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Messages - Bob Smith

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Build Threads / Re: "SPARTAN" 1991 Suburban 2500 build and 6BT
« on: November 05, 2018, 09:29:23 PM »
Did the 6.2 come with a turbo? Or is it a Banks?
I worked on an 85 with a Banks for the life of the vehicle ... well til the owner passed, and it was over 350k last I saw.. never been into the engine.
It was starting to lose compression which made it slow to start in the colder mornings.
Much more dependable than the 6.5s

So Ken...Just what would you call a colder morning? We have had a color of snow once in Bullhead since we have been going down but it didn't last once the sun was up.

Build Threads / Re: "SPARTAN" 1991 Suburban 2500 build and 6BT
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:33:34 PM »
Yes Don, but I hope his turns out better and faster to finish line.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:29:35 PM »
Don't want or need any pics, just hope everything is ok...

Share Your Recipe / Re: smoked rib breakfast taco
« on: November 01, 2018, 04:12:53 PM »
except for the red onion that looks a whole lot better than dogs and beans, to me any way.

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug Out Location Construction, Part 6
« on: October 31, 2018, 02:15:41 PM »
Just cost me $150 to fill up the dmax. Was getting low, light even came on (5-10gal left) and I don't normally go that low.

JR, nearest boat gas is 4.50 gal and the tank is 65 gal and was not filled by the dealer. I do hope fuel usage gets better as the engine gets broken in a bit. 

Faith Discussion / Re: Prayer Request thread
« on: October 18, 2018, 10:04:55 PM »
Shawn, am so glad to hear your wife is home and doing ok.
Sam, sorry to hear about your friend's son . I will have him and his family in my thoughts and prayers. Lord be there for the family, friends and of course the young man. Comfort them all and help them through this terrible time.

Build Threads / Re: What do you do with a 2006, 115k DMax,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
« on: October 16, 2018, 07:43:50 PM »
Thx Shawn, I like trucks to ride like a truck too. Another reason to go with leafs. If I want foofoo, I will get a Denali,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Plus with your background, maybe you have done this once or twice.

I had to go outside and look,just kidding, but my Denali has leafs. The Denali is what they had in the color I wanted. I finally used the sliding rear window too, Hauled my tree trimmer and it had to sit inside the cab a ways as it is too long for the truck bed.
Sounds like you are getting close JR. What are you going to do with all the room in front of the house when you trim down the heard?

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: October 15, 2018, 09:39:23 PM »
I tend to agree with most of what is being said here except it isn't just California that has a problem. Maybe the Tuckey is different don't know, but most all the rest of the states are facing the same problem. Doesn't seam to matter who is in charge of the country, it is the states that are causing the problems we are faced with. Our  state attorney general is a real piece  of  sh** but more like him than not. Hopefully our governor will give up his post and run for the POTUS and loose.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: October 11, 2018, 10:46:35 PM »
You could cut insulation batts into strips and use zip ties to hold it against the Pex pipe. Is the air handler up in the attic or you just running supply across the attic? My air handler in AZ is in the attic. When time to replace it either the ceiling gets cut to remove and replace, or just rebuild the existing unit wear parts which might be the easy way.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: October 11, 2018, 01:44:16 PM »

Super news Mike....
I am going through the wait and see game right now too. Hopefully all is still good here as well.

Thanks Bob. I will be praying for you as well! Hang in there.

Had the colonoscopy  yesterday, everything ok, full ct scan next month

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: October 09, 2018, 09:49:29 PM »

Super news Mike....
I am going through the wait and see game right now too. Hopefully all is still good here as well.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: October 08, 2018, 11:01:08 AM »
Hopefully your granddaughter won't have scars from the bite. Sorry you had to put him down but probably the best.

Build Threads / Re: What do you do with a 2006, 115k DMax,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
« on: October 04, 2018, 01:37:12 PM »
A grand for springs is a small part of the project it sounds like to me. Good springs mean a lot in the end game

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: October 02, 2018, 08:03:13 PM »
Ken, it is better to have the culverts deeper to get the required cover than have the cover higher than the shoulder. The county or who ever will at some point grade the shoulders and the required cove will be gone. Reshape the ditch line a ways in either direction to get the cover needed. I saw that the rain was headed your way, hold on and be safe and hopefully it will pass with no damage.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: October 02, 2018, 07:58:36 PM »
Charles, I hope the ringing lightens up for you, but...Don't be doing that again unless it happens quick with out time to get the ear protection. I have aids that might help or so I am told but not even close to natural hearing and the ringing is a bitch all the time.

