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Offline Flyin6

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"Thoren" Publishing a book
« on: December 28, 2021, 05:31:09 PM »
If you followed my thread about writing a book to entertain my pre-ranger son who was in Infantry school at Ft. Benning, well I did that. I wrote 10 chapters around 90,000 words and am presently finishing the final three chapters to finish the work.

I originally wrote it just for him, but with an eye toward perhaps publishing the work so that many could enjoy as well. It was read by recruits in his basic training and advanced infantry training company over the months and was widely liked.

So I contacted three publishing companies to see it it was something worthy of publishing. There is a process there and incase there are any aspiring novelists here, I'll share what the process looks like if you also have a work of some kind you'd like to get on a shelf somewhere.

As of today all three companies like the work and have submitted it to their people for an evaluation. I just got an acceptance letter from the first company, so this just became a real possibility.

The book is called "Thoren" It is an epic story roughly akin to the lord of the rings trilogy. Like Tolkien's work, mine will also be told in three separate full books. It's just too big a story to fit into one book which I'd like to keep to around 250 pages.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2021, 05:40:47 PM »
The first step, obviously, is to actually write the thing. That will take you 2-3 months working five to seven full days a month and many hours long chunks here and there.

Once you get it written, sit on it, read it and then rewrite what doesn't fit or work well.

Next, I'd suggest your getting a few opinions. I did that by offering it out to several folks for some feedback.

OK, assuming you are comfortable with that, then decide if you want to just submit the work to a publisher to see if they will pick up all the costs and simply publish it for you. If you do that, you will sacrifice most of your rights and a good amount of the profit to be had. My first book worked like that. They offered me a contract, which I signed, then away they went and finally produced the thing. Great...Except in my case, I'm an American author, writing an American story about experiences I had at war. The owners sold that into the British world where Americans are but an after thought. I did not do nearly as well as I could have if it were heavily marketed in the US. I get royalties amounting to anything from 10% from direct book sales to 75% should it be purchased to make into a movie. Those royalties come to me once or twice a year and I just donate all of that to a church in Britain.

The other way to publish is to self publish. There are hybrid models where they share some of the costs but retain more of the rights, but basically you pay them to publish and you own it all. I have chosen that route for Thoren. I did however elect to have my work critically examined by the publishers and allow them to either accept or reject associating with the book as their names will appear on the books spine..
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2021, 05:41:39 PM »
So for now, I am waiting to see what the other responses are and make a decision as to what company I will be choosing

More to come...
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2021, 09:06:42 PM »
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2021, 09:25:44 PM »
Thanks for taking us on this journey with you, I have wondered a few times about the process of getting a novel published. Not really for myself, but more for my children, they love writing stories

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2021, 11:00:26 PM »
Thanks for taking us on this journey with you, I have wondered a few times about the process of getting a novel published. Not really for myself, but more for my children, they love writing stories

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And since you asked:

Once you are accepted and you and the publisher agree on the conditions, a contract is drawn up and you either pay a fee to get the process started, or they pay you something. That was the case for my first book. They gave me a modest fee, then got after it. For the Thoren process, I anticipate paying the upfront costs which should fall somewhere between $5K-$10K

A lot of that will go into marketing  the thing and getting you out there

The companies I have chosen all have similar processes. Once we agree and monies exchange hands. the author gets a writing/editing team to work with. They will pour over the pages working on grammar, context and other areas to tidy the work up. Distant Thunder required almost no editing so I just blew right through that part.

With Thoren, I want to hear critique which will make it a better read and help me tighten up my shot group. The author remains in pretty much total control within agreed upon guidelines so that is a good thing. One of the big advantages of paying for your book to be published is that you retain pretty much total control and they just contractually fulfill their obligations even if the work is junk. But the author has the ability to keep his message intact. With Distant Thunder, the editing people in London wanted to remove my references to God. I told them no or the project was over, and they rolled.

