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Author Topic: SquareD Part 4: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!  (Read 242614 times)

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1000 on: October 16, 2014, 05:23:57 PM »
Originally Posted by FBJR View Post
I like the way you think,,,,,,,,,,,,run over the ideas in your head so much that when you do the work, its easy.

Pool is done and kids are back in school, I may have a little more time to play now myself.

AEV, I like it, just needs some armour in a few critical spots. Awhile back I picked up several blast vests at an auction that would have worked great but lost them in the garage fire.

I was using vicodin for twisted ankles and knee issues some time back. 1st they would knock me out, then I had to have more, then got sick from them. Easier to fight and deal with the pain.

Problem is I have all the time to think and ponder and no shop time...but that is going to change.

So I now have all the transfer case parts except for that mount which never came in.
I have all the transmission parts except for a tool to compress the OD section spring.
I have the sway bar and the new frame mounted shock mounts, which are some trick parts, wait till you see them.
I still want to do something crazy with the sway bar so some custom machining is coming up...
I am on the hunt for the interior seat/seats...have to see what scares up.

Engine is essentially done awaiting mating to the transmission. I'll install them bolted together. Then the transfer case and some quickie fab for the new cross member with some frame tabbing for a upcoming belly pan and all that will be done.
Then I'll get the rad core modded to fit the bigger I/C, then fit that to the engine, then paint it. After that, it's fender time and then I can finally do the bumper and side rail build which will be extensive...

Yea about those narcotics...How do the idiots get addicted to that horrible stuff?
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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1001 on: October 16, 2014, 05:25:26 PM »
Originally Posted by BobbyB View Post
So, I was bored at work and looking at trucks, and etc. I had a question about fuel tanks. My idea/question is: lets say instead of putting an oversized fuel tank under the truck, would it be feasible to buy one of the 60-110 gallon fuel tanks in the tool box that go in the box and plumb everything from there? Or would it just not work?

If it'd work it'd give you more room underneath for other projects, or just clear up the clutter.

Yea those would certainly work, but
1. They take up a lot of space that is already dedicated
2. Fuel fumes in a enclosed space
3. Humans will at times inhabit that space

So best to just stuff the tanks elsewhere

With all this down time...over a month so far, I have been thinking a lot bout the design and tweaking it in my tiny mind.

Tightening up the mission statement a bit, I think this is definitely get out of Dodge (Get it...Dodge...) vehicle, but because of it's smaller size I make it more of a fast strike and scouting vehicle.

It will have a limited ability to support a person or two by sleeping in or around it and using features of the vehicle to make the "Camping" less of an effort.

The total concept for this vehicle is still to have and tow a tactical camper/trailer similar to that AEV 490 the Aussies sell. With that you can stop anywhere and cook up a meal, get some shut eye, have shelter, medical support, better communications and so forth. One can quickly detach the trailer and make a fast run across the valley via the back roads and forests to snatch up something you need, like a cow, then ditty-mau back to vicinity of the "Camp"

So the truck will work best as a part of the system it creates by being attached to the trailer, but can focus in on fast/light activities by itself

No matter what you're doing, you'll need lots of fuel storage.

I plan to carry 3 NATO fuel cans on the back rack to give me that reserve we aviators always carry, but looking at the undercarriage, there is a lot of unused real-estate.

While being laid up, ice machine making a frozen treat out of a once perfectly useful knee, I have assembled that fuel system in my mind.
Although I don't like it as much, the bell 412 I flew for awhile had 6 fuel tanks in the floor, connected by a common line. Refueling it, as you might imagine was no fun.

I thought I'd rip a bunch of 1" sections of fir then assemble the various boxes inside the voids from below. Then I fashion up a mount, then wrap the thing with a satin sheet and coat it with fiberglass resin. Follow that with 6-7 layers of fiberglass cloth and just like that, why, I'd have a tank
Add in a couple of them and I might be able to get my fuel capacity up to around 100 gallons or so.

That's what I'm thinking anyway when I get back to building that sort of thing

I think that first we need to see a refurbished transmission and transfer case sitting in those frame rails
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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1002 on: October 16, 2014, 05:26:19 PM »
Originally Posted by Cudakidd53 View Post
Glad to see your fingers tickling the keyboard again Don!

Any idea of the US cost of that Aussie camp trailer? Really like it- pop-ups have lots of room and that baby's got space usage down!

I contacted the company probably a year and a half ago. I was interested in getting my hands on a 490 for the real man fall meet last year that did not happen.
They told me that the Australian trailer is manufactured in South Africa and shipped back down under. Orders kept the factory pretty busy back then, enough to keep them happy just selling into that market.
The VP I spoke with thought I had a good idea with introing the trailer into the US market as a part of this/that activity connected to Combat max at some controlled yet well covered event.
However that was not the problem
DOT is the problem.
With all the overburdening rules and regulation required for anything that will be used by obese Americans in their girly man society, well, they just weren't interested in playing.
Same/same with Land Rover
Ever wonder why the excellent Defender 90 is no longer imported?
DOT was mandating all this safety stuff that any one with a brain never needs but marsh mellow head (and butt) girly men need to keep from bruising their fat round tosh's. Well Land Rover said, OK, no worries, plenty of real men elsewhere, we just won't send any more to the Americans
And Government
Always looking out for ya!
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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1003 on: October 16, 2014, 05:27:38 PM »
OK, I graphed this thing out

It is your simple pain vs time with a yellow "Norm" line and in the X/Y axis is spotted, angonizing micro second by micro second the actual suffering indicated by the red line

The time scale is not graduated since with the use of all the mind bending junk I've been ingesting, I have no real concrete idea about how many days, or even what day or month it actually is...so screw that
Time will just be seen as longer the further right we travel from the candy bar fire.

