Commuication, Information Technology and Automation > Radio/Comms

Commo article


I found this article the other day  and thought it made some interesting points.  We know HAM provides much more powerful commo for longer distance but how many general local people have gone the HAM route? I see CB's at pawn shops and garage sales cheap all the time. Even new isn't bad. For the record I believe the more flexability you have the more capable you are so running both gives you the both options.

No doubt that being able to access all available transmission in an emergency is a good thing.  I can receive all those freqs on my HAM but I cannot transmit.  I need to fill that gap.  Thanks for the practical reminder.

Glad to help!

Here is a second article from the same site to help think outside the box when looking for power when you don't have access to a genny or other regular power source.  i.e scavenging power
A couple were things I had never thought of before.


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