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Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:05:05 PM »
You might be a liberal if

You believe giving social security checks to Illegal imigrants for work they did while in the US where they paid no taxes or social security is a good idea!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:04:46 PM »
You might be a Liberal if:

You think Obama pays your welfare from his own money!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:04:25 PM »
I'll start this off:

You might be a Liberal if:

You think Gun control is not about a steady aim!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:01:55 PM »
Why even have states?

If I was an off planet observer with little knowledge of history say, having just arrived from the planet leftist I wouldn’t understand the need for states in this country of western Europe called the United States. OK, I'll just be that space travler.

It seems all the logic, wisdom and guidance we would ever need comes from one central ruling city. The people living in that ruling city must all be much smarter and have the ability to rule over all of us in a fair and uniform manner, because according to my briefing prior to arriving from the space corridor, My manual on the United States told me that the people there elected their leaders. And in my world, it would be logical for the people to elect their very best and brightest. So I am perplexed over this concept of states, why is there the need for them?

From what I have monitored of the radio and television intercepts this central ruling city continually comes up with rules which they call laws and then apply them to everyone. If alligator hunting is banned in certain months in Louisiana, then that rule should equally apply to the people in Alaska, right? So if all these people are supposed to be alike why is there any confusion? If they all get together to elect one guy to run everything, then these disorganized people would be a lot better off and have less confusion if they just listened to him to run their lives, right? Err, I mean left? Political analysis by my learning computer suggests this man is taking over at the moment, so it would seem the people are finally getting it right, well left.

Still this concept of states is puzzling and very damaging to the peace and the order from what I can determine. For example there are these people called Texans who seem to be perpetually confused. It seems they disagree with just about everything the ruling city comes up! Now why would that be. My computer suggests they suffer from a mental disorder and are possibly of lower intellect than the others. Me, I just don’t know, but something is surely wrong with them. Oddly there are others afflicted by the same sickness. I believe they have already identified the mental condition which they refer to frequently as conservatism. There was something on my planet akin to that centuries ago but our brilliant scientists were able to eliminate it through a surgical procedure where they removed our brains and replaced them with receiver units which were connected to our central control over on the left side of our world. Oddly enough, our planet has no right side, you just keep going left and end up eventually back at the left!

Back to this problem I have with understanding the need for states. Everyone is the same right, err, excuse me left? If the people living in Detroit are the same as those living in Alabama, then why need two different states? Those from New York have the exact same wants needs desires and so forth as those from Mississippi, correct? (Didn’t say right just then) If the pilgrims who settled the area called New England are the same as some people called Apache Indians, then why are they wasting all the effort and expense of having other rulers run the smaller states. Why doesn’t everyone just listen to the one they picked to be their ruler? Very confusing these humans, these Americans.

My other friends report that things are much better off in their regions of study. One Karlmarx says that China is one big happy place where the ruler there makes decisions for all of his subjects. And Billayers, my friend, is overlooking another bigger area called Islam. He says everyone seems to be happy there and even though there are many countries in that region, this thing called Islam is really the power that runs it all. Oddly I don’t recall him ever mentioning any opinions given by the women there, probably just forgot to mention them. And my closest buddy Stallen who oversees Europe reports that the concept of country and state and individual is all but gone, so things are going very well in Europe it would seem.

Back to my troublesome United States. The more I research the more infected people I find. I saw one map of infected areas, This map show the healthy areas shaded in blue. Those tiny areas were all but covered by the horrid mass of orange, the color of the infected lower intellect people. I don’t know how, but the blue areas still control all the orange areas, so they will have a lot of disinfecting to do if they are ever to get America left, err, I mean, healthy.

Even though I am not supposed to interfere with these American humans I feel compelled to. Everyone knows an individual is not intelligent enough to make decisions for himself or herself, right, err, I mean left? That is best left up to the ruler. We once had a collective to make our decisions for us, but eventually, after they removed all our brains, we just leave it up to the ruler. Don’t these humans realize that one cannot make a sound decision all by themselves? If that person running New York city were just allowed to make the decisions for the cattle rancher in Montana these people could enjoy peace and equality. It all makes perfect sense if you really don’t think about it, and that is why I think I am going to help the lefties (as I like to call them) remove the brains of all the infected people, and if I can get away with it, I’m starting with that place called Texas. You know why??? Because they say “Don’t mess with Texas” and we just can’t have attitudes like that running around spoiling it for the bright lefties, now can we?

OK, enough with this journal entry, we’re making a big left turn for a landing to meet with their ruler. He is very insightful, but (and I’m only saying this because this is my journal) he doesn’t seem to be all that smart. I plan to talk to him about just having the brains removed from all the infected people so they will be just like the healthy people of the left. I think my plan will save him a lot of effort with all this talk which seems to go on forever. So come on people, let’s get left!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:59:24 PM »
From Shawn:

Think local, local, local

I personally have more hope for us the midwest than the coasts. Riot here? Maybe Detroit, what little there is left of it. Yeah, like Don stated. Ain't gonna happen or if it does it will be on a small scale. We're just not going to put up with that nonsense very long.

We are heavy industry here (like I've said before largest congressional manufacturing district in the US) and the powers that be will need to keep manufacturing going if it is only for them to keep making stuff of war regardless of who the enemy is. Believe it or not most of the heavy manufacturing here locally is still privately held or a majority stake is anyhow. Not to mention all of the service industry that is all privately held that allows the manufacturing to do their jobs.

The management of these companies know how to manage, this does not mean they know how to make the machines run, I see this time and time again. From the huge multi billion dollar steel mills to the shops I personally manage. Ashley, I'm sure the same can be said for the energy industry as well. Bottom line, we the true patriots have a say that I do not believe that they have calculated into their equation. We (blue collar guys) will pull together and light will prevail. We make those elites worlds go around and you had better be sure they still want it to keep going.

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:45:01 PM »
Nope, that's not my license plate.

Just an aft view of the bike before the mods begin...

For a purchase price of $3350, an excellent buy and starting point me thinks!

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:43:15 PM »
Pre installed bo-bo
Heck I just might leave it there...it still works!

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:41:25 PM »
The Voyager GPS speedo/timer/computer thing...and the padding on the bars

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:40:16 PM »
Some kind of super cool handlebars

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:37:48 PM »
And a big brake kit! Along with guards for the inverted forks!

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:35:42 PM »
But already has some great front forks from a MX bike

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:34:40 PM »
So stock!!!!!!!

Bikes Motorcycles, S x S's, Tractors, and Mowers / Re: DR-650 Build Thread
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:32:42 PM »

I'm liking this! ;)

Let's get this build started.
So, as a part of an individual survival plan a motor-cross or a dual-sport bike is a great part. Capable of moving across just about any terrain it could put you a long ways from danger in a short period of time, and all with a very low signature. Learn to ride it at night and maybe even with night vision goggles, and you could practically move without being noticed.
Now, this DR is going to fulfill a slightly different and unique role.

I consider it as a part of a system. I plan to carry this bike on the back of SquareD, the modified early Dodge truck, along with a trailer so as to form a survival system.

Consider an extended travel away from danger. The Dodge, equipped with in excess of 100 gallons of fuel could feasibly remain operational for a month or more depending on how much it is used. A scenario might to be to get away from, say an urban area, but just far enough to be safe for a time, while you access the situation, and indeed allow the situation to develop.

A city will ignite into chaos fairly quickly as infrastructure and police/government collapses. So by getting yourself more than a couple days walking distance away, you have literally increased your chances of survival many fold. But move around too much and you simply place yourself under observation of more and more areas (Read: People!)

So in this imaginary scenario, everything is imploding, but you got out with what you have packed. With the survival system of truck/trailer/bike and lots of food, shelter, and water purification, you have moved to an isolated spot and set up a bivouac.

After establishing that you have built in some good cammo and are reasonably sure that you won't get many unexpected visits. next you might want to start to check out the surrounding area. Where are the people? Where are the choke points? Where are possible fuel or food collection areas. You could do this in one of several ways. You could lace up the boots and go for several days of hiking, bedding down tactically each night, or better yet, bed down during the day, and move at night. If you had some aerial observation device, you could employ that. If you had a low signature quad, UTV, or motorcycle, well just jump on it.

This is why the DR-650 project was given life and why it is going to be a part of the survival system starting with SquareD.\\THis bike build will look a lot like the outfitting of a world class adventure touring bike with some exceptions or additions.
It will have:
1. A better suspension
2. More power
3. protection for both the engine and the rider
4. Have a weapon mount
5. Be night vision capable
6. Be built on a low-observable concept (Read: Camouflaged)
7. Have a very long range or endurance
8. Carry everything I will need to self sustain for weeks if necessary
9. Be made simple and reliable
10. Feature GPS, communications equipment, and have a laptop computer to record information and possibly control the helicopter/camera system which will be roof mounted onto the truck.

After looking at many candidate bikes, the ultra simple and reliable design of the Suzuki was selected. It is air cooled, proven over decades, and in fact remains largely unchanged since it'd introduction in the mid 1990's. It is simple and rugged, and has a reputation amongst its riders as being nearly bulletproof.

With the decision made, a hunt on Craigslist quickly identified the candidate bike. A 2012 model with less than 2500 miles and already boasting some killer upgrades. The owner was contacted, a price negotiated, and I made the purchase.

So, without further adieu here is the bike as it existed the day I purchased it:

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:55:20 PM »
Originally Posted by Armalite View Post
I agree...

Another question, for you or anyone who feels compelled to give their opinion...

I'm not saying it will or won't. I'm just giving a for instance example....

Everything goes down. Economy shuts down. Government dispatches the little hitlers. When and how does it get turned around? After all the big cities are finished killing each other off, and the rural people kill off each other, and no one else left but those who were smart enough to protect what is theirs; who pieces everything back together? I'm assuming I cant pick up the phone and give ol Don a call and say what's up? How do we all come together, as a group, organized militia, call it what you will ? Do we just survive in our bunkers until we perish? When do we go out, if ever, to find out if the America we once knew is begining to put itself back on track?

Like Don has already stated, God always has, does, and will protect his people. If it's my time to go, and he needs me up there, then Im ready. No fear, no doubt in my mind. He has and always will put me where I'm needed the most.

I want to put this country back on the right track, but I can't do it by sitting in a bunker waiting for my death. Don't take that statement the wrong way. I have a place to keep safe, as should everyone. But I refuse to sit back and hide the rest of my life. If I survive, I want to make this country right again...

You'll know. First of all, the people of the cities and urban areas will fall into pandomonia just like they always do and that will run it's course. The people of the country will likely not act in that manner. It is our custom to help one another and I see us doing more of that than killing one another. I mean how many riots have you seen across AMerica's farmlands?
I think we will organize and become tightly knit self dependent communities. Information will spread and some of us will have HAMM radios or other means of communicating. It won't be as cut and dry awful as you think.
When the mobs come to us they will be met with force, and they will likely not survive. All of that is pretty ugly.
My bigger concern is for eventual outsider intervention. China comes to mind. If the American dollar could be successfully wiped out like the goverment and Federal reserve appears to be attempting to do, it is questionable how the rest of the world fares. I mean we are pretty much the economic engine for the planet. We buy lots of stuff which energizes lots of countries.
But let's say they set up their own economies which don't include us. Iran is currently trying to open it's own oil market based on gold and not the US dollar, and outside of OPEC. THat is not good for us. THat is why we will want to invade and destroy them although we will generate some artificial reason, like they are getting the bomb, their human rights abuses or something like that.
But let's say China or western asia is able to pull it out, and restabilize. Well that giant glut of a machine still would need oil wouldn't it? And who has most of the oil? IF you said the US and Canada, post a gold star!
So a severly weakened third world nation with a battered goverment although still possessing nukes might need to be stabilized. I see the UN using Chinese troops as a viable stabilizing force. Believe it or not, that is our biggest fight, when our own goverment gives us fully over to the UN for help. Of course, we would never recover from that as a nation and simply be absorbed into that culture, albeit as second class citizens or slave workers.
What I find amazing is that a lot of you find this amazing. Speaks a lot about our education, awareness and the ability to think.
Well, I have said it before nad I believe it, that although the deck is clearly stacked against us and there are now more idiots than rational people it is coming. I still believe God will protect and deliver his people simply because someone needs to do his work. Although having said that Americans are becoming less and less his people. We rush headlong toward becoming a society of God haters, while believe it or not, Christianity in China is growing like crazy. Indeed we may be lost except for pockets of us here and there and evangalized by Chinese. Think about it, could happen.
America suffers from amensia and selfishness. Hard to reach poeple when they are comfortably cruising toward their destruction with narry a thought of something bad coming their way except maybe a missed episode of gold rush...
Shawn says tribe is important...man is he correct!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:53:21 PM »
The time for action regarding voicing your political views is indeed now. I fear Washington is all about the "art of the deal." That is a concept I find contemptable!

