to tell you that: SEXUAL IMMORALITY is the last bullet the kingdom of darkness has thrown against the church of God, and the church is wounded very sore that there seems to be no cure or remedy.

I want to make it so clear and not in jargon or vocabularies that, you cannot count the number of people who go to church and proclaim the name of God, that are still living in immorality. They may either be suffering from lust, masturbation, pornography, adultery, incest, homosexuality, lesbianism, sodomy, bestiality and many more which time will fail me to mention.

Hardly will you come across a young lady who has not been misused by 'so-called boyfriends'. And every guy is now dating because of sex.

 God is watching all those that are having sex with people they haven't married.

It's a headache for God seeing his own created people perishing in a sin called sexual immorality. How many young men today in the church can you count and point fingers at that fornication has not pulled down?

A pastor slept with his junior pastor's wife, impregnated her, and used the name of God to defend himself that it was God who instructed him to do so.

 Sex that is supposed to be between husband and wife only, is now between father and daughter in the church, do I need to tell you there is fire on the mountain?

If sex that is only legalized between a man and his wife, is now between a guy and his girlfriend or between a man and his fiancee, do you need angels to come and sound the warning against sexual immorality?

If sex that is a sacred thing in marriage has become a desecrated thing in dating, what else do you want before you prepare the way of the Lord?


Cry aloud, spare not. And tell the house of Jacob their sins, and Israel their transgressions. Pastor why are you not crying aloud? Why are you so mute like ELI? Heaven is shedding tears over the perishing souls every day and you are there raising funds every Sunday to build bigger Auditorium.

You call your members for anointing services and prayer meetings without urging sin out of them.

Some are living together with men that did not pay any dowry on them.

 Some commit abortion and cover it up. Some are lesbians and homosexuals. What are you doing about that?

Where has the word of God that says "flee fornication" gone to in your Bible? From henceforth, if you don't take this warning and start declaring war against this strange spirit that has taken over the church, you'll have questions to answer.

And those who claim they love holiness messages with negligence to this particular truth about sex have actually missed the mark.


To be active in church and still be committing immorality, God is watching you.

To be a child of God and still having a boyfriend or girlfriend, God is watching you.

To be a choir member or youth leader and still be doing what the married are doing, if you like continue.

All you need is genuine repentance.



God Said: There will come a time when mankind will love five things and forget five things:

1. They will love the enjoyment of this world and forget the day of judgement.

2. They will love money and forget the day of accountability of how they acquired and spend the money.

3. They will fear things that are created and forget the creator.

4. They will love beautiful mansions and forget their grave.

5. They will love sins and forget to seek for God's forgiveness.

Oh God, bless those who spread this message.

Come to think of this?.......

1. Eternal life = free

2. Church entrance = free

3. Christ's salvation = free

4. God's love = free

5. Breath of life = free

A. Cigarette = pay

B. Prostitution = pay

C. Alcohol =pay

D. Nightclub entrance fee= pay

E. Powers to rule the world = pay

Then why are people paying for hell while PARADISE is free?

Think twice

Believe in Christ and you shall be saved.           

 We always think of
Valentine's day


Father's Day

Mother's Day

Children's day

Our day,

Farmer's day

Teacher's day

Christmas day

Independence Day

Boxing day,

This day,

That day,

Day in Day out.

Have you ever thought of Judgement Day, is it going to be a day of celebration or condemnation for you?

If you’re safe, what about your friends & loved ones? Show them, love, by telling them about Judgement Day. Please pass this to any group let heaven be happy for you today. Please don't say later, do it now because tomorrow may be too late

Faith Discussion / I need clarity
« on: August 02, 2022, 02:37:08 PM »
Some months ago, an evangelist from Africa started following my writing and sent me a friend request. I accepted after looking at his FB page. He is younger but super active in a church in Kampala, the capital of Uganda.

He asks for prayer and really pushes the "We are friends" thing. But I see that in a lot of Africans.

He keeps saying he needs this or that. First a laptop, then bibles and Christian books. I checked with a friend of mine who I worked with on an extensive African project. That friend actually owns a gold mine over there but spends most of his time here in Kentucky. He tells me the place is so corrupt, you can't get anything to the sender, that everything will be stolen. Recently he tried to send a single bible to a diplomat in Kenya. The shipping was $200, and the bible was stolen!

So, I am conflicted about sending this person anything. I don't know if God is prompting me to help him or it is just my emotions working on me, trying to save just one...

I need some advice.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR: Work
« on: July 31, 2022, 09:13:33 AM »

In the beginning, there was only God, and there was no work. But in a single moment all that changed when God created the universe. He began a process, through work that continues to this day. Therefore, work has created everything, work has always been a part of existence, and work is everlasting. In everything known and unknown there is work. I suspect the 97% of space where there is some force, but nothing which can be seen, scientists will someday conclude the empty space is filled, simply, with work.

Work is everlasting and cannot be altered. For as a thing is set in motion and therefore will remain in motion, also, once work has begun, it will continue. It will continue until it is acted upon by another force (Which is actually work) So we can therefore conclude that work can alter work.

Over my life, I have learned from my many experiences. To that end, perhaps I’ve developed a spot of wisdom. I’m not sure I’m comfortable going that far, but I have drawn some conclusions regarding work. It is such a constant part of my life that I’ve come up with some simple rules, which I call “Axioms of work.” The state:

1.   Work is everlasting (as I have shown by my example from God’s original work)

2.   Work begat work. Yes, once you do a thing, you will always have to do something else in response to the initial effort. Like planting a flower bed,
        that then needs frequent weeding, mulching, and so forth.

3.   Before one works, he must first work. Did you ever set out to do a chore? So, you are going to change the oil and filter on your car. But beforehand
        you must first find the jack and jack stands, wipe down the tools, collect rags, and so forth. The very act of work will require work before you even
        begin the first task!