The green line indicates my desire to get in the garage and turn a few bolts and scrape some rust or similar activity. You will notice it starts low in the beginning. That's because while one's knee is on fire, one does not always want to delve into some recreational hobby, although when one isn't biting holes in his tongue, he still wants to do something. SO the line starts out by meandering a bit.

It will tick upward, then flatten out, indicating times that through gut determination I just wanted to get out to the garage, dam the torpedoes and all that, but I would have forgotten my crutches or to detach the coolant lines from my leg freezer unit which would have caused me to topple over like the proverbial oak, or simply spend the next twelve hours trying to sop up a gallon of icy water from all over the wife's expensive Persian rug

The red line is ever climbing due to the added pain from holes in the tongue, falling over and things like that. It stops near the top of the chart because with any increase, immediate and spontaneous death would have occurred.

Then we see a nice down trending of the line due, initially to the effects of one overdosing on narcotics which had me feeling less and less pain, but at the same time I was becoming overcome with the idea that Obama might really be correct about everything...
Well, never mind all that, it was like a hippies days in the 60's at some jimmy Hendrix concert, he was so doped up he was probably having sex with a stray dog all the while imagining he was conquering Marilyn Monroe!

We see the green desire to work line crossing the yellow "Norm" line early on indicating had all things been normal and I had only been shot or something like that, I'd have been getting back in the saddle about then. Later on the "Norm" line crosses a down trending pain line creating a region where I might have gotten things done, but with as bad as the pain was, I might have tried to hook the fan belt to a USB port in my laptop. Best to have stayed away and sit back and contemplate suicide and other pain control measures at that time.

To the right of that vertical black line we see three separate shaded areas.
The lower area shaded in orange does not really exist. It is free of pain and below the desire line. You see it is normal to have desire when being free of pain, so duh, yea, of course we'd be werkin! On the other hand with no real pain and all the desire, might this area suggest laziness? Well, dunno, haven't gotten there yet...I'm still hangin' with OB with "Lets not get involved with ISIS, it will all just go away, idea...

The area of colored in green is your go time. You're out of pain and you are wanting to work. In this utopian model I am working from sun up to sun down installing this or welding that, and it is all going perfectly. Reality however is a different matter. Reality would suggest that while you have been dragging butt and laying around the past month I have been driving the boys to the games, going to my job, shopping, cleaning the house and about every other thing imaginable...so now it's your turn...Strong enough to walk, strong enough to scrub a toilet I've heard her say...
So although the green area exists, you can never get there!

That leaves us with the blue hash marked area: Here we're still close enough to the pain to be able to use it as a crutch (Get it: Crutch...pain...I'm using crutches...) I can complain about how it still hurts because it does, but the psylogical desire line now forces me to get out there and bolt on something. I'm driven by it. I feel kinship with the lonely and dying salmon fighting a strong current just haven watched fred being eaten by a bear, pushing on relentlessly just...just until I finally spin the first 3/8-16 nut onto it's grade 8 bolt.
In this area there will be no good workmanship. I don't care about quality. Only that in the seconds before I trip over the dog because she refuses to move and twist my ankle...In that fleeting moment, come hell or high water, I am going to get one hole drilled and one LED light mounted...anywhere. In the bed, on the door, into the driveway...anywhere as long as it gets mounted.

Therefore this area is one where the little and poor quality work will all have to be corrected, but even so it is a victory over pain, over meds, over silly crap like candy bars catching fire, and all the rest of the insanity. For one small region in that convoluted map, the dusty semi deflated and cob web covered ball gets moved down field just a tad bit!
And that my friends is VICTORY!
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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1004 on: October 16, 2014, 05:29:41 PM »
And that right there boys and girlies is the end of the historical build of Square D

All of this appears over at Duramax Forums along with a couple thousand more "Chat" posts that have some to little bearing on the subject of building a truck.

Next, we press on with the continuing build of this ever evolving Dodge!
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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1005 on: October 23, 2014, 10:17:43 PM »
Did I hear you made some great progress?
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Re: SquareD Part 6: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1006 on: October 23, 2014, 10:28:49 PM »
Don't know about great, but some progress...yep!
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Re: SquareD Part 4: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1007 on: January 26, 2015, 09:18:12 PM »
finally caught up.looking great don!
07 gmc crew lbz

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Re: SquareD Part 4: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1008 on: January 26, 2015, 10:31:38 PM »
Hey Darren, there you are!

Caught up???

Hardly, there is a whole new section, keep looking, you'll find it!
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Re: SquareD Part 4: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1009 on: January 27, 2015, 09:50:33 AM »
will do! miss allie has a liking to playing the drums on the keyboard so i gotta go stealth mode. good to hear from you guys. nate keeps me on my toes with long distance trouble shooting.
07 gmc crew lbz

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Re: SquareD Part 4: Paint, topper, Roof rack, and continued change!
« Reply #1010 on: January 27, 2015, 10:56:32 AM »
How cool (About little miss Allie) Good thing she doesn't think the keyboard is a trampoline!

Welcome back to the fray!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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