TOOLS, CONSTRUCTION, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY > Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc

Plasma Cutter?

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Hi all, recently been thinking of getting a plasma cutter. It didn't take too many days of going home after building my utility trailer with a nose full of grinder wheel dust to want something better. Anyway, I was looking at Hypertherm plasma cutters recently, anyone have any experience with those? Would you recommend any other brands?


--- Quote from: rcampbell on October 23, 2014, 06:57:05 PM ---Hypertherm plasma cutters

--- End quote ---

I think Chief, has one of those... Yea if, I'm remembering correctly he does, cause he burned his thumb with it, trying to scare his cat...

That's weird, they don't mention that feature on the website, just says they will cut metal... :)

I have the small hypertherm 30 and it's great for "household" use, up to 3/16"....1/8" easily, super lightweight, 220 or 110v.

That's good to know. That's pretty much as big as I go most of the times with steel anyway. 3/16" square tube is the thickest I've welded with my mig welder (lincoln 175). Although I'm thinking of stepping the welder up to something like a miller 212, so as long as my plasma cutter could cut as thick as I could reasonably weld, I think I'd be ok.


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