4.   Work is everywhere and is passive. Should you work, you will energize all the latent work lying about, and therefore must do more work. Ever try to
        repair a simple faucet leak? You go to find the proper rubber O-rings and there you have it. But as you begin you accidentally crack the retaining
        nut, requiring another trip to go find that. There will be a bunch of gunk beneath the faucet which you will have to scrub off and when you
        reassemble, you’ll find the lower water valve is now leaking, requiring another repair!

5.   One should never work. To work is setting off a chain of reactions that may, possibly, never end. It is best not to do the thing in the first place than
        to start something simple and possibly have to chase after that thing for most of your life.

6.   Work creates more work. In anything one does, the act will inevitably create more things for you to do. Think about the single act of creating a
        child. Takes but a moment in time, but the results of that (If you want to call it work ;-)), last a very long time and just made more work for you
        than you could possibly tally!

Work will occupy the preponderance of our lives. From that earliest moment we can remember when we are stretching in some old forgotten crib to reach our binky, we were working. It runs through and likely before that point right up to the moment we draw our last breath. Oddly in our final moments, those last few breaths can be difficult labor as well. So, you see, work will dominate your life. Therefore, choose good work and do it well. Make your work count and pour into it, for in the end, your life will actually be the result of all that work!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / Like it or???
« on: July 28, 2022, 05:14:10 PM »
So, where do you fall with this upcoming luxury vehicle? Seems like a leap forward for this car manufacturer whom I usually end up owning.


Intel / Lake Meade
« on: July 26, 2022, 01:10:23 PM »
For those not monitoring the situation there, Lake Meade is drying up.

It is currently at only 27% capacity. Why is that important? Well first of all Las Vegas gets its water from the lake and from aquifers fed by the lake. The hoover dam apportions water to several states who use it for all sorts of things, but mostly agriculture. The dwindling supply will soon cause desert-borne farms to stop production. That will lead to less to no production which will decrease the food supply. That will drive up food prices dramatically. With less food, we will suffer a loss of abundance and our exports will shrink. That means countries on the bottom of the food pyramid will get less and less and that will lead to disease, die-offs, and conflict.

The lake reached its maximum level in 1983 and has been losing water every year since. It will soon no longer be able to sustain the 20 million people it supports...20,000,000 people.

We are in for some very hard times as a result, particularly in the western states that need that water. The actual shoreline of lake Meade is receding an unbelievable 50 to 100 feet a year!!! That means the opposing shorelines are getting some 200 feet closer together each year. The LAs Vegas serving a Marina is moved weekly into deeper water, and the new boating ramps are lengthened weekly as well. It is all quite amazing to see and watch.

Lake Meade is not the only place that is seeing record drought. The Euphrates River in Iraq is nearly dried up as well. Tens of millions are about to lose their source of water, and that will certainly not lead to more peaceful times.

The Midwest is undergoing a much opposite transition. It is seeing more rain. While water levels receded in Nevada, record flooding is occurring in Missouri. New weather patterns driven by the climatic weather change is turning the Mississippi and Ohio valleys into lush green forests while the west wilts under an epic drought.

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / Amazing
« on: July 23, 2022, 08:43:20 PM »
Seems the man's been around for some time!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / New electric pickup truck!
« on: July 11, 2022, 03:32:06 PM »
Ever heard of SANY?

They are a Chinese heavy equipment manufacturer who want to be China's Caterpillar corporation

I recently looked at buying a SANY excavator and found them to be top-tier.

Anyway, they filed two concepts with the Chinese patent office for an electric pickup truck to enter the market worldwide.

What do you think?

Cooking equipment / Need a frig
« on: July 10, 2022, 12:31:44 PM »
Woke up this morning with a defrosted freezer!!!!!!!!!

We had to cook most of the meat, and there is way too much to save. Lost Chicken, roasts, salmon, the works...

Looking at a good frig/freezer unit

Does anyone know anything about the LG brand?

Looking at this one:


Our space will accommodate a 36" X 70" by 36" deep refrigerator. I want the freezer on the bottom in a big deep drawer, a standard two-door refrigerator on top, and this one has a handy refrigerated drawer as well. This one features 28 cu ft and is Wi-Fi...It can even do diagnostics and report to your smartphone.

The price is $2299 @ Costco, $2208 @ Appliance America, and $2398 at Harbor Freight. Most of the time I get an additional 10% off at HD because of the military service so if I could that would reduce the HD frig another $240 down to $2158. HD also includes delivery, and installation, and will haul off the old unit.


D.O.T. / Something is pretty odd about this...
« on: July 07, 2022, 03:37:35 PM »
Could be a coincidence, but lots of money involved in this scenario for a retired grandma to spend on her grandson.  To answer the question, is Soros this hateful, I would say yes.  Most likely he, Soros, is one of the crooks pulling the strings on puppet Brandon.


Hmmmmm??? Something doesn't seem right


More oddities re: TX School Shooter, for your information:

He was an 18 year old who lived with his grandma. Had a part-time job at McDonald's (8 hours a week), minimum wage. He dressed in expensive women's clothes.  He dropped out of school because he was obsessed with video games.

Had a Brand new expensive game console. A brand new F250 pickup “fully loaded.”  His weapons:  2 Brand new Daniel Defense (brand) AR15/M4 rifles, with Military grade Optics. Each rifle is between $3,000 and $4000 dollars.  Thousands of rounds of expensive Military grade ammunition.  A thousand dollar bullet proof vest. All from a part time job at McDonald's...?!?!?!?