You see the author has something he wants to acompolish. He may want to make a lot of money, or tell a story, or teach something. In my case, I want to cause people to draw closer to God. I am using a sort of bait and switch with some of the stories within the bigger story somewhat paralleling biblical stories. Writing in this manner I hope that an unchurched person may grow curious about a name or a reference and go search it out which should lead him/her to the black leather bound book. I wouldn't mind making some good money since there are a lot of things I'd like to do that require funding.

So the editing team works almost daily with the author cleaning up the story while the graphics people come up with about a half dozen cover designs. The author will pick one and get into the weeds with it, choosing the actual font style/size/colors/artwork or photo. The graphics people will also start developing art for the chapters and put together the back flap.

The interview which I had yesterday helps them to start to develop the author's bio which they will put inside the cover fold somewhere.

Legal people prepare the forms for the copyright, and petition the library of Congress for a book number. They also get a special number called an ISBN which can be typed in any search engine anywhere to pull up your exact book.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2021, 11:07:44 PM »
The editing people continue to work with the author until the whole thing is finished. At that point a proof is agreed upon with all parties signing off.

The next step is with the publishing team who work to make proofs of each page. A page will generally run about 200 words, so they use that number (Mine will be near 90,000-100,000 words) to determine the actual size of the book. I think mine will be a 6" X 9".

It is quite a bit of work but all 250 ish pages will be set up and proofed, never to be changed again.

While all that is going on the marketing team builds a website showcasing the author, his work(s) and adding in interesting detail. It is a living place that they add to periodically to build interest. They get busy marketing all over the place, particularly social media. My site will be an interactive one where I will chat with curious people about the book. That is all about generating interest (Read: Sales).

Thoren will actually have a link tab on this, RealMan site. We may put the whole thing right here, that decision is yet to be made. There will be tabs on that link to purchase the physical book or download a digital copy. A month or two after publication an audio version will also be available.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2021, 11:21:57 PM »
Once all the proofs are built and I sign off on everything the thing is actually ready to print. There are several markets which normally buy some physical copies like Amazon, Barns and Noble, Books a million, and some others. It is made available, I am told on eighty odd other media like Kindle, Apple-read and many others.

And here is the cool part: My first book, "Distant Thunder is either sold out, or nearly sold out. Unless John prints more, that thing is done, except in digital form which will always be available. Newer technology allows a POD or print on demand sales method. You order one or a church orders 50 and a machine prints the whole book all at once and some guy wraps it up and it ships all in a day. The printers are located all over the world, and this book is set for world-wide distribution.

The way that works is like this: You see my book on the web site and decide to purchase it. So you click a tab which takes you to a payment page where you complete the purchase. Two things then happen, part of the money is immediately sent to a holding account that only the author has access. And the other part of the money goes to the printing company. So, let's say my book retails for $10.95. You click purchase and immediately $3 goes to the printing company, the cost of printing and $7.95 goes to the account that the author has, just like that! The publisher takes no fee at all, since you, the author paid all costs up front.

All 80-90 sales venues operate in the same manner, monies are sent to the author and to the printer, unless its an audio or digital book, then the Author gets everything. And so that goes pretty much as long as people continue to buy and read your work. Distant Thunder was printed in 2012, and just last week a green beret buddy of mine told me he just purchased the last book of mine for sale. So that's 9 years worth of sales.

But when Thoren hits the bricks, people will become aware of an earlier book and some of them will also want to read that and so sales will pick up again. Should I get one of the next three books I plan to write on a best seller list (Chances approach zero) then John in London will have to fire up the presses once again for a reprint of the Yank's book.

That's a macro view of the process. I'll share what it's like day to day as we all dig into this 10 week to 6-month project.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2021, 08:10:58 PM »
Interesting behind the scenes info.
Underpaid and misunderstood since 2014

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2021, 11:04:33 AM »

I sent copies of the work to three separate publishers. Some like to read over the work first to get a feel for where the thing may go and to see just how compatible they are with you. Finally it helps give them a sense of who to place on your writing team and just how much work they are looking at. That, of course may afect pricing.