The real talk will come when this goes farther and there is a chance it will. Many of us good Americans feel beaten down, that is natural in light of all the advances of the left. But remember this, The devil is very strong, very crafty, and in control here, but never, never forget who wins the final battle. In the name of all that is holy, the kingdom of Jesus will return.

I do believe we are afforded protections the lefties are not. For them there is only hollow victories, short lived and hatred. I see on these threads where some of them have already been called "Haters." That is a point in correctness whether said by mistake or after much thought.

Get smart people. You already have common sense and wisdom, something for which I wouldn't trade all the knowledge known to man for, but we, God's people are intended to use our heads, to think!

Did you know that?

Let me give you an example. Pastors who are reading this please double check me, I wouldn't want to put out bad or wrong information.

One gigantic mistake people in general make is that Christians are weak. Wrong! David wasn't weak. Gideons soldiers weren't weak. THe exodus from egypt could not have occurred with weak people. No we are strong, however we reserve our strength, for there is no glory in boasting. That is for the haters. We know who we are, who has our back, and what we are capable of, but we remain quiet, because that is the nature of a mind subject to self control. Making sense so far? Lose anyone yet?

Take a small break, get a cup of Columbia's finest and reengage.

Everyone should recall the example of the Christian turning the other cheek to be hit yet again. Cowardly, sheep-like, weak don't you think? Well if you look no farther than the liberals (God haters) do, then that is what you get because, well, because they are not all that bright to begin with.

Back in the day when Jesus told his people to do that, the social system we enjoy here in the 'Merica did not exist. There was the ruling class with the wealthy, and then there were the peasants and slaves. The soldiers were workers for the ruling class, obviously, but esentially there you have it.
It was accepted that if one the peasants, say a server in a place of eating did a poor job, the socially acceptable method of correcting that lowly servant was to slap them across the face.

So what did Jesus say to do in response to that?? He said turn the other cheek didn't he?

You see although it was acceptable to slap your local peasant for dropping your grapes onto the floor, it was thought of as abusive of one's authority to hit the servant a second time! yea...getting this??

So we are to turn the other cheek...hmmm, think about it. You see Jesus asks us to use the situation to show self control and inner strength and use your enemy's strength against him in a clever manner. Turn the other cheek and stand there. You bring to light the wrongness of the corrective measure, and you challenge the concept while standing there defiantly on righteousness.

Think, use your brains. That is what Jesus is saying. And I happily use that technique on the liberals I meet as often as they give me opportunity. Heck it's almost like a sport of sorts for me. They always think they are smarter than we "country folk." The fact is they are not. They are insecure, not given an abundance of common sense, and they are listening to the devil. There is a devil, you know! And if there is a devil then there is also a God!

Side note here, be careful in choosing your sides. I have a strong argument for choosing God, but ultimately it is you who must choose, and choose you must. By the way, not making a choice is a decision as well, one you will not be comfortable with when the lights go out...

So back to the concept Jesus was teaching us. Be smart, use the very tools of the enemy to effectively beat him. Do not ever give in to defeat, it is just not in the cards. Where logic ends and the possibilities are all exhausted, well that's where faith begins. I don't get it, it shouldn't happen but if you believe you can pray for a mountain to leap into the sea. Not in the real sense, but figuratively you can raise up as a nation of God fearing people and pray the ranks of the haters into defeat. Again look at the example of Gideon. He created the first Rangers (In my humble view) and they didn't even have to so much as lift a finger to defeat their enemies!

I tell you,


Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:52:42 PM »
From Shawn:

Something worth mentioning, we were as a nation created through revolt of the largest military in the world at the time. Their musket was our AR15 per say, not alot different then as it is today if you think in these terms. Three percent were all that fought the largest military in the world. To me that is amazing & I believe (contrary to alot of peoples opinions) that they were very godly men.

Bloodshed and armed conflict, this may be something the majority has never experienced I myself included. However, with that stated I grew up in a relatively free country. I have three children of my own and countless nieces and nephews. If I am to be remembered for one thing it is that I would not bow to evil, ever.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:51:30 PM »
Another CIEMR:

Well there are two ways of looking at hoarding of ammo and the recent cleaning of shelves nation wide of guns and ammo.
It might be foolish as some have suggested, or it just might serve a useful purpose!
First in defense of those hoarding the ammo, they were doing what they felt they needed to do to protect themselves and their families. Call them names if you like, I'd just call them late to the game.
But that's not why I am responding. I'd like to take you off the mark for a second to view the bigger picture. You see the left wants and has always wanted to get the guns, nuff said. Each and every shooting event is just another opportunity, we know that.
But when they circulate the idea of an assault gun ban or ammo ban or gun registration, they are doing a market survey. We are the "market." They are seeing how we react to their suggestion. They are wondering if it will be a easy sale or a hard sell.
So Feinstien leakes the upcoming gun control measures on day one. By day two or day three the store shelves nation wide are barren! I mean no ammo, no magazines, no M4's! So let me ask you, what message does this send them? Do you think they feel this is going to be a pushover just because OB is in for another 4 years? Do you? Think about it!
What did we the people just say? If we thought they were actually going to confiscate our guns, would we buy more? Or stay away and protect our money?
From my view, we sent a pretty clear message that, indeed, as Obama critized during the 2008 campaign, we Christians run to our bibles and our guns. I would concur! Seems we just did it again.
So, perhaps we embrace those who are "Hoarding" instead of critizing them and thereby showing division amongst us. I say damm good job! Buy it all up and bet ammo and weapons back ordered for months. Lets show that Americans are indeed hoarding weapons. So that perhaps when the concept of someone knocking on the door to seize them, they might realize that just might turn into a fight they don't want.
I have long perdicted (and I hope I am wrong) that America is ripe for a violent revolution. THe left has gone too far. Islam is growing too strong here. We the people are threatened, now even by what we say. All there needs to happen is a catalyst. I believe guns will be that catalyst. A move to grab guns will certainly result in violence and criminalize normal americans. That will be the jump off point for all the crazies and some militias and who knows who.
So in one respect, I like our reactions to proposed or leaked gun control. I think we are saying pretty plainly that if you want a fight, really want a fight, then this is how to do it. In the end the left does want a fight. Remember the Nazis were liberals, yet extreme left. So history tells me that is where the threat is coming from. But they are smart enough to realize they can not win it unless they can neuter us. Take our means to resist, that is. Well, we have just shown that is not a likely prospect.
Stay together, stay united, be vigiliant, organize, prepare, and do not give in to oppression!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:50:41 PM »
From Shawn:

First off I want to say to all our Servicemen on here & within earshot that I am truly sorry. I'm sorry that you have fought all these years for us and now that it is your time to rest you will likely be called into the fold once more. I'm ashamed at the apparent majority of Americans who act anything but. The only thing I can guarantee you is that my off spring will not act in this manner if I have anything to say about it.

Second, Don touched base on this whole idea of driving off into the mountains and setting up Eden (he was really snickering as he wrote it). I would quickly come to the realization on a couple of things. That being if you are a few hours from said mountains & / or they are across said state lines you will probably not make it there. One of the first things they will do is start cracking down on travel (do you have your papers might be a new catch phrase?). Next is the fact if you do make it there the locals can probably spot you a mile off just in the way you walk. I personally am from NE IN. and have spent alot of time in SE KY wheeling. Great people down there but there is no way for me to fit in within a short amount of time or for that matter the weeks on end I spent there each year for about five years straight.

Something else to think about is resources. Most people know where the local ones are because they have lived where they are currently most of their lives or at least a few years. Those that have not should start networking now hard core & how do you measure trust? My way is with time normally, get started. I also know the majority of the good guys or should I say old school that I can create a network with whether it be trade or for help. I also have wandered these stomping grounds enough to know how to get lost quickly (on purpose) not to mention the lay of the land burned into my head. I don't need any topo maps however don't overlook hard copies of these as they can be invaluable even for barter possibly.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:48:31 PM »
edit: Also, what brand of M4 would you suggest? Looking at Spikes Tactical, since their lower receiver are multi-caliber

That's a good M4, and so are the ones Shawn mentioned. POF, DPMS also are great guns but some of the run of the mill brands are as well. Bushmaster comes to mind, and I don't say that lightly. I carried a Bushmaster the whole time I was in Iraq, two short tours, both combat jobs. I backed the rifle up with a 9mm pistol, not my first choice mind you, but a decent caliber. I perfer .45 because a hit is usually a kill. Makes very big holes...just too much room for air and blood to escape.
Speaking of any survival plan, first, you want a plan. Basic at first like yours, then spend time filling in the gaps. As you think of things like, how are you getting there? What is the trigger point for you to cut and run? Do you have cache's of food, fuel, bedding, ammo, water?
Have a bug out bag?
How about your physical fitness. If you're fat and out of shape, you won't survive. Get serious about that.
Do you know about nutrition? Natural foods? How to purify water? Make a fire? Navigate by the stars and sun? anything like that? Have a decent weapon? Know how to use it?
What I am hinting at is an attitude. Are you serious and if so you will be training, as in all the time.
Survival is a mindset. You keep yourself in shape. Instead of buying useless chrome wheels or other bling, you think instead of the practical application of things. Change from living for yourself (not saying that you are) and think about what you need to survive. THat then, becomes the thing that interests you.
I have said it before and will say it again. Get to know your savoir, Jesus. I believe as he did many times, he will provide for and protect his own, leaving the rest to the tormenter. Get right with God.
Shawn makes a good point of Tribe. I agree with him, although pickin's can be slim. A guy with serious military experience could get you a long way down the road. Medical skills and suplies are important. Food and water development as well as power generation, and safe/dry/secure shelter is important as well.
Get started on all that. Know this: None of us are totally prepared. Some are just more prepared than others. When it happens and if you are using your brain and not listening to the brain washing media, you can see we are in serious moral decline and on the road to a police state and much nashing of teeth on the path there.
I'm starting to look at my possessions as I do when looking at things in a museum. It was nice to have them, but really, I don't need them and frankly a lot of the stuff I have makes me lazier, fatter, and gives a false sense of wellness. I'm starting to abandon all these modern trappings as mental luxuries, sort of the same mindset I had all those years at war. I just don't need it, want to carry it, or have the time for it.
The choice is yours. Chrome and the trappings of a bloated self actualizing society, or the truth...your choice.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:47:22 PM »
What do you make of this:

The latest from “DHS Insider” (Part I)

By Douglas J. Hagmann
23 December 2012: After a lengthy, self-imposed informational black-out, my high-level DHS contact known as “Rosebud” emerged with new, non-public information about plans being discussed and prepared for implementation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the near future. It is important to note that this black-out was directly related to the aggressive federal initiative of identifying and prosecuting “leakers,” at least those leaks and leakers not sanctioned by the executive office – the latter of which there are many.