Ford F250 Platinum $71,000.00

Game Console $500.00

Rifles $6000.00/$8,000.00

Optics $1000.00

Ammo $900.00

Body Armor $1000.00

TOTAL -  $80,400.00………… On Minimum Wage ??!!


Seems to me SOMEONE WAS FUNDING HIM and training him as well...  And oh - he just happens to have known the Buffalo shooter?  Seriously?!  Someone is TRAINING these so-called "shooters" .... And those rifles were EXACTLY like one of the rifles from the Las Vegas "shooter".

EXACTLY -- down to the optics, AND the vertical fore-grip. And that particular configuration is (legally) only available to "Military and Law Enforcement" ... the only conclusion one can arrive at is that there is someone TRAINING these miscreants so that our Second amendment can be ended. 

And just before the NRA Convention, how timely..

Without any hope of an electric infrastructure to support millions of cars/trucks, liberal Europeans seem to be rushing headlong into the age of EV's

What is happening???


D.O.T. / Top Gun: Maverick
« on: June 27, 2022, 11:20:49 AM »
OK, I've seen it twice

I'm just going to come out and say it

This is simply the best movie I have ever seen

Hands down, the winner

I love it. Tom Cruise is on top of his game, and he brings out the best in these new upcoming actors.

It's authentic, it's believable, It's real, doesn't feel fake at all

It brought out the feelings I had when I flew in the Marines version of Top Gun, where I got the chance to fly against actual Top Gun students in that school at the time. It rips your guts out, you feel victorious and defeated. The girls show up at the pool all trying to meet the pilots selected to fly there...all that stuff.

I want to be young again and this time, instead of flying Army, I'll go Naval aviation and catch the tail end of the reign of the F-18

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Young man with something to say!
« on: June 23, 2022, 10:13:12 AM »
Well said, young man!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / New Tesla
« on: June 21, 2022, 05:17:19 PM »
I ordered a new Tesla Model 3 performance today

What an easy process

Create an account, open it, then select a car

Click on order, click on if you want dual or single motor, and either a long range or a performance version.

Next select the color, decide if you want the $12,000 autonomous drive feature, chose a wall charging station and click "Order"

That's it, and it only comes in White, Charcoal at no charge, Vivid black for a slight upcharge, Pearl blue for $1000, and Pearl/candy red for $2000 upcharge.

Oh you get to choose a black (standard) or a white $1,000 surcharge interior as well.

You pay $250 at time of ordering.

Tesla will lease or finance, or you can show up with your own financing, or you can pay cash.

The down payment is $4,500 and I financed mine. I normally finance for a longer time frame then pay it off as quickly as I can. My car cost just over $65,000 including shipping, taxes, delivery, and doc fees.

I am going to start an experiment by running alternate fuels in my 2011 LML Duramax engine

The times demand we explore possibilities for alternative fuel sources looking into an uncertain future where fuel will either be super expensive or become difficult to source. If predictions hold true, people may well be challenged to find diesel fuel.

In the past, we were reluctant to experiment with the Duramax engine with its costly injectors and high-pressure pump. I had replaced the CP4A high-pressure pump in lieu of a CP3 pump which is known as a dead reliable unit as opposed to the failure-prone more modern CP4 pumps. That experiment cost me nearly three thousand dollars for parts and three good days of labor (Since I am a novice, and it was my first time).

I know that new injectors will also cost in the thousands and for those reasons along with diesel fuel in the mid $2 range, there was little incentive to take a chance on screwing up costly parts.

So, no one really messed with the formula. Buu the cheap ULSD and run it. When things like injectors or pumps failed, anty up and pay the piper for new parts.

With fuel between $5 and $6 and rumored to go much higher, now, one can save nearly half the cost of a single injector by running a tank of something else that is, essentially, free.

About a month or so ago, I started running a single quart of ATF in the fuel, straight up. Then I ran two, then I ran two plus a quart of Marvel's mystery oil. My interest was in lubing 135K injectors to extend their life. The scar rating of the ULSD is insufficient to prevent the injectors from simply wearing out.

But while doing so, I can swear, I think the engine became more quiet and just smoother.

Intel / Possible fuel shortages
« on: June 12, 2022, 09:13:42 PM »
Heard this morning from a source. Unverified and only one source.

The source is in the petrol industry, manufacturing side.

States refineries are going to be well behind the demand curve very soon. He is predicting an extreme shortage of fuel first in the eastern states, then in the south. He stated diesel fuel is likely to become scarce and very difficult to find. He expects some areas to dry up completely into the foreseeable future.


CIEMR: A sham of a congressional panel

So, what do you think about this debacle of a hearing on capitol hill over the Jan 6 “Uprising?” What a bunch of crap! I am highly insulted that the Pelosi crowd thinks that I am that stupid. Man, do they look down on us from their lofty perches!
Almost no republicans on an investigative panel? Really? If you staff that panel 50/50 democrat to Republican and you’ll have my attention. The way you have it set up the mission is clearly just to play a role and speak to your deranged base. I’ll switch to a rerun of nearly anything in protest, and I did just that!

No, Ms. Pelosi, you are not going to pull some faint of the hand or fancy card trick and pull my interest away from the fact that I am paying $5 a gallon for gas. Your blatant disregard for fairness will do nothing to fill the tank of ag fuel at my farm which is no longer available by the way! Even if you get some homeless illegal alien from Istanbul who just crossed the Rio Grande to testify that Mr. Trump tried to overthrow the government, I’m tone deaf. All I can hear are border cops screaming for help. I also hear thousands of people mourning the loss of family members from this out-of-control crime wave. Clue: If you defund police and try to convict them for doing their jobs, you’re going to have an out-of-control crime wave!
I am smarter than you think I am madam sorcerer! I see your game, and I am insulted. You want to pull some rabbit out of your democratic party hat to keep Mr. Trump from running again for president! Yep, you know that would crush your hopes to turn America into the newest communist nation on earth. Either that or you want to somehow lock the man up. Well good luck with that. I think you’ll soon find no one in uniform willing to do your evil bidding or to arrest the man.
He stood for America. He did what he said he would do. He was proud to be American and he made me proud to be one. He kicked our enemies in their collectives a$$es. He reunited NATO and finally made them pay their fair share. He allowed PhD educated Generals to do their job and we defeated enemy after enemy while he saw to supplying the material needs of our efforts.

