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Messages - Sammconn

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D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: June 04, 2022, 10:30:24 AM »
Not as bad as I thought.

(Should have bought a dually)

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Looks like the printer mis-typed a 5 there to me Ken…

General Vehicle Related Discussion / Re: Red diesel tank
« on: June 02, 2022, 04:01:54 PM »
Your friend probably has a better chance of winning the lottery than being checked by DOT

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I would agree with this.

Now for the splice.
I’d do it at the factory connection at the engine.
Get caps made to the tank and plug onto the hard lines.
Anyone with aftermarket fuel lift pumps probably has these.
Your friend may have them if the air dog has been removed from their truck.
Or they may know a guy that can provide said connectors.

Firearms / Re: M77 Hawkeye Long Range in 6.5PRC
« on: May 30, 2022, 03:57:25 PM »
Congrats Bobby!
Small is good too.
I did small. No regrets.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 29, 2022, 07:52:24 PM »
An hour and how much fuel?
Likely only a couple or few gallons.
I only have a 20 gallon tank and it goes a long time.
Now I likely burned a couple swirling the ice out of the way too.

Firearms / Re: M77 Hawkeye Long Range in 6.5PRC
« on: May 29, 2022, 07:43:22 PM »

Did I miss some posts??  You getting married?  Need some details brother!

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Yeah! What!

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 28, 2022, 04:44:01 PM »
To be short yes.
There is likely still a lot tucked out of current and in bays, but for the most part it’s gone.

This was part of the ice I had to move and push out of the marina. 50 odd feet locked in between shore and the breakwater. These chunks are still a foot thick and make some aweful sounds hitting the hull…

Made me a bit of a hole.

Heave Ho and off we go.

6.6 km/hr or a tad over 4mph. Not too bad. Somewhere just over 5 the far end of the dock submarines. Notice the water temp, skyrocketing with the ice gone.

A bit of ice along the way.

And just like that summer has officiall started.
Three weeks ago I was still on my snowmobile.

For anyone keeping score this trip was just o er an hour start to finish.

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D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 27, 2022, 11:56:33 PM »
Looks like it could be either of them.

Today I was going home.
Until I wasn’t.

This is what’s left of the cooling impeller in my outboard. I’ll need to find the other three petals of the pump from wherever they fell into the lower unit.

And then I got home. One of the other hard cores came out today. Still plugged a bit in the marina but he pushed the ice out.

So I’m home, went and grabbed my boat from storage. Tomorrow probably too early I’ll be running it up in the driveway and giving a spring check up.

Then off to move the dock and carry on at the lake.

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Hide Site / Re: My New Land "Raptor Ridge"
« on: May 26, 2022, 09:53:09 AM »
If I were to guess the funny antlers are just growing and this could be a good sized buck come fall time.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 25, 2022, 06:06:03 PM »
A pretty boring ice day.
Started still locked in between the islands this morning.

Not a lot changed since.

It looks almost clear in the picture, however I can still make he sheets of ice out just below water surface.

But all in all a slow day.
Still blocked solid at the marina so no real rush.
I also had planned to be here at least the weekend.

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What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 25, 2022, 06:02:59 PM »
Well. Today I needed to get some concrete placed. There for the cement heads I said it the way you say it supposed to be.

I’m inside a week to get home likely and need to tend to this better this time than last.

Not a lot of pics as I poured this between two meetings this morning in just over an hour.

I hydrated it slightly more and vibrated it in hopefully enough.
Couple hours of set up and not quite ready to finish.
It’s now floated and brushed where needed, covered with packing blankets and wet. Should be good.
Zero beers involved this time around and I think I’ve got a winner. Will unwrap the package next week.
It’s been raining off and on since I poured it so had to get it covered as soon as I worked it.

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What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 25, 2022, 10:37:29 AM »
I don’t. Some do.
Usually I don’t have the time or need when it can happen.

Snow depth on the ice is an issue, so generally by the time it’s down I’ve already hauled.
I NEED to empty trucks and trailers asap for ADD reasons so when I get home I haul.