Due to those circumstances, my source exercised an abundance of caution to avoid compromising a valuable line of communication until he had information he felt was significant enough to risk external contact. The following information is the result of an in-person contact between this author and “Rosebud” within the last 48 hours. With his permission, the interview was digitally recorded and the relevant portions of the contact are provided in a conversational format for easier reading. The original recording was copied onto multiple discs and are maintained in secure locations for historical and insurance purposes.
The following began after an exchange of pleasantries and other unrelated discussion:
DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?
RB: You do.
DH: I’ve received a lot of e-mail from people wondering where you went and why you’ve been so quiet.
RB: As I told you earlier, things are very dicey. Weird things began to happen before the election and have continued since. Odd things, a clampdown of sorts. I started looking and I found [REDACTED AT THE REQUEST OF THIS SOURCE], and that shook me up. I’m not the only one, though, that found a [REDACTED], so this means there’s surveillance of people within DHS by DHS. So, that explains this cloak and dagger stuff for this meeting.
DH: I understand. What about the others?
RB: They are handling it the same way.
DH: I’ve received many e-mails asking if you are the same person giving information to Ulsterman. Are you?
RB: No, but I think I know at least one of his insiders.
DH: Care to elaborate?
RB: Sorry, no.
DH: Do you trust him or her. I mean, the Ulsterman source?
RB: Yes.
DH: Okay, so last August, you said things were “going hot.” I printed what you said, and things did not seem to happen as you said.
RB: You’d better recheck your notes and compare [them] with some of the events leading up to the election. I think you’ll find that a full blown campaign of deception took place to make certain Obama got back into office. The polls, the media, and a few incidents that happened in the two months before the election. I guess if people are looking for some big event they can point to and say “aha” for verification, well then I overestimated people’s ability to tell when they are being lied to.
DH: What specific incidents are you referring to?
RB: Look at the threats to Obama. Start there. The accusations of racism. Then look at the polls, and especially the judicial decisions about voter ID laws. Bought and paid for, or where there was any potential for problems, the judges got the message, loud and clear. Then look at the voter fraud. And not a peep from the Republicans. Nothing. His second term was a done deal in September. This was planned. Frankly, the Obama team knew they had it sewn up long before election day. Benghazi could have derailed them, but the fix was in there, so I never saw anything on my end to suggest a ready-made solution had to be implemented.
DH: What’s going on now?
RB: People better pay close attention over the next few months. First, there won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned, I mean, the lack of deal is planned. In fact, it’ necessary to pave the way for what is in the short term agenda.
DH: Wait, you’re DHS – not some Wall Street insider.
RB: So you think they are separate agendas? That’s funny. The coming collapse of the U.S. dollar is a done deal. It’s been in the works for years – decades, and this is one of the most important cataclysmic events that DHS is preparing for. I almost think that DHS was created for that purpose alone, to fight Americans, not protect them, right here in America. But that’s not the only reason. There’s the gun issue too.
DH: So, what are you seeing at DHS?
RB: We don’t have a lot of time, tonight – our meeting – as well as a country. I mean I have heard – with my own ears – plans being made that originate from the White House that involve the hierarchy of DHS. You gotta know how DHS works at the highest of levels. It’s Jarrett and Napolitano, with Jarrett organizing all of the plans and approaches. She’s the one in charge, at least from my point of view, from what I am seeing. Obama knows that’s going on and has say, but it seems that Jarrett has the final say, not the other way around. It’s [screwed] up. This really went into high gear since the election.
But it’s a train wreck at mid management, but is more effective at the lower levels. A lot of police departments are being gifted with federal funds with strings attached. That money is flowing out to municipal police departments faster than it can be counted. They are using this money to buy tanks, well, not real tanks, but you know what I mean. DHS is turning the police into soldiers.
By the way, there has been a lot of communication recently between Napolitano and Pistole [TSA head]. They are planning to use TSA agents in tandem with local police for certain operations that are being planned right now. This is so [deleted] important that you cannot even begin to imagine. If you get nothing else out of this, please, please make sure you tell people to watch the TSA and their increasing involvement against the American public. They are the stooges who will be the ones to carry out certain plans when the dollar collapses and the gun confiscation begins.
DH: Whoa, wait a minute. You just said a mouthful. What’s the agenda here?
RB: Your intelligence insider – he knows that we are facing a planned economic collapse. You wrote about this in your articles about Benghazi, or at least that’s what I got out of the later articles. So why the surprise?
DH: There’s a lot here. Let’s take it step by step if you don’t mind.
RB: Okay, but I’m not going to give it to you in baby steps. Big boy steps. This is what I am hearing. Life for the average American is going to change significantly, and not the change people expect. First, DHS is preparing to work with police departments and the TSA to respond to civil uprisings that will happen when there is a financial panic. And there will be one, maybe as early as this spring, when the dollar won’t get you a gumball. I’m not sure what the catalyst will be, but I’ve heard rumblings about a derivatives crisis as well as an oil embargo. I don’t know, that’s not my department. But something is going to happen to collapse the dollar, which has been in the works since the 1990′s. Now if it does not happen as soon as this, it’s because there are people, real patriots, who are working to prevent this, so it’s a fluid dynamic. But that doesn’t change the preparations.
And the preparations are these: DHS is prepositioning assets in strategic areas near urban centers all across the country. Storage depots. Armories. And even detainment facilities, known as FEMA camps. FEMA does not even know that the facilities are earmarked for detainment by executive orders, at least not in the traditional sense they were intended. By the way, people drive by some of these armories everyday without even giving them a second look. Commercial and business real estate across the country are being bought up or leased for storage purposes. Very low profile.
Anyway, I am hearing that the plan from on high is to let the chaos play out for a while, making ordinary citizens beg for troops to be deployed to restore order. but it’s all organized to make them appear as good guys. That’s when the real head knocking will take place. We’re talking travel restrictions, which should no be a problem because gas will be rationed or unavailable. The TSA will be in charge of travel, or at least be a big part of it. They will be commissioned, upgraded from their current status.
They, I mean Jarrett and Obama as well as a few others in government, are working to create a perfect storm too. This is being timed to coincide with new gun laws.
DH: New federal gun laws?
RB: Yes. Count on the criminalization to possess just about every gun you can think of. Not only restrictions, but actual criminalization of possessing a banned firearm. I heard this directly from the highest of my sources. Plans were made in the 90′s but were withheld. Now, it’s a new day, a new time, and they are riding the wave of emotion from Sandy Hook., which, by the way and as tragic as it was, well, it stinks to high heaven. I mean there are many things wrong there, and first reports are fast disappearing. The narrative is being changed. Look, there is something wrong with Sandy Hook, but if you write it, you’ll be called a kook or worse.
DH: Sure
RB: But Sandy Hook, there’s something very wrong there. But I am hearing that won’t be the final straw. There will be another if they think it’s necessary.
DH: Another shooting?
RB: Yes.
DH: That would mean they are at least complicit.
RB: Well, that’s one way of looking at it.
DH: Are they? Were they?
RB: Do your own research. Nothing I say, short of bringing you photographs and documents will convince anyone, and even then, it’s like [DELETED] in the wind.
DH: So…
RB: So what I’m telling you is that DHS, the TSA and certain, but not all, law enforcement agencies are going to be elbow deep in riot control in response to an economic incident. At the same time or close to it, gun confiscation will start. It will start on a voluntary basis using federal registration forms, then an amnesty, then the kicking-in of doors start.
Before or at the same time, you know all the talk of lists, you know, the red and blue lists that everyone made fun of? Well they exist, although I don’t know about their colors. But there are lists of political dissidents maintained by DHS. Names are coordinated with the executive branch, but you know what? They did not start with Obama. They’ve been around in one form or another for years. The difference though is that today, they are much more organized. And I’ll tell you that the vocal opponents of the politics of the global elite, the bankers, and the opponents of anything standing in their way, well, they are on the top of the list of people to be handled.
DH: Handled?
RB: As the situations worsen, some might be given a chance to stop their vocal opposition. Some will, others won’t. I suppose they are on different lists. Others won’t have that chance. By that time, though, it will be chaos and people will be in full defensive mode. They will be hungry, real hunger like we’ve never experienced before. They will use our hunger as leverage. They will use medical care as leverage.
DH: Will this happen all at once?
RB: They hope to make it happen at the same time. Big cities first, with sections being set apart from the rest of the country. Then the rural areas. There are two different plans for geographical considerations. But it will all come together.
End of Part I
In Pursuit of the Truth...

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:45:32 PM »
Good commentary on the psychology behind these mass shootings:

Who Murdered the Value of Life?

By David Outten, Production Editor

The mass killings of 2012 are appalling.

In both Colorado and Connecticut, the killers were considered very smart. Neither was apparently motivated by politics, religion or race. Both played video games.

Many games have the player go from room to room killing and killing and killing. Many boys and young men enjoy the thrill of mowing down person after person. In Norway, Anders Breivik trained with the video game CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE before murdering 77 people.

The value of pixels on a monitor is nothing. You can kill “people” all day long with games, but there’s an impact on the mind and the spirit. Some few people will fantasize about doing the real thing. An even smaller number will do it.

CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE’S latest three games have sold over 40 million copies, and that’s just one series of violent games. It only takes one game player to go out and kill 27 people.

The lives of the 27 people in Connecticut were of tremendous value to their families but not to Adam Lanza, their evil killer.

The value of life has not only been diminishing in video games. Violence in movies and television has been growing. Even in the general culture, the value of life is diminishing. There have been more than 53 million abortions (!!!) since the Supreme Court declared life in the womb unworthy of protection.

The American healthcare system is headed toward denying care to those whose remaining life is not considered valuable by the government.

The root cause of the problem is a move away from belief in God. In the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers declared, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness – that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.”

The belief that the government has a responsibility to secure the right to life is fading. Increasingly, the government is securing the right to sin. It protects abortion. It protects pornography (which demeans the value of human dignity). It even protects ultra violent video games.

The reason the government is doing this was explained at its inception by John Adams when he said, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other”

Addressing His disciples, Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”

The church is being trampled. Many Christians have lost the ability to be salt and light in culture. If every Christian was doing what he or she was called to do, companies could not sell 40 million copies of violent video games. Movies and television programs would be much more wholesome. Pornography would not sell. Millions of girls and women would not be seeking abortions. Adam Lanza’s parents might not have gotten divorced. Adam and his parents might not have skipped going regularly to church. And, Adam may not have murdered 27 people in cold blood.

God created life valuable. Ignore God, ignore His wisdom, and the value of life drops. The Romans used to line roads with people on crosses. They fed them to lions and watched them kill each other as sport. It was Christianity that stopped this behavior by teaching the value of life.

God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross for the forgiveness of the very least of mankind, including the worst sinners. We should value life because God does.

If we value life, we should stand for the value of life in our church, our politics, our entertainment, our business, and our family. We should be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We should impact the world by changing lives.

There were people who knew Adam Lanza and his mother were having problems. If they’d been reached a month ago, there might be 27 more people alive today. Right now, there are people in need of help. The next Adam Lanza is playing video games today. He could be in Georgia, in California, in Wisconsin. He could be in your neighborhood.

We can do nothing for Adam now. We can do something for the millions of children being raised in a culture that’s diminishing the value of life.

BTW, my boys also have that game. The difference is I limit their playing of it. For example currently, they may not play it until after Christmas and have not for a week so far. Additionally, they read their bible for 15 minutes EVERY NIGHT. I never thought about it, but both of them are reading two grades higher than the one they are in.

I know I can't create rangers who can actually read, so I will have to do something when the time comes to dumb them down to Infantry standards so that they can better fit in

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:44:51 PM »
Civil aviation, especially helicopter operators define that as "Flat Light."
It's where everything blends together, sort of like "cross-Over" with FLIR systems.
Vertigo is actually the spinning sensation you get when motion is introduced into all three of the semi circular canals at once. Your body is then giving you conflicting signals to what your eyes and seat of the pants are telling you. People often get sick immediately when that happens.
When I'd be flying around with one of you knuckleheads in the cockpit I had lots of little tricks I'd play. One that worked well was to point over th the left for example. When my victium looked left I'd roll hard right, take it a ball width out of trim then pitch back. The crew chiefs hated me doing that, but they knew if they complained too loudly, I push over and play cieling tag with them for awhile
Anywho, you'll be OK! Take two asprins, get plenty of rest, and write me in the morning!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:44:21 PM »
From Bobby:

Had my own moment of vertigo/inadvertent IMC driving to work in the Blizzard this morning.. Had absolutely NO sense of forward movement, the speedometer read 50, but nope I felt nothing... good thing I knew to check out the side windows and get my head right. Weird first time it has EVER happened to me.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:43:14 PM »
From Ashley:

Had a few things come to me this morning on my quiet drive to work in the dark. Most of the power is out down here due to the wind, so it was quite surreal to drive in pitch black, where there is normally light.

Someone spoke to me, and said this could be the normal. This could be our future. So I thought about that. Imagine all the roads you travel day to day. If you travel in the dark, like I do everyday, think of all the lights, gas stations, houses, security lights ect. that are running. Everything is lit up. You can see where you are going.

Now, cut the power to everything. It gets pitch black. Eerily black. What if that becomes our normal? If this war is coming, I feel that we will be experiencing a lot more "roads in the dark". Willing or not. That feeling of being by yourself, may become the normal feeling. We may be sitting around remembering the days that we had electricity, and lights that revealed where we were going...

About halfway through my jaunt, during the middle of a prayer, I began to be questioned. Here were the questions...

"You want to know why I let these trajedies happen?"

"Everyone wants to know why these shootings occur."

"How could God let this happen?"

Then these questions were followed by answers...

"I created you. Each and everyone of you, in my image. You are my children. Now, you have rebuked me. You have taken me out of the courts. I created those courts for you, and now you think you can handle it by yourself, so I was removed. I created the schools that you learned in, and that your children will be taught in. You removed me from the schools, so I guess you think you have that under control as well. Sporting events can no longer involve me. So much for all the physical abilities you recieved because of me. Guess that was all you, and didnt need my hand at all. Now look at your country. This great country I spent thousands of years preparing for you. It was founded by godly men. By men with principal, character. Now you feel you dont need that anymore. Who cares about principal, or doing whats right. It's all about who can give you the most, without requiring any effort on your part. So you want to run the country your way, and not mine anymore."

