Feeding Homeless 11 10 2014

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We were blessed enough tonight again to be able to get out and listen to the gospel, and some stories, and some testimony, and feed some people again

I found two veterans, one with a bad back and $15 to his name and another a young ex-soldier who had been shot in the neck in the Stan. I'm not supposed to, but I gave them money, not that it helped, but I am going to try to find the older guy, Ray, a job. The younger man was drinking, he said to help with the pain, but I don't know. He couldn't remember where he was when he was shot, but he remembers who did it...a 11 year old girl, who his buddy killed the instant after she shot this man. He was really messed up. The bullet tore part of his spine apart and traveled up into his head. The scars proved his story, that one was tough...

Ray is the guy with the old Army Ruck on his back. He had been a Tanker and a NCO

I met a young man a couple weeks ago who joined me for coffee and talked and shared about our Lord.
So I invited him down for the dinner tonight and he showed up. A very successful man, he had a great opportunity to see how poor choices play out in peoples lives

Preacher Jim was hammerin' it again tonight!

I'd estimate with the cooler climes, we fed just under a hundred tonight

Thanks to all of you here on this site that donated money to feed these people.

Real Man donated a generator, a drop cord, and a tray of food tonight. The Lord's work was done there in Cincinnati on this cold night.


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