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Offline Flyin6

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Invasion of Europe underway?
« on: October 27, 2015, 08:19:55 PM »

Questions BEING ASKED Behind the Scenes in Europe:

1.) Why would Syrian refugees make the dangerous and extremely long journey
To European nations and U.S. (who hold damnable doctrine and life-styles according to the Quran)
Rather than the Arab nations (who are Islamic oriented) around them?

 2.) Why has it taken 5 full years (length of civil war in certain parts of Syria) for Syrians in the particular regions to leave?

 3.) Why are refugees tossing out good water and food given to them by western governments on their arrival?

 4.) Why are so many of the refugees young men?

 5.) Why are the 5 wealthiest Gulf Nations refusing to take even one refugee? What do they know that we don't?

 6.) Could it be this refugee crisis is not really a crisis at all but a Trojan Horse?

 7.) Could it be that we could be looking at the most massive Infiltration of Muslims and the religion of Islam
The West has EVER seen in History

 8.) Could it be this "refugee crisis" is a planned takeover by the United Nations, U.S. And EU sensitive to the Caliphate of Islamic Teachings?


This is the tent city in Mina for all the pilgrims to Mecca (approx 8 km from Mecca)

The tents are made of fire-resistant materials and all have A/C.

Every tent has speakers, thermostats and fire alarm.

A total of 3 million people can be accommodated.

Would it not be the perfect city for all the Muslims fleeing their countries? And much closer?

Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Farmer Jon

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Re: Invasion of Europe underway?
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 07:42:38 AM »
I seen some pics on Facebook a buddy of mine commented that it looks like an invasion. I didn't think it could be but after looking again and hearing reports that they are all young men it certainly could be. I guess there isn't a whole lot we can do except watch at this point.
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Invasion of Europe underway?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2015, 08:58:54 AM »
I seen some pics on Facebook a buddy of mine commented that it looks like an invasion. I didn't think it could be but after looking again and hearing reports that they are all young men it certainly could be. I guess there isn't a whole lot we can do except watch at this point.
Edit: Farmer Jon: Not meant for you, but I am responding to the attitude. I have seen it everywhere. "Well, I'll just sit back and hope it all works out!"
Real Men once changed this world.

Not just happening in Europe.
President O is pushing for us to take in another 170,000 this year. They are flooding in everywhere. Our country is at the gates. We have never been so weakened. Our military is down to around pre WW1 levels. We are morally corrupt...Gay marriage!!!!! Selling murdered baby parts...HELLO!

We are going to get into a war here.

I've been there. 5 years down range living in those backwards muslim countries.
Islam is not a religion
It is a control mechanism.

Everywhere, and I mean everywhere where Islam is, Islam grows
Everywhere Islam grows it exerts disproportioned force. at around 5% of the population it always makes accommodating demands. It is an evil beyond your imagination if you haven't seen it first hand.

The ONLY way we will make is if:
1. They convert to Christianity
2. They are isolated from our people, as in intermnent camps
3. They are immediately deported
4. Any of our people who convert to Islam are also deported
If they force it
as with ISIS
5. They are put to the sword

They are coming to Germany and many are saying along the way, that they will slit the throats of the non believer!

Now first take a look at your kids
After doing that I want you to imagine those refugees moving in next door, then more, and more...They are private people. They scoff at your wife when she wears a modest dress. They say things quietly...
How's that quality of life going?

I say to all the men who just sit back and say, "Well, I guess there's nothing I can do, that when it comes to your neighborhood, like I and many more have seen in the combat areas. When that horror arrives, know inside, it's here because you did nothing
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 09:04:03 AM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Farmer Jon

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Re: Invasion of Europe underway?
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2015, 02:04:29 PM »
Yea I understand what you are saying and I agree with you. What do you propose we do. If I Muslim moves in next door I can't just go tell him to get outta here. All I can do is prepare for the unknown. Something is going to happen. I don't know what exactly but something's going to go down. Neither I or any of my friends have ever been in the military we don't think like you guys do. We don't posess the skills you do. We just do the best we can with what we have. 
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Online Atkinsmatt

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Re: Invasion of Europe underway?
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2015, 02:39:52 PM »
We can start by not being the "Silent Majority."  Take action.  Contact legislators at all levels of government.  Vote. Get others to vote.  Spread the word.  Be the grass roots of the grass roots organization.