"Everyone wants to know why and how. Look at who is running things now. I tried, but I created you to have free will. Free choice. I have always been there to help, and Im still here. But, you think you are better. You know better, and I'm no longer needed. So, I step aside, because that is what you want isnt it? If not, then I would still be involved in everything that I have created for you. So, this country will continue to be run by your own. When you have had enough, if you ever do, I will still be here. I can still take care of things, but only if Im desired to do so."

"You ask how and why everytime there is a tragic event. I ask myself everyday, how and why, the people I created, could turn against all I have prepared for you."

Thought maybe a few more people out there needed to hear what I heard this morning. Needless to say, I had a very humbling drive to work this morning....

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:41:41 PM »
Good writeup on our possible islamic future follows. I will make a prediction here. THe United States will be the scene for a very bloody civil war in which true Americans are in a life or death struggle and fight with the forces of Islam and the super liberal left who is allowing for the spread of that mentally ill culture. The reason Islam is spreading is because most of you (Americans) have no spine to do anything about it. So because of this cowardice you will force your children to do what you should have done.

Here ya go:

Joys of Muslim Women
By Nonie Darwish

"In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child. Consummating the marriage by 9.

The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy.

Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce.

To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.

Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family. Husbands can beat their wives 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.

The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.

The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman.
In the Western World (Canada, United States and Britain ) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her. It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American, Canadian, Universities and British Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law.

By passing this on, enlightened Canadian, American and British women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law."

"Ripping the West in Two."

Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.

She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law. Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza ..

When he died, he was considered a "shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society.
But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.. She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.
In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping shariah law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries.

For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world.

Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Shariah teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Shariah encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.

While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Shariah advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism.

It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.

While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.

(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in Canada, the U.S. And Britain To elect the President by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA .. Dearborn Mich. Is one... And there are others....) ( Britain has several cities now totally controlled by Muslims)

I think everyone in Canada. the U.S. And Great Britain Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!
It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.. Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.. The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion. While Canada, the U.S.A.and Britain are getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on North America and Britain ....

This is your chance to make a difference...! Pass it on to your email list or at least those you think will listen..

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:40:44 PM »
Originally Posted by nmeyer414 View Post
don, i almost thought for a minute that you forgot about your CIEMR thread, you have not posted for us here of late?! how is the bug that was going around your house? every body get ride of it? how shtat new piece of land you were looking at coming along?

Bug gone, but well used here!
Land purchase is stumbling along. It is a typical kentucky back woods deal. No deeded access, although the law gurantees it. No great boundary markers, just a pile of rocks to an old oak tree to a bend in the creek, stuff like that. In fact the seller told me it was 95 acres, he thought. Now my lawyer who is processing the sale says it is likely larger than 110 acres. It turns out I will also own part of a creek bottom which another farm is using as a tobacco field. Heck, I thought that piece was his land.
My Lawyer tells me we can get it done, but he won't bring me to the closing table until it's right.

OK, Nate got me fired up this morning! You know in a different world in a different time I would have loved to have him as my platoon sergeant. We could have had some good coffees and discussions together! My typical relationship with NCO's is to constantly argue with them and on occasion mud wrestle with the big ones, or arm wrestle, but always hassle them. Seems I was born to that task. But behind closed doors, we were buddies and I supported the good ones all the way.

THere is a lesson here I want to pass on those of you that have the brains to get this. I am paying cash for the place. I am paying cash to fix up the road, and paying cash for a tempo trailer to put on the property and to fix up the house. I did that because throughout my life I used a diciplined investing and saving principle. Additionally, since Finding God and Jesus, I have tithed. Remember the part in the bible where GOd himself actually invites us to call us out? He says you give 10% of your earnings as a tithe, (Not that he needs it) and he will bless us. I can say, that his blessings and not as much my savings is getting all this done. It is not luck, not some great stock deal I made, because I have made far more poor ones that good trades. No sir, Jesus has had my back and provided and blessed us beyond my dreams.
Now he may take it all back tomorrow, that's his call, and I'm good with that, heck I/you/we are only here on this earth for a short time, sort of a temp job if you will, so in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter.

So I say to you as I have in the past. first: Find Jesus and get to know him and his Father who has made all things. I mean seriously, get to know him. Next get his TM, err, the bible which is our instruction book for life and read it. Figure out what he is telling you and do it. Spend every day in prayer to him about seven hundred times a day, for he asks us to pray about and ask all things. Do all that and that will automatically equate to a balanced life of humble servitude to your neighbor. I sometimes have a hard time with that. I have knocked some of them about the head and shoulders as of recent times, and I am not fond of Muslims and other God haters, but I consider myself a work in progress.

You do those things, (Not the muslim dislike stuff) and you too will find your yoke and your burden light. Fight God, deny him and he will give you over th the devil who has more ways to keep you busy and snowed under than wal mart has hillbillies during a mud tire and shotgun shell sale!
Be good Y'all!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:39:45 PM »
A liberal is someone who feels a
great debt to his fellow man,
which debt he proposes to pay off
with your money. -- G. Gordon

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:38:58 PM »

In my many years I have come to a
conclusion that one useless man
is a shame, two is a law firm,
and three or more is a congress.
-Mark Twain

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:38:26 PM »
Couple of good quotes:

When half of the people get the
idea that they do not have to
work, because the other half is
going to take care of them, and
when the other half gets the idea
that it does no good to work
because somebody else is going to
get what they work for, that is the
beginning of the end of any nation!

Just because you do not take an
interest in politics doesn't mean
politics won't take an interest
in you! -- Pericles (430 B.C.)

If you don't read the newspaper
you are uninformed, if you do
read the newspaper you are
misinformed. -- Mark Twain

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:37:58 PM »
Read this recently, very comforting (Not!):

Before the presidential election, I got the idea to commission a scientific poll to find out what Muslim-Americans really think – and how it might affect their votes.
The results were eye-opening and alarming. They should be to every American who believes in the U.S. Constitution and Judeo-Christian morality.
Here’s the overview from 30,000 feet:
• Nearly half of those polled, a scientific sampling of 600, said parodies of Muhammad should be criminally prosecuted with offenders given punishments as severe as the death penalty;
• 40 percent of Muslims believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards and Islamic judges;
• Only 30 percent believe Christians have a right to evangelize Muslims;
• 20 percent say Muslim men should be allowed to have more than one wife;
• 58 percent said any criticism of their religion should not be allowed under the Constitution – even while nine of 10 said they support the First Amendment;
• One in three said Israel has no right to exist or were uncertain about it;
• 72 percent said they would definitely be voting for Barack Obama, while another 8.5 percent were leaning in that direction;
• Only 11 percent were supporting Mitt Romney at the time – just days before the November vote;
• About 55 percent said the U.S. is generally on the right track.
Now, maybe you question the authenticity or reliability of this survey. Maybe you think it was biased. Maybe you think the sampling of Muslims, 98 percent of whom have U.S. citizenship, wasn’t large enough.
Well, shortly after WND commissioned this survey by respected pollster Fritz Wenzel, another similar survey was commissioned by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which bills itself as a Muslim civil-rights organization but which in fact is a Muslim Brotherhood front group.
The results were strikingly similar – at least on the questions asked in both surveys. This CAIR survey, conducted on a smaller sampling of 500, received extensive coverage by the media.
The CAIR survey found:
• 68 percent of Muslim-Americans planned to vote for vote for Obama with 7 percent going for Romney;
• 66 percent said they identify with the Democratic Party, while only 9 percent affiliated as Republicans.
In other words, the CAIR survey validates the Wenzel poll – even though it didn’t seek answers on some of the more troubling issues of the law and constitutional liberties.
So what are the takeaways from this first survey of Muslim-Americans about Islamism and Shariah?
The Pew Research Center estimates America is home to 2.6 million Muslims. Groups like CAIR put the numbers much higher – by a factor of two or three times.
Whatever the real numbers are, Americans have reason to be concerned about continued immigration of Muslims into the U.S. when so many already here, including those who have established citizenship, have values and beliefs that stand in stark contrast to the Constitution sand the values and beliefs that shaped it.
Already, massive immigration of Muslims has changed the very character of much of Europe, where special Shariah courts have been established, creating societies with entirely different legal standards.
Do we really want that for America?
In fact, we need to ask ourselves how many people who took oaths to uphold the Constitution to obtain their citizenship really meant it. Is that standard sufficient for Muslims, who are encouraged by their faith to deceive if it furthers the cause of Islam?
“Multiculturalism” is much in vogue in the U.S. But if blind allegiance to a nice-sounding phrase of inclusiveness spells the eventual doom of our national heritage, is it really the right path to follow?
Quite simply, we need to collectively and individually ask ourselves a simple question: Is continued immigration into the U.S. by Muslims in the best interest of preserving our liberties?

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:36:29 PM »
Another CIEMR

You know, I was thinking that this fiscal Clift just may be a good thing. I mean I know it will usher in a major recession and more likely depression, but given the social climate where everyone has their hand out, when big brother stops paying, you won't have a culture of hard working God fearing people who dig in their soles and work their way out of the mess.
No what you'll have is mass pandemonium where greedy ignorant hateful crowds of the entitlement movement start rioting everywhere. I think that will be the catylist of a new revolution and descent into a temporary state of anarchy.

But what exactly happens to us while all this mayhem is going on. Well let's review class. We pray and attend our churches and you have to know that God protects his people. First to the Jew, then to the Gentiles, of which most of us already are. So by faith and our belief we will be protected to some degree. Next we are the producers, we work, we have skills, so we go on doing for, well, ourselves I guess. Don't know about you but when the mobs are burning the projects in Cincy, I'm not going to be donating blankets. I will be hunkered down protecting mine.

We are really the smarter. Not as in with degrees, most of us had to work and didn't go to or couldn't afford college. So even though I don't have a Phd in basket weaving, I know how to start a fire, fire a weapon, grow potatoes, purify water, treat injuries, fix things and a host of other useful skills. So all of that would seem to benefit us as well.

When those mobs come knocking at our doors, well, they get to learn about terminal effects of high and some low velocity projectiles. I believe, hands down, we win that contest. I never went to battle with a bunch of heroin addicts, mobsters, or protesters, but I fought in many places with a bunch of ex-rednecks, hillbillies, and country boys. And you know what?? Those were by far the most lethal people I have ever known. If someone hasn't said it I will as a statement of fact: Don't mess with country boys!

We, the "Normal Americans" mostly live in the country and the burbs. Just look at the map of the red counties vs the blue ones. I think we own 95% or more of the physical landmass of the US of tax sucking' A! So we have most of the land. And our land is the land that creates stuff that keeps you alive. The blue areas just create stuff that is fun to play with. Theirs: fun, ours: full belly!

And because we have common sense and anyone who decides it is a good thing to take more from the people who create jobs and give it to welfare people who won't survive round one and never contribute anything useful to society, we win that way too. We are able to look at a thing and say that is right or that is wrong. We really don't need some courtroom talking head to give us an opinion. Don't believe me, go to small town America, sit down with any elderly farmer looking guy and ask him about any of the foolishness we see from the kingdom of Washington, he'll tell you, and he will be right.

So since we are rather well positioned, why not let it fall apart
So let the idiots have their socialist doomsday. Let's pull out our bibles and guns, stock up a shelf or two. start doing some sit-ups, I have to say you folks are really disgustingly fat. You need to be in shape to survive. But do that and let's just tribe up and cover down on each other. the idiots are getting their way and everything they ever wanted. Let them have it and prepare, because in the end, I think it will be ours to have for the taking!
he idiots sail this boat off the Clift. We will have enough sense to get off and wait, and wait we should. Wait, conserve what we have, protect each other and let the wolves eat themselves. In the end we will still be here and in much greater numbers. During that time when some says Allah Akbar I doubt he gets past the second syllable before some .308 round finds its mark. I am not promoting or suggesting this, since that is evil and wrong. I am however fairly smart and able to reason through things and that sense has kept me hopping through many a stick circumstance. So I am merely speculating out loud and stating what I think we the real people would do and react.

Intel / Food for thought!
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:34:00 PM »
Since we frequently address survival "Prepper" topics, Here's a good one I came across recently.
I'd suggest those interested print out these suggestions, articles, guides, and plans and make up a book to be used as reference later.

This topic deals with leadership. Watching the prepper shows on TV, I see this sort of thing cropping up. A good leader is hard to come by, from my 2.5 decades in the military, I have seen this first hand and can give names to each of these pseudo leaders.