He stood on the border with hoards camped a hundred feet away in Mexico, afraid to cross the river. He made us a nation worthy of people wanting to become citizens through a legal process, not overrun by your fentanyl carrying thugs!

That’s what you’re doing speaker Pelosi. You loaded up that so called panel to preach to we, REAL Americans your party line that you have long hoped to shove down our throats. But you know what? We’re not buying it. You’re fired madam and your panel can be a final sad footnote to seeing you happily passing into retirement. We’re going to bury the democratic party as it now exists and replace it with republicans who care about America. Then, because the blood bath, born of things like this sham of a panel, is going to so completely dethrone your sad party, I think we are going to see a change.
Politicians are mostly pigs in my view. Devoid of honor, they lie and live to further their own desires to climb ever higher. When they see what the American people is going to do to their ranks this fall, I think we may have set the stage to finally kick these unamerican progressive communists out of control. Finally, hopefully, more reasonable democrats can get a footing and return to the center where we need them to be. We need American minded lawmakers who aren’t willing to sail the whole ship over the waterfall just to appease some fringe/freak part of your party, who you, through your lack of courage, has allowed to have any voice at all.

I do not believe this “Hearing” is anything, but a sham and it only reinforces my resolve to vote all of you out of office. Democrats, I’d be getting those resumes all polished up, you’re gonna need them!

Faith Discussion / Righteousness
« on: June 09, 2022, 10:05:44 AM »


Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable. It can be considered synonymous with "rightness" or being "upright".

Couple of things:

The Bible teaches that righteousness is based on what God says about what makes us right in His eyes. What makes us right or righteous in God’s eyes is not anything that we have done. It is our response to His grace by believing through faith that what God has told us about salvation through His Son, Jesus the Christ, is true.

I was watching a YouTube video about "where does one go after death." Obviously it listed the two common choices, Heaven and Hell. It went on to say that the moment after death we are judged according to our works, and that got me both concerned and caused me to listen a bit more closely.

The mini program was well produced and of professional quality, but the content had me squirming in my seat. The narrator kept hammering on the point that we would be judged, and judged on the basis of our righteousness. Well, heck, I thought, then we are all going to hell. For who is righteous amongst us? I'd say no one. Who is without sin? Anyone? I doubt it. I'll wager that everyone has sin in their life to contend with.

So back to righteousness and how is it that we reach that state? You see, I think we are only righteous through grace. I think I am a sinner, and I think I should try to become righteous through my efforts, which fall short every single day. But, I am made perfect in God's eyes through the grace he has abundantly afforded me. In other words, I, by myself stand a zero chance of achieving righteousness but can only be made so, and then acceptable to God through forgiveness. That forgiveness was paid for on the cross through the human death of Jesus who died a horribly painful death. He absorbed all of our sin and that sin died along with him right then and there...Wow!

And with the death of the sin of man on that cross, the old law that was handed down through the profits and Moses to the Jewish people as the means to become righteous was replaced with grace. Think about that for just a moment. You are a screw up, just like me. Point to one day you would be proud enough of, and that is worthy enough to earn a pass through the pearly gates? One you could give to God as a gift that shows you worthy of earning an eternity in heaven? Take your time, we have all day...

OK, that's quite long enough. I'll cut you short because unless you are delusional, you shouldn't be able to point to such a day. If you think you can, I have a friend who has an office in the Cincinnati psychiatric center who could fit you in. He's pretty good, I go to visit, err, have a quoffee with him quite frequently (wink- wink).

Back to this vid. From what I understood it to say, it was giving a false message that you had to achieve a state of righteousness in order to get into heaven and avoid the eternal flames and separation from God that is Hades. You can't do it! Nobody can! You can only become righteous through forgiveness of sin. The only one who can forgive your sin is God himself. Not your priest, not your best friend, your neighbor or commanding officer. The only way to get that forgiveness is through the blood of that most wonderful man, Jesus. I almost don't want to call him a man, but, my black leather history book says he actually lived, had a job, and walked around the dusty streets of his time.

Romans 10:9 clearly states the most important scripture in my view in all the bible. Sure, John 3:16 tells us who and what God is, but without the passage in Romans, John is only good information for you to tuck away whether serving in heaven or suffering in the Firey lake. Romans 10:9 will save you if you do what it says. If you actually do believe as it calls you to do. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Be careful when listening to the word of man. It could be right, like when it echos the word from the bible, or it could be wrong. I think in these late days a smart person would want to know more and more about what the word says. It is the only truth that matters, is unchanging, will transform you, and in the end, save you.

Funny, but in closing, a name just popped up in my mind...Bob, I think this message was meant for you.

D.O.T. / Another sad "green" energy fact
« on: June 06, 2022, 10:04:13 AM »
Most of the parts for a wind turbine are built in Germany.
It requires 60 gallons of oil to lubricate the turbine.
When a seal breaks, that oil goes to the ground.
Blades are made of a toxic fiberglass combination & are buried in landfills
in Wyoming (think ground water).
Turbine has to spin continually for 7+ yrs just to replace the energy it
took to manufacture it.
It would have to run continually for 50 yrs (they don't last that long) to
pay for the cost to manufacture & install the turbine....which is
approximately 2 million dollars per turbine.

