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Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:17:36 PM »
Today's kids love socialism — but it's not because of their radical professors
James Piereson and Naomi Schaefer Riley, Opinion contributors Published 9:38 a.m. ET Jan. 10, 2018 | Updated 6:27 p.m. ET Jan. 10, 2018

American Millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.

Professors have little influence on student political beliefs compared with peers, 'student life' administrators and campus activists.
Why are young people growing more sympathetic to socialism?

According to a survey conducted late last year by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a third of Americans and as many as 44% of Millennials would prefer to live under a socialist system than a capitalist one. This is more than a little puzzling at a time when socialism has proved a catastrophic failure in its remaining strongholds in Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba.

Some observers blame leftist professors for this development. This makes sense. The renewed sympathy for socialism seems most pronounced among recent college graduates.

It is demonstrably true that professors are overwhelmingly liberal and have become more so in the past three decades. But it is far from clear that classroom indoctrination is driving students to the far left.

In a study published in 2009 of 7,000 students at 38 institutions across the U.S., professors Matthew Woessner and April Kelly-Woessner found that students’ political beliefs did not change much during their college years. Even in cases where students’ opinions changed, there was little correlation between the direction of the change and the political leanings of their professors. When contacted about these conclusions, Woessner confirmed that although campuses today might seem more radical, his current research suggests that those earlier conclusions are still true.

But if professors are not swaying student opinions in the classroom, what is making them more sympathetic to socialism and less tolerant of conservative views about free markets and limited government?

Author Lenore Skenazy has suggested that students’ upbringings are a large part of today’s problems on campus. In her book Free-Range Kids, she argued that parents who try to protect their children from every possible threat or danger deprive them of the freedom to grow up. Naturally, when they arrive on campus as 18-year-olds, they look to professors and administrators to take over the parental role of protecting them from life’s challenges. Thus, “helicopter parenting” yields “snowflake” students unable to tolerate uncomfortable opinions.

While this may be true, there are nevertheless organizations and constituencies on the contemporary campus that are in position to gain from protest and unrest. In response to perceived slights, however artificial or exaggerated they may be, activists demand and often receive compensation: greater funding for their programs, promises to hire more members of victimized groups, the creation of programs and courses to promote diversity and multiculturalism on campus, and other concessions of tangible kinds.

In these efforts, there seems to be an unholy alliance of students, diversity administrators and faculty members representing multicultural programs. These alliances are rarely formed in the classroom or in the traditional research disciplines. The growing radicalism on campus seems to originate instead in the broad category of student life that takes place outside the classroom.

A 2014 study, for instance, found that students who spent a greater number of hours on extracurricular activities on campus (as opposed to classroom studies) were more likely to see their politics move toward one extreme or the other, in most cases toward the far left.

Kyle Dodson, assistant professor of sociology at the University of California-Merced, looked at data from the UCLA’s Freshman Survey and the College Senior Survey. He found that time spent in academic pursuits has a moderating influence on students’ political views. Students who are occupied with classroom studies are less likely to engage in disruptive or illiberal activities on campus.

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This is an encouraging conclusion as it suggests that students who are more serious about their academic work are more likely to think for themselves and less likely to be drawn into disruptive political activities.

But there is a catch: College students are spending less and less time in classrooms and academic study. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics analyzed by the Heritage Foundation in 2014, college students spend fewer than three hours per day on classroom-related activities. It is thus not surprising to find that professors have little influence on student political beliefs compared with the enormous sway of peers, “student life” administrators and activists who are in charge of campus extracurricular activities.

This should be a wake-up call for faculty and administrators who still believe that a college education should involve classroom learning and the exposure of students to important ideas. As faculty have stepped back from their roles as the primary intellectual guides for students — teaching fewer hours, spending more time on research and publishing for their colleagues in the field, requiring students to take fewer general education requirements — other adults and peers have stepped in to fill the void, much to the detriment of academic learning and liberal ideals on campus.

If moderate and liberal professors want to take back the campus from illiberal activists who reject open debate and a marketplace of ideas, then a good place to start would be to reemphasize academics as the raison d’etre of university life. “Student life” should first and foremost be the life of the mind. 