I don’t ever ‘plan’ it for good times either.
And until recently, we’ll even still, I can not replace MY truck with the same thing.
I have no use for the gadgets it has, let alone all the new crap.
So it doesn’t go on ice.
That’s a me thing, as it’s totally good to go for a long time generally.
Another factor is I can’t get up to the yard either, so I’d have to haul on sled regardless.
This is probably the biggest reason to be fair.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 25, 2022, 10:27:05 AM »
So, is it mostly all gone now?

Honestly I’m not sure.
I doubt it as I think only the main river channels have cleared.
There is still ice locked between the islands across from me.
There are many square miles of lake surface that are still ice covered based on info from people on land.

I’m still seeing ice pass by but the big show for now is done.
We’ve got a few nice days ahead and then some rain so that may unlock the rest.

Faith Discussion / Re: Prayer Request thread
« on: May 23, 2022, 08:46:06 PM »
Sent Tate.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 23, 2022, 07:42:46 PM »
 :beercheers: :beercheers:
I’m a grandpa.
Grandson born this afternoon.
Mama, baby and his dad are all good.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 23, 2022, 07:41:36 PM »
Spoiler alert. Ice moved on out.

Exhibit 1: fully candled ice. I waded into about a foot of water to grab this chunk. Then proceeded to smash it so y’all can see the candles. This piece was about 10” tall for some perspective.

Another piece I busted in the water.

Oh and then around 11:30 - 12:00 the cool stuff started.

And started movin along.

And then moved on out.
Yes the deck at the dock has moved.
It’s currently pogo-sticker on a five foot wrecking bar. Hope the frost holds out.

Needless to say I did zero none zilch today other than watching Mother Nature do her thing.

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What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 23, 2022, 11:27:23 AM »
So, all that timber, and concrete, and blocks being carried out there on your boat?

You are on a complete island, right? No land bridge/road at all?
It either comes via boat in summer or via sleigh in winter. (Spring for normal folks)
Winter is much simpler as you can deliver it to where it needs to go.
Summer you have to wrestle it in and out the boat, the go where it’s needed.

 The Timbers all came on a sleigh. Just can’t find the pictures of when. Mama likely has.
That was a load, Timbers and at least a lift of 8 foot 2 x 6 amongst all the rest of whatever it was.
I do remember the trailer was covered nearly completely about 3 feet high.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 23, 2022, 10:41:47 AM »
That was a big change yesterday, biggest I've seen

From the looks of it you are going to have a bunch of open water by days end

So why the white frosty stuff near the shore? Pressure crushing the bigger stuff and piling it up, or some of the candling being shoved higher up?
Some of it will come down to the river current. To the west I have a point blocking most of the current. Flow is to east.
Some of what’s at shore is sitting on the bottom.
Short of that I really don’t know.
But it’s changing by the 5 minutes currently.
And my big camera is dead. Both batteries.
I have a feeling I need new ones as I charged them recently.
At least I’ll find out now. As I have something different to do this July.

What are you building? / My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 23, 2022, 10:07:24 AM »
Did some more slopping at the crib. Can’t call the goo I was removing digging. The sun got into a few more inches, made melty of the surface ice and turned it into a slurry of sorts. You can see it running into the holes at the edges.
I did however get the top clearanced three more inches and the darned thing ain’t dropping.
I will leave it be as I suspect Jack Frost has a part being played.

I am debating embracing this drain. I have pipe here and am debating driving it out to shore. Then add some excavation and ballast and pour cement. Just not sure all the effort will survive the freeze thaw cycles. So I’m pondering that for about another day. This needs to dry out regardless before I can dig any further.

So off to the next project.

Time to reform the pizza oven base.

As I got to this point HH6 needed to talk…
Then didn’t answer…
Anyhoo, grand baby is coming.
She’s a leavin’.

