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CIEMR All Inclusive
« on: June 24, 2019, 11:21:37 AM »
All Inclusive

So after seeing this commercial about an all-inclusive Sandals resort in Turks and Cacaos, initially I was taken back some years, well many years. Kat and I went there with the girls in the early 21st century. (Now that’s adding some depth and perspective to all of this wouldn’t you say?) We had scored a visit at this nice condo right on Crystal Beach and right beside a Sandals resort. We were literally, like 100 feet away from the place and would go over and mingle at times during that relaxing vacation week.
The commercial talked about “X” number of world class restaurants, nightly parties, exploring, endless hours of heavenly bliss and all of that. The impression, of course is all you needed was to be hefted off the rather noisy and cramped Delta flight out of Atlanta onto the ball of cotton anxiously awaiting your arrival, and the rest would just so effortlessly unravel to your utter joy. You would be pampered and want for nothing, fall in love all over again, and be rejuvenated to the core of your soul!
Wow, sign me up. Oh wait, God already did. The place is called heaven and for your first clue, it aint located at any latitude/longitude you will find on this big ball of dirt we’re living on! All-inclusive is but a concept, an imaginary thing that cannot be created because we peeps are all so different that the specific combination of events, meals, activities and so forth needed to satisfy one single person are about as numerous as the stars in the vastness of a clear desert night.

Then as I thought a bit more about this all-inclusive concept with my eyes fixed on an expensive model of a B-17G bomber resting on my bookcase shelf, the one my dad flew, I really started to think about the concept itself. I began thinking that now, all around us we have the result of a society, and American culture that has tried oh so hard to make life all-inclusive for our most recent generation. As a parent of a whole bunch of kids, I have likely spent something more than a year but short of a lifetime sitting on hard chairs or bleachers while coaches and administrators hand out a hundreds of trophies to maybe 75 kids. Been there? Have the scoliosis to prove it?

We have, of course for the first place, the runner up, and third place. But then we go on to the: most improved, the president’s choice, the people’s choice, the best pigtails and longest text posting during a history lecture awards, the teachers choice and the most likely to succeed. It goes on ad nauseam while everyone still awake is wearing this face that feebly attempts to project interest, joy, and admiration. All the while of course we conceal what we really feel, “Would you please just finish so I can get up off this posture wrecking seating and get out of here!” We all do it, we all hate it, yet we continue. Hmmm…