I am guilty of watching things happen sometimes also.  We can't continue to do that.
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Invasion of Europe underway?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2015, 04:31:34 PM »
For now, ^^^^ What he said

Someday when someone threatens your lifestyle or safety we will be forced to defend ourselves.

Sounds crazy, I know, but if our government becomes so out of touch with reality that they place the needs and best interests above those of Americans, then the government really no longer represents us.

Then, who knows, I suppose we are looking at Lexington green all over again. Mainstream America is not going to stand for it. When the Muslim men start to sexualize our daughters, there is going to be violence.

When they threaten my right to worship in my church, they are going to see instant pushback.

When they say they demand sharia, I for one am going to get in the guy's face and say leave now if you value your safety. If law enforcement falls on the sharia side, then God help them, because literally millions of up to this point quiet but strong Americans are going to start to take things in their own hands.

When the left looses control of an area, and the veil of the law and it's officers are unable to protect them, then I fear for those on the wrong side of the coin toss. There is likely to be a wholesale removal of the cancer with the power brokers sitting back wondering what just happened.

From my seat, this all looks like the preparation for a war. Another war fought here in our streets. In the end the 5% Muslim influence will be facing 95% of a heavily armed America and they will suffer enormously.

Got some time, read Joshua. See what happened there. Then think about what is going on here. Brother when and if it starts, and it directly involves we peace and God loving silent majority types, it isn't going to be a Ferguson riot. Those idiots make one move toward someone's home and they will be gunned down in their entirety. We will collapse into a revolution where Muslims, and the so called 99%ers will be slaughtered.

I do not want to ever see something like that. But the military guy in me sees the setup. I see a left, a communist left, thinking they are about to close the deal on taking this nation and good, hard working normal Americans who pushed to the brink see that one straw, and snap.

Those on the left seem oblivious the 30 million guns out here. Our vote probably no longer matters. Heck Obama, who is not an American was elected by several voting districts recording well over 100% of registered voters. That can't happen, by the way. Were those votes ever examined and recounted? Did anyone go to jail for that? When the black woman in Ohio, an actual voting place officer was found to have voted three times herself, she responded by saying it was her right to vote! Is she in jail???

We have a majority republican congress and senate which has allowed our president a free pass. A pass to allow our greatest enemy to continue to develop a nuclear weapon. Although advised by the FBI that the refugees are not vetted and may be terrorists, still is pushing for more of them to come in. Why? They (Whoever Obama is working for) want the means to a war if not a war in itself for marshal law and the use of the US Military within US Borders. And in the mean time, combined with unrestricted illegal immigrants from the southern border, more votes, more ignorant peasant type, welfare people to continue to overload and bankrupt the system.

Purpose for that is again. to get us to a panic mode place of failure where martial law will be declared, and in their minds, clearing the way to grab all the guns, corral all the patriots (Veterans) control the police and basically grab power.

Based purely on what I see happening, I simply connect the dots in my mind and it all points to my conclusions.

So what do you do? Good question, what do you do?

Well, organize with other patriots. Gain in strength. Use that power to push officials in the direction we need them to go. If they won't go, they need to be pushed out of positions of authority. We need to stand for no nonsense. If someone tries to use some recent law to try to push you past your breaking point, like forcing your pastor to marry two women, then we the people need to ignore that law, and by the way, that is NOT a law. Hear me, that is NOT A LAW. The supreme court cannot make any laws, not one. They can not tell a state what to do. They can only look at a existing situation through the lens of the constitution.

So, Resist. Send those gays packing. Line up and join arms and prevent them from entering church property. Block their cars in. Kidnap your pastor away to dinner somewhere. Just don't let it happen, no matter what.

When someone tries to do something illegal like the Bundy land grab, then get on the phone and on line and get the news and the cub scouts and go there. Stand up against.
When they are wearing a uniform or not and trying to do something unlawful, then they have no authority. Stop it, resist the change. Stand up and fight like a man or shut the heck up and accept your slavery

Again, not directed to anyone, but at everyone.

We warriors stood up with bullets flying. You have any idea how scary that is? Well, let me tell you, I am right next to, like one thousandth of an inch from fitting the definition of the term Coward. Yep, sure am. But that tiniest little part of me stood my ground. In my case I didn't do a go around, I continued until the wheels touched down and I took the power out on the ground.

You find it and do the same or accept slavery. But do it without me, cause I guess I won't be here anymore.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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