CIEMR:  Thoughts for the day, Man we are in a heap of trouble!

I feel strongly that some really bad times are coming. Worse than the 1930's depression. Worse because we now have tens of millions in additional population, and we are flooded with illegals from all over while the money system is collapsing.
Not wanting to get into a speech here but the national debt is now 129% of GDP. Think about that...We owe one third more than every nickel this entire economy could produce. We will never be able to repay the debt, NEVER!

So, a day of reckoning is coming. Call it the great reset, and I think it is at our doorstep.

We have lawlessness at historic levels. I think a tourist in Chicago has about the same amount of risk as the British soldiers who landed on D-Day on Juno beach. If you don't know what D-day is and you are a high school graduate, stop reading and get back to "The Voice." We have a rapidly growing national debt. We have a corrupt and inept administration at the helm. They think Americans can all switch to electric vehicles in 2-3 years. And we dam well better, or they will just keep driving costs higher and create more regulations. Why should they care? They are wealthy, corrupt, live in walled compounds, are surrounded by security guards, and best of all, THEY MAKE THE LAWS!

Leadership must feel that a second American revolution is not possible because they just started tickling the trigger. They are coming for our guns. The part of America, the map that shows red and blue, you know that map? The map where you really have to look hard to find the blue specs? Well, the red part is the part who owns all the guns. That will ignite some local skirmishes, but most sheriffs won't enforce gun control. Only the ones in cities will. So, what then? Will we be a "United" States or more like a "Disunited" one where these laws apply here and freedom exists over there just past the police barricades?

I really do not like pointing out the obvious but we are no longer standing on the cliff, we are starting to fall off. The baby formula crisis is indicative of the state of our states! The greatest nation on earth is now having to fly in baby formula from Australia and Ireland! You'd think we would be the one supplying it to others. We are importing oil although we have more of it than the rest of the world combined, that which is known. I do, however, suspect that story has not been completely written, Nope, Africa is on the rise in that respect. Sitting on most of the mineral wealth of the planet, they are organizing and may become powerful players in the next twenty odd years if we survive that long.
Can we please just pray that King Jesus returns before too much longer?

We, in America simply regulate our people and industries way too much. Reminds me of the days I attended a Marine Corps air to air combat flying school. Flying an Army helicopter, I was fully committed, flying that thing to its physical limits. Maneuvering against the CH-53, which should have been more maneuverable, I could beat it on most days. I found out why that was later on. You see, the Marines were severely restrained by Naval flight regulations called NATOPS. They were limited in how far they could maneuver and they stayed within those rules, almost. During one final huge exercise I showed up with my Chinook and suddenly this "53" pulls nose up almost 90 degrees then rolls during the climb and as fast as a Trump vote could be changed to a biden one he was on my tail, and "Killed" me. You see, he always had the ability to out maneuver me, but rules held him back. What a great analogy that is in my mind for what's going on in America today.

The communists have made some magnificent advances in America. They have created a state where our police may not police. We cannot use our own oil to the point of driving millions of sheep, err, I mean people into poverty. We can't call a boy a boy, or a girl, a girl. If you burn down a neighborhood you are some sort of freedom fighter but if you defend yourself from attack you're a supremist or some other horsesheet. Doctors, engineers, farmers and skilled labor, from all over the world have to wait years to legally migrate to and become US Citizens. But if you're a mule packing in the fentanyl across the Rio Grande, you are given a free cell phone.

Look, let's just tear the thing down and start again. It's broke! it's broken bad! Anyone think the rule of law is fairly applied? Anyone think our government works for our welfare? Anyone, and I'm asking, does ANYONE out there think that anyone in leadership in Washington has any common sense at all?

Lets start with the media. I wish there was a way to just shut them down. NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and others like them. Just administer a simple test. Line them up and parade two people in front of them. One woman and one man. Let's make it easy, have the two people wearing bathing suits. Then simply ask each one to point out which person is a woman. If they have a problem, tank that network! Next! Take about five minutes and 90% of the purveyors of lies and disinformation are all gone. I think I'd donate the networks to some mega churches just to have some fun. God does that. He takes what is bad about someone and turns it into their strength.

I think in this utopian America I'm dreaming of here, I'd give the police 24 hours worth of hall passes. You know, from now until this time tomorrow, anything goes. Then after 24 hours all laws are enforced subject to review by a supreme court review. I know, sounds crazy. Cops would no doubt take out a certain segment of our society which may sound terrible. But know what is worse? That same segment being taken out anyway along with every major city in America and with a fair number of us, the law abiding "Real" Americans.

I seem to have woken up in a mood. I was still thinking about how the mayor of San Fransisco in an attempt to alleviate the homeless problem there has decided to offer free housing to all homeless people who are...wait for it...

She will offer free housing to all homeless in San Fransisco who are Transvestites. You really can't make this stuff up!

General Vehicle Related Discussion / Red diesel tank
« on: June 02, 2022, 10:14:23 AM »
Asking for a friend
Fuel costs are on a spectacular rise
I am now hearing about a rolling brownout type of activity with certain gas stations in Kentucky
Ya, fuel shortages of diesel
Anyone seeing this or is it local to the Tuck?
So, this friend
Has accessibility to red diesel, farm fuel. Costs $.50-$.70 less a gallon
So he is considering running the red stuff

But he cannot legally use the agricultural fuel over the road.
As a side note he recently found out all the diesel trucks at the local high school mostly all run the red fuel!

So, back to my friend. He is sorting out a fuel system that would mount a 70ish gallon tank in the bed, then run that to a separate fuel system that plugs directly into the factory injection system at the engine.
Tank would remain with some fuel in it, the ULSD crap, but actually be powered from the "Aux" farm gas tank in the bed

He was wanting to know what the wise men on this forum had to say about that?

