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Sending a young man off

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So, the time has finally come. In just days I will be driving my pre-Ranger, Nate to the recruiting station where he will soon thereafter depart to start his life as a soldier in the US Army.

You know I may act all tough and big and bad, but I have to admit, I am really sad at seeing him leave, and I am a bit scared. How does that fit with my faith you ask? I can't answer that, but to say, in the end I am just a dad.

My boy who grew up in my home is so eager to be the best and toughest warrior in the Army. I know  that there is someone out there wearing a different uniform who is tougher. We all have our champions and for every great and strong and brave soldier, there is an opposite and more equal. I am just not my good old happy, care free self. You see I seemed to have forgotten all the close calls, and just shucked it off, but now my son will soon be sent off to uncertain danger and I have to say I am not very good with that prospect.

Yea, I know that God watches over we fools, but God has a different way of looking at things than I do, and I wonder if he is getting it all right. I mean, I live in a country where right is wrong, where good is not good, and where liars and fakes rule the roost. My president is a stumbling old fool, and his VP nervously laughs her way through the difficult times. These are not the serious people I want making the big calls which may send my son off to war.

The culture will now teach him to accept and embrace those who choose immoral lifestyles, and he will hear that America started oppressing blacks in the 1600's. Although I strongly object and disagree, that is not the point. A minute spent talking about some freaks sexual orientation, is a minute not studying the art and craft of war. Soldiers in China are not concerned with opinions, but with martial arts, studying our army, and training on increasingly modern weapons. None of these freaking cowards who are now running our nation will ever do any of the heavy lifting, no, that task will ultimately fall on the shoulders of my son and the men around him.

He wants to complete Ranger school. He feels that is some ultimate test of manhood, and to some extent it may well be because it is tough, takes character and builds it, and shapes the man who wears that tab. Ultimately, Nate wants to become a green beret, and I really hope he makes it that far because from my experience, he will be the safest with those fierce men. I keep planting seeds about becoming an aviator, but my pearls are falling on rocky ground. He has not the heart to fly, but maybe he will change, I can only hope so


I feel and know the pain your heart is going through. This was much easier when it was us kissing our loved ones goodbye and turning around and walking off to war, it sure put the shoe on the other foot when we are lovingly looking at their backs as they walk away and as a parent it has never gotten easier as time has passed. I do think you are right that Nate would be safer with a group of highly trained warriors in place of standard Army issue GI.

I'm probably not the best one to give advice on this but from having Doug come back safe and sound each deployment and Bret coming home in a flag draped casket. The list of things that I wish I had done/said has haunted me many times over the years. This has changed me. I know ensure everyone in my family knows how I feel about them, when we depart from each other I hold them a little longer and never leave anything unsaid. I have turned into a huger type of person that is in prayer for our military, my family and our country several times each day. Everyone in my faimly except my youngest grandson is saved so I know that I qill see them again but working on him.

I don't think that this helps you one bit and hope I didn't hijack your post. Just wanted to tell you that you aren't alone. I will be in prayer that Nate will return safe and sound to you.

Thank you for raising a warrior that wants to make the world a better place.

Blessing to you

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Don,  Pray, hard and often.

Remember he chose Daniel to slay the giant, Goliath.  His ways are not our ways and we do not know His mind, but we know He does not make mistakes.

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As I read what you wrote I assume you may have already but I think the boy might benefit from reading your art words.   

It is amazing how sad our military has become. Soft _____foot chowder heads and as you said China and Russia are building soldiers with one intent, one goal.

Where all here with ya

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Don, let me know if you need anything from Ft. Benning. If he needs anything immediate, I'll do all I can to provide it. Also, be sure to look me up when you come down for a visit. I'll keep Nate in my prayers, from the Armor side of the house.


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