THe concept of community is all important with specialists and cross training amongst the various members. Watch, wait, and listen and the leader will appear over time and usually after some difficult tests. A good leader can get you through, where as a poor one can get you dead. So spend more time than the US population used to select our current leader and be aware of both good and poor leadership traits.
In my view a good leader can make decent decisions but usually will not make them hastily. HE will seek the counsel of trusted individuals and not rely on only him/herself for all the answers. He/She needs to be fairly well experienced and with tough things like life and death. He/she needs not be controlling, however strong enough to make a difficult decision and stand by it.
Here are some descriptions of poor leadership:

Being forced to endure and survive a catastrophic macro event like a monetary or social collapse is perhaps one of the worst experiences I could imagine. Such a crisis leads to just about every crime and inhuman action in existence, and the time required for a culture to right itself and rebuild is severely protracted. A hurricane, earthquake or tidal wave is a short-lived calamity that is easy in comparison. As survivalists who are preparing to make an economic endgame scenario as comfortable to live through as we can, it is incumbent upon us to consider the kind of company we keep during the gambit. Some allies will make that mad world bearable; others will bring the madness to your doorstep.

Many preppers are aware of the dangers inherent in our progressively deteriorating Nation. Unfortunately, some of them are completely unaware of the dangers inherent within themselves. Building a solid community of people to rely on during a collapse is absolutely essential, and the larger the group of liberty-minded neighbors the better. But if certain ground rules are not established from the very beginning, a rainbow of personal issues and character flaws could very well destroy years of effort. Care must be taken by all parties involved to ensure that internal conflicts remain at a minimum and that, when they do arise, each person is wise enough to resolve issues in an adult manner.

I hate to say it, but you will inevitably run into some folks who are beyond compromise and beyond hope. Working with them is like pulling teeth — shark’s teeth — from your jugular. Here are just a handful of powder-keg personalities who will make the apocalypse more than a living hell for you and your friends if they manage to latch onto or take leadership in your survival watch.

The Assumed Leader

The assumed leader is not actually a reliable or practical leader; he just thinks he is. And he loudly reminds everyone that he is whenever he can find occasion. He does not generally do this by screaming, “I am your leader!” Instead, he attempts to micromanage every aspect of the survival group and shows early signs of control issues. The assumed leader will first make forceful suggestions to test the waters, scoffing angrily whenever people do not strictly follow his advice. If he gains traction, his suggestions turn into orders, and he begins to act as though he is somehow in a superior position to the rest of the community.

He seems to have an answer to every question or concern, which would be nice if he actually knew what he was talking about half of the time. Usually, this is not the case. He may have expertise in a certain field, like farming, building, engineering or even defense; that expertise is indeed valuable. However, his mastery of one area of knowledge has inflated his ego to massive proportions and he now pretends as if he is some kind of hyper-educated elitist potentate. When approached with alternative options and methods, he will respond with ridicule as if you have no clue what you are talking about. When his ideas are criticized, he will react with fury and try to remove dissenters from the community entirely.

The best way to avoid these people is to discover them early in your prepping project, and to make certain that no one becomes a de facto dictator. Every person with particular expertise within the community should be deferred to in that particular field, but not given authority over all decisions. The experienced farmer should lead when it comes to farming, but step aside when it comes to defense and vice versa. Keep in mind that the best leaders always ask those around them for aid and advice before coming to any conclusion. The worst leaders assume they already know everything.

The Feudal Lord

The feudal lord is an assumed leader who has managed to lure other preppers into a commune rather than a community, and there is a considerable difference. He is often a well-off survivalist who has suddenly realized that he is basically defenseless to protect all his money, land and supplies and that he needs an organized group to protect his bounty. He entices other preppers into the fold with ideas that he is building a legitimate and fair community. Since he has land available, many take interest. The problem is that the feudal lord believes that since he owns the land the group is defending, he’s automatically the grand poobah. He sees the other preppers not as equals, but as servants and serfs.

The reality is, the feudal lord’s land and supplies are utterly meaningless without security and without aid. His survival riches can be taken in an instant by a mere handful of looters or even one experienced raider. Without other people, treated as equals in survival and ready to lay down their lives to protect each other and him, he has nothing. He is foolhardy to think otherwise.

This is not to say that all landowners who try to centralize a group on their property are seeking to become mini-kings of a mini-kingdom. If rules and agreements are made early on and everyone understands their role, then such an arrangement could work. But if the landowner purposely avoids set agreements, appoints roles to people without asking them and changes the plan regularly to suit himself, then it’s time to walk away before it’s too late. Eventually, he will use his position as landowner as a means to dominate and will threaten to cast out people who disagree with his methods.

The best way to avoid these characters and the commune situation altogether is to not centralize on a single piece of land, but to organize in a neighborhood fashion wherein everyone maintains sovereign control of what they do and all aid is voluntary.

The Moral Relativist

There is, sadly, a small subsection of survivalists out there who do not plan to live off their own preps; they plan to confiscate the preps of others by force and solve every problem at the barrel of a gun. In their mind, a crisis situation calls for the abandonment of conscience and the application of a “survival of the fittest” mentality. They believe that morals are all well and good when civilized society remains, but a source of weakness during catastrophe. Their philosophy is: Only the strongest of men will be able to set aside principle and “do what needs to be done.” That is to say, they believe you must become the monster to defeat the monster.

In fact, only men who are able to hold onto their principles during the worst moments are strong. Weak men run away from conscience, using the excuse that times are “different and difficult.” They are not survivalists; they are terrorists in every sense.

These people should be avoided like the plague. They will make enemies wherever they go, ask you to do questionable things and push your community into annihilation. Eventually, somebody is going to put them out of their misery, and it’s best to not be around when that happens.

The Obsessive

The obsessive is a person whose drive is initially impressive but also ultimately destructive. His entire life revolves around survival prepping and impending doom. Certainly, it is better to be overly concerned about the economic crisis on the horizon than to be utterly oblivious. A smart man over-prepares. But there is such a thing as overkill, even in the world of survivalism.

No one can ever do enough fast enough in this person’s eyes. He will whine constantly about how he is the only one taking preparations seriously and how everyone else is a lazy bum. He will become frantic on a daily basis, admonishing the group or community on their lack of urgency. In a leadership position, this person is a nightmare, creating constant waves of tension and panic instead of calmly offering solutions or constructive criticism.

The obsessive’s motto is, “Let me tell you how you are wrong and why you are lazy,” instead of, “Tell me how I can help you fix this.”

We all need a break once in a while from the horrors we know are waiting for us. To step back and enjoy what we can of a beautiful day or good people is not the same as being a freeloader or a backslider within your prepper group. Survival is about more than sustaining the body; it is also about sustaining the heart and the mind. Otherwise, what is the point of living?

The Ulterior Motive Drama Queen

The drama queen is loosely interested in survivalism but wants to join your community for other reasons — and these reasons may cause many members dismay. The opposite of the obsessive, you’ll notice a strange non-involvement on his part or lack of interest as far as participating in survival discussion and decision making. He will often hand over all his survival preparation plans to others while hovering like a gnat around the community searching for that special something.

The drama queen may be looking for friends and social recognition. He may be afraid of collapse and simply trying to lock into any group regardless of whether he fits, becoming disenchanted later. He may enjoy the excitement of feeling like he is involved, and he is living vicariously through the accomplishments of others. He may just be looking for a date. Ultimately, his primary objective is not to build a working community, but to get something out of the community beyond safety.

If he does not get what he wants, he raises hell, using whatever excuse happens to be handy without ever admitting his real motivations. He will deliberately start unnecessary drama, attempt to create divisions, focus on one person as the cause of all his troubles or blame the whole group for the heartache in his life. He will attempt to draw everyone into his personal soap opera in the hopes of becoming the focal point, sharing strange and extremely private issues with anyone who accidentally offers to listen.

Eventually, he will be seen for what he is and will lose the ear of the other preppers, who obviously have better things to worry about, but only after wreaking some havoc in the process.

The Zealot

The zealot has a perfect picture in his mind of how his survival community is going to look — absolutely perfect. The problem is that all people are imperfect and all have different conceptions of life, and this disturbs and disrupts the zealot’s fantasy. It is one thing to be careful about whom you associate with when assembling a prepper organization, but it is entirely another to hold everyone to insane standards that even you cannot meet.

The zealot generally wants to be in charge so that he can vet and control each member of the group, but this is not always the case. Zealots are also sometimes highly antisocial, showing interest in a group for a short time and then suddenly walking away as if no one is up to par. He may base his zealotry on a misplaced religious fervor or philosophical inflexibility, but he will not be happy until everyone sees the world the way he does or until others meet his grandiose brand of moral flawlessness. For him, it is not enough that the community of preppers around him shares a love for liberty and a disdain for tyranny, the preppers must also be “spiritually pure” in his eyes.

One mistake or disagreement by a member of the group earns him a black mark on the zealot’s list which he never forgets. From then on, that member is the enemy, and the zealot will engineer conflict after conflict until the person gives up and goes away or until he can convince the group that the person is more trouble than he is worth.

The great dilemma for any survivalist is to balance personal freedom and a peaceful home life with the reality he will not last long without relying on a group. Other people bring talent, friendship and safety to our lives, but they also bring baggage. The key is to work with those who know how to manage as much of their own baggage as possible, who are aware of themselves and are willing to police their own quirks and who have not leapt off a cliff into extreme disturbia. No survival community can withstand the savage assault of national collapse otherwise.

Firearms / Re: Bobby said:
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:30:23 PM »
Then Shawn said:

 agree with Don except this below.

Originally Posted by flyin6 View Post
I like em' all except for the nagnant. POJ

Here are my reasons.

-Locally we call the MN's the "brother in law gun" or BILG for short. It's for when shtf and your stupid brother in law shows up empty handed. You hand him the $80 rifle and 20 rounds ($3.60 worth of ammo) and tell him to go get the gun and stuff he should have had already. Worst case scenario your out $83.60 but you just got rid of one more headache. Seems like a pretty inexpensive fix, just sayin.

-Ballistic wise 7.62 x 54 is between 30.06 & .308 but 1/3 of the cost per round

-They are relatively accurate, some more than others. The info is all over the net which ones are better.

-Unlike 30.06 & .308 you can still buy steel core ammo and it will punch thru 1/2" plate like it was it's job.

-Ever heard of a PSL? 10rd detachable mags and semi auto all for under 1K so after you acquired the BILG and stocked up on ammo (the good stuff for cheap BTW) you can then save up and purchase the PSL or if you want a heavier barrel and don't mind 5rd detachable mags there are Vepr's now available in semi auto as well.

-Also these are readily available (russia built like 37 million or something) and most gun guys have one or two plus a few tins of 440 rds in steel on hand. Think barter.....

Firearms / Re: Bobby said:
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:29:21 PM »
I like em' all except for the nagnant. POJ
For war fighting:
Rifle AK47, M4
Shotgun: Mossberg 500. or Remington 870 depending on whether you perfer the safety on top or by the trigger. Me, it's simple safety on top, push forward to go bang (Mossberg)
Pistol: Glock 19
The only calibers you need to collect"
.22LR, 9mm X 18 luger, .45 ACP, (maybe .40) 12 gage, 7.62 X 39, 7.62 X 51, 5.56 X 45 (rem .223)
That's it, all you need.
.22 removes pests like rats and rioters and kills rabbits and squirrels
9mm stops someone attacking you PDQ
.45 stops tanks or anything smaller with one shot. Get hit in the toe with a .45 and you're a gonner!
12 gage does everything to killing squirrels to knocking doors out of the way to shooting through cinder block walls for those pesky fleeing criminals who just stole your best bottle of wine, to knocking out lights, to windshields, to, well the hoover dam!
7.62 X 39 is everywhere. In face excavate anywhere on earth and you will find a 8" layer of the stuff just after the triassic era!
5.56 X 45 (223 Rem) same as above, newer layer, have to dig through them to get to the rusky stuff
Swing a dead cat and you'll hit several boxes of the two above rifle rounds.
On the AK stuff, having been on the recieving end of those things, I don't like them. I don't like stuff that hurts me. I really don't like them, neither do my aircraft which they made whistle after meeting!
7.62 X 51 Fairly common, good hunting and anti personnel round out to 800 meters. Can you see further than that?

Firearms / Bobby said:
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:28:21 PM »
Ok so I've been reading on here and other places about SHTF and TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it , no I do NOT think the world is going to end on dec 12 or 21st or whatever it is) stuff and the debate between calibers (5.56 vs 7.62 vs 5.45). I jut believe in being prepared for whatever comes, i.e. natural disaster,zombies or what not. I saw this post and I think the guy pretty much spoke truth. These are his words.

"To my military mind, although we get excited by make, model, physics, nationalism ("Amer'Can made" verses "Comblock"), what it comes down to is what you can do the work of life with. I choose my weapon system based on the same line of thought I choose my survivor friends: Who do I trust? Who is reliable? Who is available? Who brings what skills? Who is tough?