D.O.T. / Did Soros just get it right here?
« on: May 29, 2022, 09:08:38 AM »
Ukraine invasion may be start of ‘third world war’, says George Soros
Larry Elliott Economics editor - Tuesday

© Provided by The Guardian

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to be the “beginning of the third world war” that could spell the end of civilisation, the veteran philanthropist and former financier George Soros has warned.

In a ferocious attack on Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Soros warned that autocratic regimes were in the ascendant and the global economy was heading for a depression.

Soros, who has become a hate figure for the hard right in the US, also heavily criticised the former German chancellor Angela Merkel for cosying up to Moscow and Beijing.

With the mood in Davos already downbeat due to the war in Ukraine, Soros ramped up the gloomy rhetoric to new heights.

“The invasion may have been the beginning of the third world war and our civilisation may not survive it,” he said.

“The invasion of Ukraine didn’t come out of the blue. The world has been increasingly engaged in a struggle between two systems of governance that are diametrically opposed to each other: open society and closed society.”

The 91-year-old former hedge fund owner said the tide had started to turn against open societies in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US in 2001. “Repressive regimes are now in the ascendant and open societies are under siege. Today China and Russia present the greatest threat to open society.”

Soros, who led the speculative financial attack that drove the pound out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism 30 years ago, said Europe had responded well to the crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion.

“It will take a long time to work out the details, but Europe seems to be moving in the right direction. It has responded to the invasion of Ukraine with greater speed, unity and vigour than ever before in its history.”

He added: “But Europe’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels remains excessive, due largely to the mercantilist policies pursued by former chancellor Angela Merkel. She had made special deals with Russia for the supply of gas and made China Germany’s largest export market. That made Germany the best performing economy in Europe but now there is a heavy price to pay. Germany’s economy needs to be reoriented. And that will take a long time.”

Soros said Putin had won Xi’s agreement to the Russian invasion at the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics in early February. But he insisted the Chinese leader was not as strong as he believed.

“Xi harbours a guilty secret. He never told the Chinese people that they had been inoculated with a vaccine that was designed for the original Wuhan variant and offers very little protection against new variants.”

Soros said Xi was unable to “come clean” because he was at a delicate moment in his career. “His second term in office expires in the fall of 2022 and he wants to be appointed to an unprecedented third term, eventually making him ruler for life.”

China’s lockdowns to combat Covid-19 had pushed the economy into freefall but Xi was unable to admit he had made a mistake, he said.

“Coming on top of the real estate crisis the damage will be so great that it will affect the global economy. With the disruption of supply chains, global inflation is liable to turn into global depression.”

Contrary to general expectations, Xi Jinping might not get his coveted third term because of the mistakes he had made, Soros predicted.

“While the war rages, the fight against climate change has to take second place. Yet the experts tell us that we have already fallen far behind, and climate change is on the verge of becoming irreversible. That could be the end of our civilisation.

“Therefore, we must mobilise all our resources to bring the war to an early end. The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilisation is to defeat Putin as soon as possible. That’s the bottom line.”

CIEMR: 10 weeks of wheat remaining in the world!

I just read an article about the coming food shortage. The title of the article sounds rather ominous, and by rites, it should be. It says, "!0 weeks of wheat remaining in the world."

Think about that. 10 weeks and we are tango-uniform for the stuff we use to make, well, bread for one, and ten thousand other things that we use to fill voids in our stomach. The reason that the article cites is the war in the Ukraine. Turns out they are producing, well, used to be producing, nearly a third of the world's wheat! And something like 20% of the corn FOR-THE-WHOLE-WORLD.

If you're a thinking person, you can stop reading, you can figure out what comes next and you're right there with me. You've likely already stored away for a rainy day.

But you thinkers are a rare breed. I'd wager that 75% or better of everyone who can read just waits to be told what's next. You know, BLM is good and older white people are bad. You know, that and other, good reliable information.

My money says the government will play this down and use it to confuse and disrupt the voters in the upcoming November election where the progressive lefties are about to receive a severe beating about the head and shoulders.

It will be a good diversion, but unlike Trump's Russia connection or the need to mask up your poodles immediately and get all sorts of untested vaccinations, this one is actually real.

So, the day late and dollar short crowd starts to notice something. As they depart the voter booth enroot to another riot somewhere and they stop at the grocery to get their lucky charms, well right there where the fabulously delicious sugar pills used to be, will be a bunch of "Vote Democrat" signs in the place of the actual food.

So what happens next? Do the mindless sheeple just sit back on their haunches and wait for CNN or that new brilliant WH Spokesperson to solve their woes? Nope, my money says that they will panic just like all scared sheep do when they are in trouble. Might as well burn the grocery stores while they are looting it, you know, just for fun.
People in America are soft. They are fat, they are sick, they can't think for themselves, they are so scared of everything that they haven't experienced anything. I'll bet those professors who believe and spew all this liberal nonsense don't even realize that plants came from seeds that you need to put in dirt. Ya, unsafe, unclean, non-processed, messy old dirt. Oh and if you're a liberal and are taking notes, the seeds don't grow in the winter, so unless you can make the supreme sacrifice to pull the pot plants out of the bucket growing in the spare bedroom and toss in some corn seeds instead, you'd better plan on eating whatever you can find starting around Thanksgiving.

Oh, and no, the burned-out grocery stores won't work anymore. And since you're not an illegal alien, the chances of you getting actual help from the guberment is pretty much nil.

Oh and another clue: People won't wait ten weeks to clean off the grocery shelves. Remember what happened during COVID with toilet paper? Ya, like that.