And yes I crushed most of the old concrete to rubble as well. Couple more chunks to bust up but nearly back to gravel…

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D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 23, 2022, 10:00:08 AM »
The past few days of givin’ er have caught up to me.
All of me aches this fine morning.
Guess that means I’m doing something.

Happy Monday gang!

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 23, 2022, 09:58:39 AM »
So yesterday things changed.

All the ice had turned a greenish hue. As the day progressed I noticed brownish areas. Out water is very turbid and I’m assuming this is river water saturating the ice.

An hourly time lapse from 1900 - 2200.

And todays 0800.

It’s very windy today. Things could change a lot again.

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 22, 2022, 04:57:52 PM »
Minutes in 32 degree water. If you don’t drown from the deep breath caused by the shock of hitting the water.
Salt water freezes so where in the vicinity of zero. Will depend on salt content etc.
that stuff really hurts.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 22, 2022, 04:19:23 PM »
So, I see it changing color in places. I assume those are areas where it is melting or covered in water?
Other places I am still seeing the frosty white stuff that looks like shaved ice. And of course the open water.
What is the water temp there now? I'm guessing somewhere in the mid upper 30's.
Fairly accurate observations.
All getting greenish now but not a lot of wholesale change.

Water temp will still be around 33-34 until the ice cover is gone.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 22, 2022, 11:42:12 AM »
Oh and as I sit on mamas sittin chair I see a small berg had calved.

There will be a few more shortly by the looks of things.
I think I’ll sit and enjoy my quoffee here.
And the starlink wifi router is the bomb. I had service out on the ice probably 150 odd feet from shore. My whole yard is one giant hotspot. A happy camper I is.

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 22, 2022, 11:40:03 AM »
Ok morning update for ya chief.

To the east things are getting rotten. I believe the brownish spots are taking on the river water and nearing their end.

Looking straight across. The normal window view.

Looking west.

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What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 22, 2022, 11:32:37 AM »
Well. I started digging in the mud and quicksand to get the end of the crib down another 3-4 inches.

I found ice.

So this may take a couple days to accomplish.
I was able to get clearance under most of the crib beam so with a forecast in the mid 60’s there is hope.

Here is where I believe the undermining is coming from. I see this as the drain for the yard.

And a bit of a profile of what need to be removed.

And the quicksand like clay.

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D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 22, 2022, 10:17:52 AM »
Still all boring chief.
Most up to date are there. Well except for the one out the window this morning.

The icebergs are ah comin’.

Not sure how epic they will be usually just football field sized chunks floating along.
But we shall see every one of em.

***update in big ice boss.

And as I set on mamas swing chair I’ve noticed that the trees have begun to push buds.
Spring has officially arrived.

What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 21, 2022, 09:31:34 PM »
So now I’ve got some digging to do by the looks of things.

Grabbed four eight foot two by six and made some legs to cantilever the first section over and off the winch.
I then attached to the left section and winched it out of the way as well.

It was at this point I began looking for shovels.
Couldn’t find any. Phoned HH6 and everywhere she tough no go. We came to the conclusion that I’ve worn out and broke them all.

So off to my buddies cabin to borrow his.
That resulted in an island tour to check on ice and ended my day.
Not a lot done, but hey I’ve got a bit of time on my hands.

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What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 21, 2022, 09:27:19 PM »
So to not let any grass grow under me today I started to tackle the uneven crib and decks.

There was a time not many years ago these were all level and even. The yard drains to the junction of the side deck and walkway and flushes soil out the bottom onto the lake.

So I had to dig out rock. Yes rocks again today.

And I popped the deck out with the big bar. Still not so good.

Time for some sketchy stuff.

Tie quad to tree…this is smart right…

Press the go button.


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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 21, 2022, 09:21:46 PM »

By taking a walk down to the crib…

Everything to the east is starting to open.

Not as much to the west but it’s more than this morning.

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D.O.T. / Big ice
« on: May 21, 2022, 09:17:41 PM »
So stuff started happening today.
I noticed it this morning when I was starting to fix the crib up.
Well I ended up doing the tour again.