It seems the best defense in SHTF or welfare-ocolypse scenarios (when the government is unable to pay out checks and the "have-nots" attack the "haves") is to lay low. If it ever comes down, I do not intend to make a fortress that looks like it can repel any invader. I intend to all but dissapear. Thugs will always outnumber survivors, can always overtake defensive barriers. What they can't always do is see the unseen. If I get into squad or platoon level firefight, I have misplanned. I can use natural surroundings as a defense before I ever have to fire around. In a close quarters attack (0-250 meters) the AK and AR have different strengths. I know my AK can plug through an 8 inch aspen, but I know an AR has a smother firing rate due to the buffer-spring. But in many ways, they are on equal footing in a close fight: They will both poke holes in a man.

When it comes to distance, I intend not to fire. I intend to bug out, always moving. If I am contained by circumstance, such as seeing robbery or rape from a distance which I feel to stop, my Mosin-Nagant gives me a solution to around 800m. Same with my 7mm Mag.

In short, both are fine calibers and fine weapon systems. Take the one you know, trust, is accessible, and live. Also, as with anything, diversify (large caliber/combat caliber/small and pistol)."

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:26:33 PM »
From Bobby:

Ok so I've been reading on here and other places about SHTF and TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it , no I do NOT think the world is going to end on dec 12 or 21st or whatever it is) stuff and the debate between calibers (5.56 vs 7.62 vs 5.45). I jut believe in being prepared for whatever comes, i.e. natural disaster,zombies or what not. I saw this post and I think the guy pretty much spoke truth. These are his words.

"To my military mind, although we get excited by make, model, physics, nationalism ("Amer'Can made" verses "Comblock"), what it comes down to is what you can do the work of life with. I choose my weapon system based on the same line of thought I choose my survivor friends: Who do I trust? Who is reliable? Who is available? Who brings what skills? Who is tough?

It seems the best defense in SHTF or welfare-ocolypse scenarios (when the government is unable to pay out checks and the "have-nots" attack the "haves") is to lay low. If it ever comes down, I do not intend to make a fortress that looks like it can repel any invader. I intend to all but dissapear. Thugs will always outnumber survivors, can always overtake defensive barriers. What they can't always do is see the unseen. If I get into squad or platoon level firefight, I have misplanned. I can use natural surroundings as a defense before I ever have to fire around. In a close quarters attack (0-250 meters) the AK and AR have different strengths. I know my AK can plug through an 8 inch aspen, but I know an AR has a smother firing rate due to the buffer-spring. But in many ways, they are on equal footing in a close fight: They will both poke holes in a man.

When it comes to distance, I intend not to fire. I intend to bug out, always moving. If I am contained by circumstance, such as seeing robbery or rape from a distance which I feel to stop, my Mosin-Nagant gives me a solution to around 800m. Same with my 7mm Mag.

In short, both are fine calibers and fine weapon systems. Take the one you know, trust, is accessible, and live. Also, as with anything, diversify (large caliber/combat caliber/small and pistol)."

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / Another Bug-Out Bag setup
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:22:58 PM »
Here's another B/O Bag setup to get you thinking:

You will need a bug out bag, I have a couple of them. Here's a list of stuff to put in one to get you started:
The spacing is all junked up because I just cut/pasted one of my lesson plans but I'm betting you can wade through it and figure it out.

Subject: Runaway Bag Contents
The purpose of the runaway bag is to provide the user with emergency need items prepacked in a convenient ruck sack type bag. The bag would normally be stored in a vehicle, aircraft, or even at your primary home or emergency shelter locations. The contents of the bag are varied depending on what needs one feels he/she must be prepared for.

Type of bag:
The best type of bag is one that is large handbag or small ruck sack sized. It should be of a sturdy hiker or military style with reinforced stitching, a heavy duty bottom and provide some water proofing for its contents. I would choose a bag with some exterior pockets, perhaps two to three to help in the organization of the contents. Later styled military bags will come with exterior nylon webbing sewn on in a regular pattern which is called Molle (MOdular Light weight Load carrying Equipment). The purpose of the MOLLE (pronounced “molly”) is to provide a customizable exterior where you may affix readily available pouches, sheaths, or bags.
Whatever bag you select, do not compromise on the quality, you don’t want the bag to tear open spilling out your medical supplies when you’re on the run from a hazardous area. A good surplus military rucksack is a great cost effective alternative to some of the new trendy bags. Just do a good pre-flight of the bag prior to purchase to make sure it is in decent condition. A couple small holes here and there are not necessarily grounds not to purchase. If the bottom, clips, and straps are in good condition it is a keeper.
Since the advent of the two desert wars our military has fought during the past decade, the need for water has become very important. Some bags will include an integrated water bag capable of holding a gallon or more of fresh water. Just keep in mind the bag will become bulkier and water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon. On the flip side, the water bag provides a cushion for your back and as it sweats, it will naturally cool the water inside and your skin as well!

For a moderate climate there may not be as great a need for warm clothing or a blanket, whereas in a northern climate those items would be paramount. Generally speaking the bag will always contain several items because of their universal need. The size of the bag normally should remain smaller so that it will net impede movement and slow you down. Therefore the goal will be to keep the bag relatively light, say no more than 30 pounds again, dependent on who will be carrying it. A full grown man could easily walk all day with 30 pounds, where as a woman or child might not be able to handle that much weight at all.
You may want to put a couple of bags and preposition each in convenient places, say one in the home and one in the trunk of your car. One of your bags might be more universal in what it contains whereas one might be heavily loaded with just a few things you absolutely need and expect to need in quantity. For example a bag to be used in a arid location would obviously contain more water than anything else. A bag to be used where you anticipate urban warfare like conditions might have extra ammunition for your personal weapon. When flying in Afghanistan I always knew there was a threat of being shot down. If that were to happen, I would immediately have been in a survival situation, not due to lack of water or food or shelter, but under threat from those who had shot down the aircraft. Therefore I carried hundreds of rounds of ammunition to help me ward off attempts to kill or capture me, while hopefully others came to my rescue. Long term survival was never going to be an issue. Contrasting with that situation when I would fly in remote mountain areas, I would make sure I had items needed to survive there for days or longer while I awaited search and rescue.

Recommended bag contents:
1. A high quality knife or survival tool with a strong knife blade. Single edge is for survival, double edge is for fighting. Note: Do not purposely engage in a knife fight unless you want to get cut!
2. Water bag or canteen(s). Water bladders which fold down are very useful for bulk storage.
3. Fire starting device such as waterproof matches, a lighter, magnesium fire starter, steel wool and 9V battery. Fire is important so have multiple devices on hand.
4. Signaling device such as a mirror, flare, smoke device, strobe light, or VS-17 panel
5. Compass (attached by a lanyard to pack)
6. Space blanket
7. Flashlight, blue/green lens filter (Reason: Tactical, more on this later)
8. Spare batteries
9. GPS
10. Needle and thread
11. Rope or nylon cord. Military “550” chord is a favorite.
12. Lip balm, sun screen, insect repellent
13. Sunglasses, spare reading or prescription glasses
14. Hat, full brimmed or insulated and waterproof. Place money bandages, thread, and so forth in the brim.
15. Poncho and possibly a poncho liner (Military surplus with a camo pattern)
16. Medical Kit consisting of:
a. Bandages, combat type, US military or Israeli military.
b. Bandages, square cotton type
c. Medical tape
d. Band-Aids
e. Anti bacterial ointment
f. Tourniquet
g. Quick clot type product
h. Heavy Duty Scissors
i. Alcohol wipes
j. Sterilizing wipes
k. Emergency sling
l. Aspirin, 325 mg
m. Anti-biotic
n. Burn cream or ointment
o. Diarrhea control medication
p. Any medication you currently take and require
q. Suture kit
r. Heavy gage needle (to introduce small hole in chest cavity)
s. Breathing tube, nasal or throat
17. Radio
18. Survival book
19. Food
20. Map of the area
21. Water filter or water treatment tablets
22. Lightweight Binoculars
23. Clothing to include: (Wrap these in zip-lock bags)
a. Spare socks
b. Spare underwear
24. Foot powder
25. Ammunition
26. Fishing kit including line, hooks and a lure
27. Cash or barter money
28. Small weapon for animal control, food acquisition, protection if required) Something like a single stack 9mm pistol is easily concealed and light weight.

Training: Practice With your bag
A vital component to your personal survival is your physical condition. You should be exercising approximately once a day with either an organized activity or by merely walking a little more or taking the staircase in lieu of the elevator. When you put your runaway or bug out bag together, try wearing it during one of your walks. Take a hike of about an hour or two in length while wearing the fully loaded bag. Plan to train with some of its contents. For example, move to a highpoint in the terrain and use the compass to shoot an azimuth to a distant feature. Plan for regular drinking intervals and perhaps simulate an injury at some point.
The idea is to become familiar with what you have and where you have it packed. You might discover that some reorganization is necessary for commonly used items, or that other items are adding no value, only extra weight. If you have moved long enough to have generated some sweat and perhaps some discomfort, then any unwanted features of your bag will have shown themselves. You can consequently make adjustments and perfect the proper balance of form and function.

Some other considerations:
1. For the most part, your medical kit is for your use and not for others except perhaps your family. If and when you become serious enough about the threats to your family as well, you will eventually make up survival bags for each of them. The medical kit described above is very limited and only supports a narrow range of trauma for short periods of time. It is recommended you develop a more complete medical supply kit fitted into another ruck-sack type bag to provide more in-depth coverage of wound, injury, and sickness treatment.
2. Unfortunately the masses you will encounter during a time of civil upheaval will not be prepared. Most people, perhaps as many as 90%or more will not have anything except for the clothes on their backs. Their needs will be great and if you share your supplies you will quickly be striped of everything you will need for your own survival.
3. Consider the climatology of your area carefully when out fitting your bag
4. Will you be primarily in a rural or an urban setting? Counter to conventions thinking, urban settings will not always be the safest places to be. When disaster first occurs there will be shock followed quickly by crime such as looting. You do not want to be anywhere near that sort of activity. Some areas will fall into anarchy quickly as police and military assets are retasked to protection of higher value activities such as hospitals, government facilities and critical infrastructure. Those areas unmonitored by government forces will revert to basic laws of the jungle.
5. Construct your medical kit IAW your knowledge of emergency medicine. I would recommend you attend a good emergency medical course then equip your medical kit accordingly. Military and police often refer to the medical bag as your “Blow Out” bag.

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / 72 hour Bug-Out bag
« on: September 15, 2014, 02:19:35 PM »
Came across this decent list of a "72 hour survival kit. Anyone knows you can survive 72 hours with your skin alone, but here's a non civil unrest comfy american list which isn't too bad really. No way to protect yourself or deal with more serious wounds but gets you thinking

Here it is:

Your evacuation kit needs a three-day supply of food, water, and clothing. But have you included these six things that could make the difference in your ability to successfully cope with calamity?

Mistake #1 – No Money. Not having any cash in your emergency kit is a huge mistake. When disaster strikes, electricity is often wiped out. Without electricity, that handy ATM down the street won't work and the corner grocery store can't process your credit card.

Cash – at least $100 per person – in small bills and rolls of quarters is essential to your survival. After all, you don't want to be selling a granola bar because you need an aspirin. Also, carrying small bills will allow you to pay $2 for that aspirin instead of $20.

Mistake #2 – No Documents. In an emergency, you'll automatically grab your wallet with your driver's license and credit cards inside. However, having the following documents in a recloseable plastic bag already packed will give you peace of mind after the immediacy of the situation is over:

Contact List. You probably keep the name of your insurance agent, your sister who lives across the country, and other important people in your phone or on your computer. If you can't access your electronic devices you may not be able to contact anyone.

Having a hard-copy contact list is imperative – especially if at the time of the disaster some of your family members are separated from each other. Being able to call a specified contact person reassures everyone.

Emergency Meeting Places. You're not with your family all the time, which is why it's good to have two meet-up places. One location should be near your home. The other could be a few miles away. Keep the address and a map of each location in your 72-hour kit. Again, in a time of stress you might not be able to remember whether you're meeting at Rock Park or Central Park. So have it written down. Even better, have a dry run so everyone will remember the meet-up spot and how to get there.

Insurance Card. Obviously if you're hurt, you'll need medical attention. Having your insurance card handy will help you get through the paperwork quickly.

Medical information. A list of your medical conditions, allergies, and prescriptions is also invaluable if you need medical assistance. Even if you've packed your medications, take a list as well.

Insurance policies. During a disaster, you might not be able to contact your insurance agent. Having copies of your home and auto policies will ease your mind. You won't wonder if your smashed car or flooded basement is covered.