Yesterday the work was accepted by the first publisher. We spoke on the phone for a few minutes and set a time for Tuesday to meet again and discuss their proposal. So that's one in a row...

I'll wait to see what I hear if anything from the other two companies, and based on all of that, choose the one I will sign up with.

While all that is going on, I am writing by buttock off. Spent 8-9 hours on it yesterday powering through most of Chapter 11 and proofing and rewriting Ch 10. I have, maybe 20,000 words remaining to write, or 40 odd pages until I consider the first writing complete with all my editing. That product will be sanded pretty smooth but still have some rough edges that the pros will work on like Salt Lake Dave does with his paint restorations.

Another member here suggested his daughter could do some art for the chapters or even the cover. Strangely enough, the publisher queried me straight up about who/what I was thinking about for the cover art. Then just this morning another friend from the Armee showed me some art his daughter did and suggested I talk to her as well.

So I am now thinking this may be an excellent opportunity to look at the work from these novices and maybe get their names out there. Imagine someone who is a no-name in the publishing world actually enter college or go job hunting with an actual book cover in her resume. I do like the idea of engaging the youth in this, so I think I'm open to it.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2021, 07:36:15 PM »
And you call us busy?
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2021, 11:17:06 AM »
And you call us busy?
When you're out of projects,

...You're dead!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2021, 11:23:05 AM »

Awaiting response from remaining two companies, solid hit with the first one I chose, a well established publisher who is in their second 100 years.

I had two members reach out to me, whose daughters are into the arts. It seems one is actually studying art for magazine/book design and illustrations, and i am not sure, but one has a strong interest in this venue of art.

So I am putting together some elements that I wish to incorporate into a cover/book design for them to chew on. It seems the art is wide open and I am in control, so there is a possibility here I find intriguing.

In the end it will require some significant work/hours to get that done and kids being what they are, The endurance piece may answer the question. If the artist has the dedication to the project to get it to the finish line, then we might just have a winner.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2022, 11:41:58 AM »
Update: One company is continuing to show up, and they are the oldest and offer a solid service. I would place then in the lead slot at the moment.

Company number two has contacted me again to discuss further. Their pricing is less, but I think their value does not add up to what company number one can offer.

Company number three, the largest Christian publishing company of all is AWOL. I'd say in two days if they do not show up at the door, they are out.

Feedback from the readers who evaluated the work: Popular genre, built interest from the first page. Held interest all the way through, ought to do well.

^^^Them talkin' not me. I take the wait N' C approach. If the thing has something to add to the building of the kingdom, it has potential is what I feel...
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2022, 03:46:42 PM »
Update: One company is continuing to show up, and they are the oldest and offer a solid service. I would place then in the lead slot at the moment.

Company number two has contacted me again to discuss further. Their pricing is less, but I think their value does not add up to what company number one can offer.

Company number three, the largest Christian publishing company of all is AWOL. I'd say in two days if they do not show up at the door, they are out.

Feedback from the readers who evaluated the work: Popular genre, built interest from the first page. Held interest all the way through, ought to do well.

^^^Them talkin' not me. I take the wait N' C approach. If the thing has something to add to the building of the kingdom, it has potential is what I feel...

I have to admit, I've only made it halfway, but that was because it was 0130 and just haven't had a minutes time to catch back up, but you have a solid "voice" in this with a good structure and they're right, it's a popular genre right now and well really has been for long time. keep us updated
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2022, 10:05:45 PM »
Update: One company is continuing to show up, and they are the oldest and offer a solid service. I would place then in the lead slot at the moment.

Company number two has contacted me again to discuss further. Their pricing is less, but I think their value does not add up to what company number one can offer.

Company number three, the largest Christian publishing company of all is AWOL. I'd say in two days if they do not show up at the door, they are out.

Feedback from the readers who evaluated the work: Popular genre, built interest from the first page. Held interest all the way through, ought to do well.

^^^Them talkin' not me. I take the wait N' C approach. If the thing has something to add to the building of the kingdom, it has potential is what I feel...