This was at Clint’s.

At Corinne’s.

Considerable change at both places.

Chris, still locked up solid.

And from the cabin not a lot looks different.

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 21, 2022, 09:16:00 PM »
So to not see the Forrest for the trees, things have started to change since I got up.

Out across the way has changed.

Off to the west.

I may begimg taking a few more pictures from my spot now. Will see how the day progresses.

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 21, 2022, 09:15:04 PM »
Well it snowed last night. Not a lot and not total ground coverage but none the less it snowed and melted where I suppose more heat was in the ground.

I have intel coming from both sides that it’s moving at both dams either side of me.

But here:

Is the 08 picture from today. Must have been tired as I slept in apparently.
Way across, appears to be opening more each day as well.

But it is also slow going.

Oh, and imagine that, our weather folks missed the mark again. Looks to be the start to a glorious day. Full on sun, and hardly a cloud to be seen.

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 20, 2022, 09:29:26 PM »
Let it snow let it snow let it snow…

No real changes on the ice today.
Hauled a lot of rock on it and it’s still pretty good here.
Now if Mother Nature would just smarten up and let spring roll on in…

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D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 20, 2022, 07:26:47 PM »
Glad to hear you’re back up and running chief.
My boy grew up on the MacBook.
Mama tried, and now the boy has a new MacBook.
She’s back to windows too.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 20, 2022, 07:24:36 PM »

You are on an island living what dreams are made of, where is your regular home from the cabin?
What do you do with your vehicle while your out on the lake?

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Regular home is 10 or so miles from the marina.
Truck is parked there.

What are you building? / Re: My Cabin Build/Reno
« on: May 20, 2022, 04:34:51 PM »
I had to run the charger for a few hours last week when it rained for two days off and on.

So with the electrical all changed it came to light that the charger output cable was undersized. At least to me it was, as it got hot! Like checking it every 10-15 minutes hot. Now I could still touch it, and Lester has been around forever, but too hot for me.

Staring down a second day of rain or snow tomorrow I’m expecting to need it again possibly.

So out it came, tore apart, and the suspect cable removed.

The original was marked as 12awg but seems too small next to the 10awg I’m replacing it with. If I get bored I might pull out my wire mic and measure it but I doubt it.

It is a very robust charger and added ring terminals and redid the connections.
For those wondering it is a Lester E series, 24 volt smart charger. For floor washer machines and the like.
Will do a test run but suspect it will not be hot now.

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D.O.T. / WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 20, 2022, 03:02:39 PM »
Because of the cedar.

Today. Well. Today I hauled rock. Like a few tons of it. The wave action keeps undermining the bottom of the crib. So with still good ice to work on I moved a lot of rock.
Didn’t have my phone for an as found picture. But there was nothing at the bottom all the way round. So after two rounds of work and about four hours I’m calling it a day…

Some of the far right in behind that ramp section was all that was there.

Trip after trip. Four to six boulders at a time. The poor quad was squatted right out with no give.

All the way from the far end up top here.

My 4wd quit today of all days. Not sure if it’s a connection or a speed sensor or worse. It made navigation of the ice and mud a bit more adventure than I wanted.

One of the few pucker moments.

Just some tracks…

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Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things / Re: Something diffrent
« on: May 20, 2022, 10:03:12 AM »
Oooh. This is something different.

Will be an odd oil change for here…


D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 19, 2022, 10:40:36 PM »
Oh the grass is trying. But the week of frost has kept it at bay.

A dusting of snow already tonight. See what tomorrow brings now I suppose.

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D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 19, 2022, 08:35:36 PM »
Been puttering with trim work on the sunroom. I’m a framer not a finisher. So I hate trim, carpet all that crap.

Started at the table saw with the resawn cedar.

Heck of a pile of sawdust. And not a lot done. But alas, some trim work is done.

So now just windows left. And that I’m totally not looking forward to. The cedar boards and the window frames are not exactly aligned, nor are they any two the same.
So yeah, not looking forward to that.