Yep if you haven't been keeping up, you're pretty much screwed already!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / CIEMR Fertilizer shortage
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:51:39 PM »
CIEMR: Fertilizer shortage

Not to be alarmist here, just sharing some information.

From some sources: Fertilizer is critically short. How short? Well normal sized farms may not have it available in some areas. You see, the cost has increased 2X to 3X since last year and that is the first part of the problem. The second, much larger part of the problem, is that there is only roughly half as much fertilizer available worldwide as there was last year...Half!

So, because there is less, and because the price has tripled, normal sized farms which run close to the margin, cannot buy it and make any money. So, they will likely not be producers like they normally would have been. Only the mega large farm corporations will be able to pay operating costs and still be in the black. They will push up the cost of their product to cover expenses.

Result: Less food available. Less food and at a greater cost. Expect it to show up in ways like this: The supermarket will still have cereal, but likely only one or a few choices, not rows of different brands. Any excess corn and wheat will be diverted into protein production or animal feed. That means ethanol production will decrease sharply. In many places, ethanol augments gasoline, and since it is cheaper than gas to produce, it can reduce the cost. That will not happen because the grains will be needed to make human and animal food. Consequently, gas prices will rise starting in October through the winter of 23.

We have a perfect storm coming and it doesn't seem as though people are even aware of it. The cost of meet will go up a bunch more because of the high cost of a dwindling supply of animal feed.

The poorer countries rely on food donations from the rich countries. This year that is going to start to dry up. Europe is already seeing an epic population migration from Africa. Expect it to get much, much worse. Social conditions in the western countries of Europe will devolve as nonwestern cultures start to crowd out traditional European cultures. A lack of food will ignite regional wars in the poorer regions.

Expect them to be in and all-around DRC and its 11 satellite countries. DRC has the most water in all of Europe and Asia. It also has the most aeratable land. It can easily feed all of Africa and all of Europe. DRC, however, is totally corrupt and so bad that any system of large-scale food production would be nearly impossible. But it will have some food and not many of its neighbors will, hence more wars are coming there.

Fuel prices in America will continue to rise. According to the CEO of a major petroleum supplier, the industry can no longer meet demand so prices will climb steadily to around $6 a gallon for gasoline and as high as $8 a gallon for diesel by summer’s end. The nation's produce travels to market on trucks for the most part so food costs will get another 15%-25% boost simply due to soaring energy costs.

One may conclude that most of this seems by design, but who is to say? The United Nations has for decades now, planned on depopulating the world, even published theories about how that may happen. It seems that starting with this coming harvest season, they may be getting their wish.

So, what can you do? Well, not too much as most of our population is urban based and clueless as to how to actually produce food, but that will soon change driven by raw necessity. Grow your own produce and can it. It's a fairly simple process and not costly.

Next, stockpile starting now. Buy UV resistant sealable bags and fill them with the basics. Flour, corn meal, sugar and the like. Toss in a de-oxygenator bag and seal them. Buy the kind of bags you must iron to seal. Fill up a trash can sized container with these bags. They will last a couple decades in there if the rodents can be kept at bay. If all this never happens, make cookies and pies for the next decade out of it and have a good laugh. But if things happen like they should, you have something. If you're rural, buy and house chickens. If your HOA says no, tell them to do something about it and do it anyway. We have a place for 2-6 cows, so we are doing that, and stocked a pond with fish.

There is no way that this rather extreme lack of fertilizer is going to just pass us by. No, it is going to hit hard. There will be a social and crime and just plain shock aspect to all this. If you have and you are in the vicinity of a bunch of have nots, either buy enough for all of them or learn to defend what is yours. People are already punching holes in gas tanks to get at the fuel. And we are still somewhat culturally normal. What do you think will happen when gas is at $6 a gallon and there isn't all that much food about? Just think about it.

So, crime is going to go up very quickly. The government is already hamstrung and starting just this fall we should have 1-2 million new illegal inhabitants. People coming from socialist countries are liable to be our best friends. They will likely fight to keep America from turning into the third world crap hole they just waded across the Rio-Grande to escape. But the others have come from countries where crime is a way of life. They are quietly filling up apartments in every American neighborhood there is. What they do and how they react when they realize they may not be getting free meals and a new I-phone and Cadillac is yet to be seen. But to say they will immediately become productive members of society and not become a big problem is a stretch.

America has changed. The idealistic socially progressive administration believes we are better off at $10 a gallon gas with everyone owning windmill powered cars and using their healthcare system for a sex change operation. They are no help to everyday Americans. It will take a new president to reauthorize drilling new wells to alleviate the energy crunch, but how long will all that take? 5-7 years probably. And what will have happened during that time? Will we even remember 8-10 years from now after having lived through all this self-made bull crap what the America of the 20-teens was like?

I say no way. By then things might even have gotten to the point where a state or two secedes from the union or we have a couple of regional civil wars. Certainly, we will be far more used to seeing murder and theft and living without abundance. I think we as a people will be less outgoing and more protective and secretive just to protect our own families. Sadly, America may have already sailed for a new port in some history book, never to be seen again. There is little you can do to make a difference in the macro space, but you can as I've mentioned you can make a difference for that smiling grill to your left and right. So, smart folks out there in TV land, get at it!

Intel / Food shortages coming
« on: May 19, 2022, 03:50:30 PM »
CIEMR: Fertilizer shortage

Not to be alarmist here, just sharing some information.

From some sources: Fertilizer is critically short. How short? Well normal sized farms may not have it available in some areas. You see, the cost has increased 2X to 3X since last year and that is the first part of the problem. The second, much larger part of the problem, is that there is only roughly half as much fertilizer available worldwide as there was last year...Half!