Parenting / Re: A Father's Lamentation
« on: October 02, 2018, 07:53:14 PM »
Deep Breath,,, Know that whatever you have done or wished you had done, at this point is mute. Hold you head high as you did the best you could do given the parameters you had to work with. So sorry for your loss, be strong and walk forward, God is walking with you.

Build Threads / Re: 2016 Rubicon GJ
« on: September 30, 2018, 12:08:18 PM »
Thanks for the explanation Ken. But why weren't you sleeping at 11:19PM instead of explaining why rear brakes wear faster.

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 27, 2018, 12:05:44 AM »

JR, while I was still working, the sheriff crew would take a larger metal boat out on the water on nice days and then park it in the yard with out rinsing it or flushing the engines because they thought there just wasn't time to do it. Needless to say come each Spring, new brakes and trailer rebuild, outboards wrenched on and parts replaced and the boat always looked like crap. Always made me mad and really upset at the waste those few guys caused over and over.

We got our new boat on the water this afternoon, it really takes the ferry wakes nice and is very quite for a metal boat with outboards. Gets on plane really well with just two people in it, the tabs really lift it side to side so I need to work with them some. Only a few more hours and I will be able to really run the thing and see what it will do. Was even able to get off and back on the trailer with out much trouble even with a little wind. And Ken, I really like the rear station, glad I had them put that on. Will be really nice come fishing time.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: September 25, 2018, 11:53:53 PM »
Good for you, I think if you are making a go of the business you have to be set up right. Sounds like you found a great site for a home too

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 25, 2018, 08:46:04 PM »
Just set another lawn chair up in the rear area and call it a day. We don't have the heat and humidity you have down there. I can steer from the rear with the 200 horse running, just can't control the RPM's so could just be slow motoring in a lawn chair if it gets too hot up front.

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 25, 2018, 12:21:42 PM »
Bob does it have AC/Heat in the cabin?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

No A/C but the windows open as does the front and rear door, does have a propane heater (wife's request). :beercheers:

Ken, the rear station steers both motors, as they are tied together, but only has controls for the kicker motor.

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:40:37 PM »

Thank you all for the positive feedback. I laid awake more than a few nights wondering if I had made a good choice buying this boat.
 I think I may not be able to launch or retrieve this one by myself. Could have saved a lot of money if I  hadn't gone with a closed cabin model, and didn't really need some of the options. But, it is going to be nice if the wind kicks up the water or it starts raining like crazy. Probably won't be able to pull a skier,but can sit around and watch others out having fun, while enjoying the day on the water.

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 24, 2018, 06:16:56 PM »
The company started life just making jet boats for the river guides and tours. Now they make lots of models and sizes, inboard jets, outboard jets, and outboard boats both lakes and off shore models. We have lots of heavy gauge welded aluminum boat builders in the region, big business.

Our Pro-Military, Veteran, and Thin Blue Line place / Re: "Doc" Flies again
« on: September 24, 2018, 05:27:25 PM »
Just wonderful...

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 24, 2018, 05:14:52 PM »
I have never owned an aluminum boat before but the bank was nice enough to buy me one. Sure a lot of welding to get one put together

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 24, 2018, 04:56:34 PM »
Hard to get a photo of the inside

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 24, 2018, 04:52:19 PM »
Today was nice enough to get a few photos. 21ft plus swim platform for mounting engines. Haven't got it to the water yet but soon.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: September 23, 2018, 12:01:09 PM »
Don, is the unit set up for burning coal? Kind of dirty to store but wouldn't it hold fire longer if you were going to be away for a day or so?

What are you building? / Re: Dave’s house
« on: September 23, 2018, 01:57:51 AM »
Now that right there is scary stuff Dave....

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: September 22, 2018, 08:41:53 PM »
Tex, you know you don't have to ruin your back to have a couple drinks don't you. After all you know the insurance business right? :beercheers:

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 21, 2018, 11:20:14 AM »
Nate, Lake Mohave from Bullhead almost to Hover Dam. Limited access along the shoreline so  breaking down really is not an option. Nice to have the extra motor, even though it is small, it should get me back to the trailer if needed.

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: salt water boat
« on: September 21, 2018, 01:01:16 AM »

Good news, the new boat is sitting in my yard and they didn't jump the price any from the original quote. The big motor even came with a stainless prop. It will be fine till it meets its end on some drift or heaven forbid the bottom. Then it will turn into an aluminum prop if they make them for it.

