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Offline Flyin6

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A not so short primer about out failing economy
« on: March 19, 2021, 11:43:27 AM »
America is unwinding. Its a fact, morals are gone, people are ignorant and avoiding the facts. We are rapidly losing freedoms, and people are becoming more and more desperate.

Police are being neutered, good business people are heavily throttled by an overreaching authority and are failing. Our Nation's capital is heavily armed and has 7,000 troops protecting it (From what exactly??) while our borders seem to be wide open and unprotected. Illegal immigrants are flooding into our lands and burdening us with all their needs. They come with nothing in their pockets and their hands out.

Our election system is in question and the sitting administration may well not even been lawfully elected. Every with common sense, or who loves God is being cancelled. You can now be born a racist simply by coming out of the birth canal a white person.

Stick your head in the sand if you want, and perish with the masses, or realize we have lost the America that was once a shining city on the hill and the protector for the entire free world. We are headed at a quickening pace, not just into a collapse like Venezuela, but into a war for freedom.
Listen to and pull the facts out of what trusted experts say. Listen to what this man says, then get on your knees and seek your creator for direction. We, here will remain open as long as we can to provide information, and help to those who have ears to hear it.

While writing that last sentence, a verse from the bible echoed in my head, so I know I am right and we are in a freefall.

Matthew 19:24

24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

The eye of a needle refers to a small door that was fitted into the city gates of antiquity. The door was small to prevent easy pass through so that if the main gates were closed to ward off attackers, but still allow for some entry. A merchant (Rich man) would have his camel heavily laden with his possessions making it too wide to enter through the eye of the needle. He would have to dismount, unload the animal, carry everything through the door, then load it back up easily. The poor man, likely on foot could easily just walk through the door, hence the biblical comparison.

God wants to help you. He wants to save his people (Psalm 91). but unlike the man holding his hand out at the off ramp of a highway who only wishes to play on your sympathy to provide for his comfort for a single night, God seems to want us to work. He fashioned us to do so. He said:
Matthew 7:6
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

I feel that he may be talking about offering the testimony of Jesus to those who have hardened hearts, because they do not and can not hear you. Jesus said to the disciples when he sent them on their preaching tour (Lk 10:10-11). If their message was rejected, they were to shake the dust off and keep going until they found fertile soil for the gospel. Jesus never pursued and begged people to follow him, he only invited. Those with the ears to hear will hear.

He may also be talking about limited resources, such as money or food, and I'm not completely sure on this, but should we give to those who will in turn use our precious gifts such as the $5 bill you just handed to that person with the cardboard sign, who will likely use the money to buy heroin? I can't tell you what to do there, except to follow a prayerful heart. (God help me say the right thing here)

Anyway listen to this analyst up until 27:00 or so, to where the presentation turns into a sales pitch. Loads of information in there.

Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: A not so short primer about out failing economy
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2021, 07:37:32 AM »

He may also be talking about limited resources, such as money or food, and I'm not completely sure on this, but should we give to those who will in turn use our precious gifts such as the $5 bill you just handed to that person with the cardboard sign, who will likely use the money to buy heroin? I can't tell you what to do there, except to follow a prayerful heart. (God help me say the right thing here)


Reading this triggered a couple memories that I haven't thought about in a long time. In my years as a long haul trucker I encountered many panhandlers or "beggars" as my Grandma would call them. I never gave any of them a dime. I gave them food as I always kept several days worth of food and water in the truck at all times. 2 very different instances stand out in my mind. 

Sitting in a truck stop somewhere I dont remember where but this guy walk up and asked if I have any food. I gave him a can of chunky soup. Heat and eat no adding water. He looked at the can and back at me and asked for a can opener and spoon. So I handed that over. He sat down right there on my step and ate the whole thing. He thanked my several times when he was done handed back the empty can and spoon and took off.

Th other experience was very different. In Long beach Ca. in a Mc Donald's parking lot that allowed trucks. This old prostitute come along looking for what they look for. She was old like 60 plus and was really kind of being a B word. I chased her off. Later a nice old man came up. Couldn't speak well but he had cards written out. Can I wash your windows? Can I sweep out your trailer? Things like that to earn money. I didn't have anything for him to do so I gave him a bag with some oranges and banana. He was appreciative and wandered off.  A while later I'm getting hungry so I go in the Mc Donald's to get a burger. Sitting in there is that old hooker. Shes being nasty wanting me to give her food or money and being rude. I see shes holding that bag of fruit I gave the old man. A asked her about it she said it was hers she didn't get from anyone.
Either they were working together or she stole it from him we will never know. I would have gladly bought her a meal but she lied about the fruit and she was just mean.
Father, husband, farmer, trucker, mechanic, equipment operator, ect

Offline Flyin6

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Re: A not so short primer about out failing economy
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2021, 10:42:44 AM »
I've said this now many times. but when I actively fed the homeless at Washington square in Cincinnati, I saw them squander our gifts, then ask for more. I really had the feeling they were just using us and didn't care anything about the message the pastor delivered. I just don't have the heart for these people who choose their way to such pitiful condition. I am probably wrong about how I feel, but I am at least being honest.
When I'd ask them about the beggars at the street corners they would tell me that they were mostly fakers.

I guess I ask forgiveness from Father God for my attitude, as I read about a kind Jesus. But he did not like fakers or users. I just thought about how he tore up the money changers' tables in his fathers house. They had perverted the purpose of the king of grace...I see a fake pan handler as playing on and thus perverting the goodness that comes from our God.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 10:45:21 AM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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