I have to admit, I've only made it halfway, but that was because it was 0130 and just haven't had a minutes time to catch back up, but you have a solid "voice" in this with a good structure and they're right, it's a popular genre right now and well really has been for long time. keep us updated
So, thumbs up/down/or sorta???
Oh and I reedited some of what you have and I gave you like 70,000 words. I am currently at 130,000++ words
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2022, 02:58:56 PM »
Thumbs up all the way Chief.
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2022, 05:31:10 PM »
Thumbs up all the way Chief.
OK, Like that


Just heard from the third publisher

They felt it was well written and interesting but offered some line by line editing something or other. They would compute the cost to publish on my own based on the editing they suggested.

The first company came back with some crazy offer to create an audio book at $40 a page. Note that this thing will be somewhere around 250 pages long. That may exclude them from selection.

The second company had something go wrong and they did not receive the work and asked me to resubmit today, which I did this morning and got receipt acknowledgement 20 min later.

So here we sit, ah-waitin


Please allow me to ask a question

How many folks out there think it is necessary to produce an audio book?

Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2022, 06:10:03 PM »
If they want to "audio" it, let them pay for it.
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2022, 06:49:34 PM »
If they want to "audio" it, let them pay for it.

that being said, you could make sales you might not have otherwise with an audio option.
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

Offline dave945

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2022, 08:20:09 PM »
Possibly make audiobook a follow on option after initial publication. You could determine if it is a medium that would add value to you the writer, as opposed to only being money in their pocket.   Just a thought.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2022, 08:42:16 PM »
I’d bet audio is more popular than paper, if that is the case that explains why they think it should be on audio.

That being said, I think you could do the audio transcribing your self, or some one you know. Then send them the audio files?

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2022, 12:45:56 PM »
Morgan Freeman available?

I would go e-reader which should be practically free since they have the whole darn thing digitally anyways, then like the Dave said, make audio a value add later on when the regular paper and e-reader pickup steam
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2022, 01:33:07 PM »
On the audio-book topic: it's pretty popular. I listen to audio-books when I run, or drive long distances. I know a lot of people who do the same.
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2022, 06:41:39 PM »
I’d bet audio is more popular than paper, if that is the case that explains why they think it should be on audio.

That being said, I think you could do the audio transcribing your self, or some one you know. Then send them the audio files?
Here's the thing, T
I wouldn't need to sell any files, as I already own them.
Two paradigms:

First is traditional publishing. THe publisher basically "Buys the book from you, then agrees to share a percentage of the sales (Royalties) Under this system, they own everything you did, and you own nothing

Second way: Self publishing. Under this system you pay up front for all the usual publication services, but you end up owning the work. THey just get paid to do their traditional work, then retain a small fee for printing each copy

And, of course, the truth: I am finding the industry is run through with scammers, liars and all manner of hidden gimmicks. The publisher, it seems paints themselves as a sterling silver knight of good. In reality they are always scheming to maintain control and make as much $$$ as possible.

One of the tricks I just learned of is that when filing for an ISBN (book number) they list themselves as the publisher of the works. By doing that they automatically own the publishing rights. So, sure the author owns the work, but if he ever wants to publish it, then he needs to go back to the publisher to ask permission. Cool little trick right there.

I will say this as a general footnote: the Author will need to spend a ton of time online reading about all the ins and outs of publishing to have any chance of all of coming out of it intact. Secondly, I'd say 99% of all published authors do not make any money from their work at all. Having learned that I was shocked, and surprised as I actually did make money from my first book. When the publishing companies found out how many books I sold, they were shocked. Most authors sell less than 100 books. Publishing a book will run generally around $5,000. so do the math if you're making $10 or less a book...
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2022, 06:47:17 PM »
Morgan Freeman available?

I would go e-reader which should be practically free since they have the whole darn thing digitally anyways, then like the Dave said, make audio a value add later on when the regular paper and e-reader pickup steam
Good point and, if you can prepare a ready to print copy of your book, you can finish your work at noon, then upload it directly to Amazon and start selling it at 1215

I may actually look into doing that.