Yup Nate, two good days in the same week, sold one and bought another. Bad part is it is almost time to put it to bed for the winter unless I tow it to AZ with me for a few months.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: September 21, 2018, 12:51:09 AM »
single source of heat does help with when you can burn. And he is in the shadows of the earth

D.O.T. / Re: niagara falls
« on: September 18, 2018, 04:53:43 PM »
The boat tour is great. We only did the US side, And it was breath taking, but from looking at how the Canada side views it, cross the bridge and really enjoy looking at the falls.

Tate, could you talk their shop guy into pulling the oil sample instead of you doing it. Hard for them to reject the findings if their contractor pulls the sample and sends it off.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: September 18, 2018, 01:06:47 PM »
Time to get to work and take good pics along the way,  check to be sure the camera is good to go.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: September 18, 2018, 12:00:16 PM »

Don, if you are stacking wood in or near your house or garage, watch out for bugs. They get started in the structure they can eat you  right out of a house.

The place you bought the stove from should know the placement rules for the county. Insurance agent, I agree would be a good call to make and maybe a statement in writing back to you would be good to have.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: September 17, 2018, 08:27:29 PM »
My wife's cousin heats their place in Montana with one, only problem is deciding which one of them will be feeding it in the morning. I think it takes like 3 ft pieces and for the most part smaller rounds so not much splitting. With the slabs, only need to cut to length and stack near by. Wood smoke, I guess the neighbors will get used to it or not. Not as bad as summer and the forest fire smoke all around.

Alternative Energy / Re: Wood Fired Boiler Install
« on: September 17, 2018, 05:22:59 PM »

Who are you hiring to dig the trenches? You wouldn't even think of doing that yourself given your track record with equipment would you.... :beercheers:

Good way to get rid of the scraps at the farm. Will the cedar slab wood work ok or burn too fast?
Taking turns filling up the stove or you just get to do it since you changed the heat source.

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 5
« on: September 17, 2018, 12:09:33 PM »
Everything I have read about the grass carp says they do get aggressive with all the vegetation around them. Even the smaller brush hanging over the bank near the water. Out here you have to get a permit to plant them and the permit can require screening the  inlets and outlets of the lake to keep the carp from escaping into the wild. Most often the state won't allow them to be planted. Our lakes could really benefit having them eating the vegetation, as the pond weeds are taking over.

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 5
« on: September 16, 2018, 08:31:53 PM »
Don, with the way that dirt looks, the pond may never completely clear up. Maybe pump  water to a grassy area and let it flow slowly back into the pond or un some big filters.  Looks like lots of fine silt and clay, stays in suspension for a very long time. Good thing is it will hide the fish from the big ugly long legged birds.

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: New to me Chaparral 1800 SCL
« on: September 13, 2018, 03:10:04 PM »
Got the old boat sold this morning and a phone call letting me know the new one is ready to be picked up.

Good luck to you Tate, hope it doesn't come to that but be ready. Don't give up, that is what they count on....

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: September 11, 2018, 11:21:39 PM »
Wow, what brand is that green chopper cutting the corn? Does it run for a whole day without breaking a hose or bending a cylinder

Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: New to me Chaparral 1800 SCL
« on: September 11, 2018, 05:36:49 PM »
JR, you try out the new prop yet? With any luck I will be picking my boat up Monday. Haven't got my old boat sold yet so might just be adding another one to the yard.

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 5
« on: September 08, 2018, 11:01:45 PM »
I think Don's only problem is he leaves "common sense" in the trailer when he gets up in the morning.. Right way and the Don's way....

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 5
« on: September 08, 2018, 08:25:37 PM »
One thing I?ve learned from this thread is to stay away from JD when the time comes for me to need a tractor.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I guess that would be true if you expose equipment to the extreme and beyond  like Don does.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: September 08, 2018, 08:22:05 PM »
Good luck Charles, low and slow even with the steak works quit well.

Tires, Wheels, and Suspension / Re: Cooper MTPs for the Dmax
« on: September 04, 2018, 07:56:18 PM »
And what does off highway grip mean to you? I will be needing new tires at some point and like having some bite when needed but don't want the load sound for most of the time. My rig is used for towing mostly, that does include slippery boat ramps and getting the travel trailer into a good hunting/camping area. It does see adverse road conditions and not so good off road stuff at times but for the most part it is on asphalt. I usually put on the Toyo, and have no complaints but always looking for better.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: Nike picks Kapernick!
« on: September 04, 2018, 07:46:22 PM »
I don't have a pair to cut up, and won't have now for sure. Such a waste on such a waste.

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