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Offline Flyin6

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CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« on: October 31, 2019, 01:06:38 PM »
A perfect Storm approaches?

Are we in the midst of the winds gathering for a perfect storm? Think about it, what in our daily lives is trending toward the positive? What is getting better? I’m talking about the important things.

Just taking an inventory of how things around the world sit, the picture is not good, in fact it is downright alarming. Now I do not want to be “downer” so as to speak, but the trend lines from what I am seeing are pointing down, not up.

Our government is essentially not working and is highly polarized at the highest levels. It is political to the point that nothing else matters and they waste huge chunks of time that could be spent on managing this nation and solving problems. China is a looming threat. It has the second largest and best equipped military on earth and backing all that up is several billion people who are actually part of a system that is not doing so well. The Chinese economy is not in great shape and with a Trump presidency is being rightfully rocked and forced to give up unfair advantages it enjoyed for decades. Hong-Kong is revolting and that trade nexus is faltering.

North Korea still has one to two dozen nuclear weapons within truck driving range of the population super-center of Seoul and missile range of all of Japan. A detonation in Seoul could kill in excess of 10 million people and cripple an economic power and stall the world’s economy. Add to that a Russia which is making alliances with a NATO country in this dog sleeping with cat world and keep in mind that all that Russia exports is oil and weapons. Suffice it to say they are balanced on the precipice of economic collapse. Keep in mind that they still own several thousand nuclear weapons that could fetch some quick cash from Saudi financed Islamic extremists.

Speaking of that, the Islamization of Europe has crossed the tipping point and the once white European is devolving into a few chapters in some history book. It’s only a matter of time before the Islamic invaders completely take over, or regions in Europe collapse into war as the rightful people fight to save what little they can. That could result in a win for the west, but remembering what Beirut looked like, I don’t know what kind of actual win that would be.

Everyone looks to the United States to be the adult at the table, but our people are about as polarized as our congress. We have become weak far beyond anyone’s guess just a scant few decades ago. The integration of the concept of political correctness has spread like a cancer to make it nearly impossible for a group of people to even talk about a given subject without the act offending someone. That has torn away the mantle of truth and honesty to the point where it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. Elected leaders hold onto their positions through a careful balancing act where they have to compromise on so many core values and cultural norms that their purpose or any message of truth is lost in the gray of the of the unpopular and the desire to appease everyone. That alone will undo our American society, well, scratch that, that alone HAS undone our American Culture.

The world looks at America as the one economic superpower who owns the bank. But what exactly is that bank worth? I mean what does it hold in its vaults? Did you know there is more US Dollars in circulation that we actually have actual currency for to hold in our hands? And on top of that we remain trillions of dollars in debt with no real plan to reduce or eliminate that debt. Interest payments could someday exceed the entire collective monies that the nation holds! What then? What do we do when we are in dollar never-never land? Well, hold on to your horses, we are already there. The US as a nation is dead broke. It’s amazing really. Heck if I had zero dollars in my checking account I could scarcely expect to buy a tank of gas and a cart full of groceries, but my nation does every second of every single day. How it does that is the stuff found only behind the closed doors of the super-rich and of those who shift the gears of this planet.

So, we face threats from like 80% of the land mass of the planet. We have a broken financial system that somehow continues to operate, now years and decades into never-never land. We are morally corrupt, our leaders are not leading, and we have grown soft as a people. We are fat, unhealthy, and not well informed or educated. If you as the average twenty something, people we rely on to vote on matters of national importance, we asked to recite your prime numbers, you’d be as likely to render us the prime interest rate instead. That actually happened on a survey at Berkley University in the communist state of Kalifornia. Our youth may not be our hope and strength any longer. They are less informed, less educated, less motivated, earn less and frankly contribute less than ever before. They walk about with hands extended, wanting but in large part, not willing to work to anything. And can you blame them? Their favorite democratic party tries to give them everything free at every turn!

We have about 300,000,000 people on the planet living and working near a seashore. The planet is warming for sure. But we hardly notice because a brainwashed lefty-left is spending all their time blaming us, the United States and its good people for the problem. It seems to be irrelevant that China and India together creates nearly half the earth’s airborne toxins. It is far more important to focus on the tiny bit America does to wreck the ecosystem because, well, those idiots just like to blame our nation. So to them, the BWL (Brain washed left) the answer is to kill the American economy so that, well, like no global impact will be felt.

Getting back to those 300,000,000 peeps living close to the oceans. Well it looks like they won’t be there much longer. Remember seeing all the maps that showed how sea level rise was going to impact and flood coastal regions? Well it seems the mapping model was a bit off. It had inaccurately measured the elevation as the treetops and not the actual ground we walk on. Hmmm, bit of a miss, there ESA and NASA…Maybe NOAA is in there too… Yea so when the maps are adjusted to actual ground levels the picture gets really bad, really quick. The lands that will be flooded by as early as 2050, yup, only 30 years from now will displace the 300,000,000 people I mentioned earlier.

So what happens to those 300 mil folkses? Do they just dissolve? Do they stand their ground and drown? Build homes on stilts? Nope, probably not. They will most likely move to dry ground, heck I would, would you? So land is going to become scarcer and the number of people trampling around on it is going to increase a bunch. I’m thinking of the word: Overcrowding. Oh and about that flooded land and those people. Many millions of them were farmers, and much of that land was farmland. So unless they created a salt water pen and are raising sea-horses, they are probably mostly refugees.