Other Documents. FEMA recommends you have copies of your Birth Certificate, Social Security Card/Green Card, Passport, and Living Will in your 72-Hour kit. These documents are not as vital as the above papers, but they could come in handy.

Mistake #3 – No Medications. You don't want to evacuate only to discover you left your insulin in the fridge or your heart pills on the counter. You won't be able to call your pharmacy. If possible, have at least a week's worth of your current medications packed. By refilling your prescriptions a few days early each month, you can stock up on extra pills. (Most insurance companies allow you to refill a prescription two to three days early.) Just be sure to rotate these pills every year.

Included with medications are special supplies, like a glucose meter. If you can't get an extra piece of equipment, at least put it on your Go List.

Mistake #4 – No Glasses. Stress may prevent you from even being able to see your glasses on the counter! If you have an extra pair in your 72-hour kit, you'll always know where a pair of glasses are. Getting a second pair of glasses is generally very cheap – or even free. Just order them the next time you get new glasses and put the second pair in your 72-hour kit. Cheap drugstore reading glasses are a good option also.

The same advice goes for contact lenses. Keep a set (along with a case and cleaning solution) in your 72-hour kit and you won't waste precious time finding them.

Mistake #5 – No Collapsible Water Jug. Having water is so essential to life that all communities have emergency water plans. These plans, however, don't include containers. You need to have a personal emergency water plan, and that includes bringing your own jug.

A collapsible water container makes your life easier. You can keep the collapsible container filled with water – ready to go. After you drink the water, it collapses so you can easily carry it until you reach more water.

Mistake #6 – No VIP (very important personal) Items. These are the items that answer the question: "If only I'd taken five seconds and grabbed..." Having one or two special items can make the difference between coping and having a nervous breakdown. A stuffed animal or blanket will calm a baby. Older children and teens also need comfort items. Ask them what they would grab if they had to leave home in only five minutes. You may be surprised that they would rather have the quilt grandma gave them than their x-box. "VIP items" can also include essential toiletries, so check the contents of your medicine cabinet and your bathroom closet for items you'd hate to be without, and put some duplicates in a zip-lock bag. For starts, grab a roll of toilet paper, some hand sanitizer, and a couple of those little bottles of shampoo they give away in hotel rooms; then add your favorite pain relievers, allergy pills, vitamins and so on.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:53:11 PM »
Originally Posted by ty_LBZ View Post
Congress has a bill on the floor to regulate ammo too, time to stock up!

I know that you corrected your post, no comment about that.

I do however, wish to comment about the attitude purveyed here.

Let's Look at what happened, what was said, and how we chose to react. (lesson to all, so pay attention). Something was said, that congress or the president, or your school teacher decided to limit something, so your reaction was to warn people to stock up on whatever it was (ammo this time) that we were about to lose.

I want to suggest that, this is the attitude of a conquered person, who has mentally thrown in the towel. Again nothing personal here at all, and sorry for using you as a training aid, but this is a lesson and a fault in linear thinking. This example is so clear and therefore serves as such a great example of how our thinking has changed.

This statement shows resignation, here is someone who has been conditioned to think that all the opposition needs to do is to merely suggest the siezing of your rights and your attitude is "heck with it, now they took that away also."



STAND UP FOR WHAT YOUR RIGHTS ARE and never, never surrender. If you do then you are nothing more than a coward.

If David, when facing goliath said, "heck he said he is going to kill us all, let's all go home and make our funeral preparations", then do you think would he have worthly to be the bloodline for the son of God???

Nope, he looked that giant in the eye, and standing on the utter righteousness of the only God in heaven and said, not so fast, I haven't spoken yet! We know the rest of the story.

Do not give in to the idea that just because someone says something like "You have no rights to guns, or various freedoms" that those rights are as good as gone. No, rather than throw in the towel, stand and say, "not so fast, I haven't spoken yet!"

America, my friends, is still ours to lose!

Think about it

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:51:43 PM »
The United States finds itself in a circumstance once thought unthinkable. An ill-educated and near morally bankrupt society increasingly made up of those dependent on government combined with a governing class whose primary interest is themselves. The nation cannot, therefore, make any meaningful course correction unless and until the people finally understand they have been lied to and conned by the current establishment. That will, in all likelihood, not occur until America faces imminent collapse and the citizenry turns on those who brought the nation to its knees.

Prepare yourselves, it is not that far off in coming...

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:50:44 PM »
Then from Shawn:

First, thank you for taking the time to address this.

Second, this poses a serious problem for alot of people and I'm going to feed upon what Don has stated a little as well.

There are alot of us here in civi land that are looked upon on a daily basis to be the foundation (probably not the correct wording) for them and their life. Most of us did not ask for this nor do we enjoy the knowledge of their lives that comes along with this position. I have guys in my office on a weekly basis looking for guidance. I am fortunate that I am grounded in my faith and rely on that many times daily to try and give advice to these guys. For the record most of them are good guys but in my opinion this world is a very evil place thus the reason they end up in my office.

Now with this stated, I have a core group of guys I rely on (wingmen for our aviators in the group if you will). When the cards come crumbling down those wingmen will not be the ones at my door (at least initially as they have their own flocks to attend to as well). What I will have standing before me is a group who is unqualified in a sense to do anything you have mentioned. They do know enough not to show up empty handed. However with that said they will not be IMO well equiped and alot of them are not in this position because of their choosing but more of a monetary position.

So any good advice other than what I am accustomed to which is pulling something out of nothing? Staying positive and being a leader

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:49:30 PM »
Hijack away, good discussion

For my part I will not follow an illegal order. If you tell me to defend a building and a bunch of 99%ers are coming to tear it up, I'd say they made a poor choice. If you tell me to lob 2.75" rockets into a church where people were seen gathering with their families and they have guns, I'll go there all right, unload food and medical supplies and take some time to see what's up.

There's this concept called common law. It's a temr to describe a law born from an idea that has always existed. It's DNA stuff. Example. I walk out to parking lot and decide to drive your car for the next year and demand the keys from you. You see? Everyone knows that is wrong and we don't need to write any laws about it. But we do, we call it stealing and we say it is wrong and we can't do it.
I call that common sense and some folks have it. If something is making the hair on the back of your neck stand up, pay attention. If I am given things to do that don't quite wash, I'm going to question it. Its already happened to me. I have even sat on my hands and told them I just won't play.
First of all, I know the US Army may not be deployed within the US to conduce active military operations without a relaxing of posse comatatus. If that hasn't taken place well Houston, we have a problem. My oath I swore to says I will defend and protect the constitution of the UNited States against all enemies foreign and domestic. So it's the constitution that matters. If it hasn;t been changed, an order by some dictator does not change that. I'm just a big 10 ton truck that won't get in gear. If the president orders me to do it, I will as long as it is a lawful order. All military are automatically excused from obeying unlawful orders. Ones like, if you see a crowd forming, open fire. Well why? What's the threat? What's the objective. What is the mission statement. It all has to add up or it won't happen.
But if some union organized militia acting on behalf of the goverment tries to pull some illegal stunt, then it is a state, local, national or international crime which requires remedy. ID I use any and all force necessary to protect myself, mine and others property and so forth.
So get to know your constitution and your bible, you'll need to know those things to know right from wrong in the coming days...

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:48:59 PM »
Originally Posted by nmeyer414 View Post
Just remember that there are a million and a half ways for things to happen. I just pray that none of this happens, because I will be put into a situation where I will have to choose between the people of the US and the Military.

A group of us were talking about this last night, What will happen in that situation? When you as soldiers have to choose between Govt orders and the public if you feel it is unjustified? I believe I know the answer but am still curious to hear a Soldiers take? PS thanks for all you guys do, GREATLY appreciated!

Sorry if I hijacked your thread Don

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:48:11 PM »
From Nate (Food Corner Guy):

First off I hope everybody had a wonderful day of thanks, and I thought I would give you Nate’s version of a CIEMR on all of this prepping, civil unrest end of the world or whatever you want to call it.

Having been deployed to 3 different theaters of combat for a total of 5 times and doing things like, being put on actual armed guard during the first 2 weeks of 9/11, clearing bldg’s (battle drill 6), flying through the air delivering troops and equipment, dismounted patrols, driving roadways while dodging IED’s, to protecting my JSS (joint service station) or FOB (forward operating base) from retards that want to do harm to us, I have come to some conclusions!

1. Birds of a feather flock together

2. More people (preppers) need to practice how to defend against a multi-direction attack, as well as practice how to conduct a multi-direction attack

3. Body armor is only good if you plan to be an attacker or plan to defend what is yours from a multi-direction attack. Most people don’t understand that when a prior soldier, marine, whatever starts to fire upon you and sees that you have body armor or some sort of protection will instantly move to head shots, or will have some ammo that makes body armor or protection obsolete.

4. Most people do not know how to use equipment designed to protect against whatever kind of NBC attack. Example: CS gas or tear gas, any sort of fall out, etc. More importantly they do not know how to use weapons while using this equipment.

5. Bags such as oh s**t, f**k me, SHTF, FML, bug out, or whatever you want to call them are for the most part very similar, not situational dependant. They will most likely be semi heavy and have to be made of some very durable material.

6. If you plan to stay put and not mobile for extended periods of time, you WILL become a target for attacks. You have to have some sort of a plan to be mobile or go mobile, or have some sort of a location and trained personnel that you can defend easily.

I have been doing a lot of reading, watching and thinking lately and I thought I would just offer some of Nate’s views. Do I want any of this to actually happen, NO! Will my Group and I be prepared, YES! I truly do believe that a lot of this mind set has come from numerous deployments to some pretty awful locations around this globe, and it really has shown me that regardless of how stable you may think things are, at some point it will always become unstable and crumble. Just remember that there are a million and a half ways for things to happen. I just pray that none of this happens, because I will be put into a situation where I will have to choose between the people of the US and the Military.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:46:03 PM »
That's some good information there Bobby!
I guess I'm writing a NTNGWMR (Night time not goin' ta' write much rant) WNCI (With no coffee in sight!) WTAGTB (While thinkin' about going to bed.)

The load out is so much of a personal choice. Bobby is an infantryman so he is working much closer to everyone's level than I do/did as a pilot. Our way of thinking is also different. For example Bobby thinks of bugging out on his LPC's (leather personnel carriers...shoes) Me, I like mechanical stuff, even if part of it is on fire. I just don't like walking all over the place. I loaded up my helo and if you notice, I now load out my truck. or gator, or lawnmower, or whatever.
We definately agree on one thing, bring plenty of ammo. My basic load was a 30 rd double stack mags in the gun, the 6 more on the vest for 8 total. But, I also had mag bags of 10 mags each stashed here and there in the aircraft. HE carried a frag, a thermite, smoke or two. I had frags under my seat, red smokes in the battery compartment along with my ham sandwich. Greens or white all over the place and even an AK-47 as well. That was just in case I ran out of American Ammo, all I needed to do was to "harvest" some from my friendly T-ban wearing the man dress.
All of that is no problem when you have gas guzzling horsepower carrying all that stuff around, but if I had to carry it, my basic load would go down to around 5 rounds!
Plates are another topic. I wore soft kevlar, I want to say 10-16 layers under the vest. I only wore the front plate, but it was a level 4 multi-strike in extra large. I removed the crotch and neck junk and went with it. Spend some time with a med kit. I had lots of bandages I could wad up and stuff in holes, you'll need those if you want to survive. ALso get an isralie batle bandage or two and some good blood clot stuff. I had some of that in my pockets, and sometimes I put turniquits on my arms and legs so if I needed to ai could give it a yank or a couple turns and fly to a safe landing.
One of our guys was hit in the leg in flight. He flwe away and started looking for a place to land. It took a little too long, but he did get the bird on the ground. He was single pilot, which is not a good thing to do in combat. Anyway they found him dead at the controls. I guess after he got on the ground, he passed out from blood loss and expired. You know, I guess I don't want to talk about this any more. Suffice it to say, these are some serious subjects being discussed here, and you have no idea just how real things will become when bullets start opening people up. My best advice is to avoid that stuff all together.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:45:04 PM »
From Bobby:

For us civies, I want to see body armor discussed. Lots of talking about lead flying lately. Carrier vest, plates & kevlar etc. Think whole family protection on the move. We all drive reliable trucks so how do we protect occupants while moving from one point to the next?

I'm going to try to answer this as best I can, so bare with me in my LANCIPWR (Late Afternoon,Non-Coffee Induced,Post-Work Rant).
Theres multiples schools of thought when it comes to PPE ( personal protective equipment). I'm going to answer, with the preface that from my own experience with PPE, and the advance warning that I am NOT as good a write as Don.

I'll start it off with some examples of helmets,armor (steel and ceramicish) and the additions that can be done to it.