So, because there is less, and because the price has tripled, normal sized farms which run close to the margin, cannot buy it and make any money. So, they will likely not be producers like they normally would have been. Only the mega large farm corporations will be able to pay operating costs and still be in the black. They will push up the cost of their product to cover expenses.

Result: Less food available. Less food and at a greater cost. Expect it to show up in ways like this: The supermarket will still have cereal, but likely only one or a few choices, not rows of different brands. Any excess corn and wheat will be diverted into protein production or animal feed. That means ethanol production will decrease sharply. In many places, ethanol augments gasoline, and since it is cheaper than gas to produce, it can reduce the cost. That will not happen because the grains will be needed to make human and animal food. Consequently, gas prices will rise starting in October through the winter of 23.

We have a perfect storm coming and it doesn't seem as though people are even aware of it. The cost of meet will go up a bunch more because of the high cost of a dwindling supply of animal feed.

The poorer countries rely on food donations from the rich countries. This year that is going to start to dry up. Europe is already seeing an epic population migration from Africa. Expect it to get much, much worse. Social conditions in the western countries of Europe will devolve as nonwestern cultures start to crowd out traditional European cultures. A lack of food will ignite regional wars in the poorer regions.

Expect them to be in and all-around DRC and its 11 satellite countries. DRC has the most water in all of Europe and Asia. It also has the most aeratable land. It can easily feed all of Africa and all of Europe. DRC, however, is totally corrupt and so bad that any system of large-scale food production would be nearly impossible. But it will have some food and not many of its neighbors will, hence more wars are coming there.

Fuel prices in America will continue to rise. According to the CEO of a major petroleum supplier, the industry can no longer meet demand so prices will climb steadily to around $6 a gallon for gasoline and as high as $8 a gallon for diesel by summer’s end. The nation's produce travels to market on trucks for the most part so food costs will get another 15%-25% boost simply due to soaring energy costs.

One may conclude that most of this seems by design, but who is to say? The United Nations has for decades now, planned on depopulating the world, even published theories about how that may happen. It seems that starting with this coming harvest season, they may be getting their wish.

So, what can you do? Well, not too much as most of our population is urban based and clueless as to how to actually produce food, but that will soon change driven by raw necessity. Grow your own produce and can it. It's a fairly simple process and not costly.

Next, stockpile starting now. Buy UV resistant sealable bags and fill them with the basics. Flour, corn meal, sugar and the like. Toss in a de-oxygenator bag and seal them. Buy the kind of bags you must iron to seal. Fill up a trash can sized container with these bags. They will last a couple decades in there if the rodents can be kept at bay. If all this never happens, make cookies and pies for the next decade out of it and have a good laugh. But if things happen like they should, you have something. If you're rural, buy and house chickens. If your HOA says no, tell them to do something about it and do it anyway. We have a place for 2-6 cows, so we are doing that, and stocked a pond with fish.

There is no way that this rather extreme lack of fertilizer is going to just pass us by. No, it is going to hit hard. There will be a social and crime and just plain shock aspect to all this. If you have and you are in the vicinity of a bunch of have nots, either buy enough for all of them or learn to defend what is yours. People are already punching holes in gas tanks to get at the fuel. And we are still somewhat culturally normal. What do you think will happen when gas is at $6 a gallon and there isn't all that much food about? Just think about it.

So, crime is going to go up very quickly. The government is already hamstrung and starting just this fall we should have 1-2 million new illegal inhabitants. People coming from socialist countries are liable to be our best friends. They will likely fight to keep America from turning into the third world crap hole they just waded across the Rio-Grande to escape. But the others have come from countries where crime is a way of life. They are quietly filling up apartments in every American neighborhood there is. What they do and how they react when they realize they may not be getting free meals and a new I-phone and Cadillac is yet to be seen. But to say they will immediately become productive members of society and not become a big problem is a stretch.

America has changed. The idealistic socially progressive administration believes we are better off at $10 a gallon gas with everyone owning windmill powered cars and using their healthcare system for a sex change operation. They are no help to everyday Americans. It will take a new president to reauthorize drilling new wells to alleviate the energy crunch, but how long will all that take? 5-7 years probably. And what will have happened during that time? Will we even remember 8-10 years from now after having lived through all this self-made bull crap what the America of the 20-teens was like?

I say no way. By then things might even have gotten to the point where a state or two secedes from the union or we have a couple of regional civil wars. Certainly, we will be far more used to seeing murder and theft and living without abundance. I think we as a people will be less outgoing and more protective and secretive just to protect our own families. Sadly, America may have already sailed for a new port in some history book, never to be seen again. There is little you can do to make a difference in the macro space, but you can as I've mentioned you can make a difference for that smiling grill to your left and right. So, smart folks out there in TV land, get at it!

Our Pro-Military, Veteran, and Thin Blue Line place / Col Mize, MOH
« on: May 19, 2022, 02:20:12 PM »
Ola Lee Mize spent a total of 4 years in Vietnam as a Special Forces officer, during which he was shot multiple times and earned a Silver Star and 5 Bronze Stars. All of this occurred, however, during his second war, over a decade after his time as an enlisted man in Korea where he earned the Medal of Honor...
On June 10, 1953, at a place called Outpost Harry, Mize and his company from the 15th Infantry Regiment fought off a Chinese force outnumbering them 30 to 1. Mize seemed omnipresent over the outpost fighting off the enemy and resupplying his men. When one machine gun position was overrun, Mize battled his way to the gun and killed 10 enemy soldiers in and around the position. Grenade and artillery blasts blew him off his feet 3 times on his journey, but couldn't stop him. Legend told that he killed the last few enemy in the hole with an entrenching tool after his carbine ran out of ammo.
“I just knew I was going to die. I knew it. I accepted it," he remembered years later. "All I wanted to do was take as many of them with me as I could.”

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