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Offline Flyin6

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Navy Jack again
« on: January 03, 2018, 09:41:34 PM »
NavyJack - The DeepState Endgame

Immediately following the election we commenced Operation Hypo. As I noted in the after action report, a new phase of infiltration and investigation was launched to penetrate the "resistance" movement that had been formed to obstruct the President and attempt to remove him from power.

Our efforts started by infiltrating a George Soros led group named "Democracy Alliance".  This organization is singularly focused on undermining the President and financially supporting a myriad of efforts towards that objective. We learned early on in our investigation that high ranking Government officials that had tried to undermine Candidate Trump prior to the election had created an "insurance policy" strategy to undermine his administration both during the transition period and following inauguration. We also learned that the coordinated effort included a significant number of Republicans who had been active in the "NeverTrump" movement during the primaries and lead-up to the General election. You can learn more about these efforts and the individuals involved here.

Using foreign agents like Chris Steele (former MI6) and his Russian counter-intelligence sources the document we now refer to as the "Dossier" came into existence.  What people do not seem to realize is that the Dossier was never intended to be an opposition research document to aid the Clinton campaign against the GOP candidate Donald Trump. The Dossier was always intended to provide justification and cover for CIA and FBI counter-intelligence operations led by Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe.

McCabe was supported by a host of Obama Administration cabinet members, including James Clapper, Susan Rice and John Brennan. Their plan was simple; never allow Donald Trump to occupy the Oval Office. Their plan failed. They did have a backup "insurance" plan now named "RussiaGate".  The RussiaGate insurance policy has but one purpose; to remove Donald Trump from office as quickly as possible, to ensure the survival of what many have labeled "DeepState".

The "RussiaGate" plan required the neutering of the incoming administration's Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. To that end, reports were provided to the media and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to attempt to force his recusal on issues related to "RussiaGate", the 2016 election and any matter concerning Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was instrumental in this element of the plan. He successfully convinced Mr. Sessions that he would be able to complete an investigation of Russian Interference and possible collusion with the Trump Campaign without the need to hire a Special Counsel.  This assurance was the basis for Mr. Sessions to agree to recuse himself from these matters. Mr. Rosenstein then immediately set off to create the conditions necessary to require a Special Counsel assignment by convincing President Trump that the removal of James Comey as Director of the FBI was warranted. Following the President's removal of Mr. Comey, Mr. Rosenstein immediately moved to assign Robert Mueller as Special Counsel. You can learn more about this aspect of the insurance policy here.

What many people do not seem to appreciate is that RussiaGate and the efforts to undermine and remove President Trump from office are not related to any loyalty to Hillary Clinton. They are motivated by the need to ensure the continued cover-up of illegal activities perpetrated by our Nation's intelligence community under the Obama administration.

Since early 2009, the FBI and the CIA with the assistance of the DOJ have been instrumental it the cover-up of events, including the arming of ISIS, Fast & Furious, Uranium One and Benghazi. These events would have quickly been exposed if the FBI and the DOJ had pursued charges against Hillary Clinton for her the home-brew email server. All of the evidence is in her emails.

I would love to tell you that the efforts of the resistance and DeepState to undermine the current President and his administration are coming to an end, but that is simply not the case. I would love to tell you that the efforts of the DOJ Inspector General, Mr. Horowitz, would fully expose the depths of corruption that have been uncovered by our efforts documented in the links above. That too is simply not going to happen. I am certain that the DOJ will never prosecute its own leadership or the leadership of the FBI involved in these criminal activities. From my perspective, justice can only be achieved with an outside prosecutor, armed with the ability to subpoena witnesses, convene a Grand Jury and issue indictments.

We will continue to keep a close eye on the individuals involved in the DeepState Endgame going into 2018. Interim updates are posted on my twitter timeline and moments here.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 09:43:02 PM by Flyin6 »
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