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Re: Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2018, 08:00:08 AM »
NEWS FLASH - The seeds of stupidity are planted in public schools before students reach College!  You want to change the current trend?  Get involved and call teachers and administrators out on their personal and biased views they ram down kids throats inside the classroom!  There used to be a day when such behavior was addressed and dealt with by Administrators handing down professional discipline; no longer the case!  LIBTARDS RULE THE INSTITUTIONS turning a blind eye to such behavior, unless you are espousing Conservative Views.....then look out!
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Re: Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 08:15:12 AM »
Mike you are absolutely right.  I've been combating that since my kids got in school, and I'm, in TEXAS!.  Can't imagine how bad it is in other states.

I remember when they brought home a "lets celebrate China" world cultures worksheet.....oh man, did my wife flip a lid.

Taught my kids about prison labor, atheism, forced abortions, communism.....and told them to ask their teacher about those things....
Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

Joshua 6:20-24

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Re: Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2018, 08:45:15 AM »
     We are very fortunate around here. All my kids went to smaller schools in rural farm towns. We didn't have to deal with that crap. Most of the teachers were locals that came back. There are some radical democrats around but they are far and few in-between. Their ideals get squashed pretty quick. One of the country churches hired a new preacher from I don't know where. During the election he was in the coffee shop preaching about how we all need to vote for Hillary. Shes going to save us. Trump is the devil bla bla bla....I don't know what ever happened to him. He didn't last long.
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Re: Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2018, 09:08:34 AM »
Hillary......"you will know them by their work", comes to mind!

I do, on one hand feel sorry for the Millenials for one simple reason; almost ALL of them are LOST in the eyes of Christ and are under the delusions of the Great Deceiver Lucifer - not to say that there could not be some who are born again; all CAN be, but my gut tells me that one could not truly possess the indwelling Spirit and continue to think that Liberalism is good, nor that it reflects Godly principles.

Prayer for this country and all within it need to continue as it was before Trumps election to the office.......LOTS still needs to happen to right the wrongs from decades of ungodliness in every area of society!
2012 Silverado LTZ - Duramax
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2018, 07:27:22 PM »
NEWS FLASH - The seeds of stupidity are planted in public schools before students reach College!  You want to change the current trend?  Get involved and call teachers and administrators out on their personal and biased views they ram down kids throats inside the classroom!  There used to be a day when such behavior was addressed and dealt with by Administrators handing down professional discipline; no longer the case!  LIBTARDS RULE THE INSTITUTIONS turning a blind eye to such behavior, unless you are espousing Conservative Views.....then look out!
Oh, do I ever!

Just ask the 5th/6th an a seventh grade teacher if they know my name.
I'll call them out in a new your minute for putting out crap. I remember when Pre-Ranger old came home with the proclamation that his teacher had made that we had 40 or something like that years of fossil fuels remaining. OOH, that one was fun. I owned that guy, then sold him and had him refinanced! In the end he just admitted he hadn't looked far enough into the subject.
Was a Marine teaching next door. He just laughed and shook his head when I got done with "Mr. Magic lips"
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Re: Millenials perfer socalism and communism over capitalism
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2018, 10:08:18 PM »
I fight this all the time at our schools. They actually teach the basics of many religions but I never see them teach about Christian's. Thankfully my kids go to church regularly.

I blame much of the above on the media, both social and so called news. Everything is wonderful everywhere but here, but they all still come here.

Take so called global warming, now climate change. Cities are trying to sue oil companies for it, but thank god it keeps getting thrown out. I have a cousin on the wifes side who is going to Cal Poly, studying biology and we stated talking about "climate change". She brought up all the scientists agree bull and I said, who's? Then went over how much land we actually occupy on the earth and how would that >1% affect the whole planet? It was fun, but I was nice about it.

I still think it comes back to the media of all kinds. Tell them something wrong enough and they will believe it. Also, be sure to not let the real truth out or something that pushes back your ideals (thankyou twitter).   
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