VEHICLES, CAMPERS, and BOATS > Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers

Kubota MX6000

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--- Quote from: Nate on November 19, 2022, 09:29:57 AM ---don, is this kubota still around or did it get sold off?

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It's under my deck at my home. I find that although being a tad large for the tasks around the homestead, it often comes in handy...

I hear yah there, my little swiss army knife helps on all kinds of projects even if just doing wheelbarrow duty.


--- Quote from: Nate on November 20, 2022, 08:51:07 AM ---I hear yah there, my little swiss army knife helps on all kinds of projects even if just doing wheelbarrow duty.

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Want to download that water heater from the truck? Just pull the loader up to the tailgate, slide the heater into the padded bucket and you're off to the races.
This time of year, I use it to shuttle firewood, clear snow off the driveway and lift heavy things. In the spring it is a mulch shuttle and I think I am getting into a no-notice gravel apron for my concrete driveway as people run muddy ruts into my lawn starting about now. A single-family visit like thanksgiving will rut the lawn for months until late spring.


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