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D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 19, 2022, 08:31:51 PM »
So. This just ain’t changing.

So we’ve been low 20’s the past few nights.
This crack has almost an inch of new ice.

We’ve had some sun the past couple days but now snow is called for tonight. So here I is.

A touch of a colour change back towards gray but nothing substantial.

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Build Threads / Re: LML Duramax build part 6
« on: May 18, 2022, 10:04:31 PM »
Good to know…
Which ones did you go with?
Did you put in new bolts at assembly?
I installed the allen head bolts they supplied, but a third of them came out in the 10 years those manifolds have been on that engine
Oh boy… I’ll need to keep en eye on them then.
That’s what I used as well.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 18, 2022, 04:16:45 PM »
About a mile by two and a half miles. Give or take.

The dod was a spelling mistake. Lol. Did.

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: May 18, 2022, 01:03:28 PM »
Looks like we’ve sold our condo.
Listed 48 hours ago.
Great timing I suppose.
Hope we didn’t list too low.

But it gone I think so that is good.

Had been bought when our boy was in university.
Has since been rented to him, then within his group.
The last of the 912 gang has bought their own so the timing was good.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 18, 2022, 12:55:57 PM »
Ok, big quad ride today. Well about 10k or so.  It did take close to two hours though.

We’ll start with the map.

The island is about 2 1/2 miles wide and a mile or so thick.

Too thick to just go, so we have a few trailers cut.

The view Chez Chris. On the north side and sealed up tight still like I am.

Next stop was at Corinne’s. Lots of loose floaters and wobblers at shore and wide open out to pickerel point. The small island front and Center.

Over to Clint’s, and the front end of the open water.

Looking back from the corner by my place to Tony’s.
It has opened a bit since yesterday as well.

And what is my stock picture for the eventual time lapse from 07 this morning. Across the way to the clump of two islands where I placed my targets, it is I open between the main island and the bigger left one.

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Build Threads / Re: LML Duramax build part 6
« on: May 18, 2022, 12:39:16 PM »
Good to know…
Which ones did you go with?
Did you put in new bolts at assembly?

Looking good chief.

Now on the MacBook thing.
My wife fell for it too, our boy was the big pusher of his “easy” it all was.
He now has said MacBook.

Faith Discussion / Re: Prayer Request thread
« on: May 18, 2022, 12:31:48 PM »
More sent.
Be strong for those that need.
Also easy to say not always easy to do.

D.O.T. / Re: Big ice
« on: May 17, 2022, 05:04:37 PM »
What’s the pile of stuff behind the slay?

What would happen if you started a fire on it and just kept feeding it until it falls in and completely falls in?

I guess ya would need a drain hole maybe from the melting water pooling under the fire?

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Was a bunch of scrap flooring, the old flooring and a bunch of other burnable crap.
When I rebuilt my shed, the old one got used as a dumpster. It was 8 x 12 and I filled it to the lid.
I pulled it out onto the ice that spring before everthing melted but snow was gone enough to do it.
It burned for a week and a few days. There was a moat around it a couple feet deep.

It didn’t bust through or burn through.
The water level is where it is though.
So it won’t drain empty. Will only drain to the water level if that makes sense.

D.O.T. / Big ice
« on: May 17, 2022, 01:20:04 PM »
Ok Chief,
This is from close to 07 today.

The birch may be trying to push bids but If I recall they are not new. I’ll update that one.
Grass is starting to think it’s time where water has run on it.


Yestertag. The pile doesn’t indicate well, but the sleigh was near to full. I did walk the path prior but there was no need on this part of the ice.

Close up of the surface. Two days of rain did a number on it. Fully candled now. And wow what grip the peaks provide.

The thaw is slowly moving along. The ice here I likely could have still drove onto the lake over. I’m keeping me safe and mama sane however. My adventures forward are all land based.

Open water in one of the channels. Around the end of the island from me.

And it is getting rotten at the shoreline. I stopped to take this and all of the candles fell without me needing to break them off.

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