Copyrights and ISBN's are cheap and easy. Every editor who ever "Edited my works, any of them and I have had dozens and dozens of pieces published said that my stuff required almost no editing, so could I possibly do it myself?? Maybe!

I have two people here wanting to do the art, so that's that. I could as an experiment just publish it to some simple media, offer to download it from my forum here, and get Tate to record it over lunch and a bologna sandwich and upload that for sale. I'd give him a shiny nickel for each copy downloaded, of course...or is that too much?
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2022, 02:04:47 PM »
you're playing with fire Don. I did commercials when i was a kid, even made it to final auditions for "Freaks and Geeks" back in the day and lost out to some loser, you might know him though, James Franco, I think.

listen to my Yukon Youtube videos, if you think the voice fits, I'd be honored. I think your narrator needs a deeper, older, even euro-centric sound though. that's just how it hear it in my head. kinda "hobbity"
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2022, 04:23:19 PM »
you're playing with fire Don. I did commercials when i was a kid, even made it to final auditions for "Freaks and Geeks" back in the day and lost out to some loser, you might know him though, James Franco, I think.

listen to my Yukon Youtube videos, if you think the voice fits, I'd be honored. I think your narrator needs a deeper, older, even euro-centric sound though. that's just how it hear it in my head. kinda "hobbity"
I didn't know that about you, Tate...How cool!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2022, 04:38:12 PM »
Update: I am deep into writing the final chapter and concluding the story, so the actual writing is about done. Looking like it is finishing around 130,000 words, only about 50,000 more than I had planned. Talk about missing an estimate!

I am now down to just two publishers. One is turning out to be way out of line with respect to costs, and that is the same company that registers themselves as owner of the publishing rights.

I am pretty insistent on the audio book, so that is very likely to happen.

I am talking about doing something cool. So the book will be available all over the place in like 90 markets. I am deciding on whether it is to be a hard bound or paperback or possibly both although it is harder for Amazon to sell it in both formats.

Here is the cool part. We are going to add a tab on the website to do book marketing/sales from.
I am going to offer a special version of the book on the RealMan website. I am thinking about having it done with gold lettering or a leather spine or have something extra in it, like the story as to how the book came to be. And that would only be available if the book was ordered from this very website.
I thought up the idea today and proposed it to the publisher, and he thought it was a pretty cool idea as well, and said he could do something different for a select targeted book market.

What I am thinking: Special lettering or gold spine.
                              Adding another section telling about how the thing came about
                              Adding some scripture to it somewhere and a comment from me about why I felt like writing it something like a Christian story.
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2022, 05:48:23 PM »
Sounds great!
Underpaid and misunderstood since 2014

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2022, 05:58:06 PM »
Sounds great!
Yea it does...

Now let's see if the bonehead pilut can pull it all off!
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2022, 06:47:26 PM »
 :likebutton: :likebutton:
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2022, 02:17:17 PM »
Sounds really good!
I like the ideas of the special versions too.

I had also heard the intial chapter(s) you shared with some sort of accent as well.

Or Morgan Freeman lol. But maybe you need to check out taters channel too.
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2022, 05:42:57 PM »
Sounds really good!
I like the ideas of the special versions too.

I had also heard the intial chapter(s) you shared with some sort of accent as well.

Or Morgan Freeman lol. But maybe you need to check out taters channel too.
Ya, maybe!
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2022, 03:24:23 PM »
Next step taken: I just signed the contract to begin the actual book production stage of this endeavor. We should be something less than three months from having it available to buy.

The contract phase is interesting. I did a lot of research on the publisher I chose. I looked all over for any information, positive and negative. I found no negative stuff, and a ton of positive feedback. I liked Brian from our first call.

The competing companies were easy to ferret out as well. Xulon books, who I thought would be a strong contender, hardly called or responded to my inquiries. One time I got a "We're very busy at the moment," response which to me elicits a big ole' "I don't care!" You see when it comes to business, as far as I am concerned, I am the only job that matters. You give me the time I need and answer my needs or you're just another company in a sea of companies. Xulon Publishing fit that profile to a "T."