Place your hand on the stove top on a recently turned off burner. Did it hurt? OK, then, let’s do it again, and better yet, make plans to do it annually. I’m sure you get my point without continuing this counterproductive behavior. Let’s return to the all-inclusive concept. We have applied the all-inclusive concept to sports, or camp, or class, or whichever activity that may touch our kids. We did it because we as parents and as a society want our kids to win. OK, nothing wrong with that, but in a spelling-bee does everyone win? In college basketball, are all who played national winners? On the battlefield does everyone win and get to come home to a plate of spaghetti?
Why, of course there were losers. There always have been lasers and winners and there always will be. The losers help establish and define the winners and set a visual goal for all to see. Losers testify to the accomplishments of the winner. They, through their failings point to one who got it just a little more right and who pushed beyond all the rest to arrive at a place where no one else was better. You know, that’s great and it’s the natural order of things, so why do we lie to our kids and tell them any different. In the broader sense, straying from the truth of things is a dangerous and sorted game that we would be well advised to never play. Go tell the antelope who was just caught by the cheetah that he is a winner. In his dying breath he/she is very likely to call you a liar. Not everyone can win, and that is just fine.
Has the spirit of Americans, like the ones who flew that B-17, G-model into a hellish aerial war, all but vanished? Have they been replaced by generations of Americans who have become weaker and more tolerant of evil, and have less courage than the generation who gave rise to them? Here’s a clue: In the day of the greatest generation, a snowflake was a thing of beauty that fell in the dead of winter and a rainbow was a beautiful display of light played out on a summer sky.
Today, in contrast, we have these “pretty” man who are brow beaten into believing anything and the women who accept them. What can they bounce back from? Anything? I remember hearing the story of a doctor actually removing my dad’s appendix which had ruptured along with an infected rib on the kitchen table (True story!). He was sick for months and never went to the hospital. The doctor told my grandfather that his son had little chances of surviving, so grand-dad said, “Then my son will die at home in his own bed.” That sick boy grew up to later graduate from college and fly sophisticated bombers over a hostile European sky on missions that almost always resulted in the deaths of one or more of his friends.
But in today’s context that doesn’t make any sense. I mean dad’s life must have been very shallow. His life was, dare I say the word, Hard! He had to work fields during his off time, hunt animals to augment their diets, and also go to school in a day when most kids were made to work to provide income for their families. And all the while, he received no recognition other than that smile from his dad or that hug or wink from his mom. But what about the squirrel hunting participation, runner up trophy? I mean how could he have turned out to be anything at all without having received that trophy? There were no counselors present when he failed to win a baseball game! Heck, he never had the time to play baseball in the first place. No one made mention of the feelings he brought home from world war two, no PTSD awareness, nothing. Nope, somehow all those men and women just had to deal with it.
We Americans were different then. I’d suggest that we were stronger, and by my reckoning, we were better. Working for something, then failing at reaching the goal is just fine. There I said it, crucify me if you need to, but I speak the truth. Not everyone succeeds the first time or the second and for some, ever. Succeeding may not be what is most important after all, you know, but perhaps just admitting that you fell short. Follow that up with picking yourself up afterward, then from the wreckage and in phoenix like fashion, rebuilding and taking another stab at it just may be the right thing to do.
These people who count themselves millennials have been dealt a bad hand. We told them they are winners, although statistics would suggest otherwise. We told them that they can succeed at anything, although in the workplace they are amassing quite a record pointing to the exact opposite. Did we build in courage? Resilience? Or any other trait necessary to stand up against an entire world that really does not like us, or did we build a generation of wimps? You decide, I already have.
My world was much different. In the Army, a sergeant once punched me (before my warrant officer days) while I stood at attention. He did it because through my inattentiveness as a sergeant I had allowed a M-60 main battle tank to be damaged. I stood there and took it. Today we would have placed the man on charges, we have placed men on charges for just trying to make men out of boys. Another called me a (please excuse the use of the term), a _____ for not trying something I should have. From that low point, I later came back and won the distinguished tank crew in the annual gunnery. Today that man would no doubt face charges of sexual harassment.
Ya know what I say to the modern day madness? To the culture that produces these incredibly well-groomed female like males, you disgust me. And since we are talking about it, aren’t the women these days becoming tougher than the girly, purse carrying boys they date? I think so. I run a security team at a church. We train hard, I had a rib broken while practicing some disarming techniques with another team member. We are always short of folks, and so I solicit help amongst so called men to join up. But almost none of them will. I point out that I am mid-sixties, one is seventy something with fast approaching expiration dates, and others are women, but the so-called males seem comfortable to allow another to stand up for them. Shame on you!
Where did that attitude come from? Did the men of Valley Forge feel that way? Of Concorde Mass, or hamburger hill? Or Iwo, or Utah beach or a thousand other places where American men stood and proved they were willing to take it all the way to the win or die trying. Millennials are a dismal failure in my view. Soon there will be few real men and women left to protect your girly arses, so you had better wake up and start doing your part. Wake up and change or learn how to speak Mexican, Chinese, Russian, or whatever. You had better also learn to pray to the east and on holy nights in that twisted culture, say “Be gentle!” Or you can square up and punch that sucker right between the eyes, pause to smile just a bit, then do it again.
The generation at fault is not the millennials, but the generations who set the table for them. We made life oh so very safe, removed fear, and hunger and want, and made life all-inclusive for everyone and everything including a host of social cancers. We told this hamster generation that you are all winners, you can always have your way, and life is yours, freely given with not so much as a bit of tarry on your part. It is your right after all (The greatest lie???)
Friends, we have lied through our teeth. Life aint easy. Almost none of what you have been told is true! You should not be tolerant of some abomination, you should abhor it. You will not get a reward if you lose, you will just lose. The idea of a safe zone where you can escape to in the event you are scared is called prayer. It is better to take the swing and land a good one on that bully’s nose than to report him to the teacher, but by all means do that afterward. Removing guns does not make you safer, it makes you vulnerable. Creating a legal structure where people are held liable for an honest mistake is wrong, change it or burn it down. We shouldn’t celebrate gay pride month, we should never have had such a thing in the first place. Look, if God didn’t create it, it isn’t good or right. Weakness is the toolbox of the devil, and this generation needs to wake up and realize that you have been so protected, so manipulated, so lied to and shielded from reality that you are honestly, really, living in a for real “Matrix” movie.
For God’s sake, for our nation’s sake, for your sake wake up. Our only real option is for you to suck it up, return to what God made you to be, and take the red pill!
(Did I get that right?? Was the red pill the one that lead to reality???)
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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