Note: Moved to Weapons section__________________

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:42:28 PM »
Originally Posted by bkleinhans View Post
In regards to "Man-Love Thursgays", it is my understanding that this is also extended to animals as well. If this is true, I had better lock up my 4-legged critters before it's too late. 
I'm flabergasted by the thought that someone could think that something as perverse as this could be somehow spiritual or holy.

In the light of truth I think it is important to recognize the fact that Islam(b) is not actually a religion but a cult, an all encompassing way of life, kimd like the branch dividians only way-mo-bigger.
They want it to look like a religion, and honestly, a lot of folks are born into it and simply are held hostage. So pray for them and whenever you can talk about Jesus to them. I have found that the folks living in Iran are a lot more open minded about Christianity than Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and places like that

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: CIEMR
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:41:35 PM »
Another CIEMR:


Thinking of converting to Is-lamb!
You know, looking at it objectively, they have a pretty good control thing going on there, especially for us men.
They control about a third of the world and wherever they are, within that culture, the wealthy guys easily rise above the minions working down at the factory. The wealthy continue to live lives of debauchery while calling down all the workers for missing a single prayer. There is laziness wherever that culture is, and I too, sometimes like being lazy. Maybe I could get used to being lazy all the time.
They really don’t do anything remarkable so all that time I spend figuring stuff out can be better spent complaining about the rest of the world. I am already very good about complaining so I wouldn’t have to change very much at all in that area. I don’t know one good thing that Islam has done in the last 2-3 thousand years so the prospect of me having to do something for my fellow man would be low. I can take that component of my daily life off my radar screen and give it no more thought.
Being a man I will now be in charge. My wife will no longer be allowed an opinion. If she gets out of hand I can just beat her around or set fire to her or something like that, right? But I’d only use accepted, Is-lamb approved woman punishment techniques. Funny thing is I see American women flocking to birka’ville, falling all over themselves to become men’s slaves, so even though that seems all weird and lopsided to me, women seem to go for it. So if Is-lambic women are good with it, why shouldn’t I be? Now, I might have to depart from Is-lambic norms a little bit because, I’m afraid I will need to bypass the whole Gay thing they so willingly embrace.
They keep all that on the “down-low” but I’d say that judging from what I saw from 5-6 years of hanging out over there, around 90% of Islamic males are gay. Well, let me qualify that, they are only gay in my dated Christian way of looking at it. You see they don’t look at it like that. It’s all “religious” with them. Their guide book, the Cornan or Conan, or Cornman, or whatever that book is called doesn’t agree with my way of looking at it. That book, which also doubles as their law as well! (Cool eh, we can get rid of all you useless lawyers! ;-)) Well anyway if you get caught having sex with a woman who you don’t actually own, then you get your head cut off, like as in the next day. The cornman believers don’t have to mess around with due process and all that wasteful junk! Think about that. You own, err are married to a woman who is a total knock out! No longer is any of your buddies or anyone else for that matter going to make a pass at her, losing one’s head is a strong deterrent! Secondly, no one will know what she looks like, after all she’ll need my permission to come out of my walled compound, which I won’t be giving all that often. Read: No more shopping trips! That’s because other than the fact that she will be working from sunup to sundown, tending my goats, and therefore not actually out in public, for those rare times when I send her out for sweet tea, she will be wearing that tent thing! Yep, no one will even know what she looks like, just me! That’s another benefit in Is-lamb. Women’s fashion is nothing more than veils, shoes and gloves, nothing more. Last year’s camping tent with the busted main pole, can be quickly cut down into serviceable ladies wear.
Back to the B-I-G secret in the Cornman. It says if you look at a woman you get an eye gouged out, kiss one you get killed, talk to one, 40 lashes (30 lashes actually cause death so see the preceding sentence). With all that going on with women, I can see why men leave them alone. Now, very conveniently, the cornman says nothing about sex with men. So since it’s not defined and not punishable by even a finger wag east and west, you’re good to go. And since it’s good to go, the men like to get that “Culture” started early, you know with younger boys… Yep, all those years I spent in A-Rab land I saw so many boys and young timid men wearing black eyes and bruises from the “training” they were getting from their commanders, fellow A-Rabs, undefined rag heads, and so forth. Yep, I had to learn all about that. We even gave it a name. We Neanderthal soldiers called it “Man-love Thursday.” That was because Thursday nights and Friday nights, their religious nights, roughly like our Sundays, was actually the time when they were REALLY practicing their religion if you know what I mean (wink wink).
So for my part even though I’m considering embarrassing, I mean embracing Is-lamb I will have to respectfully back out of the whole Thursday-Friday thing. Don’t worry, I’ll still be attending the 24 or 25 church services on those two days, but nothing more if you don’t mind!
So the women seem to be on board with this enslavement thing. They even allow their sons to be used as sexual toys by other men, so how can all of those people be wrong?
The law thing is pretty cool as well. That is actually the lack of laws. I remember when I was in Saudi Arabia, one of our pilots was driving back from the flight line. He stops at an intersection, checks, then when clear, proceeds. The Mustang driver in the intersecting lane who never so much as slows down for the funny red sign, plows into my boy, T-boning him nearly killing the both of them. The other driver a Saudi Major felt he had the right of way because he was a prince or something like that. Well, our guy didn’t know a prince was approaching or he would have been properly bowed in recognition to the princes greatness. No our foolish American warrior just thought he was looking at an intersection with 4 normally functioning stop signs.
So the accident happens, then we find out there will be court that day. Well hard to develop a case when your boy is in a comma, but what the heck, it’s Is-lamb right? TO be technically correct, there wasn’t actually a court, just a reading of the cornman by someone called a shake. I thought that was a shingle of sorts, but over there it is a guy who is the equivalent of your pastor, sheriff, judge, jury, and marriage counselor all wrapped up in one. This shingle guy determines that, had our guy not been there, the accident would not have occurred in the first place and his royal eminence would still be gleefully enroute to his pedicure appointment at his boyfriends place. All that makes sense, right? So our boy rightfully takes the heat, but doesn’t know it, because he is in surgery or something like that. (Poor choice for him to choose surgery over representing himself before this shingle guy, don’t you think?) I can explain that as well, our boy was a Blackhawk pilot. Those guys are not chosen for their superior mental capacity if you get what I’m saying (double wink on that one!!!)
Another thing is that these Islam guys have a tried and true technique for taking over places. You know places like Dearborn Michigan. They move in and quietly fill up all the slums. TO them they are not slums. No sir our slums are what most of the Is-lambic world looks like anyway. They multiply through the judicious use of the female R2-D2 looking units. In Dearborn, those units are mostly black former American free women who are tired of all us Christians holding them down. So they repopulate and as there is-lambic slum culture physically grows, even our Police wish to just avoid the place. Personally, if you just released some of those hogs overtaking Texas up there, you’d clear all the A-Rabs out in a flash. Not sure how that works, I just know that it does work.
So as the police stop coming for those pesky misdemeanors, you know the child (boy) rape and wife burning and stuff like that, what you have is the loss of US law, and they apply their rules out of the Cornman. I apologize for not capitalizing that earlier, what was I thinking? Anyway, the Cornman has a law to live by and its called shria, Syria, sangria or something like that. So this sangria becomes the rule book and just like that there you have it, a thriving slum Is-lamb culture right here in the U-S of A.
Now this sangria law has some real noodles, I mean its powerful stuff. White people run like mad at the mere mention of it! We see sangria being consumed or practiced and we just fall all over ourselves trying to apologize for doing whatever we did. You know stuff like living our lives quietly and peacefully! Dammed Christians, you should have known, there was something out there which you did wrong, continue to do wrong or will do wrong, so get busy and get your lilly livered Kool-Aid pumping heart out there and apologize! Turn a few cheeks while you’re at it because that is what you think you should do, correct?
If it wasn’t for all the yellow spine, lilly livered Christians who recently graduated with a doctorate in Political Correctness, Is-lamb wouldn’t have a chance and we’d all be shown to be the hateful ingrates which some of us are, myself not included of course. Remember I’m the one who is thinking of switching over to Is-lamb!
Anyway, this Sangria practicing peaceful people continue to multiply, riding a wave of public supplied housing, food stamp fed welfare powered baby producing machine, and pretty soon your neighborhood has more of them that bullets in double stacked 30 round magazines. Yup getting to be a problem for you Christians at this point. Getting to be a bunch of them now and this sangria thing is showing up on billboards, in classrooms, in courtrooms and in your neighborhood. Some of you Christian bigots resist, but thank God for the rest who either do nothing or go out and apologize some more and give more and more ground. It’s all good right? The media says so and they can’t be wrong right? Since you (Lilly livered, stay in your corner Christians) never read anything except for the Kroger sales flyer, how would you know? You don’t seek out the truth, heck the news or government will tell you when it’s time to worry, right? But you have help on the way. Find yourself a good church with the likes of Jeremiah Wright or Jessie Jackson or helms and get right with your faith. Don’t worry if those preachers have to white out large passages of the bible, they are ordained ministers, they have to tell the truth. That’s what great about our nation, you really don’t need to think for yourself, there are people who will do that for you so you can spend good quality time watching American Idol…cool!
Anyway back on point. This Sangria stuff gets American public places great things like foot baths. Hmmm, never knew we needed those, but It’s all good. If Is-lamb ever leaves there will be a bunch more places to throw some goldfish! Then we could truly say they contributed something to mankind! Anyway once I learn why I need to wash my feet to go to some rundown slum where Is-lamb food is served, I’ll be more ready to embrace this whole A-rab way of life. No, really, I think I can do it!
There are still a couple, well actually many, sticking points remaining for me at the moment. I thought Jesus was the son of God, but they say he’s just a good guy. Well, hey, there is some common ground, we both agree that he’s a good guy! But they really like this guy named Mo-hammed more, I mean a lot more! Frankly I never understood why, being an A-Rab, you can’t like pigs, I mean they make ham, right? And this Mo-hammed guy has “ham” right in his name. Seems it would be a act of worship to eat a Dagwood, or am I confused on that. Well, I’m just a hillbilly, ignorant, poorly educated (I don’t have a single class of Political correctness and appeasement of the enemy in my resume) Like I said I’m fairly ignorant. I did say that, didn’t I? Can’t recall, I’m also old, but not necessarily stuck in my ways, no sir, I too can change and embrace Is-lamb, follow Sangria, read the cornman and learn to admire Mr. Mo-hammed! I just have to learn to throw out common sense, the word of God, did I say common sense? I’d have to learn that you do not open doors for women, because they are now property and also, somehow deal with all this man-love stuff. Honestly, that’s gonna be a tough one!
Oh on the plus side, there is a lot of exercise in Is-lamb. Apparently I have to walk to some place called Make-ah. I guess you go there to find out what they are making, ah, there. Some sort of secret handshake place. Anyway, you have to walk there at least once during deer season or your lifetime or something like that.
I used to hear a lot about that place when I was in the Armee. You always hear folks talking about dropping atomic bombs on it. I guess that must be the center of a disease or something and the only way to properly sanitize it would to be a thermal-nuclear bomb. To me that was way over the top, silly Armee talk. I think you call in a good pest control company and you could clean up whatever disease that seems to collect there pretty as pie! Sometimes those Armee and even the girly men over in the post office, Err, I mean the Air Farce talk the same way. And I think they have these big passenger jets that have those bomb things on the inside. They never told me for sure, just always said I was just a stupid soldier, and told me to shut up and go away.
Well, one third of the world can’t be wrong Make-Ah must be a wonderful place. Well, I’ll read some more. Oh read, hmmm, how do I explain that concept. Well there’s these squiggly things called letters and words, you know the things the spell checker on your I-Phone always changes into words you can’t understand? Well, check this out: There is a whole universe of these words. Wanna know something else? Not all of them come from Opra! Really! Insider stuff here, real close hold… If you read enough of them with more than 4 letters and one syllable (What’s that, right?) Just another word, stay with me, you’ll pick it up. Anyway after a while of reading these words and thinking, no time for that one right now, that’s another time, another challenge. So after the continued reading of these words you start to get ideas and concepts. No concepts are not candy, they’re well, well, never mind…
You know what to heck with it. Too much to do for one redneck in one day with only one pot of coffee. I guess if you don’t have it, just pay attention to the media, Opra, and the political correctness police and they’ll tell you what you need to think. For me, I’m off on this joining Is-lamb idea. Dunno if I’m going there, you know the more I think about that whole man love Thursday thing, the more the whole concept is just harder and harder to accept. See that, I really am uncultured, uneducated, and stuck in my ways. I guess I am the problem. Allow me some space to become introspective (Think about stuff) and come to some decision.
Be good
Soldier on

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