Next up was Dorrance Publishing. They offer a complete service including a bunch of marketing, however have a ton of bad reviews. I questioned them about the complaints and they just shut off communications! Yea, I asked one question about why so many authors had complained about not getting paid, and BOOM! Just like that I heard nothing more. So I wrote them an email explaining that they would not be my choice.

My choice is "Book Marketeers" the company I am moving forward with.

Now that the contracts have been signed, I meet with the writing team today, I think and get plugged into some project sharing software where everyone has access on the work and may comment or work on the manuscript.

Curtis's daughter Miss R___ has volunteered to do some of the art. Another member here volunteered as well, but has not contacted me yet, and well, the project is moving forward...

I will create a new section on the website where I can blog with interested parties about the books and will post links to purchase the works there as well

On making money: I do not expect to even break even with this book. I wrote it for my son, and formally publishing it will fulfill that promise I made to myself. He will and already does like it and I hope will treasure it. It was a book a father wrote for his son, and if we publish 1 copy and it lands in his hands, then, so be it, Mission accomplished!

But, in writing it, I also felt the tug of God to make it a bigger thing and to use it somehow to tell the world about him. So it has morphed into that. As the chapters progress, you will see more of a move toward a familiar book. And the follow on books will reflect him more and more. (I hope)
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2022, 04:30:33 PM »
Sounds like you covered the bases chief. Realistic view and outcome. Not for the $$, but a little never hurts. maybe God will step in on that too.
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2022, 12:53:47 PM »
Sounds like you covered the bases chief. Realistic view and outcome. Not for the $$, but a little never hurts. maybe God will step in on that too.
We will see. I plan to be fairly transparent and forthcoming on what I learn/earn...to a point.
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2022, 03:44:55 PM »
I am now beginning the professional editing process

Their first act was to toss the book out of the window

I am now starting a new book, page 1!

Naw, just made all that up

We are starting the professional editing. We work through a meeting place called "BaseCamp" where everyone is tied to their respective team members. I have a view on the overall process.

I had to fill out some lengthy questionnaires that will determine the feel. Things such as font, size, illustrations and so forth.

I had not finished the book and have worked like a madman the past couple days. I did finish Chapter 13 which I thought was the last one, but I couldn't do it. so I am finishing up in Chapter 14 in an epic battle. I hope to finish that tomorrow and have the whole thing submitted. As for the 220-230 pages size, well, I shot that all to heck. It is some 256 pages and 124,000 words and still have the final chapter to add. So, it looks more like 275 pages with my formatting. With them fitting it to real book pages, I suspect it will be more, but it is what it is. Price will be say $5 for everyone not named "Dave," and $96.99 for them. Should keep them out of the mix ;-))

I don't actually know what the thing will cost. I want it to be just the normal price for a book of that size, nothing more.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 03:45:36 PM by Flyin6 »
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2022, 10:06:42 PM »

Sorry with the recent medical stuff with the wife I didn't get to read what you sent me like I had planned and with you already having a company lined out to publish this isn't much needed. The book is very well written and gets you hooked from the first page to the point of not wanting to put it down.

Congratulations Chief

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2022, 11:15:29 PM »

Sorry with the recent medical stuff with the wife I didn't get to read what you sent me like I had planned and with you already having a company lined out to publish this isn't much needed. The book is very well written and gets you hooked from the first page to the point of not wanting to put it down.

Congratulations Chief
Thank you!

It is now double what I sent out. I'm having fun finishing it, although my fingers are cramping from all the typing
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2022, 09:34:50 PM »
It has been a marathon three days, but I finished it today after working on it for 11+ hours. It has been nearly eight months in the making but as for the writing piece, it is now done.

Short of 136,000 words. By comparison, Distant Thunder was 70,000 words

By my formatting around 280 pages. Distant thunder is 186!