Good thing about refugees is that they are a well-mannered lot and need little in the form of support. Nope, they just move in and seamlessly integrate into the local population. We see examples all the time about how well the Somali refugees fit into the Minneapolis city-plex and how the Muslims work so well throughout Europe when shoved into long standing cultures
Oh and while we are painting this gay little picture (gay meaning: happy) let’s not forget the inherent stability we see in all the countries of the world whose names start with Islamic republic of… Africa is on the mend totally in places like Rwanda, and Congo where the people feel safe to carry on their lives and disease and famine are all but unknown. So let’s add the population of say, Bangladesh to sub Saharan Africa or the sparsely populated lands of India and see how all that works out.

Anyone else connecting the dots here? None of this is good. We are looking at widespread famine and population migration and to where, exactly? You think the caravans coming to our borders from central America was something, wait until you see hundreds of thousands of people sick from malnutrition and dying by the hundreds all along highways, walking out to try and find some relief…Just try and imagine that.

America is not safe from all this. We will have population displacement from Louisiana and Florida and some other places but at 350 million we will adapt. But what of the hundreds of millions of others worldwide? How many are coming here? Certainly some, and given the possibility of a democratic presidency, an uncontrollable number is certainly a possibility. Without a border nailed down by something like a military, they will come by the millions. They will bring crime, desperate situations, disease, disorder and may or may not be willing to coexist as the laughable bumper sticker would have you believe.

Many I know are smart and have quietly taken responsibility for their lives. They have carved out a space. One that for the present time is safe from the hordes of grasshoppers eating themselves into mindless oblivion. But we the ants will have to learn to be stronger or the proverbial story will play out and the homes and safe places we built will be given over to pigs and marauders. We have earned our right to life as we wish, peacefully within our country system and with our neighbor. But putting my ear to the cold steel railroad track, I hear something coming. Do you hear it too?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 01:10:03 PM by Flyin6 »
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Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2019, 06:37:56 AM »
Not quite all the way there Don.

The globe is not warming.  And the coast won’t flood.  What you aren’t being told is that the ground sensor data has been manipulated to paint the picture the leftists want. Unadjusted satellite data paints a different picture. Also think about all the billions or trillions of money at risk for the major financial institutions via real estate loans and insurance.  Think they’d finance and insure all that if they thought it’d be under water in 30 years?

The rest I might be able to get behind. Wait to see how the left reacts when DJT gets re-elected. What little veil of civility still exists between the left and right will be gone.

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Offline Flyin6

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2019, 09:39:29 AM »
I do think we are warming Tex. The greenland ice cap melt, loss of glaciers, and a lot of north pole ice. I also believe the pattern is a natural cycle that earth goes through
Not all areas will be affected. Oddly enough, if I understand the gulf current phenomena thing well enough, it looks like Europe becomes the next greenland.
Now I know why Trump wants to buy Greenland...All those minerals are getting closer to the sunlight each day.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2019, 10:11:55 AM »
Don, I’ve read recently we’re headed into solar minimum and a coming mini ice age. So not too concerned about the warming data....
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline cruizng

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2019, 10:44:59 AM »
This is what I sent my kids recently. Right on queue my daughter fact checked ZeroHedge and attempted to discredit ZH. I then fact checked her fact checker to show her the Bias they had and that rather than poo pooing ZH watch the videos in the article and learn something.

I did. I never knew Margaret Thatcher was the one that start the whole Global Warming narrative when she wanted to promote Nuclear Energy in the UK.

I have also always felt that the Sun and solar activity, volcanoes, the Ocean, Earth in General etc.. had much more of an effect on our Climate and it's changes than cow farts and humans.

Pollution is a whole different story.

Note to Kids:


I have some home work for you! :)

With Greta in the news lately and the sham that continues to propagate I would like to insert some actual SCIENCE in the discussion.

I don't know how either of you feel about Climate Change but based on the total inundation in the education system it would be hard not to accept that Anthropogenic (man made) climate change is real. Hopefully this article and attached videos will help you dispel that given critical thinking and questioning the popular narrative.

Let's discuss after you have read and watched the videos.

There are two videos in this article that I would like for you to watch.

The first is "My Gift To Climate Alarmists". This video lays out the data manipulation that has occurred over the past 50 years that has been used to deceive the world .

The second is the "Global Warming Swindle". It is a long video but lays out in very fine detail the history of the Climate Change histrionics and where we are today.


Focus on the SCIENCE presented on the SUN, OCEAN and then on the POLITICALIZATION of Climate change that started with Margaret Thatcher back in the 1990's when she was trying to push Nuclear Power.

Fast forward to today you can see based on the last 50 years that this has morphed into the Anti Capitalist movement it is today with the push towards SOCIALISM.

You and your kids do not want to live in a SOCIALISTIC society.

Food for thought.

Love you.

Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2019, 12:30:05 PM »
Knock it off with all that common sense would ya? Educate ourselves? preposterous.
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2019, 04:14:07 PM »
LOL. I told my daughter we have global warming everyday..... at night the sun goes down and it gets cooler.... the morning the sun comes up and it gets warmer... Sometimes as much as 50 degrees... not the 1.03' over the next 100 years

Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: CIEMR A perfect storm approaches
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2019, 05:28:19 PM »
Everyone has to come to their own conclusion. Look at the motivation. It’s about control.  No different than gun control.  in the 70s they were saying we needed to spray the polar caps with soot to melt the ice.

Anything that leads to more govt control is not something I want to be advocating for.

It used to be global warming now its climate change.  Earth is still averaging lower than it has in the last 3000 years.

Do your own research but be skeptical,  earth sensors are “ adjusted “ and that leads to errors in the favor of those doing the adjusting.

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Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

Joshua 6:20-24


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