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From a retired Special Forces Colonel
« on: January 21, 2020, 08:56:56 PM »
“America’s Enemies.

“I don’t like writing this, but for the last couple of days have been on the road, watching and listening to the News it has become apparent that the enemy America must fear most are the FASCISTS in Congress, the FASCISTS at all levels of government, and the INFONAZIS that support them.

Who are the FASCISTS, the Democrats, the Rinos, who consider themselves part of the New World Order, who despise America, and Americans. Pretty strong isn’t it, let’s do a little check.

1. The President eliminates the world’s most effective terrorist, a man that murdered hundreds of American troops, and maimed thousands. THE FASCISTs CONDEMN him, and pass a BS resolution to prevent him from eliminating more terrorists that want to murder and maim. Americans. The FASCISTS elevated the murdering, maiming thug to Sainthood status.

2. The GOP in the HOUSE propose a resolution CONDEMNING the DEATH CULTISTs in Iran, for murdering fifteen hundred of their own citizens for demonstrating for freedom. Tehran Nancy and her FASCISTS vote it down. Guess murdering innocent freedom seekers is OK, eliminating a murdering “animal” is wrong.

3. The President rewrites NAFTA, making changes that mean 500,000 good jobs for Americans, the FASCISTS hold it for nine months, pursuing their attempt to overturn the 2016 election.

4. The FASCISTS attack the POTUS with lies about involving Ukraine to influence in the next election. OK well Hillary “the patron saint of corruption” and the DNC paid millions for “dirt on President Trump, with the Ohamster Administration politicizing the DOJ, CIA, and FBI to assist in this efforts, but that is OK, even though the DOSSIER came from the dreaded RUSSIANS, and provided by Ukraine.

5. The FASCISTS Clown Car of Candidates propose “freebies” that will bankrupt America, but isn’t that their goal, bankrupt America, destroy the “shining city on the hill” for their Globalist owners, making China the dominant entity in the world, the total success of FASCISM, for what is FASCISM but the far extent of Socialism.

6 Disarming American Citizens to enable the complete control of the American people, if only the government has guns, you are not citizens, but slaves. A governor threatening to murder his own people if they resist his destruction of the Constitution.

7. Demanding unfettered INFANTICIDE to ensure the imported DEATH CULTISTS can overwhelm areas of America, by out breeding Americans, all the while using taxpayers money to support the DEATH CULTISTS, their four wives and multiple children, sources say 91% of these imports are on the government dole.

Folks, no country or group of counties could conquer America by military actions, but the FASCIST never ending attack on our Country and Constitution, are the enemies from within that are determined to replace the “American Dream” with the nightmare of a Socialist Hell.



From a Retired Army SF Colonel
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: From a retired Special Forces Colonel
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2020, 04:26:49 PM »
~Sean M. Davis

“The citizens of a free state ought to consist of those only who bear arms.” ~Aristotle

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