It's been a huge undertaking, but with finishing it, I fulfil a promise to my son. I told him I would write a book for him and I just did!

Now on to the editing, art work, formatting, and finally, publishing
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2022, 09:55:14 PM »
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2022, 08:53:33 PM »

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2022, 09:05:52 PM »
Sounds Great Big D   All that hard work will pay off    Can't wait to read or better yet, listen to Tate read it as i drive.

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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #44 on: January 22, 2022, 08:16:20 PM »
Update: The editing staff has been slowly working on the project. I have asked for comprehensive editing so that translates into a bunch of work.

Next, one of our members here has a daughter who has stepped up and is taking a swing at doing the art for the book. She forwarded me some initial concepts of what some things should look like in her mind and I have to say, I was favorably impressed. Unknown to her (But I'll tell her) he art guy at the publishing firm was questioning me to develop his own concept. I get the final vote so I decided to let her have a week or two to develop some twenty odd concepts and then toss them over to the professional artists for some feedback. In the end, this young lady may well get the nod and design all the artwork for this project. I will emblazon the inside cover with her name, "Art work by XXXX, XXXXXXXX, which will make for a pretty nice resume builder for someone seeking a career in this business.

That's where we are at the moment, obviously, more to come...
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #45 on: January 24, 2022, 12:24:11 PM »
So, today, I got the introduction back from the editing people. They had some good suggestions. I followed along and changed it up some to make it read better, and turned it back in.

I'm betting they are not used to seeing authors respond this quickly. I had their edit in my lap for maybe four hours before sending it back, having been corrected and rewritten.

Ann, who is the senior writer (I think) said they would move on to Chapter 1 after they got the introduction back.

That and the young lady doing the art sent me some interpretations of a character called "Helen." I thought they were a good start, so things are moving right along. Looking to have a springtime release.
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #46 on: January 27, 2022, 05:23:25 PM »
Update: I posted over on Farcebook about having finished the book, and it was in the production cycle.

That seems to have generated some interest

The publisher grabbed the opportunity to talk about generating interest, marketing, and how to best do all that.

On that front I will post something over there every week or so about the general progress, but I will post more here.

Then I went to visit a buddy who builds web sites to talk to him about my idea of adding onto RealMan and blog the book here. He suggested creating a whole new space to talk about the book(s) and share details. He is going to create that new website, and I believe he is naming it DonHarwardBooks.com

No it is not active now, but will be probably inside two weeks. I need some artwork for it first so he can put that into the site.

On that front, I continue to work with the daughter of a member here to develop the characters. We are still in the early stages of doing that, and work continues. Once the characters are developed the first thing completed will be the actual book cover.

Aside from that, the editors and I are muscling through the work, now having completed the Intro and working on the chapters.

It's quite a process, but we all want a really good product to go out

During the lull in the action I have actually started on the outline of the next book of this series which I think I am going to name, "Thoren: The second war"

The way it works is to first have a general idea of what you want to do, then start deciding how you get there. Once you've done that, you need to develop the storyline in outline form. That's where I am now in that process. I would like to have the outline completed before Thoren even hits the shelves so that as readers complete it, I'll have things to talk about in the next book.

Anyway, that's the overview of where we presently are in all this.
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2022, 04:43:14 PM »
The young lady doing the art for the book is honing in on some characters and concept art:
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2022, 10:43:44 AM »
Pushing through this editing process. Currently doing chapter 2 (Out of 16!) I decided to nearly rewrite the whole thing. eight hours spent on that so far. But it reads and feels a lot better. Essentially, I had started off with a certain style of writing, and that gradually changed over the course of the book. As a result the front end now looks a lot different than the back end. I am correcting that every day.

Andrea, the lady doing the art produced some more work:
« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 10:45:51 AM by Flyin6 »
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Re: "Thoren" Publishing a book
« Reply #49 on: February 13, 2022, 10:43:28 PM »
She started producing the map!

However I cannot download it!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2022, 10:53:31 PM by Flyin6 »
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